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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 30, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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u have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at and thank you for joining us. it is thursday, may 30th. >> so let's get started. >> i'm in limbo every morning when i drop my child off at school. in fear that this person is going to be there to kind of attack my daughter. >> arrested school -- leaves parents outraged and frustrated and north bay community calling for solutions. we love our food and we love our community. we love all the other communities around here as well and to just be able to share that with people especially the music festival, nothing brings people together like music and food. >> taste of argentina brings
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dinner and dancing, how a small business is a part of a bay area bounce-back. ♪ ♪ and open up those eager eyes, people, destiny is calling all of us. how this refrain will be a heartbeat in the bay for outside lands. come on inside people, let's do this. you get on in here. good morning, i'm reed cowan. nice to have you with us on a thursday. >> and i love when we kick off this morning minute and the show with a little bit of music. so -- >> jazzes it right up right? >> hopefully feeling bright and up and at them this morning. i'm gianna franco as we take a live look outside on this thursday. yes, the weekend is almost here. and i see you friday. on this friday eve. and look at this gorgeous twinkling view of the city. we like to call this the jewel box of san francisco. jess, what a great way to tart this morning. looks pretty outside. >> looks stunning out there and we have mostly clear conditions throughout the bay which means a great sunrise right around the corner. this is what it's looking like right now from our
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black mountain cam a little shaky from the winds especially in the higher elevated areas. but it is clear throughout the santa clara valley. we're waking up to that setup sunrise just around 5:45 this morning. we're going to see daytime highs throughout this whole week really peak today. and we're going to see a similar trend tomorrow before we cool off heading into this weekend's forecast. here's what's going on. high pressure has been building in from offshore. and that really warms us up and boy does it dry us up too. for the next six to ten days we'll continue to see the summer-like weather pattern all throughout the state of california. with above normal temperatures expected for us here in the bay area. on top of here all throughout the state. so let's take a look at what that means for us. 60s in the forecast today near san francisco. yesterday we were flirting with the 70s. off into the inland areas we go, close to the 90s near concord and we hit the 90s just near antioch with 70s this afternoon near redwood city and 50s along the coast. now along our coastline, we have that strong coastal breeze. that's our influence right there that keeps us a little bit cooler compared to
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the rest of us here of course in our inland areas as we head down into the santa clara valley, 80s in the forecast also for us today. it's a warning afternoon ahead of us. keep that in mind and start hydrating now and wear plenty of light clothing this afternoon. more on the weekend coming up in just a bit. let's talk about the roadways right now. getting ready to take any of the bay area bridges so far so good. live look here at the golden gate bridge. moving along very well. they have not done the lane changes yet for that southbound commute for folks heading over into san francisco. but right now, moving along well and you see a few extra cars northbound due to construction. bay bridge toll plaza, not bad. metering lights are off and we're moving along pretty well through there. overall not a bad commute little busy into the altamont pass. and if you are commuting into gilroy near 152, there's a crash there with a big rig. so do plan for that. let's get to some breaking news this morning over in the east bay. we are live here in castro valley and you can see a lot of fire crews on scene there. a massive fire broke out early this morning. this is at
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the lake chabot public market on lake chabot road and quail avenue. still very active and firefighters still putting a lot of water there on the building. the road is closed right now to allow the over 50 firefighters access to knock down the flames and this is again still a very active scene. a lot of smoke in the area. this is what the three alarm fire looked like around 3:30 a.m. just over an hour after the initial call. you can see heavy flames shooting out from the roof of the building there. which is at risk for a partial collapse. now authorities say there's no exposure to other buildings in the neighborhood at this point. and we will keep you updated on this throughout the morning. in other news this morning, the state trial for the man convicted in federal court started with attorneys showing 82-year-old paul pelosi in a pool of blood. david depape is who we're talking about and he was sentenced to 30 years in prison on the federal convictions, the state of california is not done with him yet. the san francisco da charged depape with a slew of
