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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  May 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> yeah, a spicier name. >> that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. thank you so much. a flag that flew under the radar for decades at san francisco's city hall now at the center of controversy. the modern meaning that prompted city leaders to take it down. i think many people were offended by it being up there until we got out ahead of it and it's time to take it down. >> thieves break in with recycling bins, then they ransacked a brand new restaurant. the devastating setback just hours before it was set to open. >> and they had all of his tools down here gone. >> and the days of cycling on the sidewalk may be coming to an end. the plans to make a major road on the peninsula more bike friendly. will it come at a cost to businesses? >> and all the businesses that are around the neighborhood, they are going to lose all their customers that they have. we jump like 10 degrees today. tomorrow will be a
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little warmer. we will talk about the warm up for thursday and friday. but the middle of next week could be a bigger deal. the forecast is coming up. good evening, thank you for joining us at 6:00. it is a change you might not notice, but a flag that's flown prominently over san francisco's civic center plaza for decades is no longer there. the city quietly took it down after recently became a provocative political symbol. so we are talking about the appeal to heaven flag. the dates that they date back to the revolutionary war. it was carried by protesters during the siege on january 6. up until then and it wasn't tied to any controversy. lauren toms has more on the flag that prompted san francisco leaders to take action. and where they
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quietly swapped out one of those flags that no longer aligns with the values of san francisco. hidden in the bay view neighborhoods, it's a slice of san francisco history. the original manufacturers of flag poles in the city. it is the same family that made the flag pole that stand in civic center plaza today. >> i'm the sixth generation of the family business. i love seeing that. >> reporter: larry and his family has been producing the flag poles since the 1800s, where he has taken over the family business. >> and i always kind of battled with the flag pole and the business being all my life. you know, nobody does flag poles. >> reporter: it is supporting often the flags. but one unsuspecting flag that has been caught from controversy is standing from the january 6 resurrection. along with the
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confederate flag. the history stems from the fact of the army during the revolutionary war. >> the current flag was very similar to the british flag and they probably thought there could be some friendly fire sort of thing. >> reporter: the same flag is now embroiled with more controversy when it was spotted flying outside the vacation home of the conservative supreme court justice, samuel alito. it's these examples that are linked to the right wing movement that triggered the recreational parks department to take it down. in a statement, the department said the flag has since been adopted by a different group. one that doesn't represent the values, so we made the decision to swap it with the american flag. the supervisor and mayoral candidate says he supports the move to remove the flag that has since been linked to those who challenge the outcome of the 2020 election. >> and a lot of people are really paying attention to the democratic process. and i think many people were offended by it being up there and until we get
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ahead of it and it is time to take it down. >> reporter: an expert of revolutionary war flag where he has noticed a growing trend of right wing conservatives, taking a liking to these emblems representing their view and their own cause. >> a part of their ideology is this is like the revolution. and they are sort of doing the same thing that their ancestors did in 76, repelling against the evil british king and so on. >> reporter: the flags for the nation's past, playing in a new role in this heated political environment. but another flag associated with january 6 rioters will continue to fly in civic center plaza. the yellow don't tread on me flag. unclear of their future, but the appeal has since been replaced with another american flag. >> so the appeal to have the flag will hang outside the office of republican house speaker johnson who issued a statement in support saying he
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has long appreciated the rich history of the flag as it was first used by general george washington during the revolutionary war. the appeal to heaven flag is one of two controversial flags flown on justice alito's properties, an upside down american flag also associated with the january 6 attack flew outside his virginia home days after the riot. alito said the flag was hung by his wife and met a dispute with neighbors, and he wasn't involved. but it sparked calls from the democratic lawmakers for him to rescue and refuse himself from cases related to january 6. so today justice alito refused in a letter to lawmakers saying the two incidents don't meet the conditions for recusal. all right, jury deliberations will resume tomorrow in the criminal trial of donald trump. he could become the first former president ever convicted of a crime. >> the whole thing is rigged.
