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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  May 22, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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two dogs, $12,000? >> don't ask me to do that sort of multiplication in my head. >> there will be an airline that one because that cost. >> they say they're trying to create mass appeal. currently the passes will drop. if they drop by 100% i will do it. that is the extent of my math. it's a lot. but it would be nice. >> yeah . >> it would help my flight anxiety, for sure. >> reporter: you could probably get your dog certified. >> the dog could fly the plane. >> former president donald trump's hush money case soon to be in the hands of the jury who will have to consider whether he paid off a porn star to influence an election. we'll have to do it without hearing from the candidate himself. no surprise there, really. unless you made the mistake of believing donald trump. >> yeah, i would testify.
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absolutely. it's a scam. it's a scam. that's not a trial. >> he shamed martha stewart for not testifying. >> she has to get up on the stand and she has to say "i didn't do it. i'm innocent." >> he said he would testify himself. >> i love testifying. i tell the truth. i mean, all i can do is tell the truth. >> but then his lawyers gave him some advice. "a quiet aboutface." [farting] >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert"! tonight... bed bad and beyond! plus, stephen welcomes anya taylor-joy! and second gentleman douglas emhoff! featuring louis cato and "the late show" band.
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and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! [cheers and applause] >> stephen: hey! ♪ ♪ have a lovely show. please have a seat, my friends. thank you very much. welcome. welcome o one and all to "the late show." i am your host, stephen colbert. ladies and gentlemen, we've been talking about donald trump's hush money trial for five weeks now, and i for one am thrilled that he is not in court today and we can talk about anything else, like donald trump's classified documents trial. that one... that baby's really heating up. remember the classified documents case? with the nuclear codes offered
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as one of the toppings at mar-a-lago's waffle bar? well, turns out, that scandal is exactly much worse than we could've thought, because we just learned that his lawyers found classified documents in donald trump's bedroom four months after the fbi search of mar-a-lago. [booing] oh, my god. the only thing more shocking to find in donald trump's bedroom would be a current wife. [cheers and applause] "what are you doing?" so, these documents spent as much as four months right next to donald trump's bed. explains why the stamp changed from "classified" to "kill me." this new information is from a disclosure of an opinion right? a disclosure of an opinion written last year by u.s. district judge beryl howell, who was furious that trump still, inexplicably, had more documents, writing "notably, no excuse is provided
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as to how the former president could miss the classified-marked documents found in his own bedroom at mar-alago." now, to be fair, trump rarely goes into his bedroom. as we've recently learned, he does most of his sleeping in court. [laughter and cheering] the new disclosure also reveals that once trump realized that security cameras at mar-a-lago could capture his employees moving classified government information, he allegedly ensured they would avoid the cameras when moving boxes. that's never a good sign. no one ever says, "take these toy donations to the orphanage and [whispering] avoid security cameras." one footnote in the opinion was particularly jaw-dropping. the judge states that a
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trump adviser acknowledged scanning the contents of the box that contained the classified materials and storing them on a personal laptop. could it be... hunter biden's laptop? [laughter] no, this is way worse. there was one detail that conservatives have jumped on just to try to change the subject. the search warrant for the second raid down at mar-a-lago had language authorizing the use of deadly force in appropriate circumstances, which is boilerplate procedural text used by the fbi, which obviously i know because i work at cbs, home of "fbi," "fbi: most wanted," "fbi: international," and "fbi: tracker." tracker! he'll find four more fbi shows.
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[cheers and applause] i love you, tracker. despite the fact that this is perfectly normal, republicans are claiming that the fbi was ready to assassinate trump. in fact, trump already sent out his fundraising email to his cult members. "they were authorized to shoot me! i nearly escaped death." i'm sorry. you nearly escaped death? which means you didn't? "that's right. i almost made it out alive. now, i'm fundraising from heaven which for some reason is very, very hot, and there's nobody around here but my dear old friend jeffrey epstein. hey, jeff." [applause] jeffrey epstein. all of his friends are here.
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trump did attend court yesterday, and yet again did some very echoey complaining about the prosecutor. >> he came from biden. and i don't know if it's biden 'cause i don't think biden has any idea what the hell's happening. but it's from the fascists that circle in the oval office, they circle the resolute desk. the beautiful resolute desk that's being stinked up. [laughter] >> stephen: stirring words. it reminds me of that sign on harry truman's desk: "the stank start here." the former president also whined about colombian-born judge juan merchan. >> the judge hates donald trump. just take a look. take a look at him. take a look at where he comes from. >> stephen: "they don't make good judges in colombia. colombia should stick to what they're known for -- fleece jackets and affordable raincoats. i deserve a judge from one of the good countries like patagonia or northface."
