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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  May 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, the city of santa clara addressing a new agreement to address long running disagreements with the 49ers, why the mayor almost immediately took to social media to criticize that deal. a key ruling in the battle between the uc system and workers launching a strike over the response to campus protests. and a live look at the state capitol where governor newsom is facing a fierce backlash from a long time ally over his new budget plan. the union representing more than 300,000 teachers across california says proposed cuts to education funding would be devastating for students and faculty. >> as steve large reports, the california teachers association is now running tv ads calling
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out the governor. >> i kind of think this is a jellyfish. >> reporter: second grade public school student bowman trimble beaming over his book fair find. >> it says it's glow in the dark, too. >> reporter: mom proud of her star student just as summer break begins. >> i think he just learned a lot and he's really developing as a person. >> reporter: math class is still very much in session at the state capitol where new numbers from the budget deficit are leading to school spending cuts. >> this is a sizable deficit. >> reporter: now governor gavin newsom is under attack. >> california classrooms face a monumental crisis. >> reporter: the ad paid for by the california teachers association blasts the governor warning against bigger class sizes and thousands of teacher layoffs. >> tell lawmakers and governor newsom to pass a state budget that protects public schools for our students and communities. >> reporter: the ad comes just
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after the teachers union contributed $250,000 yes on prop 1 committee in february. it also contributed $1.8 million to newsom's anti-recall campaign in 2022. >> they obviously are very upset because they would hope that somebody they had spent a lot of money on would be better on their issues. >> reporter: lance christian son is vice president of education policy for the california policy center. he's a critic of the teachers association and is also a former candidate for state superintendent of public instruction. >> we agree that we can't go back to where we were. >> the kind of alarmism they have in the ad is over the top. it doesn't reflect the budget realities for california. >> reporter: the governor's budgets calls for cuts of $150 per student compared to the january proposed budget. it delays $8 billion in cuts to the future, a move the state legislative analyst office calls an accounting trick. politics and policy at the state capitol. >> you're going to be on tv. smile. >> reporter: and parents waiting for the impact in the
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classroom. >> and the deadline for an agreement on that final budget is june 15th. let's take a live look at san jose where a coalition of activists and leaders are taking a stand against the planned closure of services at the regional medical center. they're calling on california's top prosecutor to investigate what they call discriminatory closures by the hospital corporation of america or hca. east san jose is the poorer and more diverse side of town. it already has significantly less hospital access than the west side, but activists say closing the trauma center will hurt all communities by squeezing bed access on the other side of town when people with traumatic injuries have nowhere else to go. >> the aca healthcare may own and profit from this facility, but healthcare is our human right and the healthcare delivery system belongs to the
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entire community. >> latinas call to cancer is one of the formal groups asking rob bonta to intervene. we reached out to hca healthcare and haven't heard back yet. the company offered to meet with local officials, but supervisor cindy chavez was upset the offer came after a decision was already made. taking a live look at levi's stadium where the city and the 49ers reached a deal to settle longstanding disputes over operation costs. the agreement will reduce the amount the stadium authority owes the team by 7.5 million and provide payment of 7.1 million in performance rent to the city of santa clara, but santa clara mayor lisa gillmor is blasting that deal. she said in a tweet, "anyone saying this settlement agreement is good for santa clarans is deceiving the public. the money the team claims the city gets requires repayment. it's a loan shark-time deal." the city council will meet with the authority tuesday to make amendments to the stadium and
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ground leases. across the uc system strikes by academic workers are expected to grow in the coming days, that after a state labor board ruled against uc officials who contend the strike is illegal. the workers allege that their free speech rights have been violated by police crackdowns that have come in response to pro pam stunnian demonstrations palestinian demonstrations . meanwhile campus tensions remain high at ucla with memories still fresh of violent clashes that took place earlier this month. the rolling strike began monday at uc santa cruz. ucla and uc davis are expected to follow suit next tuesday. as many of us take time off to celebrate a memorial day, we're also remember be the reason for the holiday. a special display has returned to the national mall in washington. the poppy wall honors the 600,000 u.s. service members who gave their lives in service to the country since
