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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. >>i can't afford to live in san francisco. anymore. and so this kind of felt like the only option that was relatively close to home. price out of the city. now some people are finding financial ease in the east bay now at 9 why the town might be a new option for you, plus a possible change to police strategy. the decision today that could increase the amount of police pursuits. you see in the bay area. taking a
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live look at fremont this morning. one person is dead following a car crash at fremont boulevard. it happened at 1230. early this morning just after midnight. this isn't between thornton avenue and peralta. boulevard. we know 1 person is severely injured, and it happened from that crash and you can still see a lot of debris on the road there, police said. this area will be closed off for several hours will continue to bring you updates throughout the morning, but again fremont boulevard between thornton and peralta still closed. time now for a look at this morning. other top stories of federal investigation is now underway into a pleasant and car crash that killed a family of 4. it happened last month. the car crashed into a pole and then a tree. all 4 people inside the car were killed now the highway traffic safety administration says it will be looking into the circumstances of the crash and the subsequent fire now, the complaint filed says their suspicion that the car might have experienced steering wheel failure. another fire to report
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this time at the tesla factory in fremont, our chopper was at the scene, while firefighters fought those flames from the roof, and this happened last night. fremont fire says it started from inside an oven. no injuries were reported. and they followed to a 2022 arson fire at a san jose home depot. the store slapped with more than 1 million in fines for code violations in connection with a massive fire. it destroyed its blossom hill store in san jose, prosecutors say dylann j crew's gaga committed arson at the store, but reports say the fire would have been suppressed. if the stores automatic fire suppression sprinkler system had not been disabled. also, the store is accused of fire lane is blocked by stacked pallets. now for a look across the bay. this morning on a tuesday, looking pretty sunny for now, here's just with your forecast. yeah. from 1 country off into the east bay. today we are dealing with some really warm weather. gosh 80s in the forecast for us today, all throughout our inland areas. beautiful blue skies above us
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that we're sitting in the 70s today in san francisco, this is the day to head out to a new park. maybe pick your favorite park. maybe take the dogs just on an extra lab around the neighborhood after work today it is a beautiful day to get out there and get some fresh air. a little bit gusty into the afternoon hours today with the wind speeds anywhere up to around 2025 miles mph at times along our shorelines. but other than that, i mean, this is the weather that we had been wanting here in the bay area. it's beautiful. it's mild and will continue to hold on tight to this warm weather today and tomorrow, cooling down slowly as we head into our weekend forecast right around the corner. notice how these operators quickly turn into sixties in the forecast for us just by saturday as low pressure moves in from the north, keeping us nice and cool in our inland areas. and we'll see a similar trend all along the bay shore line to jessica. thank you. let's get a live look outside over towards the east bay. now we all know firsthand just how expensive the bay area can be, but believe it or not, rent is actually getting cheaper. in oakland are kelsey 3rd, spoke with 1 renter who is already taking advantage. of the drop
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in prices in oakland. a lot of right. yeah. we also just wanted space that feels really like commenting and definitely 1 of my favorite parts was the kitchen and the like. i said the corner windows. i'm a big cook. i love cooking so having a lot of counter space having nice new appliances was really important to me. >>india rose carter bolic. just moved from san francisco, to this apartment in oakland with her partner. >>can't afford to live in san francisco anymore. and so this kind of felt like the only option that was relatively close to home >>india says they tour dozens of apartments during their search and definitely notice the lower prices in oakland. >>we were aiming for a 2 bedroom. with the hopes that we would have a space for an office. >>here they were able to get that they landed in a modern 2 bedroom to beth near lake merritt. >>we're going to have a desk and we're actually going to move that small blue couch out
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there in here, so we have a little lounge space to work in >>local rental experts say. oakland is 1 of the only cities in the bay area, seeing a decrease in rental prices >>right now, >>they say, the main factor contributing to that is the amount of empty rental units in the city. many new apartment buildings sprouted up before the pandemic. now with remote >>work >>on the issues, the city has seen with crime and safety. not as many people are choosing to live >>here, >>meaning landlords have to decrease their rents to attract new residents. but even with the decrease in prices, the overall price of apartments in oakland remains high compared to other cities across the country. and still prices out. many people who have lived in oakland for >>years. >>yeah. something india told us. she thinks about a >>lot. i don't really know if the apartments that are more accessible to lower class incomes. are having that same change. i don't know if they have decreased as much as like
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these apartments and down. oakland have changed. india told us she hopes the city can be a place where everyone who wants to live here can find an affordable and comfortable place to live. she and her partner are already hitting the ground running excited to call this city. their new home. every morning. i wake up and i'm so excited to be here and i'm really excited to get to know this community. and >>create more connections. units
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let's get a check on what's happening around. the bay. you might see a drive. for lift. uber and doordash on the streets of san francisco today, a car caravan from southern california is making its way up to the bay area right now, and it's part of an organized rally against prop 22 so that's the measure voters approved in 2020 that defined app based transportation. and delivery drivers as independent contractors. it also adopted labor and wage policies that only applies to app based drivers and companies. is such
