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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  May 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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and right now in the afternoon. edition at east bay community is in shock. after a popular food market goes up in flames. >>all the firefighters here all the police officers here. it's really it's a pillar of the community, so it's very sad. >>well, good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto. crews are still on the scene at the lake chabot public market in castro valley. nearly 10 hours after a fire ripped through that building, the fire broke out just before 230 this morning quickly spread to the roof. the fire is believed to have started in the
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kitchen area of 1 of the food vendors and the building crews were able to get the fire under control, but what remain on scene putting out any hot spots in the meantime, students and teachers and nearby szabo elementary school we're told to shelter inside this morning because it can cern's about the wind spreading smoke over the campus that market houses about half a dozen small businesses, including restaurants, a meat market and coffee shops. we spoke to 1 business owner who says her shop yeah. it's a total loss. >>everything. not even a chair with people. i don't know what to do. i don't know what to say. there are so many people would live. and then every day and all earning depends upon all these business and or please let them do something to restore it back. >>no 1 was hurt in this fire. the cause is still under investigation in the north bay eight students arrested after a brawl on campus that fight broke out the sinaloa middle
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school and nevado kids ages 12 to 14 were booked on conspiracy and felony assault charges. parents we talked to say they're concerned about the safety of their children at the school, and they are frustrated the school hasn't taken further action to protect them. they asked us to hide their identities. >>the school is aware that they yes. yeah. girl. um it has been involved in previous problems. you know, it's not the 1st time around. um, and there are no consequences. >>and the school district told us it had no previous knowledge of a potential fight on thursday and staff did not know about the issues of bullying prior to that incident was been 1 year since san francisco launched its program cracking down on the city's open air drug markets. the focus, disrupting rampant drug use and sales in the tenderloin and soma neighborhoods, but is it working? get out. the thorn has an update. >>if someone will let me be
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anything. yeah. >>michael d zappala helps people with substance abuse issues. get the services they need here at glide memorial church in the tenderloin >>for us. we want to look at what are the what are the circumstances that people use drugs are under on the streets are people with mental illness on the streets? and how can we make access points for them available? >>michael and the rest of the staff at glide work daily with people who often by drugs off the street. he says 1 of the biggest health concerns they see is the type of drugs available in the city. >>the reality of the matter is the supply is not safe >>to try and combat those illegal drugs. the mayor's office launched the drug market agency coordination center in may of 2023. now when you're later, they say close to 90 kg of fentanyl alone has been seized by police. as well as close to 50 kg of meth, according to their data over 1000 dealers have also been arrested. in addition to close to 1300 users. my goal told me
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he understands the city's approach but still doesn't think it will solve the big picture problem alone. >>incarceration and law enforcement has not been proven to be able to assist change the conditions for people who use drugs and the same thing applies here. even if we're getting some substances off the street. it's we still have a lot of substance on the streets, people are still able to get drugs on the streets. >>bo rawlings says he struggled with meth addiction for years and says even now it's not hard to find a dealer to sell it to him. >>depends on what your what kind of drugs are really asking for. like the funeral. the nest. yeah. i've never asked. these guys were heroin or but i imagine that would be a little bit harder. >>michael says what he believes needs to be done to help more people like is a more comprehensive and caring approach to getting those with
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substance abuse issues. off the streets. and into treatment. mexican pop rock band mana. they're having on la ronde by battle rock festival this weekend that's at the napa valley expo, organizers say it's already on track to be the largest latin music festival. >>oranje. >>just music. the event is also giving restaurants the opportunity to gain exposure. shawn chitnis spoke to 1 shop in the south san francisco area excited to share their food festival. goers. always 1. the chance. to share. his food with more people and for over a decade now, cassina malanga has brought street food from argentina around the bay area. >>this is a very nice, um proud
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of, you know for us. it's not >>the staple they serve at their own locations and distribute to others. are there, empanada from coffee shops to the chase center. people have enjoyed a taste of raoul's home and this weekend more will get to try some of these empanadas at launder music festival in napa. >>so excited, you know for that, hopefully everything going well, >>he says they pair well with wine. and as a small business, always looking for more exposure, they couldn't ask for a better place to showcase their food. then at a new latin music festival, >>we love our food. we love our community. the well. we love all the other communities around here as well. and to just be able to share that with people, especially the music festival. nothing brings people together like like music and food, >>partnering with a longtime friend raul, new from his time in colombia. the duo decided to share the cuisine. they love in california. it continues a tradition in rahul's family
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that has reached the youngest generation. his daughter eloisa has watched her dad dreamed this business into a reality. >>project in a product that i love that i'm proud of, and it just makes me so excited to see how far we've come. magic coming out. >>class. of argentina that has developed a universal appeal in america. >>all the people love you know the feelings of empanada or the shape and the peninsula funeral, and it's a nice opportunity for >>us celebration of family tradition. and pride. cooked into a handful of cuisine. and culture. and in san francisco's golden gate park. we now know who will be performing at this year's outside lands music festival. rock >>band >>killer. will be headlines. >>yeah. >>the festival >>of >>hiding. yes. >>on
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>>saturday. hip hop star tyler, the creator, will hit the main stage and country singer sturgill simpson will close out the festivities on sunday, august 11th single day tickets are now on sale. if you're wondering how much you can have to shell out for a 1 day ticket general admission starts at nearly $200. pipi will cost you nearly $470 and that is without fees still ahead of new and streaming on cbs news bay area, we're going to speak to oakland mayor sheng thao live. on the city's plan to budget tackle its budget crisis plus daytime highs today are sitting well above average, and we'll continue to see a summer like set up into next week. we'll have more on that coming up in your 1st alert forecast. and give me a live look outside before we head to the break. the beautiful shot of sutro tower stretching nice and tall into the blue skies and the sunshine, we'll be right back.
