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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 22, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. well, hi there, thank you for joining us. it is wednesday, may 22nd. >> so let's get started. >> everything i just lost everything lick you know, everything like as a little kid from playing up and down the house you know jumping off the walls and doing stuff. it's going like it was burnt away. >> a san francisco dog walker says he lost everything while also dealing with racist threats. the investigation into a fire and the burning questions about allegations of hate. i won -- i want to preserve, you know, the culture and everything related to our community. >> countdown to carnivale. san francisco and the work to honor indigenous roots. your
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community station is there. are you -- >> yeah, yeah, your master's and higher education. >> it gives us an example of you can do it. you can do it. >> a diploma duo in the south bay. midweek motivation to help you master the day ahead. and dogs that fly? a new airline giving dogs a seat takes off. but the price per pooch might feel like a paw to the jaw. yes, some pricey tickets to go to the sky with your dog. we have that story coming up. would you fly with your dog and want to fly with other people's dogs? >> no. >> no. >> no, but you know with? that's a great option because honestly like i believe my dogs are fine at home with the dog sitter. when i'm on vacation because there's a reason i'm taking a vacation. i'm gianna franco. happy wednesday everyone. >> i'm reed cowan. nice to have you with us. >> a live look outside on this wednesday morning. i'll think about that though reed. maybe change my mind. a gorgeous view you have got of the city skyline this morning. you can
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see salesforce tower there just standing very well this morning and the keyword there jess is you can actually see it. doesn't look like a lot of cloud out there this morning. not really. yesterday was one of the warmest days we've had so far this season and certain pockets of the bay area. but now we're starting to cool down as we head into this next couple of days you will notice a shift in the forecast. especially as you head out the door. yesterday was gorgeous. we hit the 70s in san francisco. upper 80s all throughout the east bay and 80s down into the santa clara valley. but low pressure is moving in from the north and that's been keeping the storm track mostly to the north of us but now we're seeing cloudier skies and cooler conditions right around the corner as we head into our weekend forecast. luckily it's still staying dry though and our rain chances remain low as we head into in next seven days and with that in mind yesterday like i mentioned, san francisco hit 70 degrees and today, 67. so a little bit cooler. and day-by-day we'll continue to notice that until we head into the weekend forecast. where suddenly all going to be pretty much in the 60s and 50s around the corner. that low pressure system moves in. it's going to
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bring in a completely different weather pattern for us but it is still dry nonetheless. so dry days ahead of us, cooler temperatures right around the corner. today we're still hitting the 70s down in livermore and we're hitting the 80s all the way over into concord and antioch. it's a nice warm day for us off in the east bay. we notice a similar trend all the way up into the north bay too. san jose though, santa clara valley, beautiful this morning. nice and cool. we're sitting in the 50s and right now throughout the santa clara valley later this afternoon top off in the upper 70s and yesterday we were in the 80s. you see the trend heading into the next couple of days. more on that in pa bit. for now over to you, g. thank you, jessica good morning and on this wednesday as you head out the door a live look at conditions over at the bay bridge toll plaza. great start. no delays. quiet conditions heading into san francisco. that's the benefit of being up early and out on the roadways. you don't have lot of traffic to deal with but i know that alarm clock is little tough and i want to show you the upper deck but unfortunately the camera timed it. in the meantime we'll show it you here on the mapping system at the top of the screen there a little to the left you
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can see 80 there. that indicates the bay bridge and so far traffic is pretty quiet there. it's slow in the altamont pass as you get on to 580. i'll have that travel time coming up. all right, g, thank you so much and good morning to you. the state trial for the man convicted odd attacking paul pelosi begins jury conviction today. we're talking about david depape now facing state charges. a federal judge convicted and sentenced him to 30 years behind bars last week but in that one the sentencing kind of hit a snag. the judge didn't give him a chance to speak at his sentencing which is required by law. so a new federal sentencing hearing will be held. we're watching that one closely. the owners of two half-moon bay mushroom farms at the center of the mass shooting case last year have been ordered to pay nearly a half million dollars to workers for wages and damages over violations. back in january of 2023 police say a disgruntled co-worker shot and killed seven of his co-workers at california
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terra gardens and concord farms sending place racing to the scene. in the days that followed governor gavin newsom amplified the poor living and working conditions of farm workers there. and an investigation by the u.s. department of labor followed and revealed the farms underpaid workers and didn't provide safe living conditions. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey pushing for a policy change to speed the process of hiring more police officers. dorsey's charter amendment would create a new minimum staffing level and it would also give incentives for officers to delay retirement to stay on the force. this is his second attempt at creating a policy to fill hundreds of officer vacancies. you might remember back in march voter widely rejected prop b which would have provided $30 million from taxes to renew officers. and live look at san francisco city hall. later today mayor london breed and the mayor of shanghai, china will sign a memorandum of