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charges including assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse. this morning, the associated press reporting that elder abuse was really the opening salvo by the prosecution to jurors. jurors also got a glimpse into his life before the attack and his attorney telling them depape was isolated and falling into conspiracy theories living in a richmond garage. opening statements continue in that case today. let's jump the map now to new york on the other side of the country and the hush money trial against former president donald trump. we are getting a picture of some of the juror deliberations going into day two before leaving yesterday, jurors asked to rehear testimony from two key witnesses including trump fixer and former attorney michael cohen. donald trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records for covering up a sexual encounter with an adult film actress prior to the 2016 election. donald trump this morning continues to deny any wrongdoing. so all eyes on the jury and verdict watch coming up in a half hour we're
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going to be live outside the new york courthouse where the world is on that verdict watch. and let's come back to california. to uc santa cruz now. new video early this morning of the block aid by demonstrators protesting the war in gaza. protesters blocked both of the main entrances to the campus after uc graduate workers launched their protest last week over how the university handled demonstrations. on state campuses all over california. we've also got an update for you this morning. you are seeing this blockade here and we understand once of those blocked entrances was reopened yesterday. but we'll keep our eyes on thisas the sun rises. protesters are watching closely the developments in israel's war against hamas in the palestinian territories. they are angry at news that u.s. bombs were used in the deadly strike on that tent encampment in rafah. that attack prompting even israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to characterize the strike as a tragic mistake
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killing 45. another headline this morning. the military says they have seized control of a tunnel rich portion of gaza's border with egypt where hamas has some operations. so this morning, while more than 100 hostages remain captured by hamas, israel signals the fighting could continue through 2024. and as with all things here in the bay area, we do have a community touchstone locally to the war. just one day before that bombing, that tent bombing, a bay area doctor made her long-awaited return home after helping the sick and injured there in gaza. we're talking about dr. ghada abukuwaik. she treated 40 patients a day including children who were suffering with things like acute diarrhea and hepatitis a. caused by unsanitary conditions in water and food supply. that doctor telling us work to help the people in that region means that she would brave danger to go back and help. >> it becomes a bit safer i would like to go back. i think i find that there's just so much need. if -- and hopefully
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the war stops soon, if all of this stops now, there's just so much that the country needs. >> wide reporting suggests after israel's response to the hamas attack months ago including the taking of hostages, 75 to 80% of gaza's total population are without homes that's nearly 2 million people by many estimates. lot of concern from north bay parent this is morning a big fight on a middle school campus has a lot of them pointing to what they say is a problem. running rampant through the school. eight children have been arrested after that fight at seen leah middle school in novato. andrea nakano heard from parents who did ask us to hide their identities. >> reporter: parents like alicia have firsthand experience with confrontations at sinaloa middle l school. she says her daughter has been bullied since the first day of school. >> turned our lives upside down. absolutely upside down.
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>> reporter: the latest incident was just a few weeks ago. alicia's frustrated that the school hasn't taken further action to protect her daughter. so she was concerned about how the school handled another fight involving a separate set of students last thursday. >> they assured that it was being handled and the children involved were being reprimanded. >> reporter: but then the next day, some of the same students involved in thursday's fight attacked the same victim. >> from the kids' descriptions, it was -- it was really scary. i mean, the description was hundreds of kids running to go see this fight. >> reporter: according to a spokesperson with the novato unified school district, the school had no previous knowledge of a potential fight on friday and the issues of bullying among students was unknown to the school staff prior to the incident. lisa says her own daughter was attacked by the same girl at
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the center of friday's fight. and was angry that she hurt another student. >> this school is aware that this -- girl has been involved in previous problems. you know, it's not the first time around. and there are no consequences when the thing with my child happened. she was only suspended for a day. >> reporter: novato police say after a thorough investigation, this was more than just another fight. and that is why arrests were made. >> the investigation revealed that this was not an isolated incident and this was a planned incident. and that's why this was unusual. >> reporter: many of the parents have kept their child home this week worried about their kids' safety. what happened to alicia's daughter keeping her child home is something she contemplates every day. >> i'm in limbo every morning when i drop my child off at school. in fear that this person is going to be there and she's going to attack my daughter. tim right now 5:10 in the
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morning. a fence jumping mountain lion also a neighborhood hopper. the bay area neighborhood on alert. plus this. i feel like the safety of the -- bikers is probably more important. >> probably lose about 35% to 40% of our business. >> well ark clash of narratives during a bike my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. (light gentle music) - unraveling life's mysteries. at stanford medicine, it's part of our dna. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together
