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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 30, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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well, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we are so glad you are here. it's thursday, may 30th. >> come be our friend. let's
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get started. >> i'm in limbo every morning when i drop my child off at school in fear that this person is going to be there to attack my daughter. >> arrests at school leaves parents outraged and frustrated. a north bay community calling for solutions. we love our food and we love our community and we love all the other communities around here as well and to just be able to share that with people, especially at a music festival, nothing brings people together like music and food. >> a taste of argentina brings dinner and dancing. how a small business is a part of a bay area bounce-back. ♪ ♪ and open up those eager eyes, people, destiny is calling all of us. how this refrain will be a heartbeat in the bay for outside lands. come on inside people, let's do this. let's do this. all right. good morning, everybody. i'm reed cowan. are you so excited for the outside lands
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lineup. >> i am and la honda this weekend too. i'm a big fan of them and they're playing. that's exciting. yes i just love live music. so all of it happening in the bay. i'm gianna franco and don't forget stern grove. >> oh my gosh. >> we are going to be there. >> chaka khan. >> let me love you and rock you chaka khan. rock the morning right now and a live look outside on this thursday. ooh look at this gorgeous -- i love this perspective. i know, we need chaka khan playing in the background to get us going. but look at this sun coming upover the bay. jessica, nothing is prettier than that this morning. >> makes you want to listen to doobie brothers, they're also at stern grove. >> so is frank moody. so much good music here in the bay and as we head in the next couple of months and the weather is going to get nicer and nicer and a summer-like pattern already for us here in the bay area. starting today. and okay maybe it's not noticeable right now we're still in the 50s and 40s throughout the bay area but here's what's happening. as we head into in next couple of days you are going to notice it feels a lot warmer than what we're used to during this time of year. high
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pressure is sitting just offshore and that's creating a little bit of like a heat dome for us here in the bay area and we're expecting to see daytime highs well above average heading into the afternoon. especially in our inland areas. the winds today not nearly as bad as they've been the past couple of days along the coastline and still get the onshore flow anywhere up to around 20, 25 miles per hour from san francisco up into bodega bay close to dinner timetonight but this afternoon? look at the sunrise behind me. beautiful conditions for us this morning from the bay bridge anywhere from oakland over into san francisco. later today we're going to expect 70s and 60s just in both directions. off into the east bay we go. 90s returning in the forecast near antioch and close to the 90s the more south we go close to livermore. upper 80sexpected down into the santa clara valley where this morning also waking up to the beautiful sunrise a little thin layer of clouds right now that will dissipate heading into the next few hours. gianna? looking good but we were just talking about stern grove. >> i have to -- i'm sorry you are not coming. you are
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uninvited. it's the commodores. why did i mix up the doobie brothers and commodores. >> we did a story on them not that long ago and they were hear maybe a year ago. >> because we love music and always talking about it. it's all good. maybe you have got some commodores blasting in the radio, as you get in the car or maybe the doobie brothers. whatever you are listening to. you are going to need that. things thicken up a little bit at the san mateo bridge westbound heading over towards 101. bay bridge though, that is busy for the ride heading into san francisco. to breaking news right now over in the east bay. this is in castro valley and you are looking live right now. this is where a massive fire broke out earlier this morning. this is the lake chabot public market on lake chabot road and quail avenue. the roadway there is completely shut down right now and this is to allow over 0 firefighters the access to that building and to knock down the flames. you can see there's still a lot of smoke especially some smoke in the background there. smoldering there. this is what the three alarm fire
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looked like around 3:30 this morning. this is just over an hour after the initial call. look at that. you can see the flames just coming out of the building there shooting out from the roof. which is at risk for a partial collapse. authorities say there's no exposure to other buildings in the neighborhood at this point, but still a very, very active scene and we'll keep you updated on this throughout the morning. well, the state trial for the man convicted in federal court in the attack on the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi started with the attorneys showing 82-year-old paul pelosi in a pool of blood. now while the man convicted in the federal case david depape has been sentenced to 30 years on those federal convictions, the state of california isn't done with him yet. in fact the san franciscodistrict attorney charged him with a slew of charges. the associated press reporting this morning elder abuse was arguably the opening salvo by the prosecution to jurors. those jurors also got a