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understanding. last month mayor breed visited china to secure shipment of pandas for the san francisco zoo. and shore up relationships with the businesses and airline carriers. by the way the pandas could be here as soon as the beginning of next year. g, we have to take our kids. investigation continues this morning into the serious house fire and mysterious fire that gutted the home of a san francisco dog walker. terry williams is known by the community in alamo square and had been targeted by racist threats he says but as williams was sharing his story with city leaders yesterday morning, a fire broke out at his home on grow street while his parents were home. firefighters mad to rush in and rescue them. his mom was seriously hurt and is in the hospital this morning. williams' dad was treated and is expected to be okay. but as lauren toms reports, williams and his neighbors have a lot of questions they want answered . >> lost my mom and my dad. my
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dogs the -- that's all that haddered. >> reporter: terry williams' worst fears became a reality tuesday. when a fire ripped through his family's home on grove street where they've lived for over 50 years. >> like everything i just lost everythinglike you know, all my memories and like as a little kid and doing stuff and it's going -- it was burnt away. >> reporter: all made it out alive. a miracle he says including his three dogs. but mystery surrounds the cause of the fire after a string of racist threats targeting terry remain unsolved. >> our goal is go to city hall to try to take care of something this this happens. every time i leave something is going on. i have to stay here and protect my house 24 hours now. >> reporter: even so he won't speculate as to how the fire could have started. earlier this month community members rallied together and launched a go fund me for terry to install cameras in his home after a noose and a black doll were left in front of his door. the
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cameras were installed but the batteries were charging while the fire erupted. during that time, terry was at city hall meeting with city officials about the prior hate crimes. authorities have not yet identified a suspect. >> you can tell i don't feel no security now. like -- i feel like they -- in a way feel like they won the round right now. we still in the fight and they won like four rounds right now. really five rounds down. and i mean, you know, this far down, i'm going to fight back. so this is rough and i'm not quitting. only thing makes me want to fight harder and i'm going up against the gun. >> reporter: most days terry can be seen walking chatting with people along the way. members of this community including lori are devastated alongside terry. she says the attacks are growing more personal. >> because they don't deserve any of this. they're really, really kind people. and i
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don't think anybodydesevens it but especially not this family. >> reporter: terry doesn't know where he inshrine torn between keeping his family and his home safe. >> my daughter keep me warm. like -- this is my house, what am i going to do? i have to protect my stuff. i can't take no more of this stuff no more. this is to the point where -- it's just too much now. it was like -- my family -- like come on. >> reporter: left with more questions than answers as he picks up the ashes of the life he's lived. >> the board of supervisors adopted a resolution condemning racist threats and intimidation of the williams' family. that was already on the agenda before yesterday's fire broke out. 5:09. we're all feeling the pain at the pump but will the president's new plan actually lower gas prices? plus this. we told ours that no matter what we're going to finish and that's what we did. >> and motivation in the south
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bay story that will help you master your wednesday and here's a live look outside -- [ inaudible ]
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do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. looking live at san jose this morning and we wish you congratulations and in fact 8,000 congratulations for san jose state university students who will be the class of 2024 walking at garage station. shawn chitnis live on campus this morning with a look at who
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graduates making commencement a couple's celebration. this a family achievement. shawn? >> reporter: hey, reed, good morning. yeah it's a fantastic story and there are going to be many celebrations for commencement over the next three days. the first one just a few hours from now and we can already get that sense of what is happening here on campus. but okay imagine this, getting a graduate degree already a ton of work then on top of that you may have job and you have a spouse that you want to be supportive to. but then both of you are getting the degree at the same time. and you have a baby before graduation. well, that's the story of one couple who will be celebrating today. for panda gonzalez and david a lee insular walked down the aisle together and on wednesday, they'll take some more special steps together only stage as graduates of the class of 2024. >> we told ourselves that no matter what we were going to finish. and that's what we did. >> reporter: both will receive
