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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  May 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, the summer travel season. today's announcement from the biden administration. speed cameras are coming to san jose and the plan to roll them in shape is coming through. flocking to san francisco over the next few years. >> one of the biggest ai
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company is prompting difficult questions about the use of their rapidly improving technology. >> actress scarlett johansson claims open ai is copying her voice. >> pausing the rollout of their voice assistant chatgpt. >> our lauren toms spoke about the future of ai. >> would you like your os to have a male or female voice? >> female, yes. >> reporter: like a scene from a sci-fi movie, a familiar robotic voice is ready to assist. it's way ahead of schedule. but this scene has become reality. >> the scenario you're living in now, which is in 2024 started in 2022, we're suppose to have it in 2020 based on the talent. it's a little concerning because we're going too fast. >> reporter: that speed has
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catapulted open ai squarely into a debate over intellectual property after actress scarlett johansson claims the company's voice feature named sky sounded similar to her voice. the company has since suspended their use. it's an issue they say that comes down to intellectual property. >> and famous people who will have some kind of a special tone that if you are here, you know who is that actor and who is that actress? >> in a statement on sunday, they believe open ai voices should not mimic a celebrity's distct voice. and maintain the sky's voice is not an imitation of scarlett johansson. according to a statement from johansson obtained by cbs news bay area, she did participate to narrate the voice, but ultimately declined. she said she was shocked, angered, in disbelief
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the company would pursue a voice so similar to hers that her closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. >> it's like the list that we're trying to find our limits. to find those limits, we have to hit some kind of case like this and say okay, we're not going to do that. >> reporter: lawmakers are rushing to pass laws to protect actors from growing ai industry. bay area assembly member is working on laws to ban the use of a deceased actor's image or voice for decades after they pass. >> we want to make sure every artist, their artistic expression is protected, so things like this don't happen. so you get to consent to whether your voice is used or not. >> reporter: that consent according to johansson was not given. but the interest from open ai to replicate her role in the 2013 movie, "her,"
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continued. played an intuitive operating system that's the main love interest of the main character. >> how is everything with you? >> pretty good actually. very nice to meet you. >> reporter: a concept where sam altman appeared to reference in a may 13 tweet with the same title, "her." >> it is all about being fair with the owners of the feature, the intellectual property, talent. >> reporter: correcting the course before it is too late. >> last week an open ai team leader focused on the safety, leaving the company saying safety has taken a backseat to other priorities in recent years, following the resignation of the company's chief scientist. and also an open ai cofounder, committed to working or addressing any potential dangers. the pentagon announced none of the aid unloaded at the pier floating off the coast of gaza has actually been delivered to palestinians. the united nations stopped delivery operations because of
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logistical issues. more than 600 tons of aid has made it off the pier, but not all of it has made it to the warehouses. video has shown starving gazans intercepting some of the trucks. in the meantime secretary of state antony blinken wants to help congress draft sanctions against the international criminal court. yesterday the icc applied for arrest warrants against hamas and israeli officials including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. blinken made the comment during a senate budget hearing, which at one point was interrupted by anti-war protesters. they argue the icc does not have authority over the war. and closing arguments are set for a week from today after memorial day with deliberations likely to begin the following day. today the lawyer, robert costello, faced cross-examination. the defense called the one-time adviser to michael cohen to refute the
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testimony of the prosecution's star witness. cohen told the jury trump knew about an illegal scheme to falsify business records, but related to alleged hush money payments to stormy daniels. it has a very, very different role than the prosecution. it's trying to push down one beam in that house, so that one juror says maybe he did it, but not beyond a reasonable doubt. >> he was denied any criminal wrong doing. in an effort to keep gas prices competitive at this summer, president joe biden announced he's releasing a million barrels of gas from the nation's oil reserve. gas prices are up about six cents nationwide on average since last year. meanwhile in california, the average price for a gallon is a staggering $5.19. the energy department
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says they will release 100,000 barrels of gas between memorial day and july 4. get ready to slow down. speed cameras will go up in san jose. the 33 cameras will be placed in high collision areas, all part of the state bill authorizing six cities across california to launch a five-year pilot program involving the cameras. they are using a part of that project budget to collect data whether it is to communities of color and low income neighborhoods. still ahead, the bay area football star now suing a major university after he says they promised and tailed to pay him millions of dollars. and meet the volunteers helping to nurse otter pups
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san francisco supervisor introduced a ballot measure
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aimed at recruiting and maintaining more nurses and 911 dispatchers. the measure would allow the full-time registered nurses in the city to buy back any time they would work as tech rare part-time nurses for retirement credits. it would also give them the same benefits as other emergency workers. the city has huge shortages in both those jobs. >> we believe this is a recruitment tool. >> within the next month or so, supervisors will decide if they end up on the november ballot. pixar employees are getting the pink slip. the company will lay off 14% of their work force. that's 175 employees. the company says the layoffs are a part of the plan to move away from disney+ series production and return focus on featured films. disney acquired pixar back in 2006.
