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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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for it? the legal battle for a plan to add thousands of new homes on the peninsula. >> we want to make sure cities are making their housing plans based on evidence and not hope or speculation. and, developing news in antioch, firefighters are making progress on two separate fires, one near a b.a.r.t station. good evening, thank you for joining us at 7:00. long, short, curly, straight, most of us grow our hair without any effort. now scientists are finding other ways, human hair is being used in fashion world and turned into sustainable clothing. also how a local company collects hair to weave
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it into mats that can mop up oil spills along our coasts and now we are learning about an experiment here in the bay area. what happened when scientists scattered human hair and put it into soil. >> who would of thought, right? we are talking researchers at top universities and ecologist at a national park. they are now digging into the question, can human hair basically super charm our soil? while helping us fight the impacts of climate change? when it comes to hair, research at cal is a cut above the rest. >> it is a collection on wednesday. >> yes. >> in the department of environmental science eco system ecologist and visiting scholar. the scientists are studying the bio-dpeeo way to
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battle the warming climate. have more plants to pull it up and lock it in the soil. one way to do that may involve human hair. >> if it turns out this is the case it would be very exciting. >> reporter: the scientists collected untreated hair from a local beauty salon. it was ground up and put into tiny bottles >> we take a small amount. .2 grams and distribute it. >> bad soil from marin. in the lab. they add small amounts of the hair into jarred soil samples, eight weeks later, some preliminary results >> we began to see evidence that the hair was beginning to break down. >> we were starting to see the changes in the hair in the soils. we had higher nutrient content. >> reporter: the hair was acting like a slow release organic fertilizing, changing the bad soil into good. one possible explanation? hair contains nitrogen. >> hair breaks down slowly. it is packaged in the hair in such a way that it is released
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slowly. >> reporter: in the jars the scientists measured nitrooxide, a greenhouse gas. but in this case no worries. >> in our experiment there were no plants, but if the plants had been there there is a good probability they would of been able to capture it >> resulting in slow prolonged growth. that is what is happening at hair experiments at the presidio. >> we scatter today over the tiny plants that were barely growing. they could barely make it. that has resulted in this beautiful meadow of bunch grasses. >> lewis stringer is ploan away by what he has seen >> it is amazing. i would never have considered that hair could be so productive for helping us to restore these very harsh soils. >> the trust is experimenting with hair compost to see if it can grow native plants in tough
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soil. the land here treated was straw mulch, hair, fertilizer or nothing at all. the only green growth occurred with the hair >> there is much more growth in those plots of hair than there is with just the fertilizer or with that compost itself. >> this is hair. this is hair. >> reporter: lisa heads up matter of trust. a nonprofit based in san francisco that collects donated hair. the nonprofit partnered with the presidio. they are saying mother nature had it right in front of your eyes >> taking the hair off of my cat or cutting my kid's hair it goes into the garden now. >> i am starting to think about, you know, what else can hairdo? making every day a good hair day. >> so, if you are inspired to toss your hair into the
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backyard plants, why not. you want to stay away from longer hair, though, if it is around birds it can tangle up in birds and harm them. small bits of hair and pet fur in your soil. >> and maybe horse, my horse's tail. you know and you can go to a salon and get all of the hair there. we are on to something. >> fascinating >> it is. it is. we are developing a story to tell you about in contra costa county. firefighters are mopping up two separate fires right now. this is the aftermath off of the road. we saw firefighters spraying down what looks to be metal debris. firefighters say about 20 acres burned. so, the fire started after 4:00 this afternoon. not far from the antioch b.a.r.t station. here is video from our radio partner. there is no word of any service impacts >> just a few miles away, firefighters put out a second fire through the plaza. they went in aggressive mode because of the wind concerns, let's
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check in with our meteorologist darren peck on that, dare snen. >> the wind is a factor in that because of the location for the fires, you can see where antioch is on the virtual map. i will put wind streams on that in a moment. first, a bird's-eye view from this camera that sits on top of mount diablo. when you look at it in a live window you can see antioch in the foreground, the bridge, the fire was out here. there is san important feature in that view. two different water there is an important feature in the view, two different water bodies they are converging and constricting and going through a narrow part of the bay. it tends to constrict the winds as well when it goes through it. take a look back out there. you can see that same view. you see where the san joaquin and the sacramento river come together. if i put the wind streams on here, you can see the wind that normally comes in the bay and does the job cooling us down. what it is really trying to do is then go inland and squeeze through the
