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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 20, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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if you think about it. from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. it is the start of a new work week. thanks for joining us. it is monday, may 20th.
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i really want to make it a lot easier and faster for people to get that critical help they may need. >> harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for better mental health in the bay. the teenager leading the way. he lived the difficulties of epilepsy and wants to help other kids struggling. a football star giving back. a place where you learn about community and cultural heritage. >> a san francisco symbol of survival in japantown. baby, he is a beetle billionaire. musicians making money across the pond. good morning, everybody. nice to have you with us on this monday. >> favorite beatles song? >> hey jude. my mom's name is
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judy. >> penny lane is one of my favorites. we will tell you more about paul mccartney coming up in just a minute. he is very, very rich. we have rich and beautiful views of the bay area as we take a look from atop mt. diablo toward the east bay. let's check out and see what your week has in store for you with your forecast. >> let's take a quick look at what's going on. day by day we are seeing a lot more clear conditions in the forecast from the santa clara valley, along the coastline, too. small day-to-day changes in the forecast but kicking off the week with very summerlike weather. 60s and 50s along the coast and 70s along the peninsula. the sun is starting to rise over the santa clara
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valley and that haze will start leading off very fast. we will start to see the coastal cloud near half moon bay toward pacifica lately clear. starting off this morning, sitting in the 50s and 40s from santa rosa down to half moon bay and stretching into the inland areas. we had a beautiful weekend set up and we'll see more of the same whether throughout the afternoon. 70s and sunny skies in the santa clara valley. all the way up into hayward, and 80s the more east we go, over toward antioch and brentwood. heading back to san francisco, notice how the microclimates are all doing something just a smidge different, 50s and 60s from simpson beach and daly city and the more north we go, the warmer it gets. napa and sonoma, stretching all the way
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to mendocino, warming up into the 70s and 80s. let's talk about the roadways, cruising along pretty decently overall. golden gate bridge, no issues or troubles. the bay bridge, things are starting to pick up just a little bit, the metering lights are officially on . as far as crashes go, pretty quiet overall. taking a look at traffic westbound 37, traffic is moving along pretty well, and all lanes are open, but that will change overnight. more on that in my next report. let's talk about the work to reclaim mental health. we have an incredible story about a teenager on the peninsula determined to make it to halt the priority, especially for young people who often don't speak about things that hurt. shawn chitnis has more on how she helps to use a i to access
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resources when we need it. spend a day with charlotte rosario and you will be amazed at all she can do at the age of 17. i walk around the neighborhood with her dog is a nice break for the junior in high school who created a platform to improve access to mental health resources. >> i want to make it a lot easier and faster for people to get that critical help they may need. >> search mental health uses artificial intelligence to find services and treatment options near you based on what you are dealing with in that moment. the more detail you provide, the better response ai will give someone in need. >> my dad actually passed away by suicide when i was just 12 years old. through that experience i really had to learn how to heal and move forward by actually leaning in
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to mental health advocacy. >> charlotte was in seventh grade, the pandemic just started and middle school was a dark place for this young girl trying to process such a devastating loss. >> i remember seeing a girl in the mirror who is scared, ashamed, confused and lost. >> she would likely realize how many barriers there are to mental health support. beyond the sigma -- stigma, there were so many resources available that people were not aware of. >> i always think about my dad and all the people i've met in my community over the years who have struggled with their own mental health challenges or suicide loss and i keep their stories in mind because that is what drives these projects and what has driven search mental health. >> even a talented teen who came up with an impressive
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platform and does the coding to keep the site running, has to find ways to step aside from all she has taken on, choosing to draw with whatever free time she may find, reminding herself about the important ways we can all process loss and deal with our own grief. >> always try to be open with each other and actively support one another. >> it all starts with talking more about it. charlotte plans to keep spreading the word about search mental health while also finding time to enjoy her summer break. >> she hopes all people across california can use the platform soon. it is calibrated to help people find resources based on the county where you live. the crews are re-floating and removing the cargo ship that took down the francis scott key bridge in late march. that was a tragedy with a
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collision that took the lives of six construction workers. what you see playing out this morning is a crucial step that needs to be taken before they can reopen this major shipping port. a man is in the hospital this morning with life-threatening injuries after being shot by san jose police. it happened while officers were responding to a call about someone firing a gun in the area of colmar drive yesterday afternoon. police say the suspect was shot and taken to a nearby hospital. a gun was recovered and no officers were injured. a federal judge has reopened the sentencing of david depape. this is due to a court error. he was sentenced to 30 years in prison three days ago but the judge did not offer him a chance to speak during his sentencing. a new hearing is scheduled for later this month. the iranian president has died in a helicopter crash in northwestern iran due to bad weather. the crash, part of a convoy of three helicopters
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also killed the foreign minister. last month the iranian president was involved in a crackdown in the dissent against recent military actions against israel. the vice president will assume the presidency with a new election expected in 50 days. donald trump's criminal hush money trial continues with more testimony from his former fixer, michael cohen. the defense is wrapping up their cross examination of colin. your community station in oakland where people came out of their neighborhoods worried that the city's money troubles could lead to cuts in public safety at a time that already feels unsafe. their voices and their pleas for help, straight ahead. runners take an iconic tradition, from bay to breakers. what you didn't see
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this weekend.
