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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 24, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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now at 11:00, graduation is supposed to be one of the happiest days in a young person's life but it quickly turned scary at and east bay high school. >> at first i thought it was fireworks. bam, bam. the outpouring of support for a san francisco dog walker whose house was destroyed in a fire after reports he received racist threats. >> stop it, we have been in this community for over 50 years. we are not leaving. and the holiday weekend is bringing lots of events, including carnaval, we meet this year's king and queen who tells about the pride and responsibility of wearing the crown. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey, from cbs news bay area. i am sara donchey. we do started with breaking news. a shooting in the middle of a graduation ceremony at an east bay high school. this happened
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on the campus of skyline high in the oakwood hills. life for us tonight with the very latest about what happened out there. andrea? >> reporter: on a night where we should be celebrating the graduates here at skyline high school, we are here about a shooting with the multiple shots fired now there is an active crime scene still here tonight but in just the last 10 minutes, several police cars left the scene and there are only a few left at this hour. no oakland police say this all started around 7:45 tonight. notable shots were fired and multiple people were injured. opd confirming there are two victims, both adults, one female and one male. we do not know if they were students or how they were connected to skyline. police say this stemmed from a dispute at the graduation. >> walking around and taking pictures. out of nowhere. >> graduation at skyline it should be a good day, you know.
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next thing you know you hear gunshots. i thought it was fireworks at first but it was gunshots. at first i didn't think too much of it but i ran with the people. >> reporter: opd says it immediately locked down the school with the help of the chp. there is no description on the shooter but police are looking for multiple suspects. two people have been detained so far. now the oakland fire department is reporting that there was a third victim that transported themselves to the hospital. we do not know their condition but the two people that were transported to the hospital from this location are reportedly in stable condition. back to you. >> all right, andrea, thank you so much. this is a developing story so stay with us for all the latest updates on our website, or streaming on the cbs news app . san francisco police fired at a suspect who was reportedly carrying a rifle through the navy district. an officer opened fire but did not hit the
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suspect. instead, police say they used nonlethal force to take him into custody. this is some video of citizen from the scene, the district attorney and office of police accountability are going to be looking into what happened here. a well-known san francisco dog walker and his family are still picking up the pieces after a fire gutted their home near alamo square earlier this week. that comes just weeks after he reported receiving racist threats juliette goodrich went back to the home today and has more on the outpouring of support from neighbors and friends. >> reporter: outside of terry williams childhood home is now covered with handwritten signs from neighbors, stapled to the outside. >> hang in there, terry, call me if you need anything. >> reporter: terry says he still can't believe it was just a few days ago in flames were shooting out of the windows of his childhood home his elderly parents were inside
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at the time and were rescued by firefighters. terry's mother is still in the hospital. >> you need me, let me know. >> reporter: neighbors have taken terry and his three dogs in. they also set up a gofundme for the family. >> getting real emotional. >> reporter: for the last month and a half terry says he has been getting a lot of racial threats and harassment. >> each time the new threat has come in, it is escalating in the rhetoric. talking about they're going to get him or they are going to hurt him or kill him. >> fire investigators are still trying to determine what caused the house fire and they are not linking the threats to the fire at this time. terry was at city hall when the fire broke out. he says he was talking to city leaders, trying to call attention to racist attacks directed at him and his family. >> stop it. we have been in this community for over 50 years. we are not leaving. all this could be repaired, we could fix this . we could fix this, this is nothing. but it
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is just the fact that you are trying to run my family out of this, out of the house. >> reporter: terry and his family are like staples of the neighborhood, they lived in these home for more than 50 years. >> i watched terry grow up, me and my brothers. and his mother is like my auntie, his father is just hello cool. >> he plans to rebuild and get his parents back in their home. >> i am blessed and i'm lucky to have neighbors and friends that care about me. >> reporter: police are investigating the threats as a hate crime for now and firefighters officials are working with the police department in terms of investigating the cause of that fire. other headlight tonight, hours away from memorial day holiday weekend which means thousands of people will be hitting the road and heading to bay area airports and if that is you, you should be prepared for long lines. so far the crowds haven't been too bad at sfo but tomorrow is supposed to be the busiest day of the weekend . tsa predicting that
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as many as 3 million people will pass through airport checkpoints. if you're staying in the bay, there are a lot of things going on, including the bottle rock music festival up in napa valley. and the carnaval celebration and parade in san francisco darren peck is here to tell us about a serious cooldown coming from the start of some of those events, right? >> the thing about that, sara, tomorrow is the day the majority of us are going to notice the cool down but saturday , saturday is the day i want to focus on for a moment, specifically here in the mission district , we got a lot of people coming into the city for carnaval. sunday is the big parade but i think saturday is going to be the more interesting weather day and i just want you to see first of all how things are going to be temperature wise. saturday you don't get out of the 50s in the city. not all that unusual. sunday you will. sunday were going to get below 60s. the reason why saturday, i say, is the more interesting day of the two, because that is the day we are going back to may gray. you will see a little bit of it tomorrow morning but
