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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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>> why leaving the war zone comes with a heavy heart. also, major new developments today in scott peterson's fight for a new trial. the one-piece of evidence that was found on his wife's body that will go through a new round of dna testing. you probably already heard, warm thursday and friday. we will talk about that. it is now time to start tracking what could be the more significant warm up for the middle part of next week. we will do that coming up in the first alert forecast, next. >> check out this crazy video. and, there she goes. imagine that in your backyard. a mountain lion. this was not the only sighting in the area. >> walk around the neighborhood all the time. what i saw it on the video it was alarming. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. thanks for joining us at
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7:00. a bay area hero. she went to gaza hoping to help the injured. knowing she may never will return home. for a few days it seemed like a reality. she is from san carlos. she is now back in the bay area tonight, it was a bittersweet return. >> there is no safe zone. could be safer zones but no safe zone in gaza. and when, you know, sometimes i would be, you know, jolted out of sleep from the bombardment. >> reporter: she is back home after leaving for gaza on may 1st and being stranded for more than a week. six days after she entered through the rafah crossing it was shutdown. >> it was tough. it was a blow. i was not, we could not get
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out, you know, because of that. but also because we knew no new aid could come in. this is where she worked. she saw 40 patients a day. including children. diseases and hepatitis a because of dirty water. >> i watched a video of an area being bombarded and the next thing that i saw was the same clinic, the same area that i was working out, the route that i would go in, there were bodies. >> reporter: it was a day after she returned home. in what is described as the tent massacre. israeli air strike in a makeshift encampment in the rafah area killed at least 35 people according to palestinian health workers. prim minister benjamin netanyahu called it a
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tragic mistake. with video from cbs news showing the hospital that she worked in full of dead and wounded children. >> don't get me wrong, i love to be back with my family. they have been very supportive. but, you know, at a cost of kind of living behind my co-workers, my colleagues there and also the people that i have met in gaza who i knew could not come out. >> she is a local hero. she did what most people could only imagine doing. she put her life on the line. she says what she feels is not surprising. >> we have been hearing that for months from anyone who is able to go. there is a heartbreak in the privilege of
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choosing to leave. they are carrying survivor's guilt because they are home and safe with their families when they want to be doing more. >> i would like to go back, i think. there is so much need. if and hopefully the war stops soon. if all of this stops now there is just so much that the country needs. >> reporter: that is her other pressing concern. captured through these images she took of the destruction that she saw. that as the war continues, the work for palestinians to rebuild their homes and communities only grows. >> reporter: the united nations, world health organization and israeli government all played a role in the doctor's safe return. on the war front, multiple experts tell cbs news that the bomb dropped on the palestinian tent encampment from rafah was made here in the u.s. images of shrapnel from the scene show a u.s.-made bomb. u.s. secretary of state says today that he
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could not verify what weapon were used. and back here in california, pro palestinian protests at santa cruz moved the classes on line through at least tomorrow. protesters are blocking one of the main entrances to campus. that is where graduate workers launched a strike last week over administrator's handling of demonstrations at uc campuses across the state. for all of the latest on protests here in the bay area and new developments in the middle east head to a warm up around the bay area, have you heard? temps inland in the high 80s. in san francisco, sun bathing weather, oh, yes, a bathing suit on. yes. enjoying a lot of sun at the park and, of course, warm weather means increased risk of fires that was the case in los gatos. a fire broke out at 2:15
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this afternoon. you can zoo the scorch marks coming right up to those backyards. let's talk to darren peck about the dry brush and the heat also a concern as we move closer in these summer months. >> especially there. set the stage using the virtual map for los gatos in the valley, obviously. we show you the santa clara valley often from our camera on black mountain that sits down here on this ridge line when we look at the video those are the mountains on the ridge line we are lookinga the and looking from that mountain all of the way out from that valley. down at the base of the mountains is where you will find los gatos. warming up, coming back for the wide view now. the temperatures are climbing, that much we know. when the temperatures climb, danger drops. it sits in the hills that vegetation fire it was actually at elevation up in the hills. you can tell, grasses and twigs and smaller branches are what we call the
