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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 21, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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if you think about it. well thank you for joining us this morning. it's tuesday, may 21st. >> let's get started. >> good morning, theodore. >> good morning. >> you have a meeting in five minutes. you want to try
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getting out of bed? get up! >> this movie gave us a look into the future of artificial intelligence. but what are the limits? a hollywood actress demanding answers this morning. i can't afford to live in san francisco anymore so this kind of felt like the only option that was relatively close to home. >> sick and tired of paying the rent prices? you're not the only one. and now some are making the move across the bay. to be able to give them the cake and they were like oh, i'm so excited, a big birthday party and i'm so excited. my grandma ate this when she was growing up. >> a sweet stop hard to miss in san francisco's japantown. a family tradition still very much alive at this bakery. i'd be climbing the trees and messing around and planting every ball i could possibly find and then everybody like -- everybody around me was like -- kind of -- acts like a bear. >> it may be one of the best nicknames around. a bay area baseball player following in his brother's footsteps on the diamond. >> we wish you a very good morning. a lot to get to this
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morning. i'm reed cowan. >> i'm gianna franco. and let's actually get right to it as we start off with some breaking traffic news in the area of fremont this morning. where a major traffic accident unfortunately that car there you see caught on fire. and it is just a mangled mess there. now sitting in the roadway at the intersection of thornton and peralta boulevard. it happened just after midnight and this is a deadly crash and you have an investigation under way. in addition to that, there's cite a bit of clean-up that needs to happen in and around this area. there's a lot of businesses here. this is a very busy area that is well traveled for the commute in the morning as well as throughout the day. we do not have any word as to when lanes will open up. and we'll let you know. in the meantime, again, fremont boulevard is completely shut down between thornton avenue and me real that boulevard. not too far from some public transit agencies near there as well as you might see some activity with some schools nearby. so as far as traffic goes, it might be quite busy in and around there. okay, let's look at traffic elsewhere if you are making that drive on 880 itself, near paseo grande
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we are seeing that southbound commuters are starting to load up there on the freeway as you head over out of hayward all the way down into fremont. let's take a live look outside right now from our sutro cam at most of the golden gate bridge. there it is. peeking through. it is a may day indeed. and we're talking to jess right now. jess, that is sort of -- >> absolutely. especially along that coastline so let's start with that this morning. if you commute just near the golden gate bridge, or along anywhere from half-moon bay up along the coast of pacifica. san francisco, even. we're still seeing the may gray hold on tight to us this morning but it's not impacting the inland areas at all. usually at least last week, we were dealing with plenty of it all the way over into hayward down into san jose. but luckily this little bit of gray will continue to dissipate in the next couple of hours and continue to warm up a lot as we head into this afternoon too. upper 80s in our inland areas right around the
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corner as high pressure sitting its way in. but then we have a system moving in later this week that's going to cool us off just a bit and that's low pressure moving in from the north and that gets us back to normal for the daytime highs as we head into wednesday and thursday. we'll continue to cool down as we head into the weekend forecast. all the way down into the 50s along the coast and 60s no our inland areas. a big change right around the corner for us but straight into what we have today. today is the warmest day for us this week. light winds in the early morning setup. lasting into this afternoon. we're actually going to see just a bit gustier concerns around dinner time but around that time also we're talking about upper 80s in the forecast in the east bay. upper 70s into redwood city. and all the way closer to livermore and fremont, upper 70s and lower 80s are in the forecast widespread throughout the bay area and the tri-valley area as we head into this afternoon. more on what you can expect later this week coming up in a bit. for now over to you, reed. thanks so much. you might see extra drivers for lyft, uber and door dash on the streets of san francisco today. a car vary can from southern california making its way to the bay area right now to make a point. it's all part of the
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organized rally against proposition 22. that's the measure voters approved in 2020 that defined app based transportation and delivery drivers as independent contractors. well, also adopts labor and wage policies that only apply to app based drivers and the companies such as uber and lyft and door dash. in 2021 two sections of 22 were ruled unconstitutional and unenforceable by a court in alameda county. since then the measure has been moving towards the california supreme court. so those in today's caravan say 22 excludes them from minimum wage and from overtime protections. listen. >> the message that the companies will say is that we make a fair share of their profit and it's not the case. the voter was deceived as well as the employee. >> so as those drivers down south make their way to san francisco, drivers from the north will do the same thing. they'll be coming in from the central valley and sacramento. hey, a live look at oakland where today city leaders will vote for changes to its police