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look at the difference, when we get to saturday morning, the marine layer will have filled in the much the entire bay and it will be so thick , we will even be getting a little bit of missed along the coast. that looks different. saturday is the grayer day of the two, but sunday you will get more sunshine and the temperatures will even climb into the low 60s for the parade. i will have the full forecast because we got a three day weekend coming up. we will look at it, see you in a few minutes. we are just two days away from 2000 floats strolling through the mission for carnaval. every year as part of the tradition, there will be a king and a queen. the king and queen are meant to represent the vast diversity, hard work, and passion of latin america. lorraine aiyuk sat down with the new monarchs saying the new titles, joy and responsibility. >> reporter: taking a moment to take in the moment. jason and monica are reflecting as they rehearse for a special
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celebration. they have been selected as the official king and queen of san francisco's annual carnaval celebration of 2024. for the newly crowned colombian king , jason jiminez, he says he is honored to represent his hometown, showcasing unique afro colombian dances like this one entitled . >> i dream about this, prepared, rehearsed, and do a lot of things. so i feel so excited for this. i am so happy. >> reporter: for monica, who is the first peruvian to be crowned queen, as she picks up her specially designed dress from peru , she says she carries her title with gratitude. >> community first. i hope i can make everyone proud. >> reporter: the pride both monica and jason share is showcasing unique indigenous dances, which is the theme of this year's carnaval. >> we want to honor our
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indigenous community and we want to share with the san francisco community here where we came from. >> reporter: and doing that, monica has had to take some creative risks, including presenting a never before displayed dance for the festival. >> the national dance of peru , this dance is very traditional. it came from the time that we were colonized. >> reporter: that is why each of them receiving crowns this year means so much to them. it is not just exceptional rhythm and dress, it is an opportunity to learn about one another's roots. >> i didn't have that chance in columbia. so that opportunity here to take a lot of classes from different parts of the world. >> according to the u.s. census, the bay area's diverse latin american community is consistently growing. and for jason and monica, that just means a deeper opportunity for
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cross-cultural exchange. >> learn from other cultures share mine , might not do that, you know. to have that freedom here to do that . that is what i found here in the bay area. >> a freedom to be royalty no matter where you come from. >> we are so excited for this weekend. be sure to watch our special coverage of carnaval this sunday, starting at 10:00 a.m. over on pix+ and streaming on the cbs news app. the only thing harder for getting into college is deciding which one he is going to after he was accepted by more than 100 schools across the country. >> yes . >> every day has been a day of surprise and delight. >> the goal now? figuring out what he is going to major in .
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later we'll talk to some local high school football players getting ready to head to england to play and learn from some real nfl pros.
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when kids or really anybody applies or calls, there often told apply to some safety schools in addition to your top choices just in case. 18 and oakland went above and beyond, he applied to more than 120 universities. soon he was in a dated with hundreds of acceptance letters and tells us the only thing harder than deciding where to go with getting his parents to accept what he wanted to study. >> reporter: it takes a large
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suitcase filled to the brim to contain all of the letters of acceptance he has received from colleges all over the country. >> so these are either accepted letters, financial aid package, sometimes it's boxes like these that there's t-shirts or different accessories that schools send out. >> reporter: beginning last fall, helms sent out 150 applications to colleges before long he started hearing back. and it became an avalanche of acceptance. big universities, small colleges near and far , almost all he applied to want him. >> so far i have been accepted to 122 schools and some schools are not out yet. >> reporter: whl's father, chris, says new letters are still coming into the mailbox every day. >> every day has been a day of surprise and delight [ laughter
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] >> reporter: it is not just acceptance letters, scholarships offers and potential grants have also come in. >> yes! >> reporter: helms was born in uganda and lived there until just before high school. he has a 3.94 gpa. and one true passion . singing . helms is a member of the pacific boy choir academy in oakland, and wants to pursue music as a career. his goal is to one day be a pop music star paper that created some internal pressure and a little bit of conflict at home. >> where we are from , definitely career driven . paths , become a doctor, become an engineer, become something that is stable and something
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that can offer you money, right? >> it wasn't easy convincing his parents , chris is an engineer turned business entrepreneur who admits he wanted that for helms, too. >> i realized that that, the things i am projecting on him to be an engineer or be an astronaut or be a doctor is not the thing that he wants to do. and get into this space of love the child that you have versus the child you wish you had. >> reporter: to prove he was serious about his musical career, helms did research on every university he applied to as a strong music program and a notable faculty. out of the 122 that accepted him, helms chose the one school just down the street. >> it says congratulations, and welcome to the university of california berkeley, we are pleased to offer you admission to the full semester of 2024.