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as uber lyft and doordash in 2021 2 sections of 22 were ruled. unconstitutional and unenforceable. in alameda county. the message that the companies will say is that we make a fair share of their profit, and it's not the case. voter was deceived as well as the employee. drivers from the central valley and sacramento will also join their trip to the bay. well in less than an hour, the department of emergency management in san francisco will thank >>and recognize those responders. >>medical services awards will help honor those in across a cat. it comes in. at a time. when there a critic. shortage. of nurses and at 911 operators in san francisco and to combat that supervisor assassin. safadi is announcing a new measure aimed at improvising improve improving retention rather and recruitment. now the vote would expand benefits and charter amendments for these medical workers now, if approved, the measure will be
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in the november election ballot. and a live look at oakland right now, where today city leaders will vote on potential changes to its police chase policy right now, police can't chase criminals unless they're seen as violent and armed as robbery. crime numbers rise in oakland council members kevin jenkins and trevor reed are taking a 2nd. look at that no chase policy. they're looking at a proposal balancing public safety with the potential dangers of police pursuits approved. the police commission would be asked to provide reports on police pursuits. it's 1 of the warmest days of the week here in the bay area with 80s near san jose upper 70s near the los cotto's, and we're continuing to see upper 70s along 1 to 1 into redwood city and all the way up into san francisco, topping off at low 70s today, a beautiful warm day off into the east bay upper 80s near antioch in concord, we have light winds in the morning hours getting a little bit gusty as we head into this afternoon, but other
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than that, gosh, this forecast is beautiful with blue skies above us all throughout wine country from san jose. all the way up into santa rosa. beautiful conditions for us today. here is a look at our weather headlines heading out the door today and lasting into this afternoon. we're going to continue to see that warm, dry setup for us and then into the next couple days, we're actually just have near average temperatures as we slowly start to cool down, getting closer to our weekend forecast, where daytime highs are suddenly in the 60s. i'll show you that coming up in just a bit. luckily, that system that's moving in with some cool weather around the corner is going to keep us dry that we'll see some passing clouds but looking at the next 7 days we are remaining. dry all throughout the bay area. and it's worth noting that we've gone 17 days so far with no rain and we're going to continue to see more of that in the next 6 to 10 days, the climate prediction center is showing drier than normal conditions here in the bay area, and pretty much all throughout the state of california. so let's look at what's going on for us as we head into the next 7 days 80s turning into 70s just by thursday, then that system moves its way in its low pressure from the north, and that's going to cool us off as
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we head all the way into our saturday forecast down to the 60s. luckily, we start to average out as we head into next week with more sunshine and 70s around the corner, but that's our inland forecast. heading along the bay. it's a little bit cooler not by much, but it's worth noting. we're holding on tight to the 70s. still thursday, little bit cloudy skies along the bay shore line and then heading into this weekend. fifties, right around the corner by saturday, upper 60s to kick off early next week. okay? coming up, creating a competitive resume this morning. how a i can help boost your paycheck. plus, the budding technology is causing controversy over or after a hollywood actress says imitation is not a form of flattery. we'll explain that's coming up next.
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what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us. with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients. there are no networks. your healthcare future will have more freedom. i kept our doctor. and when i needed a specialist. no referrals needed, right? bingo. in fact, see any doctor anywhere in the u.s. really smart to have when you travel. when i visit this little cutie in arizona my plan goes with me. ahhh...grandkids. i can't wait. don't worry about surprise medical bills, either... you'll know up front about how much your care will cost.
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and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier. i'm glad my husband and i can use our savings to do the things we want to do. i'm glad i don't have to shop for a new plan every year. that's right. once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan. have questions? call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer. they know a lot about what makes these plans smart now and really smart later. or just ask for this free guide. benefits and rates in one place so it's easy to compare options. year to year, 94% of members renew their plan. and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp... meeting the high standards of service and quality. so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together.
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an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. time now for your money watch report. wall street. kicked off. the week with a mixed closing federal reserve officials are voicing caution on the latest inflation data, so let's get a look and see where the markets sit. right now. you can see the dow was up in the green. new this morning, adding artificial intelligence into your resume skills box could earn you some extra cash. that's according to research done by consultancy pwc. company that studies business strategy. they found wages for a i related jobs in the us yes, we're 25. higher on average. another component. comparable jobs in the field. now those range from app
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programmers to lawyers and accountants now taking a live look at san francisco. the bay area has been called the ai, capital of the world and san francisco's open. ai has really been ahead of the curve and creating the latest technology. but that technology may have gone too far in its latest release, hollywood actress scarlett johansson definitely think so. and as our lauren toms shows us, the actress says their new personal assistant sounds just like her. >>i would you like euros to have a male or female voice? female, i guess like a scene from a safe a movie, a familiar sounding robotic voice is ready to assist in ways a i expert ahmed bonifas says, is way ahead of schedule. but this scene has become reality. this scenario are living in now, which is in 2024 started in 2022 were supposed to have it in 2040 based on the progression of the hardware and the software and the talents.
