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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>hi there. thanks so much
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for joining us. today. well, a lot of you. maybe. be packing up. up before the big holiday weekend or looking ahead to other trips this summer and beyond today, we're talking live with a travel industry analyst about safety as people head out onto planes or onto the roads and how crowded it will be on all those trips will have that conversation in just a few minutes, but 1st a look at your news headlines. and contra costa county of vehicle. caught fire on highway 4 this afternoon. this is a look from our chopper. fire crews doused. singing off a jeep that's completely scorched. this was on the westbound lanes just west of franklin, canyon. one lane of traffic is blocked here so drivers can expect delays in that area. no word on what caused this fire or any injuries at this. the city of oakland says it will sell its share of the coliseum to the african american. sports and entertainment group. the price tag at least 105 0 0 this move ends decades of city. ownership and aims to bolster oakland's finances as the city works to close a budget deficit of 100. 0. 0. oakland former police
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chief laurent armstrong is running for city council. the oakland native filed for candidacy this morning for the at large seat, which is currently held by vice mayor rebecca kaplan. armstrong says his quote unmatched knowledge and experience. will serve the public. crowded field. there are 8 other can who have already filed to run for the council member seat in the november election. the san jose police department is honoring its fallen officers. memorial and flag ceremony was held this morning for the 13 officers who have died in the line of duty. it is the 30th annual ceremony starting back in 1994. to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. ucsf will lead the 1st long term study of cancer among asian americans.
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it's all thanks to a $12 million award from the national cancer institute. asian americans have become the 1st racial group for whom cancer is the leading cause of death. researchers will look into the increasing rates of breast cancer among young asian american women, and why non smoking asian american women also have high rates of lung cancer. all right onto our 1st alert weather now a cool down is coming just in time for our holiday weekend meteorologist. jessica birch is tracking it all from our virtual view studio. >>hey, jeff.
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>all right, jess, thanks so much. for a lot of people are looking ahead. to memorial day weekend is the unofficial start to the summer travel season, and it looks like demand isn't going to stop there and makovec joins me now with the travel outlook for the next 6 months or so, >and it's a is predicting that this year is going to be the busiest summer travel season ever. this weekend is the traditional start of the season and bay area airports are expecting a lot of action between friday and memorial day on monday at sfo, almost 600,000 passengers that is more than 8% over last year and almost back to pre pandemic levels. san jose expecting almost 400,000 passengers in oakland international over 130.
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all 3 airports are advising people to show up early for your flights to account for the crowds nationally, the t s a expects about 2.9 0 people. at its checkpoints on friday. alone. and is planning to top 3 million screened in a day and new all time high later this summer. so if you're still budgeting for your summer vacation flight prices are down this year compared to last year, so a rental car prices between 5 and 10% but hotel room rates are up and demand is expected to be heavy. as for where everyone is going this summer. priceline finds the most popular domestic destinations or miami, new york and honolulu. well, london. cancun and toronto. top the internationalist if you're driving you have plenty of company out there, aaa says road trips are expected to set a new record at more than 38 0. people traveling by car over just the memorial day weekends. and, of course here in california. same old story. you will be paying more for gas,
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the average price of a gallon is actually 50 cents higher. than this time last year. the air booking site, hopper finds 87% of its u. do plan. to travel. this summer. but the majority of not booked their trips yet. three quarters of people estimate they're going to spend the same or more compared to last year >list. thank you so much, well, still ahead, we talk live with a travel industry analyst about the trends for the summer and beyond and ask if the recent safety incidents may be
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impacting people's plans. plus. see how artificial intelligence is powering more vacation. itineraries. these days.
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(♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had
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a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. looking live at sfo now. as we look ahead to south travel and
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beyond. chris van cleave shows us how airlines are getting ready for what's expected to be record number of travelers this year. delays at boeing and engine. issues. on some airbus planes. means several us s carriers. had to scale back their summer plans, but the
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nation's airlines still expect to fly 270. 0 passengers. that's up by more than 6% from last year, another new record. and cruising is surging in popularity. nearly 35 0 passengers are expected this year 5 million more than pre pandemic levels and aaa expects travel by cruising or trained to jumped nearly 6% as well this memorial day. some good news. if you're thinking about traveling this summer. but you just haven't gotten their act together. you haven't booked it yet. the ceo of priceline says there may still be deals out there.
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me now live is henry har. try travel industry analyst. thanks so much for joining us. now we want to start in a very serious note. a lot of people getting ready to fly following that deadly incident sudden and serious turbulence on board, a singapore airlines flight after something like that, do you expect any major safety concerns or travel hesitation from fliers?
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always smart to remember that for sure. now in terms of overall traveled demand, how does this year compared to past years overall? changes post covid. is that pretty much done or people back to normal? what about the availability of flights? and lodge? i mean, it's already more day. so something folks will be city. at home, saying,
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ah, it's too late to book my trip in august because all everything's gone. is that true? speaking of budget are there some pop destination? this year that our budget friendly maybe a little. bit less expect? to travel to than years past?
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is it worth 1 last? question. if you looking to me delay your travel plans until the fall and the winter, may be for the holidays is now a good time to book those trips, can you get some deals?
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oh, brilliant. all right. i'm writing all of these tips. down. to save a little money where i can. all right, henry harteveldt travel industry analyst. thank you so much. now when it comes to planning and booking travel, artificial intelligence has is becoming a bigger and bigger tool. wendy gillette reports it can help you decide on your next destination. and what you can see and do there.
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well. still ahead. taylor's swift. is impacting. travel. why the singer's expect? to boo flight. demand. and 1 particular part of the world. and carnival is this sunday? you can watch our live special coverage starting at 10 a.m. on picks, plus 44 cable 12 and streaming on the free cbs. news >>app.
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>>parts of europe will be high. hotspots. for summer travel this year. thanks in part to taylor. swift. united and delta airlines, both safelite flights to cities were swift will be performing our surging, for example, the era's tour is in lisbon, portugal this weekend. and united says demand for flights there increased 25%. compared to last summer. later on the season, more than 1 million million swifties are expected to attend an eros show in the uk barclays reports the
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country could see 953 0 0 injected into the city's economy. all thanks to taylor, swift fans. and a new airline catered to dogs is about to take off tomorrow bark air. will carry dogs of all sizes, and their human companions from new york to los angeles, the airline creates a luxury experience for the animals, bark air also offers flights to london from new york. the goal is to offer an alternative to traditional air travel, which is often stressful for dogs and their owners. by 1 way, too. for $1. dog, and it's owner cost $6000. for
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domestic flights. bark air said it plans to add new routes throughout the summer. we'll be right back.
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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here's a look at what's coming up tonight at 5:00. turning tragedy. into a push for change in san francisco's chinatown. susan lou lost her mom to a botched plastic surgery. nearly 30 years ago. we are highlighting her new memoir about how that helps spark a change for future victims of medical malpractice. remarkable fight for justice, and he'll you can watch it coming up. on our news later on tonight. at 5:00. and remember,
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you can watch our hour long, special roots and resilience and a pc celebration this friday. at 4 p.m. on kpx. and streaming on cbs news bay area. well, thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation on summer travel and safety. we love to hear what you think. and what you're seeing and hearing in your neighborhoods. post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpi. the ex cbs evening news is next local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area i'll see you at 5:00. >> what a monster. >> norah: deadly tornado outbreak. >> it just sounded like our whole house was going to come down. down. >> norah: tonight the search and rescue as survivors pick up the pieces after twisters destroy entire neighborhoods in the midwest. >> there's 14 houses that i can count that are no


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