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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. >>there >>are many, very, very strong >>trump's >>supporters. >>and >>then >>there are people who are skeptical. they >>have to accommodate all sides, >>and it's really >>like walking on a >>tightrope. >>months until the presidential election. republicans make >>their pick. voter. >>focus solely on election integrity >>because let's be honest. >>we >>can >>never >>repeat 2020. ever >>again. >>on the local >>level. we >>are >>making sure that we're doing everything >>we >>can, >>as >>we always >>have to lead >>the >>city, >>to >>manage >>through challenging times. >>area >>mayor >>keep their job. >>hi. there. thanks so much for
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joining us. today. the campaign trail is already heating up on the national and local levels today, a bay area political science. professor joins me live with the push for your voter support and some of the most contentious races. we'll have that conversation in just a few minutes, but 1st a look at your news headlines. teaching assistants, tutors another student workers at uc santa cruz are on strike. they say it's in response to the university's crackdown on pro palestinian demonstrators. schools. says the strike is illegal will have a crew there, and we'll have an update for you at 5:00. a man is in the hospital with life threatening injuries after being shot by san jose, police, police say they were responding to a call about someone firing a gun in the area of colmar drive yesterday afternoon, no office others were injured. a federal judge has moved to reopen the sentencing of the men convicted of attacking paul pelosi due to a court error. david to pop was sentenced to 30 years in
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prison, but the judge didn't offer him a chance to speak during his sentencing. now a new hearing is scheduled for later on this month. yeah. in san francisco, a large garbage truck fire filled the streets with smoke in the tenderloin. it happened near ellis and hyde streets this afternoon. fire crews were hosing down the back of the truck. no word on any injuries or how that fire started. a mural painted by students from the academy of art university was unveiled that san francisco fire department's headquarters today. it honors the history and legacy of the city's firefighters. the 21 ft. tall mural shows 1 of san francisco old firehouses. during the late 19th century and early 20th century. and an oakland a new playground was unveiled at piedmont out avenue elementary school. a ribbon cutting ceremony was hosted by steph and ayesha. curries eat learn play. foundation students enjoyed the new place structure and basketball courts. play foundation plans to renovate 25. school playgrounds in the city. by the end of the 2026.
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school year. yeah. all right on the 1st alert weather now some of us will be feeling a warm up as we start off the week. meteorologist darren peck is in the virtual view studio tracking our forecast. daryn, the micro climates are in full >>effect. a are and there's kind of a battle going on right now, actually, liz, there's a little bit of offshore flow that's happening if you're inland, and then there's a little bit of onshore flow that's happening near the coast, and the result is where they're meeting. there's not much flow at all. so things are really stagnant out there. high pressure is in place keeping us relatively warm and as a result, it looks hazy out there were not really mixing this up much. let me show you another vantage from oakland near the airport, looking back towards the city, you kind of see that inversion layer just kind of capping. whatever hayes there might be quality is fine looking at air quality centers across the bay. we're good, but the visibility has gone downhill as a result of this pattern. the main impact from this, it's going to feel warmer
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if you're inland, we're really started warm up that's going to be felt across the next 2 days. really. here's another example of this. that's the view today. on high resolution satellite. we don't have any marine layer really, that's built in off the coast. there's a little bit in the morning that builds in, but it's very rare. you get such a crystal clear view off our coast. the marine layer has gotten pushed way down here and it's for the most part clear, sunny and relatively warm. we won't see a whole lot building tomorrow, either. maybe a little over the city and near the coast. but for the most part, it could be another very sunny day. and tuesday is going to be the warmest day of the whole 7 day forecast. and you can see those micro climates list was talking about going to be in the mid 80s tomorrow for some of our warmer inland valleys. you're like low 80s today. meantime, we'll be doing low 60s out here. for the coast and san francisco should be near 70. expect tomorrow to look identical to today as well. sky is going to look hazy. as this pattern stays in place, but we're going to start mixing this up by the weekend.