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world war i. defense secretary lloyd austin highlighted the purpose for the holiday as he delivered the commencement address at the u.s. naval academy today. >> this is a great day and a proud day, but it's also a day of reflection and remembrance. >> after his speech the pentagon announced austin will undergo a nonsurgical procedure at walter reed medical center tonight. he will temporarily transfer his authorities to his deputy, kathleen hicks. back in january austin faced criticism after he had two surgeries without telling the president, his deputy, or the public. coming up, we'll meet the man and his best friend back together again after the camp fire separated them in 2018, the long overdue reunion. >> he was missing for five years, five months, and 18 days. one of the most storied high school football programs in the bay area showing off their skills on an
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international stage, where the de la salle spartans will kick off this fall. you can join us this sunday for our special
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well, in butte county a man and his best friend's reunion has been years in the making. >> i've been waiting for this story all night. scott mcdougal and his dog rigby were separated a of that massive 2018 camp fire, but he never gave up hope. here's reporter chloe curtis with the story. >> so he was missing for five years, five months and 18 days. >> reporter: separated more than 5 1/2 years after the camp fire until three weeks ago, all thanks to a social media post
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and the group 530 cody alert. when you were on facebook and saw that post, what was going through your mind? >> i said that's my dog. oh, my god. so i just hopped in the car and i drove an hour south. >> reporter: after all these years mcdougal said he would still check the page time to time. what he still doesn't know is how rigby made it from con cal on the day of the fire to linda, about 50 miles away. >> driving around the neighborhood, out on the country roads. i'm thinking where is he? >> reporter: and mcdougal didn't find his best friend right away. it took two days of driving around and putting up dozens of flyers around town. he was driving lap after lap around town when there he was, laying in a family's yard as they barbecued. >> he just like adopted this family. he's like hey, these people are cooking. maybe they'll feed me or something. then he didn't recognize me at
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first. >> reporter: but mcdougal says that all changed when he brought rigby home. mcdougal lost his home in the fire, but when he took rigby back to their old neighborhood, rigby remembered the driveway. >> that's when things started to click. >> beautiful dog. what a reunion. mcdougal says rigby likely does still have ptsd from the fire and refuses to let his dad out of his sight. he's happy and healthy and is enjoying being home. >> rigby has an appointment next week to get up to date on all of his shots and to get microchipped. >> lots of treats for little rigby. >> happy reunion. >> nothing as cute as rigby in sports. but we do have the 9ers who put their super bowl loss in the past, but one important player still isn't on board. plus how one bay area brother is still looking up to his older bro. it helps when
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darren, you're back talking about the weather. >> may gray is just like rolling in. >> i walked outside today and it felt like december. it was really chilly. >> you know what happened is we went into overdrive from yesterday to today. we went into one of those real summer transitions where it was more so the strong onshore flow and
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the marine layer and cold wind. that's really what it was. it has such a dominating factor on us, especially this time of year and a couple things did change from yesterday to today. we have to look at how the winds have been behaving today. we used our virtual map over the last few days and the best way to see these, they're color coded and they also show you the direction. clearly there's a direction difference today. we'll come in for a close-up look to the golden gate because yesterday the winds were kind of continuing down the coast like there and they weren't necessarily making that hard left turn and streaming into the bay. look what they're doing today. there's the return of your onshore wind and it does shade a little more yellow. the green is like a 20-mile-an-hour wind. yellow is more like 35-mile-an-hour gusts. i can show you who really felt this today. look over towards the diablo valley where concord is. see that little dip? see how