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a former bay area high school football star is suing the university of florida, its head coach, and a prominent booster for the program. jaden rashada was one of the top recruits coming out of high school. he said he was promised nearly $14 million to play for the florida gators, and then never got paid. right now universities are not allowed to make direct payments to college athletes. the lawsuit claims florida's coach coordinated with a wealthy supporter of the program to offer rashada an outside endorsement deal with no intentions of paying. and hey straight ahead in sports, well, it's officially the new nfl season, and it is open for business and it is only may. the 49ers, yeah, their practice field was full. you can see that. players
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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all right, paul, some of us got outside today and it was gorgeous. >> it was so nice. >> it's sunny, let's go to beach as we ditched. like we're out, sorry, got to go. we got to go. these days don't come. >> that didn't even occur to me. >> never. and either of those days. >> but they set that up for
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tomorrow though. a look at what's happening weather wise. a warm up today. a brief warm up. hope you're able to savor those temperatures. it is way up to the north. it will affect the wind field enough for temperatures to be retreating closer to average values as we head through the next couple of days. let's take a look at where we did top out today and those temperatures, they were on the whole about six, seven degrees above normal. not nearly that warm for petaluma. but 86 degrees in novato. and the onshore breeze did not go away, which an influence on temperatures, falling just short of 70 degrees, which is above normal. and along the coast, half moon bay, climbed up close to 60, but you fell short. and temperatures got
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into the low 80s into the low to mid-80s. we are in for some changes as we head through the next few days. how things will change, which is stellifies out there. so about a 20-degree spread at the moment, kind of what you would expect in late may. a little fog will develop compared to what we would have this morning, but i mean a little more fog along the coast, some of it spreading across the bay and pushing into the trivalley. where it won't take too long for that fog to retreat. plenty of sunshine for most of the bay area. and that fog will be a bit more stubborn. temperatures tonight dropping down to the low to mid-50s. not a whole lot of variation out there. but tomorrow, we will warm up 3 to 4 degrees above normal and above average where we were today. some spots even more than that. a closer look. near
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60 along the coast, roughly where you were today. upper 70s down the peninsula and to around 80 degrees. and a mix of upper 70s and the low 80s with the mid-80s the further inland you go. a mix of upper 70s around san francisco and oakland and with temperatures warming up in the north bay. and some spots getting up to the mid-80s, cooler the farther north you go in lake county. the winds will pick up throughout the afternoon. it's the same pattern that we've seen for the past several days. once again that onshore wind is going to be strongest in the afternoon with some of the strong gusts in the 20 to 30 miles an hour range. not that strong by bay area standards, but noticeable. temperatures will be a lot cooler as we head into the weekend. and napa valley, temperatures on saturday, only in the upper 60s. and that is substantially below normal. so we're in for a bit of a roller coaster ride over the course of the next seven days. a look at your seven-day forecast where we
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will start with inland parts of the bay area where the temperatures will hit their bottom, the low part of the roller coaster on saturday with the highs in the upper 60s for most inland parts of the bay area. but we should be back to near average by the beginning of next week for the memorial day holiday on monday and the beginning of the abbreviated workweek on tuesday. a symbol of trend about a 10-degree drop from tomorrow to saturday and then bouncing back by 5 degrees or so in tomb for the end of the holiday weekend and the beginning of next week. not as much of a drop along the coast because you didn't warm up that much to begin with. but your temperatures will be even cooler. only the mid-50s on friday and saturday, and that is cold, even for coastal parts of the bay area for the unofficial part of summer. >> thanks, paul. time for a check of what's ahead. let's switch over. coming up at 6:00, we are following new developments with the fire that gutted the home of a well-known san francisco dog walker. his participants were rescued from the flames. it's the latest blow for a family that has been the target of racist threats. and i spoke to him about how they are
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coping with it all and they heard from neighbors. a case that could shake up the gig economy that was divided over prop 42 and really whether they are better off. let's head over to vern in sports. we've got the nfl up top and in that month of may. for more, let's go to matt lively in santa clara. they would hit the practice fields. also some absences that would raise eyebrows. >> and you would try to stay out of it as much as possible. >> in rocking that jersey
