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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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business. a fire at a recycling plant is still burning four hours after it started. we are tracking the smoke and how it is impacting nearby communities. >> sharks? no wet suit? no problem. we are hearing from the bay area nurse who made history by swimming 30 miles to the fair long islands. >> you know, it is just sinking in. it is unbelievable. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. good evening. thanks for joining us at 7:00. it is a region that produces our milk, cheese, eggs, meats, a controversial measure could bring big changes to the landscape of sonoma county's farming industry. this november voters will decide to ban so-called factory farms. if approved sonoma county will be the first in the nation to do so. animal rights activists say it is to put an end to the cruel treatment of animals. but farmers and county leaders say it is san attack on a critical
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industry. we look at the potential impact. we are in the dairy mountain. where the winds and the fog can come in and keep the grass a little more moist. it is a great place to have dairy farms. that is why we have a concentration of it down this way.. >> reporter: there are about 3,000 farms in sonoma county. but a new measure on the november ballot is targeting two dozen of the biggest. christina garfinkel. >> a local initiative that aims to stop concentrated animal feeding operations in sonoma county. >> reporter: measure j. would outlaw larger animal farms and those defined as polluting the water in sonoma county. they are called cafos, or factory farms >> everything is wrong with measure j. a disaster for
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sonoma county. the chair of the board of supervisors and opposed on every level including the hit to the economy. >> half a billion impact to the county's economy. >> you would dispute that? >> i would. >> reporter: a consulting economist supporting the measure. >> so the economic impact analysis says suppose we remove virtually all animal farming from sonoma county that is a different thing >> and just ask what a large farm, a cafo is? >> they are major polluters. ground water, surface water and cruel to animals. >> lies, lies, lies, more lies. >> reporter: kathy has worked on her big family farm most of her life. and her daughter? >> i am 33 years old. the property has been in my family since 1905. i am the fifth generation and my children are the sixth. >> of course, both reject the in addition that all big farms are necessarily big polluters.
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>> we were the environmentalist of the year in sonoma county. stewards of the land award. >> reporter: she is offended that her family mistreats their 750 cows >> it is false. for one thing certified organic the national organic program has requirements of how our animals are to be treated. >> reporter: at another farm, not this families, organizers allege they took pictures of distressing conditions. >> i have seen these horrific conditions firsthand and reported them to law enforcement reportedly. nothing has been done >> you trespassed to take these pictures? >> well, i believe that trespasses is a specific definition. i have entered without specific permission from the owner. >> yeah. >> when he did, activist said he took these undercover pictures of crowded, deformed and dead birds in this sonoma facility. they have two.
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>> it occurs on any farm despite the best animal care practices is and it is grossly misleading and as for family farms >> we milk around 700 cows on two separate dairies because we are a multigenerational farm. we are on over 2500 acres. we are not a factory farm. >> reporter: but, both sides agree on one thing. >> i think if this passes our farm would be gone >> yeah. it would. we would be shutdown. >> as for how many big farms would be shutdown. >> one farm is too many. >> to activists, one picture like this may be too many. one thing is certain. if sonoma votes to shutdown the large farms, it will be the first time that has ever happened in
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the entire country. >> the best estimate is two dozen large farms will be forced to close including the tresh family's farm. in recent years california voters approved two separate statewide ballot measures for livestock. now, even out of state farmers must abide by the rules or lose the right to sell their right to sell their product in california. meanwhile, health officials are now reporting the second human case of bird flu tied to an outbreak in dairy cows. the patient say farmworker from michigan in contact with cows that were likely infected. the worker had mild symptoms and has since recovered. the cdc is looking into how the virus spread from an animal to human. just this year bird flu, that typically shows up in
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poultry, showed up in dairy cows. no cases in california. redwood city, firefighters knocking out the last of this fire that erupted from a metal recycling plant sending a lot of dark smoke into nearby neighborhoods the fire department tells us it was a metal scrap pile that caught on fire at the plant consisting of items like water heater, small and large scrap metal and cars. the pile caught fire right before the items are supposed to be shredded. >> jules, we worry about the smoke and the potential toxins within the smoke and the situation like this. i am standing on the 3d map, roughly where the fire occurred. turn on the wind streamline to track the wind as it follows the terrain. basically this afternoon, the wind was flowing parallel to the coastline of the bay. takes the smoke around redwood city and down the bay until you see where it disappears here. it is where the winds were lighter. the
