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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  May 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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yeah. and right now in the afternoon edition. we're following breaking news out of the east bay. chop. 5. is live over the walnut creek bart station, where services shut down, right now. this is between lafayette. and pleasant hill. all because of a major medical emergency. bart says a person was on the tracks when a train was rolling in. no word of that person was hit, but we did see some crews. pull someone out of the tracks and take them to the hospital. no word on when service will be restored. bharti's asking writers to avoid this area. also at >noon. >>right here, drivers rallying for a change. the case they could change the fate of more than 1 million. million gig workers right here in calais. good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto. today. the state supreme court will hear arguments. on proposition 22.
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the law that pushed by uber lyft and doordash allow companies to treat drivers as independent. contractors rather than full. fledged employees. in los angeles more than 100. drivers hit the road in a car crash. all headed to san francisco, where they will hold a rally outside the courthouse. this afternoon. drivers say voters were misled when they approved perhaps is proposition 22 4 years ago. that excludes gig workers from the state workers' compensation program as well as minimum. wage and overtime. protections. >the message that the companies will say is that we make a fair share of their profits. and it's not the case. the voter was deceived, as well as the employee. >ryan>delivery drivers met up with other care advances. vans for the central valley. and in sacramento. companies that support proposition 22 say the measure help helps them provide gig workers with flexible schedules. in fremont. a fiery crash leaves 1 man dead and another 1 injured video from
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the scene shows the car completely damaged. this happened overnight on fremont boulevard after police >say >>the car. crashed into a tree and caught fire. authorities have not identified the driver killed in the crash. so far, no word on a cause of that >fire. >>in san francisco crews are working to put out any hot spots after a grass fire broke out underneath a freeway. overpass. our chopper was over the scene earlier today. happened on highway 1 a won at the to 80 split near alum. elementary boulevard. no structures were threatened. in san francisco. supervisor asa saffy is introducing a new ballot measure aimed at recruiting and retain more nurses and 911 dispatchers that measure would allow full time registered nurses and san francisco >too. >>buy back any time. they worked as temporary. part time nurses for retirement credits and it would give 911 dispatchers the same retirement. benefits as other emergency. responders. safi, who is also running for mayor, said the city has huge shortages in both jobs.
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>we believe this is a recruitment truly this is a retention tool. but also makes fiscal sense for our city. >ryan>says sometimes. in the next month or so supervisor vote whether to put it on the november ballot. we reached out to san francisco's public health and emergency management departments. about that measure will let you know when we hear >back. >>highway 1 is back open ahead of schedule near big sur and today. the u. s small business association. opened up a recovery. center to help businesses. that was hurt by the highways. collapse and closure. ever for the next 3 days. businesses. can get free consulting to get back up and running. but the most important part is that the highway it's flowing. again. >we can see it on the highway. there's there's definitely more cars on the highway, there's more highway the sound of the highway has changed since last week. >ryan>the area has been closed since the end of march, when a slip out sent a chunk of the road into the ocean. permanent repairs to the roads are in design phase and expectedly. done by next spring. the bay
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area has been called the ai. capital. of the world in san francisco is open. ai has been ahead of the curve in creating the latest technology, but is it going too far? hollywood actress? definitely. think so. scarlett johansson. claims open a i is copy her. voice. lauren toms shows us the actress says. a new personal assistant sounds just like her. would you like your goes to have a male or female voice? female, i guess. like a scene from a safe a movie. a familiar sounding robotic voice. is ready to assist in ways a. i expert ahmed bonifas says, is way ahead of schedule. but this scene has become reality. this scenario. are living in now, which is in 2020. started in 2022. were supposed to have it in 2040. based on the progression of the hardware and the software and the talents. it's a little bit concerning. because we're going to fast. that speed has a report. san
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francisco based ai company open ai squarely in a debate. over intellectual property. after actress scarlett johansson claimed the companies voice feature named sky. sounded. eerily similar to her. voice. the company has since suspended its use it's an issue enough been office says. that comes down to intellectual property. famous. people who have some some kind of a special tone that if you hear it, you know who is that actor, you know who is that? actress? the state. statement sunday open a, i said it believes a i voices should not deliberate. mimic a celebrities. distinct voice. and maintains skies. voice is not an imitation of johansson's but rather belongs to a different profession. actress. whose name they have not publicized. according to a statement. from johansson obtained by cbs news bay area she did participate in talks with open ai to narrate the voice, but ultimately declined. she said she was shocked.
