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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  May 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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waiting game to see what happens with hilltop mall. new witness accounts of the shooting that sent students flying at a graduation celebration. >> we thought it was some type of fireworks until we seen someone dropping and rolling down the hill. >> what we learned about the fight that escalated to gunfire. what to expect as the bay area gears up for a big weekend of events, including cooler weather. plus she used her voice to fight for change, the nobel peace prize winning activist in the carnaval parade. >> her work is a testament how someone can speak out loud and really make movement and change. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. there was once a time when
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richmond's hilltop mall would have been crowded on a holiday weekend. of course, times have changed. the mall has been sitting empty since 2021, but neighbors hoping to see it become something more just got a long awaited update on the new vision for the property. last night the city and site owner gave the community a glimpse at plans to transform the area around the mall into a mixed-use neighborhood between interstate 80 and san pablo avenue. wilson walker got a look where things stand and found out there are still some hurdles to get past. >> yeah, unfortunately this is a vacant mall. it's been this way for decades and people are really tired of seeing it this way. >> reporter: circling the mall that has long been circling the drain, arlo and bob head the two local neighborhood councils in the hilltop area and both have plenty of ideas on what they would like to see here. >> we really need something
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here that we can go shop, dine and a little bit of housing is needed as well because if housing comes here, that will also drive the growth for retail and things of that nature. >> reporter: the wish list is starting to age a little bit. he first told us about his hopes for the site when mega developer prologis bought the site in april 2021. >> we've had several delays, one after another. >> i think that's something we will be working on. what is the proper retail mix? what are the proper retail tenants to bring in that can serve richmond residents? >> reporter: with neighbors wondering what is going on with the project, proligis and their development partners hosted a town hall to provide an update on the planning, but there are no real plans yet. the city is still drawing up their goals for the area. proligis is said to be waiting on that and now a
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new bit of intrigue. >> there is a new wrinkle to the plan putting it on hold and we're hoping the city will unveil that wrinkle. >> reporter: the city did not return our calls and he's says he's not free to discuss the wrinkle, but it's said to be a possible job creating element for the project, which is good, but another delay he says could be bad. >> sometimes those delays cause the developer and developer just raises their hands up and says hey, we have to move on. so we're concerned about that as well. >> reporter: despite the delays, these two leaders are still hopeful. >> proligis has listened to us. we're optimistic something good is going to happen. >> reporter: they would just like to see things moving a little faster. >> we really want the city to get through this process as soon as they can. this is not a ten, 15, 20-year plan. we want a development here within the next five years. >> reporter: another outstanding question is the
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future of walmart which has a long term lease here. does walmart somehow get incorporated into future plans? what about this mystery component that we will presumably learn more about? a lot of moving parts to something this big, but as you heard, neighbors getting a little impatient hoping to see something get moving before things maybe get a little too complicated and drag on a little too long. >> the developer's proposal now is up to 7,500 units of housing. there had been some initial concern the owner would try to turn the area into a distribution hub with warehouses, but it seems like they listened to community feedback and are focusing on residential and retail instead. hilltop isn't the on bay area mall in line for a huge makeover. earlier this month san francisco's planning commission gave the green light to transform the stonestown galleria on the west side. that project is expected to add 3,500 homes, a town square with
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parks, retail and restaurants. stonestown has managed to fill the large department stores like macy's and nordstrom that have closed in recent years. nintendo will open a store in union square next year. this will be nintendo's second location in the u.s. there's a two-story store in rockefeller center. mayor london breed praised the announcement as great news for union square that. area has struggled with a wave of store closures. a report found more than 20% of spaces in union square are vacant. the memorial day weekend travel rush is well underway. today is expected to be the busiest getaway day in the bay area. you can tell by the security lines at oakland airport. they reached all the way back to the baggage claim this afternoon. things moved slowly, but it didn't look too bad at sfo. the airport is expecting nearly 600,000 passengers between today and monday. that is up 8% from last
