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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 23, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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n trust. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hi there, thank you for joining us this morning. it is thursday, may 23rd. >> so let's get started. >> speaking the truth was how i would avenge my mother's death. >> our aapi month coverage continues this morning with a woman challenging pain into art and activism. a little scary because of the smoke and, you know, i thought uh-oh. >> it was hovering over some of your neighborhoods. a fire is out at a redwood city recycling plant. but your concerns are far from over. low riding in itself, i think, people are aware now
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that it's a family-oriented sport. >> the low riders' spirit is alive and well and it will be front and center at carnaval. it just kinking in, it's unbelievable. >> i know it's an incredibly difficult swim but that's even more incredible is the outreach and inspiration that it's achieved. >> a treacherous journey through freezing cold shark-infested waters. a challenge turned into reality for a historic swim. >> i mean, more power to her. that's absolutely amazing and i'm gianna franco. i don't know if i could ever accomplish that. but someone who can, you are pretty incredible. >> i think you could. >> you think so? >> i believe in you and i think her story shows us all we can. >> i'm not going to make you do it. >> okay. >> and you are not going to make me do it but we're going to be inspired by her doing that. >> i love that. >> good morning, everybody so nice to have you with us and let's take a live look outside as we start our day together. as a community. 5:00 in the morning. and look at us glow as we await the sunrise. and the sun comes up and we talk to
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jessica. good morning, jessica.. cooler temperatures as we go to the weekend. absolutely. and reed, i honestly just want to say you inspired me by saying that. >> me too. >> you don't have to do it but you can. and i just -- i love that energy. and i love that ambition. all right, let's take a quick look at what's going on outside outside here in the bay area as we head outside today it's cooler and a little bit more mild and this weekend it's going to be cool and cloudy right around the corner for us heading into memorial day. now there are some big changes in the forecast for us right around the corner. daytime highs, just two days ago we were sitting in the 60s and 70s. all along the peninsula with 80s off into the inland areas. today, that's not going to be the case for us. head over to the map real quick. expecting more 60s in the forecast today near san francisco and 70s in the east bay with 80s all the way off closer to concord and antioch and by this weekend actually we're going to be sitting well below average. we're talking about daytime highs down into the low 50s in certain pockets of the bay. we're also expecting 60s as well and you
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know what i'm going to have more on what you can expect coming up in just a bit and yesterday was a gusty day throughout the bay area. today the winds are a lot lighter and that's going to be nice for us especially up in thenorth bay. where we saw wind gusts anywhere up to around 40 miles per hour. today, down into the santa clara valley, we're already dealing with light winds yesterday and we'll see a similar setup this afternoon and more on what you can expect as we get closer to memorial day? just a bit. all right jess. thank you. taking a look at the roadways right now. golden gate bridge, a pretty seamless start right now for most of the commute which is good headed across the san mateo bridge right now things are fairly quiet as well. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are off and looking good here also kind of the calm before the storm. tomorrow we're going to see lot of car on the roadway for that getaway friday. but today, lot of people might be hitting the skies so things might be busy at your local airports and keep that in mind. reed? all right, g, thank you so much. let's look live at oakland this morning where mayor sheng thao faces a budget crisis and the planned sale of the coliseum. so how much is
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oakland short? reportedly $177 million. and the concern from those of you who live there is this. potential cuts to public safety programs at a time when robberies are on the rise in oakland and they driving out businesses and oakland leaders announced yesterday that they will sell their share of the coliseum for $105 million. to a group called the african american sports and entertainment group. the hope by mayor thao new affordable housing and outdoor space where the a's built the legacy. when asked how the sale helps the city's money troubles, she didn't get specific but promised returns beyond the sale price. listen. >> once we finish this off that there's a clause in there demand for community engagement and not just that, but strong community benefit. >> so there's another major pint to be made here. yes, oakland is selling its share of the coliseum. but guess what? the a's still own half that site and espn this morning reporting that the a's were approached to sell their portion but the team is reportedly not interested. this will be fascinating. so while
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current oakland leaders face these decisions, the former police chief there fired by mayor sheng thao now wants azelate on the city council. this morning, we are hearing from leronne armstrong himself. he filed to compete for the at large seat currently held by vice mayor rebecca kaplan saying his unmatched knowledge and experience will serve the public. >> if people know anything about me, they know that i have been somebody that has worked closely with other people and been willing to come out and solve problems together. and that's no different than i'll be as a councilmember hopefully. >> fascinating and it will be news making. think about this. if armstrong wins that seat, the man once fired will face off at city council meetings with a person who fired him. we'll be following this one closely. g? what a dynamic there. if you were in redwood city it was probably hard to miss the smoke in the air. because of a fire at the sims metal recycling plant. this is off of sea port boulevard. now the fire is out but at one point yesterday afternoon, a shelter-in-place order was issued for people
