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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  May 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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and that's the voice of joy ofodo you hear in one of the game's players. the full release this week for play-on vr headsets comes years in the making, well after joy voiced this character. >> voiceover takes time. >> reporter: as a professional voice actor based in the bay area, she's keeping a close eye on the latest developments for all things a.i. >> i was interested, excited, a little bit nervous, scared and as someone who has publicly spoken about a.i. and my concerns as a voice actor, i knew a lot of those alarm bells would be ringing as well. >> reporter: this week's announcement that veritone and caa have created the caa vault to store and protect digital assets caught her attention. she's cautiously optimistic about steps like this to secure any work that uses her voice. >> they can come in and make sure that their scans, their recordings, everything is being done is theirs. >> reporter: the two companies say the vault will insure an
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artist's voice is only used when they want it to be and they're getting paid for it. >> i'm okay. >> reporter: but voice actors like joy say cybersecurity is a growing threat for her line of work and it's too early to know if anyone can truly store voices safely. there are always legal and ethical concerns with a.i. and voice work and now there could be an issue of access. who will be able to use this technology to protect their voice? >> anytime that i see developments in a.i. particularly as they relate to voice, it concerns me for independent artists, for those of us who are professional working artists and actors. sorry, dude, i can't hear you. >> reporter: joy says she's unfortunate in these uncertain times to keep getting more work, whether it's in the animate series "the sale's off" or the independent hand drawn film "beverly bunny." >> murder? what murder? when was the murder? >> reporter: but beyond the concerns over a.i. creating an unfair landscape for voice artists, she also worries about it moving the craft away from
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the art of performing. >> we voice act not because we just want to receive a check every now and again, though the check is nice. voice acting isn't the most lucrative industry and it's not the most lucrative kind of acting per se. we do it because we love the performance. >> two voice actors are leading a class action lawsuit against berkeley-based a.i. startup lovo alleging the company used recordings of their voices to create a.i. botts without their permission or proper compensation. the suit seeks $5 million in damages. we reached out to lovo for comment but have not heard back. if you're driving through san jose, you may want to slow down. the city just received $8.5 million for cameras to help the pledge of eliminating all traffic deaths, the speed camera pilot program to be
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implemented in five cities, including san francisco and oakland. live over the state capital where consumer protections will have to wait next year. the bill was shelved that would have barred companies from contacting workers outside of their scheduled hours. also killed, the ticketmaster takedown bill aimed at giving consumers more buying options and a bill that would have capped the new fixed charge for pg&e customers was also shelved. as california's job growth is coming to a halt, last month the state added just over 5,000 jobs down from 18,000 in march of meanwhile california's unemployment rate remains the heightest in the nation. job market experts say this trend of employment slowing down could be directly related to the pandemic. some businesses had the money to hire and people had stimulus checks to spend, but now that money is running out. we spoke with one real estate manager who says small businesses have had to make some tough decisions because of it. >> as a business owner, as your costs start to increase, right, you have to figure out can i
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absorb another salary? so you're really looking at, okay, the cost of goods, the cost to run the business and then do i have the spend for an additional employee? >> california's 5.3 unemployment rate ranks last behind 49 other states and d.c. pope francis weighing in on the situation at the u.s./mexico border during a historic interview with cbs news' norah o'donnell. the pontiff was asked about texas' attempt to shut down a catholic charity on the border. that group offers humanitarian assistance to undocumented migrants. >> translator: that is madness, sheer madness, to close the border and leave them there. that is madness. the migrant has to be received. thereafter you see how you're going to deal with them. maybe you have to send them back, i don't know, but each case ought to be considered humanely. >> the u.s. border is just one of several topics the pope
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touched on. this is the first time a pope has given an in-depth one-on-one interview to a u.s. broadcast network. you can see an extended version of norah's interview with pope francis there sunday on "60 minutes" and tune into our prime time special monday right here on cbs news bay area and streaming on paramount+. up next, shocking video appearing to show hip-hop mogul p. diddy involved in a domestic violence incident. in a season full of bad news for the giants, this may be the biggest blow, an update
