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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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-♪ to you ♪ -♪ to me. ♪ nelson: i love y'all. thank you very much. thank y'all. we love you, thank you. thank y'all very much. remember, same time tomorrow night. -(laughter) -(chuckles) captioning sponsored by cbs now at 11:00, middle schoolers arrested for a brawl on campus. >> turned our lives upside down. absolutely upside down. >> why some parents at a north bay school say bullying is a big part of the problem. then, she saw the horrors of war firsthand. >> there is no safe zone in gaza, and when -- you know, sometimes i would be, you know,
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jolted out of sleep from the bombardment. >> why a south bay doctor traveled around the world to help palestinians says she is ready to go back. and it hasn't opened yet, but that didn't stop thieves from going after a bay area restaurant. plus -- >> my name -- >> why an iconic movie character is back out on the streets of san francisco. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. a big brawl on a north bay middle school campus has a lot of parents pointing to what they say is a problem running rampant through the school. and tonight we've learned eight children have been arrested after a fight in novato. andrea nakano went there today and heard from parents who say they're still scared to send their kids back to school. >> reporter: novato police made eight arrests in connection with the fight at sinaloa
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middle school. kids ages 12 to 14 booked on conspiracy and felony assault charges. many of the parents say they are concerned about their kid's safety at school. all of the ones we talked to today wanted us to hide their identities. parents like alicia have firsthand experience with confrontations at the middle school. >> turned our lives upside down. >> reporter: the latest incident was a few weeks ago. alicia is frustrated that the school hasn't taken further action to protect her daughter, so she was concerned about how the school handled another fight involving a separate set of students last thursday. >> they assured that it was being handled and the children involved were being reprimanded. >> reporter: but then the next day some of the same students involved in thursday's fight
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attacked the same victim. >> from the kid's descriptions, it was really scary. i mean, the description was hundreds of kids running to go see this fight. >> reporter: according to a spokesperson with the novato unified school district, the school had no previous knowledge of a potential fight on friday and the issues of bullying among students was unknown to the school staff prior to the incident. lisa says her own daughter was attacked by the same girl at the center of friday's fight and was angry that she hurt another student. >> the school is aware that this girl has been involved in previous problems. you know, it's not the first time around. and there are no consequences. when the thing with my child happened she was only suspended for a day. >> reporter: novato police say after a thorough investigation
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this was more than just another fight and that's why arrests were made. >> the investigation revealed that this wasn't an isolated incident and that it was a planned incident expect that's why this was unusual. >> reporter: many of the parents have kept their child home this week, worried about their kid's safety. what happened to alicia's daughter, keeping her child home is something she contemplates every day. >> i'm in limbo every morning when i drop my child off at school in fear that this person is going to be there and she's going to attack my daughter. other headlines now. a grand opening is now delayed for what would have been a brand new san francisco restaurant in hayes valley. thieves broke in the morning of its soft launch. they stole almost $20,000 worth of alcohol and cooking equipment. this happened at zebec on goff. surveillance video shows the robbers grabbing items and sticking them into trash bins then rolling them right out of the store. despite all of that, the owner says he's not deterred. >> a business owner and
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entrepreneur and chef and everything else you want to say, don't ever give up and don't ever let things like this affect your business plan and your vision and your passion. i have great passion for the industry, and this is not going to slow us down. in fact, it fuels us. so to whomever did it, thank you. >> wow. police went there yesterday, collected evidence. they dusted for fingerprints and for footprints, so the owner is hopeful the thieves will be caught. one year since san francisco launched a crackdown on the city's open air drug markets. the idea was to disrupt drug sales and drug use in the tenderloin and soma. within the past year, police have made 3,000 arrests and seized more than 400 pounds of drugs. city officials call that a success, but some advocates say it's far from solving the larger issue. >> incarceration and law enforcement has not been proven to be able to assist, change the conditions for people who use drugs. and the same thing applies here. even if we're getting some substances off the streets, we still have a lot of
