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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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the new law that could be the future creating more housing in california. also, car plunges 200 feet down the side of a north bay highway. hear from the search team that made the dangerous cliff-side rescue. >> as soon as the water wash hit him and wind hit him. he looked up us and put his hand up, i need help. okay, he is is alive. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. good evening, at 7:00 we are following the latest act of protest on a california campus. graduate student workers at uc santa cruz are on strike. protesting over concerns about how the entire uc system has handled pro-palestinian protests, the university argues the strike is illegal. the students are not backing down. even blocking off the main entrance. they are setting up a new encampment. we report from the campus in santa cruz.
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it is going to be hardship, i think in terms of why we are, why we are out here, we are saying that we want divestment now. that is in the power of the uc. they can do that and we are waiting on that. >> reporter: uc santa cruz is in the thick of its spring quarter. final exams are in three weeks. but uaw4811, the union, representing about 2,000 uc santa cruz grad student workers say if their final demands are not met they will stay out of class on strike. uc officials responded by filing an unfair labor practice or ulp with the state. stating that the strike is illegal and unlawful. uc santa cruz executive vice chancellor released this statement that read in part, the university of california disagrees with the union's position and views this work stoppage as unlawful and inviolation of the clear terms of the collective bargaining agreements between
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the parties which prohibits strikes, workshoppages and any other concerted activities that interfere directly or indirectly with university operation, grad student worker, jennifer, calls the statement by the uc disappointing >> i believe we should have a safe environment where we can defendant low protest without fearing that the uc police or even the city police are going to attack and arrest and have serious consequences for those students. >> reporter: union workers are accusing the university of california for allowing violent attacks on pro-palestine protesters by both outside agitators and the police there followed by arrest sparked outrage across uc santa cruz. >> to come in and sweep the encampment with that amount of violence? i had colleagues some, that are not american citizens who spent the night in jail. this is a shame on the uc. and to not offer amnesty and sit down and at the table and talk about divestment is on
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the wrong side of history, quite frankly. >> reporter: associate professor teaches history but plans to be on the frontlines as union workers accuse uc with unfair labor practices, that includes the claim that the uc violated policy by summoning the police to eject and arrest university employees engaged in political speech. in response uc said when they violate policy and safety and security of others the university has taken lawful action to end unlawful behavior. students say the university's decision to deem it illegal will not make them leave. >> the lawyers will fight it out. we are out here our strike is supposed to be today until june 30th. >> that means the strike will go with commencement ceremonies that are set for mid-june. the local chapter of the
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jewish community relation council is asking school to end the strike. today's strike does more than result in canceled classes it makes jewish students targeted and deeply unwelcome. these students feel there is no safe place for them on campus. on a new video of a helicopter rescue in the north bay. the sheriff's office capturing, look at this, this footage is a crew locating a crashed car, driver outside bringing him to safety. we spoke to the two men involved in the rescue for more on how it all happened. the rescuers are also miraculous. they are all different that is what they were telling me so you have to come up with a game plan as it is unfold that is what they had to deal with after 911 dispatchers got a crash notification system from the side of a cliff, no word from the driver or where they might be. finding the vehicle and the driver was the first challenge in steep and rocky terrain. this is footage from the
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sheriff's office on sunday morning near jule gulch. they got the call at 8:00 and sent a helicopter to search. they found the vehicle about an hour later about 200 feet from the roadway above with the driver nowhere in sight. >> initially we thought they were ejected and within close proximity of the car. but it was heavily treed around there and the car was unstable and i could see the car moving with the rot arwash, that prevented common from going downslope from the car. with the helicopter unable to get the refeens and the deputy unable to hop from ledge to ledge this is how they searched. the deputy hooked up and dangling below the chopper giving them two different views. they spotted the driver 350 feet from where they found the car. >> i was kind of thinking the worst. this will be a recovery. just based on the ashes mount of time, the condition of the wreckage. and as soon as the
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rot arwash hit him and the wind hit him, he looked up at us and was putting his hand out, i need help, it is like, okay, he is alive. >> so, they were able to fly him to safety. >> reporter: he is now in the hospital in critical condition but is expected to survive. again, it was not a technique they ever used before to reach a vehicle but every rescue is different along the california coast. >> i am holding my stomach because i am watching how they are repelling down and how steep and how many feet they are having to go down. >> reporter: yes, yes, you don't want to barb into the side of the cliff. so many risks out there. >> miracle workers >> this man is lucky to be alive and one day hopefully will be able to tell us the story. they said he was unconscious after lifting him up >> and he tell tell them thank you. >> thank you. one man hospitalized after an officer-involved shooting over the weekend. the police say they were responding to a call with a man with a gun.