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nearby to stay inside. andrea nakano reports that people could see smoke as far as south as gilroy but for the people living right down the road, there were real concerns about what was in the air. >> reporter: lisa balm had lived in a nearby manufactured home for the last eight years. they noticed the smoke drifting right into their neighborhood wednesday afternoon. >> it's a little scary because of the smoke and, you know, i thought uh-oh. >> reporter: the concern was mainly for her husband. >> i had called my husband on the way to home from work. and i told him to close all the windows. you have them open. he said yes. so close them all. because he's got asthma really bad. >> reporter: as soon as she got home, lisa checked the mail to find this. a letter from the department of toxic substances control about an application for a hazardous waste permit from sims metal. >> when we seen the letter today about trying to get rid of toxic materials and caring about the environment, it seems
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as if all the toxicity companies are down this end of sea port and we're getting the brunt of all the fumes and the smoke. >> reporter: san mateo county advised those who are sensitive to smoke to stay indoors and close their windows. balm did exactly that. fearing what may be in the smoke. >> which i was in the -- construction industry and i know if that stuff burns or whatever, it puts off toxic fumes. >> it's not good. >> what we got right here? toxic fume. >> reporter: the bay area air quality management district is investigating the smoke impacts. the redwood city fire department is looking into the cause of the fire. lisa says it's been an unsettling day and this has made them more curious about the scrap yard. >> we live in a manufactured park down the road here. and so it's very concerning because they don't care about us who have to live close to these industrial areas. >> well, we reached out to the
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department of toxic substances control and sims metal while dtsc hasn't responded yet. and this is not the first fire at a sims facility. back in 2018 if you remember a massive fire erupted at their richmond plant. it was a 20-foot high pile of scrap metal that caught fire. sending toxic smoke into nearby neighborhoods. well, call for help this morning to be on the lookout for a missing oakland woman last seen hiking in mendocino county tuesday morning. get a look at the screen. 70-year-old elizabeth shank last known to be in this area walking just north of fort bragg near brawl point road. shank visited the area from oakland and is known to have some medical conditions which make this search even more urgent this morning. police want you to know to just be on the lookout for her and shank last seen wearing a white suite sweater, a vest and white jeans. nearly two years to the day word of a $2 million settlement in the mass shooting that left 19 students and two teachers
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dead in texas. officers there accused of waiting more than an hour to take that gunman down in the case. and the suits are not over. a group of parents also filing lawsuits against dozens of texas department public safety officers and the school district. let's go to mexico where there's word this morning of tragedy. at least nine people including a child killed at campaign rally stage collapsed in the northern mexican state. 63 others injured there. heavy winds to blame for the collapse last night at an event for presidential candidate jorge alvarez manez who has suspended all upcoming campaign rallies,. back in the united states the woman who once beat the drum to keep donald trump out of office will vote for him. we're talking about nicky haley who spoke about trump during a washington, d.c. event yesterday. haley changing her tune. she called trump unhinged and unqualified and now says
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she will vote for the probable presidential nominee donald trump. all right, reed, the time now 5:09 and this morning we're talking to a south bay congressman about the concerns all of us should have over ai especially after scarlett johansson says her voice was used without her permission. and this week, actrescarlett johansson will have more on that coming up in just a minute but live nation and people trying to buy tickets are not seeing eye to eye. in fact, there's a case
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this week actress score let johannson made headlines. that sounded very familiar to her. this comes after we learned about a partnership to i to try and protect artists' voices in the age of ai just last week. >> we continue to talk about this as my computer says good morning to me apparently. shawn chitnis joins us now and maybe my computer was saying good morning to you shawn. >> maybe it's ai. >> could be ai right? a bay area congressman is talking about how to protect everybody as ai becomes a bigger part of the headlines. and we see her take this on. >> reporter: we keep saying this every day there's a new development. something we have to keep up on and so right now what we're dealing with is this controversy and the ongoing concern over artificial intelligence in hollywood. and it speaks to the challenges ahead for people in many different industries as well as our own personal protections when it comes to ai. on monday, we did learn that scarlett johansson believed her voice
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was used without consent by openai and she was shocked and andered she called out the ceo of openai sam altman because sky the new ai voice for the company sounds a lot like the voice she had in the movie "her." she says altman asked her twice to do the project but she declined the offer. they have paused using sky's voice as in all of its products out of respect to her. so all of that comes after we reported last week on the partnership between veritone and creative artist agency to have a digital assets chase protecting actors in the age of ai. we heard about a local voice actor worried about the ability to protect everyone's work even those just coming into the industry. so that's why we were able to speak to south bay congressmanrow canna. he says more needs to be done to avoid another situation like what happened to johannson. specifically protecting all actors. he believes congress needs to act and pass new laws
