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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  May 20, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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border with azerbaijan. iran's foreign minister was also on that helicopter. severe storms rolled through oklahohoma and kansas last nigh. 60-mile-per-hour winds, quarter-sized hail and tornadoes were all reported. and a tornado emergency was put in place in the oklahoma town of custer city. and a british court could make a final ruling today on whether wikileaks founder julian assange should be extradited to the united states. the u.s. wants to charge assange for the mass leak of classified military documents. for more download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. it's monday, may 20th, 2024. this is "cbs news mornings." breaking overnight, iran's president and foreign minister found dead hours after their helicopter went down in a mountainous region. there's a lot of debris.
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this thing is moving east. >> tomorrow outbreak. multiple twisters tear across oklahoma. the extent of the damage still unknown. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. >> combs' confession. the music mogul takes to social media to apologize for his actions in that disturbing hotel video. good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we start with that breaking news out of iran. the country's president and freign minister confirmed dead in a helicopter crash. deepening the turmoil that has gripped the nation on both the international and domestic fronts in recent months. iranian state tv video showed ebrahim raisi and his team on board that helicopter earlier in the day. the chopper went down in heavy fog in the northwestern part of the country hindering rescue and recovery efforts. cbs' naomi ruchim is joining us now with the latest details, breaking details. >> reporter: folks have been
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following this story overnight. now we have breaking updates this morning. iran's cabinet held an emergency meeting overnight, and they are calling ebrahim raisi a martyr along with the bodyguards and other officials on board that helicopter. in the broader international community, raisi's legacy casts a far darker shadow on iran. in the foggy mountains of northwestern iran, rescue crews have found the body of iranian president ebrahim raisi after his helicopter crashed near the azerbaijan border. the aircraft was part of a convoy of three helicopters when it made what officials describe as a hard landing, also killing the nation's foreign minister. this video shows the leaders on board where they had been visiting a dam project earlier in the day. state media broadcast iranians praying for raisi while waiting for news from the crash site. by many accounts, he was an
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extremely divisive president, elected in the lowest turnout in the country's history. he was also known as a conservative hard-liner who oversaw a violent crackdown on dissent. >> i think president raisi has more blood on his hands than any other official of the islamic republic. >> reporter: the implications of the crash reach far beyond iran's borders as the middle east sits on the verge of catastrophe amid the war of israel and hamas. just last month under raisi's leadership, iran launched an unprecedented drone and missile attack on israel. raisi was also quite close to the supreme leader, ayatollah khamanei, now 85 years old and many viewed raisi as a possible successor. r raisi was sanctioned in the u.s. in part because of his part of the mass execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988 at the end of the bloody war
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between iran and iraq. some nations' leaders offered condolences including iraq along with the houthi leader in yemen and hamas. president biden has been briefed on the crash but has not yet commented. so we expect more. >> yeah, certainly we'll see what the fallout of this is. thank you so much. so more severe weather in the south with multiple tornadoes reported across oklahoma. several twisters were confirmed including one in el reno just last night near oklahoma city. video shows damage to buildings and cars and at least two injuries were reported west in blaine county. the radar shows the next severe weather threat ramping up in the plains beginning tonight. come tomorrow, nearly 40 million people will be at risk of severe weather from michigan all the way to oklahoma. hundreds of thousands in the houston area are struggling to stay cool as they deal with heat without electricity. while power returned to some homes and businesses, some hit
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hard by thursday's powerful storms are still in the dark, and it could be a couple of days before power is restored. after a weekend on the campaign trail, it is back to court today for donald trump. the former president's defense team is expected to continue questioning michael cohen in the so-called hush-money trial. president biden took his campaign to two battleground states addressing an naacp dinner in detroit after speaking to the graduating class at a historically black college in atlanta. skyler henry reports from washington. we all bleed the same color. >> reporter: president biden delivered the commencement address at morehouse college in atlanta warning of extremist forces threatening the future of black america. >> they don't see you in the future of america, but they're wrong. to me we make history, not erase it. >> reporter: the president garnered mixed reactions from students at the historically black college over the israel-hamas war in gaza. >> i called for an immediate