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because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. welcome back. okay. so let's go to milpitas and the story of a mountain lion. look
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at that. there he is. that has a lot of you on alert in milpitas. the big cat spotted twice yesterday. once you can see it just easily clearing that fence on fair meadow way. beast apparently gets around earlier spotted in another neighborhood on dixon landing road about a mile and a half away. let's do it again. come on. neighbor clint larson, because of this, is on the lookout. >> it's definitely scary you know. i have a son that's -- special needs. and walks in assisted the walking device and we walk around this neighborhood all the time. and yeah. when i saw that mountain lion on the video, it was pretty -- alarming. >> police say they searched the neighborhood with drones with thermal cameras but so far the lion is as they say, on the lam. you know, sometimes bridge builders in the bay area help flight happen and we have good news to report this morning. a victory in the race to save california brown pelicans found starving earlier this year. well, some helpers in the bay, they stepped up to help the
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flock and the birds will fly free to the wild today. by the way dwindling food supply in monterey and santa cruz caused the birds to need the help. the release of the rehabbed birds happens in sausalito this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. fly free pelicans. >> fly fly away. now taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. as you grab that coffee and maybe you are going to hike to the top of mount diablo and look at that view over towards the east bay. by the way, walnut creek, art and wine festival on saturday. so jess, hopefully it will be a nice weekend for people to get out and enjoy that. >> absolutely. that was one of my first events i did here in the bay actually. such fun one out there. the weather is going to be great this weekend. let's take a quick look at what it's looking like right now though throughout the bay as we wake up and head out the door, 50s and 40s in the forecast right now. clear skies above us. anywhere from half-moon bay stretching into our inland areas. where we're close to the 60s already just near concord. now this afternoon, concord and antioch, you guys are flirting with the upper 80s and low 90s today as high pressure really builds its
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way in. acting like a heat dome stretching over the state of california. heading into this weekend, we're going to catch just a little bit of a break from that heat. with cloudy skies as we gear up for a warmer week right around the corner into next week though. let's take san jose for example. we are sitting above average today and tomorrow. we cool back down to where we should be for this time of year as we get closer to the first of summer. but then we shoot right back up into the mid 90s heading into mid next week through the inland areas. some big changes really for us as we head into the next seven days. and it all has to do with temperatures and yeah, some winds too. the coastal breeze that we've been experiencing recently, really helps our coastal areas stay a little bit cooler than normal. 59 today in half-moon bay. we're expecting 60s in pacifica. upper 60s into san francisco. i can't say that's the case off in the east bay though. i mean, gosh, 91 degrees all the way over into antioch and as we stretch down into the santa clara valley, we're holding on tight to the warmth too. upper 80s expected this afternoon just
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near san jose. looking at the next seven days, well, there's some big changes around the corner. like i mentioned, has to do with that warmth that we're experiencing. that little bit of a break is going to be really nice heading into this weekend. especially for the art and wine festival and plenty of other thing going on for us here in the bay but next week, close to the triple digits right around the corner as we head into the wednesday forecast. that's the inland setup and we'll see cooler conditions along the coast and i'll have more on that coming up in just a bit. g? jessica, thank you. let's talk about the roadways right now. if you are making your way across some of the bay area bridges, now is not -- is a good time to be on the golden gate bridge. look at that. it actually is moving along pretty well with not lot of cashes out there this morning. same for the bay bridge. no metering lights just yet. pretty quiet out on the roadways. our only hotspots are that ride as you work into the altamont pass, westbound 580 and san jose looking pretty good. south of there, if you do travel through gilroy, maybe the pacheco pass area. just a heads-up. pretty far south but on 152 all lanes are blocked. this is for a big rig that toppled over. a
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traffic alert has been issued and this is westbound from g 9 ferguson road to furlong avenue. so if you do take 101 say maybe out of morgan hill, gilroy, over to 152, it's going to be pretty tough to make that drive this morning. looks like it's countercommute so that could help. it is a plan to transform a major thoroughfare on the peninsula. caltrans and the city of palo alto are working to bring something that it's never had before. designated bike lanes but as len ramirez reports the lanes could be a cost to businesses along the route. >> reporter: 16-year-old rides a bike as his main transportation around his palo alto neighborhood. but when it comes to the elucaine know he avoids siding on the vote. >> i do ride on the sidewalk just because it feels a lot more comfortable for me. rather than riding on the street where cars are right there. and it's a bit -- it feels a bit dangerous definitely.