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angered and in disbelief. the company would pursue a voice so similar to hers that her closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. it's like the wild west we're trying to find our limits. and to find those limits. we have to hit some kind of cases like this and say ok, so we're not going to do it again. lawmakers are rushing to pass laws to protect actors from growing a. i industry. bay area assembly member rebecca bauer khan is working on laws to ban the user. of a deceased actors. image or voice for decades. after they passed. we want to make sure every artist likeness voice artistic expression is protected. so that things like this don't happen so that you know you get to consent. to whether your voices used or not. that consent. according to johansson, was not given. but the interest from open ai to replicate johansson's role in the 2030 movie her continued in the movie. johansson. plays an
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intuitive opera. reading system. that becomes a love interest of the main character. how's everything with you? pretty good, actually. it's really nice to meet you. concept open a. i ceo sam altman appeared to reference in a may 13th tweet with the same title. her about being fair. with the owners of the features. intellectual property. talents, correcting the course. before it's too late. and still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area. warning about weight loss drug why a stanford doctor says the skyrocketing demand could be creating copycats. that may be unsafe plus elvis presley. iconic graceland mansion. could be going up for auction. was granddaughter is fighting that? sale? >it's 1 of the warmest days this week, but you kno
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>>it was while some companies are responding to the shortage of massively popular wait loss. drugs like those epic 1 online pharmacy says it will offer its own version at a huge discount, even without fda approval nancy chen looks at how sky demand allowed this to happen and talk with an expert who says taking these versions. might be risky. >discover the ozen pick, try >ryan>zone. blockbuster weight loss. branch and would go gov. have a copycat. drugs are in short supply. and now hymns and hers is selling its own version. of the drug used for
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both. diabetes and suppressing appetite. and for significantly less. as low as 199. a month compared to nearly 1000 for the branded versions. without insurance covering the drug. the new replicated versions are produced by compounding pharmacies. which the fda allows for doing. shortages. other digital health platforms like are also offering their own compounded, version of the popular drugs. however, these compounded or copy drugs haven't been directly evaluate. by the fda. formulas may differ from the approved versions. >we do not know what the side effects are taking. you're taking a drug that now nobody has really verified. except hmm. people who are making it and the people who are selling >ryan>it even without fda approval, news of his and hers cheaper alternative. senate stocks soar monday says 42. of american adults have obesity. and while 1 in 8 americans have used glp 1 medication more than half of all adults who have
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taken it said it was difficult. to afford the cost. >even though there's a sense of urgency. to improve your health. there's is also an even higher bar. which is 1st it has to be done safely. >ryan>presley's graceland mansion is at the center of a court 5, a hugely popular tourist attraction appears to be headed for foreclosure. auction later on this week. but elvis's granddaughter actor riley kio, is fighting. back with a lawsuit she owns the late singer's historic memphis home. and alleges the company behind its sale does not exist. and is using a fraudulent document to make a claim to the estate, according to the lawsuit. the company claims lisa marie presley used graceland as collateral to secure a $3.8 0 loan and failed to pay it off before she died last year. korg argues that the loan never happened. okay? first alert weather right now, let's give you a live. look outside, looking back at the bay bridge. you can see blue skies. sunny days supposed to be a bit of a warmup today. let's check in with meteorologist jessica burch.
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>today is 1 of the warmest days of this week. we're expecting upper 80s in our inland areas 70s near san francisco. thanks to high pressure sitting offshore. but heading into this weekend's forecast. low pressure slowly dips down. and that will cool us off just a little bit more down to the 50s and 60s throughout most the bay area, but here's the good news no matter where you live in the bay. we're still dealing with dry conditions, not a drop of rain in sight for us as we take a look at the next 7 days. and taking a look at the climate prediction center and what they have to say we're seeing drier than normal. conditions throughout this upcoming weak all throughout our region, so just keep that in mind. it's been 17 days since we've seen our last drop of rain here in the bay area. but you know what? it's also kind of nice to have a little bit of a break, especially after that super active atmospheric. river. season, right? let's take a look at today. beautiful. conditions. like i said, this is 1 of the warmest days this week 70s in san francisco. 60s along the coastline and 80s close to the 90s, all the way off near antioch. concord, walnut creek with low 80s down into the santa clara valley and often of the tri valley area,
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it is a beautiful day today if you live up in wine country. anywhere from napa over into sonoma. we're also expecting 70s and 80s in the forecast. this afternoon. so all of our inland areas are doing something very similar. sunshine today tomorrow, lasting in a thursday. low pressure moves in and that's a cooled us off as we head into friday and saturday. partly cloudy skies. associated with that, too, but at least it is dry. it'll kind of feel almost like we should see a little bit of rain, but for the most part, it'll just be cool and cloudy for us friday, heading into saturday, the bay drops down into the 50s. and then look after that, though we started average out into the 60s heading into early next >ryan>work week. and still ahead of san francisco bakery serving up a sweet dessert that's bringing people from across the country. the man behind the popular cake and how his grandson is keeping that family tradition. alive. >losing a lot. of the really old businesses around here. and it's nice to know that 1 of them is going to be sticking around. since having my son we had to replace our coffee table
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with something much more child. friendly. which makes putting down drinks and snacks. basically. impossible. the treble has been a game changer. this is going to become your go to for keeping snacks, drinks and essentials within arm's reach of your couch. there is also an option that has a device bracket. which my husband loves for checking the score while i'm making him binge watch the show. show now, even if you do have a coffee table. this is much easier than reaching over. especially if you have mobility. issues. i know when i was pregnant. i got to a where i would just hold my drink or try to wedge it in the couch because it was impossible. for me to lean over. or maybe you live in a place where you can't fit a coffee table. this is such a great option. and the tribal really will become the perfect couch companion. ecofriendly. is made from 100%. bamboo. it comes in different colors and sizes, so it's going to match your aesthetic. and it uses a special film grip that increases friction instability and it's going to work essentially with all of your chairs and couches. you just opened that class wide as you
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need. and feel free to move it from 1 side of the couch to the other get too, because you might be fighting with your significant other over having the trouble. right now we're offering up to 46%. off on the treble. had to cbs for this exclusive offer, and you do (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine.