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substances on the streets. people are still able to get drugs on the streets. >> so advocates like michael are pushing far more comprehensive approach. he says one of the big obstacles in the drug crisis is getting access to care and support for people with addiction. he wants the city to invest in substance abuse programs as well. now to the latest out of gaza where multiple experts tell cbs news that the bomb dropped on a palestinian refugee encampment earlier this week was made here in the united states. they say images of shrapnel from the scene seem to show a u.s.-made gbu 39. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken said today he could not verify its source. a doctor from the bay area has returned home. she went to gaza to help the tens of thousands of sick and injured children, women, and men. she told her kevin that while she's happy to be back in san carlos, it was a
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bittersweet return. >> there is no safe zone. there could be safer zones, but there is no safe zone in gaza. and when, you know, sometimes i would be, you know, jolted out of sleep from the bombardments. >> reporter: dr. haleh sheikholeslami is back home after leaving for gaza on may 1st and being stranded for more than a week. six days after she entered through the rafah crossing, it was shut down. >> when that stopped, that was a big blow. not like we couldn't get out, you know, because of that, but also because we knew no new aid could come in. >> reporter: this is where she worked, the primary healthcare center. she saw about 40 patients a day, including many children, treating infectious diseases like acute diarrhea and hepatitis a caused by unsanitary water and food. >> last night i watched a clip of -- video of it being
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bombarded. and the next thing i saw was the same clinic -- the same area that i was working at, the room that i would go in, there were bodies. >> reporter: it was one day after dr. sheikholeslami returned home in what's being described as the tent massacre, an israeli air strike in a makeshift encampment in the area killed at least 35 people according to palestinian health workers. prime minister benjamin netanyahu called it a tragic mistake. with video from cbs news showing the hospital dr. sheikholeslami worked in full of dead and wounded children. >> don't get me wrong, i love to be back with my family. they've been very supportive. but you know, it came at a cost of kind of leaving behind my coworkers, my colleagues there, and also the people i have met in gaza who i knew could not come out. >> dr. sheikholeslami is a
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local hero. she did what most people could only imagine doing. she put her life on the line. >> reporter: the bay area's counsel eon america islamic relations says what dr. sheikholeslami feels isn't surprising. >> we've been hearing for months from anyone who's been able to go that there is this heartbreak in the privilege of choosing to leave. they are carrying survivor's guilt because they are home and safe with their families when they want to be doing more. >> if it becomes a bit safer, i would like to go back. i think i find that there's just so much need. if -- and hopefully the war stops soon -- if all of this stops now, there's just so much that the country needs. >> reporter: that's dr. sheikholeslami's other pressing concern, captured through these images she took of the destruction she saw.
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that as the war continues the work for palestinians to rebuild their homes and communities only grows. >> so hard seeing those images of those little children. all right, back home pro-palestinian protests at uc san that cruz have prompted the university to move classes online through at least tomorrow. last night protesters blocked one of the main entrances to campus. uc santa cruz is also where graduate workers launched a strike last week over administrator's handling of demonstrations at uc campuses across california. a professor has been put on administrative leave for her role in pro-palestinian demonstrations. dr. sang kil is a justice studies professor and advisor to student activists on the campus. the administration has accused her of harassing school officials and encouraging students to set up encampments. she says that's not true. >> they said that i marched the students through the student rec center, which never happened, that i ordered the students to camp and they
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refused to follow my orders, which again, didn't happen. i do feel what's happening to me right now is a threat against freedom of speech, against our constitution, and against academic freedom. >> so we did reach out to san jose state university to ask them about this and ask for a comment, but a spokesperson said the university does not address personnel matters. for all the latest on protests in the bay area and new developments from the middle east go, to our website, coming up, a mountain lion caught on camera in someone's yard in the south bay. >> to walk around this neighborhood all this time, and yeah, when i saw that mountain lion on the video, it was pretty alarming. >> alarming, but it wasn't the only sighting in the area. darren? >> coming up in that first alert forecast, sara, you probably noticed it was ten degrees warmer today, there wasn't any marine layer, and the wind weakened. we're going to visualize how the wind controlled this warm-up. streamlines are showing a very
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weak onshore flow. tomorrow is the warmest day of this week. we'll look at that and then next week actually it's going to get warmer. forecast on that bigger warm-up as well after the break. and there is no more recognizable bay area movie character than this. we got a chance to walk alongside her as she visited the city she once loved. ♪ ♪ get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. some excitement caught on camera in milpitas. a mountain lion was seen hopping a fence
