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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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it did change >>everything. >>right off the top at 9:00. the chp working to clean up crime in the east bay and now at 9 an update from governor gavin newsom is office on the effort to improve public safety. plus this >really thought i lost my mom, my dad. was is like anything not caring about it. >reed>times for san francisco dog walker after he said he'd been targeted. by racist threats. the latest on the
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investigation. into a fire that happened at his home. now at 9. your headlines and we start with the state trial for the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi. so here's what's happening. jury selection begins in about 30 minutes we're talking about david duke pop in the state case. he was already convicted in the federal case, but now faces those state charges. they include attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. a federal judge convicted and sentenced to pap to 30 years behind bars last week, but that's sentencing hit a snag. here's why the judge didn't give the pap a chance to speak in court at his sentencing, that's california law. so now a new federal sentencing hearing. has to be held to the east bay. now a chp sting led to the recovery of more than 700. stolen vehicles. that's according to the officer, governor gavin newsom, also included in that operation 355. arrests and the seizure of 46. firearms linked to carjackings and other crimes. part of nuisance plan to improve public safety in the east bay. taking a live look at the oakland
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coliseum. and there's some big news to break today. oakland has finalized a deal. to sell its share of the property to the african american sports and entertainment group for at least 105 0. 0. the move ends decades of city ownership and aims to bolster oakland's finances and pave the way for a potential $5 0. redevelopment project. speed camera is on the way to the san jose street landscape. city officials announcing the cameras you see her on your screen will go into place late next year, 33 cameras will be placed in high collision areas to try to cut down on those numbers, all part of a state bill authorizing 6 cities across california. launch of 5 year pilot program involving these cameras. san francisco it is also 1 of the 6 cities participating in the program, the city, says 33 cameras will go up in san francisco. by late this year. now for a look across the bay this morning. good morning, everybody at 902 am this is the scene from oakland. the look in san francisco and the sunshine in san jose, jess.
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>yesterday was a warm day for us here in the bay area, especially if you lived off in our inland areas. but, hey, i live in san francisco and we hit 70 degrees that was beautiful for us. 60s are in the forecast for us today, so just a little bit cooler as we head into this afternoon. we have some gusty conditions along that shoreline will continue to watch those winds really kick up closer to the dinner time hours. so if you live near bodega bay, you can see a wind gust anywhere up to around 40 mph for the rest of us all throughout the bay area winds will be a little bit breezy into the evening hours tonight. we're expecting 70s, all throughout the santa clara valley today. eighties off into the east bay. but watch what happens as we head closer to memorial day weekend. right around the corner saturday. sunday and monday. we're going to see a little bit of a dip in the temperatures and then we start to average right back out into the 70s and our inland areas heading into early next work week now for the rest of us who live closer to the bay, or at least along the shore line will hold on tight to the 70s for now, averaging down into the low 60s by that saturday forecast will continue to see cooler conditions into early next week, getting close to the 70s but not quite hitting it. jess. >reed>thank you so much, so
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there is a mystery this morning into a house fire that gutted the home of a san francisco dog walker here's the backstory. terrie williams is well known by his neighbors and alamo square. and he says recently he's been targeted by racist threats. even as williams was sharing his story with city leaders yesterday morning. fire broke out at his home on growth street. his parents were inside. firefighters had to rush in and rescue them his mother reportedly seriously hurt in the hospital. this morning. williams dad treated is expected to be released. as lauren toms is about to show you. williams and his neighbors have a lot of questions, and they're demanding answers. >i really thought i lost my mom. my dad. my daughter. like caring caring about it. that's all i married about is >reed>very williams's worst fears became a reality. tuesday when a fire ripped through his family's home on grove street, where they have lived for over 50 years.
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>everything has lost everything like, you know. everything. i want memories, everything like it was a little kid for playing up and down the house jumping off the wall stuff. it's going like it's just it's burned away. >reed>made it out alive. a miracle, he says, including his 3 dogs, but mystery surrounds the cause of the fire. after a string of racist threats targeting terry remain unsolved. >city heart i take care of something, and then it's happened. every time leaving like something's going on, like i feel like i need to stay here and protect my house 24 hours now, like >reed>even so he won't speculate as to how the fire could have started earlier this month, community members rallied together and launched a gofundme for terri to install cameras in his home after a noose and a black doll were left in front of his door. the cameras were installed. but the batteries were charging while the fire erupted during that time, terry was at city hall meeting with city officials about the prior hate crimes authorities have not yet identified as suspect.