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finer fuels, those things that dry out faster now that the hills have gone brown. these things are top of mind vulnerabilities as we enter a particular type of fire season. fire season now it is a difficult term to bracket easily. clearly over the last two weeks or so we entered the season for the finer fuels. several grass fires that have started. days with the spikes in temperatures, kind of like what we are going through in the next couple of days and next week where it is more common. just a reminder, from what we were looking at today. be on good. know your surroundings. the urban interface, urban wildland interface. we will talk about the warm up in more detail. the numbers are going up. >> all right, thank you. turning now to the scott peterson case. today, a judge made a key ruling as peterson pushes for a new trial in the murder of his wife, lacy and
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unborn son connor more than 20 years ago. we have a wrap up. >> they are allowing one-piece to be retested for dna. that evidence is a 15.5 inch piece of duct tape found on laci peterson's pants after an autopsy. the testing of more than a dozen items. the judge denied testing on all of the other items including parts of a mattress found in a burned out van at the time of her disappearance. scott peterson's attorneys say if the items were tested for dna could prove his innocence in the murder of laci peterson and the couple's unborn son connor nearly 22 years ago. he was found guilty in 2004 with overwhelming evidence. in her ruling the judge cited that most of the items were not in police custody, not in a condition to be tested or not have changed the outcome of his
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conviction at the time of the trial. another peterson hearing is expected in july. back to you. >> peterson was not actually in the courtroom today. he attended the hearing via zoom from state prison. that is where he is serving out his life sentence. okay. so, if you live in melpitous the police say be on the look out for this mountain lion. there you go. you can see the mountain lion hopping a fence. that was at 4:30 in the morning. there was already another sighting 2-1/2 hours earlier at a mobile home park on dixon landing road. we are talking about the friendly village mobile home park that is less than a mile and a half from the other sighting was. there is mow way to know if it was the same one. might be, though. we talked to one person that has lived there. lived there for 10 years and never
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heard about mountain lions sneaking in. >> i have a son that is special needs and, walks in an assisted walking device and walk around this neighborhood all of the time. when i saw that mountain video on the video it was alarming. >> the police say they searched the area, flew some drones but they could not find it. quiet on the set! it takes on a new meaning. >> this is the slowest i have seen the film industry in 45 plus years. production studios are sitting empty and she is is adoorable. oh, she likes to get in trouble. the surf board stealing otter is back. we will show what you she is up to now
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. the mayor is working on
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bringing more film production to town to boost jobs and raise oakland's profile. she may be facing an uphill battle. that is because film production is struggling the hardest hit, hollywood. the epi-center. it is all of the aftereffects of last year's work stoppages. >> reporter: empty sound stages are a silent cry of the film and television industry current reality. >> this is the slowest i have seen the film industry in 45 plus years. >> reporter: mike is the president of santa clarita studios with 100 million square feet dedicated and 35 stages on his property. >> we had every sound stage rented. the most that i have had empty was probably three. today we have over 20 empty. it is not good. hearing too many stories about people losing their mortgages and just not working. it is heartbreaking. >> we have seen about an 8% reduction year over year in the
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first quarter. more importantly, though, we have seen 16% decrease in television which is the greater employer for los angeles. >> reporter: a nonprofit that manages tv and film production say the numbers reflect a combination of factors >> an increase in cost. one is the labor agreements. one is the reduction of the spenting and the cutting back and even number of episodes. >> reporter: tax incentives is pushing it to other areas including out of the country. on top of that, the losses of the pan demic and two major strikes the ripple effect of lack of work weighs heavy on scott, the president where 90% of his business is film and television. >> it has been rough. really rough. to watch all of the employees that i have had that i had to let go and -- it is -- that breaks my heart more than anything else. >> so, california over $330
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million in tax credits but new york and georgia offer more. outside of the u.s., united kingdom and australia offer the best for film studios. hmm, all right u. let's head over to darren peck >> i did not know that. i did not know we went to overseas for our filming debuts. >> that is why i watch this newscast with you i learn all of these kinds of things >> i do, too. >> jules, some places were 10 degrees warmer than others. it really was a dramatic shift if you were anywhere near where that onshore wind is in the city. we will use the virtual map. we will watch 24 hours of wind through the bay. i am going to bring in yesterday, at this time, and then we are going to let it play through today at this time. you are going to see the transition and how we warmed up 10 degrees in one day. watch the wind streams yesterday at this time. keep your eye here. downwind, see