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cease-fire. an immediate cease-fire. stop the fighting. [ applause ] bring the hostages home. [ chants ] >> reporter: as protesters gathered outside some graduates and faculty against the conflict turned their backs to the president during his speech. >> words are words, actions are something different. >> reporter: president biden spent the weekend engaging with african american voters in georgia and in detroit in an attempt to bolster support. ♪ >> reporter: on saturday, former president trump addressed the polls as he accepted the endorsement of the national rifle association. >> we're doing record numbers with the african american voters. they are tired of what's happening to them. >> reporter: trump's new york criminal trial has largely sidelined him from the campaign trail, and some of his fellow republicans have been there to show support. >> the contrast is so extraordinary between higher inflation at home and war overseas. that's the biden record. and the trump record of peace at
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home and prosperity. >> reporter: trump and biden are set to square off in their first debate next month. skyler henry, cbs news, washington. . as to the war in gaza, benjamin netanyahu is under pressure to make post-war plans for the gaza strip. jake sullivan met with him to discuss a plan that calls for saudi arabia to recognize israel and help the palestinian authority govern gaza in exchange for a path to eventual statehood. the israeli prime minister has said he opposes palestinian statehood. netanyahu's also facing criticism from his main political rival, benny gantz, who is threatening to leave the government if a plan is not created by june 8th that includes an international administration for post-war gaza. the israeli military says that it retrieved the body of a fourth hostage, ron benjamin, who was believed killed on
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october 7th. it comes as three other recovery -- recovered hostages, amit buskila, itshak gelerenter, and shani louk were laid to rest. all three -- of the three only louk had previously been confirmed dead. now to that shocking and sickening video showing sean "diddy" combs attacking an ex-girlfriend. yesterday combs apologized calling his actions inexcusable. cbs' kenny choi reports from los angeles. i hit rock bottom. but i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. >> reporter: sean "diddy" combs posted an apology sunday for his behavior at a los angeles hotel in 2016. this security video first obtained by cnn and released friday shows the media mogul grabbing, throwing, and kicking then-girlfriend cassie ventura. >> i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. i'm disgusted.
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i was disgusted then when i did it. i'm disgusted now. >> reporter: the video seems to corroborate some of the allegations detailed in a now-settled civil suit filed by ventura in november. the l.a. district attorney's office said combs won't face charges because the statute of limitations has expired. >> i'm so sorry. but i'm committed to be a better man each and every day. >> reporter: several pending civil lawsuits accused combs of sex abuse, allegations he denies. legal contributor jessica levinson -- >> looking at this video, it will be hard to see why he would ever want to proceed in a civil case, particularly because i think there's a good chance that the video would come in as evidence in other civil cases. >> reporter: in march, department of homeland security agents raided his miami and los angeles homes as part of a federal investigation being handled by a team that deals with human trafficking. sunday's apology is the first time this year that combs has publicly addressed his legal troubles.
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>> i'm not asking for forgiveness. i'm truly sorry. >> reporter: cbs news reached out to combs' attorneys who did not issue a comment, while cassie ventura's legal team had this to say about the apology saying, "no one is swayed by his disingenuous words." kenny choi, cbs news, los angeles. coming up, a graduation celebration in missouri turns violent as shots ring out. and refloating the "dali." the bridge cleanup in maryland takes a major step today. kes a . if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use.
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neutrogena hydro boost. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. a heart-pounding scene in missouri after gunfire a heart-pounding scene in missouri after gunfire erupts during a high school graduation ceremony. police say a fight broke out inside the arena, and a single shot was fired. two people suffered non-life-threatening injuries. a person of interest was taken into custody. the graduation ceremony is
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expected to be rescheduled. a major step in the maryland bridge cleanup, and a deadly crash in idaho. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." "usa today" reports six people are dead and ten injured in idaho after a car crash involving a large passenger van. police say the driver of a pickup truck veered into oncoming traffic and crashed into the van saturday. the driver of the van and five passengers were pronounced dead. nine others were taken to the hospital. no word on what caused the truck driver to veer into oncoming traffic. "the baltimore sun" says the cargo ship that crashed into the key bridge is set to be refloated this morning. crews say the plan is to refloat the ship during high tide. they say up to five tugboats will escort the vessel to a terminal after it's refloated. this is a major milestone in the push to fully reopen the port of baltimore after the ship slammed into the francis scott key bridge in march.
