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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 24, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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thank you for joining us and happy friday everyone. it is may 24th. >> we've made it. happy friday. let's get started. >> walk afford and you know taking pictures. and out of nowhere -- >> graduation gunfire and a community conversation asking why in oakland. we're live. hang in there terry. you need anything, money, clothes, food. all your love. >> neighbors showing the best of the bay in response to painful loss. an update in the story of a dog walker dealing with tough times. know where london. >> in. he asked me at practice one day and i had to search it up. >> an east bay teen's stars and
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stones across the very big pond. we cheer them all the way to london. he said be -- big response that we need first. i hope i may -- can make everyone proud. >> and carnaval in the mission. meet the royalty leading the way in a quintessential barrel brace. we wish you a very good friday morning. it's 5:00 and thank you so much for tining in this morning. i'm reed cowan. >> yep 5:00 in the morning and i'm gianna franco and mopefully you have the coffee brewing or maybe tea or hot chocolate. it's going to be wind weekend and so much going on. carnaval and bottle rock and and a big nap. >> and that too. happening just about noon today. let's get a live look outside on this friday morning and hopefully the weather is going to hold up for all the fun things happening throughout the bay area this weekend. and jess, i know a lot of people will be out enjoying the parade maybe on sunday. for carnaval. and of course bottle rock all weekend long. i know. which one are you
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picking. >> i will be at carnaval on sunday. i'm hosting the parade with sara donchey. >> is this your first time doing it? >> second time i dit it last year but jess i'm going to need a jacket because last year i mean -- i'm wondering last year it was kind of like -- misty and kind of rainy. >> may. >> interestingly enough we're going get the misty setup later today and tomorrow along the coast but by sunday it's going to start clearing up and that's actually one of the water headlines. live cam overlooking the santa clara valley. cool and cloudy this morning. and as we head out the door, we're going to be seeing very similar setup along the coastline too. cooler weather arrives for us today and we're going to continue the see breezy conditions along the coast like the past couple of days and a little bit of light drizzle in the forecast too. that's where the mistiness comes in too. that's the dry spell for now 20 days. something to look forward to. we get a same setup on saturday but luckily by sunday, heading into monday, that area of low pressure that's bringing in all those clouds and cool conditions kind of starts tracking off into the east. so we are going to still see some
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cloudy conditions at times on our sunday forecast. but still, it's going to be a nice mild one and so to answer g's question if you are planningen heading to carnaval, both days, i would highly suggest bringing the jacket but notice how sunday is just a smidge warmer compared to saturday. but before we get to saturday and sunday, and we'll talk more about bottle rock coming up in just a minute. we're expecting 50s today in san francisco. gosh, it was earlier this week we were talking about 70s and sunshine. so this is already contrasting a lot. off into the east bay we go, yesterday we were in the 80s. today? 60s in the forecast for us near antioch and concord. that's a big jump right around the corner we're going to continue to see very similar weather into our saturday forecast. sunday, starting to see a little bit of warm-up and i'll have more on that in a bit too. for now over to you, g. >> all right. thank you. let's talk about the the roadways because it's a get away friday for memorial day and some pretty busy conditions especially starting later on today. so if you are hitting the roadways best time to be out there is well before 11:00 and after at least 7:00 or 8:00 this evening. that crunch time is really going to be between
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that 1:00 and 6:00 time frame. but people start leaving around noon and right after lunch. and even a little bit before that. so your bay area bridges will be very busy and we're going to see some busy conditions on some of the freeways that send everyone out of town like 80 as well as 101 and even part of 580. well, gianna, we are live in oakland where gunfire and graduation is the headline this morning. bullets flew last night at skyline high school in oakland hills during graduation events. police say the gunfire happened on the campus just before 8:00. at least two people were injured. shawn chitnis is joining us now live outside the school where this morning there are so many questions and we're learning more. good morning. >> reporter: reed, good morning. yeah and we understand that it was quite the scene here last night with police having to stay well into the evening as those gunshots ended a high school graduation. this all happening just before 8:00 as that ceremony was supposed to be wrapping up. now police tell us that they know of two victims that were injured in all of this. one man and one
