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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 21, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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now at 11:00, a hollywood actress says imitation is not a form of flattery. and she's pointing the finger at a bay area company at the cutting edge of ai. plus, a car plunges off a cliff in the north bay. >> it's scary, you're up there like, wow. and a death defying stunt at a controversial landmark. police are working overtime to stop things like this from happening. plus, the hole in the wall bakery behind one of the most famous cakes in san francisco. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. san francisco's openai has been leading the charge to outpace other companies in creating the
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latest ai technology, but tonight a hollywood actress is accusing the bay area company of going way too far. scarlet johansson claims that openai is copying her fois. as our lauren toms shows us, the actress says their new personal assistant sounds just like her. >> would you like your os to have a male or female voice? >> female, i guess. >> reporter: like a scene from a sci-fi movie, a familiar-sounding robotic voice is ready to assist in way this is ai expert says is way ahead of schedule, but this scene has become reality. >> the scenario we are living in now which is in 2024 started in 2022, we supposed to have it in 2040 based on the progression of the hardware and the software and the talents. it's a little bit concerning, because we are going too fast. >> reporter: that speed has catapulted san francisco-based ai company openai squarely in a debate over intellectual
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property after actress scarlet johansson claimed the company's voice feature named sky sounded similar to her voice. the company has census pended its use. it's an issue, he says, that. cos down to intellectual property. >> buffet mouse people who have some kind of a special tone that if you hear it, you know who's that actor, that actress. >> reporter: in a statement sunday, openai says it believes ai voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinct voice and maintains sky's voice is not an imitation of johansson's but rather belongs to a different professional actress whose name they have not publicized. in a statement from johansson, she did participate in talks with openai to narrate the voice but ultimately declined. she said she was shocked, angered, and in disbelief the company would pursue a voice so similar to hers that her closest friends
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and news outlets could not tell the difference. >> it's like the wild west. we trying to find our limits. and to find those limit, we have to hit some kind of cases like this and say, okay, so we're not going to do it again. >> reporter: lawmakers are rushing to pass laws to protect actors from a growing ai industry. bay area assembly member rebecca is working on laws to ban the use of a deceased actor's image or voice for decades after they pass. >> we want to make sure every artist's likeness, voice, artistic expression is protected so that things like this don't happen. so that, you know, you get to consent to whether your voice is used or not. >> reporter: that consent, according to johansson, was not given, but the interest from openai to replicate introhanson's role in the 2013 movie her continued. in the movie, johansson plays an intuitive operating system that becomes a love interest of the main character. >> how's everything with you?
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>> pretty good, actually. it's really nice to meet you. >> reporter: a concept openai's ceo appeared to reference in a may 13th tweet with the same title, her. >> it's all about being fair with the owners of the features, intellectual property, talent. >> reporter: correcting the course before it's too late. >> all right, there's plenty of reaction on social media to this story tonight. steven ford posted this clip of the actress in black widow, writing scarlet johansson raiding his office like wow. this video comparing it to mrs. doubtfire fighting with a new year's eve over her purse. and openai listening to 400 voice auditions until they find the one that sounds like scarlet johansson. a dangerous cliffside rescue along the sonoma county coastline after a car plunged 200 feet into terrain that made it extremely difficult for them
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to be saved. 911 dispatchers actually got word of this via the car's automatic crash notification system. the driver was nowhere in sight. >> so initially we thought they may have just been ejected and they're within close proximity of the car, but it was heavily treed around there, and the car was very unstable. and i could see the car moving with the road wash from the helicopter, so that prevented anyone from going down slope from the car. >> eventually, sonoma county sheriffs crews found the driver about 350 feet away from the car. they descended very carefully in a way they said they had not tried before exactly in their practices. the driver is in the hospital in critical condition but is expected to survive. they say this technique never before used to reach a victim but that every rescue is different when it comes to doing this kind of work along the california coast. neighbors living at a san jose apartment complex are
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still on edge after someone there started shooting a gun and then was eventually shot by police. this all happened on colmar drive near story road yesterday. police released this video showing the suspect getting out of a van and holding what looked like a gun in an alley. the suspect fired at officers who shot back. the suspect was struck by gunfire and hospitalized. >> the swift response to the call for help by our officers likely saved the lives of many families in the apartment complex and surrounding neighborhood. the motivation and circumstances surrounding how and why a felon prohibited from possessing firearms obtained a weapon and went on a shooting spree will take some time to understand and investigate. >> no officers were hurt. this is the third officer involved shooting in san jose so far this year. tonight graduate student workers at uc santa cruz are on strike. hundreds walked off the job today, and this time it's not about pay or working conditions necessarily, this one has to do with protests.