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disturbing video exclusively obtained by cnn seems to support at least some
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of the abuse claims against rapper music producer sean diddy combs. graphic surveillance footage seems to show combs repeatedly hitting his then girl friend inside a los angeles hotel back in 2016. we want to warn you, what you're about to see is very disturbing. >> reporter: new surveillance footage obtained exclusively by cnn appears to corroborate some of the allegations of abuse against music mogul sean diddy combs. the video captured on multiple cameras shows combs assaulting his then girl friend cassie ventura in a hallway at a los angeles hotel in march 2016. a lawsuit filed by ventura in november last year and settled the next day referenced actions that seemed to match those seen in this video. there is no audio. according to the complaint, combs became extremely intoxicated and punched ms. ventura in the face giving her a black eye, which according to
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the lawsuit, prompted ventura to try and leave the hotel room. the surveillance video obtained by cnn begins as she enters the hallway. the complaint says as she exited, mr. combs awoke and began screaming at ms. ventura. he followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. the complaint goes on to say he grabbed her and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her. in the surveillance video combs can be seen grabbing ventura and throwing her to the ground. as ventura lies on the ground, combs then kicks her twice and attempts to drag her on the floor back to the hotel room. ventura is seen picking up a hotel phone. combs seems to walk back to the hotel room, then returns and appears to shove her in a corner. moments later he can be seen throwing an object in her direction. according to ventura's now settled lawsuit, the pair began dating several years after they met in 2005. they parted ways in 2019. combs' attorney said
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the decision to settle was in no way an admission of wrongdoing. ventura declined to comment on the video, but her attorney told cnn the gut wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. words cannot express the courage and fortitude ms. ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to light. the video hasn't been seen publicly before and comes on the heels of a series of civil lawsuits alleging combs' involvement in sex trafficking and sexual abuse, allegations combs repeatedly denied. in a december 2023 statement, combs responded to the claims in all the lawsuits saying, "sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. let me be absolutely clear. i did not do any of the awful things being alleged." >> so far there's been no comment from combs' attorney
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about this specific video. if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, you can call the national domestic violence hotline at 1-800-799-safe or visit still to come at 5:00, meet the true stories of success for a city known for its violence and crime, how one of the largest scholarship giveaways in the city of oakland is helping families make positive changes. how the world's best golfer went from jail cell to tee box. plus the giants got news friday that takes one of their marquee signings off the field the rest of the season. coming up on the cbs evening news, a successful businessman that changed the lives of dozens of students. one student explains how a second collapse from his mentor is helping him get his life back on track after a devastatin
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competitive eaters from around the world gathered in new york city's times square today downing as many hotdogs as they could for a chance to take down san jose's eating
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champion joey chestnut. >> three, two, one, go! >> contestants put away more than 100 hotdogs and several gallons of water in just ten minutes to see who would take on the top eaters in the world at the final round of nathan's famous hotdog eating contest on july 4th. gideon ogee of nigeria advanced in the men's division after he gulped down 35 weiners. >> to come down here and win it in times square in front of you guys, it's been an amazing day. >> meanwhile lorell marie melet stomached 16 hogs to advance in the women's division. she's the current pepperoni roll eating champion of pennsylvania. that's a proud title to tell your parents. >> yeah. >> i ate more pepperoni rolls than anyone else. >> there's something to add to your linkedin profile. >> who knew they had qualifying? >> should be disqualifying,
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shouldn't it? >> you have to try out to gorge yourself. >> i don't know if we really call trying. >> i'll pass. >> absolutely not. one or two is about the extent. >> exactly. let's look at what's in store heading into the weekend. not much change in the big weather picture pattern. a storm system misses us will to the north into the pacific northwest and british columbia. tomorrow that reduces the weight of the atmosphere. so it's going to be an even deeper marine layer, but the wind shift that follows that system, just the little shift in wind direction, will help skies clear out a bit faster sunday. that's good news for bay to breakers, may see sunshine peeking through along the coast and temperatures should warm up at least a little bit sunday, more of a warm-up early next week. today's temperatures were pretty close to normal. the fog is still hanging out along the coast and make a little push over the city. san francisco 63 degrees, 61 for half moon bay, close to 70 in santa rosa, just
