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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>>it's heartbreaking and the fact that in 2024 i don't feel like my son is safe >>area. jewish parents say they are living in fear and they're not the only >>1 students asked. jewish families asked jewish families across this country. this is impacting their safety and security >>tensions mounting over the war in israel and claims of >>growing >>school. >>this small handful of parents are complaining about is political discomfort. this is not about politics at all. this is about a school district that's failing to keep their children safe >>divide >>is >>clear. we ask how to schools >>moving >>forward and what should be of the >>less supposed to be places of open mindedness and places
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where students are challenged to graduate eventually with broadened perspectives and new ideas. i'm ann makovec. in for elizabeth, and the war in israel is having a big impact here at home and of all places, our schools. some families say it is driving, hate and hateful acts and some say it is leading to biased teachings. today we're taking a closer look at some of those claims and how schools can move forward in a fair way. we're going to have that conversation coming up in just a few minutes, but 1st a look at some of your news headlines this afternoon. 30 years in prison. that is the federal sentence for the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer. david de pop admitted during testimony that he broke into the pelosi, san francisco home in 2022 intending to hold nancy pelosi hostage and attacking her husband after police showed up. a 2nd trial in state court will
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start in the coming weeks. the president of sonoma state university announcing he is retiring after being placed on administrative leave at all comes after mike lee sent a campus wide email announcing a deal with pro palestinian protesters at the school without approval from csu chancellors. that deal included an advisory council for justice in palestine, a boycott of academic and research institutions sponsored by israel and calling for a permanent cease fire in gaza. marin county. this giant oak tree crashed into condos in nevada. this is on cinnamon teal lane, you're puffing. court witness says the oldest oak tree in the bottle, split in half and hit 2 homes and also caused a gas leak. no injuries are reported crews has reached a multimillion dollar settlement with a woman hit and dragged by 1 of the company's vehicles back in october. the autonomous car company is paying as much as $12 0 to settle the dispute. the california d m be suspended the driverless taxi license in san francisco cruz released a
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statement saying their hearts are with the pedestrian and hope for her continued recovery. a new trader joe's store opening in san francisco's hayes valley, where neighbors say they have waited a long time board affordable grocery store within walking distance trader joe says it hired more than 70. employees for the new store, also promising to continue to donate unsold products to community based on profits. part of the highway 1 near big sur is now back. open video from caltrans shows some of the 1st cars driving through early this morning, a section of the scenic highway shut down in march after a storm triggered now a traffic signal has been installed, allowing northbound and southbound traffic to alternate. all right. first alert weather now we're kicking off a busy weekend across the bay area meteorologist jessica birch is in our virtual view studio with a look at our forecast. as we take a look at our weather headlines. we still have made grace sticking around for us as we head into the next couple of days, but mostly in the morning hours into the
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afternoon skosh it's been beautiful this week. blue skies all throughout our inland areas will continue to see more of the same as we head into the next couple of days. very little changes as we head into this weekend forecast, which is perfect because there's plenty of things happening for us this weekend. if you were considering doing bay to breakers by all means the weather is going to be beautiful, nice and cool in the morning for the run, and then a little bit sunnier into the afternoon hours will actually hit the 60s for our daytime highs. justin san francisco and if you are considering going over to the contra costa county fair beautiful conditions there. it's actually 1 of the best forecast that we have all throughout the bay area with 70s and 80s all weekend long over in antioch. better yet, let's take a look at those temperatures throughout the bay area as we head into this afternoon. we're expecting 70s, all throughout the santa clara valley a little bit of an onshore wind as we head into the afternoon hours today, i will say that but nothing as bad as just a couple of days ago it, max. we'll see about 15 to 20 mile per hour. wind glass close to separate cisco with 60s in the forecast for us heading into this afternoon as we stretch all the way up past the golden gate bridge into areas nevado petaluma and santa rosa will see 70s and 60s in
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the forecast for us today, just near napa. it's a mild forecast for us this afternoon, but take a look at what's happening for us as we head into the next 7 days. beautiful weather around the corner for us, really. i'm talking about upper 70s just into sunday with sunny skies and then 80s with high pressure building its way in from offshore in a monday, we'll hit the 80s lasting into tuesday and wednesday, cooling down just a smidge more as we head into late next week, but notice how there's not a drop of rain in the forecast for us, it remains dry. rice throughout the next 7 days. the climate prediction center showing drier than normal conditions for our region to so beautiful weather to get out there, find a new trail. find a new outdoor hobby. this is definitely the week to be doing that. israeli military says its troops in gaza found the bodies of 3 israeli hostages taken by hamas during its october 7th attack. israel says around 100 hostages are still being held