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their union is accusing the entire uc system of allowing violent attacks on pro-palestinian protesters on college campuses. at the end of april, police did not intervene for hours when clashes broke out between protesters and counterprotesters at ucla. hundreds of protest ears have been arrested across the uc system, something that hasn't happened at the santa cruz campus. the university says this strike is illegal ein the first place, but the students are not backing down, even blocking off the main entrance and setting up a new encampment. the union representing about 2,000 student workers at uc santa cruz is threatening to keep the strike going through the end of the school year. tonight a caravan of more than 100 drivers for companies like uber, lyft, doordash headed north from southern california to rally in san francisco tomorrow. that's when the state supreme court is set to consider whether prop 22 should be overturned. drivers in the caravan say voters were misled when they passed the
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measure in 2020 which excludes gigs workers from minimum wage and overtime protections. >> the message that the companies will say is that we make a fair share of their profit, and it's not the case. the voter was deceived as well as the employee. >> drivers from the central valley and sacramento will join their caravan up to the bay as well. a death defying stunt and the man behind it explains how he pulled it off. >> but now i got to walk around with a mask. >> how he managed to get past police trying to stop people like him from invading these infamous california towers. a nice start to the workweek today. a little haze in the horizon but not much fog. and a spectacular sunset looking towards the golden gate from salesforce tower. warmer temperatures tomorrow. we'll take a look if that's going to stick around into the upcoming holiday weekend in the first alert forecast. we all know we love sweets on this show. we talk about food all the time, and we are going to introduce you to the people behind this bay area bakery who've made a cake that has had people lining up to eat
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it for over 50 years.
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reporters are out in the field, the cameras are rolling, and sometimes they catch things that are unexpected, like what happened to this reporter in milwaukee. >> oh. >> oh man. the reporter was interviewing someone about a shooting last night when a sedan slammed head-on into that parked car. the passenger fell out, as you saw, and then the driver took off running. police say a group of teenagers had just stolen the car. the driver
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has not been caught so far. the man in the minivan had to be hospitalized but thankfully is expected to be okay. oof. >> that's why people have dash cams, who needs a dashcam when you have a reporter out there doing the work of the people? >> exactly. anything like that ever happen to you? >> the car accident? yes, actually a couple of times this year. >> well hopefully not quite that violent. i meant as a reporter, but we'll fill in those gaps later. let's take a look at what's happening weatherwise, downtown from sutra tower. no fog to speak of. temperatures are going to retreat to average by wednesday and thursday, but it's going to be a whole lot cooler beginning friday and especially saturday as we start the three-day holiday weekend. as that cooler air moves in, there is an outside chance of a little bit of coastal drizzle, maybe a passing shower, but overall our rain chances look to be pretty much next to zero, just some passing clouds overhead later in the week.
