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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  May 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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counts of falsifying business records. it's all in connection with the hush money payments made to stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 election. the maximum penalty for those counts is 20 years in prison. >> this was a rigged disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. >> the 12 everyday jurors vowed to make a decision based on the evidence and the law alone. their deliberations led them to a unanimous conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant, donald j. trump, is guilty. >> michael george is live outside the courtroom in manhattan with all the details on this decision. >> reporter: a gasp in the courtroom when word came back the jury reached a verdict and donald trump was staring
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directly at the jury as they said the word guilty 34 times. former president donald trump proclaimed his innocence after a new york jury found him guilty on all charges. >> this was a rigged disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. >> reporter: trump was charged with falsifying business records in connection with money his former fixer michael cohen paid to adult film star stormy daniels ahead of the 26 teen election. prosecutors argued trump reimbursed cohen but disguised the payments as legal expenses, all thing to a criminal scheme to corrupt the election. >> while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today in this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors. >> reporter: the jury was comprised of seven men and five women and included two lawyers
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as well as a teacher and a speech therapist. the presumptive gop presidential nominee maintains the trial was politically motivated and tonight we're hearing from some of his supporters. >> i don't think it changes my support for the republican party. there's a large segment of this country that believes in him. >> reporter: each of the 34 charges against trump is punishable by up to four years in prison. >> it's a possibility, but i do not think it's a probability. let's look what's going on. first time offender, nonviolent felonies. >> reporter: the judge could also give him probation or fines instead. sentencing is set for july 11th. outside the courthouse at the moment the verdict was read we saw some of the crowd cheering, others booing. the nypd brought in a huge number of officers in anticipation of the verdict. fortunately, that crowd dispersed without any reports of violence. live in manhattan, michael george. back to you.
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>> today's verdict will have huge implications moving forward for the former president and the country. >> here is professor rory little from uc college of law, san francisco. thank you so much for joining us. what was your initial reaction to the verdict? >> well, it's a historic verdict, never had a former president convicted of a crime. it wasn't really very surprising. it's an easy false business records case, has really nothing to do with hush money or sex or things like that. false records filed by a business are brought to the attention of the authorities all the time in various courts around the country. most of those cases are resolved by a civil plea or criminal plea without any kind of trial. trump refused to have any negotiation about it and so he went to trial, but it was nice to see a jury agree unanimously and nice to see a trial happen where the former president got
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all the same due process that anybody else would get in a courtroom. >> we know the charges carry a maximum sentence up to 20 years, but what do you realistically believe will happen in this case? >> you know, this is not a jail case. this is a probation case. first time offender, nonviolent. it's just a business records case. it's not the crime of the century. i'd be very surprised if anything happened other than probation. there will be conditions placed on probation and some fines, but the fines will not be huge. he could even stack 34 fines together. it's not going to be that much money for donald trump. he'll be allowed to campaign around the country. often there are travel restrictions, but they won't be placed on him i don't think and he'll have an appeal pending. so he will have whatever rights you have while you've got an appeal pending. >> so it's important to note, though, there are three other
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pending criminal cases against the former president. do you think today's verdict could have any impact on how those play out? >> probably not. those cases are not on a fast track to be resolved. they're not going to be resolved before the election on november 5th i don't think. the classified documents case, the judge down there is doing everything she can to delay that. the big trial on january 6th insurrection is pending the supreme court's decision on immunity. they're going to rule that he is not immune, but then they'll send that back to the trial court for further proceedings. so that's not on a fast track to go anywhere. i don't think this verdict today really affects any of the other cases and probably doesn't affect very many people's votes. most people have already figured out who they prefer, donald trump or joe biden, and those are the nominees it looks like already and this verdict, i think it's