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short, 70 in fremont, mid-70s for concord and san jose. temperatures will drop off the rest of tonight and the fog is going to spread back out. it's going to be pretty widespread as we head into early tomorrow morning pushing well into the inland valleys and a deeper layer of fog might take a little extra time to dissipate, but it will back up to the coast late morning and midday. i don't think you'll see a lot of clearing along the coast tomorrow, better chance on sunday. let's look at the forecast low temperatures for tonight, dropping down mostly into the low to mid-50s, not a whole lot of variation, 54 degrees in san jose, one of the least cool spots with inland parts of the east bay, 54 degrees in antioch, right around 50 degrees for half moon bay, normal for this time of year. they have about a 10 to 12-degree spread along the coast between the low in the morning and high in the afternoon. low 50s in san francisco and oakland and the north bay valleys dipping to the upper 40s around santa rosa and petaluma. your temperatures will be a little cool through the day tomorrow as well. tomorrow's forecast highs only
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reach the upper 60s in the north bay while other inland parts of the bay area mostly get to the mid- to upper 70s, around 80 degrees near antioch and brentwood. mid- to upper 60s for san francisco and oakland and upper 50s along the coast in pacifica and half moon bay tomorrow, not a surprise this time of year to see 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s jumbled together on the map. should be farther into the 80s heading into the first couple days of next week for inland parts of the bay area. short term our fog pattern will repeat itself and our wind pattern will repeat itself as well. the strongest gusts are in the 20 to 25-mile-an-hour range mainly closer to the coast and those gusts will pick up by saturday afternoon mostly around 25 miles an hour with the straight onshore breeze pretty much directly out of the west tomorrow afternoon. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we'll start with coastal parts of the bay area where temperatures aren't going to change a lot, but there is a little warm-up that kicks in by sunday, monday, and tuesday, a little bit more sunshine
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peeking through the clouds. as we finish the workweek and get closer to memorial day weekend, it's back to may gray and temperatures ton running in the upper 50s. the warm-up that happens early next week will be a bit more noticeable around the bay with low to mid-70s and back to the 60s thursday and friday. temperatures farther away from the water will have the greatest warm-up, low to mid-80s by monday and tuesday for inland parts of the bay area. see if we can get the right forecast in here. inland areas get into the mid-80s a couple days and then back to the 70s thursday and friday with cooler than average temperatures looking more likely as we head into the holiday weekend. we'll look at the ten-day temperature outlook at 6:00. >> thanks, paul. time for a check at what's ahead at 6:00, we switch over to juliette. neighbors call it a sign of the times, a stop sign hanging over an intersection where a traffic light should be in oakland. it is a problem that forced the city to get rid of
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the signals altogether and why it's a permanent fix that may not be that easy. plus these homeless camp cleanouts are at the center of a supreme court battle. we go along with the man who admits he has one of the least desired jobs in san francisco. he shows us both the challenges and the best case outcomes of his efforts, all that and more coming up in ten minutes. let's go to matt for a lot of sports. >> yeah. hi, jules. the last thing i expected to wake up to this morning was news that scottie scheffler had been arrested en route to the pga championship. the world's number one golfer was arrested trying to get into the course, reportedly avoiding a fatal scene where confusion with traffic cops ended with scottie in cuffs and a felony assault charge. after being booked and put into a jumpsuit for a mugshot, he got to the greens an hour before tee time. he stuck the approach shot on his
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opening hole. that set up one of six birdies on the round. he shot a 66 to get to 9 under for the tournament. can you imagine getting arrested and then shooting 66 for a major? he's only 2 shots off heading into the weekend. >> my situation will get handled. it was a chaotic situation and a big misunderstanding and i can't comment on any of the specifics of it. so i feel like you all are going to be disappointed. >> how do you encapsulate everything that happened to you today? >> i don't really know. i feel like my head is still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell. that was a first for me, part of my warm-up. i was sitting there waiting. >> the post about scheffler's arrest was all over social media, hall of fame worthy day in that regard. joking that it was rory mcilroy who called the cops on scottie to try and get