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happened sunday in the area of colemar drive. this video showing the man stepping out of the car. they were met with more shots and fired back no officers were hurt. now, to california's housing crisis, homeowners are finding more options to split and sell their backyard that can lead to more housing, actually. how a new law is opening up opportunities for fixed income retirees and others as well. >> reporter: gale and her husband bought their property in the late '70s. it is where they want to age in place. >> you know, we all need a place to get away and be able to relax and decompress. >> reporter: there are trees to prune. so many they wanted to split their lot decades ago. it was not legal until two years ago when sb-9 gave homeowners the green light to split their lots and build four homes on a single parcel. >> this will give us a chance to be able to pay off, finally,
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the last part of our mortgage. >> reporter: the cash they are set to receive, giving up 40% of their lot will provide security as her husband is battling health issues. >> this is, this is, this is a simple way of doing it. >> reporter: but instead of navigating on their own a daunting maze and paying thousands of fees. she found a company to help. the co-founder of the oakland based start up that does the work to split the lot and sells it to the highest bidder. >> we focus on cities that want more housing and recognize the problem and are generally favorable to missing middle development. >> homeowners get money in exchange and building starter homes for sale on the newly created space using financing with homeowners buying the units for rental income or a family member to live in. >> they are creating a new option for people that we view as a new version of the
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american dream. where, people in that middle income range can afford to buy a home in california again. >> reporter: working on policy at the turner center for housing. he says it is too early to determine the impact they will have on the housing crisis. >> if the legislature follows what they have been doing, keep refining the legislation every year, making it easier and easier for more people to pursue lot splits we will find that more units are being constructed >> they believe there is potential to create more housing if lot split laws are simplified within the more than 500 local jurisdictions across the state. >> they are working within the bounds of something that has not been legal for the last 40 and 50 years. so, there might be hiccups along the way. >> reporter: analysis from the turner center shows there are
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700,000 parcels in california that could be split under sb-9 as the state faces shortage of 3.5 million homes. >> the any housing that is built in california in particular in santa clara valley at the moment it is a good thing >> it is giving her family confidence they are doing their part in this housing crisis. coming up, they are hoping to follow his older brother into the major leagues. >> a good little brother going to all of the tournaments, just a bear. not seeing much fog along the coast. a little haze on the horizon. later on this week we will track the return of the fog to the coastline of the pay area. talking other changes as we get closer to memorial day
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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. st. mary's baseball will head to vegas for the tournament, they are hoping to make the ncaa tournament, their freshman catcher has bigger goals, conner bear harrison, that last name should be known to giant fans >> you can say when they go for the west coast conference tournament they are bringing a bear, a big one. a big appetite. leis the younger brother of giant's pitcher kyle harrison. he does not spend too much time in kyle's shadow. matt lively has the story. >> it is awesome i am close to home, close to him. it is awesome. i love there sport and i am glad that we both played it pretty far in this sport and hopefully we can keep on rising. >> reporter: that is bear harrison, kyle's little brother. freshman for saint mary's putting up big numbers from where his big brother is pitching for oracle park >> it is cool. he is my little
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brother, love beating up on him. love that he is settling into division 1 baseball and he is doing great. >> drives this one, deep. left field. book it bear harrison round trip. >> the pair grew up playing baseball in the bay. bear always admired his older brother of four years, even getting his nickname while he watched the games. >> climbing the trees, messing around, playing with every ball i could find. everyone is a call him a bear he acts like a bear >> resembles a bear. he t came when he was watching all of my games and going to every travel ball tournament, just a bear. >> every parent's wish to have their kids stay close. one uses the trips home more than the other. >> i am definitely bringing home laundry and getting home cooked meals for sure. that is the only reason that i go home. sorry dad, sorry mom. >> you cheat, you have to do
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your own laundry. >> you are not going home as often >> not nearly as often. i kind of out grown that. >> the two hardly get to watch each other in person now. little for sure. >> bear saw kyle's debut in philadelphia last season. a pay off to all of those days in the yard. >> it is right there. pitching, like every pitch, i was like, let's go. get him right here. >> reporter: bear has his own aspiration. >> he said it could be a dream to be on the exphownd him on the plate >> cool experience. definitely. i think that is something that even my mom and dad would love. he has to stay on it. >> definitely thought about it for sure. i mean, multiple times, but, it is really hard