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very unlikely this will change anybody's mind. >> what about the sentencing, though, happening july 11th? that is just a few days away from the republican national convention. you don't think it's going to have any impact on that day? >> well, i mean we'll see. the republican party seems determined to nominate donald trump even though there are other people that they might choose. he's already got the delegates. in some sense he's got it wrapped up. the sentencing, again, the judge will impose the sentence, but then it will be suspended pending the appeal. probation may take effect immediately, but probation restrictions will not be very serious restrictions. so i just don't see -- i think the importance of the trial is that it happened at all. the judge did a very good job keeping this case on a calm sort of nondramatic level. he tried it pretty slowly and carefully. the jurors paid attention
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according to all reports and it didn't take them very long to reach a unanimous verdict here, two days of deliberation with total of maybe nine hours, just not that long for a 34-count case. >> professor rory little from uc college of law, thanks for joining us. >> thank you very much. i'm anne makovec getting reaction on the verdict from some of the political figures here in the bay area and as you might imagine, it's all pretty much straight along party lines. east bay congressman eric swalwell saying on x, "donald trump is a convicted felon. this verdict is not a win for any single person. it's a win for the idea we all follow the same rules. the rule of law won today." san francisco city attorney david chiu saying, today the jury sent a clear motive that trump is not above the law and is unfit for office." i've spoken with some of the chairs of the
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bay area counties' republican parties, including san francisco. john dennis reiterated what we heard from trump himself, this was a politically motivated prosecution. >> this is a bad look for the country. we represent ourselves as the paragon of the republic and democracy in the world and today we really showed we're something other than that. >> tom delbacaro, former chair of the california republican party said, "in 35 years as an attorney i've never seen a judge act so far outside the law as this judge did. as a historian, likely this period willed be viewed as where those in power acted at great cost to protect their power as this happened so many times in history. this will only further divide america." of course, there are a lot of opinions out on bay area streets. we'll hear from some of you coming up in the next half hour. former president trump is scheduled to make a stop in the
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bay area next week. tech investor david sachs is hosting a presidential fundraiser at his pacific heights mansion one week from today. donors will need to fork over at least $50,000 just to get in, according to the chronicle. at 5:30 we'll have much more reaction to today's historic verdict and for the latest developments anytime, just head to in other news, in richmond today several acres of grass blackened but no serious damage from a brushfire this afternoon. fire crews contained the blaze quickly, keeping it away from homes near the area of richmond parkway and blume drive. the fire did force the closure of a nearby i-80 westbound off ramp, no reports of injuries and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. as we check in with first alert meteorologist darren peck, while we get to enjoy this nice warm and sunny weather, it's a reminder things can get a little dangerous when it gets hot. >> we had one of those
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yesterday, the one just outside los gatos. that was a vegetation fire. today it's coming from richmond. we've got our camera on top of the mark hopkins hotel directed that way. let's use the virtual map and richmond sitting as it does almost directly opposite the opening of the golden gate today had positives and negatives because of that. the wind wasn't all that bad today. we were going through the significant warm-up and the winds have really lightened and wind streams are showing that today, light shades of green and not particularly intense. light wind is always good if you're concerned about grassfires or any kind of fire, but the humidities are down. we haven't had the marine layer and temperatures going up. that fire they got under control quickly, but we'll monitor this the next several months in terms of what role that day's weather will play in think potential new fire starts across the bay. it will be a story for it the next several
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weeks, if not couple months. we saw 70 in the city. so far the numbers for that part of the east bay with oakland 76, richmond a degree or two warmer, concord 91 today, 91 in antioch, 84 in redwood city and just to check in on the numbers in the south bay, temperatures have climbed to close to 90 degrees. this is the top. tomorrow might be a little bit cooler. as we head towards the weekend, we'll see temperatures come down even more and there's enough of a cooldown that we can already see the marine layer coming back by saturday. just one quick preview. watch the marine layer filling much of the bay for saturday. things will change just a few days. there's a much bigger warm-up coming next week. we'll talk about that in the full forecast in a few minutes. see you with that then, guys. new details on a devastating fire in castro valley that destroyed the lake