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glimpse into depape's life before the attack. his attorney telling the jurors depape was isolated and falling prey to conspiracy theories while living in richmond garage. opening statements continued to for the jurors. to new york city now. we are getting a picture of some of their deliberations going in to day two. before leaving yesterday jurors asked to rehear testimony from two key witnesses including ex-trump lawyer and fixer in chief michael cohen. trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records for covering up sexual encounter with an adult film actress prior to the 2016 election. donald trump denies wrongdoing on all allegations in the case. and all eyes are on the jury this morning. coming up in a half hour, we'll be live outside that new york courthouse where the world is on verdict watch. let's come home to california now. to uc santa cruz, new video this morning of the blockade by demonstrators
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protesting the war in gaza. this is making so so classes have to go online. protesters blocked both the main entrances to campus after the protest was launched last week over how the university leaders handled demonstrations in california. and update for you. one of the blockades because there were two, was taken down and so that one is reopened as of this morning. protesters are also watching closely developments in israel's war against hamas in the palestinian territories. they're angry at news that u.s. bombs were used in that deadly strike on a tent encampment in rafah. that attack prompting even israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to characterize the strike as a tragic mistake killing 45. among the dead, women and children. and another headline from that war front this morning. israel's military says they have seized control of a tunnel rich portion of gaza's gourder with egypt. now while more than 100 hostages remain captured by
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hamas, now signaling fightings could continue through the year of 2024. well, lot of concern from north bay parents this morning a big fight on a middle school campus has a lot of them pointing to what they say a problem. running rampant through the school. eight children have been arrested after that fight at sinaloa middle school in novato. andrea nakano heard from parents who say they're still scared to send their kids back. they did ask us to hide their identities. >> reporter: parents like alicia have firsthand experience with confrontations at sinaloa middle l school. she says her daughter has been bullied since the first day of school. >> turned our lives upside down. absolutely upside down. >> reporter: the latest incident was just a few weeks ago. alicia's frustrated that the school hasn't taken further action to protect her daughter. so she was concerned about how the school handled another fight involving a separate set of students last thursday. >> they assured that it was being handled and the children involved were being reprimanded.
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>> reporter: but then the next day, some of the same students involved in thursday's fight attacked the same victim. >> from the kids' descriptions, it was -- it was really scary. i mean, the description was hundreds of kids running to go see this fight. >> reporter: according to a spokesperson with the novato unified school district, the school had no previous knowledge of a potential fight on friday and the issues of bullying among students was unknown to the school staff prior to the incident. lisa says her own daughter was attacked by the same girl at the center of friday's fight. and was angry that she hurt another student. >> this school is aware that this -- girl has been involved in previous problems. you know, it's not the first time around. and there are no consequences when the thing
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with my child happened. she was only suspended for a day. >> reporter: novato police say after a thorough investigation, this was more than just another fight. and that is why arrests were made. >> the investigation revealed that this wasn't an isolated incident and this was a planned incident. and that's why this was unusual. >> reporter: many of the parents have kept their child home this week, worried about their kids' safety. what happened to alicia's daughter, keeping her child home is something she contemplates every day. >> i'm in limbo every morning when i drop my child off at school. in fear that this person is going to be there and she's going to attack my daughter. 6:09 is your time. a fence jumping mountain lion also a neighborhood hopper. the bay area neighborhoods on alert this morning because of this. plus. i feel like the safety of the bikers is probably more important. >> probably we lose about 35% to 40% of our business. >> and a clash of narratives during a bike lane battle in
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palo alto. let's get a live look outside as we take a look from our treasure island cam over towards the
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all right, good morning
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everien. let's go to milpitas right now and the story of oh, what's that? a mountain lion. the big cat spotted twice yesterday once as you can see easily clearing a fence on fair meadow way. yes going into somebody's backyard. apparently gets around. earlier spotted in another neighborhood on dixon landing neighborhood a mile and a half away. neighbor clint larson is on the lookout this morning. >> definitely scary you know. i have a son that's special needs and walks and assisted thewalking device and we caulk around the neighborhood all the time. and yeah. when i saw that mountain lion on the video, it was pretty -- alarming. >> absolutely. police say they searched the neighborhood with drones and equipped with thermal cameras but so far the lion is on the lam. you know, sometimes bridge builders in the bay help flight to happen and good news to report this morning. a victory in the race to save california brown pelicans found starving earlier this year. some helpers