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looking live at san francisco and remembering a legend that elevated the fight for gay rights around the world. putting a little pep in your step on a monday, that is the sound of the freedom band celebrating harvey milk day . milk would have been 94 years old if he hadn't been shot to death by a fellow supervisor inside city hall in 1978. >> so many actual friends of harvey milk continue to make sure his legacy is not forgotten but used as a beacon of hope for future generations to come. >> sfo terminal one bears harvey milk's name. right now it is open but undergoing a major renovation scheduled to be finished on june 11th. from bay to breakers,
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thousands of runners show the world how the running community can be weird and a little fun as well. >> the sound of the horn officially kicked off another addition of a san francisco tradition, bay to breakers. more than 21,000 people signed up for the seven mile run and while some participants are competitive runners, the majority show up in costumes, some crazy, some fun and some people choose to show up in nothing at all. >> this started in 1912 . it is one of the oldest races in the united states. >> we caught up with several runners during the unofficial but ceremonial tortilla toss and we met cathy and maria. >> this is our fourth year, two of my flock to income but we
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made it and this is our newest chicken. >> we met jason and nya on abbey road, well, i mean, howard street. and batman and robin were there and this batman really embraced some of the fun that they choose to have during the run. >> this is great, we love it. >> this guy, a first timer, really leaped into a unique costume. >> no idea what it is like to run in this, we will see if i make it. >> if he did, it would probably be the first time a whiteboard man actually finished. but it wasn't the first time for
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julia, a competitive runner making her return. >> i was having my bridal shower this week and last year but it is great to be back. i won it in 2022. a lot of these big races, it is pretty intense and are serious, so it is fun to watch people having fun out there and all the people on the sidelines is motivating. >> a classic may gray day at the finish line where runners were greeted with cheers, congratulations and a nice ocean breeze. and for many, it might be time to ice their knees . >> that last outfit . >> perfect, ice their knees. then you have bones running through. >> i'm doing the san francisco half marathon. my fingers are crossed. i'm doing it. me and
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jessica. >> speaking of, let's check in with jessica. here is a beautiful view. nothing is prettier than seeing the sunrise over the bay. how is your training going for the run? >> i'm not doing it, i just decided. i quit. >> come on. i will talk to him in a little bit. let's take a look outside, our live camera from the black mountain area. a little bit of that thin hayes is starting us off through the santa clara valley. but it will bleed off and we will see sunnier skies in the afternoon. let's take a quick look at what we are expecting through the next couple of hours. waking up with cool conditions and we will continue to see more warmth in sight. getting a little gustier along the coastline, anywhere up to around 20 miles per hour.
