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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>>kicked >>out of their encampment in oakland. >>we can't be here. where can we be >>families and businesses say no camping in our neighborhood. >>deathtrap and when it starts going dark to get about it, there's no light there. it makes it even more dangerous. i'm beyond frustrated and beyond disappointed. i'm beyond angry. >>where are these people supposed to go? and what should the city do about >>it? joining us today. the number of people who are homeless in alameda county is down. but the numbers are up in oakland. people are parking their rvs
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and residential neighborhoods and families say it's making their streets unsafe. today will be joined by bishop bob jackson to talk about this problem and the possible solutions have that conversation in just a few minutes, but 1st a look at your news headlines. police reported 2:00 mountain mountain lion sightings in milpitas today this is on ring camera video from about 4:30 a.m. on a home on fair meadow way 2.5 hours earlier, a big cat was spotted about a mile and a half away exploring the friendly village mobile home park on dixon landing road, police say they deployed drones to try to track it down but couldn't find it. scott peterson had another court hearing today as he tries to get a new murder trial. his lawyers are requesting that evidence from the original investigation undergo dna testing. it's been 22 years since peterson was convicted of killing his pregnant wife, lacy, and their unborn son. he attended today's hearing in redwood city remotely from state prison in amador county.
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opening statements begin today in the state trial for david to pop. this comes a day after he was re sentenced to 30 years in prison in his federal case.e was convicted in that trial of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer and the pelosi, san francisco home back in 2020. 2022 in san jose crews were busy cleaning up after a big rig carrying b#40,000. of strawberries overturned video from the scene shows a pile of strawberries on the side of the road. there. this all happened around 3:00 this morning on the ramp between northbound 1 on 1 and northbound 880 the crash shut down the road for hours. and in santa cruz. the otter known for stealing surfboards is back on the beach. 84 1 disappeared the end of december right before big storms. moved into santa cruz county. and she was recently spotted near steamer lane by a photographer who made her famous capturing her on camera stealing surfboards and evading wildlife agents. surfers, though, are
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still out there hitting the waves. despite the threat of this little gal taking their board okay? she's pretty tricky. all right on the 1st alert weather now we're looking towards the weekend and warmer temperatures ahead. first alert meteorologist jessica birch is in our virtual view studio. tell us how hot it's going to get and how long it's going to last. hey, jess. >>daytime highs today are sitting above average is hype. pressure from offshore starting to stretch its way inland, giving all of the california coastline well above average temperatures are going to continue to watch that trend throughout the next couple of days. you'll definitely notice if you live in our inland areas. how warm it's going to be as we get closer and closer to our weekend now for the next 6 to 10 days, the climate prediction center is showing above normal temperatures for us all throughout the state of california, so let's pick on some areas. let's use san jose as an example, we get a little bit of a break as we head into this weekend from that heat, but then we build up even more as we head into next week with 90s right around the corner as we head into wednesday and thursdays, but before we get there, let's take a look at today. today. we're already
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getting close to the 90s up near santa rosa. we're sitting at 87 degrees, some breezy conditions moving inland, especially into the afternoon hours along our coastline. dropping off at 71 today in san francisco, 77. just across that beautiful bay bridge over an oakland now you continue to head off into the east. once again, we're seeing more 80s, anywhere from antioch up into concord down into the santa clara valley, a similar trend and let's take a look at the next 7 days because as we head into the next 7 days, we'll see mostly sunny skies. beautiful, warm weather matched at that sunshine. this is a friendly reminder now to start hydrating and wear plenty of sunscreen for any outdoor activities. this is what's going to happen as we head into next week, though. those partly cloudy skies kind of rolling their way back in to kickoff early portions the next work week. it's just that june gloom wanting to make its debut, right, well, we're going to notice that june gloom a lot sooner for our friends who live along the bay as early as friday, heading into saturday, upper 60s and lower 70s are flirting back and forth with each other. and then we hit the upper 70s as early as next tuesday with a big warm up, right on the corner.