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chabot public market. that roof is completely gone now. the property was asian-owned and full of asian-owned vendors and it's a total loss after an early morning fire caused that roof to collapse. no one was hurt, but the pain for business owners continues this evening. >> i don't want to go home. i want to stay here. >> reporter: this is suki lin's home away from home. she's been the owner of pokago located inside the lake chabot public market for nine months. today was the day. she's been planning for this all year. >> today's thursday and it's hot and it's sunny and then for the last couple months like at the beginning of the year the weather's bad, cold and then my business just like catching up by end of march and then i was like oh, today will be busy. that's good. i was so
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excited. >> reporter: suki never had a chance to fulfill that excitement after a fire broke out around 2:30 this morning. >> probably had over 1,000 gallons of water going at that time. >> reporter: the fire was massive, causing the roof to collapse, destroying everything inside. the market is owned by hans cho and his family. >> unfortunately, most of the building has been compromised completely, all the vendors. just trying to process everything now. there's obviously a lot to think about. >> reporter: cho says the fire is believed to have started in the mama cho's barbecue area of the building, which is operated by his mother. fire investigators still haven't found a cause. business owners, including suki, rushed over to the fire early this morning. >> my kids' friend's family was texting me like they know i have the business here. >> reporter: hours later suki
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was still here, unsure of what to do next. >> yeah. oh, they didn't know yet, my kids. so if they know, they were so shocked. >> reporter: suki and her family live three minutes away from the now former restaurant. so say this hits far too close to home. >> i'm so sorry for hans, their family, and i'm so sorry for all the renters. i see them, everybody, in the morning. i talk to them, everybody. everybody is so upset, so sad. are. >> just a tough day for all those business owners and residents out there. coming up at 6:00, you'll hear more about what lake chabot public market meant to the residents of castro valley from the business owners who grew up in the community to the first responders who put out those flames. still ahead, it's been one year after san francisco launched a major crackdown on drug use in the tenderloin. we'll speak to people in the neighborhood about whether
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anything has really changed. and we'll introduce you to the scientist who nursed these sick brown pelicans back to health releasing them back into the wild. >> don't hit me there. don't hit me, not again. >> it's her, an iconic movie character spotted in the city, why she was gracing the streets of san francisco.
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we continue to follow this historic breaking news. former president donald trump is now a convicted felon. he's been handed a guilty verdict on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment made to adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 election. a 12-person jury coming to a unanimous decision on each of those 34 counts siding with prosecutors. they said trump falsified the plan to
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authorized checks in order to keep voters from learning of an alleged sexual encounter with daniels, that verdict making donald trump the first american president to be declared a felon. over a month now conservationists have been racing to save thousands of starving brown pelicans that have been turning up along california coastline. now signs of progress. this afternoon eight pelicans that have been nursed back to health were released near the base of the golden gate bridge in sausalito. the group behind the effort? international bird rescue which has taken in about 170 birds in total, mostly from the monterey and santa cruz area, still not clear, though, what is causing these birds to starve. >> there's a lot of discussion going on from a lot of different sides, people who study the fisheries, weather, the birds and the sea lions and things. there's definitely some leading thoughts, but i don't think it's going to be anytime soon that we know for sure. >> an investigation is ongoing, but the group says that it
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happens the situation is improving. the anticipated reopening of the capitola wharf in santa cruz county has been delayed. crews have worked for months to fix the iconic landmark after it was battered by storms during the winter last year. the city originally planned a grand opening on august 14th, but now it has been rescheduled to sometime in september. let's get back to our weather and no rain in sight for us here. we've seen a lot of really nice sunny skies in the city. it's always rare when you have a warm day and don't need to wear a sweater. we had that today. >> there's a couple more coming next week. i think the headlines were starting to catch people's attention about the middle of next week. the biggest warm-up this week is today. we're kind of already up to speed on that. we just lived through it. you know what today's warm-up felt like. i'm going to draw your attention out of the gate to what is now becoming the next headline. look back here. we're starting off with the microclimates for the inland parts of the bay tuesday,
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wednesday. so we've had a couple spikes over the season so far where the numbers have managed to climb already up to the 90s, but we haven't really done a whole lot of mid-90s yet. that's coming by the time we get to wednesday. since we've got the seven-day up, i'll come back to this, but you see where you're going tomorrow? that's a bit of a cooldown and the weekend is always top of mind anyway. just a quick moment here. you're going to be 10 degrees cooler this weekend. so you got the big kind of spike for today and you're feeling it, but the weekend you'll cool down 10 degrees. you got a great weekend coming your way before we get back here. let's think about it in the seven-day forecast for now having drawn your attention to what has quickly superseded any of the other headlines, which is that warm-up, and a little context on this warm-up. we'll have to start talking about the heat risk map when we get there, but this is specific to the central