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on this issue. >> those laws need to say you cannot take someone's voice and recreate it without their explicit consent. you cannot take their data without their consent. >> reporter: so the congressman says he supports a federal ai regulatory agency. he thinks that there's going to be interest on boast sides of the aisle to do it but he didn't expect that he will have anything passed until after election in november. now it is also worth noting that he had a lot to say about ai and believes that there are things specifically for the rest of us who are not actors in hollywood that is another reason why congress has to get involved. >> and i think it's great that they're trying to put something together to help regulate it and make sure it's safe and makes sense for everyone as we continue to find more and more about it. but i just don't know how they're going to do it so easily. the internet is big and broad. hard enough to track things on social and other websites. >> you know what else is big
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and broad. lobbyists in congress. if they're going to push this past the november election a lot of them knocking on doors of congress. they'll be the ones to watch. >> reporter: absolutely. >> okay. shawn chitnis, thank you. all right, let's take a live look outside on this thursday morning and we see the weekend and it is going to be a very busy one with memorial day just upon us. well, some weather here on the coast is going to be kind of nice but in other areas jess, parts of the country, tornadoes, rain and so much destruction we've seen. >> exactly. we've been talking about it all week and now over in texas, there's receive rear storms and they brought rain and wind inside a mall in the city of temple just north of austin. part of the roof actually blew off there and lots of homes and businesses here are being damaged or destroyed. the city even confirmed a small plane was blown over at the local airport. the tiedowns were clearly not good enough. now as we take a look at this, it doesn't stop with just the rain and the wind and take a look at this. check out some of the video that nay posted on social media just in that area of that thick hail falling down. this is the suburbs just
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north of dallas. the national weather service says they can expect more hail and wind speeds anywhere up to around 60 miles per hour and speaking of intense winds, and hail of course, this video right behind me shows just how bad it gets in certain parts of arkansas. a storm passing here left several toppled trees there. just near the town of jones borrow. by some accounts the hail actually dropped close to around a quarter size. now we're going to continue to keep you updated on that forecast there and the local areas. because the storm is still continuing to track off into the east. back here though in west coast areas, we have been dealing with very, very mild conditions. it's thanks to high pressure that's been parked offshore but that's keeping the storm track to the north of us. however i will say this. heading into this weekend, we have just a deep enough trough of low pressure that's actually going to cool us off a lot more. we could see some coastal drizzle and those clouds are definitely going to stick around for us as we head into the holiday weekend and now carnaval is happening for us this weekend. it's going to be an amazing event and we're expecting 60s
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both saturday and sunday though. those cool conditions are definitely going to make you -- make you want to have a jacket nearby as we head into these afternoon hours. of course the more north we go the more warmer it gets. napa, a little bit of the coastal drizzle will be expected but areas like that, stunning weather as we head into the afternoon hours. that's bottle rock and we have plenty of over events to talk about as we getter cloth weekend forecast and still thursday though. and daytime highs today, they're nice and cool. especially along the coastline. we're talking about 60s today near san francisco. 50s near pacifica and half-moon bay. more east we go okay, well, yes the warmer it gets of course. we're expecting 80s again anywhere from concord over into antioch. let's head a little bit more north and areas like napa and novato all the way up into petaluma, 70s this afternoon. i was flying up there yesterday and it was breezy. you guys had some really strong wind gusts at times. at the surface level it was okay but close to the foothills and the mountains, that's where you noticed it the most. it's going to be a
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little bit different for us today. more on that coming up in just a bit. luckily the winds are going to die down more down near san jose topping off this afternoon at 75 degrees and it will believe beautiful for us this afternoon. we already have clear skies over the santa clara valley and we'll continue to see that trend all throughout the day today. we'll keep you updated on the forecast but for now over to you, g. jess thanks. it's thursday and maybe getting ready to head out the door early this morning to catch a flight at sfo. oakland airport. or maybe over in san jose. right now, traffic is moving along very well and look at golden gate bridge in fact, we're not seeing a lot of cars at all working your way across the span this morning. so that's good news there. in fact, some of the bay area bridges are pretty quiet right now. san mateo bridge, looks good westbound for commuters. that's the commute direction heading over towards 101. and over at the bay bridge toll plaza, it's only #:19. no metering lights just yet but as the sun comes up you can see it's pretty quiet there heading into san francisco. nice speeds coming off the eastshore freeway. a pretty seamless ride there. and a little slow as you head out of the tracy area into the
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altamont pass. a stupid thought in your head could derail you from achieving your dreams. so i just entertained really silly thoughts to keep myself going. >> braving shark-infested water, a pacifica nurse and grandmother completes a swim to show us all what not giving up a slow network is no network for business.