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at a home on fair meadow way around 4:30 this morning. somebody had already spotted one a couple hours earlier a mile and a half away at a mobile home park on dixon landing road. >> it's definitely scary. i have a son that's special needs and walks in assisted walking device. we walk around this neighborhood all the time, and yeah, when i saw that mountain lion on the video it was pretty alarming. >> police say they searched the neighborhood with drones equipped with thermal cameras but couldn't find the mountain lion. firefighters in los gatos were busy this afternoon knocking down a brush fire on mountain laurel lane. they were able to stop forward progress within about an hour. the fire did burn pretty close to some homes in the neighborhood, and i feel like we haven't talked about things like that in a while because it's been wet and cool until now. all of a sudden really, really warm and not a lot of wind, right? >> oh, i want to start with that, sara, yeah. we're using the virtual set. there's a lot of green on here for the wind streams. and the wind streams
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are our way of visualizing how the wind moves across the bay, interactive, virtual, and it's actual detailed forecast model data. i've got this set for tomorrow. so if you've been watching along over the last few days, you've seen how these are color coded. yellow, oranges, and reds, that corresponds to stronger winds. this is tomorrow, we don't have any of that. it's all green. san francisco and the golden gate, there's barely any wind coming onshore tomorrow. these are the days when you really warm up. i'm going to lose the wind stream, and now that we know kind of what's driving the forecast for tomorrow being the warmest day of this week, if i put on tomorrow's daytime highs, take a look at the number for san francisco. we're going back into the # 0s. # 0-degree day in the city is a warm day. you see the numbers up north, around 90 in santa rosa tomorrow. and if we walk this down south, we've got temperatures at 92 in about wok and while you were in the low 80s today in the south bay, you're in the mid-80s
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tomorrow. you'll make it to 86 in san jose. 86 in los gatos. not far from where that vegetation fire was that sara was showing you today with the warm-up down there. all right, warmest day of the week, sure, it's not the warmest day in the seven-day forecast. that's coming by the middle of next week. let's go to the forecast imagery over my shoulder. and a couple of ways to look at this. first of all, we're going to look at the forecast for how the marine layer is about to return. watch what happens over the next few days. we haven't had any marine layer over the next few days. as we get into friday, look what works its way up the coast. this is a classic southerly surge. it's a technical term used in meteorology circles here in california specifically. after a particular spike in heat, what it's telling you is cooler air and the marine layer and the clouds within it are getting pulled up from the south. they surge frit the south and come into the bay. that's coming back on friday. friday morning we will have a little bit of the marine layer after a two-day break with
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nothing. it's not too intense. friday we cool down a little but not ming don. there's a couple of ways to visualize the warm-up coming our way for next week. and i think this might be one of the ones that drives the point home. we're watching where the warmer air is in the mid levels of the atmosphere over the next five days. so batch of relatively warm air over the desert southwest. i'm going to play this, and from monday into wednesday, watch the migration. each afternoon it gets pushed a little bit farther west. now on wednesday it's too close. there will be a significant heat for like the four corners, but for us we're going to experience this with temperatures approaching the mid-90s for inland parts of the bay. so let's get into the seven-day forecast. we'll say good-bye to the virtual map. we're going to start out with that warmest microclimate, obviously, the inland valleys. we've covered the thursday warm-up, the friday subtle
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drop. saturday i hadn't mentioned, but you saw that southerly surge, that's going to bring the temperatures down like ten degrees. enjoy that for the weekend. and then here's what's coming next week. a close-up shot on wednesday. we haven't gone mid-90s yet for the inland valley, and it looks like by the time we get towards the middle of next week it's going to arrive. and it could extend longer than that. wednesday, obviously, is the last day in the seven-day forecast looking at the long range models. it persists longer than that. and for the bay, pretty good here. the marine layer comes back for the weekend, and you'll even see it in the immediate bay by friday morning, but it won't last long. okay, sara, back to you. >> all right, darren, you know who this is without a doubt-fire, a popular musical stopping here in the bay area. ahead in sports, niners tie up one of their best skill player, but it's not the one you've been hearing about every day this season. plus, seven years ago today tensions flared in san francisco. it was no different
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at oracle park on
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did my legs shrink?