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woman. both taken to the hospital and we're told they are in stable condition but the fire department is aware of a third victim that was able to get to the hospital on their own. we don't know yet what any of the victims' connection might be to the school. opd arrived and locked down the campus quickly with the help of chp. police say that there was a fight at the school that escalated to the shooting. we have the chance to hear from a student as well as a family member attending the event who were there when they heard the gunshots. >> just walking around you know taking pictures and out of nowhere all you hear was -- pop, pop, pop. >> graduation is skyline you know, it should be a good day and stuff like that you know? and then -- next thing you know, we hear gunshots and i mean it was -- i thought it was fireworks at first but it was gunshots and i see people start running and stuff you know. and then -- at first i didn't think too much of it but i ran with the people. >> reporter: so we know that police were here for hours likely still early into their investigation but at this time they tell us they have detained two suspects in connection to
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this case. reed, back to you. >> all right, so many questions about this very sad story. thank you so much. well, it's a developing story so stay with us as we do our job and try to find answers for you in your community. tall updates will be found on and streaming on the cbs news app. g? and it's time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. oakland mayor sheng thao will release her mid year budget later today. it comes as she's outlining her plan to address the city's severe budget deficit. now she's looking to close this year's $177 million gap along with a $175 million shortfall next year. the plan is two pronged. the first, uses money from the proposed sale of the city's share of the coliseum that's at least $105 million. and the second involves a hiring freeze and consolidations of certain positions. she emphasized no reductions in spending on public safety essential services or city worker layoffs will be needed. well, meantime, later this
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morning, organizers of the effort to recall mayor thao plan to announce they have collected more than 30,000 signatures. the group hopes to get their recall on the november ballot. that would join a separate effort to remove alameda county da pamela price from office. a live look right now over at levi's stadium where santa clara and the 49ers have reached a deal to settle some long-standing disputes and mostly centered around public safety expensions and otheroperational costs. the agreement will reduce the amount that the stadium authority owes the team by $7.5 million and provides payment of $7.1 million in performance rent to the city of santa clara. reed? well, a follow-up now to what was a painful story for a well loved san francisco dog walker and his family. their alamo square home torched just weeks after he reported receiving racist threats in the area. it was a wound for him and a wound for his family and his neighbors but you know what? it was a wound getting some healing this morning. juliette goodrich followed up
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on this story and shows how our community stepped up to show us what being a good neighbor actually means. >> reporter: the outside of terry williams' childhood home is now covered with handwritten signs from neighbors. stapled to the outside. >> hang in there terry. call if you need megaand money clothes food, allayer love. >> reporter: terry says he still can't believe just a few days ago when flames were shooting out of the windows of his childhood home. his elderly parents were inside at the time and were rescued by firefighters. terry's mother is still in the hospital. >> right man. i love you. >> reporter: neighbors have taken terry and his three dogs in. they have also set up gofundme account for the family. >> been real motional. >> reporter: for the last month and a half terry says he's been getting a lot of racial threats and harassment. >> each time the new threat has come in, it's escalated in the rhetoric. talking about to the point where they're talking about they are going get him or
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they're going to hurt him or kill him. >> reporter: fire investigators are still trying to determine what caused the house fire. and they are not linking the threats to the fire at this time. terry was at city hall when the fire broke out. he says he was he was talking to city leaders trying to call attention to racist attacks directed at him and his family. >> stop it. we've been in this community for over 50 years. we are not leaving. all this can be repaired and we can fix this. we can fix this. this is -- this is nothing. but -- it's just the fact that you trying to run my family out of the -- out of the house. >> reporter: neighbors sayer to and i his family are like staples in the neighborhood and they have lived in the home for more than 50 years. >> i watched terry grow up my and me brothers and his mother is like my aunt and his father is just -- >> reporter: terry says he doesn't plan to leave, he plans to rebuild and get his parents back in their home. >> i'm blessed man and i'm lucky to have neighbors and
