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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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>a massive fire at a recycling. centers. and smoke. across the bay. why some people? people in the peninsula neighborhood are worried and details on the landmark deal to sell the oakland coliseum. what it could mean for balancing the city's budget. but 1st look across the bay area this morning as we head into the long memorial day holiday weekend. retail spaces. let's
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check in with jess and check your forecast. as we head into our memorial day weekend temperatures are going to start cooling down fast for now. we're still sitting in the 50s along our coast 80s off into our inland areas. but around the corner, we're going to all be sitting in the 50s and 60s. by saturday with a nice little warm up into sunday and then just in time for memorial day on monday. now there's lots of events happening this weekend and luckily the weather is dry, just like today. we're expecting 70s in the forecast today near san jose, with the blue skies above us, we're going to continue to see beautiful mild weather today and tomorrow but notice how fast temperatures really dip. we have 80s today 70s tomorrow, suddenly we're talking about 60s into our saturday forecast for some of our east inland areas. and then we start to average out as we head into early next week with upper 70s around the corner, but let's head over to the bay shoreline areas like oakland or actually going to be sitting just a little bit cooler. we're in the 70s. today we hit the low 60s into this weekend. and we see partly cloudy skies a lot more along our coastline as we head into early next week, we'll keep you updated with that here
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in the weather center. jessica. thank you. now if you were in redwood city, it was probably hard to miss all of this right here. a lot of smoke in the air. because of a fire at the sims medical medal, rather recycling plant off of seaport boulevard. now the fire is out, but at yesterday afternoon, a shelter in place order was issued 4 people nearby to stay inside. andrea nakano reports that people could see smoke as far south as gilroy. but for the people living right down the roadway from there, there were real concerns about what was in the air. >reed>yeah. yeah. lisa and bob have lived in a nearby manufactured home for the last 8 years. they notice the smoke drifting right into their neighborhood wednesday afternoon. >it's a little scary because of the smoke and i thought, >reed>uh, concern was mainly for her husband. >and i had called my husband on the way to home from work. and i told him to close all the windows. do you have them open? he said. yes. so close them all. because he's got asthma really
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>reed>bad. home. lisa, checked the mail to find this. a letter from the department of toxic substances control about an application for a hazardous waste permit. from sims medal >when we've seen the letter today, about trying to get rid of toxic materials. and caring about the environment. it seems as if all the toxicity companies are down this end to seaport and we're getting the brunt of all the fumes and the smoke. >reed>county advised those who are sensitive to smoke to stay indoors and close their windows. bomb did exactly that, fearing what may be in the smoke. >was in the construction industry, and i know if that stuff burns or whenever it puts off toxic toxic fumes. it's not not good. what do we got right here? toxic fumes. >reed>area air quality management. district is investigating the smoke impacts. the redwood city fire department is looking into the cause of the fire. lisa and
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bomb say it's been an unsettling day and this has made them more curious about the scrapyard. >and we live in a manufactured park down the road here. and so it's very concerning because they don't care about us. who have to live close to these industrial areas. well, we've reached out to the department of toxic substances control and sims medal, while dts t. sc has not responded just yet. sims medal issued a statement saying it is working with local authorities to investigate the fire and this isn't the 1st fire at a sims facility if you remember back in 2018 a massive fire erupted. this was at their richmond planet was a 20 ft high pile of scrap metal. that caught fire, sending toxic smoke into nearby. neighborhoods. well, let's get a live look over towards oakland. this morning where mayor sheng thao faces a budget crisis and a planned sale of the coliseum. so how much is oakland short? 117? 0. that's
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according to reports. oakland leaders announced yesterday they will sell their share of the coliseum for 105 0. 0 to the african american sports and entertainment group. the hope by mayor thao new a 4 double housing. and outdoor space where the a's built their legacy. when asked how the sale helps the city's money troubles didn't get specific, but promised returns beyond the sales price. >reed>once we finish this off, that there is a clause in there that demand for community engagement and not just that, but community strong community benefits. >and, yes, oakland is selling its share of the coliseum. but the a's also own half the site espn reporting this morning that the a's were approached to sell their portion, but the team has reportedly not interested. well in our other top >reed>stories. >>they called for help for all of us to be on the lookout for a missing oakland woman last night seen hiking in mendocino county tuesday morning. that's where she was last seen 70 year old elizabeth shank last known to be in this area, walking just north of fort bragg, near
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brawl point road. visited that area from oakland and is known to have some medical conditions, which make the search this morning. even more urgent. police want you to know to be on the lookout shank was last seen wearing a white sweater vest and white sheen's contra costa county fair was robbed of nearly 90,000. in receipts, according to the antioch. police department to park employees were making a nightly deposit at a bank monday night after the fair had ended now when the suspect approached them with the gun. thieves got away with the fare, money and the workers personal belongings. nearly 2 years to the day word of a $2 0 settlement in the mass shooting that left 19 students and 2 teachers dead and you've all the texas officers they're accused of waiting more. in an hour to take down the gunman in the case. the suits aren't done a group of parents also finally lawsuits against dozens of texas department of public safety officers. and the school district. tragedy at a
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political rally in mexico, at least 9 people, including a child killed at a campaign rally stage collapse. this happened in northern mexican state of nuevo leon, 63. others were injured, heavy winds to blame for the collapse last night at an event for presidential candidates. alvarez minus who has suspended all upcoming campaign rallies. the woman who once beat the drum to keep former president donald trump out of office now says she will vote for him. we're talking about nikki haley, who spoke out about trump during a washington, dc, event yesterday. haley changing her tune where once she called trump unhinged and unqualified. haley now said, quote she will vote for probable presidential nominee. donald trump. another political news, the former oakland police chief fired by mayor sheng thao wants a seat on the city council this morning. we are hearing from laurent laurent armstrong. armstrong filed to compete for the at large seat currently
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held by vice mayor rebecca kaplan, saying his unmatched knowledge and experience will serve the public. people know anything about me. they know that i've been somebody that has worked closely with other people have been willing to come out and solve problems together, and that's no different than i'll be as a council member, hopefully. well if armstrong wins that seat at the man once fired, will face off at city council meetings with the person who fired him. we will be following this case closely. dangerous weather across the country and a rising death toll from tornadoes coming up a look at the discretion destruction as help is on the way to those who are suffering, plus find a penny. pick it up the story behind a special celebration today.