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year. we caught up with some travelers who reported mostly smooth sailing there. >> a long weekend for us. i work at the va hospital, so i automatically get the day off for the federal government. we were running behind. i usually try to get to the airport two to three hours early. i was at work before coming here. i didn't even think about that it was memorial day weekend and traveling. >> tsa says yesterday was the second busiest day of airports nationwide ever. the agency screened 2.9 million people and predicts today's numbers could beat that. here is a look at traffic on some of our bridges, really slow heading into the city on the bay bridge. look at that. traffic is stopped. experts recommend waiting until after 8:00 tonight to hit the road and heads up. chp is starting max enforcement for the weekend. they'll crack down on drunk driving as well as speeding. this is a big reason why traffic on the bay bridge has been so bad today. a big rig caught fire in
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the westbound direction before the treasure island tunnel late this morning and that caused headaches for hours. obviously still residual backup is lingering. this was a mess around 3:00 this afternoon. we learned they finally opened up all lanes in the last half hour. traffic is still very, very slow. today marks the start of the three-day bottlerock napa valley festival and the annual music celebration is attracting major traffic to north bay roads, too. look at these jammed up freeways. the festival has been taking place at the napa valley expo since 2013. three-day tickets are sold out, but single-day tickets are still available. ♪on the edge of 17 ♪ >> tonight's headliners include stevie nicks, megan 3 stallion and sunday wraps up with ed sheeran and queens of
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the stone age. more details are on our website, you'll probably want to have a jacket outdoors over the weekend, a pretty noticeable cooldown today. this is a time lapse of the clouds from our camera on mount diablo. darren peck is looking at what we can expect for the holiday weekend. >> today was the preview, the biggest change coming your way for the holiday weekend, most of that was today in the cooldown. the reason that happened? the wind shifted. we'll put the streamlines on the map. yesterday the winds were kind of going straight down the coast. today that changed. come over to the golden gate. it's not only the direction, but look at the colors. onshore wind through the golden gate and now more yellow over here. yellow is like a 20 to 30-mile-an-hour gust and that had implications for the entire bay, a much stronger onshore flow. if you look at daytime highs today, i
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think the reference point is really helpful for where we were yesterday. those numbers were in the 80s yesterday. you didn't get out of the 60s today. fremont 57, your daytime high and in the south bay we only got to the upper 60s. the change started today on the temperatures. tomorrow one other addition to this, it's going to be a lot cloudier. that was us today, marine layer certainly came back. tomorrow there's a lot more. i'll explain what that means for the first part of your weekend. oakland police are asking for help tracking down suspects after last night's shooting at a high school graduation celebration. police arrested one person after a parking lot fight led to gunfire at skyline high in the oakland hills. three people were injured in that shooting. it happened after the ceremony wrapped up. da lin has been talking to students about the chaotic moments when the shots rang out. >> reporter: oakland police say the three people shot on campus are expected to survive. they
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would not tell us if the victims are students or family members here for graduation. a lot of students tell me they're upset. instead of bringing flowers and balloons, that people brought guns to a graduation. [ speaking in a global language ] someone posted this on social media. two groups of people got into a fight in the school's parking lot. it's unclear how many people opened fire. it happened around 7:45 p.m. after the ceremony had ended. >> i was just hoping that my family was okay because i was hoping it wasn't them or one of my friends. it scared the life out of me. >> reporter: skyline high graduate trayvon aubrey said he first heard two shots and a short time later he heard two to three more shots. >> we completely ducked flat and laid on our backs until we stopped hearing gunshots. we went into the main office. >> to go from happy to sad and scared and afraid is crazy and it's traumatizing, especially for the children that were here. >> reporter: police detained
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multiple people and arrested one person, who was an adult. they say they're looking for additional shooters. skyline high started the school year with a shooting on september 5th , 2023. no one was seriously injured and police arrested three people in that case. trayvon says it's tough to start and end the school year with a shooting. >> mostly shooting, all i'm going to remember. i'm going to remember the shooting. >> reporter: investigators did not release descriptions of the suspects they're looking for. they're asking witnesses and people who took cell phone footage to contact them. >> the superintendent of oakland unified said what happened was heartbreaking and absolutely unacceptable. she said behavioral health staff are offering support to students, staff, and families throughout the district and they've stepped up security for upcoming graduations as well. a san francisco tourist attraction was just dealt a blow. the aquarium of the bay is losing its accreditation. it comes after reports its ceo was