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>>welcome welcome back. bay area woman made history by swimming nearly 30 miles in her first it was interview vern glenn spoke with amy gubser about the journey and frigidshark-infeste d waters without a wet suit. >> reporter: amy, you are my hero. you see that? [ laughter ] we just -- we haven't even started and your fans roll by on a bike. >> i love it. >> reporter: amy gubser has a few more people recognizing her these days. did this all start off as kind of a joke like hey i think i can the that? >> absolutely. my husband and i joke all the times when we're on a hike walking our dogs and we see the farallon islands i say you know i can swim there and he absolutely hands-down would agree. kind of laughing. one, two, three.
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>> reporter: whoo. nobody was laughing on may 11th when amy became the first person ever to successfully swim outbound from the golden gate bridge to the farallon islands. do you realize what you have done? >> you know, it's just sinking in. it's unbelievable. i know it's an incredibly difficult swim. but what's been more incredible is just the outreach and the inspiration that it's -- it's achieved and it's -- it's doing for people. that is what gives me the greatest pleasure. >> reporter: it took just over 17 hours to complete the 29.7-mile swim. that's a lot of time for self-doubt to creep in. >> a stupid thought in your head can derail few achieving your dreams. so i just entertained really silly thoughts to keep myself going. so -- that was really what i had to do to kind of overcome that. >> reporter: care to share with us a silly thought? >> well, i had a t-shirt designed about the swim and i thought well, that will be a
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waste if i don't finish this. [ laughter ] >> reporter: she also remembered what happened to her friend simon dominguez when his attempt went unsuccessful. >> he had a little friendry visitor that required him to get out and rightfully so. >> reporter: sammy shark. >> sammy shark. >> reporter: said no, no, no, no. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> reporter: amy credited her team for helping her get to the finish line. >> do you want any company? >> sure. >> reporter: one of their roles was to send food every 30 minutes through a bottle. what was on the menu? >> chicken bone broth with carbo pro mixed as my nutrition that would give me energy. and then i would also eat things such as mashed potatoes and i loved peaches. peaches with the syrup. because that actually counteracted the salt effect of the water. if i could have peaches next time. >> peaches? and water or just peaches? >> just peaches and that container. >> reporter: i would not want
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peaches or mashed potato orchicken bone broth for a while. i would get that out of my diet now. >> yeah, i think i can take a break from it. [ laughter ] >> reporter: she didn't take any breaks from work as a nurse at uc san francisco's children's hospital. amy completed a ten hour shift before her swim that started a little after 3:00 a.m. >> i really am committed to taking care of my patients. and i had to be there. but i also knew i had enough time to go home and get a good rest. >> reporter: the # 5-year-old isn't planning to rest on her accomplishment. she's already got her sights set on a new challenge. >> i'm looking forward to loch ness and i'm interested in trying to find the monster you know. >> reporter: you are going to go over there and look for it. >> seems to make sense. from sharks to nessie. [ laughter ] >> her sense of adventure is amazing. and i need to find her. she's -- i mean we live in p town pacifica. you are my
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neighbor. >> speaking of p town you should come up with some peach popsicles. you should market that together. >> that would be fun for sure. what an incredible woman. >> she says she can and you can. >> yes you can. i love it. inspirational. 5:26. taking a live look at sfo. the travel rush is here for the holiday weekend. but will inflation impact your plans? cbs news senior transportation correspondent kris van cleave will have the answer for you. plus this. i i have come to this building so many times looking for answers and a part of me feels like i found that answer. >> what do you do when a wrong happens and it hurts about every part of your life? they made th
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and right now on cbs news bay area at at 5:29. taking a live look inside sfo. memorial day weekend is just around the corner and the f aa is expecting today to be the busiest day for air travel since 2019. nearly 3.5 million people are expected to travel this weekend. sfo expects almost 600,000 passengers between tomorrow and monday and that's more than 8% over last year. and almost back to pre-pandemic levels. san jose expecting almost 400,000 passengers and in oakland at
