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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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pelosi. his message to the pelosi family. they can see it and smell it. dozens of seniors waiting to get back home after sewage flooded their building. >> we should not have to go through this. we are not a commodity, we are people. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. hi, i'm sara donchey, juliette has the evening off. a police department is facing a federal lawsuit tonight. pittsburgh police are being sued in which a man armed with a knife was shot. he claims he was suffering a mental health crisis at the time. the center of it all, a former police officer who has been named in another lawsuit in the past. we look at the allegations laid out today. >> it sounds like you don't feel safe right now. >> i don't. >> reporter: this body camera footage provided by lawyers for
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the people shows ashton porter going through what a new federal lawsuit claims is a mental health crisis at a hampton inn in pittsburgh. he locked himself in his hotel room and refused to come out. >> it is about to get worse for you. at any point in time you want to listen to what i have been trying to tell you. we will make sure you come out and everything is safe and i can make you more comfortable. the longer you don't listen to me the worse it is going to get. it shows the battered door after the officers tried breaking in. the man speaking is lieutenant-1/2 lieutenant hatcher. >> i have been nothing but honest with you. >> i don't feel safe. >> reporter: the body camera footage shows the officers deploying tear guess into the room. porter eventually walks out. before he is shot by rubber bullets and shot by then
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officer's firearm. [sound of gunfire] >> shots fired, shots fired. >> where is the knife, where is the knife. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit he told the investigators that porter was sprinting down the hallway directly at him with a knife. while porter's lawyer says body camera footage does not support the claim. and that porter was holding his hands above his head. >> you almost cost this man his wife and this woman her husband and these kids, their father. the attorney and porter is the side by side speaking about the lawsuit filed at u.s. district court. >> just taking it one day at a time. just trying to get back to a normal day to day. this is so much of a mental drain on me for the past two years. we reached out to the city attorney and city manager of pittsburgh but they did not
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respond for comment. >> the officer accused of shooting porter is part of a high profile police scandal. he was one of a number of officers or former officers facing federal indictment. he was arrested by federal agents last year and accused of being part of a scheme that the officers earned college degrees to receive education bonuses but hired people to attend classes and take tests for them. in a separate incident. they paid out a settlement in 2020. the family of a man who died after he put him in a choke hold. now to san francisco where the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer was resentenced today to 30 years in prison. his case was reopened due to a court error. the judged he was not given the opportunity to speak during his hearing earlier this month. in court today, he apologized for breaking into the pelosi's home in san fransco in 2022 and said he felt horrible about the attack. he also said that he should have left when he found
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out that nancy pelosi was not there. as his federal case wraps up he faces trial in state court. a hearing in the state case is scheduled for tomorrow. in contra costa county residents of a senior home could be home tomorrow after a sewage leak shutdown the entire building. the mess on carroll lane is being cleaned up. dozens of people had to be evacuated. we talked to residents along with a woman fighting on their behalf. >> reporter: over the last six years, she adopted dozens of seniors at the senior care as her own grandparents and they adopted her right back. >> i am not fighting for one i am fighting for the whole building. >> reporter: her grandmother and other residents are spending the night in a nearby hotel after the evacuation from sewage leaking into an electric room in an upstairs room.