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chase policy. right now, police can't chase criminals unless they are seen as violent and armed. so as robbery numbers rise in oakland, councilmembers kevin jenkins and trevor reed are taking a section look at that no chase policy. they're looking at a proposal in fact that balances public safety with the potential dangers of pursuits by police. if approved the police commission would be asked to provide reports on the police pursuits. a big follow-up to a big fire out of san jose. we're talking about the 2022 home depot fire. the store slapped with more than a million dollars in fines for code violations in connection with this massive fire that destroyed its blossom hill store in san jose. prosecutors say this guy committed arson at the store. but reports say the fire would have been suppressed if the store's automatic fire suppression sprinkler system hadn't been availabled. also the store accused of fire lanes blocked by stacked pallets. another fire to report this time at the tesla factory in
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fremont. our chopper was at the scene while firefighters fought these flames from the roof last night. fremont fire says it all started from inside an oven. no injuries gianna, reported in this one. now a live look at san francisco. the bay area has been called the ai capitol of the world and san francisco's openai has been ahead of the curve in creating the latest technology. but is the technology going a little too far right now? a hollywood actress definitely thinks so. scarlett johansson claims openai is copying her voice. as our lauren toms shows us, the actress says their new personal assistant sounds just like her. >> would you like your os to have a male or female voice? >> female, i guess. >> reporter: like a scene from a sci-fi movie, a familiar sounding robotic voice is ready to assist in ways ai expert ahmed benafa says is way ahead of schedule, but this scene has become reality. >> the scenario we are living in now, which is in 2024,
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started in 2022. we're supposed to have it in 2040 based on the progression of the hardware and the software and the talents. it's a little bit concerning because we're going too fast. >> reporter: that speed has catapulted san francisco ai based company openai squarely in a debate over intellectual property after actress scarlett johansson claimed the company's voice feature named sky sounded eerily similar to her voice. the company has since suspended its use and it's an issue banafa says that comes down to intellectual property. >> but famous people who have some kind of a special tone that if you hear it, you know who's that actor. you know who's that actress. >> reporter: in a statement sunday, open said it believes ai voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinct voice.
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and maintains sky's voice is not an imitation of johansson's. but rather belongs to a different professional actress whose name they have not publicized. according to a statement from johansson obtained by cbs news bay area, she did participate in talks with openai to narrate the voice, but ultimately declined. she said she was shocked, angered and in disbelief the company would pursue a voice so similar to hers that her closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. >> it's like the wild west. we're trying to find our limits. and to find those limits, we have to hit some kind of cases like this. and say okay, so we're not going to do it again. >> reporter: lawmakers are rushing to pass laws to protect actors from a growing ai industry. bay area assemblymember rebecca bauer-kahan is working on laws to ban the use of a deceased actor's image or voice for decades after they pass. >> we want to make sure every artist's likeness, voice, artistic expression, is protected so that things like this don't happen. so that, you know, you get consent to
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whether your voice is used or not. >> reporter: that consent, according to johansson, was not given. but the interest from openai to replicate her role in the 2013 movie "her" continued. in the movie, johansson plays an intuitive operating system that becomes a love interest of the main character. >> how's everything with you? >> pretty good actually. it's really nice to meet you. >> reporter: a concept openai's ceo sam altman appeared to reference in a may 13th tweet with the same title, "her." >> it's all about being fair with the owners of the features and intellectual property and talents. >> reporter: correcting the course, before it's too late. >> okay. so as you would expect, we are now seeing a lot of reaction on social media this morning. this is the post from steven ford who says this clip of the actress in black
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widow writing scarlett johansson raiding the office like. posted this video comparing the whole thing to "mrs. doubtfire" fighting with the thief over her purse. and also on social media, matt posting this writing openai listening to 400 voice auditions until they find one that sounds like her. and according to lauren's story that's exactly what they said they did. >> which begs the question, am i liable? you know. >> it's a very good question. and i think the biggest issue here is literally taking her voice and recreating it as in within any actress. we heard from a voice actress this week locally. that's one of the biggest concerns but i don't know if you can control someone else sounding like you. >> more and more ai has me wondering. wt. >> i know. but it's fascinating and i love -- >> it is and used for good. >> you know i want people to keep their jobs too. a live look at sfo,
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planningen a trip to asia? it's about to get even easier to book a flight. plus. i think that's something that even -- you know, my mom and dad would love. >> i definitely thought about it for sure. i mean, multiple times. but it's really hard to do that. i mean, hopefully we can make that happen. >> bay area brothers with dreams of playing baseball together in the big leagues. meet the harrison brother you might not know too much about.