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clear skies as we look to the east from the mark hopkins hotel camera. temperatures in the 50s and ofs. 55 in oakland, san francisco, and santa rosa to still holding on to 63 degrees in concord. the fog is going to be sparse as we head into early tomorrow morning. it doesn't mean it's going to be absent, though. a few patches here and there, especially closer to the coast and maybe on the east side of the bay. what fog there is will not take long to dissipate. should be gone by 8:00, 9:00 at the latest. we're going to see plenty of sunshine, including for coastal parts of the bay. your temperatures respect going to warm up a whole lot compared to the rest of the region. tonight we're going to drop to a mix of upper 40s and low 50s. close to normal for time of year. high temperatures tomorrow are going to warm up significantly, and that's in spite of the wind. it's still going to be in an onshore direction as we head through the day. low 80s in the santa clara valley. temperatures inland in the east bay reaching the low to even mid-80s and upper # 0s around antioch.
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there's the influence of that onshore breeze. low 60s along the coast for half moon bay. warmer than today but not that far above what's normal for this time of year. temperatures around 70 degrees in san francisco. you see the wind arrows not moving that fast. downtown san francisco should manage to warm up to six or seven degrees above normal. same for inland parts of the north bay. a few upper 70s but a lot of low to mid-80s by tomorrow afternoon. keep in mind, though, this is a one-day warm-up. we are going to be seeing temperatures retreating back to what's normal for this time of year as we hit the end of the workweek. temperatures are going to be affected by that onshore breeze, becoming a bit gustier as we head into the afternoon. so the temperature topping out around 70 degrees in san francisco, that's not going to last very long. it'll drop off quickly as we head through tomorrow evening as winds pick up into the 20 to 25-mile-an-hour range, which isn't that strong for the bay area at this time of year, but it's noticeable. and our temperatures are going to back down pretty quickly as we look at the extended forecast. those temperatures back to around 80 degrees for inland parts of the bay area wednesday and
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thursday. average high for inland spots is in the mid to upper 70s. we'll be right around that on thursday. then there's a cooldown arriving, especially as we head into the beginning of the holiday weekend. saturday upper 60s inland, and then we manage to bounce back a little bit by sunday and monday. i think memorial day itself brings us back pretty close to typical late may temperatures. around the bay, the warmest day will be tomorrow. temperatures settle into the low to mid-60s for a few days, friday, saturday, and sunday, with more cloud cover, a deeper marine layer making a bigger push farther inland as we head through the first couple days of the holiday weekend. and along the coast, enjoy that sunshine you're going see tomorrow back to a bit more fog wednesday and thursday. and quite a bit more cloud cover by friday, saturday, and sunday. and look at these temperatures, only in the mid-50s. but again, as we head into the weekend, easy for me to say, we're not looking at any significant rain chances headed our way. just that possibility of a little bit of coastal drizzle. we'll keep an eye on the latest forecast model data. make sure those passing showers miss us to the north. doesn't look like
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this seasonal is going to have access to moisture to produce any showers, but it's 2024 and it's a weekend. so never say never. >> the weather tubes are with this forecast reminding me of a tall can of water. >> there you go. >> not water. all right, thank you, paul. a small bakery in san francisco's japantown has made a name for itself with a cake that's kept people coming back for 50 years. our sharon chin talked to the man who started it all and the grandson who's continuing his legacy. >> reporter: while his grandson crunches up a tray of candy coating, moses still can't help but sneak a piece of the signature dessert he himself has baked for decades. >> somehow or other, i lasted 50 years. we got the new refrigerator. >> reporter: the san francisco native opened the sweet stop in december 1974. that was your dream. >> yeah. and i'm happy.
