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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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well, thank for being with us this memorial day. i'm an makovec. in for liz. and today. we are on those in the military who died in service to our country and we're hearing from survivors who rushed to death store to protect the freedoms that we so often take for. granted. we're going to have their stories coming up in just a few minutes first. look at some of your news headlines, work continues at the site of a huge fire last night. night in oakland. fire department now says they have to pull the building apart to put out hot
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spots. this was that economy, lumber warehouse on high street near 8080 neighbors were told to close their doors and windows because of concerns over air quality, no injuries were reported by our crew say they still don't know what caused that fire. workers on the alcatraz island ferry are on strike after a year and a half of negotiations. almost 100 unionized, very workers are fighting for better pay and workplace benefits. alcatraz city cruises condemned the strike and said operations we'll continue. without the striking workers. oakland's libraries main branch is going to be closed until november for major upgrades. the library says. that includes a new roof and upgraded electrical system and new floors and lighting that's going to be funded with a 4.2. 0 state grant and matching money from the city in san francisco, the aquarium of the bay at pier 39 has been stripped of its certification. from the association of zoos and aquariums organization confirms that has not been meeting standards and a number of areas including financial stability staffing employee morale and turnover and comes
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after the chronicle reported its ceo was pushed out over concerns about his alleged lavish spending and travel he's denied those claims since that his essential travel was covered by sponsors. kept to a minimum. firefighters rescued a dog that fell off a cliff in san francisco. they believe the dame dog named cushy pop was being chased by raccoons last night on turner. terrorists potrero hill firefighters used a rope to rescue him. they say he is ok and he has been reunited. with his human to our 1st alert weather now, in typical almost summer fashion, things are about to heat up meteorologist jessica birch is in our virtual view studio tracking are warm up this week.
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thanks, jess. this afternoon. we are honoring the service. members. who made the ultimate south. for our country in alameda, families of veterans gathered at the u. s s hornet for a commemoration to remember their friends and loved ones who served the aircraft carrier hosted a memorial squadron flyover and a wreath links presentation. one veteran who served in the us navy in the 70s, expresses why memorial day is so important to him.
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event also offered a book. sales. full of military history. meanwhile, in marin county valley held its annual memorial day parade this year, the city asked local veterans to share their experiences serving our country and our sean chitnis has more on 1 man's message.
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still still ahead, remembering the spirit of memorial day. at 1 of the largest and most view former army post in the world right here in our backyard. and we're going to hear from the family of 1 veteran who survived what was thought to be a suicide run in hopes of military victory. how his heroics are being forever honored on the us s san francisco.
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we continue to pay tribute to our fall. here. on this month. day. ceremony took place at the san francisco national cemetery and the presidio was a color guard and rifle salute. gold star family members who lost loved ones and active duty took part in a wreath laying ceremony. the presidio has been a part of us military history since 1846 we thank him for his service. some scouts. were veterans and other volunteers also placed a small us flag on each of the gravesites. meanwhile, in the south bay people gathered at
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oak hill memorial park in san jose. the events included tributes. live music. and a moment of silence to honor our fallen heroes. and in san mateo county city of hillsborough, kicking off the morning with a parade from town hall. two crocker and north school. the event also included an observant ceremony and music festival and carnival. president joe biden marked memorial day with events at arlington national cemetery, where he spoke directly to grieving families. natalie brand reports from washington.
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heroes of the battle of guadalcanal. are being on for the sack. made by the crew of the city's namesake ship. the uss in francisco, john ramos. reports from the ship's memorial. 80 years later.
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the uss san francisco became 1 of the most decadent. she of world war. 2. earning 17. battle stars and a presidential unit citation. federal experts are working against time right now to identify soldiers who died serving in world war 2 and other conflicts. technicians at this lab in nebraska have been using advances in dna technology to identify missing american service members comparing bones to chest x rays taken by the military. other anthropologists examined watches, shoes and other items for clues. the goal is to offer about 200 families a year the chance to honor their relatives with a proper burial.
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charles ray patton was recent buried. with full military honors. thanks to that lab's work, patent died 74 years ago during the korean war, but sent spend decades buried as an unknown in the national memorial cemetery of the pacific in hawaii. this memorial day we all want to take some time to talk about some of the hard that veterans face when they return from war numbers from the department of housing and urban development. so there are more than 40,000 homeless veterans in the us and california has the highest number of homeless veterans in the country, some of them have a new place to call home right now on treasure island or kenny choi shows us some of the new residents.
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in addition to
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programs like the 1 on treasure, i this state runs 8 veterans home. the home in yonville has been open since 1884. for information on how to apply is on the cal that website. still ahead how the last known survivor of a deadly attack on a navy ship is being honored right here in the bay area. and remember, you can watch us anytime anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area you can catch all of our live newscast, plus news and weather updates throughout the day, you can find us on the free cbs news app. or on pluto tv. ♪ ♪ get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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one local world war 2 veterans. who survived the unimaginable is being honored with a new statue. indonesia at age 17 harold bray shipped out on board the uss indianapolis secretly carrying the 1st atomic bomb. on its return the ship was sunk by enemy torpedoes 900 sailors, including harold spent 5 days in the water, trying to fight off a swarm of sharks. bray is the last known survivor of the indianapolis
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bray went on to have a 19 year. career as they've been isha police officer. that statue is that yunus jensen park. we're going to be right back.
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♪ ♪ >> tonight, millions of americans are recovering from severe storms and tornadoes. >> i knew something was bad. we heard at the last couple of minutes. devastating. >> and the threat is not over yet. what is ahead for the traveling home on this memorial day? >> nothing is going on today with the weather.


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