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it's a little bit concerning because we're going to fast. that speed has reported san francisco based ai company open ai squarely in a debate over intellectual property after actress scarlett johansson claimed the company's voice feature named sky sounded eerily similar to her voice. the company has since suspended its use. it's an issue been office says that comes down to intellectual property famous people who have some some kind of a special towing that if you hear it, you know who was that actor? you know who's that actress in a statement sunday open, ai said it believes a i voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinct ice and maintains skies voice is not an itation of johansson's but rather belongs to a different professional actress whose name they have not publicized according to a statement from johansson, obtained b cbs news bay area she did participate in talks with open ai to narrate the
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voice, but ultimately declined, she said she was shocked, angered and in disbelief. the company would pursue a voice so similar to hers that her closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. it's like the wild west. we're trying to find our limits and to find those limits. we have to hit some kind of cases like this and say ok, so we're not going to do it again. lawmakers are rushing to pass laws to protect actors from growing a i industry. bay area assembly member rebecca bauer khan is working on laws to ban the use of a deceased actors, image or voice for decades after they passed. we want to make sure every artist likeness voice artistic expression is protected. so that things like this don't happen so that you know you get to consent to whether your voices used or not that consent, according to johansson, was not given. but the interest from open ai to replicate johansson's role in the 2013 movie. who continued
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in the movie. johansson plays an intuitive operating system that becomes a love interest of the main character. how's everything with you? pretty good, actually. it's really nice to meet you concept open ai ceo sam altman appeared to reference in a may 13th tweet with the same title. her about being fair with the owners of the features. intellectual property. talents correcting the course before it's too late. >>50 years of business coming up and join us as we celebrate the resilience of a staple i - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer
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and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix. (♪♪) clif bar is made with organic oats. but you're made for the climb. clif. the most important ingredient is you. (♪♪) what happens... when an unstoppable force... meets an immovable raccoon? attack!
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bark! attack! it's not easy taking out the trash. that's why you need... strength that's anything but ordinary. hefty hefty hefty
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well, it's a staple in san francisco. japantown. a beloved bay. sell a huge milestone 50 years in business are sharon chin talked to the man who started it all. and the grandson who's continuing his legacy. >>while his his grandson crunches up a tray of candy coating moses yesterday coaches still can't help but sneak a piece of the signature dessert. he >>himself >>for >>decades. somehow or other last 50 years. we've got the new refrigerator. >>france. native open to guests
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and coaches. sweet stop in december 1974 >>that was your dream. i'm happy. >>the 87 year old recalls how he could not refuse when friends offered him a space for a bakery inside a grocery store. >>a lot younger. i've always said i want to open a bakery in japan. why why? because there was no bakery in japan palm >>moses made a name for himself, perfecting his own twist on the classic coffee quench cake made famous by the old gloves bakery on union square. glowing newspaper reviewed changed everything for the business owner >>took off. ever since then, my business has gone up. >>the publicity stirred up demand for the coffee crunch cake from locals and visitors from across the country. moses wife hats e helped decorate the cakes enter smile became the
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face of the bakery their 3 daughters and grandkids also helped out than in 2020. had passed away after exposure to covid. >>customers. what the the guy in the back. six and 7. >>today. moses is retired because of health issues, and he has turned the shop over to his grandson, kenji >>gig >>graduate of the french culinary institute. >>grandpa didn't have any of his kids want to do it, so we skipped a generation. >>cities named the bakery a legacy business. keeping it open isn't just good for the family. it's also good for japan, >>10 losing a lot of the really old businesses around here and it's nice to know that 1 of them is going to be sticking around. >>so far kenji's following his own recipe for success, the sweet stop is a semifinalist for a 2023 james beard award.
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the culinary equivalent of the oscar. despite its sustained popularity, kenji admits he cannot bake his family's famous cake and eat it too. >>15 years of having it at every single birthday and you get tired of it eventually, so i don't think i've actually had it beyond just taste testing to make sure that it's right >>for him the icing on the cake is making people happy. >>one of the things that i enjoy the most about it is you give them the cake, and they're like, oh, i'm so excited. for the big birthday party. we're so excited. all my grandma hate this when she was growing up. >>and so with his grandfather on the sideline. the family tradition alive celebrating 5 decades of growing a sweet spot. for the sweet stop. >>yeah. it really looks so good. moses says the secrets the longevity of his bakery our work hard and do not compromise
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on quality ingredients and you can watch our hour long special roots and resilience and the a p. i celebration this friday at 4 p.m. on kpi extent streaming on cbs news bay area. well, that is it for the news at 9 coming up. next is the drew barrymore show, so stick around for that today. actor ted danson joins the show. but for more local headlines, including weather, you can find us on our streaming service, cbs. this news bay area. i'll see you there.
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[music playing] drew: love this. this is our table, my favorite new addition. welcome to the show. about to walk out those doors is a man who literally needs no introduction because when it comes to the most likable individual on planet earth, he wins that award.


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