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earlier this week, trump's social media account put out a bit of disturbing content, it was a campaign video with a headline about a "unified reich." now, before you get too worked up, there's a simple explanation. donald trump wants to rule over a unified reich. now, trump eventually took down the video, but the biden campaign pounced on it. >> what's next for america? >> is this on his official account? wow. a unified reich? that's hitler's language. that's not america's. he cares about holding on to power. i care about you. >> stephen: "whoa! [applause] wow, huh. golly moses, they're putting videos on the phones now? that's crazy! also unified reich?
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come on, jack-boot jack! i can't understand a word of it: it's all fleebenleeben shnitzel-strudel. it's delicious, but it's not american. i'm joe biden, and i don't understand this message. what's happening? marco? marco?" that biden response got a lot of clicks, so the biden campaign wants to build on the new viral trend of hand-grandpa-the-phone. because reportedly, they're looking for a meme page manager. so look forward to some hot new biden social content, like "ermahgerd turmp ers hertler!" "i can has youth vote?" and of course, for the very online, "skibidi biden." skibidi biden! skibidi skibidi biden! joe! joe! joe! skibidi skibidi biden! hitler's language! trump! trump! trump is using hitler's language! hitler's language! trump is using hitler's language! skibidi skibidi.
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[cheers and applause] >> stephen: now... if you don't understand that video, your grandchildren will explain it. and you still won't understand. oh, here's something that's not surprising at all. it's been nine years since the supreme court legalized gay marriage nationally, obergafeld. and according to a landmark new study, in that time same-sex weddings haven't harmed straight marriage. well, duh. everyone knew that at the time. it's like announcing, "new study finds making love to wife doesn't get neighbor pregnant." back before, ten years ago in 2015 before the ruling,
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back before it became the law of the land, dumb people made all sorts of stupid arguments against same sex marriage, including saying that legalization would inevitably lead to people marrying animals. well, of course marriages between humans and animals did not come to pass, although i know one beautiful, lifelong union between a man and a worm. [laughter] why are you going "aww?" do you feel bad for the worm? oh, no. that worm has come down with bobby kennedy. not only has gay marriage not been harmful, the study says that by extending marriage rights to a greater number of couples, interest in marriage increased for the broader population. makes sense, once gay people get into something, it always becomes a trend. like rupaul's drag race, the music of lady gaga, or dressing like you have a shred of self-respect. the report also found that after gay marriage was legalized, same-sex households adopted more children and there was
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a drop in the rates of syphilis. well, sure. 'cause once you have kids in the house, there's just no time for anything fun, like movies or restaurants or syphilis. and it's almost pride month, so to celebrate, nbc's streaming service, peacock, is debuting a new lgbtq+ nature documentary called "queer planet." let's take a look at the trailer. >> it's clear that no matter where you look on our planet, nature is full of queer surprises. [laughter] >> stephen: yowch! we're gonna have to update the birds and the bees. kids, when two bighorn sheep love each other very much, they give each other a very special nut punch! this is fun and this is joyful, so of course, conservatives are having a total meltdown over it, with one right wing twitter user calling it: "science revisionism for a satanic gay agenda."
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and another groused: "if animals were indeed gay, there would be no more animals." yes! so true, just like how since some people are gay, there are no more people. so that's "queer planet" on peacock, starting june 6th. but not to be outdone, netflix has just announced "queer beagle for the straight eagle." we got a great show for you tonight! my guests are anya taylor-joy and second gentleman of the united states, doug emhoff. but when we come back, the mysteries of pregnancy. you might learn something. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the late show with stephen colbert" sponsored by allstate. you're in good hands.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: louis cato and "the late show" band, everybody, right there. louis. louis, my friend. >> louis: yes, my friend. spirits of the really important, i have something back here. you all know what that is right
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there. that's jon lampley on trumpet right over there. jon. tell me. obviously it's always a crowd pleaser to hold up a photo of you but why am i holding up this photo? >> you're holding up that photo because my debut album "night service live" is out now. [applause] >> stephen: that's lewis foucher. >> yes. >> stephen: "night service." jon lampley. go enjoy. folks, being born, it is so hot right now. all the kids are doing it. of course we love our moms, even though we have no idea how they made us. and apparently neither do scientists. because basic understanding of pregnancy itself is full of gaping scientific holes.