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captive in hamas says more than 35,000 palestinians have been killed since the war began around the bay area and across the country tensions over the monthlong war are mounting and our youth are feeling it. we've seen the tent encampments on college campuses and the walkouts from students as young as grade school. and while all of that is going on, some are questioning the role that schools should or should not play in presenting information about the war are lauren toms looks at some of the backlash over a pro palestinian teaching held in oakland. five months after teachers within the oakland unified school district conducted a teaching demonstration favoring the palestinian perspective is the war between israel and hamas reaches on 1 teacher who participated, says students deserve to know the details surrounding the deadly and historic conflict. schools are supposed to be places of open mindedness and places where students are challenged to graduate eventually. with
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broadened perspectives and new ideas for the 1st time since the controversial demonstration. one participating teacher spoke to cbs news bay area on the condition of anonymity. she asked only to be identified as a high school teacher within the district. we met in her classroom where she said she observes students engaging in the proposed material written by a group of teachers within their union named oh, yea for palestine suggested curriculum was not approved by the district. it's more for students to consider. er. multiple perspectives and walk out, maybe with some more questions. so in that sense, i absolutely think that the teaching encourage that cbs news obtained and reviewed the curriculum and found some content that jewish community leaders and parents consider to be anti semitic or offensive to jewish students. but this teacher said she did not see any anti semitism take place the day of the teach in did not see. yeah. any evidence of a teacher or a student engaging
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in any anti semitic comments or behavior. we might have a difference of opinion on what is anti semitic. and i think that yeah, i think criticism of israel is not anti semitic. the teaching is believed by members of the district to be 1 event that triggered the department of education to launch federal investigations of both the oakland and san francisco school districts into alleged civil rights violations. tyler gregory is the leader of the jewish community relations. council, he says. parents have reported similar activity as an oakland of unsanctioned material regarding the ongoing conflict being taught in san francisco schools teachers union in san francisco has said openly anti israel things that make a lot of jewish students feel unsafe. we've seen these gaza walkouts that are in support of the palestinians, but have resulted in jewish students feeling unsafe and there have been a couple incidents. where teachers have participated or encouraged it. at least 30 jewish students have transferred out of the
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oakland school district, according to the district and gregory says a handful of jewish students are planning to leave the san francisco district as well. sharabati as a parent of a middle schooler in $0, she says it was bittersweet when she found out in early march that her son was approved for transfer into the piedmont school district after experiencing anti semitism in the classrooms. it's heartbreaking and the fact that in 2024 her. i don't feel like my son is safe. but for this teacher she feels justified in her participation in furthering the knowledge and education of her students, something she maintains its her job and her right if transferring out was because of an allegation of anti semitism that learning about palestine or learning about what's happening currently in palestine or learning about the palestinian freedom struggle, if that is inherently anti semitic. our exact being considered to be anti semitic. then that would lead us to. i think an ideological difference, doing
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what she believes is her best to brun perspectives of her students. the federal investigations of both the oakland and san francisco school districts could take years and they're not expected to result in any severe action. berkeley unified also facing scrutiny. the anti defamation league issued a federal complaint alleging the district ignored the bullying and harassment of their jewish students. we spoke with the mom who says her daughter experienced the alleged episodes of anti semitic bullying, which led her out of the district. >>this is not about politics at all. this is about a school district that's failing to keep their children safe. one of the more upsetting stories to me was the story of 2nd graders who is teacher had them right on post, it notes. stop bombing babies and things like that, and these posted notes within they were told to put them on the door of the only jewish teacher in the school. >>the school district responded with a statement reading in part. we acknowledge the
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difficult moment we are in and the pain some members of our community or experiencing due to the ongoing crisis in israel and gaza and the district continuously encourages families and students to report any incidents of bullying or hate motivated behavior. well coming up the ceo of the jewish community relations council here in the bay area, joining me live to talk about some of the fears. many families are feeling right now and how we can move forward. and this issue is being heard on a national level help federal lawmakers are taking it on in an effort to keep students safe.