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6:14 on a tuesday morning. and we want to get right to traffic in fremont right now. you are looking live at a major crash that happened just after midnight where that vehicle there slammed into that tree. caught fire and sadly one person is dead and there's a lot of activity you can see there. they've got officers still on scene. and that car is just sitting there off to the side with a lot of debris in the roadway as well. so again this is in fremont. it's located on fremont boulevard between thornton avenue and peralta boulevard. in the meantime the area is completely shut down until further notice. i just checked in and they do have detours in place for surrounding streets and there are a lot of, you know, activity there for businesses. in and around that area. and there's some schools not too far away from there so people might be waking up this morning
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seeing extra traffic heading out the door. jump to the maps right now so i can kind of show you exactly where this is in perspective. it's not affecting the main lines of 880. but as you exit 880, you might encounter the brake lights and delays. again, this is on 84 fremont boulevard between peralta and the area through there. so give yourself extra time in and around that area. all right, g thanks for that. let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning. from the top of the mark. and you can see it's kind of misty out there. let's talk to jess right now. good morning, jess. it is just that time of year when may is going to gray. >> may is going to gray but at least it's not as bad as last week. let's take a quick look at what's going on outside down into the santa clara valley. little bit of the thin haze as we wake up this morning near san jose. and los gatos. but the sun is now up and that's going to bleed it off fast we're actually going to see plenty of sunshine this afternoon and upper 70s and lower 80s down into the santa clara valley. lets head knot along 101 now. san francisco
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and redwood city both in the 70s this afternoon and if you think that's warming take a look at the east bay. antioch is sitting close to the 90s this afternoon and a similar trend in concord and low 80s in the forecast for us near napa and snow that and we're going to continue to see this warmth all throughout this afternoon. and it's going to be a beautiful one for us right around the corner. let's ignore the fact that that just glitched right behind me. here's what we're looking at as we take a look at the long-range models for the next six to ten days we're showing drier than normal conditions. it's been 17 days since the last drop of rain mere in the bay area and continue to see the dry trend into next week too. today and tomorrow, we're sitting in the 80s and low pressure starts moving its way in from the north and that's going to cool us off a little bit closer to the weekend and brings in clouds, but it doesn't bring in any rain. it's still going to stay dry as we head into friday and saturday. beautiful conditions for the weekend. averaging out in the 70s throughout the inland areas and just by sunday. it's going to be a beautiful one to get out there
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and do outdoor activities but closer to the coastline or at least near the bay keep that in mind. a little bit cooler weather. 70s for now and 60s as early as friday and we hold on tight to the 50s as we head into saturday once that area of low pressure drops down low enough. then we start to average out back into the 60s as we head into next week. g? jessica, thank you. taking a live look at sfo. south korean airline air premia has launched direct flights between san francisco and south korea. service started on friday and operates four days a week. this is the strategy to expand service into the u.s. to create more diverse options for korean immigrants and travelers heading to korea. 6:18 in the morning. oakland's scrappy baseball start-up the ballers are on the road. we preview their road to victory. straight ahead. let's get a live look outside on this tuesday morning. and you can see the city skyline there. not a lot of clouds out there hovering over the buildings. and looks pretty nice so far as that boat just rolls on by. we'll be right back.
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all right, looking live at the oakland coliseum. the rockies play the a's tonight and the a's on an eight game losing streak. this is the final year for the a's before they move to sacramento and then on to las vegas. that loss though is an opportunity in the form of the ballers' baseball team. that are building a future in oakland. congratulations to them. they are playing the first game ever
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on the road against the range riders in montana. that game gets us ready for the ballers' home opener at beautiful raimondi park. crews have been working hard and put june 4th on the calendar. the community station the official tv partner of the ballerrers. watch every friday night home game on pix+ 44 cable 12. i know lot of people are looking forward to. now a live look at chase center as the nba playoffs enter the conference finals and warriors' fans are counting down the days until free agency this summer. who will the dubs look to add to get back into the playoffs? but we do know they can count on brandon pa gem ski next year. the rookie was named to the nba's all rookie team. started 28 games for golden state after being drafted in the first round out of santa clara last june. two years ago he averaged just four minutes a game in illinois and now he's one of the top rookies in the league. >> something that i had on a -- goal list of mine coming into the year and i got to check