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>> trump is facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. prosecutors say he tried to conceal a repayment to his former fixer, michael cohen, for $130,000 in hush money paid to adult film star stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. after several hours of deliberations, the jury came back with a note, asking for transcripts of testimony from cohen and the former publisher of the national enquirer, david pecker. >> the jury is doing what we want them to do. they are going through the evidence, and they're trying to figure out whether or not there is enough here to convict. >> so trump has repeatedly denied any wrong doing. this is one of four criminal cases he is facing, but most likely the only one that will wrap up before the presidential election in the fall. the judge in scott peterson's bid for a new murder trial will allow one piece of evidence when the original trial to be retested
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for dna. investigators will retest a 15.5 inch piece of duct tape found on laci peterson's pants at the time of her autopsy. at a hearing today in redwood city, peterson's lawyers argue for the retesting of more than a dozen items. so that includes parts of a mattress found in a turned out van around the time of laci's disappearance. peterson's defense team says those items could prove he did not kill laci or their unborn son, conner, 22 years ago. the evidence says peterson was found guilty with overwhelming circumstances. another hearing is scheduled for july. firefighters in los gatos knocking down a brush fire with a look from our chopper on mountain laurel lane. so crews were able to stop forward progress within an hour, but some very nervous moments for people living in that area where you could see the scorch marks that are coming right up
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to their backyards. so it will come as temperatures are heating up across the bay area. some of the warmest inland spots approaching 90 degrees. cities closest to the water are getting a break from the marine layer as we saw a lot of people enjoying the sun at san francisco's dolores park. >> that is how you know when we are showing the dolores park video, the city has warmed up. the city is one of those places that warmed up 10 degrees today. i'll show you how that happened. we will look at 24 hours worth of wind data. one of the features that we've gotten now where we could start putting on the virtual map is to show you how the wind has moved through the bay. that's yesterday. the stronger wind there is streaming in across the san bruno gap. we were only in the low 60s in the city yesterday. now what you're seeing is the transition to today. got rid of the oranges on here. we would change the direction a little bit. the bottom line is the wind is visibly weaker today. the
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onshore flow is visibly weaker today. moving across the city. and much of the rest of the peninsula for that matter. as a result, if we just do the difference, how much warmer were we in san francisco today than yesterday? and you warmed up about 9 degrees. oakland, you did that too. to show you where we were for today's daytime highs, those numbers today for san francisco, you pretty much made it right up to the verge of 70 degrees. this is where we felt the most difference. you really didn't warm up that much in the south bay. you did, you warmed up a couple of degrees. but not being so influenced by a shift in the onshore wind, you didn't feel it as much. we will talk about thursday and friday and those are the two warmest days. i'll show you how high we are going. we'll see you in a bit. >> all right, thank you. let's get to other stories we are falling around the bay area. pro-palestinian protest at uc santa cruz prompted the university to move classes online through at least tomorrow. last night protesters blocked both of the main entrances to the campus. one of which has since reopened as of
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just hours ago. uc santa cruz is also where gradual workers launched a major strike last week over administrator's handling of demonstrations at uc campuses across the state. and in milpitas, police reported two mountain lion sightings, oh my, early this morning. this is ring camera video. can you imagine? this is happening around 4:30 in the morning on fairmeadow way. a little earlier at 2:00 in the morning, a big cat was spotted exploring a mobile home park on dixon landing road less than a mile and a half from the other spot. police searched the area with drones, but they couldn't find the cat. a big cat. it's a plan to transform a major thoroughfare on the peninsula. we are talking about caltrans in the city of palo alto. they are working to bring something to el camino real that they never had before. designated bike lanes. but as len ramirez reports, the lanes could come at a cost to merchants.