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>> reporter: he's not alone. in fact many of the people we saw riding in the barren park section did so on the sidewalk and that's because this busy road which doubles as state highway 82 never had bike lanes. but that's about to change. >> we're on the sidewalk now. we would add a bike lane six feet out. it would have a quick curb separated bollard and temporary curve. and now there's a designated place for the biker. >> reporter: ken with the silicon valley bicycle coalition is one of the advocates working with the city of palo alto and caltrans to build bike lanes into a major repaving project coming to the ale camino this fall. the finished lanes would look something like these lanes recently installed in san jose. >> as you noel camino is quite in poor pavement conditions and this is an opportunity to narrow the lanes. slow the speeds down. put in bikeways. and remove parking. all of which will be transformational.
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>> reporter: bike advocates say removing street parking will increase side to side vick for cars and bikes and pedestrians making it safer when they cross the el camino or turn on to it from a side street. but some merchants say it will hurt their business. >> they put the bike lane, they are not thinking about the -- car that park in front of the shop and buy and go. you know, they're going to kill those. >> reporter: h san board owned the barren park market for 43 year and says his customers prefer to park on the street. just steps away from the door. he worries what will happen if customers lose that convenience. >> probably we lose about 35%, to 40% of our business. that much. yeah. >> reporter: while it is a loss and certainly some businesses will be more impacted, and for each business, it can be a mitigation plan. >> and we'd like to help with that. because biking is business friendly.
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>> reporter: and he point os out many bike riders frequent the businesses on their pikes and although final plans have yet to be approved. he didn't have to think twice about what side he's on. >> we're standing right here and they're parking lots and i feel like the safety of the bikers is probably more important than, you know, the parking retail parking. >> well, the palo alto bike lane project is part of a major overhaul of el camino bike lane improvements are also planned for mountain view and los altos. caltrans plans to install improvements over the next year. hello. hit me dear. don't hit me. >> she can't help but make you laugh and iconic movie
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muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. [ applause ] well. in? morning's bay area backstage it's hard to imagine a more iconic character in a bay area movie history. you can see "mrs. doubtfire" behind me. her character is back and sara donchey got a chance to hit the streets alongside her. >> reporter: stepping out in the city in her sensible shoes, she is almost impossible to ignore. >> hello love. hello my love. i love you too. hello papa.
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don't hit me. dear. don't hit me. okay. i love you. >> thank you. >> i love your lederhosen. >> reporter: of course, she is -- >> my name is -- doubt fire. euphegeniadoubffire and bingo was his nameo. >> reporter: even a cynical old reporter was star-struck to see her on wednesday visiting some of san francisco's most famous neighborhoods. >> hello! hello dear. good to see you. >> reporter: and it's been long time coming. the nanny extraordinaire made the movie debut 30 years ago played by one of san francisco's most iconic residents the late robin williams. >> it's been a while since i have explored the old hills of san fran. >> reporter: mrs. doubt fire has reappeared on city streets. >> i love your sweatshirt. i want it. i want a tattoo today.
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i think i might. what would i get? help is on the way, dear. tattooed on my rear. [ laughter ] >> reporter: for a very specific reason. mrs. doubtfire the musical is coming to the orpheum theater in july. >> i'm excited to introduce it to a new generation. and maybe bring back some nostalgia for those who loved me in the past. >> reporter: and her romp through the city including avisit to her home in pacific heights was met with much fanfare. >> that's like great. honestly spot on. >> thank you love. >> one of my favorite movies when i was a kid and yeah it looks just like mrs. doubtfire. [ laughter ] >> by the way the man behind the mask was two-time tony nominee rob mcclure. it's on the north american tour and coming to the orpheum theater in san francisco from july 2nd to july 28th and tickets available at and a show you can take the whole family to and so san francisco.