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that's saturday. look how different this is. by the weekend have come down in some cases as much as 15, or 20 degrees. you're not getting out of the 60s for many inland valleys by saturday. and the marine layer will build back in by saturday. that's the satellite today you don't see what's driving this until you look at the water vapor. and now you can see it. there is a trough right here. that just moved in across the entire west and that trough is kind of act. like a plow, and it's scoured out the marine layer. look at everything is getting chased away. but by wednesday comes back now that looks different. that is our wednesday morning by 7 a.m.. it's not going to be like a total gray out. this is not going to be a return of full force may gray in fact, for wednesday morning, it's just like the interior of the bay. we're going to wake up with more marine layer will be a lot more off the coast. but what this does is it starts a stronger onshore flow, and this will start bringing the temperatures down for us by the time we get there, so if you look at it in the 7 day forecast, look at oakland, you can chop out in the mid 70s here. by saturday. your down to
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60. the clouds will start increasing even here in the city after doing 70 tomorrow. san francisco will be down in the upper 50s. by the time we get to saturday microclimates, really show this change low 80s here for the next few days, 68 for the north bay valleys by monday, same story story for san jose here in the south bay numbers on here showing you that and when we finish up the micro climates inland east bay doing that same deal. i think the beaches you probably don't notice much of a difference at all, except for 1 item, right now. it's a sunny day at the beach. make the most of these because by the middle of the week we'll go back to more typical mayweather, where the marine layer will re establish itself off the coast and you'll start to get more grace guys there. that's where things stand for now, liz back >>to you. all right, darren. thanks so much. this afternoon. our conversation centers around the upcoming election now less than 6 months away. can you believe that? we know california has historically been a blue state in presidential elections, but that didn't stop some of the biggest names in the gop from
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making their pitches to bay area voters at their convention this weekend are da lin was there partly for that 1. >>former president >>donald trump may not >>win >>out the >>deep blue >>state >>of california >>come november. but >>he has a >>lot of supporters. >>at >>the california >>gop >>convention held >>in burlingame. >>including ashley >>prahnk styles. government, >>more >>people. >>have confidence in the people. trump >>heavy convention >>in that 1 >>of the keynote >>speakers is trump's daughter in law, eric trump's >>wife, >>lara trump >>focused >>solely >>on >>election integrity, >>because let's be honest, we >>can >>never repeat. >>2020. >>ever again. the new >>republican national committee co >>chair hinted >>at what donald >>trump >>had said >>was a >>stolen election. >>even though >>there is no >>evidence >>of that >>on >>november 5th, we will know decisively, donald trump will be our next >>president >>of >>the united states. >>earlier
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>>on saturday >>afternoon. >>south >>dakota governor christie noem praised >>trump for >>his leadership. i'm >>very good friends with him. i talked to him >>all >>the time, >>she >>highlighted >>her state's success. >>and how her policies >>align with >>trump. we >>took >>a very >>different >>pathway through >>covid >>than what >>your governor >>did. south dakota >>was the >>only >>state >>in the country that >>never once closed >>a single business. >>we never >>once >>mandated >>masks or vaccines. >>you >>took >>japs at california governor >>gavin >>newsom. >>president joe biden >>and >>even >>former president >>barack >>obama. >>talked to >>if there ever was >>anybody >>who could >>talk smoothly >>and lie at >>the same time it was president obama. >>nome >>was set >>to be a >>possible >>running >>mate >>for >>trump >>until a dog shooting. controversy. >>i think she >>would >>make >>a great running mate, tough gal. >>she >>makes it tough decisions, and that's what >>we need. >>one prominent republican >>who was a no >>show at the convention >>was senate to candidate steve garvey. >>some political >>experts that he's trying to >>distance >>himself from trump
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>>to win >>over >>independent >>voters. >>if you're >>going >>to bat, >>1 out >>of >>the park, >>you >>should be >>here because >>we're the >>people >>that are doing >>the batting >>for you, >>betty, get yourself >>in. some >>moderate >>republicans. >>say they >>understand >>the strategy. >>for the >>party >>leadership is a balancing act. >>there are men the >>very, very >>strong >>trump supporters. >>and >>then there are people who are skeptical. >>they have to >>accommodate >>all >>sides, >>and >>it's >>really like walking >>on a tightrope garvey >>supporter and a trump supporter. >>the resident who >>grew up in the bay area, says >>california is going >>in the wrong direction. >>she wants >>to see changes >>in >>policies >>that will reduce >>crime. >>and improve >>public >>schools. there's something >>wrong >>here. >>it's >>not. >>it's not >>family >>friendly. >>it's >>not business friendly. >>to give you a sense of how rarely california elects republicans to statewide offices. is the last time california elected a republican. senator was pete wilson, back in 1988. and that was the 2nd of his 2 terms
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before resigning to become governor in 1991. as for the top 2 presidential candidates themselves president joe biden and former president donald trump, we're on the campaign trail over the weekend, president the biden spoke directly to black voters during commencement speech in atlanta's morehouse college, and he addressed the issue over shadowing his appearance. his handling of the war in gaza. your voices should be heard. and i promise you, i hear them. actions that matches words. that's what we know his words are sincere. some silent protesters even turned their backs on the president as he spoke, the president moved on to michigan, where he attended and end up naacp event last night. meanwhile, former president donald trump also made overtures to black voters over the weekend. while addressing the national rifle. association's annual meeting in dallas. we've got to get gun owners to vote. i think you're rebellious punch. but let's be rebellious and vote this time, okay? yeah. today. mr. trump
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was back in a manhattan courtroom where his former attorney, michael cohen, was back on the witness stand in the so called hush money trial. cohen admitted to stealing $30,000 from the trump organization. cohen is the prosecution's last witness sending the case then over to the defense. the judge says he expects closing arguments next week. still ahead. we've talked live with the snow misstate political science professor about the presidential race so far and each candidate's priorities. moving forward. plus the bay area mayors who could be facing challenges of their own stay with us.