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friends that really care about us. >> that is who we are. while the fire and hate crimes investigations play out and they are, neighbors are now stepping up to do the work of helping a hurting man which his family. your community station salutes you all. g. >> good to see. all right, taking a rival look at the bay area airports t travel rush is well under way for memorial day weekend. today is expected to be the busiest day the tsa predicting miss 3 million people will pass through checkpoints. aaa also projecting nationwide that had over 43 million people will hit the roads or skies. coming up in an hour -- next half hour. cbs news senior transportation correspondent christian sleeve is going to join us. i dream about this prepare, rehearse. >> they are getting ready for the moment in the spotlight. meet this year's king and
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queen as we count down to san francisco's carnaval. plus -- ♪ got to love a little stevie nicks on a friday morning to get you going. hey,
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from 2,000 floats rolling through the mission for carnaval for san francisco. every year as part of the tradition there will be a king and queen. and the royal couple are meant to represent the vast diversity hard work and passion of latin america. our loureen ayyoub sat down with the new monarchs who say the new titles come with joy and responsibility. >> reporter: taking a moment to take in the moment. jason and monica are reflecting as they rehearse for a special celebration. they have been selected as the official king and queen of san francisco's annual carnaval celebration of 2024. for the newly crowned colombian king, jason jimenez, he he has southeast honored to represent his hometown of nava showcasing unique afro colombian dances like this one entitled --ingly dream about this prepare and rehearse and train. >> and do a lot of things we have to work a lot. so i feel
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so excited for this. i'm so happy. >> reporter: and for monica, who's the first peruvian to be crowned queen, she picks up her specially designed dress shipped from peru, she says she carries her new title with gratitude. >> big response i believe first. i hope i may -- i can make everyone proud. >> reporter: and the pride both monica and jason share is in showcasing unique indigenous dances which is the theme of this year's carnaval. >> we wanted to honor our -- our indigenous community. and we want to share with san francisco community here that -- that we -- where we came from. >> reporter: but in doing that, monica has had to take some creative risks. including presenting a never before displayed dance at the festival. >> never with this dance, this is much -- the dance of peru. it's called -- la tanga. this
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dance is very treasure. it came with the roots in the time that we were colonized. >> reporter: that's why each of them receiving crowns this year means so much to them. it's not just compensational rhythm and dress. it is an opportunity to learn about one another's roots. >> i didn't have that chance in colombia. so i'm taking advantage of that opportunity here to take a lot of classes from different parts of the world. >> reporter: according to the u.s. census, the bay area's diverse latin american community is consistently growing. and for jason and monica, that just means a deeper opportunity for cross cultural exchange. >> i do learn from other cultures and i like to give the opportunity to share my -- without hesitation and i might not do that you know. you have the rhythm here today that and that's what i found here in the bay area. >> reporter: the freedom to be royalty no matter where you come from. >> how beautiful. and you can join me this sunday for our
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special coverage of carnaval starting at 10:00 a.m. over on pix+ and streaming on the cbs news app. a lot of fun and one of my favorite days to have year because done it. you have been out there and i mean, we talked about the low riders yesterday. we're seeing, you know, so many representations of different cultures and communities here. so you can learn and maybe find something you can do. >> for sure, it's joy and it color and i mean, my goodness. everything on the spectrum. the flags that fly over the mission district. just beautiful and what i love is it's a family event right? we sat up on the stage and roberto hernandez said i know that child and i know what this one does. such great thing in this mustn't. >> i love it. i'm excited for it. live outside on this beautiful friday morning. climbing up to the top of the mark. and looking -- where is it? mount diablo. sorry. sometimes he tells me in my ear while i'm talking. let's look at mount diablo and looking down on walnut creek and jess, what kind of weather do we have in the bay area going into such a beautiful weekend? bottle