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that box. so it's pretty cool and you can only be a rookie one time. >> the warriors outscored opponents by 264 points when he was on the floor. the baseball team will head to las vegas this week for the west coast conference tournament. the gales are hoping to make the ncaa tournament. but their freshman catcher has even bigger goals. say hello to connor bear harrison. hi there. he's the younger brother of giants' pitcher kyle harrison but as matt lively reports the catcher doesn't spend too much time in kyle's shadow. >> it's awesome that i'm close to home and close to him. it's awesome that i love the sport and i'm glad that we both made it pretty far in the sport. and hopefully we can keep on rising. >> reporter: that's bear harrison, kyle's little brother. he's a freshman for st. mary's putting up big numbers. just over the bridge from where his big bro is pitching at oracle park. >> it's cool, you know. it's -- he's always my little brother. so, you know, i love beating up on him for as long as i can remember and love how he's settling into division i baseball and he's doing great
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so far. >> harrison drives this one deep to right field. going back at the wall. book it, bear harrison round trip. >> reporter: the pair grew up playing baseball in the bay and bear always admired his older brother of four years. even getting his nickname while he watched his games. >> i'd be climbing the trees and messing around and playing every ball i could possibly find and everybody around me was like, let's call him a bear. he kind of acts like a bear. >> just resembles a baryon. kind of came when he was always watching my games being such a good little brother going to every travel ball tournament and, you know, just the bear. >> reporter: it's every parent's wish to have their kids stay close, although one harrison brother utilizes the trips home more than the other. >> i'm definitely bringing home laundry and getting home cooked meals for sure. yeah, that's kind of the only reason i go home. sorry dad, sorry mom. >> he cheats. i told him you are a cheater, you have to do your own laundry and college life ain't too easy. he's making it seem real easy. >> reporter: you not going home nearly as often? >> not nearly as often. no. i have kind of outgrown that. [
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laughter ] >> reporter: the two hardly get to watch each other in-person now. but their first memories in the sport were with each other. >> for as long as i remember, he was my off-season buddy, you know, playing catch on the squat. >> when we were little for sure and we'd play in the backyard and make me get down in a squat. >> reporter: bear saw kyle's mlb debut in philadelphia last season. a pay-off to all those days in the yard. >> seemed like i was like right there pitching every pitch. like i was like, let's go get him right here. it seemed like i was up there too really playing, it was cool. >> reporter: bear has his own mlb aspirations and the brothers have their own harrison dream. he did say it would be a dream to maybe one day be in the majors. you on the mound and he behind the plate. what would that be like for you? >> that's something that even, you know, my mom and dad would love. but he's got to stay on it. >> definitely thought about it for sure, you know, multiple times, but it's really hard to do that. hopefully we can make that happen one time. >> they're so cute you know
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and i was just talking with you about this a little bit. i feel like because i see this in my own boys. if you have an older sibling you are definitely going to sort of maybe take the same road that your sibling does but of course very good at it. >> i think about the parents who show up for practice and all the early mornings and they deserve 10% of the salaries that are to come. >> maybe get someone to do the laundry you bring home for your mom. not your mom. just saying why not help her out? all right, 6:25. still ahead. >> i can't afford to live in san francisco anymore. and so this kind of felt like the only option that was relatively close to home. >> it's become a difficult reality for a lot of us living in the bay area. prices are just too high. but one east bay city might be a new option for you. plus. the rest of the month, what do we do? i need -- looking for the food pantry. >> the demand for food hasn't faded for one group that aims to help the hungry in san francisco. we got a sunrise for you.
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6:26 in the morning. that is the view of the bay from the top of the mark. go
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6:29 on a tuesday morning. we are starting off with the live look at traffic in fremont. unfortunately, this is a crash that happened just after midnight. one person died in this crash and another person was injured. this is
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located on fremont boulevard between thornton and peralta boulevard and you can see that vehicle hit that tree there. and caught fire. so there's a lot to clean up in and around that area. and unfortunately, there's a lot of debris in the roadway as well. and that closure will be out there for quite some time as the investigation continues. you can see there's police officer walking through thestreets there continuing that investigation. in the meantime try to avoid the area if you can and checked in with chp and they have detours in and around there. a pretty busy area with a lot of businesses in and around there. so just a heads-up there. all right, let's take a look at traffic elsewhere. as you get ready to make that commute over into san francisco this morning, bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on. and that is a busy ride as you work your way into the city and in fact, our bridges are starting to bog down just a little bit this morning. all right, taking another live look outside our beautiful bay area at 6:30 in the morning. and i really want to punctuate what jess said earlier. yes we've got the haze, but it's nothing like it