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>> reporter: the 16-year-old will ride a bike as his main transportation around his palo alto neighborhood. but when it will come to the el camino, he avoids riding on the street. >> i do ride on the sidewalk just because it feels a lot more comfortable for me rather than riding on the street where cars are right there and it feels a bit dangerous, definitely. >> reporter: he's not alone. in fact many of the people we saw riding bikes in the park section of the el camino did so on the sidewalk. that's because this busy road, which doubles as a state highway 82, has never had bike lanes. but that's about to change. >> we're on the sidewalk now. we would add a bike lane about six feet out. it would have a quick curb separated and temporary curb. and now there is a designated place for the biker. >> reporter: ken kirschner is one of the advocates working with the city of palo alto and caltrans to build bike lanes
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into a major repaving project coming to the el casino this fall. the finished lanes would look something like these lanes recently installed in san jose. >> as you noel camino is quite in poor conditions. this is an opportunity to narrow the lanes, slow the speeds down, put in bike ways, and remove parking. all of which will be transformational. >> reporter: the bike advocates say removing street parking will increase side-to-side visibility for cars, bikes, pedestrians, making it safer when they cross the el camino or turn onto it from a side street. but some merchants say it will hurt their business. >> they put the lane and they are not thinking about it, the car or the parking in front of the shop. and you know, they are going to kill those. >> reporter: he has owned the park market for 43 years. he says his customers, they rarely use a parking lot in the back preferring to park on the street just steps away from the door. he worries what will
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happen if customers lose that convenience. >> and probably lose about 35 to 40%. and that much, yeah. >> reporter: well, it is a loss. certainly some businesses will be more impacted. for each business, there could be a mitigation plan, and we would like to help with that because biking is business friendly. >> reporter: and kirschner points out the businesses on their bikes. although the final plans have yet to be approved, they didn't have to think twice about what side he is on. >> while we're standing right here, the parking lots, but i feel like the safety of the bikers, it's probably more important than, you know, the parking retail parking. >> the palo alto bike lane project is a part of the major overhaul of el camino. bike lane improvements are planned for mountainview. caltrans will plan to install the improvements over the next year. still ahead, it is stressful enough to open a new restaurant right there and then
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get this, thieves, looting your business. the devastating smash and grab on the same day as a soft launch. he looked up at the bar and
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the city's drug command center is reporting new numbers from the past year. police made 3,000 arrests. there were more suspected drug users arrested than suspected dealers. more than 400 pounds of drugs seized. the d.a.'s office says 400 cases have been presented and 350 have been filed this year and 101 narcotics convictions. and a bad taste in his mouth this evening. his new restaurant was burglarized. the day that he was suppose to be having his soft launch. anne makovec has more. this makes me so mad. a soft launch and then boom. >> really disappointing. thieves smashed their way into the new restaurant on the day they were suppose to be throwing that big party. instead the staff spent the day counting the $20,000 worth of liquor and equipment they lost.
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>> this entire -- this entire shelf was full of liquor. this is the chair they stood on to hang down things. >> and that is the owner showing us the aftermath of the burglary today as well as the surveillance video from early yesterday morning. this is the new restaurant named zabek on goff street. set up for success before four people wearing hoodies broke in around 4:30 in the morning using recycling bins to haul out everything from booze to kitchen equipment. and while it is a major setback, the owner is trying to remain optimistic. >> as a business owner, an entrepreneur and a chef and everything else that you want to say. don't ever give up. don't ever let things like this affect your business plan and your vision and your passion. i have great passion for the industry. and this is not going to slow us down. in fact it will fuel us. so to whomever did it, thank you. >> good attitude. police responded yesterday morning and
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dusted for fingerprints and footprints, so he's hopeful the thieves will eventually be caught. but they did have to obviously cancel last night's big opening party that's now delayed until at least june 5. all right, but i know a neighborhood like that will rally. >> yes. >> let's go have dinner there. >> i am totally down. >> mediterranean food sounds good. all right, still ahead. what a difference a day makes. a noticeable jump in temperatures around the bay. we are just getting started with the warm up. darren will have the details in the full forecast for
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all right, let's get to our first alert weather. i'm hearing warm up is in the horizon, darren. >> and what i did today, it will be warmer tomorrow. but we will see, i think the bigger focus now is the middle of next week. >> we are looking above and beyond. >> all right. >> going to the end of the seven-day on that one. it could be the highest numbers we have so far this season. the first thing is first. let's take a look at today. so i'm going to show you satellite imagery right now, which might not look like the most impressive satellite imagery. that is exactly the point. this is high resolution imagery today of us. in fact i've got it set on live, so you're looking at it right now. you see all the dark patch of nothingness? they are suppose to be marine layers there where it is may and that is the whole thing with may gray. they are really suppose to be outlining the coast.