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him out of the tournament or scottie should just go all orange like rickie fowler for the final round sunday and then if he's next on the tee, he must be free, johnnie cochran. as for the players that did not get arrested this morning, viktor hovland, one hop and in for an eagle, a 66 to move into the top ten. he's four shots back. tiger woods got off to a terrible shot with two triple bogeys, but he almost had the shot of the day on the par three 8. woods shot a 77 and missed the cut unfortunately. collin morikawa won the pga championship at harding park in 2021. he's got another wanamaker in his sights this week. he rolled in five straight birdies on the back 9 and shot 65, one off the lead that belongs to xander shauffele. he had 3 under 68, 12 under for the tournament. shauffele has never won a major
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title. i've got good news and i've got bad news for giants fans. we start with the good. jorge soler is back in the lineup tonight. he missed two weeks with a shoulder injury, but there is bad news. jung hoo lee will need surgery for his dislocated shoulder to repair the labrum. he will miss the rest of the season. ryan, this is one of the more disappointing things we've seen in baseball. he was such a marquee signing. there was so much anticipation and excitement around jung hoo. he got off to a nice start. he said this last month was his favorite playing baseball in his life here in san francisco. >> he was such a fan favorite, too. >> yeah. they already chant jung hoo lee, jung hoo lee and now he's gone for the year. >> there's always next year. thanks, matt. up next, meet the teen who is the first in his family to go to college all with the help of one of the biggest scholarship programs in oakland. >> my dad didn't have much. my
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mom didn't have much. my family didn't have much. i learned from their mistakes. i'm going to take their mistakes and go drive from it.
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a story of hope and success out of a city that struggled with a reputation for crime and violence, this week more than 1,100 students in oakland received a gift that could change the course of their lives. it's expected to be oakland's largest scholarship giveaway. andrea nakano talked to one young man who will be the first from his family to attend college. >> reporter: these young students are the future of oakland. they are leaders and role models in their community. you won't find a more positive and inspirational young man that 17-year-old royal hubbard. >> that goes to my mom, my auntie, my dad, my family. i want to bring it right back out to the world. >> reporter: royal is a senior at oakland tech high school and a recipient of the oakland promise scholarship. he's one of more than 1,100 students getting a share of nearly $5 million to help them go to
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college. for royal it's a dream come true to be the first in his family to get a college education. >> my dad didn't have much. my mom didn't have much. my family didn't have much. so i learned from their mistakes. i'm going to take their mistakes and go drive from it. >> reporter: these students not only receive financial report, but resources such as mentors to guide them in the next chapter of their lives. oakland promise was created in 2016 as a way to reinvest in the city's youth. >> really our students in oakland, they are the stars. they are excellent and they have the opportunity to really change the trajectory of their zip code. >> reporter: royal will be going to csu northridge in the fall to study business and marketing with an emphasis on fashion. he's already had a chance to be a part of new york fashion week and hit the runway. he's on his way to turning his dream into reality, but he also knows his journey
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is not just about him. >> i've been thinking about my little cousin, my nephews looking at me like i really got to do this. i've got to do something that's going to change their mindset. >> reporter: and royal is creating the path for his family to now follow in his footsteps. >> oakland promise says they provide resources for 1,500 families of infants, 25,000 elementary students, 9,000 middle and high school students and over 2,100 college students since their inception in 2016. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thank you. when is the last time you saw a stop sign hanging over an intersection like this? makes in oakland tell us the story behind it sums up the state of affairs in the city right now. >> this is a brand-new solution to a problem that's taken many forms here. >> if you can't keep the traffic lights on, get rid of them altogether. the rampant problem that's led to this and why neighbors say a real
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solution won't be so easy. >> this is definitely a sign of a city's condition. we got to stop just putting band-aids on things. an oak tree hundreds of years old comes crashing down onto condos. >> enormous pop and then i saw the tree just right down in the middle of the street. >> the damage and impact to this north bay neighborhood. the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer learns his fate. >> this office will not tolerate violence as a substitute for political discourse. >> reaction from the pelosi family and why it's not the end of the legal saga. and this man has the daunting job of cleaning up san francisco streets, sometimes throwing out some of the only belongings people have. >> and they're doing work that other workers throughout the city, they refuse to do. >> he shows us why he's committed to the camp cleanouts at the center of a supreme court battle. >> we'll offer them a chance to get out


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