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yellow it is? you had 35-mile-an-hour gusts through concord today. it was in the 80s yesterday for that part of the bay. you didn't get out of the 60s today. the daytime highs are in. we'll remove the visualization for the wind streams and i'll populate that valley with today's daytime high. you only got up into the mid-60s, so a big drop. of course, if you were anywhere near the water, you really felt it today. san jose, same story for you. los gatos, your daytime high yesterday was 83. today it was 67. what happened down here with the onshore influence, you were really under that marine layer gray in the morning certainly down there, but this part of the bay, it never really cleared entirely. tomorrow will be a lot like this with one minor exception. the temperatures don't change a whole lot tomorrow, but the marine layer will be a li persistent. i think the camera on top of mount diablo has been the best
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example of this. you can see the clouds streaming in. here's the camera on top of the salesforce tower and the satellite imagery shows you that wet gray blanket that's been with us all day. tomorrow that becomes more widespread and overtake pretty much the entire bay like everybody will wake up to the gray skies tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. it's going to be enough that we're misting along the coast. saturday's grayer, just as much of an onshore influence from the wind and drop in temperatures. we did the big drop in temperatures today. we pretty much sit here for tomorrow and then we'll warm up a little bit by sunday. here's why i could say that. the marine layer starts to loosen its grip a little bit. there's sunday, not nearly as gray. you'll still have marine layer in the morning, but sunday is not going to be the all gray-out like saturday will be and even saturday it will be an all gray-out the first half of the day, but by afternoon
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you'll get plenty of sunshine. if you've got plans to be at carnaval, we looked at that forecast. look at sunday, a little more sunshine, a little warmer. farther inland you'll see this exaggerated difference between the two days. saturday for napa you're waking up to gray. it will be gray the first half of the day, only go to the upper 60s, but by sunday it's a lot more sunshine. the temperatures jump about 10 degrees. the 10-degree difference from saturday to sunday, monday will be even warmer because monday is part of a warming trend that keeps going from there. we'll see that when we look at the seven-day forecast. let's do that. we'll pull up the microclimates and start out first with our inland microclimate and see temperatures jumping back into the mid-80s by the middle of next week. this is your inland microclimate where the numbers are more dramatic in terms of upswing. let's do the same thing now for the interior of
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the bay. there's a warming trend here, too. of course, it's not as exaggerated, but you still get one. you'll be back in the low and mid-70s by the middle of next week, morning marine layer, afternoon sun. guys, back to you. >> thanks, darren. time for a check of what's ahead at 6:00. we switch over to sara donchey. >> remember when malls were the place to be on the weekend? for years people in richmond have wondered what is going to happen to the empty hilltop mall. them just got an update on the vision to turn it around, but will red tape get in the way? we're getting ready to celebrate carnaval in the mission district this weekend. we'll introduce you to the nobel peace prize winner who has risked her life to speak up for indigenous rights. let's head to matt for sports. >> a couple big name 9ers were on the field for otas this week, but no sign of brandon aiyuk who is still seeking a
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new deal wants espn reported friday aiyuk wants a deal similar to lions receiver st. brown who was paid $120 million for four years. we did see brock purdy and the other quarterbacks throwing this week. even george kittle was showing off his arm, maybe an emergency qb. you know who wasn't throwing? kyle shanahan. he admitted that he had to back off his role as the extra quarterback during drills. >> i can't do it all the time and sometimes i don't like the plays they're giving the defense. then they showed me my stats one day and they were terrible. i thought they should have been a lot better, see if it gets better. >> don't forget shanahan was a college wide receiver. this father/son duo enjoying an afternoon, cal taking on usc in the semi finals, 2-0 lead in the fourth until braden doweled blasted this three-run shot to right
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field. trojans won seven of four. cal is on the bubble for an at-large bid in the postseason. stanford plays arizona tonight in the other semifinal. kyle harrison is on the bump for the giants tonight as they face the mets in new york. he's lucky enough to pitch for his hometown team while his little brother isn't all that far away. >> it's awesome i'm close to home, close to him. it's awesome. i love this sport and i'm glad we both made it pretty far in the sport. hopefully we can keep on rising. >> that's bear harrison, kyle's little brother, freshman for st. mary's putting up big numbers just over the bridge from where his big bro is pitching at oracle park. >> it's cool. i love how he's settling in into division i baseball and is doing great so far. >> the pair grew up playing baseball in the bay. bear always admired his older brother of four years, even getting his nickname while he watched his games. >> i'd be climbing the trees
