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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  May 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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labor standards and rights, we're singled out. >> the ability to pick up a few extra hours on this side. plenty of sunshine with warm temperatures for most of the bay area today, but big changes in stored as we approach memorial day weekend. details in the first alert forecast. later, carving out new career options for students. the teacher who went above and beyond to bring them back to their school. good evening, thank you for joining us. we're following new developments at this hour in a mysterious fire that gutted the home of a well-known san francisco dog walker. terry williams was recently on the news. misare investigating them as hate crimes. it's not clear
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if that has any connection to today's fire. so this is a live look at the scene right now where we learned the bomb squat removed an item, being deemed safe, not connected to the fire. they were rescued by the fire crews and taken to the hospital where his mother has serious injuries. today i spoke to him about the whole ordeal. it is certainly adding new anxiety for his family. >> reporter: when terry williams arrived to his house, flames were shooting out of the window. >> and so i got to the first floor and tay said we're getting her out. >> reporter: terry is a dog walker in the community and owns three dogs who made it out of the burning home. >> that is my mom's favorite who kept trying to get up to my mom. >> reporter: terry was at city
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hall when the fire broke out. he was trying to call attention directed at him and his family. the most recent, a dog with a noose delivered to his front door with threatening messages, pasted all over his body. >> and with these threats and the hate crime and now this? >> it is like a roller coaster. some days it's better than others. >> reporter: terry is a fixture in the community. >> they're really kind people. i don't think anybody deserves this. they have a sign at the window that says no to racism. and terry's best friend and praises the fire isn't related to the hate crimes. >> being a hate crime and the fire. i have trouble processing
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it. i pray they're unrelated. but if they are and god forbid that it is related to the threat that he has received over the last several weeks and months, then we need all the help we can get. >> reporter: and the president of the san francisco naacp has been helping terry. he showed up to the fire scene today. >> and it should be treated as a state of emergency and all hands should be on deck to make sure we will bring this to a screeching halt. >> reporter: you've been in this house for how long? >> my whole life. and so i don't know what i'm going to do now and so it will be hard finding me a place with three dogs. and so i've got to make it work. >> since the hate crime incident, he has installed several cameras in hopes of catching whoever could be doing this. neighbors have been helpful in sending them their door camera video as they set up a gofundme to help them
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purchase the cameras. in the meantime our laura toms will have a new update at 7:00. a case that could change the fate of more than a million gig workers in california. the justices heard arguments on the constitutionality of prop 22 and you may remember it, it was a big issue on the ballot back in november of 2020. 59% of the voters approved that law after a $200 million campaign funded by rideshare and food delivery companies. it reclassified as independent contractors rather than employees who would be legally entitled to benefits. and so one of those benefits is workers compensation. the judge said prop 22 violated the power to grant workers and their protections. they would reverse that ruling last year. today's
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arguments before the state's supreme court centered on whether the voters would have the same power as the legislature to regulate terms of employment. proposition 22, conflicts with article 14 of the constitution by precepting the legislature from providing complete compensation protections to about one million drivers. >> this court has held time and time again that the legislature with power and even plenty of power to pass laws on the given subject. >> and they talked to some drivers today about how all of this could impact them. >> for those aureliaing on the work, the stakes could not be higher. and so much so that they set up a screen to watch here in civic center plaza, hoping their voices would be
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heard. >> reporter: dozens of drivers would gather on the steps of the supreme court, ahead of the arguments, including the driver. >> and i would drive with most platforms and their gwyns as they would behave the same and that price is the same. >> reporter: he started driving full time and said in the past few years, his income fell dramatically. especially after prop 22 passed. >> what it did is give them a safe harbor to do whatever they want as they would pay them about 20% to 30%. at the same time this is going on, passengers are paying considerably more and you're telling me. >> it is a true contractor as they will be able to set their own rates instead of the companies that are setting rates for them. >> and what is their flexibility when we would work more than 12 hours and just to
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make this? >> reporter: their labor center just released a new study on monday, looking at the average income of the gig drivers in five major cities including san francisco, and they found on average, drivers were paid less than minimum wage after expenses. the study reported rideshare drivers made an average of $5.97 an hour before tips, while meal delivery drivers, they made even less. before tips. >> i always use an electric bike when i do deliveries. >> reporter: but david lewis says being an independent contractor allows him to work when he wants. instead of being forced to work a certain schedule and the way he could be if he were a company employee. >> it will allow me that flexibility to be able to pick up a few extra hours on this side. >> and that he's making about 2,000 a month working with doordash. >> i don't consider doordash