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the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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>ryan>yeah. this will make you hungry. a small bakery in san francisco. francisco. japantown made a name for itself with a cake. that's keeping people coming back for the last 50 years, and those are sharing tuned back to the man who started it all. and the grandson who's continuing on with this legacy. while his grandson crunches. up a tray of candy >coating. >>moses yesterday coaches still can't help but sneak a piece of the signature dessert. he himself >or other other 50 years. the the news. refrigerate. candy. >ryan>the san francisco native opened yesterday, coaches >sweet >>up in december 26 >that was your dream. i'm
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happy. >ryan>the 87 year old recalls how he could not refuse. when friends offered him a space for a baker. inside a grocery store. >a lot younger. younger have always said i want to open a bakery in japan. why why? because there's no bakery. in japan, tom >ryan>the a name for himself. perfecting his own twist on the classic. coffee, quench cake made famous by the old gloves, bakery on you. square. glowing newspaper reviewed changed everything for the business >owner. took off. ever since then, it's my business. has gone up. >ryan>the publicity stirred. up demand for the coffee crunch cake from locals and visitors from across. the country. moses wife hats patsy helped decorate the cakes. and her smile became the face of the bakery. there. 3 daughters and grandkids also helped out than in 2020. had passed away. after a exposure to covid.
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>customers. i was a the guy in the back. oh, six and 7. >ryan>today. moses is retired because of health issues, and he has turned the shop over to his grandson. kenji. >get >>graduate of the french culinary institute. >didn't have any of his kids want to do it so we skipped we skipped the a generation. >ryan>cities named the bakery. a legacy >business. >>keeping it open isn't >just good >ryan>for family. it's also good for japantown. >losing a lot of the really old businesses around here and it's nice to know that 1 of them is going to be sticking around. >ryan>so far, kenji's following his own recipe for success. stop is a 75. for a 2023. james beard award. the culinary equivalent of the >oscars. >>despite its sustained popular kenji admits he cannot bake his
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family's famous cake and eat it too. >15 years of having it at every single birthday and you get tired of it eventually, so i don't think i've actually had it beyond just taste testing. to make sure that it's right. >ryan>for him. the icing on the cake is making people happy. >that's 1 of the things that i enjoy the most about it is you give them the cake, and they're like, oh, i'm so excited. for the big birthday party. we're so excited. all my grandma. ate this when she was growing up. you something. >ryan>and so with his grandfather. on the sidelines. keeps the family traditional. alive. celebrating. 5 decades. of growing a sweet spot. suites. for the sweet stop. yeah. can't begin to count how many birthdays and family gatherings. we've had that cake. at our family gatherings and moses says the secret to the longevity of his bakery are hard work and do not. compromise on quality. ingredients. and you can watch our hour long special roots in brasiliense and ap. celebration
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this friday. at 4 p.m.. kpi. exit. and streaming right here. on cbs news bay area. well, bottle rock kicks off this weekend and napa and you can expect to see some very big names, but we're not talking about just the lineup. coming >up. >>
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪) >>class of 2024. is wrapping up. their time on bay area. college. campuses. coming up at 3:00. we look into the workforce they are about to
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enter and how graduates need to get their skills and they're fine. in check. that conversation. with elizabeth cook coming up at 3:00. it's a big name celebrities are going to be in the bay area for bottle rock. napa. valley this weekend. we aren't just talking about the musical lineup, >though. ship. >ryan>with those sweet sounds. bradley cooper, cameron diaz are among the celebrities dishing it up at the williams sonoma culinary stages. it's 1 of the most popular attractions. at the fest. the stars doing cooking demonstrations. and there's no surprise steph curry will also be making appearances probably learned a little tricks from myisha. and when it comes to music, you can expect stevie nicks pearl jam, ed sheeran. the festival. runs through the weekend. at the napa valley expo should be a lot of fun >out there. >ryan>well, that's it for the afternoon. edition. remember, we're streaming 24 7 on the free cbs news ever next newscast. is at 3. with liz cook. you back here at 5. have a great afternoon.
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>> ridge: okay, that's what we'll do. yeah, all right. meetings and phone calls, that's my life now. oh, i just got an idea. how about this? let's steal a few moments and have lunch at home. >> brooke: and by lunch, you mean... >> ridge: you know, have a nibble


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