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>>the city of oakland is facing a projected 177. 0 0 budget deficit and some worry that will mean cuts to programs that help the unhappy housed the numbers show the homeless population in oakland grew by 9% over the past 2 years while other nearby cities in alameda county a drop in homelessness, berkeley was down 20% emeryville saw 59% drop and piedmont they were down 93%. that's according to the county's in time count. they are not taking care of the problem. they are contributing to the problem. this is a problem. this budget cut is only going to make it worse. group rallied outside oakland city hall today, demanding city leaders be held accountable the city has received millions in state funds to help deal with the homeless crisis. but demonstrators say they have not seen any results. so we reached out to mayor sheng thao for comment on this but have not heard back and people living in the city's fruitvale
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neighborhood are worried about a growing and camp mint there. police say the trash abandoned cars and other debris are just too much to deal with, and they can no longer walk their the area in question is on east eighth street between fruitvale and 34th avenues. it began with a single rv parked along the sidewalk and has grown since neighbors told our da lin the sidewalk is now blocked off. and there was recently an incident involving an ax. >>neighbors say they can no longer use the sidewalk on east eighth street near fruitvale avenue car is parked on the sidewalk. there is also a bike and a bunch of other stuff they walk into the street to get in and out of their homes. kids who are walking to school have to get off the sidewalk because they can't go through. the only sidewalks since there isn't 1 on the other side. a translator, hector hugo worries
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a car could hit his 2 little girls. neighbors and business owners say it started out with 1 rv a few months ago, but it got bigger a 2nd rv and a couple of cars have since kept out on east eighth street. they worry it could turn into east ninth street, which is filled with rvs and people living in cars and walking through there. it's a death trap. and when it starts going dark. get about it. there's no light there. and it makes it even more dangerous. neighbors say this is the other route. if families don't want to walk into the street, but the alleyways filled with trash. think i'm thursday. we went past that tipping. business owner everardo rodriguez. on thursday someone vandalized a stolen or abandoned car on the street, cellphone footage also showed a person using a rock to break the drivers. side window a short time later, everardo says a homeless man walked out with what appeared to be an ax in his right hand to confront someone beyond frustrated. and
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beyond disappointed. and beyond angry. called the city multiple times, but no 1 has cleared the encampment. beyond the is beyond atrocious. it's deliberate. how can the city not act? i asked the rv dwellers. why block the sidewalk, one man says he'll tell his uncle to clean it up that that gets cleared up, you know? but no, you're right. absolutely. kids need to walk by for their safety demand says to rv demolished don't want to cause problems, but they have nowhere to go. the homeless people. bringing the trash. destroying these businesses. yeah. abandoning all these cars, councilman noel gallo met with a varada about the concerns. he says the city is working to clear the rvs on both east 8th and 9th streets. clear list. they got to go. that started. you know, he's from missouri. canada. all over the country coming into oakland because we're allowing that behavior to happen. they shouldn't be on that street. there should not be because
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it's illegal, a block to sidewalk. and the neighbors hope the city will act fast. cannot continue. because it puts our life in jeopardy. a lot of neighbors tell me they would like to move, but they lived here for a long time. and they say they simply cannot afford to leave now they're waiting for the city to do something about this. >>authorities say illegal dumping costs the city 10s of millions of dollars each year now. earlier this month, a statewide conference was held in oakland. focusing on ways to limit the problem. experts gay presentations focusing on a so called 3 ease strategy. which includes education, eradication and enforcement. yeah. been just over a year since oakland wood street encampment was completely cleared out, coming up help people who live there say they are struggling since being kicked out. yeah. he's been serving in the heart of oakland for 4 decades, bishop bob jackson joins us live to talk about the possible solutions for the city of
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welcome back to our conversation on homelessness in oakland. now we know what some something that can manifest into other issues in the community for example, take this unusual hanging. stop sign at the intersection of
