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  CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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this is a state crime. once again, the breaking news former president donald trump has been found guilty by a jury of 12 unanimous. all 34 counts of falsifying business records. our coverage will continue on cbs news, 24/7 local news and tonight we will have a full wrap up on the cbs evening news. thank you everyone to joined u. this has been a "cbs news"
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breaking news at 3:00. a jury finds former president donald trump trump guilty on all counts in the hush money trial. good afternoon that historic verdict came from a manhattan jury. just a short time ago, cbs news reporter michael george has all the details from new york. >>donald trump is now the 1st former president to be convicted of a crime. >>was a rigged disgraceful. the real verdict is going to be over. 5th by the people. >>trump was charged with falsifying business records in connection with money. his former fixer michael cohen, paid to adult film star stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 election to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter. prosecutors argued that trump reimbursed cohen but disguised the payments as legal expenses. amounting to a criminal scheme to corrupt the election. >>for donald trump today
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>>as the prosecution's star witness, cohen testified. trump personally approved the plan to disguise the payments. cohen, who is a convicted felon faced intense grilling by the defense who attacked his credibility and his motives. jurors also got to hear from stormy daniels, who offered graphic details about her 2006. encounter with trump, which he denies. the jury was comprised of 7 men and 5 women and included 2 lawyers as well as a teacher and a speech therapist. trump maintains this trial. like his other criminal indictments. are all politically politically motivated and that he has done nothing wrong. >>it was take a live look from outside the courthouse in manhattan. this is actually the highway that the motorcade there as you can see, mr trump is in 1 of those black suvs that just left the courthouse about 30 minutes ago, and here's to take another live. look from outside the courthouse right now. you see a very large police presence, lot of reporters are surrounding the area as well. here's what
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the former president said. there's full remarks after the verdicts were read. take a look. this was a disgrace. yes. was a rigged trial by conflicted judge who was corrupt. it's a rigged trial at this grace. they wouldn't give us a venue change. we were five. or 6 in this district in this area. yes. this was a rigged destroy. trail. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. and they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here. you have a so respect? the a and the whole thing. we didn't do a thing wrong. very innocent man. that it's ok. i'm fighting for our country and fighting for our constitution. our country has big rig right now. this was done by the administration. you know? order to would hurt opponents
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political opponent. yeah. it's just a disgrace. keep fighting the fight till the end, it will win because our country has gone to .... we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess. we're nation and declined serious to millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now. from prison. and from mental institution. terrorists. and they're taking over our country. we have a country that's a big trouble. but this was a rigged decision, right from day 1. with a conflicted judges should have never been allowed to try this case. never and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. thank you very much. former president trump they're calling the trial rigged and a disgrace. here's another look from the freeway just near the courthouse where that is the motorcade where former president trump is in right now he's in 1 of those black suvs. understandably so surrounded by
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a lot of security as is the courthouse right now, cbs news reporter robert costa, who was outside the courthouse, talked to someone who was close to the former president. >>said he was expressing his anger. his is fury about this verdict even before it was read, he was predicted to associates. that he believed that this trial was a disaster and that he was going to fight it all the way through appeal. he was already signaling to some of the top republicans in the country in the past hour, that regardless of what happened he wanted them to be with him. he believed they would stand with him and he is really preparing his allies. tell me just now. to fight this all the way into use this as a political weapon against president biden justice. justice department not involved in this case. this is a case in lower manhattan. this was a jury comprised of 12, new yorkers, people who are his peers in his home city of new york at the same time, you're going to hear former president trump constantly use this as a refrain that he was targeted. by this trial, targeted by this
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prosecutor, and he is going to use his own channels of communication. whether it's social media. some kind of rally or speeches or other means to get his message out there without fact, checking and often without the bounds of normal discourse holding him in, but this is american politics today he has helped to create and really spearheaded this environment we are in now, but i know from people who have been with him in the past hour that he is furious and that this is not just something he's going to leave to the lawyers. he wants to be out front now and this country is going to see him out front. all summer. >>and this verdict, sending shock waves throughout the country right now, and mackovic joins me now tracking the local reaction to the trump verdict. and what are people saying >>locally and across the country? some strong opinions reaction starting to come, including from the white house. so let's take a look 1st. at that statement from the biden harris campaign, it reads in part in new york today, we saw that no 1 is above the law, donald trump has always mistakenly believed he would
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never face consequences. for breaking the law for his own personal gain. but today's verdict does not change the fact that the american people face a simple reality there is still only 1 way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box. east bay congressman eric swalwell saying on x donald trump is a convicted felon. this verdict is not a win for any single person, he says. it's a win for an idea. the idea that we all follow the same rules the rule of law 1 today. in san francisco city attorney david chu, saying trump has long disregarded the rule of law. but today a jury sent a clear message that no 1 is above the law voters across the country must wake up to the fact that trump is a convicted felon and is unfit for office. on the other side of the aisle, republican house speaker mike johnson just said that today is a shameful day in american history, he said. democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges. predicated on the testimony of a disbarred
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convicted felon. he adds. this is a purely people. political exercise. not a legal 1. but we are continuing together more reaction here locally and from across the country. we're going to have more for you all afternoon and evening here on kpx and cbs news bay area list. >>all right, ann, thanks so much cbs news carried the historic verdict and a special report in just the past hour. here's the moment it all came down. >>we are getting word. on the 1st count. that donald trump is gil. now. remember, there are 34 counts. that we will go through. count 2. guilty. guy. count 3. guilty. count 4. guilty. count 5 and 6 guilty. count 7. guilty. count 8.