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we're talking politics this afternoon. and we could see some shifts. in bay area. leaders. after the november election. and makovec is joining me now with those political headlines >>high end it is a tense fight for control of city hall in san francisco mayor london breed officially kicking off her re election campaign and while her competitors are focusing on what's wrong with the city, she wants voters to stay the course. >>what we're trying to do is keep up the momentum of the work that we have already done to get to this. we didn't just clean up the streets for apec. we're not just cleaning up the streets for reelection campaign. we are making sure that we're doing everything we can, as we always have to leave
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the the city, to manage through challenging times. >>it is a hot race to replace her notable candidates include former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell, philanthropist daniel laurie board of supervisors president aaron peskin and supervisor asha safaa. yay. he there was supposed to be a mayoral debate today, but it was canceled after peskin, laurie and breed dropped out. they were apparently put off by farrell's connections with the debate organizer together. sf in a statement the nonprofit called the 3 candidates decision to pull out of the debate. political theatrics. but 2 of the candidates mayor breed and supervisor aaron peskin are holding an event tonight called a moderated. conversation. that is tonight at 6 at manny's in san francisco, taking a live look at oakland, where a push to recall mayor sheng thao continues organizers say they have collected around 30,000 signatures, which is above the 25,000. they need to get a recall on the ballot. but they
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say they're going to wait until they have collected around 40. signatures to make sure their bid will stand. some oakland residents blame mayor thao for the city spike in crime last year. overall crime is down nearly a 3rd from 2023. but the number of robberies is >>up >>speaking of recall elections, the potential ouster of district attorney pamela price is going to be on the november general election. ballot recall supporters say she's too soft on crime this past week, alameda county supervisors chose >>not >>not to call a special election for that campaign, but instead wait for november. there have been questions over whether price might sue the county over how it handled the recall. signature gathering drive, but so far no confirmation on that list. >>right? an thanks so much. with the election less than 6 months away. the presidential candidates are hitting the ground to garner support. joining me live now is sonoma state university political science professor david mcewan. professor. thanks for being with us >>well, good afternoon. it's a pleasure >>to be with you. all right. so what do you make of president
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biden and former president trump's campaign strategy? at this? >>well, if you look at their strategy so so far, you're seeing a couple different things. one is your seen that joe biden has to put together what's called a base plus >>election. >>he has to get out the democratic >>base. >>he has >>to >>grab or if you will push a little bit higher than that to get base >>plus >>for donald trump. he's kept out at about 4647. 47%. so that means he has to have what's called a conversion >>election. >>he's got to convert some of those >>voters >>because of that overall number. obviously, it's you get to to 70. that's the place you need to be 276. liberal >>votes. >>but if you're tapped out at 4647 and you're in a conversion campaign, then you have to go negative. so expects negative. that's not a surprise for your viewers, but nonetheless we have 93 0 people who are eligible, devoted to vote in 2016, who didn't show up at the polls, so that will be an important element again for joe biden, though it's a base plus election so different strategies moving forward one reason that you see such early debates slated for next
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>>month. yeah, i want to talk about those debates because it's interesting that they have committed now. nothing is official. quite yet for to 2 different debates. i'm curious how you feel like that. helps or hurts their campaigns. >>yeah, i mean, look. june 27th that 1st debate, is an important date because that's the last date by 5:00 pm that california sets its ballot so in the lead in here you're talking about, you know, potential recall of a dea. you're talking >>about >>a ballot measures and things going to the ballot. we're going to be a huge set of ballot measures that will spin up >>turnout >>in california. and across the country. you had abortion rights measures qualify in 2 states over the weekend. colorado and south dakota. and you're going to see this even across the country potential. another 4 or 5 states, so that means that this is about what potentially could be the largest turnout election in american electoral history. it is the most important election since 1860. but let's see what that actually spends out because usually we entered the summer doldrums and nothing >>happens.