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in the bay stepped in to help this flock and guess what? the birds will fly free to the wild today. you know, dwindling food supply and monterey and santa cruz really caused these birds to have the need for a lot of help and this rescue. but the release of the rehabbed birds will happen this morning -- in sausalito at 2:00 in the afternoon. eat up birds you are going to have to get your own fish from here on out. >> yeah. i love to see pelicans fly though. they have a very large wingspan and kind of you don't realize it until they're up in the air. >> like dinosaurs. now taking a live look outside on this thursday morning and maybe we can see a bird or two out there. or maybe not. but you know what? it's possible. there's not lot of clouds hanging out over the bay this morning. >> oh. gosh. it is beautiful out there and if i could be flying right now i would be. but instead we're forecasting beautiful weather right now. and so we take a look at the weather headlines this afternoon. well, we're off to a clear and cool start. 40s ands throughout the bay area right now. but boy do we have a big warm-up heading into this afternoon's forecast. light winds for us this morning. we'll see a little bit
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breezier conditions into this afternoon. our daytime highs are peaking today throughout the whole bay area. we're expecting 90s off in the east bay. close to the 70s throughout san francisco. and along the peninsula. and we're still above normal as we head into our friday forecast. then we kind of start to cool down heading into saturday. let's take a look at the winds though. that's kind of been the big concern for us recently. especially in the afternoon hours along the coastal areas. bodega bay earlier this week got up to around 45-mile-per-hour wind gusts. this is what we're waking up to this morning. heading into this afternoon. wind speeds anywhere up to around 20 miles per hour expected near san francisco. it's going to stay a little bit breezier along the coast but other than that lot lighter compared to how we kicked off this workweek. the other big weather story has to do with heat. daytime highs are sitting above average for a reason. this huge heat dome just offshore and it's allowing for daytime highs to hit the 90s in our inland areas today and tomorrow. before we cool down just a smidge heading into the weekend forecast with some partly cloudy skies around the corner. that's going to be our little break and breath of fresh air before we gear up for
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more warmth into next week. now areas like san francisco, i want to talk about this because we talkedn't san jose earlier and you will notice warmer conditions in the inland areas. but for san francisco, just along the coastal areas we're still getting up into the 70s as we head all the way into our forecast this week. but by next week, we're going see a very similar trend. let's ignore the fact that's glitching right there. let's take a quick look at this afternoon. 60s and 70s along the peninsula. near redwood city up into san francisco. here's the 90s we were talking about off in the east bay and antioch and topping off at 91 degrees this afternoon. this is a friendly reminder now to start hydrating and wear plenty of sunscreen if you work outside and/or if you have outdoor activities heading into this afternoon that sun is strong and uv rays are definitely strong around th2:00, 3:00 hour. expecting 80s today also down into the santa clara valley. so lots of warmth felt widespread throughout the bay area. heading into next week, there's that big warm-up we were talking about too. we catch a break heading into this weekend with partly cloudy skies. upper 90s as we head into next wednesday. so we'll have more on that coming up in just a bit. but for now over to
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you, g. thanks. let's talk about the roadways. and your bay area bridges this morning. so far traffic moving along pretty well. san mateo bridge, it is getting a little more crowded westbound. that's that right hand side of the screen. but not a bad commute as you head over towards 101. it is busy here though. this is the bay bridge. no surprise. traffic is slow heading over into the city. the backup on 580. not too bad. it's westbound 80 that's slowing down a little bit and b.a.r.t. was reporting some delays earlier this morning. minor, ten minutes just check that schedule as you head out the door. the rest of the bill clinton transit agencies throughout the area, not hearing of any delays or issues right now. most of the bay area freewayare pretty quiet with the exception of the ride into the altamont pass for the supercommuters. a plan to trance form the peninsula. you can see in palo alto caltrans and the city of palo alto are working to bring something to el camino real
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it's never had before. designated bike lanes, but as len ramirez reports the lanes could come at a cost to businesses along the route. >> reporter: 16-year-old reza nasser rides a bike as his main transportation around his palo alto neighborhood. but when it comes to the el camino, he avoids riding on the street. >> i do ride on the sidewalk just because it feels a lot more comfortable for me. rather than riding on the street where cars are right there. and it's a bit -- it feels a bit dangerous definitely. >> reporter: he's not alone. in fact, many of the people we saw riding bikes in the barron park section of the el camino did so on the sidewalk. and that's because this busy road, which doubles as state highway 82, never has had bike lanes. but that's about to change. >> we're on the sidewalk now. we would add a bike lane six feet out. it would have a qwik curb separated by bollards and a temporary curb. and now there's a designated place for the biker. >> reporter: ken kershner with the silicon valley bicycle