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i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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okay, it is hard to imagine a more iconic character in bay area movie history. for a lot of us, she helped teach us that families come in all kinds of configurations and made a generation with her laugh, with her quick wit, and her knack for getting herself into outrageous scenarios with the city of san francisco as her backdrop. today her character returned, and we got a chance to hit the streets alongside her. >> reporter: stepping out in the city in her sensible shoes, she is almost impossible to ignore. >> hello, my love. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> hello, don't hit me, dear. don't hit me. >> oh, i love you, dear. >> thank you. >> reporter: of course , she is -- >> e even a cynical old
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reporter was star struck to see her visiting some of san francisco's most famous neighborhoods wednesday. >> hello. hello, dear. >> it's good to see you. >> reporter: and it's been a long time coming. the nanny extraordinary made her movie debut more than 30 years ago, played by the late robin williams. >> it's been a while since i've explored the old hills of san fran. >> reporter: mrs. doubtfire has reappeared on city streets -- >> i love your sweatshirt. i want it. i do. i want a tattoo. i think i may. what would i get? help is on the way, dear, tattooed on my rear. >> reporter: for a very specific reason. mrs. doubtnear the musical is coming to the theater in july. >> i'm excited to introduce it to a new generation and maybe bring back some nostalgia for those who loved me in the past.
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>> reporter: and her romp through the city, including a visit to her home in pacific heights, was met with much fanfare. >> that's like great. honestly, spot on. >> thank you, love. >> that was one of my favorite movies when i was a kid, so, and yeah, looks just like mrs. doubtfire. >> iconic. iconic. >> you were geeking out. >> i loved it. the man behind the mask was rob mcclure. he's starring in the musical. it's coming ing july 22nd to the 28th that. did make my day. and i know, obviously, the late, great robin will yachls, icon, a legend, but that was the next best thing. >> pretty awesome. >> it was. there was no doubt that the giants have been playing their best baseball of the year over the last week or so, and they have a big weekend ahead of them as well. yankees are in town, but they had to get through a wednesday matinee first with a chance to sweep the mlb's best phillies, but
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it didn't go down without some major fireworks. the star, bryce harper, not happy after striking out, and he was about to get a little more frustrated. first a flashback. this day seven years ago harper then with the nationals was hit from -- by a pitch from hunter strickland. he charged the mound, punches were thrown. huge brawl ensued. back to today, harper back in town, in the fourth, kyle harrison way inside. harper didn't like it, let him know. on the next pitch, harrison goes inside again and hits the bottom of harper's bat for a foul ball. benches cleared. but cooler heads did prevail. no punches or ejections. can't believe it happened on the same day, though. we jump top the eighth, harper gets revenge. rbi single into left center. philadelphia went on to win 6-1. they avoid the sweep. just the third loss in the last 13 games, however, for san francisco. and if you were wondering, the teams do not play again in the regular
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season, maybe a postseason matchup coming, though. a's are in tampa. dinner before ice cream, not typically, but when you're at the ballpark, who cares? and it's dippen dot, even better. top of the ninth, game tied at 3-3. zach looks like he's going to give oakland the lead, but jose leaps up over the left fielder, takes away the go-ahead home run to end the inning. he cannot believe it. bottom of the inning, siri with a runner at third, and he went to the place where the outfield was shifted. nobody was there. walk-off hit. he is pumped. siri in and the rays beat the a's 4-3. the 49ers locked down one of their most valuable offensive weapons on wednesday. he's been a staple in their offense at the wide receiver eposition but, no, it is not brandon aiyuk. >> it's about that time. >> it is juwan jennings getting the new deal. he's now signed through the 2025 season for a
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reported $15 million with $10 million guaranteed. jennings would have been the mvp of the super bowl had the niners won, but despite having just 19 catches in the regular season, george kittle knows juwan's importance to the squad. >> every single person in the nfl that watches tape, every general manager, every scout, anybody that watches tape, they look at juwan's film and they're like, holy cow, this guy is one of one. he just is very violent in the way that he plays the game, which you don't see in all receivers. he's going to keep bringing it every single day and raise the standard of everybody around him. when you have a guy like that that does everything, it's great for us. >> he was so pumped to get the contract. i love the video of him running a guy into a gatorade cooler in terms of career highlight, that's got to be at the top. >> yeah, i wish i could do that here on certain days. >> oh jeeze, okay. >> don't worry. >> let me know when you're having one of those days. >> you're not the target. okay, mass, thank you. we know w'headlining the festival in san francisco.