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well this afternoon. we are focusing on the growing tensions in schools. related to the war in israel and claims of anti semitism on campus is the issue was under the microscope in congress. and earlier this month, the superintendent of berkeley unified school district was among 3 us educators facing questions about claims of anti semitism at her schools are john ramos spoke to a parent who traveled to washington for that hearing after she says her son felt threatened on campus. >>berkeley sees itself as a model of tolerance and diversity, so it's uncomfortable for the school district to be accused on a national stage of being rampantly anti semitic. only 3
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people testified at the hearing on school, anti semitism and berkeley unified superintendent iniki afford mortal was 1 of them >>since october, 7th. the district has had formal complaints alleging anti semitism rising from 9 incidents within our jurisdiction. however, anti semitism is not pervasive in berkeley unified school district superintendent was the only person testifying that could not just flat out say we have an anti semitism problem. she couldn't do it. and that was just that was a punch to the gut. >>perlman has a jewish student at berkeley high who had to leave an art class when anti israel poster art was being displayed to the students. >>dozens of students have been pulled out of berkeley unified school district classrooms when they complained about anti semitism and that is wrong. so my son included a spent a week in the student health center and library because there is nowhere to put him >>across the bay area. there have been attempts to hold so called teachings about gaza that are usually pretty condemning of israel's actions,
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but some say the next toward israel is extending to outright hatred of jews. at 1 walkout at berkeley high, some students were alleged to have chanted kill the jews! but another parent in the district rejects that as a lie. liz jackson, who is also jewish, and supports the palestinians, says the complaints of anti semitism are coming from a small vocal group of parents >>completely reject the notion that there's an anti semitic climate here. yes, of course, there are instances of hate that happens that happens everywhere and it happens here, too. but what these this small handful of parents are complaining about is political discomfort and political discomfort is completely different than unsafe >>is comfortable leaving instruction about the conflict up to the teachers and says she is confident that students can process information without it turning to hate >>the hearings this morning had absolutely nothing to do with the well being or safety of
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jewish students. it was about a right wing attack on education or right wing. in attempt to censor information >>casual in any war is the truth. but where the truth actually lies in gaza is a matter of perspective and isn't something that's likely to come out of a classroom. >>another civil rights complaint filed against berkeley unified alleges discrimination against palestinian, muslim and arab students. it also accuses the district of punishing teachers who publicly support palestinians. well, joining me now is tyler gregory, the ceo of the jewish community relations council bay area. thank you so much for being here. i know we've talked several times over the past few months about this evolving situation and sort of the reception the jewish community is getting here in the bay area. where do things stand? we are nearing graduation time for high schools and universities, and we've seen a number of things escalate. so glad that you've been covering the brooklyn unified testimony, and also, we've been having these encampment issues. on campuses
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across the bay area and the country and they have a right to free speech. we believe in the 1st amendment, but we've been very concerned about the by product of these encampments being anti semitism, intimidation. she was not feeling comfortable going to class. and so we're very concerned, okay, and so just the presence of an encampment that talks about support for palestinians is that a threat in and of itself threat? you know, i think we are allowed to have policy disagreements. that's what universities are all about, is identifying and debating perspectives policy. disagreements are something i asked. you think we should cherish? but we have a problem is when anti semitic rhetoric and signage starts to come into play in extreme cases, we've seen intimidation and violence, and that's really where we need. the administration's to do a better job drawing the line. okay, so yes, let's talk a little bit about that. we heard 1 of the people earlier talk about this is maybe just political discomfort. it's something that happens when something terrible is going on right now across the world, they say the criticism of israel has nothing to do with