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coalition is one of the advocates working with the city of palo alto and caltrans to build bike lanes into a major repaving project coming to the el camino this fall. the finished lanes would look something like these lanes recently installed in san jose. >> as you know, el camino is quite in poor pavement condition and this is an opportunity to narrow the lanes. slow the speeds down. put in bike ways. and remove parking. all of which will be transformational. >> reporter: bike advocates say removing street parking will increase side to side visibility for cars, bikes and pedestrians, making it safer when they cross the el camino or turn on to it from a side street. but some merchants say it will hurt their business. >> they put the bike lane, they are not thinking about the -- cars that park in front of the shop and buy and go. you know, they're going to kill those. >> reporter: hassan bord has owned the barron park market
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for 43 years and he says his cust mears rarely use a parking lot in the wax, preferring to use a parking lot on the street, just steps away from the door. he worries what will happen if customers lose that convenience. >> probably we lose about 35% to 40% of our business. that much. yeah. >> while it is a loss and certainly some businesses will be more impacted, and for each business, it can be a mitigation plan. and we'd like to help with that. because biking is business friendly. >> reporter: and kershner points out many bike riders frequent the businesses on their bikes and although final plans have yet to be approved, reza didn't have to think twice about what side he's on. >> we're standing right here and they're parking lots and i feel like the safety of the bikers is probably more important than, you know, the parking -- retail parking. >> well, the palo alto bike lane project is part of a major overhaul of el camino. bike lane improvements are also planned for mountain view and
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los altos and caltrans plans to install improvements over the next year. don't hit me dear. don't hit me. >> iconic
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[ applause ] in the morning's bay area backstage, it's really hard to imagine a more iconic character
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in bay area movie history. you can see mrs. doubtfire right here behind me. her character is back and sara donchey she got a chance to hit the streets alongside her. >> reporter: stepping out in the city in her sensible shoes, she is almost impossible to ignore. >> hello love. hello, my love. i love you too. hello papa. don't hit me, dear. don't hit me. okay. i love you. >> thank you. >> i love your lederhosen. >> reporter: of course, she is -- >> my name is -- doubtfire. euphegenia doubffire and bingo was his name-o. >> reporter: even a cynical old reporter was star-struck to see her on wednesday visiting some of san francisco's most famous neighborhoods. >> hello! hello dear. good to see you. >> reporter: and it's been a
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long time coming. the nanny extraordinaire made her movie debut 30 years ago played by one of san francisco's most iconic residents, the late robin williams. >> it's been a while since i have explored the old hills of san fran. >> reporter: mrs. doubtfire has reappeared on city streets. >> i love your sweatshirt. i want it. i want a tattoo today. i think i might. what would i get? help is on the way, dear. tattooed on my rear. [ laughter ] >> reporter: for a very specific reason. "mrs. doubtfire" the musical is coming to the orpheum theater in july. >> i'm excited to introduce it to a new generation. and maybe bring back some nostalgia for those who loved me in the past. >> reporter: and her romp through the city, including a visit to her home in pacific heights, was met with much fanfare. >> that's like great. honestly spot on. >> thank you love. >> one of my favorite movies when i was a kid and yeah, it looks just like mrs. doubtfire. [ laughter ]
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>> well, by the way, the man behind the mask there was two-time tony nominee rob mcclure. he is starring in the musical and it's on its north american tour and it's coming to the orpheum theater in san francisco from july 2nd to july 28th. tickets are available at this is one i am definitely going to take the kids to. because you can enjoy wit the whole family. and such an iconic san francisco movie and you see a lot of that in the play as well. >> i love how sara said hello. that's how we remember mrs. doubtfire and the great robin williams of course. fun for the actor to play robin williams amazing role. >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> taking it into new spaces as well. >> great to see. okay. it is 6:27 right there on the nose. it's day two of jury deliberations in former president donald trump's so-called hush money trial. what jurors signaled by way of some questions that they asked for a rehash of some of the information. come
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the next couple of minutes really we are expecting for the second day of jury deliberations to get started. here we are also expecting for the jury to be reread a couple of things, some key testimony as well as the judge's rules on this case. all as we're trying to glean whatever we can about what's happening inside the jury room. the fate of former president donald trump now in the hands of 12 manhattan jurors. >> mother teresa could not beat those charges -- but we'll see. >> reporter: today at its request, the jury is expected to have parts of key testimony read back to them from former "national enquirer" editor david pecker and trump's ex-fixer, michael cohen. this includes passages related to a 2015 meeting the two had with trump to discuss an alleged scheme to kill negative stories ahead of the 2016 election. judge juan merchan is also expected to reread some of his instructions to the jury today. >> i think they are going to be quite careful and spend some real time going through the evidence and the instructions.