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rock band, the killers will be headlining the first night on friday. on saturday, hip hop star tyler the creator will hit the main stage. and country singer stur jill simpson will close out on sunday. outside lands is happening august 9th to 11th in golden gate park. if you're wondering how much it's going to cost you for one day ticket, general admission start at almost 200 bucks. ga plus, a little over 300 bucks, vip will cost you nearly $470 without fees. single-day passes go on sale tomorrow starting at 10:00 a.m. . a unsuspecting driver did a double take
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( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ it's a 911 call that no police department can really be ready for if they're the u.s. reports of an escaped kangaroo. the sight had people in a small
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texas town hopping with excitement. jeanne moos has the story. >> reporter: what's a motorist in lufkin, texas, to do when he sees this? well, naturally, call 911. >> ma'am, i don't know who i need to call -- >> reporter: but he had to tell someone. >> -- there's a kangaroo that come up the road and crossed right here. >> does it look like it might belong there? >> no, it come up the road. >> reporter: it belongs to the lowerys, who own 16 pet kangaroos. this one's named red. >> he's the big dude of the group. you don't want to get too close to him. >> reporter: shelby lowery's husband accidentally left the gate to the pen unlatched. two kangaroos slipped out. one stayed by the pen, but red took off. >> i was like why is that dog standing in the middle of the road? that's a freaking kangaroo. it starts hopping, coming down to road. >> reporter: kangaroos can be
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scary, this martial arts instructor once slapped one that seemed about to drown his dog. >> i'm going to punch your [ bleep ] head in. look at my dog. >> reporter: it released the pooch and this kangaroo had a dog in a head lock when his owner put up his dukes. leaving the kangaroo stunned. but red didn't fight. after five or six hour, he found his way back home. >> he turned himself in for sure. we have a mug shot to prove it. >> all together now. >> tie the kangaroo down. >> reporter: red didn't get tied down after escaping, he got rewarded for coming home with bread. >> that's a freaking kangaroo. >> i feel like there are pictures of kangaroos as like fitness inspoe on young men's walls -- >> they're ripped. >> -- because they are shredded and there's just no way -- i know if it had my dog, i'd
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have to square up, but -- >> brock purdy would need to save you. >> yes, he would. >> i needed a disclaimer before watching any of that. i am never going to see kang rees the same way again. >> right? >> did they say 16? they own -- why do you need 16 kangaroos in america? >> i don't know. >> they're not native here. >> to texas? no. >> you're bringing them over here, you've got 16? what are we doing? >> like i said, it's their fitness inspiration. thank you for watching. the late show with stephen colbert is coming up next. >> i needed a disclaimer. >> it's a little unnerving. >> donald trump in court again and i think he fell asleep again. >> mr. trump leaned back, closed his eyes, and didn't move much, seemingly sleeping through much of the morning. >> do you have trouble falling asleep? then reach m


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