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well. cleanup is underway in communities. across the the country. impacted by tornadoes and severe weather in iowa, a tornado leveled homes, killing at least 5 people and injuring dozens overnight. heavy rains large hail and at least 1 tornado swept through parts of texas. has more. >reed>how powerful storms pummeled central texas wednesday. wind and rain whipped inside the temple mall
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after part of the roof blew off in nearby belton, a drive down 1 highway showed a path of destruction with debris in the road and toppled signs and trees in the distance. strong winds. heavy rain and hail. also battered arkansas. and oklahoma. >1 front and back glasses broke >reed>on this car smashed through windows and dented multiple cars at this oklahoma dealership. >pappas have come on by. >reed>meanwhile, new drone video shows the extent of the devastation. after a deadly tornado tore through greenfield. iowa, tuesday. 1 of more than a dozen that reportedly hit the state. >houses. was going to come down on us. that's how bad it sounded. >reed>luckily, the house did not come down on 19 year old keeley pickerel, who told cbs news she and her 17 year old sister kaya, hit in in the basement with their dogs, while the twister blasted through their neighborhood. like many residents there now hoping to
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rebuild >everyone's trying to do her heard of our sea lion boom, san francisco superior 39 is seen a lot of this. it's the largest sea lion population in 15 years, and it's the same in santa barbara groups of the lions have been showing up to the harbor and you can hear they are very vocal. they've been hanging out on the docks and even on boats, and that's a real concern for voters. these guys can weigh up to a b#1000. and they can really do some damage while sunbathing. a c some of the swing steps on boats they congregate on are in danger of getting really, really low, maybe possibly taking on water. the harbor patrol has made a routine of gently scaring them away and you're probably wondering, why are we seeing so many of them right now? well, experts are saying it's because of the abundant amount of anchovies. we kicked off this week with well above average temperatures today we're right around average, literally down into the santa clara valley. we're hitting the mid 70s in the
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forecast. upper 50s along the coast with some gusty conditions into this afternoon. all highlight that in just a 2nd here we go off into the east bay, eniac concord. all the way over in walnut creek. more 80s in sight for us this afternoon with 60s near san francisco north of the golden gate bridge, we're hitting 70s, all throughout the north bay now, let's take a look at the winds. i was just flying yesterday up in the north bay, and it was brief. risi up there, and we're getting a repeat of that today specifically. along the coast from lunchtime all the way into dinner time tonight we're seeing wind gust anywhere up to around 30 to 40 mph near bodega bay with about 20 mile per hour wind gust in our inland areas closer to santa rosa, stretching all the way over in a fairfield. other than that, it's been a pretty mild forecast for us this week. and will see a little bit of a cool down as we head into the memorial day weekend. we have just a deep enough trough of low pressure that will cool us off down into the 60s and 50s throughout our weekend. forecast, but not only that we're seeing cloudy conditions and light chance of drizzle along our coastline, too. it's been 19 days since we've seen rain here in the bay area, so it'll be nice to get a little
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bit of a break of that, at least along that coastline now, of course, it's the weekend and there's lots of things happening. carnival right around the corner saturday and sunday. we're expecting 60s in the forecast. so all those amazing beautiful outfits i hope they're warm and if not just make sure you have that jacket ready to go. as he had north closer to napa. we're expecting beautiful sunny skies heading into memorial day. with 70s in the forecast all weekend long, so lots of cool things happening for us this weekend. keep to keep you updated here in the weather center. but take a look at this 80s, turning into 70s turning into 60s just within the matter of 3 days. that's what that trough of low pressure is going to do for us cause us off fast. but luckily we average out quick as we head into early next week, right around the corner. we'll hit the 80s once again with sunshine as early as next wednesday, but that's our inland areas. it stays a little bit cooler along the bay shore line 70s, turning into low 60s as we head into this weekend, we'll average out with partly cloudy skies. guys into the mid and upper 60s as early as next week. kensi petty, a salon owner from charlotte, north carolina, was named the sole
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survivor of survivor 46 and the million bucks that comes along with it. she competed in the final four fire making challenge coming out on top, so congrats to her, but it wasn't just her game that 1 fans over it was also the comfort she brought to others when 1 of her cast mates was having a rough time she was able to put everything aside. and be there for him. survivor is so much harder than it looks on tv. um i know and it hits everybody in different ways and i just couldn't watch my friend suffer not help him out. you know, there's there's moments to compete, and there's moments to not you missed the fire in case you missed the season finale. you want to catch up? you can watch it and past seasons on paramount plus, so check it out. all right. there's new backlash over sky that's the new voice of chat, gpt. critics and actress scarlett johansson are saying and the california lawmaker getting involved? the