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>> reporter: the seven men and five women who make up the jury are deliberating just feet away from the courtroom. no cell phones are allowed, but they do have access to a laptop with all of the evidence. during his instructions yesterday, judge merchan told the jury to set aside any opinions and bias in reaching their verdict, which must be unanimous. trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records, which prosecutors say was done to hide reimbursements to cohen after he paid adult film star stormy daniels $130,000 to keep quiet before the 2016 election about an alleged sexual encounter. >> they have to come up with a verdict on each of these charges. so it could take a while. >> reporter: trump denies the encounter and any wrongdoing. if convicted, he could face fines and a sentence of up to four years in prison. now just a reminder here. the jury in order to convict has to decide whether former president trump conspired to promote or prevent
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the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means. while again they have to have this unanimous verdict, they do not have to all agree on which types of unlawful means. reed, back to you. >> jarred. thank you so much for that live report from new york. now let's take a live look outside. little closer to home on this thursday morning. the weekend is almost here. and what a glorious view you see the -- sun all lit up over the bay area this morning. jessica, i hope that sort of is a idea of what we're getting for the rest of the day when it comes to the forecast. >> oh, yeah. sunny for sure but hot as well. i mean, gosh, heading into the next couple of hours really see a big warm-up into the inland areas. and daytime highs getting close to the 90s and even hitting the 90s and down into the santa clara valley a lot of 80s this afternoon. dive into the weather headlines and a couple of things. first off we are mostly dealing with clear skies throughout the bay a little bit of the haze still holding on tight close to san jose. daytime highs peek today and it's warm all throughout the inland areas and our coastal
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areas have that breeze that keeps us a lot cooler close to the 0s and 60s this afternoon. still staying above normal for the daytime highs heading into our forecast tomorrow. but we will cool down just a little bit more heading into the weekend. the reason why we're even feeling this summer-like weather right now has to do with high pressure sitting just offshore. acting like a heat dome directly over us keeping us high and dry but once we head into this weekend, a little bit of breeze and to add to that also cloudy skies around the corner but still dry. no rain in sight. actually headlight back to the santa clara valley cam where the little bit of haze is kind of holding on tight to us. i want to pick on san jose. experience big warm-up next week. this weekend's forecast right back the average conditions with 70s in sight but another area of high pressure moves in giving us 90s around the corner. so for now, we're holding on tight to the 80s and 70s anywhere from oakland all the way up into vallejo and 60s into san francisco. for now over to you, g. jessica thank you. let's talk about the bay bridge right
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now. for those commuters heading into san francisco. moving along slowly. stop and go conditions and metering lights are on. so you can see that backup already building. if you plan on taking b.a.r.t. this morning, they're dealing with about a 20 minute delay recovering from an earlier problem this morning. so just check that schedule as you head out the door to see if things are getting a little bit better. again this is on b.a.r.t.. everything else is on time as far as muni, caltrain, capital corridor, a.c.e. as well. also breaking news in the east bay. we're live in castro valley this morning as we take a live look here. this is where a massive fire broke out and it happened early this morning at the lake chabot public market. and you can see there still doubting it with a lot of water this morning. this is on lake chabot road and quail avenue. which is completely shut down until further notice and this is to allow firefighters to do their job over 50 firefighters on scene and you can see there are still flames coming from the building there. as they work to knock those out this morning. so a very active scene and smoky in the area. let's show you what it looked like
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earlier this morning when the three alarm fire was reported over an hour after the initial call. this was about 3:30 this morning. and again, you can see those heavy flames shooting out from the roof of the building. which is at risk for a partial collapse. authorities said when they got there, they found a kitchen completely it was engulfed in flames and no other buildings were affected. one neighbor said though she did notice a glow and saw the store that she used to frequent severely damaged. >> i come here a lot. there's a lot of restaurants in there. and ice cream shops and barbecue places. and maybe that's what caught on fire. i have no idea. but it's -- it looks devastating. >> so we'll continue to update you on this through the morning. very active still in the area. a lot of activity there reed. update this morning in the push for a retrial by the man convicted of killing his wife and unborn son. the judge in
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the case concerning scott peterson will allow only one single piece of fred the original trial to be retested for dna. we're talking about a piece of 15.5-inch duct tape to be retested and reportedly found on the pants of peterson's slain wife laci. his lawyers wanted more than a dozen items retested including parts of a mattress found in this burned out van. this is an evidence photo right there. around the time of her disappearance. peterson's defense team says those items could prove that peterson is innocent but once again only one item allowed to be retested and prosecutors argue look, he's been convicted. using overwhelming circumstantial evidence. this though will continue in the next hearing is in july. we'll keep you updated. and update to the case against the pga golfer arrested during a traffic incident in kentucky. criminal charges against scottie scheffler have been dropped. one of those charges assault of a police officer. that officer claims his vehicle dragged him and