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>> reporter: the 87-year-old recalls how he could not refuse when friends offered him a space for a bakery inside a grocery store. >> when i was a lot younger, i've always said i want to open a bakery in japantown. >> reporter: why? >> why? because there was no bakery in japantown. >> reporter: moses made a name for himself, perfecting his own twist on the classic coffee crunch cake made famous by the blum's bakery on union square. a glowing newspaper review changed everything for the young business owner. >> i really took off, and ever since then my business has gone up. >> reporter: the publicity stirred up demand for the coffee crunch cake from locals and visitors from across the country. moses' wife hatsy helped decorate the cakes, and her smile became the face of the bakery. their three daughters and grandkids also helped out. then in 2020 hatsy passed away after exposure to covid. >> she was really good with the
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customers. me, i was the grumpy guy in the back. >> reporter: today moses is retired because of health issue, and he's turned the shop over to his grandson, a graduate of the french culinary institute. >> grandpa didn't have any of his kids want to do it, so we skipped a generation. >> reporter: the city's named the bakery a legacy business. and it's not just good for the family, it's also good for japantown. >> we've been losing a lot of the really old businesses around here, and it's nice to know that one of them is going to be sticking around. >> reporter: so far kenji's following his own recipe for success. the sweet stop is a semifinalist for a 2023 james beard award, the culinary equivalent of the oscar's. despite its sustained popularity, kenji admits he cannot bake his family's
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famous cake and eat it too. >> 15 years of having it at every single birthday, you get tired of it eventually. so i don't think i've actually had it beyond just taste testing to make sure that it's right. >> reporter: for him, the icing on the cake is making people happy. >> that's one of the things that i enjoy the most about it is you give them the cake and they're like, oh, i'm so excited. it's a big birthday party, so excited. my grandma ate this when she was growing up. >> reporter: and so with his grandfather on the sidelines, kenji keeps the family tradition alive, celebrating five decades of growing a sweet spot for the sweet stuff. all right, the festival lineup is out, and we're not talking about the musicians. why the culinary stage is getting so much attention at one bay area music festival. straight ahead in sport a warrior gets recognized. a giant gets an award. and there's only one san francisco
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san francisco city triple-a baseball champion crowned tonight.
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some big name celebrities are going to be here for bottle rock napa valley this weekend. and they're not just going for the music lineup. music is
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obviously a huge part of this event, but it's not just about that. bradley cooper, cameron diaz are among the celebrities in the lineup for the williams sonoma culinary stage. that's one of the most popular attractions at the napa valley festival with stars doing cooking demonstrations and handing out food to a few lucky fans. and it is no surprise that steph curry is also on the list. he's probably learned some tricks from his wife. the festival runs from this friday to sunday at the napa valley expo, and when it does come to the music expect pearl jam, ed sheeran, and stevie nicks. >> they gave away a vip package to that at a fundraiser, sara -- several paychecks would have to pass my way for me to be able to win that auction. >> well, what the people may not know is that you are quite the culinary genius. you're always cooking. you're always sharing recipes with people in the station. you're always sharing photos. never bringing me -- i've never tried your
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food because it never makes it to this hour. >> it doesn't. >> of the night. but one day. >> there's still time one day. let's talk about high school baseball and a dream for a lot of these kids. after a three-year wait because of covid it finally happened. lowe and lincoln baseball settled the boss of san francisco high school baseball and why not do it at a major league ballpark? first of all, lowe releaf pitchers locked out of the bullpen. the only thing that went sideways for the cardinals. scoreless in the third until lowell got through. brought home his younger brother reggie. that opened the scoring. last inning, seventh, up 3-0, cardinal needed one more out, and they got a fly ball that ended it. lowell allowed just two lincoln hits and won the city's chip for the 23rd time. meantime, the big leaguers,
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the giants on a season high four-game win streak were off today. they begin a six-game road trip tomorrow in pittsburgh. already the third trip to the east coast this season. outfielder luis matos did it all for the giant this is past week, and today he was named the national league player of the week. first giant to win the award since brandon belt in 2018. matos hit .385 with two home runs and 16 rbi in six games last week. from one award winner to another, nba, warriors rookie brandon was named to the nba's all rookie team. started 28 games for golden state after being drafted in the first round out of santa clara last june. yeah, he is good. two years ago he averaged just four minutes a game at illinois. now he's one of the top rookies in the league. >> it's something that i had on a goal list of mine coming into the year, and i got to
