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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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ultimate sacrifice. this is cbs news with juliette goodrich. >> hello, i'm sara donchey in for juliette, we all know insurance is getting harder and harder. especially with them leaving california. chasing after insurance policies is making it hard to pursue this person's dream. >> reporter: it is the natural beauty that brings people to places like this. that is good for the businesses that operate here. it is the very thing that makes them vulnerable to california's insurance crisis. it is is another beautiful memorial day on the russian river. the streets are bustling. that should make it a profitable weekend for his bed-and-breakfast. it may be
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just enough for him to break even. >> switching careers and going into a different industry and buying a property like this you have a lot of worries. insurance was not on the list to be honest with you. >> he owned his inn in 2019 days before the kinkaid fire broke out. a few months before the pandemic closed things down. as those obstacles passed insurance became the biggest problem. >> we noticed right away prices going up >> 22% increase since we bought the place in price. >> reporter: there are plenty of tree on the property and neighborhood he does not feel like it is a dangerous location. he installed a 5,000 gallon water tank with sprinklers on the roof and all over the lot the land is surrounded on three sides by the winery vineyards and sits next to a cal fire station. still, he has had his insurance dropped by a number of different companies and now joined the overburdened
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california fair plan as the insurer of last resort. >> i don't think it say important thing. we were just caught up in it and them wanting to pull out of the market. >> reporter: this insurance broker and analyst says as bad as things may be for homeowners it is worse for businesses because there are fewer carriers. efforts now underway in sacramento to reform the way insurance is priced may bring more competition back to the state market. >> the good news is, i can tell you for the first time in a really long time, in the next several months, or next year we are going to see a different insurance market than we see right now. >> while bryce thinks it may make it more available he is skeptical it will bring the cost down much. he earned almost nothing from the business he really does not have much choice. his dream of operating a country inn may have come true but keeping it -- insured is tough.
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>> do you think it was a good yet? >> yes, you have to focus on a great product but how much can i take of this? how long can i, you know, stay committed to this endeavor before i start losing some of the basic principals of why i started this in the first place. >> reporter: just one man's experience but it is a common problem for many businesses that have the threat of wildfire hanging over them. >> the plan to reform the insurance market called the sustainable insurance strategy was supposed to be finalized by the end of this year. governor newsom says some parts could be implemented in the next month or two. taking a live look at bay area airport. this sa says it could be the busiest memorial day weekend ever. friday was the number one screening day in tsa history this weekend. nearly three million people. estimating $2.7 million people screened today. as travelers are coming back from road trips here is a check on conditions right now. things moving well. let's get a quick check in
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with darren peck with the forecast >> the next few days, auto pilot. tomorrow will look and feel like today did. speaking of which, watching the return of the marine layer building off of the coast and visuallize visualize that on the set. it is going to fill in the bay, once again, by the time we get into tomorrow morning you can see what it has looked like on a time lapse the last few hours as it is coming in. watch the clouds for tomorrow morning. when we get to like prime time for the marine layer you will see a batch of high clouds showing up that will obscure the view for a moment. we will let it pass quickly. then, tomorrow morning, that is the extent of the marine layer in there. most of us waking up with gray skies. does not last long. by the time we get into the late morning, day time highs, identical to today. enjoy this if you like it. there is a notable warm up coming our way on thursday and friday. some of the valleys are
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going back to 90s. back with that coming up in a few minutes >> thank you, darren. across the bay, a day of observances and tributes to honor those who died in service to our country. mill valley holding the parade. moment of silence held at oak hill memorial park. and veterans gathered at the ucc hornet to remember their fallen friends and loved ones. >> remembering the people that have come before you that sacrificed their live so we can have the way of life that we have today. not a day to celebrate. it is a day to remember the the people that lost their lives. a lumberyard fire, it could have been worse. >> that is my filing cabinet. that and the bike. >> reporter: it was hard for john bacon to know what was
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left from this massive fire at his lumberyard. he has owned the property for decades. he says he has never had a fire on site until last night. >> video from sunday night at around 8:00 p.m. shows firefighters battling the four alarm fire. it torched a warehouse holding lumber. dry wall and construction supplies. oakland fire battalion chief says 100 firefighters were on site. >> that is definitely one of our exposure that we had from the lumbar yard, the gas station >> a manager at the neighboring gas station and was here last night >> i called 911. they came within less than five minutes. by that time they get here it was spreading out of control. shooting up to the roof. and, they have been working on it since >> i was worried about it. 30,000 gallons of gasoline. i was worried it was going to move >> the cause of the fire is