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trouble is, the officer's body camera was off so prosecutors say because of that, they just didn't have the evidence to proceed. #:37 in the morning. class is out. but your children might be going back to work. i'll chat with c best news business busi
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time now for your money watch report. more than 2 million high school and college
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students are expected to work summer jobs this year. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joins us now from new york to discuss whether students should consider internships and what important lessons they can learn from a summer job. and jill, i have twin 15-year-olds. who are turning 16 and getting ready to apply. load me up with information. >> reporter: all right. so i know that a lot of people talk about internships and they can be pathways into a specific career. or an industry. but i really feel like the students get so much out of a paid job. even if it's a rotten one. so even if it's retail or food service or camp, the job you may think of as menial or they think of as menial can really help create a good savings habit. i encourage kids to start the automatic savings program that will put 10% of whatever they earn this summer into a savings account and i think it's a wonderful habit to form as early as possible. >> i think it's a great idea too because i often look back
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and think why didn't i participate in ha 401k and put a little bit away? why did it get started so late? it's a new conversation really with our kids. to say look, you can start saving for the future now. >> reporter: packagely. and i mean if you are 18 years old and you have got earned income, you can contribute to a roth ira. doesn't have to be a bazillion dollars. but you can use this opportunity to -- as either a parent or a mentor or aunt or uncle. you can teach investing basics like the difference between a stock and a bond. or how an index fund works. i think there's a cool incentive that you can consider. you know, you are not asking for a lot. we're just talking about some little baby steps. so you say to the kid, put $10 a week away. and i'll match that $10 every week in that ira account. i think it's such a great way to get kids involved and interested and it is a tool in the future so they'll look back and say, thank goodness i got my start so early. >> a great tip and now i'm going to go home and i'm going
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to have twin 15 and 16-year-olds say i saw that lady in new york tell you to match my contribution to my savings. jill. [ laughter ] >> reporter: that's educate. got to do it now. >> you are going to hold me to it now. i appreciate the parenting and financial advice and always nice to have you with us. you have a great day. >> reporter: take care. >> oh. apologies. adam is saying we have a little bit more time. how should young workers account for taxes? >> reporter: fabulous. >> not willing to let you go. >> reporter: okay. all right. taxes are kind of an interesting issue when you are talking about a young worker. getting paid as w-2 workers you should probably take the twins aside and say hey, guess what? your pay is going to be a little bit less when you look at the account because we have the thing called taxes. this will help ease the blow when they see that the money is less than they thought. now if you have got a gig job where summer
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workers receiving a 1099, use this opportunity to explain that they're responsible for paying taxes on their own. they're going to have to keep a little bit of extra money available and that savings account to do just that. to pay the taxes when they're due. >> like a financial family reunion and learning that uncle sam is somebody you got to pay. and maybe we don't love it. now we bid you adieu. jill, forgive me for that. for more analysis go to have a great morning, jill. okay. so let's stay in new york right now let's take a look at what's coming up on "cbs mornings." nate burleson joins us live from new york. good morning nate. once again somebody outdressing me on the airways. you are looking great. >> oh. stop it reed. it's good to see you. i hope all is well and i love dollar dollar jill. she talks about everything relating to money as good as anybody. what's coming up? speaking of money, a personal investigation by lisa ling into for profit skilled nursing homes and she found the care of
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her 92-year-old mother-in-law was part of a pattern of alleged neglect. and that raises the question, are they putting profits over care? also, millions of graduating college students are hitting thejob market and we teamed up with linkedin to share some tips on landing that first job and standing out from the competition. and vlad, traveled to vest virginia to see where our very own weijia jiang grew up. she's being honored this year as one of the most influential asian americans and what she learned to make her career what it is today. everything you need know and more on the show. we'll see you at 7:00. >> all right thank you so much. nate. and we are heading into pride month and the events across the bay area recognizing and supporting our lgbtq community. the city of snow that celebrating its pride tonight. the second annual pride celebration will feature speakers, the placing of the pride flag display at city hall and a pride walk around the plaza park. it all starts at 5:00 tonight in sonoma. ♪ ♪
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well, that's mexican pop rock band mana headlining the inaugural bottle rockfestival on sunday and saturday. it's already on track to be the largest latin music festival in northern california featuring major touring artists. including spanish rock and reggae tone and so much more. with the new event comes more opportunities for small businesses to gain exposure as food vendors. shawn chitnis spoke to one shop in south san francisco excited to share their food to festival goers. >> reporter: raul leiva always wants the chance to share his food with more people. and for over a decade now, cocina milonga has brought street food from argentina around the bay area. >> this is a very nice -- product, you know. for a snack.