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their master's in counselor education from san jose state university. the first in their families to get a graduate degree. >> it was incredible to have a partner that can relate to the same topics we were talking about and the same classes and having the same classmates and similar projects. >> reporter: david plans to focus on at-risk youth who may be around gangs growing up. while for panda wants to advise low income first generation students. but well before they can put the new degrees to work, they've already changed plenty of deepest for their daughter. >> it's it does take a village and that's something i don't know you know until you actually have a baby and you are like wait. >> reporter: violateta was born in the final semester of the program and just ten weeks old and she showed up on a saturday but the two maze sure to attend class on zoom by the following tuesday. there were many advantages to having a partner who was also your classmate. but some days, it did add just a little too much stress to being a student. >> oh my gosh like am i going too slow and am i going to meet the deadline? you already
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started that assignment. oh man i'm way behind and i haven't looked at the prompt yet. >> reporter: support from peers and family made the last stretch of the journey possible so they could get to graduation day. >> you too kanpur sue your master and your higher education. >> take us example we can do it. you can do it. >> reporter: united in a common goal and now bonded by a shared university education to do the important work of helping others achieve the same dream in the future. and so these two already thinking ahead because they know that they are going to be working with students if they are not already. and they say now they have a better appreciation for those students that might already be parents or those students who are married and hoping to take the experience so they can better serve their communities, congratulations to them and everyone else who's a part of the class of 2024. >> congratulations and we stand on the shoulders of so many family members through the
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generation. beautiful story. thank you. city parks help us connect with nature and the community and the bay area is no exception. but how well do some of the local park systems stack up against the rest of the country? well, according to the trust for public lands annual rankings, san francisco earned seventh place this year. driven by a 100% score on park access. nationwide, fremont came in at 29th and san jose at 32nd and oakland at 52nd. san francisco also ranks second in the nation for park investment, spending a whopping $546 per resident on parks way above the national average of $124. we do have a lot of beautiful parks. >> yes we do. taking a live look outside on this wednesday morning. and hey, you can see the very tip of the pyramid there. that's a change jess lovely weather for us here in the bay but that's not really the case for others around the country. specifically the midwest. >> absolutely. check out this video that just happened yesterday over in iowa. deadly
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tornadoes swept throughout the state yesterday in greenfield, just southwest of des moines. police actually confirmed several people were killed in a tornado's path of destruction. and officials say that they cannot provide a death toll right now since search and rescue operations are still ongoing. and yesterday, just in the early morning hours in nebraska the national weather service said about 7 inches of rain fell in many flood prone areas. in one western county excuse me, as much as 10 inches fell. now this is the -- what you see on screen right behind me. the flooding of the town of fremont just northwest of omaha. that's where the flood warning is still in effect right now. we are keeping a close eye on those conditions over on that side but here in the bay goodness gracious what a contrast. we have not seen rain in 18 days now. that's the count up right now. as we take a look at current conditions in the bay it's dry as can be and taking a look at the climate prediction center they're expecting drier than normal conditions through the next six to ten days. but let's talk
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about yesterday and how beautiful it was. wasn't it gorgeous? gosh we had 80s in the east bay and we had 70s just into san francisco. great weather and it's in the nearly as warm as yesterday for us today but heading into the next couple of days actually continue to cool down as we get closer to memorial day weekend. speaking of the dry conditions, the climate prediction center showing drier than normal conditions and heading into the early portion of june too. all throughout the state of california so just keep that in mind. it's not to say this we cannot see rain. just that we're not expecting nearly as much. and memorial day is right around the corner. there's plenty of things happening for us this weekend. whether you are heading out to carnivale or celebrating memorial day in different ways, all throughout the bay expecting beautiful dry conditions. today we're in the 60s near san francisco. upper 50s near half-moon bay. all the way up into wine country still holding on tight to the 70s and we notice the clear skies above us especially down into the santa clara valley. where right now we're about to see one of the most beautiful sunrises probably all week long. it's also only wednesday. so there's still plenty of time to come for that but we're
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expecting 70s this afternoon throughout the santa clara valley. so as you take a look at what is to come right around the corner, especially throughout the next seven days you will notice that cooldown significantly. today we're still in the 80s all throughout the inland areas like the east bay and we see a similar trend tomorrow but notice that cooldown as we head all the way into the saturday forecast. no rain associated with that area of low pressure that moves in and cools us off. but it kind of tees us early next week. we'll start to warm up slowly into monday with sunny skies but for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. taking a look at the roadways right now as you get ready to make the trek to the bay bridge. not really a trek. a nice ride over into san francisco this morning. a pretty nice commute overall. and in fact, checking in on our mapping system here you can see all of that green, green is good. you are up to speed on all of the major freeways. with the exception of the ride into the altamont pass, that's in just a minute. but south bay commuters, so far, so good. 101, 280, 87, all clear this morning. westbound 580 slow speeds down to about