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>> they do not deserve this. just because they are low income does not mean they deserve to live like this. >> they could smell something of dark sewage mixed with gas, seeping into the floors. they archingly await word when they can return home, when they are told could come within a day or two but they don't expect it for a week. >> we called the emergency line and it says they were available. >> the oaks emergency line is not available. leave a message after the tone. >> they do not deserve to live like this. they pay their rent, do everything they need to be doing >> it is a pattern that they say intensified over the last decade. he lives in the unit above where sewage was found pouring from the bathroom. he could smell the odors from several floors up. >> we should not have to go through this. we are not a commodity. he has nowhere else to go. >> i am on social security. i only have a certain amount of
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money. i can not afford any places that i would like to live. and i have been here 10 years and they raised my rent $500. you know, and what do i get from it? i just wish something could be done about the circumstances. i am probably going to get kicked out because of this. >> reporter: the deputy fire marshal is part of the team that responded to the elevator call. the situation ended uptaking most of the day after snowballing into a hazmat situation. it is some type of fight and came out, the back up, the toilet, to the kitchen sink.. everiing in this apartment was flooded as they made entry. most use wheelchairs and had to be
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evacuated >> they are scared of retaliation, they are scared of losing their homes, they don't want to be homeless at 80 years old and losing their pets, it is terrifying for them. it is heartbreaking. making sure their voices are heard. >> reporter: management arranged hotel stays and are delivering meals until they are age to go back home. -- they are delivering meals until they are able to go back home. in southern california ucla workers are on the picket line walking off of the job in a show of solidarity after the crack down on protests. they are upset with how the university responded totten campment and protest at ucla. >> i was here that night april 30th into may 1st and i saw a line of police officers just standing by, watching people, watching people get beaten with
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wooden sticks and metal sticks. >> the union says the university took unlawful actions and violated worker's rights for free expression. we are dismayed by outside disruptions to say students want to hear professors speech not trumpets, drums, slogans shouted outside their classroom windows. you might be able to do your grocery shopping and renew your driver's license. a new dmv kiosk to look out for. how artificial intelligence improves how state lawmakers are trying to regulate it. we have a warm up coming over the next few days. if you enjoy seeing the sun vise in the interior of the bay -- sunrise in the interior of the bay without the clouds, i will show
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. open a.i. says they started training a new flag ship a.i. model to replace its current system that powers the chat bot, chat gpt. today, opena.i. announced a new committee to explore risks posed by a.i. technology. they are trying to come up with a way agencies use it including the one that oversees self-driving cars. >> reporter: juan paul is working as a ride-hailing driver to make ends meet. >> this job is barely minimum wage. >> reporter: he works for start ups. >> right now i don't have a job. that is why i am driving, i am between drives. >> reporter: the flexibility of
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driving for lyft and uber allows him to lay down his next endeavor. he is aware how a.i. is impacting gig workers. >> ultimately we have grown, new jobs that are created. >> reporter: lawmakers are trying to keep pace. the a.i. bill sb896 introduced by bill dodd guides the decision-making of state agencies related to automated technology. one provision in the bill require state agencies to notify users when they are interacting with a.i. >> the legislature is famous for passing bills on businesses and everybody else but yet is not a leader in the area and does not enact those same initiatives on itself. >> reporter: professor of engineering at san jose state believes legislation like there is a necessariary starting
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point for the government, a.i. companies and consumers with the changes a.i. world. >> having all of the three parties together will help make sure that the, you know, the ai is responsible and safe. >> i think the a.i. will enable more people to raise their order of functioning and all of these repetitive and exhausting tasks will, over time, eventually go away and be replaced by machines. >> reporter: but, they are more than comfortable with rapid advancements believing in its potential rather than itself downside. >> reporter: the a.i. accountity bill is to have stability in the workforce. it will be easier for californians to access online dmv services to cut down wait times and offer faster services, it will be offered on the website and at self-service
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kiosks at grocery stores and convenient stores, drivers will be able to renew a registration and driver's license, replace lost and stolen licenses and request copies of registration on line. focusing now on our forecast. a big warm up is in store. i think a lot of people have been waiting for this one, darren? >> we have been talk sog much about how we have to go back to 90 if you are inland. let's talk about san francisco in this visit. tomorrow, getting a 10 degree warm up. when you are in the city going from 60-70 that is a nice day. here is what is driving there. a bit of the wind streams, classing pattern of the strong winds off of the coast there is a pattern on here right there. can you see it? the stronger winds squeezing into the gap. you get that band of orange writing in here. you can see the stronger onshore breeze. this is part of the reason why san francisco today, day time highs today, only in the lower 60s. barely