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guilty. count 9 guilty. count 10. guilty. count 11 guilty. count 12. guilty. count 13 guilty. count 14. and 15. guilty. count 16. guilty. remember. this is a unanimous decision by the jury on each of these counts, counts 17. guilty. count 18 guilty. count 19 guilty count 20 guilty count. 21 guilty. count 22. guilty count 23 guilty count 24 guilty. count 25. guilty count 26 guilty count 27 guilty count 28 guilty 29 guilty. 30 guilty
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count 31 guilty count 32 guilty count 33 guilty count 34. guilty. donald trump has been found guilty on all counts. of falsifying business. records. in an attempt to cover up the alleged relationships. in the new york has sh money, trial. >>and it was a moment that will be etched in history. people everywhere here in the bay area and around the world, for that matter are reacting to this verdict. here's what some folks said in new york times square. i don't know what to say. i did not think that this was actually going to happen and i i'm just can't believe it. it's about time. accountable for something i can't believe it. it's amazing. surprise. it's an incredible surprise. i really didn't think he was ever going to get help to account for anything and the return. burden. verdict. i'm like i'm
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stunned. don't think that's really true. i mean, i don't know how the details about his case. truly think he didn't did it didn't do it. my fault creature. creature. and i just want to see the truth come out. and i just want to see the 2 stories. involved. joining us now is san jose state professor melinda jackson. thank you so much for being with us. we're hearing a lot of reaction. a lot of shock that these verdicts came down the way that they did. what was your reaction? yes. well, i was also very surprised that we got a verdict so quickly, um and i think the fact that it was guilty on all 34 counts and that it came out within 2 days. really speaks to the strength of of the case against trump that this jury, you know, is really sending a strong message here that there was no doubt in their minds. um and obviously the political implications of
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this remains to be seen. but despite all of trump's claims that this was unfair and he's being politically targeted. it is never helpful for someone to be campaigning. as a convicted felon. there is there's really no upside to that. and i think it will make a difference in the minds of some potential. voters who are now going to look at this race differently in light of this verdict. as a surprise to no. 1, the former president came out saying that this was rigged and a disgrace. this whole trial was rigged and a disgrace. i'm curious that reaction and that sort of fury that he is most likely going to take with him through the rest of the campaign. do you think that is going to help him in this race? i don't think so. a and we've heard it before. you know, he has been making those claims for, um for the last 4 years really? um and so the fact that his message maybe
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mostly focused on his own perceived and treatment and victimhood, um, you know that that is a story that uh, that we've all heard before. and those who support him. i don't think it's going to convince him to support him anymore. what he needs to be doing thinking ahead to the general election in november. is reaching out to the people who are on the fence, who are not his diehard supporters and trying to win their votes and i don't know that focusing um, you know again on his perceived mistreatment is going to be a very effective campaign strategy to reach out to those undecided voters at this you mentioned you were surprised how quickly the jury came back with their verdict. i'm curious with the evidence presented in court. why you think that it took as short or as long as it did? well, it was a complex case in terms of you know the financial details and you know,
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just sorting through all of the the various legal, um, you know, aspects of it, um and uh, you know, you just never know with with a jury trial, you know, that is why it is the you know the backbone of our legal system because it really does bring in, um ordinary ordinary. americans, to sit and listen to the evidence and to, um sifted all through and discuss and, um particularly again, with with the number of counts and the high profile nature of this case, you know? um, it would not have surprised me if the jury took a little bit longer to really, you know thoroughly. um reeg. everything. um the fact that it was so quick and that they asked for clarification on a few things, but they had a unanimous decision within 2 days means that, um it sounds like there wasn't a lot of disagreement among the jury and that the
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prosecution. um proved its case effectively. sentencing will be on july 11th, which is just a few days away from the republican national convention. i'm curious what impact do you think that sentencing day will have on the convention? yeah, well, it's hard to say. i mean, all of this is so unprecedented. um and, uh, you know again, it can't be good, right? we don't know what the sentencing will hold. we expect that they're going to be appeals as well. so, you know, the next phases of this are likely to take months and not be resolved. before the election in november, but um, again. it is not a good news story to be sentenced for a criminal conviction, you know, at the same time that you are running for any public office, um, let alone you know, the president of the united states, so i do think that this will have a chilling effect on at least some people who may have
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been considering voting for trump and will not be as likely to do that now, professor melinda jackson. thank you so much for being here. you're welcome, but we will have continuing coverage of the trump guilty verdict in the hush money trial. sonoma state political science professor david mcewan joins us live for his insight. we'll be right back.