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21 miles per hour as you connect off of 205 getting into the altamont pass. or towards north flynn. but once you are past that point, traffic opens up nicely the rest of way towards the dublin interchange. if you ride into castro valley looking pretty good there and travel times not too bad on this wednesday morning. everything else is clear right now 580, 205 over to 680, that's about a 44 minute commute. over at the golden gate bridge, little foggy but really not enough to hurt your drive at all for visibility. looks pretty quiet heading into the city. i don't think he's somebody that's going to change even when he gets paid next year. >> well, some kind words for their young quarterback brock purrdy and the niners are back on the field. but a big piece is missing. here's a live look outside before we head to break. weather, news, traffic and sports straight ahead on your community station. it's 5:20 on a wednesday.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) first psoriasis,
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then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin, and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. at wendy's, you can get-
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(fake english accent) an english muffin and seasoned potatoes for just three bucks. with a light and fluffy toasted muffin and crispy potatoes, love. ooooooo (actual english accent) is this my breakfast? yes, yes it is! she bought it. grab a proper $3 wendy's breakfast for a limited time. the future of oakland baseball is finally fear. the ballers are on the board of the first game ever. the ballers in montana to play the range riders and it was tied at 4 in the 6th inning but oakland's austin taste getting it done with a double right into right field. miles jefferson just beats the throw home. look at that to give the ballers the lead. now in the next inning,
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hubbard -- there it is. hits a solo shot to make it two run lead for oakland and the ballers go on to win their inaugural game. 7-6. so congratulations to them. and we are counting down to the ballers' home opener at raimondi park on june 4th and we are the official tv partners of the ballers. and you can watch every friday night home game on pix+ 44 cable 12. now taking a live look at levi's stadium this morning and we have to wait a lot longer to see the niners back at home. they start the regular season on monday night football against the jets and that's not until september 9th. but the team is already back on the field this week and matt lively has more from santa clara. >> reporter: it's time to put the super bowl in the rear-view mirror. the san francisco 49ers hit the practice fields in santa clara on tuesday for otas and there were a couple of new faces in red and gold. but also some absences that raised eyebrows like brandon aiyuk. >> anytime is part of the business part you try to respect it and stay out of it as much as possible and look forward to the days when we can
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just focus on football. >> reporter: but tee bee samuel was present and rocking the new jersey numberringly think 1 can be a risky number. >> if you are not -- i thought it was risky and he said it was going to look good. i think he's right so far. >> reporter: nick bosa was here at ota as after holding out last season until almost week one. >> if we all see that. it's good. >> get around the new guys and we have a lot of enough faces in. >> reporter: also spoke on the qb's developed leadership. >> i don't think he's somebody that's going to change even when he gets paid next year. he kind of reminds me of scottie scheffler except for -- [ laughter ] >> are you know longer it would have been new guys. >> i'm a coat. >> reporter: the niners will hit the practice field for preparing for mandatory mini camp in june. >> the former bay area high school football star is suing the university of florida. his head coach and a prominent booster for the program. he was one of the top recruits in the nation coming out of pittsburgh
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high school. now he says he has -- he was promised nearly $14 million to play for the florida gators. and then never got paid. now right now universities are not allowed to make direct payments to college athletes. the lawsuit claims florida's coach coordinated with a wealthy supporter of the program to offer rashada an outside endorsement deal with no intention of paying. the maker of wnba's official basketball breaking barriers by signing caitlin clark to a multiyear sponsorship deal. big deal. clark is the only other athlete to be a brand ambassador for the wilson since michael jordan in the 19 #s and slam dunk there. part of this release wilson will see a three white gold clark branded basketball to market that will be expecting a slam dunk in sales. that's a good looking basketball. >> very cool looking and i love that you know. i mean we talked a lot about the discrepancy in pay. with women and men versus the nba or wnba. her getting this endorsement is certainly
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making up for it. good for her. >> do you think it gets the league off for paying a little bit more. >> no. >> steph and all them and lebron are getting endorsements too. i understand it's growing you know, and you are getting eyes though on the wnba now. so let's get moving. >> yes. >> right? all right, 5:26. still ahead -- >> i want -- to preserve, you know, the culture and everything related to our community. >> she is extremely proud of her identity and fully embracing the theme of carnivale this year. meet the woman sharing culture and helping people at the same time. later another reason to slow down on the roadways. the new timeline for speed cameras on south bay streets. live look outside before we head to break and already at 5:27. look at that. hints of a golden glow.
