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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  May 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, a group of wealthy investors are pushing forward with a new plan to create a city in solano county. their plan to invest in the local work force. prosecutors have dropped charges against a world's number one ranked golfer after his high-profile arrest earlier this month. their explanation. a man convicted of kidnapping and rape more than 16 years ago on the other side of the country is now behind bars tonight in contra costa. investigators say the so-called bad breath rapist had been hiding out in danville for years. >> our lauren toms spoke to a member of the task force that
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finally tracked him down. he is tasked with tracking down violent fugitives as a part of the u.s. marshal service. earlier this week when he received a call from authorities in massachusetts that a convicted rapist may be hiding out in the bay area, he stepped in. >> someone who has been on the run for 17 years will be going pretty comfortable. it is unique. and especially with something that is as violent as it was. >> reporter: in 2007, tuen kit lee was convicted of violently raping a coworker outside boston. he fled the state before his sentencing. 17 years later, he was arrested 3,000 miles away. the case had gone cold, he says, but it's the investigators who caught a break in a social media post several.s ago that tipped them off to his potential presence in danville. >> and cold cases get so gruesome that you want to give
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up. and you think there is nothing left to do. and it will just take the effort for someone to keep pushing. >> reporter: according to a news release from the massachusetts state police, which placed a $10,000 bounty on lee, investigators connected him to the owner of the multi-million dollar home from danville owned by a female flower shop owner who authorities say they had no idea of the violent past. and he initially provided fake names, but ultimately confessed. >> and there was a moment of denial for him, which is shock. and he knew the gig was up. >> reporter: in 2005, boston reported lee was arrested after one of his restaurant employees alleged he had broken in to her home, tied her to a bed, and then raped her. he was identified for one key feature and confirmed through dna. >> the victim later told police the attacker wore a ski mask, but there was something
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familiar about it. his bath breath. >> that characteristic dubbed him the bad breath rapist. authorities have released limited information on how he spent the last 15 years or how they piece together the arrest. >> and he was able to continue his ways as being a quiet person. >> reporter: they expect members to feel a sense of shock, but hopes they could rest easy knowing lee is no longer a threat. but the work he says still continues. >> we will all take a moment to appreciate what we have and that this is safe where we need to move on because there are many more people that need to be arrested. they will hold him until he could be extradited back to massachusetts. the criminal charges against scottie scheffler have been dropped. the county announced today scheffler was
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arrested during a massive traffic jam and accused of assaulting a police officer. he said the incident was a big misunderstanding. the arresting officer claims he was dragged by scheffler's vehicle, but his body cam was not activated at the time of the incident. prosecutors told the judge on wednesday they did not have enough evidence to pursue a case against the 27-year-old. scheffler's lawyers say he won't sue the county for the arrest and wants to move on. >> litigation is a distraction for anyone. the truly historic season he's having right now, being involved in litigation would be a distraction. >> and now despite the hectic vehicle, he finished eighth last week and expected to play next at the memorial tournament on june 6. zero emission school buses are on their way to a number of california school districts all thanks to a $90 million grant from the environmental protection agency. 47 school districts across the state are
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getting the electric buses where they will replace 400 school buses. the majority of which will run on diesel. it's a part of the epa's plan or clean school bus program a part of the law. they will prioritize the school districts with the most need. luxury ev company, lucid, is laying off 400 workers. they say they are cutting 6% of their work force by the end of october. and he laid off 1,300 workers last year. but the company has continued to lose money. recording a nearly $700 million loss between january and march of this year. while the bay area is one of the most expensive places to live in the u.s., they show some cities have seen a decline in annual rent rates. and they could be linked to layoffs and slow hiring. data shows rent for a one bedroom in oakland has gone down 9% over the last year. there was a smaller
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decline for san jose at 2.3% and rent in san francisco went down nearly 2%. people leaving the bay area and their unemployment rate and covid job losses do play a factor. the tech billionaire is trying to create a new city in solano county now say they will pay to train people for high-skilled jobs. pledging $140,000 to pay for a class of about 20 solano county residents to take job training courses in areas like i.t. and data analytics. it needs voters support to rezone 17,000 plus acres from agricultural to urban use. but the group insists they are not just doing this to buy votes. >> and that will be four to five years from now. we want to provide people mobility today. we want to provide people economic opportunity today. we're not here just to promote them in the city we want to build. >> now a number of officials
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including fairfield's mayor have spoken out against the california forever proposal where we still don't know if they will qualify for the november ballot, but last month, the group said it does have enough signatures. the bay area will host a world cup, the super bowl, and the nba all-star game within a span of two years. up next we're going to meet the woman tasked with making sure it all goes off without a hitch. >> there are days where i wake up where i think i have a plan and that plan will go way, way off. this precious and precocious little creature has made her triumphant return. the otter
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the best basketball players in the world will be coming to chase center next year for the all-star game and in 2026, it will be a big year at levi's stadium as the super bowl will be played there and also they will host several fifa world cup matches. >> shawn chitnis shows us how the woman leading that sport effort balances her work and home life while trying to mentor others. >> reporter: what looks like a typical afternoon on the play field with a soccer mom proudly watching her son at practice is only scratching the surface. >> and there are days where i wake up and that plan will go way off and i'm doing something completely different. >> reporter: when she is not busy parenting the two young
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sons including coaching them, she is preparing for the world cup and the super bowl and an all-star game. she never knows what that new week will bring with the committee. >> it is hard to juggle and that is the most important and i have to remember that. there is a priority for me. >> reporter: born and raised in canada, her family lived in east africa before moving west. >> it wasn't normal for my parents. and even at the ages, they wanted to play sports. but for some reason, i did and so that is what i enjoyed and where i would have a lot of passion. >> reporter: the pursuit of the career in sports. and she thought it would be the best way to play all day. but she kept dreaming and found a new goal in life to go pro.