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the san bruno gap? orange is stronger, light green is weaker. we transitioned to today. see the difference? lighter green, not as much of a clear shot orientation streaming through the gap. weaker winds today. you, no doubt, felt if you were in the city. and it was not just the weaker winds. what you feel is increase in temperatures, 10 degrees warmer today in san francisco. you were 14 degrees warmer in oakland. you warmed up inland. not as dramatic because, of course, you are not as much at the mercy, at the wimps of the shifts in the wind. let me show what you it means for day time highs. where were we today? today's day time highs, it made it up to 70 for san francisco on the verge of 80 for oakland. tomorrow, the numbers are going higher. what we are going to do is look at everybody. the big difference happened through here. we are just spotlighting the part of the bay for that. when we start talking about tomorrow's day time highs we
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got to get everybody else in here 83 tomorrow in redwood city, 81 in fremont. near 90 in livermore and you were lower 80s in san jose today. tomorrow, you are going to be in the middle 80s. you do have a little bit of a warm up coming. i don't want to leave the north bay out. we are going to go the long way around. i want santa rosa, napa, i want you to see your numbers on here tomorrow as well. thursday is the top. friday is going to be close. friday, we are going to start a little bit of a cool down. we are going to use the forecast imagery over the shoulder. the first thing we are looking at is a high-resolution from today. does not have anything on it. just a big black space there where the ocean is. typically this time of the year you would see the marine layer. i wanted you to see this for how dramatic it is. in may when the marine layer goes away. but a patch of it right here. i will put it in the forecast imagery now, watch what happens, that
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patch will get pulled northward. this is how we are going to cool down. this is why we are looking at this. it will start kind of on friday. that is what we break spikes in temperatures, break heatwaves in the summer. this is what it looks like. not a heatwave. when we break them. a surge streaming up from the south to the bay. it will do that a little bit on friday. saturday, more pronounced. saturday, you will see the numbers coming down. wake up, marine layer gray for half of the bay on saturday morning. the temperatures are where they are going to start coming down as a result of that and that is probably the primary change for now. but, there is a bigger warm up coming our way for next week. so, just to give you a little bit of perspective on why next week i think it is going to be a notable warm up. we will look at this week's warm up watching the transitions over the next three days, the deeper the red, the warmer the air. we are looking at that map because it is a
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great way to see how warm or cool air, in this case, warm air, moving through the atmosphere. by thursday, we have gotten ourselves on that edge of that warmer airstreaming up from the desert southwest. this is our warm up. now i want to show you what happens, playing through each day. this is monday of next week. getting a break. watch what happens by the middle of next week. it comes back. more impressive. the climate prediction map. look at that big bull's-eye. this is day 8 to 14. the deeper the red, the higher degree of the confidence. the temperatures, above average. i will show you what it means when i show you from the microclimates, the one that i will feel this the most are inland parts of the bay. you get your cool down over the weekend look at next week. middle 90s coming back. we will talk about this much more in the coming days as we get
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closer to it. giving you a head's up now. yes, a warm up for thursday, friday, keeping you updated on that. but, pretty quickly it is time to turn our attention to the middle of next week and tracking that next spike in heat. back to you. a thief going through a restaurant that was just about to hold its grand opening. now the owner will have to make changes. and tonight at 8:00, the mayor tauts progress in the tenderloin, a year after launching a drug crack down. we are in the community to
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we're in the middle of... seizing the date! in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! so come get away... together... illinois— the middle of everything.
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. oh, welcome back. the a restaurant is pushing back its opening after thieves stole $15,000 worth of cooking equipment and liquor bottles. the restaurant was supposed to have a soft launch party. video shows burglars entering the restaurant, going behind the bar and leaving the kitchen with large bags, it is a major set back the owner is trying to remain optimistic. >> i have been in the industry for a long time. i weathered covid, september 11, a robbery, i am thankful they did not do property damage and it will not slow me down.
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>> love his attitude. i hope everyone supports. he hopes to open his restaurant by next wednesday. she is one of santa
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it you know today is world otter day? santa cruz is celebrating the surf board stealing otter. disappeared just before december before storms, she was spotted by a photographer that made her famous capturing her on camera stealing surf boards and abating wile life agents. >> last year i photographed her on at least 10 different surf boards at different times. most
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of them she destroyed with her claws and her teeth. surfers are still hitting the waves despite this little gal taking
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: welcome back. how y'all? how's everybody? i


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