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east 12th street and 16th avenue in the san antonio district. now there used to be stoplights there, but after months of malfunctions and outages, the city remove them. the city says people kept stealing copper from the electrical boxes or even stealing the power. we saw someone running a wire from 1 box to an rv parked on the street and neighbors say the city's inability to clear a homeless encampment is leading to safety problems like this. >>that the syria's giving up on this to stop just putting band aids on things, although you know a band aids better than bleeding >>out. the city says the kind of awkward stop signs are temporary, but there's no timeline on when they can put the traffic lights back up. and speaking of encampments, it's been just over a year since oakland and caltrans cleared out the 1 at wood street at more than 200 people live there under the macarthur maze. firefighters called it a hazard. there have been a
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number of fires there, but the people who lived in the camp said it gave them a sense of security. some told us their lives have only gotten worse. since wood street was cleared out. since then, i've been arrested. my addiction is picked back up, embarrassing to say, but being transparent helps me along the way i didn't choose this. some people have. it was not my choice. i would love to pay for it. yeah. i really would. when the camp closed last year, the city, said 39 people accepted shelter at cabins and 11 moved to a safe rv program. join me live now to talk about the situation in oakland is bishop bob jackson of acts full gospel church. thank you so much for joining us today. all right. you for having me. so what do you make of the homeless crisis in oakland? you know, it's interesting. we've spoken to a number of homeless advocates here in san francisco across the bay area. and they often blamed the lack of affordable housing. in their cities for the crisis. do you think that that's the reason for the
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crisis in oakland? all right. i think that has a lot to do with a lot of it. of course, the housing uh homes and the also the rental of the properties are sky. high rents here in the city of oakland. there is some indication that the rents are beginning to drop, although they haven't dropped a lot, but they have been dropping lately, so that's kind of a good sign for homelessness. and, uh and so we just have to talk to the landowners and the landlords about what can they do about trying to lower the rent at times like this when we have so many people who need housing and and are homeless and some of them are working, they have jobs and all but still can't afford the rents. but for these apartments units that are vacant right now. we did cover the sweep of the wood street encampment last year, most of the residents there simply moved to either another part of the town or placed in shelters, but some are still out on the streets. should this should the
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city have done more to take care of those residents? by i think so, since the city was so concerned about homelessness, and they went online to say that, you know oakland is a price for homeless people come, you know, we'll take care of you will be a sanctuary city for you, etcetera, but they never took the time to figure out what we're gonna do when we have the people responding in action. actually come into oakland, you can see in alameda county. they don't really go to the other cities in alameda county. they seem to come to oakland and they find that they could live here and i think it's great. we have a lot of property still vacant, especially with alameda county is out of buildings that are vacant. that could easily be converted into some kind of temporary shelters. temporary housing for the people but it but it doesn't seem like everybody's is on board with what we can do about abating. the problem with homelessness and i think that's 1 of the big problems. we can't seem to get county and city working together and portable oakland working together to help our
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crisis with homelessness. you mentioned more affordable housing needs to be made available to these individuals, but i'm curious. do you think law enforcement should also get involved? now there are some people i'm afraid that law enforcement has to get involved because of who they are what they're doing, etcetera. and just face it if they're doing things that's against the law and whatnot then this is certainly ought to be dealt with because we can't afford to allow lost is to go on any more than what it's doing in our city and show them not all of them, but some of them are contributing to that, and i agree that law enforcement had to be on board but also believe that mental health and that and of course i'm an advocate for the church. it is being on board as well, you know, to pray with the people to minister to the people and then the mental health people coming in dealing with the mentality, the mental state of the people i think working together with the collaborative would do so much better than what we have with all the different silos that are working. they're trying to a bit. a problem that's bigger than anyone.