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and "the hill" reports julian assange faces judgment day. the wikileaks founder goes before a british high court today which will decide whether he should be extradited to america. assange faces 18 charges in the u.s. over wikileaks publication of hundreds of thousands of classified military and intelligence documents in 2010. u.s. authorities say his actions damaged national security while his global supporters call the prosecution an assault on free speech. still ahead, rocketing into the record books. america's first black astronaut candidate goes on a long overdue journey of a lifetime. lifetime. competitive brother. oin lifetime. veinterviewer due jour lifetime. rinterviewer due journa lifetime. dinterviewer due journ a lifetime. ointerviewer due jouf a lifetime. nterviewer due journ a lifetime. terviewer due journea lifetime. ewer due journey of a lifetime. overdo due journey of a lifetime. journ. journey of a lifetime. ue journey of a lifetime. what? you going to t ell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously?
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linking new york city to dublin is back in action. the art installation reopened sunday after it was briefly shut down last week amid reports of people flashing body parts and trolling viewers. now instead of a 24/7 video connection between the cities, the hours will be limited. why we can't have nice things. that's pretty nice. a las vegas gambler gambled -- gamble gambles on the aces and prompt the nba to investigate, and disneyland is going union. here's matt pieper with today's cbs "moneywatch." >> reporter: it was a huge end to the week on wall street on friday. the dow jones finished a day above the 40,000 level for the first time as indices drifted around their record heights to close their latest winning week. the dow gained 134. nasdaq lost 12. s&p 500 up 6 points. mickey and minnie are seeking better employment benefits. the performers at disneyland have chosen to unionize after a three-day vote. it's where the actors'
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equity association unioned to become bargaining agent of the group of 1,700 workers. nearly 80% voted in favor. there were already thousands of what are known as cast member employees represented by more than a dozen unions. people in places like retail and food service. but up until now, those dressing up were excluded. flags have been raised at the wnba over a deal just announced where the las vegas convention and visitors authorities would give a $100,000 annual sponsorship to each aces player. there is now an investigation into the deal. while it does not violate the wnba's salary cap, other teams likely are raising questions about the fairness of the sponsorship. ryan reynolds' new movie "if" claimed the top spot at the box office with $35 million in ticket steals this weekend. it beat "kingdom of the planet of the apes" which came in second with another $26 million in its second weekend in theaters. that's your cbs "moneywatch" report for this monday morning. i'm matt pieper, cbs news, new york.
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up next, golden girl. simone biles outshines the competition in her push for paris while another gymnast calls it quits paris while another squlim nfl draft calls it quits. “the darknr depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression,
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by the nonprofit wells fargo foundation. here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪
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check out this spectacular scene out of europe. scientists say that blue-green fireball is a comet fragment. it lit up the sky saturday. they say shooting stars like this are material that break away from larger bodies like asteroids, comets or even other planets and enter the earth's atmosphere at high speeds. america's first black astronaut candidate has finally made it to space. >> lift off -- [ cheers ] >> 90-year-old ed dwight took his first trip into orbit along with five crew mates aboard blue origin's new "shepherd" rocket for a ten-minute flight. the former air force captain who was passed over by nasa in 1961 made history by becoming the oldest person in space. >> i thought i really didn't need this in my life, but now i need it in my life. absolutely fantastic.
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a life-changing experience. everybody needs to do this. >> this is blue origin's first passenger flight in nearly two years. and simone biles dominated at saturday's u.s. classic competition in connecticut. she took home her seventh career all-around gold medal. she along with fellow olympic gold medalist gabby douglas and suni lee were vying for a spot on the olympic team. lee took home the beam title, while douglas withdrew from the competition after falling twice on the uneven bars. coming up on "cbs mornings," david begnaud shares a story about two best friends with an emotional surprise. best friend emotional surprise. (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change.
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