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in the movie and in the play. as well. >> unforgettable and e when you fan the up there in pacific heights say i was a little boy just brings out the kid in all of us and makes us just remember what it felt like to see the movie for the first time. >> such a funmy movie. still ahead -- >> it makes me feel good to be able to do that for people who -- really honestly need it. >> there are some remarkable people doing some remarkable things in the bay area. making houses a home. for people who need it badly. when we come back. and it's day two of jury deliberations in former president donald trump's so-called hush money trial. what jurors signaled by way of a question or two for a rehash of information. come with us
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right now on cbs news bay area at 5:29. verdict watch in former president donald trump's hush money trial. jurors entering day two of deliberations in just about an hour. and jarred hill joins us live from outside that courthouse in manhattan. jarred. i'm really fascinated by this. jurors asked to hear some testimony. does that give us any sort of tea leaf about what they're drilling down on? >> reporter: you know, reed, i would hate to give any sort of
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definitive answer on anything related to what the jury is doing right now because we don't know but there's the possibility we could maybe glean a little bit of information about what the jury is focusing on based on these questions they're asking in particular. they want to hear some testimony from two of the key witnesses in this case. the fate of former president donald trump now in the hands of 12 manhattan jurors. >> mother teresa could not beat these charges -- but we'll see. >> reporter: today at its request, the jury is expected to have parts of key testimony read back to them from former "national enquirer" editor david pecker and trump's ex-fixer, michael cohen. this includes passages related to a 2015 meeting the two had with trump to discuss an alleged scheme to kill negative stories ahead of the 2016 election. judge juan merchan is also expected to reread some of his instructions to the jury today. >> i think they are going to be quite careful and spend some real time going through the evidence and the instructions. >> reporter: the seven men and five women who make up the jury are deliberating just feet away from the courtroom. no cell
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phones are allowed, but they do have access to a laptop with all of the evidence. during his instructions yesterday, judge merchan told the jury to set aside any opinions and bias in reaching their verdict, which must be unanimous. trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records, which prosecutors say was done to hide reimbursements to cohen after he paid adult film star stormy daniels $130,000 to keep quiet before the 2016 election about an alleged sexual encounter. >> they have to come up with a verdict on each of these charges. so it could take a while. >> reporter: trump denies the encounter and any wrongdoing. if convicted, he could face fines and a sentence of up to four years in prison. now in order to convict and i want to read this verbatim. the jury is being asked to decide if trump conspire today promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means. now they've got to be again unanimous on
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this verdict. but they don't have to all agree on exactly which unlawful means potentially would have acted upon. reed, back to you. >> fascinating day and all eyes on new york. jarred. thank you so much and one more time. jarred outdresses the internet and broadcasting for another morning on tv. thank you so much. [ laughter ] jarred. good with the greatest mile too. by the way. >> forget it we're all just done. game over. >> i know. we love jarred. all right, taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. look at that gorgeous orange hue there off in the distance. as the sun comes up. you know, just reminds us every day is a new beginning. and you know, an opportunity to make a positive and good impactful change on the world, jess. >> absolutely. and of course to catch jarred hill off-guard too. you never know what the morning show is going to bring right? let's take a quick look at what's going on outside. it is beautiful this morning. this is our live camera overlooking the santa clara valley. down in the south bay, with a beautiful
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sunrise above us, it's clear right now. official sunrise is within the next 15 minutes. and to add to that we're going to see some of the warmest weather we've had so far this year. happen today. daytime highs are peaking for us this week and this afternoon and we kind of start to average out this weekend with a little bit cooler conditions right around the corner. but the reason why we've been warming you have so much is because there's a system of high pressure sitting just offshore abilitiing like a heat dome. kind of warming us up even more than we should be for this time of year. this weekend cloudier skies and breezier conditions are right around the corner for us and speaking of that, in the afternoon hours we watch the winds really strengthen along the coastline with anywhere up to 25, 30-mile-per-hour winds at times expected from bodega bay stretching down into san francisco. the temperatures too. 80s in the forecast for us this afternoon. from novato all the way up into santa rosa. san francisco today, holding on tight to the upper 60s and yesterday we were in the low 70s. so we're kind of