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getting breezier offshore as we head into the evening hours. it will be a pretty breezy afternoon but at least daytime highs are pleasant. we are expecting 70s through the santa clara valley, 60s and 70s the more north we go and 50s along the coastline where it is still cool and cloudy and half moon bay. pacifica will see sunshine later this afternoon. the east bay will almost feel summerlike for us, sitting at 80 degrees this afternoon in brentwood and pittsburgh. very small day-to-day changes are expected for us, we will see 60s tomorrow and 50s into the weekend forecast. let me show you the reason that is happening, and we are also dealing with dry conditions into the next several days. 60s are turning into 50s for san francisco as low pressure moves in. we see 80s and upper 80s all the way into our tuesday
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forecast but it quickly turns into 60s by saturday. and from the santa clara valley all the way to the north bay, continuing to warm-up by tomorrow, lasting into our wednesday forecasting: the fast by the weekend. let's talk about the roadways, highway 37, there was a closure over the weekend. you probably noticed all the backup if you're driving out of alejo. there is a ramp closure that continues through the rest of the week. this is for overnight traffic as we take a live look, you can see a few stop and go cars, and a closure will start tonight starting at 9:00 for westbound 37, eastbound lanes will be open. this is just for overnight closures, they will be alternating directions. they will have detours in place but a heads up that lanes should open tomorrow at about 4:00
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a.m. you can see that area there is backing up, showing up on our mapping system heading toward mare island. once you get past the rest of the way towards one-to-one, traffic is pretty quiet. we see and celebrate a young bay area leader helping others with similar challenges and struggles to live life without limits. his message
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now to louisville, kentucky, and a congratulations to xander chevrolet. the number three ranked golfer in the world has been one of the games best player since joining the pga tour in 2017. we have some sad news to pass along for raiders fans, jim otto passed away at the age of 86. he was the first center the team ever had and the hall of famer never missed a game in his 15 year career. he played through what he estimated was 30 concussions. he held down the raiders offensive line from
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1960 to 1974 and the raiders shared the announcement yesterday, calling him the original writer and said it was "the foundational piece of the transcendent offensive line not only propelled the raiders to success on the field but resonated with fans and helped build the raiders persona and misty." now to the immunity of danville where a community is better because of the local high school football star passing his power to kids at a skills camp. he is one of 26 who will develop epilepsy in their life, one in 26. one of the most coveted recruits in the country has not had it easy that he pushes forward. growing up, there were questions if you would even be able to live a normal life. >> if you don't know the name marco jones you can be sure that every major college football team in the country does. he plays linebacker and titan for san ramon valley high
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school and has officers for more than 30 colleges including schools like michigan, alabama, usc and texas. but on this day it was his team on the field, welcome to the marco jones skills camp on his home field at srv. players and coaches recruited by marco put kids ages eight through 13 through range of activities from agility drills to a spirited game of dodgeball, all under the watchful eye of the camps founder. >> he is a big inspiration. i have known him for a while. and he is one of the people i look up to. >> has 5:00 a.m. workout that he does, just amazing. people don't do that. he is really dedicated. >> as bright as markers future appears, it didn't start that way. at three years old he was diagnosed with epilepsy, suffering grand mal seizures at an alarming rate. >> it was a very traumatic experience for my wife and i,
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waking up when he is three years old to seizures was not what we anticipated. >> not being able to help your kid is one of the worst feelings. >> but they did find help and at age 13 the problem cleared up, as it does for about 70% of patients. and while most of the kids are able-bodied, the camp is dedicated to a program called helmets for helmets, raising money for kids with epilepsy. >> luckily i grew out of it but not every kid is that lucky, so it gives soft helmets to kids with epilepsy to take them if they have a seizure. protects their head if they fall. >> marco has a big decision ahead of him and where he plays next will affect every aspect of his future and it is healthy future that his parents are thrilled to see . >> it is surreal. my wife and i
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often pinch ourselves, like, is this for real? he is an unbelievable human being. i watch him walk around with a smile on his face as he watches kids have fun. it makes whatever decision he makes easy, he can't go wrong. >>'s success is only increasing his ability to inspire others. >> if they see someone like marco, who everybody knows, and he had epilepsy, too, it makes it more normal. >> if it is true that overcoming adversity makes a person stronger, marco jones has a leg up on the competition. >> the assistant coach greeted the helmets for helmets foundation and we have more information on his creations and services on talking about budget troubles in oakland and it has a lot of people coming out, worried they will have to brace for budg
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition the view from treasure island. good morning, everybody, happy monday to you. we are talking all things, getting started with positivity. and we want to talk to jessica because this was a