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was yesterday. always nice to look at the positive side. good morning, jess. >> good morning to you. it's nothing like it was last week either. i mean, last week, that may gray was just a friendly reminder we do live in the bay area and we definitely get the marine layer that holds on tight to us through the most of the month but that's not the base for us this morning. the golden gate bridge visibility is looking great. a little bit breezy right now. here's our big weather headlines. first things first this is the warmest day of this week. so get out there and enjoy it. we have upper 80s throughout the inland areas. at least off in the east bay. we have 70s along the peninsula. and san francisco. we're back to normal as we head into our wednesday and thursday forecasts. we'll actually continue to cool down below average as we head into this weekend. but still dry conditions nonetheless. we're going to continue the see dry conditions all throughout the rest of this week. into early next week too. as we take a look at what's happening for us this afternoon, gosh, it's beautiful out there. already this morning, it's just feeling a little bit warmer as you step out the door and head off to work or school. it's
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only tuesday. but goodness i'm already thinking of the weekend just with weather like this. we have upper 80s near antioch and upper 80s into concord and 77 today in redwood city. we start off this morning with light winds all throughout the bay area. by the way. but heading into this afternoon, close to around 4:00, 5:00, we can see wind gusts anywhere up to around 20 to 30 miles per hour along the coastline. and san francisco, and stretching all the way just into the mouth of the bay too. now as we make our way down into the santa clara valley, drier conditions for us once again today. light winds and 80s in the forecast throughout this afternoon. beautiful weather to get out there and go explore and we'll keep you updated here in the weather center. but for now over to you, g. jessica thank you. a live look outside at the east bay. we all know firsthand just how expensive the bay area can be but believe it or not, rent is actually getting less expensive in oakland. our kelsi thorud spoke with one renter who was already taking advantage of the drop in prices in oakland. >> a lot of like -- yeah, we also just want a space that feels really like -- calming and definitely one of my favorite parts was the kitchen and the -- like i said the corner windows. i'm -- a big
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cook and i love cooking. so having a lot of counter space, having nice new appliances was really important to me. >> reporter: india rose carter-bolick just moved from san francisco to this apartment in oakland with her partner. >> i can't afford to live in san francisco anymore. and so -- this kind of felt like the only option that was relatively close to home. >> reporter: india says they toured dozens of apartments during their search and definitely noticed the lower prices in oakland. >> we were aiming for a two bedroom. with the hopes that we would have a space for an office. >> reporter: here, they were able to get that. they landed in a modern two bedroom, two bath near lake merritt. >> yeah, we're going to have a desk and we're actually going to move that small blue couch out there in here so we have a little lounge space to work in. >> reporter: local rental experts say oakland is one of the only cities in the bay area seeing a decrease in rental prices right now. they say the
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main factor contributing to that is the amount of empty rental units in the city. many new apartment buildings sprouted up before the pandemic. now with remote work and the issues the city is seeing with crime and safety, not as many people are choosing to live here. meaning landlords have to decrease their rents to attract new residents. but even with the decrease in prices, the overall price of apartments in oakland remains high compared to other cities across the country. and still prices out many people who lived in oakland for years. that's something india told us she thinks about a lot. >> so i don't really know if the apartments that are more accessible to lower class incomes are having that same change. i don't know if they've decreased as much as like these apartments in downtown oakland have changed. [ bell dinging ] >> reporter: india told us she hopes the city can be a place where everyone who wants to live here can find an affordable and comfortable
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place to live. she and her partner are already hitting the ground running, excited to call this city their new home. >> every morning, i wake up and i'm so excited to be here and i'm really excited to get to know this community and create more connections with the different pockets of communities within oakland. >> well, according to the website apartment lists, the average rent is just below $2,000 a month in oakland. that's a 10% drop from last year. so for comparison, the average rent in san francisco is at over $2,600 a month. $700 more than whammed pay in oakland and san francisco also saw a decline in rent prices but only 1.5% drop. reed. pro palestinian protests at uc santa cruz saw hundreds of graduate students walk off the job in the worker category. their union says the entire system allowed attacks on pro
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palestinian protesters. in fact, they're pointing to a ucla incident back at the end of april saying police did not intervene when clashes broke out between protesters and counterprotesters. in the past the strike the university says it's illegal. well, the strikers say they'll continue and that they might even continue to spread to other campuses. this is playing out as we know that the international criminal court seeks to arrest israeli and hamas leaders for war crimes that means israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu soon could have a warrant out for his arrest. along with three key hamas leaders. the icc says both sides have breached international rules of war. however, in a speech for jewish history month, president joe biden says what is happening in gaza is quote, not genocide. u.s. officials worry the criminal court's call for arrests could derail peace talks. former president donald trump's hush money trial continues today with the defense team trying to poke holes in extrump fixer michael cohen's testimony. yesterday,