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teetering back and forth there. all thanks to that onshore flow it really impacts that inland influence compared to the coastal influence. what i mean by that is we're expecting 90s today and 80s anywhere from antioch into livermore. we have 80s this afternoon down near san jose and we're going to have more on what you can expect with the next week ice big warm-up right around the corner. but for now over to you, g. thanks. taking a look at the roadways and get a quick look at some of the bay area bridges this morning. like the golden gate bridge. moving along nicely heading into san francisco this morning. over at the bay bridge, starting to see that backup building and metering lights just turned on a moment ago. and it's certainly getting a little bit slow on some of our approaches but overall, a pretty nice commute as you head in and out of the east bay over towards san francisco. now if you are traveling into the altamont pass, we have reports of a crash westbound 205 at 580. and starting to get a little bit slow northbound 101 as you approach to 280/680 area. in the east bay breaking news. we are live in castro valley and here's a live look and you can see a lot of fire crews out there. a massive fire
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broke out early this morning. this is at the lake chabot public market on lake chabot road and quail avenue. the road is completely shut down right now no through traffic and it's to allow the over 50 alameda county firefighters to get the flames. this is still though a very active scene and you can see a lot of smoke still billowing there from it had building. that is what the fire looked like at 3:30 a.m. you can see heavy flames shooting out from the roof of the building. which is at risk for a partial collapse. authorities say there's no exposure to other buildings in the neighborhood at this point. and one neighbor said she noticed a glow and saw the store that she used to frequent now severely damaged. >> i come here a lot. there's a lot of restaurants in there. and ice cream shops and barbecue places and maybe that's what caught on fire. i
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have no idea. but it's -- it looks devastating. >> and we'll keep you updated on this story and throughout the morning and again the fire looks like, for the most part, is out. but a lot of smoke though and of course that's video from earlier this morning. reed? up date in the push for a retrial by the man convicted ofkilling his wife and unborn son. the judge will allow a single piece of evidence from the original trial to be retested for dna. the retest of a 15 and a half inch piece of duct tape that was found on the pants of peterson's slain wife laci. this is really not a big win for peterson's lawyers who wanted more than a dozen items retested. including parts of a mattress found in this burned out van around the time of her disappearance. peterson's defense team says those items could prove pearson is innocent. prosecutors maintain peterson was convicted on overwhelming circumstantial evidence and the next hearing for the case is in july. well, update to the case
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against the pga golfer arrested during a traffic incident in kentucky. criminal charges against scottie scheffler have been dropped and one of those charges assault of a police officer. the officer claims scheffler's vehicle dragged him and trouble is the officer's body cam was off and prosecutors say because of that, they lack the evidence to proceed. well, wednesday marked one year since san francisco launched a crackdown on the city's open air drug markets. the goliases to disrupt drug sales and use in the tenderloin and in soma. and within the past year police made 3,000 arrests and seized more than 400 pounds of drugs. sit officials call it a success but some critic says it is not really solving the problem. >> incarceration and law enforcement has not been proven to be able to assist and change the conditions for people who use drugs and the same thing applies here. even if we're getting some substances off the streets, we still have a lot of substances on the streets and people are still able to get drugs on the streets.
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>> advocates like michael say there should be a more comprehensive approach to get drug users off the street and into treatment. he says one of the big obstacles in the drug crisis is getting access to care and support for people with addiction. he wants the city to invest in substance abuse programs. may is national foster care month and marin foster care association says about 35% of foster children are placed outside of the county there because there just aren't enough families to care for them. once they age out of the system, at the age of 18, it's even more difficult for them. sharon chin introduces you to this week's jefferson award winner who makes their living spaces when they get into a home feel down right cozy. >> reporter: caroline flannery helps a young adult unlock a new start in life by decorating that person's one bedroom studio with love. >> we try to make it as homey
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and as pretty as possible. did you get shower hooks? >> reporter: caroline and her volunteers are furnishing two units of an apartment building in novato. it's at the marin foster care association purchased. the people who will move in need a place of their own. caroline knows they'd already been through a lot in foster care. >> you are placed in a home where everybody's a stranger. it's just a very, very difficult time and it's very confusing. do you want to -- work on the bathroom with that stuff? >> reporter: caroline felt so deeply for the young people, she gave up her interior design business in 2020 to start the nonprofit make it home. she began by furnishing homes for people 18 too 21 who have aged out of foster care. >> i want them to know that somebody cared enough to put this space together for them. i want them to feel safe. >> reporter: gently used and donated furniture come from make it home's three