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oakland international over 130,000. and kris van cleave joins us live now from virginia beach with a look at the impact inflation will have on everyone's vacation plans and good morning. i like your location way better than mine right now. >> reporter: well, you know, listen the bay area is lovely but it is hard to beat the beach on a nice day. and but it is gong to cost you. i mean vacation inflation is a real thing. and we'll be talking about it on cbs mornings this morning. the good news, big picture, the cost to travel very similar to what it was last year at this time. but there are some real pain points and those are things like what it costs to do things on vacation the entertainment aspect of vacation and that is up and also eating out. the cost to eat out is up noticeably year to year. and that the cost to travel in general is up from pre-pandemic. thinking back to 2019, it's not just you. it was, in fact. substantially cheaper to take a trip before the pandemic. about 15%
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cheaper, in fact. >> are there certain areas where you are really noticing the difference in your wallet? certain places where people vacation some popular spots? >> reporter: yeah, well, you know if you are flexible in where you want to go, you can see some real savings. you know, we looked at, for example, after doing this story from south florida, and it was far more expensive. if we had decided to be in miami or fort lauderdale beach as opposed to being here in virginia beach. just want to be a beach, you can find destinations that are cheaper and if you can travel on off peak days, you can find typically lower airfares to travel. but one thing to watch with the airfares while the cost to get that ticket has ticked down year to year, several airlines increased their checked bag fees. so if you are a family of four that's traveling, and you are checking several bags each, that's going to add up. so your actual cost may not be as cheap as you look. and i think where people often make a mistake when budgeting for a
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vacation, gianna, is they forget to factor in the cost to eat out. you eat out more on vacation. typically than when you are home. and that's one of those things you don't necessarily plan when you are looking but you sure feel it when the credit card bill comes. >> really good to set the budget before you head out too and seems like you are saving some places but not so much in others. thank you. be sure to watch the full report coming up on "cbs mornings." that's happening at 7:00. reed, i could use a vacation and borrow his glasses too. >> he's got the shades made in the shade with lemonade. taking a live look outside this thursday morning. we don't have the sun up quite yet. but my goodness look at that beautiful glow in the sky. looking over towards sutro and jess, you said it. cooldown. i felt it definitely this morning when i got up. >> oh, we're going to feel it more and more day-by-day and it's interesting. we kick off this weekend nice and chilly but then we slowly start to warm up by the time memorial day actually happens. and that's one of the weather headlines. let's dive straight into the forecast for us this morning. we have near average
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highs today. the past couple of days we've been well above average and gosh, we had 70s two days ago in san francisco. it felt like summer. but it was also a tease and not reality as we head into this next couple of days. we're going to continue the see a cooler weather pattern kind of deliver itself into the friday and saturday forecast. cloudier skies associated with it and we can actually seen' some drizzle along the coastline heading into early parts of the weekend but don't be too concerned if you were planning on doing something fun for memorial day or even sunday we slowly start to see the temperatures rise. here's what it's looking like for our friends who want to go outside to carnaval this weekend. saturday is cool and cloudy. we still see the partly cloudy conditions into sunday. about two degrees warmer at that point. a similar trend all the way up into napa thinking of heading to bottle rock we warm up into the sunday forecast with mostly sunny skies over near napa. let's actually head over to napa real fast on the virtual reality map. upper 70s are in the forecast for us today. just near napa. vallejo too. we cool down in the low 70s the more south we go closer to oakland but watch what happens the more east we go.