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cohen admitted to stealing money from the trump organization back in 2017. later this morning the department of emergency management in san francisco will thank first responders during their annual emergency medical services awards and we echo that thanks. this comes at a time of shortages in nursing and 911 staff in san francisco. so to fight that, supervisor and mayoral candidate safai is pushing to expand benefits for those of you that work in medicine. the measure will be on your november election ballot if approved. g? we are counting down to carnivale san francisco the largest multicultural celebration in california. more than 400,000 people attend the two day event every single year. latino community leaders are also about celebrating milestones. but as kenny choi shows us they're also showing the spotlight on a problem for many in their community. >> reporter: when maria reynoso's husband got deported to mexico, she understood her journey would come with struggles. including cleaning three large homes a day with
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most of the payments going to the small business she worked for. >> i started almost nine years ago. with $80 a day. >> reporter: that's $26 and change per home. and less than $9 an hour. at the onset of the pandemic, when she couldn't find much work, she began volunteering at the mission food hub. which launched food distribution days to three times a week. >> the people asking for a little bit more. so i'm telling maybe two or three pieces more. >> reporter: reynoso not only served, but also received much-needed food assistance. lately it's a challenge as the hub recently reduced distribution to once a week. >> the rest of the month, what do we do? i need -- looking for the -- food pantry. >> reporter: roberto hernandez is founder of the mission food hub. with office vacancies still at all-time highs, essential jobs depending on workers commuting to the city have hit hard times. and the demand for food hasn't faded. >> what happened to the janitor
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that was working there; when you think about the hotels? all the people that work in the hotels? and hotels aren't being filled. what about all those workers? >> reporter: hernandez says the hubs serve 9,000 families per week at the height of the pandemic and he still sees reynoso helping at the warehouse despite her cleaning business recently growing to serve seven clients. >> having, you know, a family and all those struggles, she's -- has brought so much life. >> reporter: with a starter command of english and a decade of adapting to a once foreign country, reynoso believes she can find a better paying job with health benefits. but her teenage son has special needs and multiple therapy sessions a week. she's building a small business on her own for the flexibility it allows to take care of jonathan.
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>> i don't feel -- struggling, because i need to work. it's only me and him. nobody else. >> reporter: that's why she visits food pantries. it's an assist she one day hopes she won't need. >> i'm working hard so when i feel exhausted, i thinking about you. you need me. so that's why i'm making us strong. that's why. >> reporter: it takes courage to tell one's story of struggle. but she's sharing it, knowing it could help the ones who need it even more than her. >> well, hernandez says the mission food hub isn't getting the government funding or donations like it did during the pandemic. he also says there have been newcomers who visit after seeing other food pantries run dry. well, as we get ready to celebrate the community we are just five days away from the carnivale parade through san francisco. you can watch the live special coverage starting at 10:00 a.m. this sunday on pix+ 44 cable 12. and streaming on the free cbs news app. 6:40 on this tuesday morning. memorial day weekend is almost here. so if you have not made your travel plans just
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yet, you might want to hurry. we're going to chat did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different.
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okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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time now for the money watch. if you have a little extra cash in the pocket maybe you'd want to buy yourself this. this is premium fruit so southern california seller melissa's produce is offering this ruby glow pineapple at
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nearly $400. wholesaler del monte took 16 years to develop this fruit known for its red hued color and its sweet yellow interior. now the company first started selling it in china at the beginning of this year. and only a few thousand of these costa rican grown fruits are produced annually. i mean i am very curious to see if it tastes that much different than a regular good old golden green pineapple. but it's very pretty. >> they call it the red legend and it gets its own website. >> its own website. >> that pineapple is too big for its britches. >> then let's not eat it or try it out. >> got the red legend. something we will eat because it's home grown and beautiful here. this is a small bakery in san francisco's proud japantown and it's made a name and for itself. this is the cake and these are the owners. that keep people coming back for 50 years and our sharon chin talked to the man who started all of it and now the grandson who's continuing the family legacy. >> reporter: while his grandson crunches up a tray of candy
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coating, moses yasukochi still can't help but sneak a piece of the signature dessert he himself had baked for decades. >> somehow or other, i lasted 50 years. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: the san francisco native opened yasukochi's sweet stop in december 1974. that was your dream. >> yeah. yeah. i'm happy. >> reporter: the 87-year-old recalls how he could not refuse when friends offered him a space for a bakery inside a grocery store. >> well, now -- when i was a lot younger, i've always said i wanted to open a bakery in japantown. >> reporter: why? >> why? because there's no bakery in japantown. >> reporter: moses made a name for himself, perfecting his own twist on the classic coffee crunch cake made famous by the old blum's bakery on union square. a glowing newspaper review changed everything for the young business owner.