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beautiful and busy weekend. >> it almost feels summerlike as we head into the afternoon hours. along the coast, sitting in the 50s and into the afternoon we might still see some 50s in areas like half moon bay. other than that, warming up into the 80s in the inland areas. we will see small day-to-day changes in the forecast through this week. by the weekend we will cool down just a little bit. starting off with today, the wind is relatively light, with more of an onshore flow into the afternoon. wind gusts anywhere up to 25 to 30 miles an hour. let's take a look at the daytime highs through the santa clara valley, all the way off, like i mentioned, holding on tight in areas like pacifica, warming up in the inland areas
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with sunshine widespread from san jose to the east bay, antioch warming to 80 degrees. almost feels summerlike, plenty of sunshine and light winds through the east bay, and petaluma down to the golden gate bridge, 60s and 70s in the forecast for us. all through the east bay and northbay and closer to areas like lakeport. into the next couple of days we will continue to keep an eye on the forecast because even though we are cooling down into the weekend, we are staying relatively dry. the climate prediction center shows drier than normal conditions for our region for this time of the year this week. more on that in just a bit. let's talk about the roadways, get a live look at conditions on some of our bay area bridges. a pretty normal monday as folks get out the
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door and had to work. metering lights are officially on and that is starting to slow things down, getting just a little crowded for that ride westbound on the san mateo bridge from 880 two 101. as far as crashes, highway 4 west bend, railroad avenue there is crash blocking a couple of lanes. let's look live at oakland where you wake up to news about the city coming up short for money to the tune of about $177 million in a budget shortfall. that is why demonstrators came out in force over the weekend. they are worried about potential cuts to safety programs and this all comes at a time when it has really been in the headlines that crime is driving out businesses in oakland. demonstrators say that any cut to public safety will set the city back more than any
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budget deficit. >> reporter: critics of the mayor say they were the deficit will worsen public safety. >> we are concerned about oakland today and tomorrow. >> reporter: some fear the large deficit could result in less police officers in the neighborhood. >> the police officers are doing overtime and if they cut that there is a good chance we will not have those resources. >> reporter: the chair of the lake community alliance says they often have to call officers to open up lanes on lakeshore avenue and nearby streets. on recent weekend large parties led to illegal parking. >> emergency vehicles could not get through and we saw of fire truck stuck on bellevue and couldn't get through because of all the illegal parking.
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>> reporter: some of the parking issues have led to confrontations like this and many city workers won't come to address these problems without police escort due to safety concerns. >> i am really worried that if they go into this deficit we will be back where we were during the pandemic. >> she is referring to this mass shooting on lakeshore avenue and while the mayor says she will prioritize public safety, there are concerns she will cut back on police overtime. >> we feel like we are at rock bottom, so anything that has to do with security being cut will make it worse. >> this owner had to close the downtown sports bar in march. >> there were moments when i had to drive uber just to pay my staff. >> as for leanne, there are no easy solutions and any cuts will hurt the city's progress. >> it is a very stark budget
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deficit. >> no reply from mayor sheng thao after contacting her office. >> a group behind the efforts to recall the mayor says they have gotten well above the 2500 signatures needed to put the recall on the ballot. some residents blame the mayor for the spike in crime last year but crime is down about a third from 2023. robberies are the only crime still rising. the recall signatures go to the county registrar to be validated. all of this comes after alameda county supervisors chose not to call a special election for the recall of pamela price. that will be on the november general election ballot. those supporting the recall were calling for a special election, arguing that the county will be
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safer as soon as she is out of the office. mayor london breed kicked off her re-election campaign in san francisco. she has been in office for six years and is pitching herself to voters with a focus on crime safety and revitalizing downtown. >> we are trying to keep up the momentum of the work that we have already done to get to this point. we are not just cleaning up the streets for a pack or the re-election campaign, we are making sure we are doing everything we can to lead the city to mileage those challenging times . >> the mayor has a lot of competition including former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell, the board of supervisors president aaron peskin, and philanthropist daniel leary. and today's mayoral debate has been canceled after the three dropped out of the debate. it was supposed to be hosted by the nonprofit together sf but the organization has troubling
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ties with the former interim mayor and on a statement, the nonprofit called the three candidates decision to pull out of the debate political theatrics. teaching assistants, and other workers are planning to strike today. they say it is in response to the university's crackdown on pro-palestinian demonstrations. the plan strike is illegal according to the school. singing and celebrating out of japantown. a community rallied together to save a landmark building. kenny choi got a look at what it once was, what it now is and what they hope it will be for future generations. >> reporter: diane vividly remembers when she would come here as a child every week .