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that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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right now on cbs news bay area, at 5:30 in the morning. we take a live look right there and say hi to our friends over in the east bay. across the waters and good morning, everybody. time to talk to jessica about the weather. so yesterday, kind of hot under the collar. now maybe you can unbutton a couple of ticks right there to cool off. >> maybe you. [ laughter ] let's take a quick look at that's going on outside. reed, yeah, you make a really good point. you totally. totally had nice weather yesterday in our inland areas. and gosh, we warmed up all the way into the upper 80s throughout the east
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bay. we had 70s into san francisco. we're waking up this morning to a beautiful sunrise just over the city of san francisco. and oakland across the bay bridge. it's not going to be as warm as it was yesterday afternoon. for us today. but we're still near normal until thursday. and then low pressure moves in. that starts to cool us down long story short heading into memorial day weekend a little bit cooler a little bit cloudier too but still dry. all the outdoor events we were thinking about still a go. take a look at this. partly cloudy skies for us just along the coastline and that actual may gray is experienced a lot more in areas like half-moon bay this morning. all the way up into pacifica. the rest of us, already off to a beautiful start. and we talked about that last week when we had that very thick may gray all week long. we were forecasting for this week knowing that it was going to be a lot nicer and a lot more clear and that's exactly what we have today. i will say though our pollen count is going to increase just a little bit as we head into in next couple of days. keep that in mind. other than that though as we head into the weekend's forecast. carnivale is also happening and we're expecting
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50s and 60s both days, gosh a beautiful one this weekend and many of us have a long weekend too. and heading into early next week, we can continue to see more sunshine in the forecast for us. as early as monday and tuesday. keep in mind this weekend will be a little bit cloudier but still beautiful. we're expecting 70s and 80s throughout this afternoon throughout the inland areas and 50s and 60s along the coast. and the peninsula. redwood city being the exception. hitting 70 degrees as we make our way down into the santa clara valley with upper 70s there. gianna? jessica, thank you. okay, let's get you moving out there on the roadways as you grab the coffee and get out the door. golden gate bridge if that's your ride into the city, lucky you. it's moving along well. no delays and in fact a pretty easy commute so far this morning. you know, for most of the bay area bridges as we take a look here at the bay bridge, you can see it's not bad. metering lights will get flipped on and probably in the next five to ten minutes. that's when they typically are turned on for the morning commute. so enjoy this while you can. traffic is moving well over into san francisco. reed? all right, g. news this morning and it's developing. ireland joining spain and
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norway in formally recognizing palestine as a state. in dublin, irish prime minister simon harris called the move historic and important day for ireland. and for palestine, the changes intended to help move the israeli palestinian conflict to peace through two-state solution. it was quickly condemned by israel. listen up, police need your help to find a missing uc davis student last seen in san francisco last week. we're talking about 18-year-old diane minn left campus friday night and took the amtrak train to mission street and just disappeared. investigators worry that first your student may be in distress. in sacramento the rush for reparations to compensate black families for the wrong of the past moving forward. state legislators working to create the agency to help black families research their lineage to confirm eligibility. lawmakers also passed bills to create a fund for reparations programs to compensate for property seized unjustly. last week legislators introduced a
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bill calling for a state apology to black californians for slave laws. and discriminatory practices. back in february, you might remember san francisco supervisors formally apologized to african americans and their descendants for san francisco's role in perpetrating racism and discrimination. the city of boston issued a similar apology along with nine other u.s. states. must week a jury will begin deliberations in the first ever criminal trial of a former u.s. president. history made here. closing arguments in donald trump's hush money trial expected for tuesday. trump faces 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. by the way trump denies all counts and any wrongdoing. let's jump the map to iran right now. where the supreme leader there led prayers at the funeral for the country's president killed in a helicopter crash this week. the president ibrahim rais hey died with six others in a helicopter crash on sunday. g. this morning we're hearing