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if you're doin' it right. [laughter] those mysteries range from things like how the placenta forms to exactly what controls the timing of birth. we don't know what starts labor, but scientists can confirm that pregnancy begins by seeing a photo of jeremy allen white. i want to be clear. i'm not pregnant -- that i know of -- but i know someone who is. so here to shed some light on the mysteries of gestation, my actual writer and certified pregnant human, carley moseley. carley, come on out. there you go. thank you so much. >> carley: thanks, steve! >> stephen: shakin' for two. carley, you're pregnant -- >> carley: hang on, steve.
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i have an announcement. i'm pregnant. >> stephen: wow, congratulations! how are you feeling? >> carley: right now, i'm feeling good! but by the end of this sentence, i might be feeling bad. or great or just super itchy. >> stephen: that sounds pretty confusing. >> carley: it is. there are so many things we don't know or are just now learning about pregnancy. one new study showed that a mother's diet could determine a baby's facial features in the womb, which is why some babies born to parents who work here at "the late show" look like this. >> stephen: okay. makes sense. >> carley: and then there are all the weird symptoms. i'm exhausted but i can't sleep, i have crazy congestion except when i have nosebleeds, and at the exact same time i both must and cannot poop. >> stephen: it's so beautiful. i remember when evie was pregnant, she had a lot of different symptoms and anything she said to her doctor, he would just say "yeah, yeah, that's totally normal." >> carley: yes, exactly. "normal" symptoms of pregnancy include carpal tunnel, restless leg syndrome,
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changes in taste, and "needing your boss to buy you a gift card to the apple store." >> stephen: i'm sorry. what was that? >> carley: or just, like, 600 bucks. it's a study i read in the "new england journal of mama want a vision pro." >> stephen: carley, those cost like $3500. >> carley: well, then that, steve! for just a second, i wanna go to an alternate reality where i can still see my feet. >> stephen: carley, i'm not gonna give you cash. i can't do that. >> carley: ooh, ooh, ow! doctors say that disagreeing with a pregnant woman can trigger labor! >> stephen: no, they don't. >> carley: okay, well, i will remind you the exact trigger for the onset of labor isn't known, which is one of the reasons we can't accurately predict due dates. >> stephen: you said you were due in august. >> carley: well, maybe, steve! could be august, could be october, could be a new year's baby. and we don't even know which year! for all i know, this thing could come stompin' out in 2025 with a full set of chompers! >> stephen: carley, that is really unlikely.
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>> carley: okay, well, just to be safe, my maternity leave should probably be about 20 months. >> stphen: h.r.'s never going to approve -- >> carley: oh! whoa! >> stephen: is the baby kicking? >> carley: i think they're crying, steve. you wouldn't want to make a baby cry in front of the greatest audience in late night, would ya? [cheers and applause] >> stephen: we'll look into it. i don't want to upset your baby, and i know that for the mother, there can be some dramatic emotional swings. >> carley: careful. >> stephen: unless there aren't. >> carley: thank you. >> stephen: but we'll do everything we can to accommodate you during this magical and legally protected time. is there anything else you need? >> carley: no, steve. just talking through this stuff is help enough. plus all those lunches you promised to send to my office. >> stephen: i did not promise to send lunches to your office.
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>> carley: i think it's brave of you to admit that on national television. be the change, steve for da baby. >> stephen: my writer, carley moseley! we'll be back with anya taylor-joy. ♪ ♪ t-mobile “savings”, take one. guys, focus. here's the line... “at t-mobile, you get tons of benefits, and you can still save versus the other guys.” focus! hello t-mobile... hold on... you might want to just... ok stop! just say it like this, “at t-mobile, you can save on every plan, and you get great benefits with magenta status”. magenta status... yuh! i'll show you my magenta status. ok, i'll just do it. check out the t-mobile savings calculator to see how much you can save. and right now, we'll even pay off your phone when you switch! ♪ doo-doo-doo-doo-doo... ♪ it's time to feed the dogs real food,
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome back. folks, you know my first guest this evening from films like "the queen's gambit" and "dune." she now stars in "furiosa: a mad max saga." [gunfire]
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>> stephen: please welcome anya taylor-joy. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ look at that. >> anya: thank you. >> stephen: there you go. >> anya: thank you. >> stephen: it is lovely to see you in person. we have spoken before but only over zoom. so nice to have you here. >> anya: you are from the my first interviews you treated me with such kindness and respect so thank you. >> stephen: well, that ends tonight. the free ride is over taylor-joy. i saw the film last friday. unbelievably exciting thrill ride, just like "mad max fury road" was.