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but oakland is dealing with a 100. 0 budget deficit. right now. that number is expected to go up to more than $107 0 next year. so what's being done to tackle oakland's financial crisis will join me live right now as mayor sheng thao and mayor last week you announced a big plan to help try to balance that budget that includes a hiring freeze and selling the city's chair of the coliseum. but some are still worried that still won't lead to cuts. so what's being done to make up that remaining shortfall? >>yeah. you know, i just want to say that, of course, public safety is at the forefront of my budget we are definitely avoiding severe service reduction for essential
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services such as you know anything from public works to our parks and rec programming and especially our public safety personnel. we're not cutting police officers that is a value that we bring to the table. we're not cutting firefighters. you know anybody who's saving lives out there. we're not going to cut with that being said, you know, we do have this structural budget deficit that it predates my time here, and it's actually to be honest has been in the in the wings for decades, and so we have to do something about this, and we must think about how do we grow this pie of general funding? so this is why we have you know, we're in talks to show to sell off this are half of the coliseum. i think this is a huge win for everyone, especially those who live in deep east oakland, the city and the region, right? so this means that the ■developmen creates thousands of jobs affordable housing. and economic opportunities for an area in oakland that has been left out for decades. and so
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that's 1 way that we're going to figure out how we, uh increase in, actually make larger the pie in regards to our general fund. another thing is our film initiative. how do we get films to film here so that they can bring in? you know the millions of dollars for our small businesses for you know, the concierge. uh, process of it. all of that means tax dollars into our general fund. and so we have to really start thinking outside of the boston that's how my leadership and my administration is working through figuring out how do we tackle a structural budget deficit. um, as the city grows and moves forward. >>how soon do you see the redevelopment of the coliseum happening? >>you know, a pretty soon actually. in the sense of the development world, right? and it could be anywhere you know, depending on how negotiation goes, of course, hcg, the group that we are selling our half must go and work with the ace who own the other half of the coliseum. but i do believe that
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through the cooperation of both sides, they both know that there's a value of the reason why it's so incredibly important to develop this deep east oakland parcel so that we can make right what we always know has always the potential that has always been there is to support the families out in deep east oakland. >>are you confident that john fisher is going to play ball with them? >>oh, you know. i think that it changes the dynamic a little bit around that, and so i am very optimistic that you know these 2 professionals can come together to make a you know, and make a plan that makes sense for the buffalo >>cross your fingers on that, but we can't get let you go away without talking about the ballers a home opener monday park next week, a lot of people becoming out there. it's going to be a sellout crowd. you got to be excited about that. oh, >>i am so excited because it's 2 things right? not only do we have the oakland ballers who's so home grown here. i mean, this is the leadership potential of oakland that when you put your mind to something
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that it can't happen, i mean, we're talking about ramadi park, which is a park in west oakland right across from basically a skid row version of wood street in the city of oakland, my administration was able to actually clear that encampment the largest encampment, northern california and then now working i'm with. you know the raimondi of park in oakland ballers. to really put this in place for the community. i mean, we're doing multiple things at once, not only bringing baseball back to the city of oakland, but to we are revamping and investing in west oakland and east. oakland. these 2 arrogance that have been under invested in for decades and so the city is definitely making progress for moving forward, and i know that the neighborhood is thrilled to see remanded. park activated. >>all right. well, thank you very much. mary. we'll see you at the home opener. thanks for joining us. >>yeah. thank you, ryan. >>we are sitting above average today for our daytime highs down into the santa clara valley upper 80s are in the forecast for us throughout this afternoon. we had north just
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along. one won. it cools down to the 70s near redwood city 60s near san francisco. you head back to the coast were in the 50s near half moon bay. but look off into the east man. we're hitting the 90s this afternoon all the way over in antioch 80s expected in the north bay for us today, take a look at the reason why we're sitting above average throughout most our inland areas. high pressure has been sitting directly offshore, and that's acting like a big i hate on that's going to warm us up today and tomorrow, but then we head into our weekend forecast, and suddenly this trough of low pressure kind of dips its way in. we're still dealing with dry conditions, but temperatures will start to kind of average out will also get a little bit of a sea breeze to some gusty conditions along our coastline match that with some average temperatures, it's not looking that bad, but then we head into next week looking at our long range models, another area of high pressure builds in areas like san jose will eventually hit the upper 90s close to the triple digits. yes, that is right. not only are we not even close to the 1st day of summer just yet, but we're also starting to feel this summer like weather, and that's noticeable in our next 7 days, despite the fact that we see those cloudy skies heading