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>> reporter: helms will be following his father's footsteps because cal is chris's alma mater. but helms will be majoring in music. >> ultimately i think somebody's going to take anything out of this , i would say that find what makes you come alive and go do that. the reward from that is priceless. >> reporter: at 18 years old, helms song has only just begun. was talk about weather. i was hoping, personally, and you might disagree at home, that we were going to hang onto the warm weather through the weekend. it is a holiday weekend, kids are going to go play. we have carnaval, >> cooler. it is coming back by the end of next week. if you like 80s, it is back. >> the 80s were a great era. >> for a lot of people it is a great climate and it will be back here by wednesday or thursday.
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>> bring the 80s back. >> there are some things between now and then. it is going to get cooler. the reason we are about to see on the visualization here, you are standing in the wind right now. these are the offshore winds. >> i had cheeto dust on me earlier and it kind of reminds me of that falling around. >> this will help clear the way. >> it is going to get stronger tomorrow and it is also part of this cooldown. so you see where you're looking at the windstream's off the coast here. what i really want to draw your attention to is the red patch right here. so the windstream's, when you start to get in areas of red, those are stronger winds. that pattern is an important one. those are winds that are coming in across the san bruno gap there's just a little bit of a gap on here that allows the winds to stream in pretty much right through here. that is how you get cooler temperatures into the bay. it is filtering in cooler air that is going to allow the numbers to drop so tomorrow, some of us are going to be noticeably cooler and we are going to lose the wins for right now. i'm going to give
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you the comparison on two sets of daytime highs. we will look at today first and then you will see tomorrow. just because the comparison will help let's get a wide view on here and you can see where the daytime highs are, take a look at the south bay. your numbers today made it into the 80s. tomorrow , that cool air filtering in the bay is going to have wide ranging impact for daytime highs. not so much for the city because you are already under the influence of cool air, anyway. this is going to have a bigger difference from inland locations. so when we bring in tomorrow's daytime highs, now look at the south bay, you're going to be in the mid 60s. this is the day, friday, where the big exchange and the temperatures is going to happen. probably through the whole seven-day forecast because some of these numbers are 15 degrees cooler tomorrow than you were today. the morning numbers were in the '80s today. and if we follow the path, san francisco come you don't change a whole lot tomorrow because you didn't need so much of the air conditioning. you are already on the front lines anyway and
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you are already living with and not sure breeze. temperatures don't change their much. the pattern for saturday is a little cooler than that but also on saturday it is going to be ready gray and we were looking at this at the top of the newscast when we are talking about why the weekend will be a little bit different between saturday and sunday. saturday is going to be the greater day of the two. saturday is going to be the greatest and the most marine larry may great day of the whole week, that saturday morning. watch what happens , you get a nice break of sunshine and as we get into sunday we build in a little more of the marine layer but not as much. this is why we looked at the carnaval forecast, sunday was a little bit warmer and a little sunnier. and that is the theme that will play out across the bay as a whole. here's the way it looks saturday , sunday the temperatures start to rebound a little and by the time i get back here to wednesday and thursday we are looking at numbers in the low to mid 80s.