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department by itself. you talk a lot about people working together either from the city from the county from law enforcement all these different agencies. i'm curious. do you think the impasse there is a leadership issue or it's a communication issue. why do you think these folks can't work together? but i think it's a territorial issue because it's not my territory is not, you know, i whenever the excuses are not working together is helping this problem to continue. and even grow worse because of the failure of the leadership to say, wait a minute. it's time for us to work together. we have the resources if we work together, we have the vacant buildings that we already own if we work together. we can abate the problem. guaranteeing we can do it. but for some strange reason coming together is more difficult than trying to deal with the problem with the homeless people. yeah. so do you think these large sweeps like we saw last year with wood street are a good idea. but i
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only think that they cause more problems in the sense that we have people contained or not, whether we have them in a certain area, but we know where they are to me, which would be a great thing to have them in the location where we can help them work with them. but when we have a law enforcement to come in to break up the encampment and stuff, then they scatter all over the place. i don't know if that helps them or not. and i'm saying the resources that they actually need the help that they actually need. now, i don't know if they're able to get it because they're scattered all over the place. i think for them to be in a certain area would be a great idea. one of the places i'm looking at is the oakland army base, which is wide open. no 1 seemed to be there doing too much of anything. out of land. we still have a lot of land in oakland that could be utilized, you know, to deal with homelessness, and to that provide some type of temporary shelter for the homeless people and then for them to be able to get the resources that they need the help that they need to
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become successful. in maine and and gaining a place for them to stay. i think everybody should have, uh, should be entitled to have a residence. with a roof over their head so they could be out of the elements and live comfortably in some type of habitation, sometimes home where they can call their own. i just think that that's part of the american dream. all right, bishop bob jackson. thank you so much for joining us. right? you for having me. coming up. there is hope on the horizon, looking for an affordable place to live in oakland. the projects are just getting started now. now you can get your kpx. news weather and livestream. all in 1 place on the cbs news app downloaded free today. in the bay area events calendar brought to you by broadway. san jose. >>the city with the 46 union street festival all weekend.
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historic hollow neighborhood. at the san leandro festival and parade on saturday, the east bay city has hosted the sweet celebration. 1909. disney's frozen is coming to san jose for 2 weeks. only tickets are now on sale at broadway. san - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine.
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>>yeah. another 1. welcome back to you. our conversation on homelessness in oakland. and some solutions. new, affordable housing is coming to oakland's lake merritt, a groundbreaking ceremony was held in april. the new development will have 91 apartment units. 25% of them will provide supportive housing for homeless families, and that money for the project comes from the infrastructure bond passed by voters in 2022. and now that oakland has an agreement to sell its share of the coliseum property affordable housing is in the works there as well, the mayor announced the deal last week with the african american sports and entertainment group. the group plans to buy the city's share of the property for 105 0. 0 part of this deal includes a 25% affordable housing requirement. no timeline yet, though the oakland a's still own half of
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that site, >>under an indie 8 with respect to our negotiations with the athletics, so i can't expand on that too much, but i can't say that we are in healthy negotiations, and they've continued. >>the city still has to finish paying off its share of the 1990s renovation. of the complex before any sale of its share can be finalized. that will happen sometime next year, and we'll right back >>these are your neighborhoods. this is your world. cbs news bay area. still ahead on kpix. goodrich. and the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell. taking you to the day's top stories. smart, comprehensive coverage. and immersive weather like you have never seen it. juliette goodrich. o'donnell.
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coming up on the cbs evening. news. the jury deliberating donald trump. trump's fate tonight asking to rehear key testimony. what it could mean for the 1st criminal trial of a former president will have new details and analysis that more headlines tonight on the cbs evening news >>and coming up tonight at 5, a bay area doctor was trapped in rafah for 9 days. she made it
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home and is telling us her story that and more with ryan yamamoto and myself, starting up coming up tonight at 5 and thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation. we love to hear what you think. how should oakland help people with nowhere to go? are there enough services to help folks get on their feet post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpi x the cbs evening news is next on kpx local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area see you at 5. >> norah: tonight, the jury has questions about the testimony of two witnesses in the donald trump trial. what it could mean for the foformer president. >> mother teresa could not beat these charges. >> norah: what we are learningfr


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