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more stories from passengers on board that singapore airlines flight that experienced severe and deadly turbulence. new images capture the chaos on board. nousens of passengers bloodied and bruised and hurt. 73-year-old british man died of a possible heart attack. about ten hours in on the trip from london to singapore, the plane found storms in the thailand area. preliminary flight data shows that's when the flight experienced a sudden turbulent event lasting about one minute. >> the plane started shaking and at that point, like i just know that -- okay, well i'm just going to like huddle in and it kept getting worse and worse and worse. >> it was quite scary and i don't think i'll be flying again for a while. >> the ceo of singapore air has issued an apology and he says the airline will fully cooperate in investigations while faa data shows injuries from turbulence are rare aviation experts say really the best way to protect yourself is to we're a seat belt. what a frightening situation though. >> so terrible. san francisco's chinatown
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turning tragedy into push for change. our roots and resilience aapi month coverage continues this morning. with the story of susan lu. lost her mom to a botched plastic surgery nearly 30 years ago. our ryan yamamoto highlights this story of new memoir about how her mother's story helped spark a change for future victims of medical malpractice. >> i have come to this building so many times looking for answers. and a part of me feels that i found that answer and now i can let it go. seeking the truth. >> reporter: a remarkable fight for justice and healing, rising up out of our own community. you can watch it coming up later on the broadcast at 5:00 p.m. and also take note at the end of the week, watch with your family hour long special roots and resilience an aapi celebration and so proud of this. this friday at 4:00 p.m. on kpix and streaming on cbs news bay area. well, we're counting down to carnivale san francisco. the
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two day event celebrating the mission district's diverse culture and this year's theme honoring indention courthouse roots. loureen ayyoub talked to a participate who was fully embracing the theme. >> reporter: every rose is a deep symbol of love for her mayan culture. maya lydia is preparing for this year's carnivale. the theme is focusing on a tommic she happens to be quite passionate about. honoring your indigenous roots. >> it means -- how are you? >> reporter: the professor of mayan and mexican heritages the founder of the mayan association, where she supports community members new to the bay area. lydia not only teaches the ancient mayan language, but she's working hard to keep it alive. >> i want to preserve, you know, the culture. everything related to our community. >> reporter: and she's been committed to that vision from her days in yucatan to her new
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days here in the mission district. through financial support from other like minded nonprofits, lydia helps immigrants of mayan heritage acclimate to the bay area. that's why this year's carnivale is so significant to her and her community. >> this carnivale means a lot for them because you know, sooner they can leave the country. and that's why we bring in the music for them to listen. and to be happy. >> reporter: but it's not just a chance to enjoy their culture. it's also a chance to share it. gabby a recent migrant of mayan heritage is looking forward to sharing the uniquely mayan food from her community. >> [ speaking in a global language ] >anc1 mic>lydia prepares distinctly >> reporter: as lydia prepare distinctly mayan decor from the
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food imported from yucatan she says the music and dance will bring forth a familiar joy for her community. >> i want them to feel like a home. >> reporter: and home is what they'll be sharing at the festival. >> well, carnivale this sunday and you can watch the live special coverage starting at10:00 a.m. on pix+ 44 cable 12 and streaming on the free cbs news app. 5:38. many of you will be hitting the roads for memorial day weekend. so it's hard to ignore those high gas prices. but will the white house's new plan to help ease the pain. plus this. it's a lot different than any other class in the school. and it brings a lot of kids a lot of enjoyment. >> we love that. a bay area leader in education brings wood shop back to his school's curriculum. how the teacher
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop.