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>> i really took off and ever since my business has gone up. >> reporter: the publicity stirred up demand for the coffee crunch cake from locals and visitors from across the country. moses' wife hatsy helped decorate the cakes and her smile became the face of her bakery. their three daughters and grandkids also helped out. then in 2020, hatsy passed away after exposure to covid. >> she was really good with the customers. me, i was grumpy. grumpy guy in the back. making -- [ laughter ] >> six and seven heavy. >> reporter: today moses is retired because of health issues. and he's turned the shop over to his grandson, kenji yick, a graduate of the french culinary institute. >> grandpa didn't have any of his kids want to do it. so -- we skipped a generation. >> reporter: the city's named the bakery a legacy business.
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and kenji says keeping it open isn't just good for the family, it's also good for japantown. >> we've been losing a lot of the really old businesses around here and it's nice to know that one of them is going to be sticking around. >> reporter: so far, kenji is following his own recipe for success. the sweet stop is a semifinalist for a 2023 james beard award, the culinary equivalent of the oscars. despite its sustained popularity, kenji admits he can't bake his family's famous cake and eat it too. >> it's 15 years of having it at every single birthday and you get tired of it eventually. so i don't think i have actually -- had it beyond just taste testing to make sure that it's right. >> reporter: for him, the icing on the cake is making people happy. >> that's one of the things that i enjoy the most about it. is you give them the cake and they're like oh, i'm so excited. it's a big birthday party and we're so excited. my grandma ate this when she was growing up.
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>> reporter: and so with his grandfather on the sidelines, kenji keeps the family tradition alive, celebrating five decades of growing a sweet spot for yasukochi sweet stop. >> i'll take five. >> i'll take ten. >> by noon. >> they look so good. all right, well, you can actually watch our hour long special roots and resilience an aapi celebration this friday at 4:00 p.m. on kpix and streaming on cbs news bay area. and we are looking forward to that. all right, let's get a live look right now in fremont. we have been monitoring this accident all morning long. unfortunately, a deadly crash happened on fremont boulevard it is now shut down both directions between thornton avenue and peralta boulevard. you can see that car there. according to police, it hit a pole and then hit a tree. it caught fire and there was a lot of activity still there as the investigation continues. a lot overdry brie in the roadway as well. and you can even see in the live shot the pole is on the ground across the sidewalk there. so there's a lot of clean-up that needs to happen. in the meantime, that intersection is completely shut down until further notice.
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again, this is fremont boulevard between thornton avenue and peralta boulevard. this is a very busy area and lot of businesses in and around there and you can see apartment buildings off to the side as well. and some public transit and schools not too far away. so expect some busy conditions. let's look at the maps right now and i'm going to zoom in around that area so you can see it's definitely busy off of 880 and so might affect the ride as you exit through there. paseo padre could be a good alternate potentially. that surface street runs parallel through there. other than that it's pretty much business as usual with the bay bridge getting busy heading into the city. all right a live look from our salesforce tower camera. it is 6:49 in the morning. and look at that golden glow top right hand of your screen starting to hit the water and cut through the yuck. that's what we call it. cutting through the yuck. good morning, jess. >> yeah, good morning to you too and that's a really good way of the putting it. luckily also getting rid of it too. because into this afternoon we're just going to see sunny skies and the big story for us today honestly are these
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temperatures. today's the warmest day of this week here in the bay area. and it almost feels summer-like in certain pockets of the bay. now down into the santa clara valley, we've been seeing 70s all week. now we're in the 80s. but we also had that last week so nothing to write home about. i will say though if you live near antioch, concord, walnut creek, some of the warmest weather we've had so far this year is happening for us today. upper 80s close to the 90s off in the east bay. we warm up into the 70s near redwood city. the coast is sitting beautiful with upper 60s today. low 70s into san francisco. 80s and 70s all throughout the north bay and wine country too. on top of that, we're also getting blue skies into this afternoon. it will be a little bit breezier though. this morning we've had really light wind especially along the coastline. however in the afternoon hours we can see wind gusts anywhere up to around 20 to 30 miles per hour from bodega bay down into half-moon bay and pushing its way inland all into the overnight hours tonight. other than that though, we've been talking about this all morning long. drier than normal conditions as we head into the next six to ten days. so it's
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worth noting that as we deal with the past 17 days of dry conditions we're going to continue to see more of that. really as we head into the next seven. now upper 60s -- upper 80s are not forecast for us today and we cool down in the 70s by thursday and heading into saturday, 60s return into the bay area as low pressure moves its way in from the continental u.s. close to the gulf of alaska. the cold dense air is going to hold on tight to thus this weekend and then we average out earl flick week. for now over to you, reed. all right, breaking news this morning a british man died after a singapore airlines flight left london and hit severe turbulence in the sky. more than two dozen other passengers on board that flight were also injured. authorities said that 73-year-old man may have suffered a heart attack but you are looking right now at the bus getting people off of that plane after what was a crazy ride. 211 passengers and 18 crew members and they experienced those turbulence over the indian ocean. and in
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fact, at one point, imagine this. the plane plunged some 6,000 feet. thankfully the plane was able to make this emergency landing in bangkok where we are starting to see the video of the response there in thailand. you can see the stretchers this and medical personnel and people with the neck braces there. definitely a scary situation. once again, a man has died after that flight plunged 6,000 feet. suffering turbulence over the indian ocean. well, taking a deep breath after that. it's travel tuesday. and a record-setting travel season is about to take off this memorial day weekend. >> yeah, tsa expects to screen 18 million people over the holiday weekend. and aaa projecting road trips will set records and aaa spokesperson john traynor is joining us live from las vegas. hi john, good morning. >> thanks for having me. good morning. >> we're so glad you have here because i know people are getting ready to get out of town. what kind of numbers are we talking about here in california and what kind of trips are people taking.