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rock and carnaval. beautiful. >> so many things happening for us this weekend and razz we take a look outside, this is actually going to be one of the coolest days we're going to experience all week longful today and tomorrow daytime highs really are only topping off in the 60s. anywhere from san jose up into redwood city and keep in mind, it was just yesterday where we saw such a temperature spread in all of the microclimates. 80s in the east bay and 70s in the santa clara valley and 50s along the coast and the only place that's the same today is the coast. 56 today in half-moon bay. 59 in san francisco. we're all holding on tight to 50s and 60s. we had this trough of low pressure drop down. cold dense fair the north but it's dry air in the sense no crazy storms associated with this. however earlier this year we would have and now we're seeing dry conditions into the memorial day weekend. and hey, who's complaining about that? right. so many fun events happening for us this weekend. so many important events too from memorial day alone. and as we take a look at the forecast, it's relatively mild and yes, a little bit cool today and tomorrow but when we start to warm up on sunday and monday
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with sunnier skies around the corner. here's what i want to talk about this morning. the winds. especially along the coast. close to -- gosh santa rosa and napa. give me one second and i'm not talking to you at least right now. right now we're seeing gusts anywhere up to around 30 miles per hour along the coastline. but what's going to get gustier in the afternoon hours today. close to around 40-mile-per-hour winds just by dinner time are expected near san francisco. all the way up into bodega bay we actually pass 40-mile-per-hour winds. and then we also see the breezy conditions really highlight the inland areas too. that's how we're kick off the weekend's forecast. so just keep that in mind. if you have any outdoor activities this afternoon. by tomorrow, we'll still see sombresy conditions. saturday into sunday we warm trump the 50s into the 60s for carnaval and bottle rock this weekend, 60s and 70s are in the forecast for us. but look at sunday. upper 70s just around the corner so there's some really awesome things happening for us this weekend. yes, a little bit of a cool start to the weekend. but then by sunday and monday, 70s in our inland areas and turning into 80s by next wednesday with plenty of sunshine. we'll have more on that in a bit. g, how are the
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roads looking? right now it's kind of the calm before the storm. jessica, because a lot of people are getting ready to hop on freeways a little later today. you are looking live here at the bay bridge. got a big rig there off to the side. looks like it's stuck on the right channel side of the roadway though not causing any brake lights or delays. it's friday and it's get away friday so hopefully we'll see lighter conditions this morning. it's later on starting just after 11:00 extending to about 7:00 to 8:00. you are going to see a lot more cars out there. but if you kind of can spread it out or maybe leave earlier or later you will certainly save yourself some extra time. the busy routes will be eastbound 80 and maybe heading through sacramento and over towards tahoe. you will have that 580 commute into the altamont pass towards tracy. kind of opposite of what people do in the morning. the countercommute for us. if you are headed over to i-5 and of course 101 down to gilroy to 152 and then 101 if you are headed north of here maybe across the golden gate bridge. so plan for a very busy ride this afternoon. look at them go. zach? [
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laughter ] and he's like you got to -- i'm like will go to london. >> go go london. a bay area teen gets ready to jump the pond for a sports event and to do some good charitable work. we celebrate their score, coming up. ♪ ♪ plus, napa norah and we know why. we know why you are going to have a great weekend in the bay. more on those rocking bottle rock in wine country. sing it, norah.
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♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ welcome back everybody. guess we're back on tv. shout-out this morning to de la salle football team in concord headed to london. andrea nakano with the games and the good they will do. >> hut, hut. oh. >> reporter: coach justin allen but a is in his 11th year as a head coach for the de la salle football team. this program has gone to countless state and national championships. but london? it all came about thanks to a former player who now works for nike.
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>> look at him go. zach? [ laughter ] and he's like you go to london coach? i'm like we will go to london. >> reporter: it took months to clear the idea through proper channels but when the no-fault announcement was finally made some players didn't know how to react. >> i was just shocked and in disbelief when they said it. it was hard for me to like -- have any reaction and i was just shocked. >> i just think it's just exciting more than anything and being able to play a team across the country is just different, a different opportunity. and all the guys from last year were all jealous that we're going to do that this year. >> reporter: the team will be playing all-stars from mainly europe and they will do charitable work together and may football but some of the players had to learn an important lesson before even going to london. >> i quizzed about after of them. i could point at england but they couldn't quite pinpoint london.