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>> reporter: the staple they serve at their own locations and distribute to others are their empanadas. from coffee shops to the chase center, people have enjoyed a taste of raul's home and this weekend, more will get to try some of these empanadas at la honda music festival in napa. >> we are excited, you know, for that. hopefully everything going well. [ laughter ] >> reporter: he says they pair well with wine. and as a small business always looking for more exposure, they couldn't ask for a better place to showcase their food than at a new latin music festival. >> we love our food and we love our community and we love all the other communities around here as well. and to just be able to share that with people, especially at a music festival, nothing brings people together like music and food. >> reporter: partnering with a longtime friend raul knew from his time in colombia, the duo decided to share the cuisine they love in california. it continues a tradition in raul's family that has reached
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the youngest generation. his daughter aloise has watched her dad dream this business into a reality. >> it's a project and a product that i love and that i'm proud of and it just makes me so excited to see how far we've come. >> we see the magic coming out. >> reporter: it's a classic of argentina that has developed a universal appeal in america. >> all the people love, you know, the -- the fillings of the empanada or the shape of the empanadas and it's a nice opportunity for us. >> reporter: a celebration of family, tradition and pride. all cooked into a handful of cuisine and culture. >> now i'm hungry. >> i'm starving and very excited that that is in south city which isn't too far where i live. i live. so i think i will be visiting over the weekend but hey great to see la honda happening with all the great latin you know, music artists coming and then all the other things that will kind of get a -- good push from it like businesses. >> right. what's -- what's better in the bay than music and food? that festivals. all right, let's go outside right now. go for a little bit of a walk in our
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minds. outside lands music festival happens in early august over golden gate park. we have the camera pointed towards there and we now know which groups will be headlining on each of the three days. the festival also announced that single day tickets will go on sale today. ♪ ♪ >> rock band the killers will be headlining the first night of the festival on friday, august 9th. and saturday hip hop star and genius really tyler the creator will hit the main stage and then those of you who like a hat and boots country singer sturgill simpson will be closing out the festival on sunday. if you are wondering how much the tickets are going to cost you, all right, so listen up. general admission tickets start at almost $200. g a-plus catch a little bit better vantage point more than $300 and vip, that's
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pricey. $470. almost that anyway. that's without the fees figured in. single day passes go on sale this morning starting at 10:00 a.m. still looks like a lot of fun and memories, memories, memories right? >> those are for single day passes. so -- yeah. no couple hundred bucks? same for la honda. about $175 for single day passes but you know what? memories. honestly you are going get so many bands like the all day thing and not just one concert and one person. it's a ton. so -- i see the value and i'm selling it. >> get in enjoy it and send us the video. hey, let's look outside live right now. this morning i always love to see you the communities as we wake up at 6:49 in the morning. good morning to you. let's go ahead and talk to jessica about our weather as we start to look to festival season here in the bay. >> i love forecasting when it comes to like stern grove because that area always gets a little bit of the fog in the morning. and then sunshine in the afternoon. i mean, the golden gate park is another
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good example of that too. so many fun things happening for us right around the corner and let's take it so many steps back though. and take a look at this morning's forecast. 40s and 50s throughout the bay area as we wake up this morning from the coast off into the inland areas, here's the santa clara valley live cam. off to a cool and mild start and we had such a beautiful sunrise. the thin layer of clouds will bleed off right around the corner and some areas in san jose. spots anywhere from santa clara valley over into san jose actually we're going to be sitting a little bit above average today and tomorrow. we cool down into this weekend but we gear up for more heat heading boo next week. we have the summer-like weather pattern that is starting develop. it's ridges of high pressure kind of building into our coastline keeping us warm and dry. and we'll see a lot more of that as we head into next week. with just a little bit of a break dh weekend thanks to some low pressure moving in from the north. more about that but let's take a look at daytime highs today. 60s in san francisco and 80s off into vallejo and 80s into santa rosa. we hit in 90s in certain pockets to have bay area today.