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gap and work its way right out through that narrow passage when we get into early fire season that really we kind of are now, for the finer fuels, the grasses and what is that landscape composed of? all of the grasses. this is one of the bigger vulner bill uts for the next several -- vulnerable areas now for the next several weeks. it is the same thing gives us air-conditioning here in the bay. it just speeds up more as it constricts to go through the narrow gap. that is why the winds are always a factor. 25 mile-an-hour gusts out there today. that is why they got on it so fast. this was a light day. when we get back together in the full forecast we are going to use the same wind streams, they are color coded for intensity. there are places across the map that are red today. i will explain why it is important and why it means we will get a cool down. see you with that in just a bit >> see you in a bit, darren, thank you very much. now, in the peninsula, a
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legal battle over a plan to add thousands of new homes. every eight years cities and counties have to lay out how many homes they will build or risk losing funding. so, the city of san mateo just came up with the number, 7,000 homes, city leaders submitted the plan for approval. a new lawsuit says the numbers do not add up. >> reporter: i am at the bridge point shopping center. this parking lot behind me is where the city says it can build 340 new housing units. the question is, how? not just because of limited space but, according to a new lawsuit there is no evidence that it would be allowed. >> the city says that it believes that 8.5 acres could be used for housing. that someone could, maybe, build a garage and then put housing next to it on 8.5 acres of the
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parking lot. the problem with that is that there is an agreement that goes back to when the center was created that says this place is for retail. >> reporter: that is one of the holes the attorney says is in the city of san mateo's housing plan. he is as there is an agreement here at the bridge point shopping centers not allowing anything else but retail stores and parking lots to be built until 2056. in the city's plan, it states the owners of the shopping center quote expressed interest in mixed use redevelopment. the city council adopted the plan which calls for more than 10,000 housing units across the city from 20 hunt 23 to 2031. the city manager stated in partit is essential wehave housing opportunities for w residents and current residents whmight be priced out of their community. this plan is progressive. complies with state law requirements. corrie
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smith is director of the housing coalition that filed the lawsuit. >> at the end of the day it is about people. it is not about lawsuits or entitlements or any of that stuff. we are trying to ensure that everybody has a home. >> expanding housing in san mateo continues to be an issue. something that the housing action coalition recently faced. they received this email from a san mateo resident. the email reads in part, quote, when did you get so fat? >> i was really disappointed and again, horrified to see they was facing the brunt of our lawsuit. >> the city of san mateo issued a statement regarding the lawsuit. reads in part, quote, while the housing development is part of a lawsuit by the housing coalition one day after its passage the plan will be submitted for formal review to confirm compliance with state law. >> we want to make sure that cities are making their housing
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plans based on evidence instead of just hope or speculation. >> earlier this week the city council decided to advance the housing measure to the ballot. if approved it would raise density and height limits for cal trains stations. on to oakland, the mayor addressed the city's $177 million budget deficit. what she is going to do about it. her plan is to cut noncritical contracts, increase tax revenue and freeze certain hiring, she says she will not reduce public safety, cut cops and social services or layoff city workers. this after oakland announced yesterday it will sell its share of the coliseum for more than $100 million. handwritten signs of support posted on the outside of a burned out home. >> hanging there. money, clothes, food, all of the love >> how the community is rallying around a dog walker who lost his home after being a target of racist threats
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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. look at this, hitting the road this memorial day weekend. hey, go to the bay bridge. truly, expect company, not there. to beat the traffic jam, travel experts are recommending drivers are sure to leave been 11:00 or wait until after 8:00 p.m. to depart. meantime, air travelers should be prepared for long lines at the bay area's airport. so far the crowds are not bad at sfo. tomorrow is expected to be the busiest day with the tsa predicting $3 million people will pass through airport checkpoints. today is the day to travel. all right, earlier this week we told you about a devastating fire that tore through the home of a well known san francisco dog walker. since then, there has been an outpouring support for terry williams. and the flames encouraged people to just help
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out and actually put signs up on the outside of their buildings there. the threats that williams received in the weeks prior to this were racist threats that heed. the support from the community came in the form of handwritten signs posted on the front of the boarded upbuilding. neighbors taken williams in, set up a gofundme. some of whom were in the home when the fire started. his mom and dad were there. investigators are trying to figure out what caused the house fire. so far they have not link today to the threatening messages that williams received over the past 1 1/2 months. williams was at city hall. he was talking to city leaders trying to call attention to the racist attack. >> each time a new threat has come in it has escalated in the rhetoric. talking about to the point where they are talking about they are going to get