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area concert calendar brought to you by live nation. >reed>award winning artist mayor and morris brings her rsvp'd redo tour to the masonic >and >>may 29. card. the summer. god's tour. 22. is heading to the bay >area. >>june 15. new kids on the block with paula abdul and >dj. >>july >>3rd. >>both shows are at the shoreline amphitheater all tickets available at live concert calendar
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>and thanks for joining us on this thursday more it's time. now for your money watch report. stocks opening higher this morning with the tech heavy nasdaq composite leading the way, so let's get a peek and see where the big boards sit right now. dow is down about 207. points in the red right there. we'll keep you updated on that throughout the morning, wall street got a big boost, though from silicon valley's in video, the chip designer and artificial intelligence leader. delivered a record quarter of 26 0 0 in sales, sending shares toward a record high in video also announced it will conduct a 10
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for 1 stock split june 7th that will trim the company's share price from about 950 bucks, to 95, clearing the way for investors and employees to buy in. well, the justice department in 30, state attorney generals have filed an antitrust lawsuit against live nation parent company of ticketmaster. it accuses the entertainment shine of maintaining an illegal monopoly that drives up prices and stifles the competition. ticketmaster came under fire after the 2022 meltdown. we all remember when this happened, leaving taylor swift fans unable to purchase tickets. for her eras tour. that was a big problem for a lot of fans. a lot of swifty's and americans well, they're holding onto their cars a little bit longer these days. analysis from snp global mobility. it's a group that tracks us vehicle registrations. it shows the average age of cars and trucks on the road rose to a new high of. 12.6. years this year.
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that's 2 months longer than last year. and this week actress scarlett johansson made headlines for accusing open ai creating a voice for chatty bt that sounded very similar to her this comes after we learned about a partnership to try and protect artists. voices in the age of a i and we learned that just last week, so shawn chitnis is here with more on what 1 bay area congressman is saying about how to protect everyone as sean a. i becomes a larger part of our lives. >sports>this controversy speaks to the challenges ahead for people in many different industries and our own personal protections. regarding a eye on monday, scarlett johansson said she was shocked and angered her voice was used without her permission. she believes sky the new voice for open, ai said it a lot like johansson's voice in the movie her johansson says the ceo of open ai sam altman asked her twice to do the project. but she declined. the company now says it has paused using skies voice out of respect to johansson. all of this comes after we reported
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last week on the partnership between very tone and creative artists agency to have a digital assets vault to protect actors. we heard from a local voice. this actor worried about securing everyone. work, especially those early in their career south bay congressman ro khanna reacted and reached out to us after that story on the issue of what happened to johansson. he says that must be illegal. he wants congress to act and passed new laws. >yeah. those laws need to say you can't take someone's voice and recreated. without out their explicit consent. you can't take their data with out their consent. >sports>so the congressman says he supports a federal a. i regulatory agency and believes that both parties would be in favor of that, but he doesn't expect anything to get kept get past. before the election in november. >gianna so much still to happen when it comes to a i, sean, thank you for that. but we are counting down to carnival later this morning. we hear from the men driving the
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movement to preserve the low rider lifestyle. memorial day weekend as thousands hit the road and catch flights. we take a look at the numbers and vacation inflation.
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a penny for your thoughts. well, today marks national lucky. penny day. people still collect penny. even though you really can buy much with them these days. the medal and cost of minting pennies has exceeded their value. but ancient civilizations believe that metals like copper were a gift from the gods to protect them from evil. and that's where they're lucky reputation begins, according to superstition. finding a penny head facing up is lucky if it's tails, you should turn it over and leave it for the next person to find. so find a pen. pick it up all day long. you'll have good luck. all right, that is it for the news at 9. coming up. next is the drew barrymore show today. the host of cbs mornings joined the show for drew's news in times square should be a lot of fun, but for more local headlines, including weather, you can always join us
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