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90s off into antioch. there is a warm day for us throughout all the bay so just wear sunscreen and continue to hydrate and take good care of the loved ones and heading down into the santa clara valley, we're also experiencing that heat upper 80s in the forecast just near san jose. looking at the next seven days, that's that little break we're looking forward to heading into this weekend. right here low 80s in the forecast in our inland areas saturday and sunday. but we're gearing up for close to triple digit weather heading into mid next week. more about that coming up in a bit and how that can impact us here all throughout the bay. for now over to you, g. jessica, thank you. you know, the roads doing all right for the most part. and in fact as we take a look at the bay area bridges, like the san mateo bridge, not too bad. little crowded westbound. but still moving at a decent pace at least on the hayward side. when you get over to 101 into foster city, it tends to get more crowded and of course we're almost to the 7:00 hour. which is our busiest hour on the roadways for the morning commute. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on and that's stacked up this morning but as far as approaches go to
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the area, westbound 80 this slowest. 580 and 880 still doing okay and b.a.r.t. dealing with some delays this morning. check the schedule as you head out the door. but the rest of our public transit agencies actually looking pretty good. muni, capital corridor and a.c.e. rail and ferries no delays or issues. but it is starting to get a little bit busy on some of the freeways like 880 and out of hayward working southbound into fremont. that's already starting to see a few brake lights there and in san jose as well. north 101 starting to back up as well as 87 northbound as you work your way into san jose this morning. so definitely plan for a few extra brake lights through the area. it's been a long time coming major league baseball is finally changing the history books. official records now include allplayers in the negro leagues. that means hall of famer josh gibson is the new all-time leader in career batting average. wow. and career slugging percentage. taking away the record from ty cobb and babe ruth. historians spent three years combing through the statistics for around 3400 players from 1920 to 1948. to reach their updated
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standings. >> to understand the negro leagues is number one to understand that just mere statistics will never kind of help you truly grasp what the negro leagues represented. again particularly as we talk about it off the field. they really helped promote our game into parts of the country who otherwise would have never seen professional baseball. >> mlb commissioner rob manfred said the accomplishments on the field will be a gateway to learning about the triumph in american history and the path that led to jackie robinson's 1947 dodger debut. well, the 49ers bolstered the offense yesterday signing someone who's been a staple at the wide receiver position. and no, it's not brandon aiyuk yet. >> yes, sir. it's about that time. >> yes it is. >> watches tape and every general manager and every scout they look at his film and they're like holy cow. this
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guy is one of one. he just is very violent in the way he plays the game which you don't see in all receivers and just going to keep bringing it every day and raise the standard of everybody around him. when you have a guy like that that does everything it's great for us. >> okay. so jawan jennings agreed two year contract reportedly worth $15 million with $10 million guaranteed. he would have been probably the mvp if the niners won the super bowl. the niners still trying to work out a lang term extension for brandon aiyuk. time right now 6:54 in the morning and our baby focus is this. how do you name your island? some parents are turning to professionals to help name the newborns. deep breath everybody. here's a live look outside before we head to break. golden gate bridge alcatraz. a little mist over the water. we'll check your forecast and your morning drive
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welcome back. let's get a check of the roadways right now. and a live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see busy heading into the city right now. but we get closer to the 7:00 hour, this is crunch time on the freeways. b.a.r.t. still dealing with some delays this morning. check that schedule before you head out the door. everything else though is right on time when it comes to public transit.
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all right. so let's talk about this. maybe you go to social media to use the #kpix and let us know what you think about this. every parent hopes to choose the perfect name for their newborn child. we know that. it's love. right? and for generations, a lot of people all of us really, choose the same family names and we do it over and over because it's personal. that trend is changing in some parts of the country though as some people seek to make a distinctive choice and do it in different way. some are turning to professional name consultants to come on in and help name the baby. >> having someone who can really help narrow it for you and help guide you is appealing to a lot of people. in the same way that people hire a match maker. >> we actually ended up sending jen a list of we wanted like sports related name we're having big into sports. >> have you picked the name? >> we have. her name will be lainey. >> okay. >> cute. >> yeah. consultant fees range anywhere from $50 to a few hundred dollars. clients believe it's money well spent
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for a name that will last a lifetime. >> i could have helped you get to that a lot faster and less than $50. cute adorable name. but i feel like -- again, when you pick a name, it's -- maybe family heritage or maybe something that is unique and means something to you. that's how i did it. and we're happy to help. >> i just say get over yourself. name your baby. coming up at 7:00, new controversy over a flag flown for decades at san francisco's city hall. the modern meaning that prompted city leaders to take it down. and tech billionaire ispushing forward the plan to create a new city in solano county. beautiful view from treasure island ♪ hey there, and welcome to "cbs mornings" on this thursday, may 30th. hello to our viewers on the west coast. i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> i m


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