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>> these are largest travel numbers we have predicted since 2005. significantly higher numbers and 5.5 million californians north of that will be traveling. most of them by car. >> so people are wondering if inflation affects this and i know gas prices here in the bay area are just nuts. what are some ways that families can save time and money if they are really feeling that burn? >> well, a few things and one gas prices thankfully are heading in the right direction. 5.18 today in california and a week ago it was $5.27. so we're trending in the right direction. we're hoping that stays that way for memorial day weekend. and this has affected the way people are looking at traveling. most americans have decided they're going to travel regardless of those costs but they might do it a little differently. you see road trips on the increase. you might decide to take a closer trip to home than they wanted to. they might be saving money finding deals and maybe eating at different places and/or going to stay with friends and
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family. but we're seeing our travel agents saying 70% of the people they talk to are looking at things like all-inclusive resorts or cruises where you know the whole price when you get in. >> once you get there you don't have to really think about anything else. and i still want to say $5.18 is high. i mean unfortunately it's going in the right direction but we pay a lot. but people getting ready for their summer travel it can be a little bit stressful and we always get amped up for the thursday and friday drive especially to get away friday. so talk about when's the best time to be on the roadways if you are getting out of town? >> yeah, your instincts are correct right? thursday and friday really the busiest days and the hours are between noon and 7:00 p.m. so the early bird avoids the traffic as we say. you can get out before # 1:00 in the morning do that. or if you are a night owl and you want to wait until after 8:00 p.m. to avoid traffic, do that as well. really bookend the day with travel and if you decide to wait until the heat of the day you are going to be stuck
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in traffic. >> stuck in traffic. john traynor i know you potentially and i know your beautiful kids and your wife and i wish you ipads charged up as you drive. either that or repeat sounds of the wheels on the bus go round and round. >> yes. get the blippy episodes downloaded. >> exactly. i feel you there. >> and headphones. >> and snacks. pack the snacks. >> all right. >> make sure you pack the snacks for sure. >> maybe get a play list and listen to this, john. ♪ ♪ yeah, could rock out to some pearl jam on a road trip. and that is exactly what we're sharing with you this morning. the band is playing bottle rock this weekend. but it's more than just the music. we'll explain when we come back.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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okay, some big name celebrities are going to be in the bay area for bottle rock napa valley this weekend and we're not just talking about the musical lineup. ♪ ♪ bradley
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cooper and cameron diaz are among the celebrities on the williams sonoma culinary stage. really one of the most popular attractions. the stars get up there and do all the fun cooking demonstrations and no surprise, steph curry making an appearance once again. he's probably got some tricks from ayesha and i heard she's a pretty good cook. the festival runs through the weekend at the napa valley expo. expect stevie nicks and pearl jam and ed sheeran. by the way -- i know right? pearl jam. seen them multiple times in concert. matt cameron their drummer went to my high school. >> do you have any tea on him. >> a little bit older than me but san diego. >> little shout-out there. >> i just want to see stevie nicks have her in theliing room every day. >> me too. well, supernatural drama series evil returns for a fourth and final season on
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paramount+. coming up at 7:00 we'll be chatting with one of the actors about the new season. elvis presley's home may be put up for public auction but not without a fight. how his granddaughter is attempting to block a sale. taking a live look outside, is norah jones also there at bottle rock? >> big things happen with norah. >> on pix+ 44 cable 12. because that's where we'll be next. and look at this gorgeous view right here over the city skyline? san francisco. we'll see you there. [ captions by: vitac 800-278-4822 email: ] ♪ we welcome you to "cbs mornings." hello to our viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> let's go to


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