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him, hurt him, kill him. >> terry says he does not plan to leave. he plans to rebuild and get his family back in their home. the police are investigating the threats as a hate crime. all right, we have been talking about a lot of wind and then we have our memorial day weekend coming up. for all of those questions answered, let's go straight to darren peck. >> last time we were looking at the virtual map and saw how the wind today did us a favor. a little bit of a favor in terms of the grass fire. but, it is having much more widespread impacts on today. this was the warmest day that you will have for the next 4 or 5 days and, like so many aspects in the life, the wind is dominating the story. the wind streams, these really visualize the wind in two ways, show you the direction the winds move and they are color coated as well. when you get in the shades of red and orange here off of the coast, marin county going
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through. it is showing you higher intensity. 50 mile-an-hour gusts. known for that, windiest part of the coast. that is the same wind that eventually becomes our onshore breeze. it makes a left turn. really gets pulled into the golden gate. today it is weak. look at what happens down to the colors. shade down to green. looking at the 20 mile-an-hour breeze, squeezing into the golden gate. the same wind working north and up into the strait fanning the grass fire today. this is a fairly week onshore flow. walk it down to the south bay. you can see there are less streamlines down here. colors are still green. you barely felt much of it down here at all. do you want to see what that does for day time highs? all you have to do is put the numbers on here. switch out, instead of looking at wind we will put today's day time highs on the map. you were in the middle 80s today. you were near 80 in san jose. you did not really get much of the
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influence from the onushore. get your bearings for today. pick out your part of the bay. 80 degrees for livermore and up through inland contra costa county you were in the middle 80s. if you lose this line from here. this is the great line to show you the difference. the microclimates, upper 50s, lower 80s in antioch. here is tomorrow. some of us feel the difference tomorrow. others don't. you will be 15 degrees cooler. half moon bay your number did not change. still on the coast. getting an influence. same thing for san francisco. do not expect much for the day. because there will be a little more influence tomorrow the numbers will cool down in fact, one other view on this. walking down to the south bay in just a second. showing you day time highs today in the middle 80s for places like los
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gatos. look at the numbers. pulling in high clouds for the first part of the day tomorrow. getting more shade. and not an overwhelming thing. it is more of an onshore difference. the numbers coming down below average for this time of the year. sets us up for the holiday weekend. they are coming the way tomorrow. looking at the three day holiday. saturday it is the coolest day of the forecast. we will do the main drop tomorrow. saturday, we are going to go right back to may gray. the marine layer is coming back in. everyone is going to wake up with marine layer gray. then in the afternoon we will get sunshine. we will feel the cooling influence. there is your saturday and sunday influence. over the course of the week. you are going to get a bit of a rebound. the temperatures will warm up for you by the time we are in the early part of the week. by the
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way, carnaval is happening this week. it will be typical. morning layer, afternoon sun, sunday will be, perhaps, a bit sunnier. less cloudy the city is right on the verge of, you are not going to get the shifts of everything we are talking about. onshore off shore. let's look at the seven-day forecast and see how it plays out. if saturday is the bottom. warming up, you are seeing the holiday, looking back here. middle 80s. by the time we get to the middle of next week, day time highs will be, once again, as warm as they were today if not warmer. looking at the bay. the numbers were lower. you feel an influence from the marine layer. seeing more of the gray. saturday it does appear to be the most impressive day from the standpoint. not lasting long. back to you. >> thank you. burglars be aware. the
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impletes you may of heard . you might of heard police using bait cars, now, they are using bait homes, the police put trackers on items in the house that likely would be targets allowing them to know about a theft and quickly track down the burglars. that is right. oh, an adorable encounter
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for a rowing team. how was it - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more - choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business
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—our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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. ucla's rowing team this warm guy the sea lion hopped to one of the boats this little guy had something wrong. it is suffering from malnutrition. he hopped on to the boat for safety. >> we could not really, he was just walking around in circles on the dock. like spinning. you could tell there was something wrong with him. >> awe. experts say he would of died if he was put back in the water. he is now recovering at the center in san pedro. smart of them to do that. thanks for
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watching. see you back
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, folks. i appreciate it, everybody. thank y'all, now. well, welcome to "family feud." i'm your man steve h


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