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made it up to 61 degrees today what we are going to do, get rid of the wind streams, get oriented to see a good part of the bay here. i will switch to today's day time highs to tomorrows. watch what happens, let's use san francisco for the first example. 61 today, tomorrow, you will be nearly about 10 degrees warmer. the temperature tomorrow gets you up to 69. if you look across the rest of the bay there is a warm up for everybody. maybe not a 10 degree warm up tomorrow, maybe you go up 3-4 degrees but look at the inland valleys, lower to middle 80s. look at san jose, middle 70s today. tomorrow, lower 80s. thursday and friday, those are the days when the inland valleys are going to feel that warm up a little more. let's bring back up the forecast imagery here. i will give you an idea what is transpiring. looking at it as a whole over head we will watch three days here and get ourselves
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oriented. we are looking at the temperatures at 5,000 feet up in the atmosphere. the reason why we are doing that is because there is where you can see the pattern. you are going to watch three days you and will be able to see the day time highs and the morning lows, like the atmosphere is breathing a little bit. watch the pattern. reds, oranges, drifting farther our way. now, by thursday, it has gotten far enough west. this is warmth migrating our way from the desert southwest towards us. we are feeling the influence of high pressure over head at the same time. allowing the temperatures here to warm. you can see we get a little bit of a northerly no. that is how we get a warm up. that is not onshore flow. that is not marine layer. that is the opposite. the northerly winds, the dry air. we will visualize it one third final way. this is the temperatures, blues, below average. orange, above. take to where we have been to where we
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are going. we are 10 degrees above average by the time we get into that range. that is primarily thursday and friday it will be close. friday we start to change. so, the one element that hi not discussed yet is how the marine layer is going away. for the next two mornings you will wake up in the bay. there will be no marine area. even the east bay shore, you get that marine layer in the morning. for wednesday and thursday, clear. no marine layer. friday it comes back. we will watch that. looking at friday morning and see it filter back in a little bit. friday it a subtle cool down. let's look at our seven-day forecast. you will see the numbers that make it up to 90. actually have a 90 on here for thursday. yeah, tomorrow, while san francisco
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goes up 10 degrees to 70. you go up 3-4 degrees inland and then you keep going, thursday hitting 90, friday, cool down a little bit. not much, cooling down as the influence filters back in. for the weekend, 80s. only to warm up again by the middle part of next week. we will do the same thing now for the microclimate within the bay. the two days to point out here that is most notable for the bay would be here with no marine layer. sunshine, morning, noon, night, friday morning, filter back in. saturday, it is back to late may gray, early june gloom by that point. sara, back to you. a bear shot after wondering into someone's home. now the state is looking to make changes to better track them. tonight, a san jose professor that worked with pro palestinian protesters is suspended y. she
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. outrage after a man shot and killed a bear cub inside of a tahoe home. >> reporter: the bear league saying a young bear was shot and killed in lake tahoe on memorial day after they launched a public comment period. >> he wanted to deliberately
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kill that bear, it seems like. the director of the bear league says this 16-month-old bear was taking a nap in a tree near a home. >> the resident who shot him knew he was there. he was aware that there was a bear taking a nap in his tree. he left his door wide open. >> she says the bear walked into the home through the open door, likely trying to find something to eat >> the bear went in thinking, well, i am hungry. i can see what i can find in the refrigerator and he easily got him out. but then, grabbed his gun and slot him. twice. >> bryant says despite what people think, although there are more eyes on bears the population of bears is not increasing. kyle parker, public information officer for the eld dorado sheriff's office says a bearepterring a home when someone is there is very unlikely. >> bears in general they are, especially the black bear that we have in california here
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locally in el dorado county are honestly more afraid of people than they are aggressive to them. >> meanwhile, the california department of fish and wildlife opened up a public comment period on a draft of a black bear conservation plan. the plan has not been updated since 1998. it would include things like new models to better track the population of bears and minimizing human/bear conflict >> it is just a modern reflection of, you know, black bears in california and their value and how we can make sure they are healthy and continue to thrive in the future. there will not be an empty seat in the house the
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. welcome back. the oakland ballers will play their first ever home game in front of a sold out crowd next week. our chopper got a good look at the park this afternoon where the crews are putting the finishing touches on the team's new 4,000 seat stadium. the team invested $1.6 million into the park. you can catch the ballers on friday night right here on cbs news bay area the first game is a week from friday, june 7th at 6:30 p.m. we will bring you eight more games throughout the summer. thank you very much for watching. the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus or 44 cable 12, we will see you back here at 11:00
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey. [cheers and applause] steve: how y'all? i appreciate that. thank you. appreciate it, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man, steve harvey. [cheers and applause] well, we got a good one for you today. returning for the


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