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>> he asked me the next day and i was like i searched it up coach and i cold him. >> reporter: the team has a lot of fans on campus already but that fan base has grown since the announcement. >> i'm a teacher here on campus and walking through the hallways and tall teachers like you need an extra chaperone? you know just a lot of excitement on campus. which is neat l you know. >> reporter: the team is trying to treat this game like any other by preparing to play on the international stage. they do know there will be some hurdles to conquer. >> i'm sure london will throw things off and we're going to have to deal with multiple time changes and being on you know long flight over and just getting back and just getting over and just getting back and whatever. [ laughter ] >> all right. well, the team will play at tottenham hot spurs stadium on november 8th and get in, nike playing for the trip. congratulations to them and your history and geography teachers are all saying what? you are seniors and don't know where london is
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on a map. >> were you a good test taker. >> i mean no. >> you are like wait, i flow this and then you will answer and i'm just trying to make it positive for these kids. i'm sure some of them do. >> do some community service which i love. >> have great time. i'll chat with cbs news transportation correspondentkris van cleave live on the roads coming up. plus taking a live look from oakland and graduation gunfire. a shocking end to
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right off the top at 5:30 this morning on cbs news bay area, gunfire and graduation. looking live right now. two words that should never go together. but after bullets flew in oakland last night, sadly they do. we are still learning more about what happened. right now, we can tell you that two people were injured around 7:45 last night and you see all the flashing lights there. two detained and shooting happened indoors and as people gathered to celebrate sending a lot of people running. we're working to find out more on a motive and the identities of those hurt and the identities of those detained. this is a developing story and we'll continue to ask the questions. stay with us for all the updates and and streaming on the cbs news app. g? all right, expect some bigger crowds at airports with
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travel kicking into high gear for the memorial day weekend. you can see behind me all of the flights and this is flight aware the map that shows all the planes in the air at this very moment. there are a lot of travelers today and throughout the weekend. aaa estimating more than 3.5 million people will be flying for the holiday weekend. and we're not just helping you get prepared in the sky but alsoon the roadways. because there's going to a lot of people driving as well. so cbs news senior transportation correspondent kris van cleave literally on the roads right now. it's like where in the world is kris? where in the world are you? good morning. >> reporter: gianna, always good to be with you in the bay area. we are on interstate 64 approaching richmond, virginia and we left virginia beach but we talked to you yesterday. we left this morning and we're on our way to washington, d.c. and should be about a three and a half hour drive on a normal day. we're hoping that the aaa advice plays out where they said get on the road before noon. because that's when they expect the traffic to really start to ramp up between noon and 7:00. and when we're
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talking about extra traffic volume, one of the examples they gave was the drive san francisco to napa. around 11:00 a.m. today. they expect it to take 56% longer than it normally would. that would be pushing 90 minutes to two hours depending on where in san francisco you left from. of course and at your airport, sfo is expecting today to be its busiest day. about 147,000 people moving through that airport and the tsa just told us yesterday at airport checkpoints alone, they screened nearly 2.9 million people. that's just shy of an all-time record set last year on the busiest day of the thanksgiving travel holiday. we're talking about thanksgiving level travel volumes for memorial day. that's really unprecedented. even pre-pandemic times. so whole lot of people on the move. whether you are driving or flying today. >> yeah, including you and you are right it's interesting to see how memorial day has this huge increase in traffic like typically you see during the
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holidays. we have bottle rock happening today starting over there. a lot of people will be going there. talk about the airports being very crowded and you had an opportunity to go inside the faa control center. what did you see? >> reporter: yeah, so this is the faa command center and it's about an hour outside of washington, d.c. and it's where they really bring together everyone that's involved in the nation's aviation system. so it can be a rapid response center. right now for example they're watching very closely this line of thunderstorms moving iowa, minnesota, illinois, michigan, right through a couple of airline hubs. so what we're watching, what that's going to do to flights later today and they will be the folks that will determine if some of those speedways in the skies become blocked by thunderstorms and where to route all the planes if they need to hold traffic going in and out of chicago o'hare the kinds of major decisions get made in part of that command center. we'll take you inside and show you what it looks like and what they're saying about the holiday weekend coming up on "cbs mornings." the airlines and the
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faa think they've got the staffing right and the question is what is the weather doing? >> and the weather certainly plays a big part in people's travels. before you go, you travel all the time for work. any advice like what's the one thing you would share with people whether it's flying or hitting the roadways? >> reporter: driving a busy days like today. particularly if you don't travel a lot. give yourself a little bit of extra time and i don't like running through the airport and i don't like reenacting the "home alone" scene and it raises the potential that you end up with the window seat terminal not on the airplane. give yourself the extra time particularly on the airport. and on the road the same especially if you're traveling with kids, which i will be, too. so i'm doing my best impersonation of home alone. we don't want any of that, chris. thank you so much for sure to know. don't leave anyone behind. that's very but that little bit of
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comfortzone that little bit of extra time -- >> on cbs mornings. see you a bit. so let's take a look at other things happening out and about. here's a live look at the oakland airport and yeah it's going to be quite busy out there as people hit the roadways. and not just on the roads heading out of town but also as you hit the skies too. so just give yourself some extra time as he said and definitely don't want to get stuck with not having everyone you need to have nearby and ready go. okay, really quick. extra busy conditions in our areas bay area bridges and 101 and 580 and 680 and i-5. friday and monday the busiest travel days. let's take a live look outside right now on this beautiful friday morning. the top of salesforce tower. and look at that bay bridge and traffic moving kind of looks foggy outside and let's talk to jess about your weekend forecast. bottle rock. carnaval. it's a great and quintessential weekend in the bay. >> it really is. and all of the memorial day events too that are happening this weekend.