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we are continuing to follow this. breaking news. former prez don trump found guilty on all counts and the hush money trial in new york, making him the 1st former president to ever be convicted of felony crimes. joining me live now is sonoma state political science professor david mcewan. professor mcewan thank you so much for being with us. yeah. it's a pleasure to be with you. thank you for having me give us some perspective on the magnitude. of this moment. this is the 1st former president to be ever convicted. of a crime. how huge is this in history? it's a big deal. i mean, look, this is a tectonic shift in our politics. it was 50 years ago this august, august 20th that richard nixon resigned. the presidency of the united states. and in some ways we've come full circle from that, but this is dramatically different. this isn't thinking 68 or 1974.
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it's more like 1860s. and the stakes are huge. what's going on in the country is more than divisive and more more than polarized. it's shaking faith in institutions. so recognition of the rule of law is hugely important. and and that's 1 thing we element that is reliable because legal institutions are strong, so this has legal aspects. the political ramifications of this case of today of what happens in the future with subsequent charges or subsequent developments. buys hugely political that reverberates asked. november 5th, and this has huge constitutional implications. so these 3 things legal political and constitutional are all that's at stake after today's verdict and what's going on, and donald trump is front and center, and all of that, that's just the way he'd actually like to have it. just clarify. we keep calling us the hush money trial, but to be clear to be clear he was found guilty of falsifying business records to cover up the payoff. to a ... star. 34 counts were you surprised that he came back
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guilty on all 34 counts this quickly. yeah, it's both fast. and the sense that they agreed on all of the elements because some of them are related to some of the charges are related to his revokable trust summer related to other entities, and so it is a complex set of business practices. and a complex set that was laid out and so gummy and coming, everybody coming together to understand the mindset. and doing so so quickly reading back to testimony, for example of ..., uh and then and then of michael cohen signaled yesterday. that things were headed in this direction. but also the calendar is hugely important here because you know we have june 27th coming up. we have the republican convention just before just after sentencing occurs as you mentioned we have another debate. the election itself is only 100 58 days away, so that means donald trump is going to go negative way he's going to have to do this, and he's going to have to attack while those legal things are going on, and
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that means everyone kind of strapping and get ready. curious that this is going to really change the campaign. moving forward. how is biden going to react to this? how should he react? yeah. i mean, you saw elements of this with joe biden kamala harris talked african to african american voters who are so critical for what happened. i mean, 94% of african american women voted for joe biden. in 2020. they need a huge turnout of african american voters overall, but they've also seen some changes in leakage linkage with the latinx voters. latinos and latinas, not just in florida but across the country, and they are hugely important. and so the focus for the biden administration really needs to be on winning 3 states. those states are pennsylvania. michigan and wisconsin. they can weather losses in georgia, arizona or nevada as a result, but the elements of those 2 groups for example, african americans and latinos and latinas are huge for the biden coalition. they have to reassemble that while we have this up people for what's going
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on with young people, donald trump tapped out at about 46 or 47%. and we know that there's an element of the gop habitual voter that will not vote for a convicted felon. so what do they do? they won't vote for job. biden do they vote for someone like rfk or a 3rd party, or do they sit out? and that's an important element because 93 0 people who were eligible to vote in 2016 did not cast a ballot. and if you're donald trump, you want further people staying home. so you go negative early and often, this is the start of that big momentum to do that, with the voting public. just want to repeat once again. sentencing as it on july 11 just a few days away from the republican national convention professor david mcewan, thank you so much. thank you. it's good to see you and we will have continuing coverage of the trump guilty verdict in the hush money trial. we'll be right back. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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live pictures just outside the courtroom in manhattan. there, you see it. swarm of reporters and secure there. still and we are continuing to follow the breaking news of the trump verdict and more reactions just
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coming into our newsroom. yeah. it's very sad day for america. yeah. another way, because because this is political prosecution and absolutely not. behind this case. and i hope they feel it. again. the jury and former president donald trump's so called hush money trial in new york has found him guilty on all 34 counts. he is the 1st former president in the united states history to be convicted of felony crimes that verdict handed down in the manhattan courtroom where trump has been on trial for the past
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well, thank you so much for joining us today. as well. cover the bridge. news. of the guilty, vern. of for president donald trump, much more on the cbs evening news next on kpx. >> norah: tonight, the breaking news. donald trump guilty in the so-called hush money criminal trial. on the first count, donald trump is guilty. count two, guilty. count 34, guilty. guilty on all counts. >> this is the conclusion of a trial, but it is only the beginning of a fight. >> the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. >> norah: the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