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>don't feel no security. why in a way to find i won round 1 around right now, like we were still in the fight, but they wondered 1 like 4 rounds right now. i'm like 5 really 5 rounds down. just right now. i'm trying to fight back. this rough. i'm not quitting. not going to quit. to fight hard. against the gun. >reed>terry can be seen walking his dogs in his clients talks through alamo square park, chatting with people along the way members of this community, including lori sartori, or are devastated alongside terry. she says the attacks are growing more personal. >because they don't deserve any of this. really, really kind people. and i don't think anybody deserves it, but especially not this family. >reed>displaced and on high alert, terry says he doesn't know where he can sleep torn between keeping his family and his home safe. >to keep me warm. it's my
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house to i got to go to protect myself. can't take no more of this stuff. is just too much now like my family is really all out. it's like, come on. like >reed>left with more questions than answers as he picks up the ashes of the life he's lived. >that no matter what we're going to finish. and that's what we did. >reed>diploma duo and the power of love and motivation. the south bay story that will help
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we pulled people off the street and asked them about their hearts. how's your heart? my hear's pretty good. you sure? how do you know? you're driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn't have a hey, check heart sign. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. don't wait. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon.
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now, if we look at what's happening around the base today in oakland form police chief laurent armstrong is joining the race for a city council seat, spoke spokesperson for armstrong confirmed that he will file that paperwork today. now this will be interesting mayor santa fired armstrong last february after an investigation found he allegedly mishandled to police misconduct cases, armstrong then filed a lawsuit with the city after an arbitrator cleared him of any wrongdoing. a live look at san francisco city hall. where later today, mayor london breed and the mayor of shanghai, china will sign a memorandum of understanding. to keep up strong relationships between the sister cities last month. mayor breed visited china to secure shipment of pandas for the san francisco zoo and short relationships with businesses and airline carriers into the
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city. by the way, these pandas could be here as soon as the beginning of next year. looking live at san jose this morning and wishing congratulations to 8000 san jose state university students graduating. as the class of 2024. sean chitnis has a look at 2 graduates who are making commencement. couples celebration. gone. and day. salinas have already walked down the aisle together and on wednesday they will take some more special steps together on stage as graduates of the class of 2024. >told ourselves that no matter what we're going to finish and that's what we did >reed>receive their masters in counselor education from san jose state university, the 1st in their families to get a graduate degree. >it was incredible to have a partner that can relate to the same topics we were talking about. about the same classes having the same classmates save similar projects. >reed>plans to focus on at risk
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youth who may be around gangs growing >up. >>while fernando wants to advise low income first generation students, but well before they can put their new degrees to work. they've already changed plenty of diapers for their daughter. >a village and that's something that i don't think you know, until you actually have a baby, and then you're like, wait, it really does take a village. >reed>was born in their final semester of the program, and it's just 10 weeks old. she showed up on a saturday but these 2 made sure to attend class on zoom by the following tuesday. there were many advantages to having a partner who is also your classmate, but some days it did add just a little too much stress to being a student. >my going to slow going to meet the deadline already started that assignment, man i'm way behind. i haven't even looked at the prom. >reed>support from their peers and family made the last stretch of this journey possible. so they could get to graduation day >can pursue your your masters and you higher education. example of we can do
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it. you can do >reed>it. united in a common goal and now bonded by a shared university. education to do the important work of helping others achieve the same dream in the future. >more blue skies in the forecast for us today, with some gusty conditions along our shorelines. anywhere up to around 40 mile per hour. winds are expected today in certain pockets of the bay will dive into that in just a 2nd, but here's our weather headlines not as warm today compared to yesterday, at least yesterday. we had the 70s near san francisco close to the 90s off into the east bay but slowly we're starting to cool down as we get closer into our holiday weekend. we're going to see cloudy skies around the corner from memorial day and to add to that those temperatures are going to start cooling down fast. now here's those winds i was talking about wind speeds. any rupture around 40 mph are expected near bodega bay. it gets gusty into this afternoon close to the 5:00 hour near our coastline, and we'll see that onshore wind really impact our inland areas, too. start to average out a little bit more as we head into the rest of this week. pressure dips down that cooled us off a little bit as we head into the weekend forecast, and like i said it
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delivers those clouds too, as we head right around the corner. but today we're still dealing with these blue skies and temperatures are kind of close to yesterday, just about 3 degrees cooler near san francisco about 4 degrees cooler over into oakland and keep in mind we're going on day 18 of no rain in sight for us, and we're continuing continuing to see these dry conditions actually last into our holiday weekend forecast now down into the santa clara valley, we go 70s are in the forecast for us throughout this afternoon watch what happens as we head into our spry day to saturday setup. seventies, quickly turn into 60s. there's those clouds i was talking about no rain, luckily, but it stays dry into early next week with a gradual warm up into the upper 70s, once again by monday, that's our inland areas as we head all the way to the coast and along the shore line near separate cisco. some 70s trickled in there as we head into our next couple of days cooling down into the 60s into this weekend and by early next week, we'll see some upper 60s returned with partly cloudy skies sticking around >reed>jess. thanks. abide ministrations announcing billions in student loan relief, and we have details on
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whether you at home could qualify. but 1st it's wired wednesday and we continue to talk a i integration is amazon announces an alexa upgrade and open a. i faces a lawsuit you see lisa, there are buddy giveaway. you are what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart.