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it's a prequel, the younger version of the character furiosa played by charlie's throne in "fury road. proposal but there's a younger version of you too in this, played by -- alyla? >> anya: alyla brown. >> stephen: she does a fantastic job. that i learned there was a little wizardry involved. she looks more and more like you as the film goes on. what happened? >> anya: george miller had told me from the very beginning because he was already asking audience to get used to a new furiosa he wanted the transition from the two actors thank her to be seamless. so he made a composite of both of our faces. it worked on a dial. at the beginning of the movie is 35% me and mostly alyla and as the movie goes on it goes up to 80% until i take over the role
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completely. it is crazy seeing it on screen. >> stephen: it really works. looks like as she matures she looks more like you. >> stephen: i was so excited about it have the graphics department see what would happey blended our faces. >> anya: is this going to scar me for life? >> stephen: i think it's an improvement for me. >> anya: let me see. [laughs] what's going on with your eyebrows? >> stephen: what? i think they are your eyebrows. and your lips. anyway, you're welcome. >> anya: thank you so much. i'm going to frame them. thank you. >> stephen: george miller is known in these films especially for treating vehicles like characters. in the movie, they are very important. you do a lot of driving in this. are you a good driver? did you go in there, "i'm so excited because i'm a car gal." between going to be really honest about this.
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i'm really good driver. i don't have a license. >> stephen: where you are really good driver before the film? >> anya: no, no, no, i've never driven a car in my life. spoon you would literally never driven a car before? >> anya: when george miller calls her and asks you, do you want to learn how to drive a car to be" mad max chemicals what you say yes and you figure it out as you go along. >> stephen: you're driving stick. >> anya: i'm driving some core vehicles. the first thing i learned how to do, a juicy left 180. juicy lift 180. he floored the accelerator and you plumb the emergency break and eventually stop. stuart does the car skidded out? >> anya: yeah. it's really fun. >> stephen: have you since gotten your license? >> anya: to be fair, i've been on a month-long press to her for this movie. so once it's over, yes, i'm planning on getting it.
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i would really like to have my license. i also want to get -- >> stephen: when you do the driving test i would recommend the juicy lift. >> anya: i have to learn to parallel park. yeah. >> stephen: i would love to teach you how to parallel park. >> anya: please. >> stephen: could we do it as a field peas? to send them the film and they give my license. [cheers and applause] >> anya: thank you. >> stephen: this is in the australian desert, right? >> anya: yes. >> stephen: i forgot how big the desert is in that country. sand dunes arch ordinary paired were you living out there? >> anya: yeah, you fly five hours from sydney to the center of the country. of this movie. >> stephen: was there a lot of
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sunscreen involved in this? no offense. you look like you don't tan. >> anya: i'm so grateful that you brought this up because that's genuinely what i said to george on our first phone call. he was faced hunting with me and he goes i really want you to do this movie. i was like, you have seen me, right? there is no shade anywhere. i'm going to need an umbrella. he was like, that's what you're worried about? i was i guess her, that's it. >> stephen: were you ever filming something crazy explosive or violent in george's talking to you, george miller the director, and while he's talking about this crazy violent stuff, he also directed "happy feet" and "babe pig in the city." >> anya: it was him they would bring it up. we be doing a war sequence. really intense the people are dying. >> stephen: hard to convey how over-the-top some of the choices are. >> anya: . intense. coming up to me, like wow. i remember in "babe."