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>> even if my parents were okay with it, it is what the others were going to say around them that made them apprehensive. >> reporter: and eventually settled on the business side of sports where she was working for the professionals, marketing companies, and the organizing committee. all preparing her for the positions she would have today. >> and i have a phrase, which you have to be good to be lucky to be good. >> reporter: she feels a responsibility to pay it forward to help other young women looking for a foothold in this industry. a reminder of how she got started. >> somebody did it for me. my hope is that instead of one e-mail a week, i'll get four or five. >> reporter: while it may have gotten easier, she is working hard to become leaders in sports.
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>> you're inspiring. to watch all of our stories highlighting the aapi communities, just head to our website our special roots and resilience is also available on our website. okay, major league baseball's record books are getting a major shake up. >> that's because as of today, official records include all players. they spent three years pouring through the statistics for 344 players who played in the negro league to reach their updated standings. >> and they will help you grasp what they represented. particularly as we would talk about it off the field. >> and so what does that mean for the stats? well the hall of famer josh gibson is the new all-time leader in the career batting average and career slugging percentage, taking away those records. >> wow. he also now has a
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single season slugging and ops record, which until today were held by barry bond. all very interesting. coming up in sports, niners just inked a new deal with one of their starting receivers. but they might not be the one you're thinking of. and day baseball was anything, but boring at oracle park this afternoon. benches were cleared on the anniversary of an unforgettable brawl at the ballpark. coming up on the cbs evening news, more than 70% of u.s. nursing homes are now run by for-profit companies. patients are paying the price in our cbs news investigation, we will examine one-for-profit chain where
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first alert meteorologist darren peck is back. it's about to heat up even more it sounds like? >> we started a large part of that today, liz. some of us went up like 10 degrees today. i've got a great example for the warm up here and it is one of the places here orange indicates stronger winds as you can see them coming in from the southwest. watch them transition to today. what happens here is the strong surge of wind going through the san bruno gap weakened today. it is now only shaded green and it is coming at us directly
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from the west. less of an onshore influence, the takeaway from that. as a result the temperatures were really able to jump. if you just look at the difference, san francisco warmed up 9 degrees. oakland, you warmed up 14 degrees today from where you were yesterday. and redwood city warmed up 11. this is the south bay. if you look, there was a warm up down here. but look at san jose and los gatos. you guys, i mean los gatos, you really warmed up like 3 degrees today. but there were places is throughout the bay that felt the jump today and the places where most affected by those winds. and the shift and the weakening of the winds that brought the temperatures down. and much more in line with where they have been. watching the progression of the warm air come our way and we've been talking about that. that's tomorrow. tomorrow and friday are technically the two warmest
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days coming our way, but i want to draw your attention to what's coming down the road and the next five days of the temperatures warming throughout the west. this is a weird map, i know. and over the last few days, it really is a telling vigil of how warm air is about to get transported through the atmosphere. you've got this blob over the desert southwest for now. i'll hit play. and we're going to take this to the middle of next week. and it is now where that real interesting stuff is starting to show up where it will be the warm air that is corralled over here for monday and tuesday and wednesday and you can see the clear migration. they are going to have somewhat more significant heat here by wednesday and thursday. back in the deserts. but what we care about is this. warmer air will start to filter back our way
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for wednesday and thursday. to use the climate prediction center's probability map where they put them on here and the higher the degree of confidence and the temperatures, they are going to be above average. it is all that map is telling you with the high degree that you will be above average from day eight through 14. you can start considering pretty well above average. and let me show you what that looks like as it will stand out when we would look at the inland micro climate all the way back here and offscreen now is wednesday and we have gone to about 90 where we have not made it into the mid-90s yet where we're about to cross over here. we're vulnerable
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now to more significant spike in heat and this season, we are going to the low 90s, where we have been drawing your attention to that making sure you're well aware of that before it gets here and it will be new territory. we'll keep you updated. back to you. >> we will switch over to juliette. >> thank you so much, ryan. new at 6:00, a flag that's flown under the radar for decades under san francisco's city hall has been quietly taken down. so we are talking about the appeal to heaven flag that dates back to the revolution war carried by protesters during the january 6 attack. we will take a closer look at the change in the flags meaning prompted city leaders to take action. and plus a plan to bring bike lanes for the first time. but could the transformation come at a cost to businesses?