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>> it was a place to learn about community and your cultural heritage. that was very important for us. >> reporter: the san francisco native attended japanese language classes every sunday morning and so did generations before her with the language school opening in 1911. >> it was always a lively venue for many people and then world war ii happened and everyone had to leave. >> translated into english, golden gate institute, became a processing center as japanese american citizens were forcibly sent to internment camps starting in 1942. >> in exchange for their family name they were given an i.d. number. they were no longer humans, they were literally a piece of government property. >> it is kind of a symbol. >> is the state professor who specializes in japanese language and cross-cultural studies says the policies of the school board mandating in
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1906 that chinese of chinese, korean and japanese descent attending a school in japantown led to a massive effort. >> the japanese people gathered together. >> they talk japanese and english to new immigrants and it became a central gathering place for the community but after world war ii many parts of japantown started to fade away. >> when redevelopment came through and ripped apart many of the homes and businesses in japantown, we were lucky that this building was spared. >> board members have secured $10 million to turn this into a performing arts center and they say more is needed to modernize the rest of the historic building, recently landmarked by the city. >> it is bringing history to
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our future. >> sifting through old pictures reminds them of their past. >> it is important for future generations to understand what struggles and challenges their grandparents had to build this building. and we want to continue to keep the vision of community alive. >> bringing new life to an old part of japantown for the next generation. >> they expect groundbreaking and construction to begin sometime this year or next year. the islands of the bay festival went on yesterday, bringing together aapi dancers, speakers and poets and a nice chance for people to meet their neighbors. and a bakery in san francisco's japantown celebrating 50 years in business. the speech of open in december of 1971. they are most famous for their delicious coffee crunch cake. does that
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sound good to you? it does to me. the man continues his legacy because he handed the business down to his grandson. >> i always wanted to open this bakery in japantown. >> we skipped a generation. >> sharon chen has the rest of the suite and generational story right here today at 5:00 p.m. you can watch our hour-long roots and resilient special this friday at 4:00 p.m. on kpix. here is a classic
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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time for your money watch report. performers at the happiest place on earth are going to be doing something that will affect business at disneyland for quite some time. they voted to unionize over the weekend. 80% of the workers who portray disney's iconic characters voted to join that
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actors equity association. the vote is expected to be certified within a weekend afterwards representatives are set to begin contract negotiations. time not to take a look at what is coming up later. tony dokoupil is joining us live from new york. i heard that today is your five year anniversary on cbs mornings. congratulations. >> thank you very much. when i started, i was like, if i can just make it to five years, i'll be happy. now i'm like, please, another five. this is the best job. coming up today, david begnaud has an uplifting story, the gift of life between two best friends, one willing to do whatever it took to save the other and there is an emotional surprise for both of them. norah o'donnell joins us with more of her historic conversation with pope francis. they spoke about many racial
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issues including social media's effect on young people. 60 years ago at dwight hope to become the first black astronaut. he failed in that particular endeavor, but guess what, at age 90 he finally got the chance, and he is the oldest person to do so. we have an interview with him, he's got words of wisdom. that's a big milestone. all that and were coming up at 7:00. >> how are you celebrating? i know you are working, but how are you celebrating? >> we had cupcakes with little pictures of each other and we had some wine and a little toast. the family has gone together with sugar and booze like everyone else's family. >> send us an invite next time, sugar and booze, good way to start the day. thanks, tony.
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he could not have done it without a little help from his friends. sir paul mccartney has become the first british musician billionaire. that sunday times rich list that he gained billionaire status through consistent touring, general appeal and a boost from beyoncé recording the beatles hit blackbird. he is on the road now with his got back to her. i would love to have the opportunity to hear that music live and in person. >> and now his daughter is in the fashion world. talent oozing out the pores. as the music industry works to be more diverse, there is more progress but more work to be done. the music forward foundation aims to empower a new generation of music leaders while empowering their voices and viewpoints.
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>> inside the historic hollywood palladium theater is the future of the music industry. 16-year-old alberto plans to be a professional musician. >> i am doing alternative meditation, cinematic. >> one of 1200 students from southern california high school that have been given the chance to sing. hit beats and follow their dream of music and entertainment. >> we want people to know that this vibrant industry is available and accessible to them. >> the national foundation aims to create equity in the industry by breaking down gender, economic and race barriers. it connects passion
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to profession. >> we are here to show that you can continue to build that artistry and understand marketing, creation and distribution. >> we want to make sure students learn about all aspects of the industry and also connect with mentors who can guide them. >> we want them to engage, and spark that learning and see themselves reflected in that expert. >> an understanding that the possibilities are endless for the next generation of industry leaders and artists. >> and they are learning so much about themselves, too. as in creating the concerts and music. >> you hear from music teachers all the time how public funding continues to be cut and it is so nice to see some leaders in that arena.