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i was like, what happened "babe: pig in the city" the possibly correlates? i don't know. >> stephen: george miller said he thinks your determination is because you're the youngest of a large family. do you believe that? do you think he's right about that? >> anya: i'm never sex. i'm 6 of 6. what are you? >> stephen: i'm 11 of 11. >> anya: no way! >> stephen: yeah. it's not a contest but i'm winning. >> a>> anya: you won hard-core r sure. >> stephen: how do you think it performs you as a performer? my siblings would pick you up and be like what is the off button. there's so much energy. to be fair. when you're -- i realize times i was going to be the smallest so that was going to end in any kind of physical touch so to do a lot of --
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>> stephen: after player. >> anya: you have to show up and be like... i will get you for this. >> stephen: and fight for food. they are bigger. you can't ever get seconds. >> anya: it sounds like your siblings were like a pack of puppies. fighting for food? >> stephen: my wife says, why do you eat so fast? you wouldn't eat at all. >> anya: it would be gone. >> stephen: exactly. i'm a huge fan of "doom" which i think i may mention to you before. obviously the second installment of "dune," brilliant. we only got less than a minute of you. is it true that no one in the cast knew that you were playing that part up until the very last -- even pass shooting it. >> anya: no one knew. i was like, i can't show up on this carpet and be like hey. >> stephen: at the premiere, they didn't know? >> anya: i think they knew by then. which of the most extra ordinary
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expenses of my. i love denis more than anything and i felt like this opportunity was never going to happen. i barely knew that was happening. he called me. i did "furiosa," a press tour, first day back in l.a. do you want to get on a plane to namibia? yes, i will go. >> stephen: no one has ever called me up and said those words. [laughter] you're only in there for a few minutes. but you are anya taylor-joy. people want to see more of you as alia. the next film has a big time dash. "dune messiah." are you going to be in the next "dune" movie? denis said it's okay for you to tell me. has he said please don't tell anybody? tell me if he asked you not to
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tell anyone. [laughter] >> anya: i will not, sir. >> stephen: i had to try. >> anya: i adore you. >> stephen: thank you, anya. "furiosa" is in theaters this friday. anya taylor-joy, everybody. we'll be right back with second gentleman of the united states, douglas emhoff. (♪♪) it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. it stops cavities before they start... crest. ♪ (state farm jingle) ♪ leo! jake from state farm. you did it, buddy. well you suggested bundling home and auto you bundlin' bundler. who wanted that affordable price? bundle and save with the personal price plan. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory,
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we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married.
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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, welcome back, everybody! folks, my next guest this evening is married to vice president kamala harris and serves as the second gentleman of the united states. please welcome to "the late show," doug emhoff. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ won't you please. nice to have you here. thanks for coming. >> mr. emhoff: thank you for that. >> stephen: you are married to kamala harris, first female vice president of the united states. [cheering] which to paraphrase former vice president is a vfd. first, though, i've got to ask.
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how my supposed to address you? what do i call you? >> mr. emhoff: don't do sgo sgotus. mr. second gentleman's code of the official one. it's a little bulky. sg, that's what the team calls me. >> stephen: for second gentleman? sexy guy? >> mr. emhoff: i will let you say dog. but not dougie. that's only for kamala. >> stephen: oh, wow. >> mr. emhoff: she's the only one who can call me that. >> stephen: since all the predecessors were women, have there been changes in white house tradition or protocol that have thrown people for a loop? are they having to make changes, the career people? >> mr. emhoff: what you realizes there was no protocol for this. so many times, you're out there. what is the protocol say? they are looking at a book. it's not in there.
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do i stand on the left, the right, in front, in back? you realize very quickly that what you do know they didn't tell you the camera is always on and no matter what, you're never alone and there's always people around you. i learned that the hard way at the inauguration. they are telling me all this stuff. i get out of the limo, i'm going up the steps of the capital and this is actually a funny-not funny at the time. i'm here, here, here. i have no idea where i'm supposed to be. >> stephen: did it say de on the ground? >> mr. emhoff: probably but i'm not paying attention. i get up there. one of the senior staffers was like uh-uh, that's not going to work. get in the game. pay attention. ever since then, yes, i'm going to hit my marks and hit the tape and i'm paying attention. [laughs] >> stephen: i love, literally day one and somebody said, get
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it together, doug. >> mr. emhoff: did not care. >> stephen: as the first second gentleman of the united states to the first female vice president, what's your job do you think? >> mr. emhoff: first of all, i'm married to the first woman ever to hold this role. [cheers and applause] first of all, and to be a really good husband. being vice president's 24/7, 365. during the situation, oval office, these things you see on tv. she's dealing with those things that you may see down the line. if i'm going to, should i be annoying about something or should i let her be vice president? i think i'm going to let her be vice president. i had to really up my husband game. and then it's just, i have to be good at this. second gentleman supporting vice president. i work in the office of the vice president. so we are here to support her
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and president biden and the administration. [applause] thank you. >> stephen: you're not a politician but you do give speeches, you do make appearances, campaign events. how have you found your own public voice in this job? how are you learning to present yourself and represent your wife? >> mr. emhoff: i was a hollywood lawyer for many, many years. >> stephen: you are a hollywood lawyer? >> mr. emhoff: i was. >> stephen: do you want to cbs? >> mr. emhoff: [laughs] i learned a bunch of things, being a lawyer in high-stakes situations and staying calm under pressure and speaking contemporaneously and making the arguments, it helped but it was my wife, the vice president, it never gets old saying that.