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tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. time now for the money watch report. the alameda county district attorney accusing some insurance companies of undervaluing homes. here's the back story. the alameda county da has accused the state's second largest homeowner insurance carrier providing low cost estimates that could leave customers with inned a quality coverage in the case of a disaster. the lawsuit claims farmers insurance used third party software to generate estimates just based on zip codes instead of looking at a
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home's set of features. da price asserts that farmers violated multiple california homeowner protection laws and says she will seek damages and an injunction. >> the insurance company has a duty to make sure that a homeowner gets the benefit of the bargain. that the homeowner getting they paid for. and that means when you suffer a loss of your home, that the insurance company has to make sure that you are able to replace that home. >> okay. so let's drill down. other defendants named in the suit include farmers and underwriters insurance and mid century which is a subsidiary of farmers. that's one to watch. cbs reached out to farmers and they told us the allegations are incorrect and the company doesn't seek to provide low cost replacement estimates. they plan to spiccato da and then defend their position. well, an effort to lower prices at the pump the biden administration says it will release 1 million-barrels of gasoline from a northeast
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reserve. it comes as aaa predicts more than 38 million americans will hit the roads this memorial day weekend. well, according to aaa the national average right now is $3.61. but here in california, it's $5.17. let's compare that to year ago california was $4.08 #. dogs and humans can finally fly in comfort. this is bark air. a new luxury airline that is canine friendly and set to take off on its maiden voyage tomorrow from new york to los angeles. so the airline can accommodate up to 14 people per flight. but they don't want to sell more than ten tickets because they have to make room for all the dogs. >> the dogs actually respond really well. we've done some -- some test flights if you will. and we -- they went perfectly. they went so well. so the dogs we actually did experience some significant
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turbulence. and the dogs were fine. >> okay. so this dream flight will cost you a pretty fenny though. for one human and one dog a oneway international flight goes for $8,000 while domestic trips are $6,000. hello doggie day care. they're flying nicer than me and my kids in coach. that's luxury. >> yeah. toot loops i saw one of the cereal offerings for the dogs and perrier in the dog bowl. okay. many thousands of dogs yet to be adopted just going to get on the soap box here. >> i like that very, very good point. now some music on this wednesday morning. ♪ ♪ >> the organizers of napa's bottle rock festival are making sure music stays a live well into the night at afterdark concert series. so up until next monday. it all kicks off
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in san francisco tonight. get this. 7:00 with chris shiflett one of the guitarists of the foo fighters at cafe denord. bottle rock is this friday to sunday. >> oh my gosh looks so fun. >> i know doesn't it? i have fomo. >> me to. always for outside lands and coachella bottle rock. >> then they tell me the ticket price and i think i have to put braces on kids' faces. >> on top of the fact getting there is thing you know. >> slow. >> lot of traffic and yes. you have to kind of stay up there to really kind of take it all in and enjoy it. >> you should work in traffic. >> i know. >> you might have a future in that. >> i should. i should. a live look outside and audition her this morning through the morning and next several decades. this is your moment. and look at that. that's the moment for coit tower. and check it out. that's not alcatraz floating on the water. that's actually a boat there and that's what makes us quintessential bay area. good morning to all of
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you andjess right now, nice and warm yesterday i almost love the idea of a cooldown. it's sort of like we get a variety a buffet. oh absolutely. we get all the options except for the fact that it's still dry. so just keep that in mind. the menu is still kind of fixed. now as we take a look at what's going on outside, on a day like today, it is pretty breezy out there and it's going to get gustier in the next couple of days actually. we have some passing storms just to the north of us. but other than that we're just going to see some partly cloudy skies develop as we head closer into memorial day weekend. it is going to be a breezy one for us along the coastline. already is right now near bode go gay and down into half-moon bay the wind start to strengthen. at that point close to around 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts moving in from the north. lighter conditions in our inland areas. and it gets stronger closer to dinner time widespread throughout the bay area but just keep that in mind. the breezy conditions are still sticking around for us and that marine layer is sticking around too. just along the coast from half-moon bay
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stretching down into santa cruz and we're going to continue toe watch that kind of stick around until around 10:00. at that point we start to see clear conditions and blue skies and it's going to be a beautiful one for us today. the pollen count still is in the medium to high category though as we head into next couple of days and other than that it's a beautiful day today. just a little bit cooler compared to yesterday. yesterday we hit the 70s in san francisco. today, 60s in the forecast for us. yesterday we were in the upper 80s off in fact east bay. still holding on tight to that near concord into antioch. 70s in the forecast for us today near napa and also seeing more 70s down into the santa clara valley anywhere from san jose stretching over into los gatos. now we now know it's going to be a gusty one for us today. it's still mild for our daytime highs. but we do have a big cooldown as we head into the weekend forecast. daytime highs are still sitting in the 80s right now and tomorrow but once we head into the weekend, that low pressure system moves in and we drop from the 70s to the 60s from friday into saturday. luckily it's a short-lived little event and then we start to warm up slowly as we head into early next week with some partly cloudy skies