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still under investigation. firefighters are still working through the damage. with the entire warehouse and show room at economy lumber company coming down snow the entire building will come down. it is not stable, it is too dangerous. we can not send crews in there. floor collapse on the second floor. >> john bacon is still figuring out just how much was lost at his lumberyard. firefighters were able to chainsaw through his filing cabinet to receive documents, but, no matter the final amount of damage he plans to rebuild. >> i love oakland. you know, problems downtown, i think. but i love oakland >> firefighters say it will likely be a few days until the investigators determined what caused all of this. all right, around the bay. alcatraz island ferry workers on strike. 100 workers are demanding better play and workplace benefits, alcatraz city cruises say operations
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will continue without the striking workers. oakland main library will be closed until november. it including a new roof, electrical system, new floors, lighting, it will be funded with a 4.2 million state grant and matching money from the city of oakland. coming up, remembering a true original. the legacy of basketball and broadcasting legend bill walton. a shift from gas appliances towards electric. how san francisco is getting people ready
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. all right, we have to share some really sad sports news today. mourning of the loss of a west coast basketball legend. we have more on the story and the legacy. >> i did not wake up expecting this at all. he always soaked up the moment, sara, he would
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say i am the luckiest guy in the world. now, the younger demographic only know him as the tie dye clothed, he was one of a kind. i never met more of a kind hearted basketball icon. walton passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer. one of the greatest players in college basketball history winning two national titles at ucla. battled injuries throughout his nba career. still won two championships and an mvp. inducted to the basketball hall of fame in 1998. later years he was the colorful analyst for his beloved conference of champions, pac-12. roxy says bill was a friend and everyone he met. >> he would stay after every game. there would be a long line of people out the door to
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get his autograph, to take a picture with him. he stayed until every person was taken care of. nobody left without getting a part of bill walton. i have seen him give his number out to random strange people with basketball questions they wanted to ask him. kids, how they can improve their basketball game. send me an email that is how he was. celebrated life like no other person that i ever seen. >> roxy was right. legendary player in high school. three time player of the year, nba champion. for the younger nba fan he was nikola jokic before nikola jokic. he missed 750 games because of injuries. he would say or text thank you for my life, shine on. peace and love. >> a sad day for the basketball world, thank you very much. the california spring
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season did not disappoint for skiing. a lot of people spent memorial day getting in the final sessions of the year. mammoth mountain, closing day for the season. people showed up for their last minute rides, music, a final group ride down the mountain to say good-bye to another big skiing season. the eastern sierra saw 367 inches of snowfall over the course of the winter. impressive, once again, darren. i know we are talking about skiing, we are saying good-bye, we are looking ahead to the taste of summer >> 90 degrees, 90 degrees goes well with what you were just showing us with all of the video of snow and pictures. >> let me show you how we are holding it off one more day. if you are inland, hitting 90 degrees. for tuesday, we are still getting help. tuesday does not change from today. wherever today was like for your part of the bay tomorrow is almost identical to that. part of the reason why, we get one more day where we are
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holding off the warm up. see the bands of oranges, reds, streaming down. showing you stronger wind speeds coming down the coast that makes a hard left turn as it comes down to the golden gate. as it streams through the golden gate that is our air-conditioner. so, actually, i can show you numbers on here that did not get out of the lower 60s. in fact, let's do that. say good-bye to the wind and we will look at the day time highs for tomorrow. it is identical, by the way. to today's day time highs. san francisco at 62. that is, that is actually below average. what you are really feeling here is the windchill factor. 35 mile-an-hour wind on that today. so, did not feel like 62 in a city. look at half moon bay. you are feeling the breeze. the benefit, really, for the inland valleys t is not windy. you don't have the cold windchill from the sea breeze. you are feeling it, getting
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transported far enough inland. middle 70s for day time highs, thursday, friday, the numbers will be on the verge of 90. one more view with the numbers here. south bay, splitting the difference. nice day coming tomorrow. felt like today was, middle 70s. livermore, topping out, numbers to the lower 70s tomorrow. that covers the temperatures, remember, the wind for tomorrow. i think if you are near the water this is what you will feel more than anything else. watch the screen light up. looking at the current lines, looking at the winds, communicating in a slightly different way. that is tomorrow at 4:00. thrive mile-an-hour across the city. sunny, lower 60s, not feeling like it. that is more like your classic windchill. the gap where the winds get going. by the time we get to wednesday, thursday, that will weaken. if we picture why this is happening the way it is. big picture view shows you a little bit of a trough off of the coast. you see it in the water vapor. that area of pressure