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pushed out this week. a key organization that certifies the aquarium confirmed it has not been meeting standards in a number of areas, including financial stability, staffing, employee morale, and turnover. aquarium of the bay has been a fixture of the waterfront at pier 39 for almost three decades. it will stay open and operations will not be affected by that decision the chronicle reports. earlier this week the paper broke the news the ceo george jacobs was asked to resign by the board over concerns of his lavish travel spending. he denied the claims when we reached out for comment and said his travel was essential and covered by sponsors and kept to a minimum. the aquarium has until june 13th to appeal the accreditation decision. still ahead, a voice for change standing out among the colors of carnaval, we'll introduce you to the nobel peace prize winner who will be honored as the grand marshal, how she's risked her life to speak up for human rights. >> it is a very dangerous
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thing, the fact she kept going despite all the tragedy, i think is the important piece as a woman to be able to speak up. that is always great to see, bay area students who worked hard get to celebrate their success on c
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carnaval is coming and as we get ready to celebrate the color, the creativity, the costumes, the dancing, the music of carnaval this weekend, we also want to share some of its incredibly important characters. this year's parade's grand marshal is a nobel peace prize winning activist for indigenous rights in guatemala, rigoberta menchu tum. >> reporter: ancient dance traditions passed down from the maya and aztec are kept alive by people like the bay area's lydia donique, a guatemalan american whose family was forced to flee the genocides in her home country in 1975 and
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today she credits rigoberta menchu tum who became the face of guatemala's human rights movement and will be honored as this year's carnaval's grand marshal with saving traditions and restoring pride in indigenous cultures. >> she has allowed for people to acknowledge the importance of our rituals, our culture, our ceremonies and traditions that have been passed down for thousands of thousands of years and have the potential to be lost during the war. >> reporter: menchu tum won the nobel prize in 1992 after dedicating and risking her life to publicize the plight of indigenous peoples during the guatemalan civil war in which hundreds of thousands of people were killed or vanished. she lost her own father, mother, and brothers to the violence. >> i think she said the quiet things out loud, really spoke up about the violence against indigenous people, indigenous women in a country with political unrest. it is a very
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dangerous thing, the fact that she kept going despite all the tragedy. it's a really important piece as a woman to be able to speak up. >> we lived in an era of the genocide, the tortures. >> reporter: menchu tum is still speaking up, although she was forced to leave her home country and come to the u.s. for a time. she was able to return to guatemala and use as her platform to continue to fight for the rights of her people. lydia says menchu tum's influence has resulted in good in the bay area. there are now places like the healing center in marin dedicated to the essential needs of indigenous families. >> everybody matters and deserves to be safe and i think her work is a testament of how someone can speak out loud and really make movement and change. >> reporter: rigoberta menchu tum, a person to be celebrated at carnaval, a triumph for the indigenous community for the
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bay area. >> our special coverage of carnaval starts sunday at 10:00 a.m. on pix+ and streaming live on cbs news bay area. we hope you'll join us for the fun. still ahead,
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i know we're feeling a little disappointed, not at you
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personally. >> good. >> but as promised, it was a lot cooler today right in time for us to go out of town, be outside for the weekend, barbecue, carnaval. >> just in time for the weekend. it's like 15 degrees cooler today and you can see what showed up today. look at this beautiful time lapse of the clouds coming in. >> so nice. >> tomorrow that's going into overdrive. we did the big cooldown today, but there's a lot more of this to go. i want to talk about why the marine layer gets more intense tomorrow. we'll leave behind the time lapse from mount diablo and go higher and look at satellite imagery today which shows us what we looked like from space because i want you to see how persistent this was and the part of the bay it was stuck over all day. you're looking at 10:00 a.m. today until 4:00 p.m., a long stretch of time. that never moved. really on a typical day when you get the marine layer, it burns offer by like 11:00 a.m.
