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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  May 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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well right now in the afternoon edition. it is get away. friday. ahead of the memorial. day weekend. we're going to tell you what you can expect at the airports and on the roads if you are indeed heading out good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto more on travel in just a moment. but 1st, let's start with today's top headlines here is the aftermath. of a big rig fire that slowed down the drive on the bay bridge. this was in the westbound direction before
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the tunnel. firefighters spraying the charred remains of this vehicle here is what it looked like as drivers went by earlier. you can see all that thick black smoke rising and the flames engulfing that truck. no word yet on the cause of that fire, as for traffic right now, here is a live look, and you can see it last check the 2 right lanes do remain closed for clean up. no estimated time of reopening every traveling from the east bay to sfo this way, caltrans says allow extra time you can see that backup right before the tunnel. another story. we're following 2 people. attained after a shooting at a high school graduation in oakland. it happened just before 8 last night. skylines high school graduation ceremony. three people were injured. police are now investigating whether a fight at the school escalated. into a shooting. and millions of americans are on the move today for the memorial day weekend is expected to be the busiest travel day. right here in the bay area. nationwide, with more than 50,000 flights close to 3 million passengers expected
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today alone. the faa is closely monitoring how the air traffic is flowing. and the threats of severe weather that could cause those disruptions. the agency is about 3000 air traffic controllers short though they hired 1500 last year, but the goal of another 1800 this year an estimated 38.4. 0 people will dry nationally gas prices are just a few cents higher. than last year and aaa expects the worst time to drive for the holiday will be from now until 7:00 tonight and then sunday and monday from 32. to 7 p.m.. okay. first alert weather right now. the forecast is on everyone's mind with the holiday weekend. look at this beautiful shuffle on the creek is that fog is just rolling in over the hills. meteorologist jessica birch is tracking our conditions.
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it was a little taste of bottles. rock and now napa tonight. headline. the 1 and only stevie nicks. also taking the stage tonight. megan, the stallion, nellie st vincent and baby rexha. tomorrow you can catch pearl jam, amana sunday will wrap up with ed sharon and queens of the stone age. you can find more details on the festival and on our website at kpix.
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we're just 2 days away from 2 floats, right? right through the mission for carnival. in san francisco, and every year as part of the tradition, there's a king and a queen. the royal couple are meant to represent the vast diversity, hard work and passion of latin american or laureen ayyoub sat down with the new monarchs who say the new title comes with joy. and responsibility.
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our special coverage kind of our starts sunday attend. at 10, a.m. and picks plus and stream. live. on cbs news bay area still ahead of noon and streaming on cbs news bay area, bringing more diversity to sports leadership where we're highlighting a bay area ceo during this api heritage month. and in project earth. we learned how human hair could help fight the impacts of climate change, and here is a live look before we head up for break you could see the cruise ships are already docked from memorial day weekend. we'll be right back. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria
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that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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well as we celebrate ap heritage. month. we want to high the president. and see of the bay area host committee who's helping to bring major sporting events here to our region meets xylene a lien jan mohammad she leads the change in bringing sports to the bay that includes the 2025 nba all star game. super bowl 60 select games from the 2026 world cup. all over the next 2 years. and it's not only helping the bay area dominate in the world of sports. she's representing her family's indian heritage and changing the landscape of leadership in the business of sports.
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the way, john mohammed says. she wants to help more women. women of color. found their ways into leadership in sports, and you can see more stories like that in our special roots in brazilians and api celebration that happens today at 4:00 you can find it on kpx and streaming on the cbs news app, okay, the project earth right now, long, short, curly or straight. most of us grow out our hair without much effort and out, scientists are discovering more ways that our hair can help save the planet. last week, we showed you how human hair is now being used in the fashion world and turned into sustainable clothing. also local company collects hair to weave it into mats that can mop up oil spills along our coastlines. now we're learning about another potential benefit, thanks to an experiment right here in the bay area. researchers at top university and ecologists ecologist at a national park or digging into the question, can
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human hair supercharged our soil? while helping us fight the impacts of climate change. and activists shows us what happens when scientists scattered human hair. into soil.
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well, if you're inspired to toss your hair and your backyard plants precautions caution. stay away. from long hair containing golub birds and harm them matter of trust recommends small bits of hair, even pet for that. you can also incorporate into your soil to learn more. you can head to our website at okay back
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to our 1st alert weather right now, give me a live look well, depending which way you, the camera. sometimes it looks sunny. but if you pack pointed towards sutra. right now, you can see the fog is rolling in here comes that may gray. let's check back in with meteorologist jessica burch.
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well, the oakland ballers are looking to pick up their 3rd win tonight. against the glacier range, right. in montana. first pitch is at 605, and we're counting down to the ballers home opener. raymond a park on june 4th even watch every friday night home game on picks, plus 44 cable 12. you can also win the chance to see the ballers in person we're giving away a family 4 pack to their games on june 7th and the 14th ever monday park. just go to our website k p i to enter and for college applicants there's having a backup school. then there's this. meet the bay area. teen sorting through dozens and dozens of epic application.
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what well, it's college admission season. and of course, it's always a good idea to pick up a few. safety. schools. but 1 oakland high school senior went above
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and beyond and total helms at the jessica applied to more than 120 different universities. he probably didn't need to worry quite so much. 3.9 gpa several extracurricular activities he managed to get into just about everywhere he applied. it's actually takes a large suitcase to hold all the acceptance letters he received and more coming every day. helms chose use. berkeley and he will made in music coming up something big for gamers. we're going to tell you about nintendo's latest bay
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well, something new is coming to san francis. union. square and 2025. nintendo. just announced plans to open an official store there. it will be a nintendo 2nd official location in the us joining this store in new york city, the company says. it's a way for visitors to experience the world and intend. oh, its products and its characters. i went to the 1 in tokyo. it was packed. that's over the afternoon edition, remember, we're streaming 24 7 on the free cbs news app. our next newscast is at 3:00 with liz cook. i'll see you back here at 5. and look at that beautiful shot. have a great after on.
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[string quarter playing classical music] >> sheila: [laughs] ♪♪♪ oh... i have been praying for this... >> finn: [sighs] >> sheila: ...hoping that-- that you would make it to my wedding, and here you-- you are, my beautiful, beautiful boy.


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