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those stories and much more in ten minutes. >> thanks, jules. the 49ers locked down one of their most valuable offensive weapons on wednesday. he's been a staple at the wide receiver position, but no, it's not brandon aiyuk. the niners came to an agreement with jennings that will keep him in santa clara through the 2025 season. jennings was a restricted free agent and given a contract worth over $15 million with over $10 million guaranteed. where he would have been named the mvp had they won. they know their worth to the squad. >> and every single person that will watch the tape and every general manager and anybody that watches the tape, that this guy is one of one and in which you don't see and that will raise the standard when they do everything, it is great
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for us. >> it is the two best teams in baseball visiting oracle park. the yankees will come to town this weekend, but today san francisco had a chance to sweep the team with the best record in the bigs. the philadelphia phillies, and bryce harper, not thrilled about striking out in his first at bat today. but it was his second at bat that everyone is going to talk about. he will go inside on harper. and harrison will go right back at him up and in and it looks like harper will get hit. so the stare down will ensue. the benches, the bullpen will clear and who else, getting in the middle to keep the post? and on this date seven years ago, they got out of hand when harper would get hit by the pitch and punches were thrown at that game. so it
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is ruled a foul tip and that wasn't over and he'll get the last laugh. leaving two runners in scoring position. and they did lose the war today. elliott ramos tries to track it down and lands in the first row of the bleachers. they will get a day off before hosting them this weekend. thankfully there is no brawl while they were taking warm ups on the field. they had someone trying to mess with them and it does not look like the second baseman, where they would mind it all that much and it is such a cute pup. maybe they got harley in both of the clubhouses after the games to calm everybody down. >> did they have that ball in their mouths?
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>> it looks like it, which is good. all right, get them out there and mess them up. >> he just wants to play catch. >> the best day ever. >> i'm sure. the return to santa cruz. >> and we had a whole lot of waves doing - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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today is world otter day. that means it will be a familiar friend. >> they are known for stealing boards and hearts, making their comeback to the pay after taking a short trip before their big storms. >> reporter: the otter is known for going up in the water along the coast of santa cruz. mark woodward goes by native santa cruz, and mentions how he hasn't seen her since the end of december. before the big storms moved through santa cruz county. >> i was surprised and relieved. she disappeared in the end of september before we had big storms of massive waves that did all kinds of damage up and down our coast. >> otter 841 seems to have an adventurous soul. she disappeared around september or october of last year too. she has a tracker on, so wildlife
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experts know where she is. and that she was tracked up to the coast. >> and last year, i photographed her on at least ten different surf boards in different times. most of them she destroyed with the claws and her teeth. >> reporter: i talked to some frequent visitors, and they share how they feel about being so close to otters, like 8941, and they're concerned about interactions between surfers. >> they're smaller animals, and they should try not to disrupt their ecosystem and their life. so i would certainly just deter. >> leave it alone. don't touch it. don't get too close to it. >> reporter: otter 841 shows up on this spot or within 50 yards of the location. but that doesn't deter surfers away. they are still out hitting the waves, despite the threat of acute creature stealing their boards. >> and she is a better name
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than otter 841. >> yeah, a spicier name. >> that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. thank you so much. a flag that flew under the radar for decades at san francisco's city hall now at the center of controversy. the modern meaning that prompted city leaders to take it down. i think many people were offended by it being up there until we got out ahead of it and it's time to take it down. >> thieves break in with recycling bins, then they ransacked a brand new restaurant. the devastating setback just hours before it was set to open. >> and they had all of his tools down here gone. >> and the days of cycling on the sidewalk may be coming to an end. the plans to make a major road on the peninsula more bike friendly. will it come at a cost to businesses? >> and all the businesses that are around the neighborhood, they are going to lose all their customers that they have. we jump like 10 degr


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