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to do that. hopefully we can make it happen one time >> now, jules. >> yes. >> we are proud parents >> very. >> imagine how proud his mom kim and dad chris must be. >> proud, proud, proud. that is a great story, thank you, matt, also. all right, we got to segue over to weather. they always say, paul, don't feed the bears but you have to feed this bear. [ laughter ] >> i am sure he would appreciate that college kid, especially college athletes i bet he can put away some food. ground level we will not lose that onshore breeze. so, the temperatures along the coast will not warm up nearly as much and it is going to be a broaf warm up. not talking blustery conditions, still, going to remain with us. let's take a look at how things are going to evolve. that one-day warm up -- near average temperatures, bigger one kicks in on memorial
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day weekend, especially saturday that is down-the-line. right now, nice out there. a little bit of haze, nothing threatening. just below 60 degrees, right at 60 in oakland. below 70. concord hanging on to the middle 70s. not seeing a lot of fog developing through the rest of tonight. future cast is almost blank. what little fog there will be. that fog will not take long at all to dissipate. should be gone by 8:00, 9:00 i think at the latest and the temperatures will warm up after a pretty normal start. let's take a look at the forecast lows, tomorrow morning, going to be a mix of upper 40s and 50s. 52 degrees in san jose. farther in the santa clara valley, around morgan hill, upper 40s for livermore, antioch, the warmest spot earlier tomorrow. temperatures along the coast for half moon bay, 50 degrees, san francisco, a mix of lower 50s and a lot of upper 40s in the north bay.
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cooler spots getting closer to the middle 40s to begin the day. regardless, if you start off in the 40s, the 50s, temperatures will warm up, looking at the forecast highs, 70s around the bay, a lot of 80s inland. 82 in san jose to 88 in antioch. the numbers will not last long. san francisco goes from 70 tomorrow to only the upper 50s for high temperatures on side. that is the cool start to memorial day weekend. tomorrow's warm up it is brief, the cool down it is brief as well. friday, saturday, the coolest days in the extended forecast. inland parts of the bay area. livermore, reaching the middle 60s for highs on saturday. that feels like early april as opposed to the end of may. the temperature should bounce back heading towards memorial day with the weather sticking around going through the following workweek. let's take a look at the seven-day
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forecast. temperatures at the warmest tomorrow. still, toasty on wednesday and then, the drop really starts to kick in. the temperatures, only in the 60s inland on saturday with a mix of clouds and sunshine for inland parts of the bay area to start the weekend. more clouds getting closer to the coast. the temperatures around the bay, 70s tomorrow and middle 60s for friday, saturday, sunday, then a bounce back for memorial day on monday. not as wild of a swing. you are in for a cool down as well. lower 60s tomorrow to the middle 50s for highs by friday and saturday. i think overcast skies will probably be prevailing for the first day of the holiday weekend. the rain chances are not going to be 0 with the system much moisture to work with. clouds overhead, passing showers. record high inflation led to many people cutting back their spending. now some of your favorite retailers are working to win back shoppers,
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we will tell you how. memorial day weekend just around the corner meaning the unofficial kickoff to
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. the first wave of summer travelers are expected to start flooding airports this week. the tsa anticipates three million people at its checkpoints on friday. unite side planning for the busiest summer ever. inside the flight
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training center preparations have been going on for months. inside of the 45 flight simulators pilots use to train. >> we make sure we have enough trained pilots to get customers where they need to go without delay. >> some had to scale back over delays at boeing and engine issues on airbus planes, they still expect to fly 271 million passengers, up more than 6% from last year. target is cutting prices on thousands of popular items including household products and food. the retailer is trying to lure back inflation weary shoppers. 1500 items have been cut with more deals to be had over summer. ikea and aldi have been reducing prices to reattract consumers into the
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- lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more - choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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in oakland students are enjoying their new playground. that is thanks to the curry foundation. a ribbon-cutting ceremony was put together some of the students helped design it. >> if it is basketball, four square, the play structures, reading a book in our new nature center this playground is great for kids to just engage and enjoy the recess. >> love it. eat, learn, play foundation. thanks for watching the news, it continues at 8:00, see you back here at 11:00. eat, play, have fun. and learn, too.
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[ laughter ]
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: thank y'all. i appreciate that. thank y'all. oh, yeah. i appreciate that. thank y'all. yeah, i do.


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