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number. >> and one can be a rocky number. i thought it was risky as they said it would look good after week one. >> for all of us to see that, then we all should. >> and he spoke to their developed leadership. >> and i don't think that they will change. >> are you no longer one of the young guys? >> yeah, man, i'm a vet. >> they will hit them the next few days before preparing for the mini camp in june. hey, the project hit the links today to raise money for underserved kids. the fundraiser in danville and hi,
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sergio romo. they did some big calls that were in attendance and it is t.j.'s super bowl ring that he wore with the broncos in 2016. >> it is such a big piece of jewelry. you can't wear that thing all the time. i should have worn it out here. i'm mad i didn't, but it's in a nice safe. >> i would have thought of all the events to reflect, bring it out. >> you can't swing with that thing on though. be gone. to baseball, it's opening day for the oakland ballers. they will begin the season with a two week road trip before playing their first home game in oakland, june 4. >> i think we'll kick
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everyone's butt and that is our attitude and we're going to play hard and fast and smart, and we're going to take no mercy out there. and we will go at it. the pro baseball in oakland and the train has left the station. >> can't wait. play ball. they're all here for the ride. >> thanks, vern. still ahead here at 5:00. why the volunteers are helping the monterey pups. why they are sometimes putting on disguises. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. uh-huh... uh-huh... or mr. "tackled the inbox" so it's room service time at a radisson hotel!
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ohh, effervescent. uh, excuse me! sorry, can i just uh... oh, selfie? yeah. c'mon on in! oh! ah, no. i just wanted to order. ohhh. uh, coming into the bar. book direct at where travels come true. gonna write this down right quick.
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a slow network is no network for business. where travels come true. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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well southern california's biggest aquarium has taken in the sea otter pups, hoping to get back into the wild. it was launched by the aquarium. >> and in long beach with a look at how the pups are learning the skills, so they will need to survive. i'm distracted because they're so cute. take it away. >> there is a sea of things to see. upstairs around the corner and the glass is a little sea otter making a splash. >> it's wonderful and very entertaining. >> reporter: and he is a she.
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affectionately known as 944. >> all of our sea otters like the ice. >> reporter: and she has been making sure she feels at home for more than a year. >> she first arrived here. >> reporter: 944 is the 944th sea otter rescue off the central coast. she was separated from her mother. with no other sea otters available to care for her, she ended up here, unable to go back into the wild. now she'll be a part of the new program to help others. >> she's being around the others. and that are going to teach her those maternal instinct. >> reporter: it is now part of the program that's created by the monterey bay aquarium, which will team up the stranded pumps with the moms to help them return to the wild. >> all observations that we do are through the camera system. >> reporter: the pools are off limits to visitors as they don't want them getting used
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to humans. so every day smiley in charge of the program and her staff will cut up the food and make the long walk to the back, put on the disguise. >> and quitely walk away and watch from afar. >> so they are not associating the humans with food. >> reporter: the truth is, they're 100 years ago, almosted to extinct and now one of their biggest dangers is climate change. >> more intense storms in there and their ecosystem. so the larger the swells, the less likely that they will be successful to stay together. >> the white sharks are starting to go further north because the water is starting to become warmer, further up the coast than it ever has been. >> reporter: they started the program 20 years ago, but ran out of room when found this
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year and they will help bridge the gap by taking some of the pups. >> that's a good idea and they will preserve them. >> reporter: although this swimmer is still too young to be a surrogate, they will help another pup learn the skills needed to swim back out to sea. >> absolutely adorable. that's it for us at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. a neighborhood rallying around a san francisco dog walker after his home was gutted by flames. it's the latest blow for the family that has been the target of racist threats. >> and what have your last couple of weeks been like with the threats and the hate crime and this? >> some days i'm better than others. >> and especially not this family. plus drivers divided. are they better off without prop 22? the gig economy and major consequences.
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>> i mean everyone else has labor standards and rights, we're singled out. >> the ability to pick up a few extra hours on this side. plenty of sunshine with warm temperatures for most of the bay area today, but big changes in stored as we approach memorial day weekend. details in the first alert forecast. later, carving out new career options for students. the teacher who went above and beyond to bring them back to their school. good evening, thank you for joining us. we're following new developments at this hour in a mysterious fire that gutted the home of a well-known san francisco dog walker. terry williams was recently on the news. misare investigating them as hate crimes. it's not clear


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