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warehouses in san rafael, walnut creek and union city. so far, the nonprofit's decorated nearly 2,000 households in san francisco and the north and east bay. in the process, it saved 2,000 tons of furniture from the landfill. make it home's 100 volunteers turn empty spaces into comforting places. >> a bed is somebody's own space. and to get that for themselves is -- it's really exciting. sometimes there's tears of joy. fix the right fabric. >> reporter: joy and gratefulness according to ashley herd of the marin foster care association. >> they're truly blown away. i think some of their feelings is this is really all mine? like this belongs to me? and only me? and a lot of times they've not had that and they have not had space to call their own. >> i think the dresser might be better over there. >> reporter: carolyn and the nonprofit partnered with social service agencies to serve more than 4600 people half of them children. besides foster youth,
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the recipients include military veterans, domestic abuse survivors, immigrants, and displaced farm workers. >> it's the only superpower i have is to be able to collect furniture and put it together. so it makes me feel good to be able to do that for people who really honestly need it. then we've got some stuff in here. some cleaning supplies. >> reporter: so for creating warm, safe spaces for people getting a fresh start, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to caroline flannery. >> caroline, we see and salute you. you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online at now this. it's a project and a product that i love that i'm proud of. and it just makes me so excited to see how far we've come. >> a dream turned to reality. the small business offering a taste of argentina
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a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. ♪ ♪ and that's mexican pop rock band mania and you are listening to right there. they're headlining the inaugural la honda by bottle rock festival that's happening saturday and sunday at the napa valley expo. it's already on track to be the largest latin
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music festival in northern california organizers say featuring major touring artists and acts will span several genres including spanish rock and so much more. a lot of fun. with the new event in napa valley comes more opportunity for small businesses to gain exposure as food vendors. shawn chitnis spoke to one shop in south san francisco really excited to share their food with festival goers. >> reporter: rue yule always wants the chance to share his food with more people. and for over a decade now, cocina ma longa has brought street food from argentina around the bay area. >> there is a very nice -- product you know. for -- a snack. >> reporter: the staple they serve at their own locations and distribute to others are their empanadas. from coffee shops to the chase center, people have enjoyed a taste of raul's home and this weekend, more will get to try some of these empanadas at la honda
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music festival in napa. >> we are excited you know, for that. hopefully everything going well. [ laughter ] >> reporter: he says they pair well with wine. and as a small business, always looking for more exposure, they couldn't ask for a better place to showcase their food than at a new latin music festival. >> we love our food and we love our community and we love all the other communities around here as well. and to just be able to share that with people, especially at music festival, nothing brings people together like music and food. >> reporter: partnering with a longtime friend raul knew from his time in colombia, the duo decided to share the cuisine they love in california. it continues a tradition in raul's family that has reached the judgest generation. his daughter has watched her dad dream this business into a reality. >> it's a project and a product that i love and that i'm proud of and it just makes me so excited to see how far we've come. >> we see the magic coming out. >> reporter: it's a classic of argentina that has developed a universal appeal in america.
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>> all the people love, you know, the -- the fillings of the empanada or the shape of the em and nadas and it's a niceopportunity fors. >> a celebration of family, tradition and pride. all cooked into a handful of cuisine and culture. >> okay. uber eats paging uber eats. taking a live look at san francisco from the top of thmark and just a hop skip and a jump from where underlands will open in early august at golden gate park. we now know which groups will be headlining. the festival also announced that single day tickets will go on sale today. cue the music. ♪ ♪ >> rock band the killers will be headlining the first night of the festival on friday, august 9th. on saturday, hip
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hop star tiler the creator will hit the main stage and country music star stir july simpson will be closing out the festival on sunday, august 1st. if you are wondering how much you have to shell out. general admission start at almost $200 and g a-plus a little more than $300 and vip if you want to get right up close will cost you nearly $470 and that's without the fees by the way. single day passes go on sale this morning starting at 10:00. go have fun bay area. we are a playground after all. >> i mean coachella? really? like from la honda just had bottle rock and then outside lands. like -- stern grove? >> it's time. >> it's a musical summer for the bay. >> i love it. taking a live look outside on this beautiful thursday morning. let's check it out. this is what mother nature is serving up. i love that golden glow coming up over the hills up in the east bay. just always a beautiful picture. jess, let's bring you in. sometimes it's nice to just go outside and take a photo and go on a