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heading towards us, building up the marine layer. pushing it onshore and keeping us cool. how it changes over the next few days, kind of, if you look at the pressure fields, you see the trough. it is about to get replaced by a big red spinning bull's-eye, center of high pressure building in off of the coast. that will turn off the influence. it will start to crank the temperatures up. you will see it in the seven-day forecast. let's take a look at the microclimate. thursday, when we feel it the most. wednesday, that is when the change happens. tomorrow just like today, marine layer, inland, sunny all day. day time highs climbing to near 90. before cooling back down just a bite by the time we get to next weekend. and the last one to round it out with our interior of the bay. the majority of us are, your numbers in the middle of the 70s. cooling back down towards 70 for the weekend. >> all right, thank you, tonight at 8:00 on the prime
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time edition, the start of summer sale season. one san francisco business owner is feeling optimistic about the next few months, that is at 8:00. coming up, saying good-bye to gas appliances. how san francisco is working to prepare its residents to go electric. the u.s. army is pushing to make sure wounded k-9s get topnotch care while serving our country. the new part -- partnershipannounced, next
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. it was the worst memorial day weekend for movies in three decades. movie ticket sales for the long weekend is at $128 million. way down from $205 million last year. the lingering impact from the hollywood strikes is partly to blame. starting in 2027, in the bay area, they will begin the gradual phase out of gas appliances. free electric hot water heaters for low income residents. convincing people to get on board will take some work. >> are you aware of the -- do you know what decarbonization is? it is like . >> a nonprofit outreach worker,
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making the pitch for home electrification. >> eventually tell have to get done any way. it will be the law. >> and that is anthony, another outreach worker. together, the pair is chatting up anyone who will speak with them about the city's plans. >> responses they am getting. people don't know about it. we are trying to educate people as much as possible >> even for anthony and latricia, there is a steep learning curve. >> i thought i was getting electrified. >> are you guys homeowners? >> are you homeowners? >> it means swapping out gas appliances for electric ones like induction stove tops >> they use electricity but they cook with magnetism. >> and, electric heat pumps. >> we are also asking folks to just sign up to get more information. >> this event with its hands on demonstrations, part of the launch of a new san francisco
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program offering low income residents thousands in rebates to help purchase and install an electric hot water heater. >> we are trying to remind everyone. >> seeing a turnout like this, how does it make you feel? >> a lot of people are concerned about climate change and their health. >> even with the rebates not everyone is convinced to say good-bye to their gas appliances. >> well, we have to see the volume. we have to see if it is worth it. that is all. >> and on the other end of things, others that do want to electrify their homes make too much money for rebate but still need the help that is the case for this homeowner who says she would like to see the income threshold increased. >> i mean to live in san francisco on its own is a lot. >> it is. expensive. >> yes. >> and help that i can get or anybody can get they would be appreciative of that. >> reporter: here in the bay
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area, a key set of regulations last year will take place in 2027. they will ban gas furnaces and water heaters. they worry many residents are going to be caught unprepared >> the future is here. when they don't know about it they are going to be shocked. >> they say the program still ramping up. >> reporter: this outreach work is beginning to feel like a race against time. still ahead, how military k-9s will get
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. finally tonight, there is a new push from the u.s. army to give military working dogs the best medical care in some
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incredibly difficult circumstances. they have partnered with blue pearl to help train military veterinarians in animal emergency rooms. here is how it works. they will get 70 hours on online training to get new skills and then they will train in person alongside other vets to learn how to treat dogs who get injuries from the battlefield. >> in a combat scenario, the risks are that they would be a gunshot wound or there would be proximity of an explosive device. >> spent three weeks rotating with our emergency doctors, specialists to get their hands on these cases. >> obviously hard to hear about any dogs getting hurt in the line of duty. but, a dozen military veterinarians have gone through the pilot program. so, hopefully the pups will get the care they need. thank you for watching. the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus. 44 cable 12. we will see you back here at 11:00 p.m.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: welcome to the show. hey. thank y'all. i appreciate that. how y'all doing. thank you, everybody. i appreciate y'all. i appreciate that. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve


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