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wind does not disappear but it stops tracking it. then deposited when the wind dies down enough the partick lats particulates settled down. the purple air sensors and where the smoke was concentrated, mainly around the south end of the bay, particularly towards mountain view and into the sunnyvale area now back to green dots, a lot of orange and red earlier. the situation is improving. that is good news in the short term and we will hope we don't have any of the flair ups happening through the rest of the evening at the site of the fire. taking a look at the memorial day weekend coming up in a few minutes. >> paul, thank you. in oakland, major new developments in the long drawn out saga of the coliseum site. the city announced a tentative deal to sell its share to a developer. it is an agreement aimed at bringing affordable housing and outdoor space to
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the prime piece of land. >> i like to see that. what about the jobs? who will get the jobs? jobs for people here or what? >> he heard all of the talk about the proposed $5 billion redevelopment of the oakland coliseum site but mike, a nearby neighbor, admits to be skeptical. >> i don't know. i don't know. i know the value of the land is worth a lot. i don't know. i don't see any master plan here. >> creating 3d digital model and 2d site plans without displacement. >> reporter: the site, as envisioned by students was part of the city's announcement it is selling its half of the coliseum land to african american sports and entertainment group completing a process that was announced to much fan fare in 2023. the mayor declined to speak how it might help the city's budget
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deficit but promised returns beyond the sale price of $105 million. >> once we finish it off, a clause that demand for community engagement and not just that but strong community benefits. >> reporter: part of that would be a 25% affordable housing requirement but many hurdles remain. first among them, the oakland a's still own half of the site. >> with respect to our negotiations with the athletics i can not expand on that too much. i can say that we are in healthy negotiations and they continued. >> one by one, places are closing around here, you know. denny's, that is closed. >> reporter: mike watched this area fall on hard times in recent years and he would love to see improvements. >> and housing, well, that is the biggest problem is housing. >> reporter: then, the reality of the time and cost involved. so, does mike think there might be any progress here in say, 10
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years? >> 10 years? it is possible. i don't know. >> reporter: plenty of uncertainty with this. a lot of complexities as well. for example the city has to finish paying off its share of the '90s renovation of the complex before any sale can be finalized. that is expected to happen sometime next year. major political news in oakland. the former top cop, armstrong, officially running for oakland city council. filed this morning for the at-large seat that is currently held by vice mayor capland. she made history by swimming from the golden gate bridge to the fairlong islands and there were sharks in there. how she passed the time and what she ate. >> i would eat things such as mashed potatoe
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. a bay area woman made history by swimming from the golden gate bridge to the islands. she made the journey in the cold, slashing-infested shark-infested waters without a wet suit. you had a chance to chat with her. >> chat with her? we have so much history she was nice to grant me her first television interview. you heard of the marvel character, ironman? she is ironwoman. now, jules in our business we put in long hours, safe to say? >> yes. >> i would say this, hey, imagine doing a 10 hour shift and jumping in the water to swim 17 hours? wait until you get a load or gallon of her story which was five years in the making. >> amy, you are my hero. >> you see that? [ laughter ]
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>> we have not even started and your fans roll by on a bike. >> i love it. >> amy has a view more people recognizing her these days. >> did it all start off as kind of a joke? i think i can do that? >> absolutely. my husband and i joke all of the time. we are on a hike, walking our dogs, we see them i look at them and say you know i can swim there. he absolutely hands down would agree. kind of laughing. >> nobody was laughing on may 11th when amy became the first person ever to successfully swim outbound from the golden gate bridge to the islands. do you realize what you have done?
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>> what it is doing for people. that gives me the greatest pleasure >> it took 17 hours to complete the 29.7 mile swim. that is a lot of time for self-doubt to creep in. >> a stupid thought in your head can derail you from achieving your dreams. so, i just entertained silly thoughts to keep myself going. that is what i had to do to kind of overcome that. >> care to share with us a silly thought? >> well, i had a t-shirt designed about the swim and i thought, well, that will be a waste if i don't finish this. >> she always remembered what happened to her friend simon when his attempt went unsuccessful. >> he had a friendly visitor that required him to get out. rightfully so. >> sammy shark. >> sammy shark. yes. no, no, no, no. exactly. [ laughter ] >> amy credited her team with helping her get to the finish line. >> do you want any company? >> sure.