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gratitude walk. >> absolutely. this is the morning to do it. you saw that live look there. let's head all the way down to the santa clara valley, now where we're always seeing that beautiful contrast of colors throughout the whole bay area. really this morning that sunrise is starting to become one of the most stunning things we've seen all week when it comes to this forecast. later into this afternoon, stunning not necessarily. it's going to be a hot one for us today. and areas like antioch it's topping off at 91 degrees. upper 80s expected for us down into the santa clara valley. this is a very summer-like pattern for us but keep in mind, it's not summer just yet. this is above average for this time of year. upper 60s into san francisco this afternoon. we're holding on tight to the 70s across the bay bridge over into oakland. 80s close to the 90s expected up close to santa rosa this afternoon. low 80s in petaluma. let's take a look at the reason why this is happening. high pressure is sitting offshore and this is the driving factor as to why we're seeing well above average temperatures not only today and tomorrow, but we're going to get a repeat of that next week
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too. so these systems are becoming a lot more apparent for us and you can see that just within the next ten days alone. we catch that little bit of a break as we head into this weekend right back down to average for sunday and monday of next week. and san jose, gear up for some 90s right around the corner. heading into wednesday of next week it's going to be a warm one for us but let's take a quick look what that means for us in the bay area. east buy into wine country or down into the santa clara valley, the upper 80s kind of stick around for us. until saturday. at that point, partly cloudy skies roll their way back in. each of these tubes represents what the weather is going to look like for that day. and notice how even though we're going to see cloudy skies for monday and into tuesday, we're jumping ten degrees. 80s into 90s or close to the triple digits as soon as next wednesday. but that's our inland areas. if you live closer to san francisco, across the bay bridge over into oakland. upper 60s and lower 70s flirting into next week. but upper 70s as soon as next tuesday. g? thank you. let's talk about the roadways right now. if you are getting ready to hop on some of the bay area
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bridges, moving along pretty well. if you are taking b.a.r.t. this morning, just getting word o about a ten minute delay so check the schedule as you head out the door, muni capital corridor and a.c.e. rail all on time. so not a bad start to your thursday morning. freeways too. live look here. golden gate bridge clear all the way into the city. and over at the bay bridge, well, that's starting to get a little bit busy but no surprise there. it's 5:50 and metering lights are on and things are stacking up for that morning commute out of the east bay. other than that though, all approaches are moving along pretty well. and you are seeing some brake lights though already on 880 coming out of the castro valley y area from that 238 connector. north 101, out of san jose, that's starting to bog down just a little bit at least as you come away from the 280 and 680 connector. there's a pretty serious crash. this is south of here, gilroy to 152. if you are headed through there, the pacheco pass, westbound lanes are shut down between ferguson and furlong due to the big rig accident. the 49ers bolstered the
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offense signing someone who's been a staple at the wide receiver position and no, it's not aiyuk. not yet anyway. >> yes, sir. [ laughter ] it's about that time. >> yesterday, jawan jennings agreed two year contract reportedly worth $15 million with $10 million guaranteed. probably would have been the mvp had the niners won the super bowl. oh. next year. next year. we're going to keep our fingers crossed. hey, tom baby names are out for 2023 but more parents than ever are looking for the uncommon choice. next, how some are
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ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus special financing. shop now at my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.
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relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. welcome back. you know, it is 5:55 and we know that every parent hopes to choose the perfect name for their newborn. you know, for generations american parents chose the same family names over and over but that trend appears to be changing. as a lot of parents seek to make more of a distinctive choice. some are turning to professional name consultants of all things for help. >> having someone who can really help narrow it for you and help guide you is appealing to a lot of people. in the same way that people hire a match maker. >> we actually ended up sending jen a list of we wanted like a
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sports related name and we're very big into sports. >> you picked the name? >> we have. her name will be lainey. >> deep breaths. consultant fees range from $50 to a few hundred dollars and clients believe it's money well spent for a name that will last a lifetime. get over yourselves people. >> we'll be glad to help you out. >> goodness sake. >> sends us the options and we will gladly give you some helpful opinions. >> outsourcing baby names. >> and i feel like you could have found that on the google. so. anyway. happy child. >> for 25 cents and a cup of coffee we'll name your dog. time right now 5:56. just call us -- two grouchy old people here. class is out but your kids might be going back to work. the kids that you named? i'm going to chat with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger about whether students should consider internships. and let's take another live look right now from castro
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valley. the massive fire. the risk of a partial collapse at this public market. and new controversy over a flag that's been flying for decades at san francisco city hall. coming up at 7:00 the (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose.
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don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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well, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we are so glad you are here. it's thursday, may 30th. >>


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