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this is when the 80s come back again. so if you're into that kind of weather, you still get it. there is kind of something for everyone here in the seven-day forecast. if we look at the bay, you're not getting 80s, obviously. but you will get a grayer scenario through the mornings over the next few days. it is never really a gray out may great except for saturday. all the other days it is a few morning clouds and then afternoon sunshine and you will be back to the low 70s and mid 70s and the bay by the middle of next week. sara, back to you. >> thank you so much. a bay area high school football team is getting ready to head across the atlantic to london for a once in a lifetime opportunity. straight ahead in sports, changes, big as in billions coming from the ncaa. the giants both involved in the thrillers. we will show - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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best dreamed together. the high school football team is no stranger to playing in national championships but now they're heading across the pond for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. andrea nakano has more the international spotlight that will be shining on the sparkles. >> the sports authority getting ready for london. this is a spring ball program and it will continue through the hot summer months of summer. the spartans know the key to success is in the preparation. coach justin alan ball is in his 11th year as head coach. this program has gone to countless state and national championships. but london? it all came about thanks to a former player who now works for nike. >> zach? [ laughter ] and he is like coach ? we will go to london. >> reporter: it took months to
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clear the idea through proper channels but when the announcement was finally made, some players didn't know how to react. >> i was just shocked. i was in disbelief when they said that. it is hard for me to have any reaction. i was just shocked. >> i think it is just exciting more than anything. being able to play to you across country is just different . and all the guys from last year are all dealt jealous, can't do that this year. >> reporter: the team will be playing all sports from mainly europe. they will do charitable work together and play football but some of the players had to learn an important lesson before they even get ready for london >> reporter: i told him we're going and i quizzed have them and i was like . at london on the map. i could . at england but i couldn't quite pinpoint london. >> i did not, he asked me i practice one day, i had to search it up and he asked me
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the next day it is like oh yeah, i searched it up, coach. took the football team had a lot of fans on campus already but that fan base had grown since the announcement. >> one teacher here on campus, i'm walking through the hallways and the teachers are like hey, do you need an extra chaperone? there's a lot of excitement on campus which is neat. >> reporter: the team is trying to treat this game like every other like preparing to play on the international stage. they do know there will be some hurdles to conquer. >> i'm sure london will throw things off. you'll have to deal with multiple time changes and long flight over, a long flight back. after just getting over and just getting back and whatever. >> reporter: the spartans will not be distracted by any fundraisers. nike is picking up the tab for the students. >> that's nice. the team leaves for london in september, they will play at tottenham hotspur stadium on october 8th. >> that is great for the sports program. one of the more storied high school football
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programs in the country. >> could you imagine getting an opportunity like that? >> gosh, it is going to be an experience that they will never forget, for sure. not quite like these. that the giants are having. the way they are winning games, they will take it. winning, never easy, sara, for the giants. they have been doing it the hard way. coming from behind late, they got back to back wins when trailing by four runs. while the pittsburg pirates man, last year's number one pick of the giants . offensively, bottom of first, one time giant, andrew mccutchen drove in deep. luis motto tracked it down and he fell over the fence. it was that close. but it was a home run ball. bottom of the fourth, another former giant, joey b.a.r.t. struck with the bases loaded. back away , gone. a grand slam , fourth homer of the year, pirates lived 6-2 going into the eighth inning. 6-2 and eight and then the giants bat woke up. matt chatham and hit a three run blast. it was like old times in
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his career. wilmer flores tied in with an rbi single and then wisely here would back up the middle and brought up and the giants scored five in the eighth inning, the pirates 7-6. giants up 25-26, open a series at the mets tomorrow. dash cam, what a day, as it was called in by the a's and thrown up in the line up against the rockies and boy did he respond. ninth inning, watch cameron tie up the game with a home run. his first league game in two years and this one went extras. the rockies scored four and the 11th but the a's answered back and tied it on the two run blast, seventh homer of the year for bodega later in the inning, tyler soderstrom with the bases loaded drew a walk, call it a walk off walk to win the game. final from oakland, a's 10, rockies, nine. oakland host to houston on friday. rages from the ncaa. the
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power five congresses will be directly paying their student athletes and ncaa will pay nearly $3 billion in damages to past and present athletes as part of a settlement to antitrust law schools. in the playoffs, bill belichick and the celtics, in the house to check out the eastern conference game between indiana. game one went into overtime. jaylen brown, a fourth quarter bucket that capped off a 40 . night. brown and the celtics won 126-110 . lead the series 2-0. game three in indy on saturday. shout out to one of the greatest leaders of all time. taco kobayashi announced his retirement today. the six time champion of nathan's hot dog eating contest is known as the grandfather of competitive eating. the 46-year-old cited health issues as the reason for his retirement. do you know who the kobayashi of the newsroom
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is? >> oh. >> right over here. it is not so much how fast she eats, it is just the >> the sheer volume. >> yeah.
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a lot of people dream of winning olympic gold or even a marathon metal but let's face it, we are not all blessed with athletic ability or the discipline to train religiously to make up for that. so we found a competition it feels a little bit less strenuous. more than 4000 people applied to compete in a challenge in seoul south korea where the ultimate goal is centered around the less is more philosophy. it is called the annual space out competition. all you got to do is zone out for 90 minutes. the rules? you can't fall asleep, you can't check your phone , you can't talk. all you got to do is nothing. the person whose heart rate stayed the steadiest wins the trophy. people as young as second-grade up to someone in their 60s. >> okay. >> can you do this? >> i can sit still. yeah. i am pretty good at that. >> i would be out in 20. it is is not falling asleep. >> it
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