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taking a live look outside as we take a peek out the window. you can see alcatraz there all by itself. let's see how the forecast is going to be this morning. >> let's take our eyes from alcatraz to the golden gate bridge. this morning, surface visibility is looking amazing. clear skies above us, light wind and that american flag billowing in the wind. into this afternoon it will be a mild one. waking up with 60s throughout most of the bay area and we will see sunnier skies around the corner. especially along the coastline for the next couple of hours. it has been mild and cool in the early morning hours but we will warm up all the way into the 80s this afternoon. 70s in the santa clara valley. it is a mild forecast for us, kind of like yesterday with beta
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breakers happening. there is a little more may gray along the coast, but just like that, 60s and the forecast near san francisco and the morant north we go, all the way to marin, sonoma and napa, we warm up more and more, ukiah sitting at 82 degrees this afternoon. a little breezier in the afternoon, especially along the coast near bodega bay with 20-mile-per-hour winds expected. the big weather story is the fact that we have not seen rain in quite some time and we don't plan on seeing any anytime soon. drier than normal conditions for most of our region and mild for us over the next seven days. all of our microclimates are playing a different game, 60s and 50s near san francisco and noticed
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that gradual cool down into the weekend. low pressure moving in, cooling us off and giving us a little more clouds into the weekend forecast. 80s turning into 60s from the north bay to the east bay with the santa clara valley following along. let's take a lie look at highway 37 this morning. if you are cruising in this area you probably got stuck in the backup. the closures will continue overnight for the rest of the week with the exception of friday. so monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday night, overnight closures between 121 and 29 in vallejo. tonight will be westbound, if you are headed westbound in the overnight hours, from 9:00 until 4:00 tomorrow morning, they will be closed with detours in place. if you are planning on making a ride from vallejo over towards 101, south bound is pretty slow from vallejo to san rafael but
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the rest of the way it looks like this, no delays to slow you down. just a few brake lights hemming -- coming out of the area. metering lights is still on and it is a pretty slow ride as you make your way into san francisco with brake lights on westbound 80, and 24. check out this rescue footage, helicopter was sent to a cliff off of highway 1 yesterday morning where a driver went over the edge in their vehicle. first they found the car wreck and then they found the victim over 100 yards away. although in critical condition they are expected to survive. after a two-year hiatus, blue origin launched a group into the outer space. onboard was dwight, six decades ago he was nominated by president kennedy to be an astronaut but
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never became the first african-american in space. five other crewmates were on board the capsule, blasting off from the company's west texas launch site. congratulations, he finally got the opportunity at 90 years young. >> i can't even imagine the excitement in his heart to know he finally got that opportunity. they've been dealing with some issues since 2022 when they had seven humans go up. so for him to have that opportunity and be the first one since that delay, i can imagine the excitement. >> if he had an instagram account it would be full of selfies. >> maybe he does. >> would you go? >> i would, for sure. >> jessica, would you? >> no. strome --
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if you love sleep, you don't want to miss this. and here is a live look before we had to break, alcatraz, the
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let's get a quick check on traffic before you head out the
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door. the bay bridge is already busy for commuters heading into san francisco. an overview here, you can see those east bay routes starting to bog down a little bit. westbound 580 to the altamont. it looks like south 680 is also busy as you work your way into walnut creek. there is a competition for just about everything and that includes the best at going to sleep. in south korea this group of about 100 people put those skills to the test for a power nap competition. they dressed in their finest sleeper to get some shut eye for an hour and a half. they were thrown challenging distractions like whispering and mosquito noises. my question is, how do they know they are not faking it? are they hooked up to an electrode? i can fake sleep. >> i don't need to fake it, just give me a pillow, my head hits it and i'm good. and that
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cozy little thing they were sleeping and look like a human dog bed. >> i am not much of a believer, but keep going. dating can be difficult, even heartbreaking. coming up, i chat with the host of the mtv series, help, i'm in a secret relationship. a man is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries after taking a bullet from poli ♪ there are the trumpets on this monday monk. welcome and hello to viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> and i'm nate burleson. >> it's your world in 90 seconds. breaking news


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