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well, new this morning. amazon plans to give their a i assistant alexa. and overhaul according to cnbc. includes a new generative voice that the company says feels more conversational. but even use it. amazon says they're going to have to charge a monthly subscription fee and no, this won't be included in its prime offering. amazon really hasn't commented yet on its plans, so as part of wired wednesday. we want to break this story down. plus, we're going to talk about a few other topics like chat govts new but very familiar voice and a rumored apple air tag. joining us is my friend lisa at a chico cnet senior editor. welcome. so let's talk about amazon. in recent months we've really seen open ai google unveiled their new ai assistants. saying is there a pioneering in the world of a i do you think amazon is kind of late to the game?
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i just found out you can whisper to alexa and she was 1st back. that was a cool thing. from 1 boy. to another opening. ai. really? they've pulled the sky voice right from chat govts voice feature. following user opinion that it sounds a little too similar to actress scarlett johansson. this was a big story earlier this week. it's kind of a little surreal. is this a situation where a i legal issues could come to play?
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so fascinating. this 1 is not done yet. alright, lisa. thank you so much. you have a great day. where you are, we appreciate it. let's talk about your moneywatch with a look at where the markets are right now, let's take a look at that live. the big board showing those numbers, right now at 920 in the morning here in pacific standard time and we are down,
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we're almost down 60 points earlier, we watched that some people 500 likely due to investors, anticipating the earnings announcement from santa clara based company called new video. that comes after the market closes will be watching that 1 as well. a live look at this morning at the white house where the biden administration is announcing student loan relief for 54,000. bowers. this latest round impacts borrowers enrolled in the safe plan. you know today, mr biden is canceled an average of 35,000 in loans for 4.7. 0 american borrowers. borrowers. that's not an easy word for me by the administration is also making efforts. lower prices you pay at the pump, so the administration says it will release 1 million barrels of gasoline from the northeast reserve. comes as a aaa organization predicts that more than 38 0 of us will hit the roads this memorial day weekend fact drilling down on that, according to aaa the national average for gas per gallon is 300. we wish we paid that in california, where on average
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we're paying about 517. a gallon. so let's go back a year ago to compare and see where we are the national average a year ago, $3.53 a gallon we were doing a lot better a year ago at $4.80. a gallon, so that could be a reason for the release and reserves. a live look in the east bay, where pixar announced some major job cuts, the emeryville based studio says it's slashing 14% of its workforce about 175. employees. the company explains the layoffs as part of its plan to move away from disney plus series production. and return focus on feature films. fact disney pixar. acquired back in 2006. now this you want to download some of these albums on playlist today >that >>money in the pocket of music makers. in fact, apple just announced >the >>greatest time or inhaled. its
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educational warning. number 1. will >dig. case mr. the name of the space. face man claiming that they did a bit, man. take care of that. the bay area events calendar. brought to you by broadway. san jose. >reed>here's what's happening in the bay area >this >>weekend. zambia and salsa francisco at carnival. daniel parade in the mission district celebrates latin american dance and >are >>have a good >time >>for >>gaza. >>annual mirror beach. volunteer fire. barbecue in >san >>better >>you are in the land road. >reed>moulin rouge musical is coming to san jose next summer. revolutionary film comes to life. on stage remixed in a new musical mess >up >>extravaganza. reserve your seats to mullen rouge now by subscribing to >this >>package. area of
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calendar broadway san
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>yeah. only about yeah. okay?
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>reed>just feels good right? apple >meet >>this list of the 100 >best >>and coming in at number >1 >>lauryn hill. breakout, >david >>album is education. >man coming, >reed>99. >>breakthrough. >>a grammy grammy out >of >>right out of the >gate. by the case, mr the name of >reed>the artist. >man claim >reed>experts. so let's take a look at who rounds out the top 10 following miss hill is michael jackson's thriller the beatles abbey road, prince's purple rain frank ocean's blonde. then stevie wonder songs in the key of live, kendrick lamar's good kid mad city, amy winehouse's back to black nirvana's never mind and rounding out the top 10 is beyonce's lemonade. that does it for the news at 9. next is the drew barrymore show today, quinton bronson is stopping by for the entire show. they'll be on the couch talking about her series. abbott elementary. and for more local headlines, including weather, join us on our streaming service. cbs news bay area
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9:30 am
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