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right back up in the 80s today near concord and about york. up at the coast it's a completely different beast. i was flying yesterday and it was breezy and chilly for us near the coastline and continue to see that this morning. lasting into the afternoon the winds start to shift a little bit. and for now over to you, g. let's talk about the traffic condition as you get ready to standard day and look at the bay bridge. looks pretty good right now. 5:34 no metering lights just yet. that will change maybe in the next couple of minutes but i'm guessing hopefully people are getting early start to the memorial day weekend. and maybe getting out today. tomorrow is going to be a lot busier on the roadways. today, in the skies. so if you are headed to local airports all routes are looking good. 101 sfo. no delays to oakland and if you are taking 87 or 280 to san jose my net that. everything is clear there. a live look hear @ upper deck or just as you work your way not too far from where that incline is headed over into the city. not a bad drive there. and over at the golden gate bridge, pretty quiet. heading
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into san francisco right now. talking about a family story after susan liu's mom died as a result of plastic surgery malpractice and it happened here in san francisco. sue ann dealt with a lot of trauma and she did it through performance and art. and most recently a new book. but the real healing started when she used that tragedy to help change a nearly 50-year-old california law. as ryan yamamoto is about to show you, this change gives victims of medical negligence a way to recoup real losses from pain and suffering. >> everyone knows the tragedy of the dead. but let's talk about the tragedy of the living. >> reporter: how someone heals from trauma. >> i felt scared. >> reporter: can come in many different forms. >> perhaps there was too much shame tied to how she died. >> reporter: for susan liu, she found answers as a performing artist with a one woman play and most recently as an author. with a release of her memoir
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"the man curist's daughter." >> seeking the truth was how i would avenge my mother's death. >> reporter: her mother known by her american name jennifer had owned two nail salons. a vietnamese immigrant who had made a life for her family in the bay area. but in 1996 while undergoing a tummy tuck and chin implant, she went into a coma and later died of a botched plastic surgery. the doctor had been at the center of multiple complaints having his license suspended by the medical board of california. where susan made a trip to the san francisco doctor's office, where her mom went in but never came out. >> sometimes i look back and i wish i could have prevented her from coming here. i have come to this building so many times looking for answers. and a part of me feels that i found that answer and now i can let it go.
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>> reporter: susan found that answer by turning trauma and tragedy into real change. at the time of her mother's death, there was a $250,000 cap set in 1975 in the state of california on the amount of money that injured patients and their families could recoup for pain, suffering, or even death. >> plastic surgery is a perfect example of this. >> reporter: carmen with consumer watchdog have been fighting the cap for several decades. >> in 1975, $250,000 was actually a reasonable amount of money. today, that amount is about $50,000 when adjusted for inflation. what that means is no attorney can afford to take the case that has only noneconomic damages with that cap being so low. >> when i was 11 years old, i lost my mother to medical negligence. >> reporter: they recruited the help of victims and their family members including susan liu who testified and told her
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story to medical boards and lawmakers. >> one of the most important ways that an organization like mine can make a change in the law is by telling the stories of families who are impacted. >> reporter: in 2022, they won the battle. governor gavin newsom signing california assembly bill 35. the fairness for injured patients act raising the cap families could recoup for medical negligence from $250,000 up to a million dollars. >> that's me leaving a legacy for my mother. >> reporter: a legacy through activism and real change. while healing through performance and her art. >> i wanted to know who she was. and how i was like her. and most of all, i wanted to know if i could heal from this tray ma. >> reporter: by retelling the story of her mother. not just how she died but how she continues to live. >> you really think about this. this was all about everybody else. susan and her family.
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they did not benefit from the change in the law. as for the doctor who performed plastic surgery on her mother, we are told he passed away in 2014. this story proves that our stories in the bay area really do define us and as you can see they are important. that's why they're featured on the aapi month section of our website, be sure to watch our special roots and resilience aapi celebration program tomorrow at 4:00 p.m., it's for the entire family and you can find it on kpix and streaming on the cbs news app. g? it is 5:39 and ticketmaster's in trouble. is a breakup of the parent company coming. plus -- ha. rev it up. and drop it down. arguably the post popular parts of this weekend carnaval parade. how low riders all give us a high and connect families and culture straight ahead. and before we leave you you are starting to see the sun -- i'm going to ask jess about this. is the sun coming up
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earlier or just me? the golden glow on the beautiful buildings in san francisco and we hope you have a golden glow in your morning as well. we're glad
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at wendy's, you can get- (fake english accent) an english muffin and seasoned potatoes for just three bucks. with a light and fluffy toasted muffin and crispy potatoes, love. ooooooo (actual english accent) is this my breakfast? yes, yes it is! she bought it. grab a proper $3 wendy's breakfast for a limited time. (♪♪) (♪♪)