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into this weekend and early next week, we jump from the low 80s to the low 90s to the upper 90s in our inland areas, just like that, within the matter of only 3 days, and we'll get that kind of a roller coaster effect. all throughout the bay area. it doesn't matter whether you live along the coast or often to our inland areas. you'll notice that warm up into next week too, because right now we're flirting back and forth with 60s and 70s this weekend for the bay. then we warm up into the 80s, right around the corner into next wednesday. this is like our lifeblood itself funded elect develop these recipes. it started out with the banana bread that broke the internet. i was searching for brown bananas for for a week. i met up with somebody in l, a brown bananas. and then i think i made it 25 times to try to perfect it so but now it's an easy box mixed, so it has still has real banana flavor. chocolate chips, coconut everything. it's so moist. yes, you guys got to get simple, right so simple, but there's also things you can do to elevate the baking mixes. so we have the chocolate chip cookie, which you can brown butter for and really get those flavors i
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love salty, sweet. salt that goes on top. that's really delicious with it, and then we have basically, john created this because john has pancakes sunday in our house every sunday without fail like it never ever and luna helps. miles helps and remember, there's machi in the pen. area in the pancake. you fear they've done the waffle thing now, but the most is really bouncy and got this vanilla flavor to it. that's so it's so perfect and decadent is perfect. perfect discount on it. so 25% off its cbs just for us from chrissy, which i love amazing interview. i'm just ok. happy you like it. cookie. you guys take it away charges that makes me so happy. feel good. and more. on the qr code at the top of - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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a foster care association says 35% of children in place. outside of the county. because they are enough families to care for them, and once they do a jao to the system, it doesn't get any easier. sharon chin introduces us to this week jefferson award winner caroline flannery helps a young the delta unlock new new start in
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life by decorating that person's 1 bedroom studio with love >>tried to make it as homey. and as pretty as possible. did you get shower hooks? >>volunteers are furnishing 2 units of an apartment building in novato that the marine foster care association purchased. the people who will move in need a place of their own. had already been through a lot in foster >>care placed in a home where everybody is a stranger. it's just a very, very difficult time. and it's very confusing. do you want to work on the bathroom with that >>felt so deeply for the young people she gave up her interior design business in 2022 to start the nonprofit make it home. she began by furnishing homes for people 18 to 21, who have aged out of foster care, >>want them to know that somebody cared enough to put this space together for them. i
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want them to feel safe. >>gently used and donated furniture from making homes. three warehouses in san rafael won't creek in union city. nonprofits decorated nearly 2000 households in san francisco in the north and east bay in the process it saved 2000 tons of furniture from the landfill. volunteers turn empty spaces into comforting places. >>a bad is somebody's own space. and to get that for themselves is it's really exciting. sometimes there's tears of joy to fix the right fabric. >>and gratefulness, according to ashley, heard of the marine foster here association. >>truly blown away. i think some of their feelings are is this is really all mine like this belongs to me and only me and a lot of times. they haven't had that and they haven't had space to call their own. think that the dresser might be better over >>there. in her nonprofit have partnered with social service
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agencies to serve more than 4600. people. if of them children. besides foster you with the recipients, including military veterans, domestic abuse survivors. immigrants and displaced farm workers. >>it's the only superpower. i have is to be able to collect furniture and put it together. so it makes me feel good to be able to do that for people who really honestly need it. and then we've got some stuff in here. some cleaning supplies. >>creating warm safe people getting a fresh start this >>week >>jefferson award in the bay area goes to caroline honoree. >>the area concert calendar brought to you by live nation. >>to chase center janet jackson on >>her >>together again tour with nellie >>juice. >>and jennifer lopez. this is me. like the greatest >>hits.
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[ dramatic music ] >> hope: you can't be serious. >> steffy: i don't say things i don't mean, especially when it comes to the fiscal health of this company. tough decisions have to be made. >> hope: and you're making this decision without any input from me. >> steffy: hope, your line is in trouble. i wish that weren't the case. >> hope: i somehow seriously doubt that. >> steffy: okay, you can think whatever you want, but i have to think about this company. if that means cutting your line, then i'll have to do that. ♪♪♪


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