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check that box. so it's pretty cool. you only can be a rookie one time. hockey, maclin on the right, likely the top pick of the sharks in next month's draft. the canucks/oilers, game seven. edmonton and white on attack, and eventually ryan nugent hopkins scored. fans loved it in edmonton. oilers held on to win 3-2 in vancouver, advancing to the western conference finals where they'll face dallas starting on thursday. and shout-out to stanford softball ace najeri. in three tournament game this is weekend the pac-12 pitcher of the year struck out 36 in 19 innings to lead the cardinal to this weekend's super regional versus lsu. stanford looking for their second straight trip to the women college world series. let me tell you something, sara, you probably already know, that ball pops
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that mitt in a hurry. 43 feet from the mound to the plate. >> i know, whenever i watch softball, i can not get over how fast that happens. and i just don't want to be standing there. >> i grabbed a bat and tried to face college pitching. you can't hit it. can't put any wood on it. >> yeah, i mean, it's impressive. that's why they're doing it, not us. all right, vern, we have video that is making some people say they would abandon their home and move if this happened to them. are you ready? >> i'm ready. let's go. >> it's a thing of nightmares. >> oh. >> yeah. yeah. protein. swarms of mormon crickets took over a home in spring creek, nevada, coating basically the entire outside of the house, the screen doors, the windows. these flightless insects have been swarming parts of nevada for about a week. here's how some people are dealing with it. something about that is just unsettling. it's just -- >> it's like hair on the floor of the barbershop.
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>> oh. leaf blowers are coming in handy. the crickets aren't harmful to humans. they've been swarming fields, roads, and stores. >> that opening scene looked like some kind of a bee horror movie. >> yeah, no, i'm not okay with this personally. >> well, jiminy crickets. one california city has spent millions to keep trespassers out of these towers, but it wasn't enough to stop reckless ben from slack lining between them.
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store they do some wild things down in l.a., so a daredevil slipped past the cops to pull off a tight rope stunt at these two tall buildings known as graffiti towers. you've probably seen them eon social media. they've been vacant for years and more than 27 stories are now covered in graffiti. the city of l.a. has spent millions to station guards and cops in front of the towers to keep people out, but it didn't keep this performance artist away. he told our reporter how he got away with it. >> reporter: this is dare sdpefl self-proclaimed performance artist ben snyder. known as reckless ben on youtube. >> it's scary. >> reporter: you can see him teetering along a slack line
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tied between the infamous towers. >> this is like the biggest canvas the world's ever seen. >> reporter: it's an area that's fenced up and filled with law enforcement, given back in march city councilmembers agreed to allot nearly $4 million to clean up and secure the site. snyder says he and his group were able to distract police to get in. >> we hung up the signs in front of the police officers like point of view so. like the police officer just sees these giant signs. behind the signs is us throwing the gear over the fence. >> reporter: adding they waited far bit before the next distraction. >> my friend was filming a music video, and they were like -- had crazy strobe lights. they were going crazy on a drum set, guitars. a lot of the police went to that side as we were hopping. it was pretty easy to evade law enforcement. i'm not much of a good graffiti artist, but i can do performance art. >> reporter: just the latest to perform a stunt here. >> we got a drone, tied it to fishing wire, and sent it from one building to the other.
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that's how we got the line across. we estimate it's about 540 feet. because it's about 45 floors high. >>reporter: snyder says they were even able to play monopoly and take a nap before pulling off the stunt. once police realized they were inside the towers, snyder says they hid. >> every floor there's like a bathtub, and we hid in the bathtubs and put a piece of plywood over us. >> reporter: a criminal investigation is underway. >> i got to walk around with a mask around because there is an active investigation on me. >> yeah, they're going to take two seconds to play that in court. yes. >> the duck head? shouldn't he be wearing a clown suit? >> i think this whole thing is trolling. investigation underway, meaning we're going rewatch that news clip, and i think we've finished the investigation. >> i think the investigation is completed. >> yes, right. >> son, we got to talk. >> yes. yeah, couldn't be me. thank you for watching. the late show with stephen colbert is next. we'll see you tomorrow. >> be a lot easi
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