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it's completely gone right now. we won't cool down until it comes back. you can see a little bit of it down there for southern california. let me show you how it will come back. this is now forecast imagery. what we're about to have happen is something that is known as a southerly surge that will make perfect sense. now watch that patch of marine layer, that crop will grow and it is going to get pulled up the coast. as early as friday, some of it will squeeze back in. you can just see that southerly surge now. usually when we would get into june, july, august, when we would break the big heat wave, this is almost always with the pattern and what it looks like. the southerly surge. now friday we do cool down a little bit. there is not much marine layer to watch it disappear by friday afternoon. it doesn't stick around long. then on saturday, it will come back with more purpose. saturday and sunday will be cooler. but first we've got to get through the next two days. another vigil to help us see this warm up. i know the colors look weird. it is a bit
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psychedelic on here. this is how air is getting moved through the atmosphere whether it is warm air or cool air. as we watch the next few days, it kind of looks like the atmosphere is breathing. but you can see each afternoon, that warmer plot of air is getting through there. let's use thursday as the example as i showed you the daytime highs for tomorrow is the last visit, but we only looked at the city in the south bay. so you can pick out your number. because this is the top. thursday and friday, they are the two warmest days of this particular little spike in temperatures. so san jose, we have looked at it earlier. livermore you're going to 86 tomorrow. and we started that last conversation with san francisco by the way. it will be 70 in the city tomorrow. i'll get out of the way and clearly see where your temperatures are going tomorrow, where it will be right on the verge of 90. all right, that's thursday and friday it is not all that
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different. i'll go back to that map. that psychedelic looking one. what we need to do is take this imagery, leave behind today's story and come back out. we will play this forward to next wednesday. so you will see what happens over the weekend. kind of migrates away from us and the weekend. this is monday of next week. our temperatures have come down. then it will come back. the only reason i want you to see it this way, it will look more dramatic. so you really get the notion. there is a bigger warm up for the middle of next week being driven largely by us, pulling in warmer stuff from the desert southwest. really also it's a center of high pressure that will build over us. that will also push down on the atmosphere and allow the temperatures to go up and the temperatures to climb. that's generally the way it goes. the marine layer will get squashed. that's all for the middle of next week. if we would look at that in the seven-day forecast, we will get as many micro climates in here as we can. we
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already know these two days. kind of the top of the particular warm up. remember that warm air migrated over the weekend? we saw how they are going to creep back into the bay here for saturday and even some inland valleys. but by monday, it will turn around and look at where we will be by wednesday. the numbers are getting into the mid-90s. it likely looks like it will go longer and a little too early to get specifics about dao eight, nine, ten. but at least since it is showing up now on day seven, it is time to start at least giving you a heads up and enjoy this warm up for thursday and friday and then just know that there is a more notable one that's coming our way once we get back here. but look at the marine layers. it's going to show up over the weekend. at least we'll get back by then and by sunday when the marine layer comes back in. >> oh my. and i'm not going to go to vegas. who will need that sphere. all right, coming up, a
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police officer searching for drugs will get
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yo, you got a rattlesnake in here? >> oh boy, no, he was not kidding. the police officer in
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colorado didn't know what to do when he found a live rattlesnake while searching a car for drugs. so body cam video shows the officer opening a bin in the backseat. that's when the angry snake starts hissing and rattling at him. >> wow, i honestly never thought i would see that. >> i'm glad it didn't bite me. hey, it's a funny story now. >> okay, apparently the car owner was also shocked to see the snake. he says he let his friend borrow his car and hi did not know it was in the backseat. all right, there is a lot more to that story. know who your friends are. cbs evening news with norah o'donnell is next. we're back here in 30 minutes with more news at 7:00. thanks for joining us. >> norah: tonight, the jury has questions about the testimony of two witnesses in the donald trump trial. what it could mean for the former president. >> mother teresa could not beat these charges.


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