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the jewish religion. so i think we all need to do a better job being politically discomfort. whatever the issue is, however, jews are being faced with a form of collective punishment. anti semitism for the war. whatever your view on it. jews are being faced with answering questions about the more are being accused of being responsible for the war. they're being called zionists. genocide, whatever you whatever it is there are epithets being fronted juice that may have no connection to israel or the conflict or maybe even support the encampments. and that's where we need to draw the line. it feels a lot like the wave of anti asian hate that we experienced in light of covid. there's an event on the other side of the world, and there's a local community that's being casted blame on for those events that they may have no relationship with and that's what we're seeing, unfortunately, and many of these encampments in touch with a lot of your colleagues with jewish organizations across the country, how do you think the bay area stacks up? when it comes to this discomfort? i guess. like a better word. on 1 hand, you've seen a columbia university ucl a that things have totally spiraled out of
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control. there's been violence. etcetera. we've been lucky that we've seen less than here in the bay area, but i do believe that these are tinderboxes. and it's really important that the administration deescalate the situation so that we don't see those escalations to violence, like we've seen in other places were on high alert at cal at stanford at san francisco state, usf sonoma state about these issues, and we're very concerned that it could spiral into what we've seen in other parts of the country. how would you propose administrators deescalate? number 1 they need to put guardrails around what's acceptable, peaceful protest, talking about their policy positions, all that's fair game when they started intimidating other students blocking them from going to class, calling out names. having hate speech signage that's really where they need to come in, and either clear the encampment or get rid of the folks that are instigating 1 pattern that we've seen. there's actually non students and non faculty that have come in and try to ratchet up tensions instigate. and so 1 thing that we've recommended to administrators is banned non campus community members from being a part of
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these encampments because they're usually the agitators we've seen bring the heat up, and that's not been helpful. what role do you think schools should play in this? and how should this be taught? well, i think that there has been a false dichotomy and how we've talked about this conflict. it's not israeli versus palestinian or muslim versus jewish. it's those that want to live, learn and work together and those that want to divide us. and so i think there is enough empathy. there's enough opportunity to talk about olympics piri ince's as muslims or as jews and to be able to hold those experiences because at the end of the day we're both going to have to figure out how to live together in the middle east and at the end of the day, we're both going to have to figure out how to go to econ class together, so i'm all about lifting up those that are looking to bring people together. that's something i think the administration should be doing. it's very heated right now. but i think that should be a central purpose of their work right now. and so i'm less concerned about muslim you. israeli palestinian more concerned about outside agitators that are trying to present this as a false 0 sum game, okay? all right. good
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perspective. i know we'll continue this conversation over the months to come. tyler gregory with the jewish community relations council bay area. thanks so much for being here. thank you. still ahead a big agreement. amid the tensions, we're going to take a look at how the protests and now progress played out across 1 bay area college campus. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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while some of the war protests at universities across the country have turned violent. we do want to highlight the agreement reached this week at san francisco state, the school agreed to disclose its investments create a human rights principle for future investments and divest from weapons manufacturers. from the beginning of this encampment. we have consistently maintained transparency and democracy as the structure from which we organize. this has been true since the initial vote to start the encampment to be true for future decisions regarding this movement. the agreement came a week and a half after encampment. protesters sat down with the university's president, and what was being called the 1st of its kind negotiation. we'll be right back.
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coming up on the cbs evening news. stunning new video has surfaced that seems to show music. mogul sean diddy combs assaulting a woman in a los angeles hotel can be seen shoving, kicking and dragging his then girlfriend in a hallway. in the 2016 incident. the new information we're learning tonight on the cbs evening news and coming up at 5. it is a gift that could help change the course of their lives. we are taking a look at oakland's largest scholarship giveaway impacting more than
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1000 student. it's well, thanks for joining us today for our conversation. on the tensions at bay area schools related to the war in israel. and as always, we love to hear what you think. and here what you're seeing and hearing in your communities. you can post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpi x on the cbs evening news is coming up. next local news continues streaming on our streaming service, cbs news bay area we'll see you around. >> divert the government. >> i'm done. >> maurice: tonight, a golf star arrested. speak like you like my head is still spinning. >> maurice: the number one ranked golfer in the world now facing numerous charges after a roadside incident with police went awry. >> it was a


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