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there was a persistent onshore flow continuing to drive that. that's what it did for the cloud. tomorrow there's more of that. here's what i mean. watch tomorrow morning. now there's a widespread area that's under the gray and there's so much of it we get a little mist along the coast tomorrow. so it's going to be a thicker, wetter, grayer marine layer for most of us except the bay valleys. santa rosa, you might dodge most of this tomorrow. by afternoon we'll clear out and for the most part, saturday afternoon will get sunshine, more than we did today. look at the light rain that will fall here. for saturday you know it's a grayer start the first half of the day and we'll get a little mist along the coast. this is where we'll be for daytime highs on saturday, which is almost identical to friday. this is part of that story, the big cooldown, that was today. temperatures won't change a lot tomorrow, about the it's going to look a lot more may
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grayish tomorrow for more of us than today did. that covers saturday. let's look at how this is playing out and why we had such a dramatic change today and why it will be a little better by sunday and monday. we'll go back to the forecast imagery. on the big picture you don't see what caused such a dramatic change today. water vapor shows you. there's the area of low pressure from the gulf of alaska. look at that thing. that's driving a front with it. if we go back to the forecast imagery, see where the line is on the leading edge of the front? that comes through overnight and as that passes, it pulls the marine layer in behind it in a much more invigorated way. this is why tomorrow is going to look a lot grayer than today did. this is why we'll get mist at the coast tomorrow, but it's pretty much a one-day event because as that thing, that front, leaves and there's the extent we were
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just looking at, that melts back by afternoon. on sunday it doesn't come back nearly as intense. that's sunday morning. the second day of the three-day weekend you still get morning marine layer, but it's not all day gray. let's look at monday. monday comes along and it fills in a little bit more of the bay, but it's not overbearing. monday is noticeably warmer. there is a warming trend here. it starts sunday. we got to get through saturday first. saturday is going to be pretty gray and just as cool and may grayish and damp feeling as things were today. we need to do three seven-day forecasts because this is a scenario where you get a pretty big difference one microclimate to the other. we'll start out inland, upper 60s today and tomorrow. by monday you're back to near 80. bottlerock, that's your forecast. sunday and monday are
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sunnier and warmer than saturday. saturday is still nice and then mid-80s come back. let's get into the heart of the bay and the greatest population centers around the bayshore. you get the warming trend back to the low 70s by next week and marine layer gray each morning going forward, but not overwhelming and not all day. at the beach it's a different story. on this one i want to focus here on saturday because you are going to have some mist saturday morning. we got some drops in this terrarium. it's not big measurements, but we will get about a 0.01-inch of rain saturday morning. it will stay gray and be cool and you will notice we definitely have gone back into a may gray scenario. here we go. it's tough to squeeze around that last terrarium there. i think i made it. >> we're ready, darren. thank you. still ahead, getting
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accepted to college certainly worth celebrating. we're there for a big tradition in oakland as students share their
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after years of studying a group of oakland students took a moment to celebrate today after getting that all important college admission
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letter. one by one students at oakland unity high school on the city's east side took the stage to announce what schools they're going to. it's an annual tradition for the college prep school and a way to mark a major academic achievement. >> they have to overcome a lot of different stuff. it's not easy being a teenager, but especially not easy being a teenager right here a lot of the time. >> oakland unity high says 80% of its students are headed to four-year universities. a big congratulations to every single one of them! cbs evening news is next. we'll see you at 7:00. >> maurice: tonight, tens of millions of americans traveling for memorial day weekend, with a record number hitting the road for the unofficial start of summer. >> you're going to deal with traffic. you're going to be in a bumper-to-bumper. >> maurice: the jampacked roadways and tsa lines. what to expect this busy travel weekend. >> 2024 could be the busiest year for travel ever. >> maurice: plus, what's in the forecast? the "cbs evening news" startsow


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