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she really has helped me. i watched her for so long. almost by osmosis you pick up how to do this but what she really says time and time again is you've got to be your true authentic self, dougie. otherwise it's not going to work. i take that same skill and discipline and preparation i had as a lawyer but then you're talking about what's good for the american people. you're talking about things the government is doing for them, things that are making life better you've got to do it in a way that's authentic to me. that's what she keeps pushing me to do. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break. we'll be back with more second gentleman douglas emhoff, everybody. stick around. a prescription mede used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative, to receive apretude
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[cheers and applause] >> stephen: we're back with the second gentleman, douglas emhoff, everybody. you are the first jewish spouse of any president or vice president. how has that focus the messages you want to put out there? >> mr. emhoff: being the first jewish person ever to be a white house principle, i take that responsibly very seriously. i feel very accountable being in this role. and so just from the get-go, even prior to that horrible day of october 7th, i was speaking out about hate, speaking out -- to all types of hate because i realized that's part of that
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obligation and responsibility but it also meant we are going to have a mo mizzuza at the residence. going to celebrate passover, we are going to do a menorah lighting. living openly and probably as a jewish person. that's what i'm trying to do. >> stephen: are you shocked by the rise of anti-semitism not only in the world but in the united states? >> mr. emhoff: unfortunately not. this was boiling up, you go back to charlottesville, go back to the shooting at tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, you track this hate. i called it an epidemic of hate that was really starting to percolate and starting from early 2021. started to focus on fighting anti-semitism, i wrote about it and spoke about it. in fact, i was a participant in the first ever national strategy to combat anti-semitism, which the biden white house introduced a year ago in may of 2023.
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this is something with the help of the president of course, the vice president, we had to meet the moment and certainly since october 7th, you can see it's like crisis, a crisis of anti-semitism. we've been working on this issue almost nonstop in front of the camera. i just spoke here in new york. i was speaking with the president and the rose garden this week. i'm going to continue to speak out publicly and privately as well, reaching out and being there and just checking in. but again, always living openly and proudly. this hate affects all of us. doesn't matter if you're jewish or not. this hate is bad for our country. it's bad for our democracy. it's a poison and it must be stopped and we all must be against it, all forms of hate. [applause] >> stephen: you and the
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vice president are going to celebrate your tenth anniversary in august. how did you meet? what made you fall for her? >> mr. emhoff: it was a blind date. a client meeting. client came in and after the meeting, it was kind of a tense meeting. it was a woman. she said are you single? are you asking me that? are you single? i said well, maybe. do you know kamala harris? the attorney general? yeah. i think you guys would be great together. i'm like, okay. so that night i was at laker game with some buddies and the client sent me her number. it was like, don't screw this up. i did a text, hey, at the laker game. she said "go, lakers. "even though she was a warrior fan. the next morning, the next morning i made what i thought was a quickly. i decided early. i had an early meeting. in the car. don't dial that number. don't do it.
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>> stephen: what time is it? >> mr. emhoff: 7:30 a.m. >> stephen: 730 in the morning. >> mr. emhoff: i dialed the number. she doesn't answer. then i'm like "hey, it's doug." four or 5 minutes of that. i'm like, oh, my goodness. >> stephen: you do a four or five minute message? >> mr. emhoff: literally, hey, it's doug. i thought i blew it, i'm never going to see her. we did go on that first date. love at first sight. we were literally talking about our future by the end of that first date. the next morning, i'm sending her an email. here are my availabilities for the next six months. ten years later, 11 years later, here we are. [applause] >> stephen: thank you so much for being here, doug. second gentleman douglas emhoff, everybody. we'll be right back.
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>> stephen: that's it for "the late show." tune in tomorrow when my guests will be chris hemsworth and inventor james dyson. now stick around for "after midnight" with taylor tomlinson and her panelists andy richter, penn jillette, and aasif mandvi. good night!


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