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>> one of their roles was to send food every 30 minutes through a bottle. what was on the menu? >> chicken bone broth with carbo-pro mixed for giving me energy. and then i would also eat things such as mashed potatoes and i loved peaches, peaches with the syrup, that actually counteracted the salt effect of the water. >> if i could have peaches next time >> peaches and water? >> just peaches and that container. >> i would not watch peaches, mashed potato or chicken bone broth for awhile >> i think i can take a break from it. [ laughter ] >> she did not take any breaks from work as a nurse at uc san francisco children's hospital. amy completed a 10 hour shift before her swim started a little after 3:00 a.m. >> i really am committed to taking care of my patients. hi
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to thereby. but i also knew i had enough time to go home and get a good rest. >> the 55-year-old is not planning to rest on her accomplishment. she already his her sights set on a new challenge. >> i am looking forward to loch ness. it seems to make sense. [ laughter ] >> so much respect for open water swimmers. they have been some of my favorite stories. years ago i did a baseball recruiting video for amy's son. 12 years later, our paths cross again. >> wow. >> she is remarkable. i am in awe. she said peaches not pizza for the record. not pizza. peaches. >>
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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. getting closer and closer to memorial day weekend. we have changes in store as the weekend approaches. you probably not notice the changes too much tomorrow. another day of mere average high temperatures, maybe slightly cooler than today. the bigger changes are a bit farther down-the-lines. the storm system is way out of the northern pacific. the moisture, energy, staying to the north close enough to bring us more clouds, cooler temperatures and a chance of a coolast drizzle. let's take a look at coastal
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drizzle. not a lot to see. fog, late in the day. increasing late tonight. bringing a mix of sunshine. don't see the green. the rain chances will remain below 20%. if anything we will see coastal drizzle friday night into saturday. while we are waiting on that to a let's look at the high temperatures. they were above average. middle 80s. cooler temperatures closer to the water. 67 degrees in san francisco. it is still a couple degrees above average. 71 degrees for oakland. the hot spot, antioch, almost 90 degrees, we were close to 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s on the map. but, antioch fell a degree short of hitting 90. the temperatures in the santa clara valley, temperatures closer to this time of the year. upper 70 tos 80 degrees for the highs
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this afternoon. tomorrow, almost exactly normal for this time of the year. take a look at the big picture pattern here. black mountain. you see in the haze and the fog in the distance. it is not too concentrated. i don't think it will be. heading through the night. temperatures dropping off from the middle to upper 70s in concord, santa rosa, around 60 degrees in oakland and san francisco. even out the differences heading into the overnight hours, the temperatures leveling off, upper 40s, lower 50s for most locations by early on thursday morning. the temperatures warming up to, literally. what is normal to this time of the year. degree or two of average. 60s, 70s, now, 70s and 80s closer inland. another day in the upper 50s. sunshine for one more day. upper 60s, 70s down in the peninsula. the temperatures in the try valley, middle to upper 70s as well. lower 80s the farther inland that you go. the temperatures in the 60s and the 70s around
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the bay. 70s for the north bay. farther into the 70s the farther inland that you go. sonoma county tapping out in the lower 80s. not that warm if you are heading for bottle rock this weekend. napa tapping out in the lower 70s. only upper 60s for temperatures on saturday. bouncing back a little bit hitting the middle point of the three day week end sunday. a similar trend for the rest of the bay area. looking at the seven-day forecast. starting inland, the temperatures hitting bottom on saturday. upper 60s on the widespread basis for inland areas, that is a 10-12 degree below normal. back up to the normal high temperatures by memorial day itself. we will continue the theme through the last week of may. temperatures around the bay do not drop as much. down to barely above 60 on saturday. a cool weekend. the carnaval in the city. temperatures on the coast topping on out to the middle 50s. friday, saturday, sunday. and a best chance of seeing a
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little bit of drizzle. nothing that we would categorize as a rain shower in store for the bay area through the holiday weekend. -- jules? >> sea lions, they are partying up, but there is concern they are damaging the boats. there norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that.
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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. a may of heard of our sea lion boom. pier 39 is seeing the largest population, same in santa barbara. groups are showing up in the harbor, hanging out on docks, boats, they can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. they can do some damage. >> swim steps on the boats, getting low, possibly taking on water >> they have a routine of scaring them away, why so many?
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because of the amount of anchovies. anchovies. thanks for watching the
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! ["family feud" theme playing] [cheering and applause] steve: i appreciate that. thank y'all. i appreciate y'all. thank y'all very much. yeah, i appreciate it. thank you, folks.


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