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there's plenty to go out and do and we need good weather for that. luckily we have that too. it's just a little bit cool and cloudy as we kick off this weekend. all throughout the bay area. doesn't matter whether you live along the coast or off in the east bay. we're noticing some of the clouds holding on tight to us this morning. bringing back that may gray feeling and we're sitting in the 40s and 50s right now throughout the bay area. here's that live look from mount diablo northbound the clouds creeping over the east bay not nearly as thick as the friends along the coast but hey we talked ant headlines earlier. a couple of things to really highlight this time. warmer weather as soon as sunday and monday memorial day. so this is a short-lived event and of course as we experienced this cold dense air that's moving in from the north. it's bringing in some chilly temperatures. daytime highs 50s and 60s widespread throughout the bay area. it was just yesterday we were talking about #s along the coast and 80s off in the inland areas, this pressure system that's moving in from the north. it's really impacting all of us in a very similar way. now the difference
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is, still why of course? we have gustier conditions along the coast and wind speeds today anywhere from 40 to 45 miles per hour along the coastline. san francisco today 35-mile-per-hour wind gust setup there. down into the santa clara valley, just in the 60s a lot cooler compared to yesterday. g? i'll take it from here, jess. this morning, we are working to learn more after san francisco police fired what they call less lethal force at a suspect. this happened just after 3:00 yesterday as police rushed to jennings street and connor avenue. police say the person was not hit by gunfire. but they will not e lab hat what they mean by the less lethal force used to subdue the man. this is video from the scene by the way via citizen app and pretty tense scene there. you see the police tape. as even young people look on from a bicycle. we also have a follow-up to an unsolved murder case out of the castro valley. those who knew jenny lynn will hold a
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vigil to keep the case in our minds some 30 years after lynn was 14 when someone killed her inside her home. the killer was never found. her family started the jenny lynn foundation to raise awareness for child safety and tonight that vigil begins at 7:00. update also to what's going on on our local college campuses. the final tents of a protester occupation at san jose state university taken down last night. you are looking at file video there from when the protests were happening. the dismantling follows protests organizers and school administrators meeting to have dialogue. san jose state officials agreed to publicly post disclosure of investments linked to the school. this comes just a few days after a protester encampment at the university of san francisco also came down. same for encampments at san francisco state ahead of today's commencement ceremony. same for berkeley and also the same for sonoma state. however, students at stanford are continuing to camp out this morning in protest. they were one of the
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first in the nation by the way to do so. we've reached out to both the university and protesters to see if they had any plans to pack up for the summer but so far, we have not heard back. now this. ♪ ♪ filipino americans are the second largest group among asian americans in the united states. yet their stories often go untold. anne makovec introduces us to a north bay author who put the raw emotion of a common immigration story into print. may is a typical fill pee that american girl. >> reporter: raised in the bay area. but those who came before her didn't have it so easy. may is part of the first generation of her family to be born in the u.s. >> when i was growing up, there were never any books that featured filipino or filipino
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american protagonist ever. not a single one. but we still need more of the books. >> reporter: she decided to write one. it start as a novel that included 12 poems because the signature character isabel is 12 years old. and the story is written from the experience of generations before may. children whose mothers moved to america and worked until they could send for their families. she reads from her book a poem called "no more good-byes." >> the flight attendant leads me out bodies and faces, scanning for her. >> reporter: the raw emotion of a preteen adjusting to a brand new world. though may's life is a little simpler than that of her main characters, the process of finding yourself is universal. >> when i was growing up as a kid, i think there were times when i felt caught between two worlds. so this story is very much about belonging and trying to figure out where you fit in. and for me, growing up as a kid in california, but within a very traditional filipino