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try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. welcome back. time now for the money watch report. it is 5:43 on this thursday morning. the justice department is planning to file an antitrust lawsuit against entertainment conglomerate live nation. multiple sources familiar with the matter confirm to cbs news
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the federal government wants to challenge the parents of ticketmaster over company practices. ticketmaster and live nation came under fire after the 2022 meltdown we all remember, it left taylor swift fans unable to purchase tickets for her eras tour. and americans are holding on to their cars longer. analysis from s&p global mobility a group that tracks u.s. vehicle registrations, shows the average age of cars and trucks on the road rose to new high of 12.6 years. this year. that's two months longer than last year. reed? well, the world's largest and most rounded billboard will soon feature the design of students. when you watch the super bowl here on kpix, you couldn't miss the cut away shots of the las vegas sphere right? we all saw it. now word they're teeming up with student right there in their hometown to feature their artwork on the dome and unless you think this is just a las vegas story. think again. you can actually participate. you can vote for the winners from elementary, middle, high school and unlv students on the sphere
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website through wednesday, june 5th. so cool to know that students can look up and say i did that. >> i know what an incredible way for them to show off their artwork also and unique too. it's not just sitting on a wall. it's actually in the -- multimillion dollar tech vibe. i love it. >> well, protective though of people outside of vegas i have to say. vegas always says we're an international city and we belong to the united states. so i say you open the contest up to kids from the bay area. >> everywhere. >> kids from everywhere. i love clark county kids. my kids were clark county kids but it's time to open it up to everybody. all right, taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. you know we need to open up reed? the curtain. and look out the window and see this gorgeous view of the sun starting to come up there across the bay. that's a really beautiful perspective, jessica, the colors in the sky look gorgeous right there. >> absolutely. they do. we get some of the best sunrises. but reed, you can attest to this. as a clark county kid, the
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sunsets in las vegas. immaculate right. >> so beautiful. >> we get beautiful ones here too but the sunrises are like topnotch? that's what we have this morning here in the bay area and it really helps the clouds haven't really moved their way in just yet. however, i will say right around the corner, we're going to see a lot more clouds in the forecast for us heading into this weekend's setup. memorial day is right around the corner and we're expecting cool and cloudy conditions for us but luckily dry for the most part. if you live along the coast you might get a little bit of drizzle but then other than that, the rest of us are going to be experiencing just mild conditions to kick off the weekend and then day-by-day, closer into mid next week we warm right back up to what we had earlier this week. i want to talk about the winds real fast. you know exactly what i am talking about near the coastline. in the north bay too. live in the inland areas this doesn't really pertain to you but also not a bad thing. a that's great but notice this afternoon, closer to around dinner time hours, we get anywhere up to around 20 to 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts up in the north bay and anywhere from marin all the way over
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into sonoma. i was flying over there yesterday and it is gusty up in the hills especially just along the low valley areas. where the winds kind of whip down from the hills as it moves over the coastline. that's what we're going to be dealing with again today. just keep that in mind. down into the santa clara valley we're also expecting wind gusts anywhere up to around 20 miles per hour and let's actually head down to the santa clara valley and talk about daytime highs today. it's a little bit cooler compared to yesterday. not by much. but it's worth noting that that's the trend as we get closer to our memorial day weekend. we have upper 50s along the coast and we have 60s and 70s -- 70s and 80s actually off in the east bay and 60s near san francisco and down into the santa clara valley, we're just talking about this beautiful sunrise the second ago. here's the live look from our black mountain cam. beautiful conditions and we have a little bit of the haze layer right now down into the santa clara valley. that will bleed off once the sun is up though. we're expecting 70s into this afternoon. now let's take a look at the next seven days real quick. into this weekend's forecast we go. we jump from the 80s to the 70s to the 60s just within the matter of three as alone. we start
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averaging out early next week and more on that in a bit. g? the roads are look okay for now. jess. in fact it's pretty quiet on the roadways. especially on some of the bay area bridges. look at this live look at the bay bridge. minor backup here metering lights were turned on a couple of minutes ago. and at this point, you have likely seen it backed up beyond the overpass. but what i think is happening is that this weekend is memorial day and so there's probably a few people out there trying to get a jump-start to that holiday weekend. maybe enjoy it just a little bit longer than just the three days. and that will help ease traffic on friday when we really start seeing crunch time on friday for folks getting out of town. so so far, right now, things are looking okay overall. again if you are leaving tomorrow to get out of town, make sure you don't travel between noon and 6:00. that's going to be the busiest time on the roadways. try to go a little earlier or a little later if you can. other than that, look at this. it's pretty quiet and another perspective of the bay bridge. as you head into san francisco. golden gate bridge, moving along great as you work your way into the city. reed? all right, check out the