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messing around playing every ball i could possibly find. everybody around me was like let's call him a bear. he kind of acts like a bear. >> just resembles a bear, kind of came when he was always watching my games being such a good little brother going to every travel ball tournament, just the bear. >> it's every parents' wish to have their kids stay close, although one harrison brother utilizes the trips home more than the other. >> i'm definitely bringing home laundry and getting home cooked meals, for sure. that's kind of the only reason i go home. sorry, dad. sorry, home. >> he cheats. i told him you got to do your own laundry. college life ain't too easy. >> bear has his own mlb aspirations and the brothers have their own harrison dream. >> he did say it would be a dream to maybe one day in the majors you be on the mound and him behind the plate. what would that be like? >> be a cool experience. i think that's something even my mom and dad would love, but he's got to stay on it. >> i definitely thought about
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it, for sure, multiple times, but it's really hard to do that. hopefully we can make that happen one time. >> i love this story that bear shared with me. he flew to philadelphia right before he went to st. mary's to watch kyle's mlb debut and he said he felt like he was on the field with kyle, basically like they were in the backyard playing catch. >> what a story. >> what a name, bear. >> perfect, bear harrison. >> maybe we'll see them both for the giants one day. still ahead, de la salle high school in concord is consistently recognized as one of the best high school football programs in the u.s. and soon the team
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de la salle high school in concord is known as a football powerhouse across the nation. >> now the young athletes are getting a chance to show their talents on international stage and do some good. >> andrea nakano spoke to the team about the trip to the uk this october. >> reporter: coach justin allenbaugh is in his 11th year. this program has gone to countless state and national championships but london. it all came about thanks to a former player who works for nike. >> i looked at him and i was
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like zach? he said want to go to london, coach? >> reporter: when the announcement was finally made, some players didn't know how to react. shocked. i was in disbelief when they said it. it was hard to have any reaction. i was just shocked. >> i think it's exciting more than anything. being able to play across country is a different opportunity and all the guys last year were jealous we are getting to do that this year. >> reporter: the team will play all-stars from mainly europe. they will do charitable work together and play football, but some of the players had to learn an important lesson before they even get ready for london. >> i quizzed about half of them and i pointed to london on a map. i could point at england, but they couldn't quite pinpoint london. >> i did not. he asked me at practice one day. i had to search it up. he asked me the next day and i said i searched it up, coach. >> reporter: the football team had a lot of fans on campus already, but that fan base has
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grown since the announcement. >> i'm a teacher on campus walking through the hallways and all the teachers are like hey, you need another chaperone. there's a lot of excitement on campus, which is neat. >> reporter: the team is trying to treat this game like any other by preparing to play on the international stage. they do know there will be some hurdles to conquer. >> i'm sure london will throw things off. we'll have to deal with multiple time changes and being on a long flight over, long flight back, adjust getting over, adjust getting back and whatever. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area starts now with sara donchey in for juliette. >> we're really hoping we could move this project along and get it up and going. >> it was once the play to be.
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now it's a waiting game to see what happens with hilltop mall. new witness accounts of the shooting that sent students flying at a graduation celebration. >> we thought it was some type of fireworks until we seen someone dropping and rolling down the hill. >> what we learned about the fight that escalated to gunfire. what to expect as the bay area gears up for a big weekend of events, including cooler weather. plus she used her voice to fight for change, the nobel peace prize winning activist in the carnaval parade. >> her work is a testament how someone can speak out loud and really make movement and change. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. there was once


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