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to be a full-time job. i consider it to be something that will supplement me to be able to make ends meet. >> if you want to make an income that you really need to do it like 60, 70 hours a week. >> for full-time gig workers, he hopes that they will find prop 22 is unconstitutional. so he could get some of the same protections as other employees. >> i mean everyone else, they will have labor standards and rights and we are singled out with no labor rights basically and we don't have independent contractor rights like other people do. >> and while they were heard this afternoon, a ruling is not expected today. it could take up to three months. >> so we did reach out to uber, lift, doordash, where they made it clear that they would support prop 22. and their decision to uphold them is the right one, and they are consistent with the long
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standing legal precedent upholding the voters initiative power. and for the drivers and the couriers who turned to them for flexible work and the millions of californians that would see the major reductions and the cost increases or lose ridesharing and food delivery entirely. the owners of two half moon bay mushroom farms must pay $450,000 to their workers in back pages and damages over workplace violations. california terra gardens and concord farms are where they allegedly shot and killed seven coworkers last year. the shootings aftermath revealed the working conditions of the employees. and they were underpaying them in providing the unsafe conditions. they were accused of reducting the money and housing them in cramped spaces. both owners must also pay $70,000 in civil
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penalties for the living conditions. all right, onto first alert weather. bay area cities are enjoying a warm up today, so you probably felt it inland. i know i did. and closer to the water, temps are jumping several degrees. i hear it's not going to last long? >> it is kind of a one day warm up where it will be above average for most parts, just not as far above average as today's high temperatures, which got close to 90 degrees in santa rosa and falling a degree or two short. and upper 70s for fremont. technically five degrees above normal. half moon bay got up to 58 degrees. still running three to four degrees above average for most of the bay area, which means a mix around the bay and the mix of the 70s and the 80s. almost back to normal temperatures by thursday. the first day of the three-day weekend will be a good five to ten degrees cooler
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than what is average. so it won't feel like the unofficial summertime. we will track a warm up that will kick in with a look at your seven-day forecast. >> thank you. an arrest in san jose of the suspect seen in this video punching through the window of this ice cream shop. the glass falling onto a child. the child and the child's guardian walked into the shop. police then arrested the 36-year-old on charges of child abuse. local officials would gather to raise awareness of an issue threatening the indigenous women. speakers
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highlighted numbers of those murdered at ten times the national average. the hope today is collaborations between the policymakers could drastically lower those numbers. >> every time a family member goes missing or found murdered, it will affect the family deeply, but ripples out and affects our whole indian community. >> this is an issue our elizabeth cook has reported on in a special unseen, california crisis. she told the story of emily who vanished from the reservation, but they were prosecuting certain crimes on their own land. the lack of data since right now there is no cooperation when it comes to tracking crimes. now that's something that people at
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today's event also wanted to change in san jose. still ahead, bringing a forgotten art out of the woodwork. how they would come back from one bay area campus. how the determined teacher and her students gave them the tools to explore new trade skills. really, these are applicable skills that you could transfer them onto anything, just
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so len ramirez shows us how it is making a comeback on one campus, which is thanks to the dedicated teacher. >> reporter: when they filed into the woodshop class, they're working with their minds and their hands. >> and this is the edge runner. so it is very easy. you just use two hands on it and you just go across the edge of your piece. >> and they are polishing off a new chess board. >> i love this because it is a great thing to be able to put
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all these big pieces together to make something pretty like this. >> it wasn't long ago that this wood shop was in moth balls, closed for eight years after the previous shop teacher retired and a part of the larger group amid the budget cuts, teacher shortages, and shifting priorities. >> just last summer, this whole spot here was completely filled with desks, chairs. and it was not workable. everything was approached, except for the two machines that were heavy to move. >> they would give kids more options. >> i feel like now is the time for these programs and that there seems to be more backing and interest and not only district wide, but i think beyond. >> how far from the fence was it? >> and it wasn't easy. she
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taught wood working classes at night to teach shop herself. she found those skilled mentors to help them with the finer points. , reaching out to retailers and the rotary clubs to help them with the latest tools and the safety gears. >> the hands on learning where they get to move around is a kind of learning and that these are applicable skills that you could transfer them and also around your home, knowing how to be safe and this is s.t.e.m. and this is exactly it with these kinds of programs. >> reporter: the safety lessons will get pounded through. >> and switch to hand standing. >> reporter: they say the skills they're learning here will help them in the future. >> since i learned this, like i know different trades and i
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know how to do the metal working and woodshop. i'll keep learning this stuff. >> reporter: it is a great way to get your mind refreshed during the school day. >> it is a lot different than any other class in the school. it brings them enjoyment. >> reporter: the type of class that would be in every type of school that got swept away and now making a comeback. >> so glad to see that. while many students primarily use their newfound wood working skills at home or as a hobby, they earned an average of nearly $70,000 in 2022 and carpenters in the bay area would earn about $80,000. all right, still ahead, you could feel the warmup today, but paul is looking ahea