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video here behind me. countdown to carnaval in san francisco. this weekend. one of my favorite things that happens in the bay area all year. it's part of a two day event and it celebrates low rider tradition and culture and in fact, fans of low rider culture really fought hard in the bay area to make these streetcars legal. their wins rev the engines for arguably one of the most popular parts of the weekend parade. and as jose martinez is about to show you the spirit is alive and well in the park through the work of two passionate members of low rider council. >> reporter: it was quiff nears ago when daniel salsa bought this low rider. he invested thousands of dollars to turn it into a masterpiece. >> got ten switches but i just use these -- use four mainly back and the front and then i'll knock it to the side over there. come back up. bring -- bring it down this way. and
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just cruise up and down. >> reporter: daniel was born and raised in the mission district and says this weekend he will be cruising the bay area streets, showing off his hard work in carnaval sf. >> i used to come out and see carnaval. i was a little kid. and i was like one of these days, i'm going to have one of those cars. and it went from having one of those cars to one of these days i'm going to be in the parade to now carnaval i'm in charge of the -- coordination of the parade and the car show for carnaval. >> reporter: don alonzo a fellow member of the low rider council says carnaval sf mazz more than just a celebration. it's a chance to vindicate and honor the low rider movement. >> low riding in itself, i think, people are aware now that it's a family-oriented sport. you know. culture. low rider culture. and you know,
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with that being said, you know, to fight to where we are today, it was a -- it started with a lot of education. because it's a lot of people didn't know about the culture. >> reporter: the low rider community says the park is the heart of the culture. >> this was where low riders hung out. this is why this is a very significant place. and it was just a dirt lot with a lot of tires on it. and the low riders were the ones who ken it clean. >> reporter: the sf low rider council was founded in the literally i 1980s in response to police constantly harassing latino men especially those riding low rider cars. >> it was a long battle. they fought federal court cases and whatnot to be able to do our -- lifestyle. our culture. because they didn't allow it. and the cops would -- every weekend, throw people in jail. beat them up. and just not allow us to -- cruise. >> reporter: after a successful legal injunction, the right to
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cruise mission street and other designated parts of the city was solidified for generations to come. and as carnaval sf approaches, daniel and don reflect on the importance of this event and the struggles and triumphs of the low rider movement. >> it's one thing to own a low rider and go to shows or represent on the street with your club. but there's a -- there's another aspect to it for the the individuals who are bringing the lifestyle for all to enjoy. and that is what the low rider council does. and we're preserving that. >> yeah, it's my favorite part of the parade and i mean it's hard to pick a favorite part of the parade. because there's so many great things but the low riders are my favorite. >> the dancing is amazing too. but i mean it leads the parade and it leads carnaval and you see them just riding down the road there. and it just kind of gets you all excited for everything else. hey don't forget carnaval is this sunday. you can watch all of this live if you can't be there on the special coverage starting
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at10:00 a.m. on pix+ 44 cable 12 and also streaming on the free cbs news app. ♪ ♪ yeah, me too john. he's considered one of the bestplayers in muse you can by now john legend and ot
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♪ ♪ well, megastars like john legend and alicia keys are a few of the artists we have seen with surprise concerts inside of london train station. it started with a donation to the station by music legend elton john. >> elton john came along and performed himself here in 2016 and he brought the yamaha piano and left it for us as a gift and it's been a great gift. >> sometimes it's 7:00 in the morning and oh god i'm so tired and to have this gives a nice like energy. >> i love that. the beloved piano bears a special message from john along with his autograph. can you imagine
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walking into a b.a.r.t. station and there's this megasuperstar celebrity artist just playing the piano like no big deal? that would be amazing. >> just changes the environment and i know up in walnut creek outside the apple store there's one that people can just go by and play. it's beautiful. >> it is and does change your mood. early in the morning you are like oh. and you are like oh. okay. let's make it a great day. >> i can do it. time right now 5:57. are you feeling a headache in the housing market? ahead i'm going to chat live with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger about whether it's even worth looking at buying a home or selling a home. and then a serious story just ahead of pride month. the mysterious warning about travel and fears for the safety of the lgbtq+ community and their supporters. san francisco sheriff paul miyamoto in studio answering the question are you safe for pride month in san francisco. and new strains of covid-19 variants are raising concern of a possible spike in covid cases, coming up at 7:00 we're
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going to chat with a local doctor about the new variants ahead of the memorial day weekend travel rush.
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6:00 am
thanks so much for tuning in this morning. it's thursday, may 23rd. >> let's get started. >> speaking the truth was how i would avenge my mother's death. >> our aapi month coverage


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