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household, there were those moments where i was not sure where i fit in. or which world to belong to. >> reporter: part of the story takes place in san francisco's bow canal gardens where she and her fictional character spent time growing up. her book uses many metaphors of plants. >> this character learning to grow and she's got this wonderful garden inside of her and by the very end of the book she learns the bloom and she learns that you can bloom wherever you are planted. >> reporter: and as may's book blossomed, she realized it needed to change too. she went from writing a book of prose with a little poetry to a book of all peoples. >> the poetry was such a powerful vehicle for such a tender story. that i really wanted to go with that. >> reporter: including a poem called "home." >> i walk with my grandfather through a thousand shades of green, plants dressed in dew and flowers flooded in light as birds fill the trees with their wild loud songs. >> reporter: just one of many songs that may and others in
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the filipino community are ready to sing. >> well, you can see stories like these in our special roots and resilience one hour broadcast an aapi celebration, it starts today at 4:00 and you can find it on kpix and streaming on the cbs news app. said yes. [ laughter ] >> al big yes on a friday. we see celebrate a bay area student with dozens of open doors now to what will be a bright future. ♪ ♪ eddie vedder and the rest of the band will be in napa. pearl jam is here to play
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(♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. at wendy's, you can get- (fake english accent) an english muffin and seasoned potatoes for just three bucks. with a light and fluffy toasted muffin and crispy potatoes, love. ooooooo (actual english accent) is this my breakfast? yes, yes it is!
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she bought it. grab a proper $3 wendy's breakfast for a limited time. welcome back. so we love celebrating the success stories of young people on our broadcast. so let's go to oakland now where a student applied to more than 120 different universities. and you know what followed? hundreds of acceptance letters. len ramirez reports and look at that. >> reporter: it takes a large
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suitcase filled to the brim. contain all of the letters of acceptance's oakland's student has received from colleges all over the country. >> so these are either acceptance letters, financial aid packets and sometimes it's boxes like these that there's t-shirts. or different accessories that schools send out. >> reporter: beginning last fall, hemps sent out 150 applications to colleges, before long he started hearing back and it became an avalanche of acceptance. big universities, small colleges near and far and almost all he applied to want him. >> so far, i have been accepted into 122 schools. and some schools are not out yet. >> reporter: helms' father chris says new letters of acceptance are still coming into the mailbox almost every day. >> every day has been a day of surprise. and delight. [ laughter ] >> reporter: and it's not just
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acceptance letters. scholarship offers and potential grants have also come in. >> sometimes you get something like this and say yes. [ laughter ] >> reporter: helmings was born in uganda and lived there until just before high school. he has a 3.9 4g pa and one true passion. ♪ singing. helms is a member of the pacific boy choir academy in oakland. and wants to pursue music as a career. his goal is to one day be a pop music star. but that created some internal pressure and a little bit of conflict at home. >> where we're from definitely those -- career driven paths are praised and become a doctor and become an engineer and
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become something that's stable right that can offer you money. >> reporter: he admits he wanted that for helms too. >> i realize the things i'm projectings on him, anne-marie near, astronaut, or doctor is not the thing he wanted to do and get into the space of you know, love the child that upheaver substitution child you wish you had. >> reporter: to prove he was serious about his musical career, helms did research every university he applied to has a strong music program and a notable faculty. out of the 122 that accepted him he chose the one school just down the street. >> says congratulations and welcome to the university of california berkeley. we're pleased to offer you admission to the college of science. >> reporter: helms will be following in his father's
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footsteps but majoring in music. >> ultimately, i think if somebody is going to take anything away from this, i would say that find what makes you come alive and go do that. because i think -- that reward from that is priceless. >> reporter: at 18 years old his song has only just begun. >> beautiful. i needed that. find what makes you come alive and go do it. >> i love the perspective from his dad too. on just you know, love your child for who they are. wonderful, wonderful story and congratulations cal, that's amazing. i can't wait to see. >> lung cancer i can us and just rerun the 20 times this morning? we need it. our producer says yes. >> thank you adam. taking a live look outside on this friday morning. talk about a replay from the top of the mark right there. and looking at that. you are seeing the sun breakthrough some of