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still sticking around. also notable for the friends along the bay. 60s by friday and 60s into early next week. jessica, thank you. let's get a look at traffic this morning. on a wednesday. halfway through the work wreak and i do like to deliver glad fuse when you are getting ready to hop on the freeways. state quite early. taking the golden gate bridge right now is a great time to make the ride out of marin county into strap. the one advantage of getting up and then early start to your day. you don't deal with as much traffic. now here's the thing. bay bridge toll plaza, those metering lights are now on and this backs up so quickly when the lights get flipped on and we're seeing that happening right now. 5:48 in the morning we're backed up all the way beyond the overpass and not quite to the foot of the maze but it is certainly growing so i definitely start thinking about getting that ride going if you are headed over into san francisco early this morning. but other than that, it's really just the altamont pass where we're seeing some brake lights westbound getting into the area near north flynn. near grant line. typical slowing there. the south bay actually looks good. just a pinch of
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slowing northbound 101, past that 280 and 680 connector. ment well speaking of south bay, speed cameras are on their way to san jose streets. city streets, and city officials announcing the cameras will go into place late next year. the 33 cameras will be placed in high collision areas. this is part of a state bill authorizing six cities in california to launch a fife year pilot program involving the cameras. san francisco is also one of the six cities participating in the program. the city says its 33 cameras will go up by late this year. well, if you have been around long enough you may remember taking wood shop. i did. mr. else dredge. it's been disspearing over the last few decades and len ramirez is about to show you one pleasant hill campus thanks to one dedicated teacher. >> reporter: when these seventh graders file into nicole's wood shop class, they are
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working with their minds and their hands. >> this is the edge router. so it's -- it's very easy. we just use two lands on it and you just go across the edge of your piece. >> reporter: kyle muller is making drink coaster and awe term kelly is polishing off a new chess board. >> i love wood working. the really great being able to put all these big pieces together to make something really pretty like this. >> reporter: it was not long ago that this wood shop at valley view middle school in pleasant hill was in moth balls. it was closed for eight years after the previous shop teacher retired. he was part of a larger trend to move away from industrial tech classes in california schools amid budget cuts and teacher shortages and shifting priorities. >> just last summer, this whole spot here was just completely filled with desks and chairs and any kind of leftover stuff. it was just a big storage
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facility. it was not workable. we had no tools and everything was poached except for maybe the big machines that were too heavy to move. >> reporter: nicole took on the challenge of restarting the program to give kids more options. >> feel like now is the time for these kind of programs. there seems to be more backing and more interest and not only district-wide. but i think beyond. how far from the fence was it. >> reporter: but it wasn't easy. the biggest problem was finding a shop teacher and nicole thought english but took wood working classes at night so she could teach shop herself. she found skilled mentors in the community to help students with the finer points. and reached out to retailers and rotary clubs to help equip the shop with the latest tools and safety gear. >> hands-on learning where the kids get to physically move around is -- a style learning and aesthetic learning. but really these are aapplicable l skills and you can traffic these skills on to anything whether it's not just job related but also just around
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the home and fixing things for yourself and knowing how machines work and knowing how to be safe around machines. there's math skills and there's science skills and i mean, this is s.t.e.m.. this is exactly it. these kind of programs. >> reporter: of course, safety lessons get pounded into each student before they're allowed to work the power tools. >> power sand first and then switch to hand sanding. >> reporter: kyle says the skills he's learning here will help him in the future. >> since i have learned this i know like different trades and i know how to do like metal working and like wood shop and i'm going to like keep learning this stuff. >> reporter: and autumn says it's a great way to get the mind refreshed during the psychological day. >> a lot different than any other class in the school. it brings a lot of kids a lot of enjoyment. >> reporter: wood shop the type of class that used to be in almost every school but got swept away now making a comeback. time right now is 5:53 in the morning. good morning to you. we've got some
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inspiration as you wake up. this 11-year-old taking an amazing
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at wendy's, you can get- (fake english accent) an english muffin and seasoned potatoes for just three bucks. with a light and fluffy toasted muffin and crispy potatoes, love. ooooooo (actual english accent) is this my breakfast? yes, yes it is! she bought it. grab a proper $3 wendy's breakfast for a limited time. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. athena elsing is lot like most teens or 'tweens and loves disneyland and loves her
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pets and loves hobbies. but tomorrow, she'll become the youngest student the graduate from irvine valley college taking a title from her big brother who graduated last year just before he turned 12. the 11-year-old graduating laude that's a gpa over 3.5. >> really excited about it because i get to beat my brother's record and i get the finally beat him in -- a way that's probably the most meaningful to me. because i have always been really competitive with him. >> ha. you go girl. athena inspired to go the college early like her brother did and enrolled there at just 9 years old. >> i mean, what's next? like literally what's next? >> right. i don't know. what the name like athena i mean you kind of have to dominate right. time right now 5:57. from an impressive graduate to an inspiring couple of graduates a family affair today and many congratulations at san jose state university. how about a live look outside on this wednesday
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morning? as the sun comes up over the bay. make it great day. we'll be right back. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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6:00 am
well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. it's wednesday, may 22nd. >> let's get started. >> everything -- i just lost everything like, you know,


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