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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  May 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:28pm PDT

12:00 pm
- lift the clouds off of... and right now in the afternoon edition. convicted killer scott peterson. is back. in >>court. >>in h i'm ryan yas all about evidence from years ago,egnant wife, lacy, an has the help of a new legal team that believes he may be innocent. peterson attended the court in redwood city via zoom amador county, where he is currently serving a life >>sentence. >>peterson's lawyers with the innocence project what they're requesting evidence from the
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original investigation under undergo dna, testing that includes a ... mattress that was found in a burned out van near peterson's modesto >>home. >>detectives discovered there o home.nee she believed that burglary and the same morning, lacey a form investigator who respond to the crime, says swas ignored. brian now a privatestator. 22,002. for thartment was nt hihis day. >>my it hasn to say.tains that tested blood, saying an of the mattres which was or her
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unbornon was present. brout f it's >>it this meb hearing. bring you the very latest on the later editions of cbs news bay areand criminal case in new york jury p his former fixer m stormy 00. has repeatedly denied any and af
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you live in milpi ring camera video from earlier this morning littlurry thing ri mountain lion, exploillage mobi park dixon put is, please say they checkedind cat, they say small pets or onk startf in parts of the bayveook outside i expected to hit daytime highs pretty much ery n operatorsll b antioch. io francisco into this afterno. we'll see some gusty conditions coasin expected near bodega b. and just along the mar close let's though some breezy conditionsea clara valley,to ahe next 7 days
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once again that will hapn into into early nt it rtions now t6 to a he violent felon is over.nv solledad have been hiding toms talked to a finally tracked him is tasked w service. and earlier when he received a call frome h
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in theay >>inrs is gotten >>pretty comfortab. it's >>that maybe we haven't >>especially with somethi007. w the state before 17 years00 awayold, he post hat tipped them off you kn?et >>so gruesome tha gte up.eeryth >>you eryone think there's t effort for >>according ofrom the massachusetli un o
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multimillion dollar wner believed to be his authorities say hadtly pulling names, but ultimately >>there was anial. >>for him. yeah.oc didn't >>really want to >>say whhe >>the gig >>was up in 2 boston reported that lee was ed after 1 alleged ... r.e for 1 ckeonfirmedrom later to wore a amim his >>breath. >>breath. bad breat authorities have released he spent the lastr
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how th arrest. quieter you know, w >>to me to feel a sense he hopes they can hreat. but had that this was safe just now have >>because >>there's ma m and many ju for now, leee custody in extv strawberries o the road. this all between north b inrsrsrews were able
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about anou on what caused that crash worth if anyone was hurt. yeah. up if you drive in san francisco cruz has shut down a section of 19 avenue for pothole repairs right now to northbound lanes between slope boulevard and terrible street 3:00 pm through friday, ahead at noon is strea horrific captivated 30 of the late co >>sharinger and her santa cruz sea otter, is >>back. >>spotted. >>and here is a live look outside before we head to the right now. nice and son and warm of h be right back.
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12:10 pm
m leen. and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery knew i needed to do something m leen. so i start tear, much sharper. ias supposed to.,
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opening statements begin today in the state. trial for the man. convicted of of attacking paul pallone. it comes a day after david to pat was re sentenced to 30 years in prison in his federal case, papa for breaking into the blo yearae simpson and her frien now are appeargwn terms. say previous attempts to sharing nicole's s went in a different direction.n
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difficul wrong questiaid simps i asked why? why? why? why?estions. you don you w supportive. into the a found liable in catchusies to g their home debutrowd that will to a 3 and 4 startm is on the r before heading back tuesday's against the yerng
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the finishing touches it park the team invested 0 on renovations to the park. looking pretty good right there and this season, you can catch the ballers on friday nights right here on picks, plus 44 cable 12 1st. 1st televised fr 7th at 630. you can also win a chance to see the ballers in person we're giving away a family 4 pack to their games on june 7th and june 14th. omondi at todayback the santa cr >>841 at the end ofor into cruz
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wildlife agents.o see her again e. >>to it. so k aphed her differet w at the golden gate and bright out th with meteorologist jessica drom core trend throughout the next cou notice if you live in going and close
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to our weeke next 6 to 10 d above for us all throughout theta let's u as we head i 90s right around the cornere we there,et today. we're already 77cross that g ianhe afternoo beautinl oakld once again, we're seeg anywhere from antioch down into rm sunshine. this is a friendly hy
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as we headount. those partly cl wanting to make its debut we're friday heading into satsda and with he around the corner. our special report. we're going to introwhceis bringing to the more. more than your weight. an it measures my son i realize tha smalleasures. now. you down. and this
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weight, of course, also your mc your muscle. mass. or body fat. bone. mass. things e, though. the body i easy to step. on it, but step and it se muscle than fat. and that's how takday. and show him the i have ever w a great day. the coun cbs. exclusive offer. ing vacciniz
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come on. a pneumonia vaccine, ing vacciniz if you're 19 or older with a you are at increased risk to help prevent infections teria if you're 19 or older with a you are at increased risk th c you've reaction toe or its ingredients. systes the most common s to keep my plans. lini we n'want to risk orending up in the. systes out the pfizer vaccine pneumonia.isk orending up in the. systes
12:19 pm
12:20 pm
i like a leader. o introduced you. t rganization. bringing 3 made sport. event 2 years. the best play w year for the game. will be played. hosts.evs
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womanly leading thatance. her w a typical afternoon on a bear. area playfield with a soccer mom. proudly. watching herurfac moha where way off. and i'm doings cause thncem. on there, soccer'shehe >>committee.all of the job. the mom 1 is deaf.
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me and this 1 is the priority. >>born and raised in canada.y o india. moving west. they were not. prepared. to see there. pick >>up. it for me.hey didn't expe that. i would even at s i did. a s i enjoy of >>from career in sport at 1st she t play all day. dreaming and found a new. hockey >>play. even if my parents were around them. that made them >>playing hockey. throughege, b
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sport. marketing. companies. comm >>today. i have ph a lot. which minder of how she becauseorwarda omebody did it for me. my inst. easier hejust as becomports. chavior. and what think. then who? >>and it's not every encounter lo
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coming up theli police off >>area events. calendar. ady san jose >>in the city. with the >>40s. >>union >>street. >>all >>weekend. >>historic hollow >>neighborhood. >>things cherry at the san lee. >>festival. >>parade on saturday. the >>east >>sweet celebrate 1909.disn's 2 broad san jose dot calendar is brough
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12:27 pm
yeah. you got to a rattlesnake in here? why the dude. >>whoa! well, no, we not kidding. a police officer in colorado was shocked. to find a lot. live rattle. while search a car for drugs. body cameras. video shows. the officer opening a bit. in the back. that's when the angry snakes starts. kissing. and >>rattling. >>at >>him. what i'm just glad it didn't by me. i mean, hey, it's a funny story. now. >>yeah. apparently the car owner was also stunned to his friend. borrow his car. didn't know >>that. >>it was in the backseat. but
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that's it for the after. edition, remember were streaming
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[ upbeat music ] >> steffy: yes, we are very excited to be working with you next season. i'll have my father contact you personally about the fitting. all right. ciao, mariella. buona notte. >> hope: you wanted to see me?


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