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>>the months of june all the way >>to labor day. well, there's something very big happening right now, and that's trump campaigning while the hush money trial continues. how are his legal battles impacting his run right now? do you think there actually helping him? >>well, i mean, look, the campaign from the courtroom. it doesn't seem to be affecting his >>base. >>no surprise >>there. >>if there's a conviction that will have some impact on those marginal swing >>voters, >>those purple people that we often talk about, however, there has been a push. for those kinds. of pesty. nikki haley voters that have remained in gop primary similar to what democrats have had with younger voters of those voters had voted uncommitted, for >>example. >>in michigan so each party has a base problem and an enthusiasm. problem coming down to just a small set >>of voters >>and a few small set of counties not even states. that will decide the presidential election in >>november. now, before we go, i want to talk about a congressional special election.
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20th. 20th district special election to replace former house speaker kevin mccarthy now republicans vince fong and mike wardrobe. oh, in the front in the runoff tomorrow. this is 1 of california's few solid red districts. republicans hold a narrow majority in the house. only 4 seats and there's 5 vacancies right now how significant is the outcome of this particular election? >>all right, so you nailed it right there. and here's >>why >>look, this is a red district. it's no surprise that a republican is going to win. it's probably going to be vince fong. he got 42% and 2 previous elections here, but it also brings republicans to 218 seats with those 5 vacancies. republicans are sitting at 217. so to 18 gives them the magic majority number that >>they need >>if they stay whole on votes, they're not staying whole on votes. thanks to marjorie taylor green >>or >>folks like paul goes. czar and and others that have been kind of tilting at windmills within the republican caucus, beginning to to 18 matters, so
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tomorrow, may not matter in terms of california. and the balance of congressional congressional delegation or with republicans representing bakersfield. it's a big deal for mike johnson and nationally, so that's what makes that race particularly >>important, all right, we'll be watching professor david mcewan from sonoma state. thank you so much. always a pleasure. >>thank you very much pleasure >>to be with. all right, still ahead, sparking change in their communities. how asian americans are commanding attention from
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as we continue to talk this afternoon. about the lead up to the the november election. we want to recognize a large part of the electorate that until recently wasn't considered a major part of the political landscape. asian americans who make up more than 30% of the population in san francisco alone when ap i hate and attacks an elderly seniors ramped up community members rallied at the same time, they felt their concerns were being ignored biden district attorney chester boudin. and in 2022. the power of the asian vote led to the charge to recall him now in that same year. asian americans frustrated with the direction of san francisco education system. sent a clear
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message by recalling 3 school board members. education and public safety were 2 things that the community rallied behind. what happened was we succeeded in winning. historical recalls against for elected officials now candidates from mayor london breed to those looking to win her seat are showing up at asian american functions. according the asian american vote and behind the scenes their campaign teams have become more diverse as well. very intentional that they will look for chinese speaking staffers who who are familiar with the community to do the community outreach. other candidates are taking it even further, like danny sauder, who's running for district 3 supervisor, which includes chinatown. he's been learning cantonese and is showing off his speaking skills at some events. and on the peninsula asian communities will play a big role in the hot leaking. contested race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo, the district includes parts of san
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mateo and santa clara counties, which are about 33 and 41 per asian american respectively. we'll be right back.
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as we look ahead to the november election top security officials are warning us. senator that the country's foreign adversaries will again try to use a i to mislead voters and undermine
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trust in democracy here's what a cybersecurity expert told us. now more than ever. we need to look at the source of the information and really rely on you know, um, your trusted news outlets, to you know. bring this type of information, to us and not just rely on video clips coming from unknown people on social media. well, thank you so much for joining us, for today's really important conversation as we move closer to the election in november. cbs tv news news is next ♪ ♪ >> norah: breaking news, the prosecution rests. now it's donald trump's term. tonight, the bombshell moment in the so-called hush money trial. michael cohen admits to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the trump organization. >> they have no case, nome


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