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valley. what we're looking at here is wednesday, which is the peak of the heat coming our way for the middle of next week, and hopefully by now you've seen this map with us enough the color coding with red shows you where you're getting into a high degree of heat-related health impacts. that's really the color you'd want to look for. we don't have any of that in the bay. you can even see a telltale pattern showing up wednesday. there's a big bite in all the red that's been taken out because that's the cool onshore breeze. when we get to the peak of this heatwave, there's enough onshore influence it's pushing the heat that way. that's a hugely important detail here. when we get our worst heatwaves in the bay and this is not one of them, those are offshore winds and that red fills in the entire valley and plenty of orange starts filling in for the bay. we aren't looking at that here, so good sign at least from that standpoint, but it's going to be the hottest temperatures so far this
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season. that's going to be the highlight of the first alert forecast for the next several days. let's look at tomorrow's daytime highs. we've kind of already topped out for today. we were looking at those numbers in the last visit when we were spotlighting the vegetation fire in richmond where temperatures there today were in the upper 70s. tomorrow you're going to be in the mid-70s. if we walk this down to the south bay and get the wide view, antioch is still in the 90s tomorrow, redwood city 80 and south bay tomorrow numbers are still in mid-80s, upper 80s today. today was peak for this particular spike in the warmth. you'll get a really nice looking weekend. the big picture pattern shows us how things play out the next couple days. that's us. that's high resolution satellite today and it's such a great feature if you want to see the details of the marine layer and now we don't have any obviously. it's down
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there. let me show you how it comes back. we switch from this to the futurecast and still see this surge coming our way. we're getting this cooldown for the weekend and you can see it. the marine layer is coming back tomorrow morning mildly. saturday morning we will wake up and we'll have june gloom. at least we'll see our old friend come back, that natural air conditioning, increasing humidity, all that. we looked at the seven-day forecast for the inland microclimates. numbers are never really as dramatic, but this is still an 80-degree day in the bay and remember from that heat risk map you were shaded at like a moderate level of heat-related health impacts, not a huge concern, but it's the first one and we should take it as a test run, many more coming the next few months. guys, back to you. >> darren, thank you. helping to beautify their neighborhoods, where in the south bay you can now adopt a block. and in the wake of some
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frightening close calls,
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in san jose mayor matt mahan is hoping to enlist the public's help in cleaning up the city's litter problem. earlier today mahan announced the launch of the new adopt-a-block program. residents will be able to sign up to commit taking care of a street committing to weekly or monthly patrols to help out volunteers. the city will provide them with a litter kit that includes a litter stick with a neon safety vest and some gloves. >> we will even have an interactive digital map on the mayor's office website that highlights our adopters so you can see who adopted a street or storm drain. you can share it with your friends and take pride. >> mahan says volunteerism is booming in san jose with a number of residents who signed up to volunteer last year up
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300%. to oakland where the city is celebrating a plan to sell its half of the coliseum for more than $100 million. officials worked out a tentative deal with a private developer. they want to transform the site by building housing, retail space, and restaurants, but the project is not a done deal because athletics own the other half of the coliseum. the big question is will the a's play ball? we asked. >> i do believe through the cooperation of both sides, they both know there's a value of the reason why it's so incredibly important to develop this deep east oakland parcel. >> the a's are playing their final season in oakland before they temporarily move to sacramento while they wait for their new ballpark to be built in vegas. meantime the city's newest baseball team, the oakland ballers, are getting ready for their home opener. mayor thao says she is excited to see the team in action at raimondi park
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next week. the b's face off guess the yolo team tuesday. you can catch them friday night on pix+ 44 cable 12. the first televised game is june 7th. we'll have more reaction to the historic guilty verdict against former president trump. incarceration in law enforcement has not been proven to help with drugs. >> why they say the city's approach is only a band-aid. it's been more than three decades since "mrs. doubt fire" hit the big screen, where the legendar
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