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all right, our first alert weather as paul gave me a hint that you're going to take us on the tour of the united states? >> our weather is calm and warm today. we will cool down quite a bit. we are all in the real action over the past couple of months. it has been an exceptional severe weather. >> you'll take us over the mountains? >> on the other side of the country, past the rocky mountains. that's where all of the really nasty weather has been occurring. let's bring in our map of the united states
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and show you what's happening over the past 12 hours or so. another storm system that's bringing a severe outbreak. whenever you see this comma shape to the presentation, they will tell you there is a storm system at the peak as i turned on the wind animation as you can see the bright line showing the cold front and something to drive the severe weather outbreak. the shifting and converging winds, forcing them up and then they grow into thunderstorms. it's been another day of numerous severe thunderstorms through minnesota, iowa, down into missouri and oklahoma. this kind of activity is going to gradually fade now that the sun is down in that part of the country, but it has been a very busy day overall. a look at the radar loop over the past several hours. you can see all the thunderstorms that are ripping across the heartland, producing a lot of damaging weather. each one of these icons is a separate damage report, whether from gusty straightline winds or from large hail or the tornadoes. numerous tornadoes are reported to the southwest of des moines and then to the north of
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iowa's capital city. our weather is the complete opposite of that. it has been a pleasant tuesday. a lot of sunshine overhead. most of us were warmer than average. but these passing storm systems to the north are going to shift the winds enough over the bay area. they were in for a gradual return to near normal temperatures by the time thursday rolls around. then we're going to get into a below average temperature pattern by the time the holiday weekend will begin. but for now, it's still nice out there. clear skies over san jose where the temperature is just below 80 degrees. still holding on to the low to mid-80s. san francisco's cooling down topped out close to 70 today, but back down to the low 60s. warmer on the east side of the bay in oakland with temperatures currently running in the upper 60s. the fog was not widespread at all this morning. it will be slightly more widespread tomorrow morning. but not going to be a major factor for the wednesday morning commute. fog mainly along the coast. some of it will try to push across the bay into the trivalley, but it will not take long. backing up at the coast and along the coast some sunshine peeking through,
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but the fog will be a bigger factor for coastal parts over the course of the next several days. a look at where temperatures will end up tonight. there will be pretty close to what's normal. really not a whole lot of variation. pretty much everybody in the low to mid-50s until you get further inland. upper 40s for morgan hill and one of the cooler spots on the map. most of us settling into the lower half of the 50s. to find more upper 40s, you have to go into the north bay. petaluma is usually one of the cool spots and you're going to with one of our cool spots tomorrow morning with temperatures starting in the upper 40s there as well. but our temperatures, they are going to warm up pretty nicely. and dog walking forecast for tomorrow is looking good for adventurous dog here. apparently likes to go hiking. go to the coast, it's going to be cool and breezy if you stay closer to home. and the temperatures should be pleasantly warm, topping out in the low 70s. if you go further inland, it will be significantly warmer with the temperatures in the mix to upper 70s and the low to mid-80s. not as warm as today, but still about 3 to 4 degrees
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above normal. a mix of 60s and the 70s around the bay. high temperatures are right around 60 degrees eloping the coast. we do have that cool down in stored for us, fairly brief. the ten-day outlook for us shows highs in the upper 50s as we start the holiday weekend. then bouncing back to average as we would go through next week. it's a similar pattern, but a bigger drop for inland parts of the bay area. livermore close to 80 degrees tomorrow, but only in the middle portions of the 60s on saturday. the unofficial beginning of summer is really not going to feel very summer like at all. let's take a look at your seven-day forecast. temperatures that will be going down. but then back up. if you don't mind the cool conditions on saturday with a little more cloud cover, it's looking just fine for the holiday weekend. those temperatures inland should be back well into the 70s on sunday, monday, tuesday. around the bay, similar trend. temperatures are going to drop down to the low to mid-60s for the highs and even into sunday before a bounce back for the holiday itself. along the coast, well, you don't have as far to drop. but the temperatures will settle in to
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the mid-50s. and as that colder air moves in, an outside chance of not rain, but maybe a little bit of drizzle along the coast on friday night. >> all right, i like how we blend. good job. >> it's coordinated. still ahead, new fast food chains will usually get people talking. one bay area city is expect
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get ready, walnut creek could get an earful over a proposed chick-fil-a restaurant. built in the citrus place market center. not far from the valley road. the city planning commission had given the project a go ahead, but now residents would file an appeal over concerns about traffic. the fast food plans don't include a drive through, but they say delivery services like ubereats could cause congestion, where they would keep you posted on that big event. all right, cbs evening news is next. we'll see you back here at 7:00. thanks for joining us at 6:00. >> norah: tonight, deadly turbulence. >> they just suddenly dropped. there was awful screaming. >> norah: the terrifying moments in the sky, an international flight plunges, leaving passengers bloody and oxygen masks hanging. what we are learning about what exactly happened. >> the type of damage we see in this airplane is not typical of


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