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the clouds. beautiful shot. jess, good morning and memorial day weekend such a meaningful time in our country and also bottle rock and carnaval. it's a time to get out and meet your neighbor. >> it's jam-packed and yes, a great time to meet your neighbor. and just, you know, get together and really enjoy this cool mild weather to kick off. now it's going to look a lot different as we head into the afternoon hours. today, tomorrow and lasting into our sunday forecast too. take a look behind me all this may gray is filling the bay this morning. it's not going to be the case necessarily into the afternoon hours. we'll start to see it break apart a little bit but what's happening for us is we head into this weekend's forecast it's interesting. today and tomorrow are going to be some of the coolest days and by sunday, we start to warm up once again. that area of low pressure moved its way in in north and brought in some cloudier, cool conditions for us but sunday we'll start to see a little warm-up and clear skies closer to our coastline. we talked about this earlier. but it is a breezy, breezy day for us here in the bay area if you live
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along the coastline. wind speeds today anywhere up to 30, 40 miles per hour along the coast. this is already by 8:30. by noon even stronger and our inland areas really highlight too into the dinner time hours tonight but right back to the coast we go. san francisco, close to 35-mile-per-hour wind gusts expected. with 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts up near bodega bay. in the next couple of days we'll keep a close eye on the winds but other than that, reed mentioned so many fun events and one of them being carnaval this weekend. we're expecting 50s and 60s with 70s all the way up into napa. for bottle rock just in time for all the music festivity. back here close to san francisco, we're only topping off in the 50s today. napa we're warming entombup into the 60s this afternoon and look around me real fast. all of us are sitting in the 60s for the most part. it doesn't matter whether you live along the coast in the inland areas or down into the santa clara valley. it is a cool day for us today. so we talked about it earlier. if you are meeting a neighbor, if you are doing something fun outside. just make sure they have their jacket too and all warm because it's a cool set up for us this weekend in the forecast. a nice
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warm-up is expected though as we head into next week with sangers skies by tuesday lasting into next wednesday. let's talk about the traffic situation because it's going to be one today. especially later on for anyone hitting the roadways to get out of town. it's a get away friday. so lucky you and hopefully go some place fun and have a good time. in the meantime you have to plan ahead. it's going to be busiest on the freeways from 11:00 to about 8:00 tonight and definitely plan the travel around that. if you can do that. our busiest routes are going to be to get away routes. and of course taking i-5 plan for people doing the same thing. right now current traffic conditions look pretty good. bay bridge toll plaza, not a bad ride at all. but if you are commuting in and out of the city there would be some street closures in effect starting tonight and tomorrow. near the mission district for carnaval. so that will slow you down. reroutes for muni as well and plan for that and don't forget bottle rock going to be very busy up in the napa area starting today. hopefully you kind of sort of planned your route to get there. they do
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have shuttles from some of the parking lots but those get full very quickly. so definitely parking, parking gets full very quickly as well. new trouble spot reported on upper deck of bay bridge. a broken down vehicle stuck in lanes and causing a bit of backup there. ♪ ♪ well, the tunes just keep on coming on a friday morning. and ed sheeran will be in napa this weekend to play bottle rock. the rest of the top artists making the trip, when we come back.
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5:55 am
♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. hefty, hefty, hefty!
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whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent. ♪ ♪ all right, how can you not sing right? i mean we're jamming out here. right? it will bottle rock festival kicks off in fa pa this weekend and tonight's headline ser the one and only stevie nicks and also
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taking the stage tonight megan thee stallion and tomorrow you can catch pearl jam and one of my favorites, mana. sunday will wrap up with ed sheeran and queens of the stoneage. a little something for everyone. >> stevie nicks. >> that would be your night. >> i think the concert was last summer, last fall. >> that's when you turned me on to them. excellent. love it. connecting communities. right? >> i love when that happens. it is 5:56. are you heading out of town for memorial day weekend? well, we're going to help you navigate through the crowds at the airport. and of course there's going to be a lot of traffic on the roadways. takelike from oakland, it was a frightening scene at skyline high school. celebration turned to gunfire. a quick live look outside as we peek out the window on this friday morning. from our treasure island cam. looking a little bit gloomy. probably going to need that jacket today, maybe throughout the weekend. we'll find out and
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i love the great outdoors... [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong!
6:00 am
hey, it's the weekend and it's going to be a long one and thank you for joining us. it's friday, may 24th. >> we're glad you are with us. let's get started. >> walk around you know taking pictures and out of nowhere all you heard was pop, p.


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