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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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concern for the younger generation. >> i definitely am concerned about our planet. it has been a great source of anxiety for me. >> reporter: how local students are taking the lead to off set the damage from climate change. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich >> thank you for joining us. we are monitoring this historic verdict. former president trump guilty. making him the first former president to become a felon. the verdict came down after 2:00 p.m. today after 9 1/2 hours of jury deliberation. a new york jury found him guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment to adult film star stormy daniels. allegedly to buy her silence before the 2016 elections. trump walked out of the courthouse shortly after the verdict was reached and he maintains he did not do
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anything wrong. >> this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. they know what happened here and efertiond knows what happened here. >> this is a rigged decision, right from day one. with a conflicted judge who never should have been allowed to judge this case ever. we will fight for our constitution. there is long from over. >> manhattan's da says his prosecutor's follows the facts and law without fear or favor. the former president will be sentenced july 11th that is one day before the national convention in milwaukee where he is set to be formally named as the gop's presidential nominee as he tries to take back the white house. he can face a fine, probation or up to four years in prison for each count. >> hi, , amanda.
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>> reporter: everyone i spoke to here is as they heard the news of the trump verdict, most people do not think he will serve prison time they say they it caught their attention when they heard the 34 guilty verdicts >> not surprised. >> i went wow! i was not sure that they would do it. >> that was some of the people's initial reactions when they saw the news that former president donald trump was found guilty of 34 felonies by the jury in his hush money trial in new york. >> reporter: this result is not changing who this voter is voting for president but he thinks it could change other people's opinions. >> i think with him being a convicted felon there will be some impacts there. i don't know if it will change the outcome one way or the other but it will definitely sway some of the votes. >> reporter: he believes trump
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may even use this to his advantage and paint the felonies in a positive light to keep his supporters on his side. everyone i spoke to says they will be watching on july 11th. they say they want to see what happens in his sentencing. back to you. >> amanda, thank you. an interesting time right now. there are so many aspects to this case. legal, political, there is no shortage of opinions on what it all means as we have been hearing all afternoon. anne makovek with a collective thought from our local experts >> this is just one of several legal cases trump is facing as we are butting up to big dates in the season. our political expert thinks all of this could lead more people to skip voting this november. >> we know that there is san element of the gop voter that will not vote for a convicted felon? they will not vote for biden do they vote for a third party or sit out? that is an
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important element. 93 million people eligible to vote in 2016 did not cast a ballot. if you are trump you want more people staying home. you go negative early and often. this is the start of that big momentum to do that with the voting public. >> legally speaking it was the only case now pending against former president trump that is likely to end in a verdict before election day. as far as punishment, some believe probation and fines. >> i think the importance of the trial is that it happened at all. the judge did a very good job of keeping this case on a calm, sort of nondramatic level. tried it slowly and carefully. the jurors paid attention, according to all reports. it did not take them long to reach a unanimous verdict here. >> now, pbspr poll shows two out of three voters say a guilty verdict would have no
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effect on their vote this november. in fact, 25% of republicans said that they would be even more likely to vote for trump in he were found guilty. 27% of democrats said they would be less likely to vote for him. there will be a series of important events between now and november. including the first big debate on june 27th. >> he is keeping up with the message that it was rigged. for his fan base or voter base they are standing behind it right now. what i still find interesting is if you are a convicted felon you can not vote but you can still run for president? and you can be president behind bars. >> these are rules we never challenged in the history of the country. it is an interesting time. unchartered territory for sure. >> it all comes as the former president visit to the pay area. tech investor is hosting a presidential fundraiser at his pacific heights mansion. donors will need to pay $50,000
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to get in and we will continue to follow the implications of the verdict and forget latest developments any time, haded to all right, we want to get to other news. in castro valley, residents are coming to terms with the loss of a beloved local food haul after a fire erupted this morning, collapsing the roof and destroying everything inside. we are talking about the lake shabo public market. a property that was an all asian-owned, filled with all asian-owned restaurants and cafe. it would have marked the 10th anniversary of this market. >> it is a huge loss to the community. a bummer. we always take my daughter to go on the splash pad to get ice cream. >> all of the firefighters eat here, police officers eat here. it is, it is a pillar of the community. if is very sad. >> no injuries from the fire have been reported. the cause is unknown. it is believed that
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it started in a kitchen area for one of the food vendors. now, a grass fire, not serious damage from a brush fire that broke out this afternoon. they contained the blaze quickly, keeping it away from homes. it did force the closure of a nearby interstate westbound offramp. no reports of injuries and the cause still under investigation. they are youth climate ambassadors. what their work is, it is to save the planet. starting in their own school's yard. >> it feels pointless when you are alone in the effort. but every little thing you do can help. coming up in the first alert forecast. today's peak heat for this warm up. the weekend will be better. we need to focus this. middle of next week we are going to see some of the hottest temperatures of the season so far. we will spotlight what it looks like for each of the microclimates in the bay and of course we will talk about the weekend. the forecast coming up
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. mexico is in a heatwave. it shows little ways of slowing. 118 degrees, on top of that, drought. many people in rural areas are without running water and resulting in water deliveries. last year was the hottest year. >> it is causing anxiety among young adults. climate change is causing a great deal of harm to our lives. among young adults, feat% believe it is only going to get worse. so, tonight's project earth, bay area high school students are turning their concern about the environment into action. sara donchey shows us how they are taking leadership roles to
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cultivate a better future. >> reporter: plants the seeds of change is often a good idea. >> here is our garlic >> in this case that good idea sprouted into a new vegetable garden grown at this high school in pacifica. >> when we got here. nothing. it was a dump. the garden and a recycling project is thanks to three students. we will go out to the left here. >> reporter: members of youth climate ambassador leadership program. the first of its kind in california. the goal? ensure younger generations have the skills and knowledge to effectively tackle the impacts of climate change. >> i definitely am concerned about our planet. it has been a great source of anxiety for me. after this program it helps us empower to make change and promote sustainable habits >> this is the rosemary here.
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we have oregano as well. >> this garden has been an experiment and gathering community and trying to grow some good food. >> the program is a joint effort between the county of san mateo and the county office of education. to date, a few hundred students from dozens of local schools participated. students learn about climate science, leadership skills and how to design and implement the project. >> wow, that sounds cool. i did not know that there are opportunities for people my age to take such a big step in making a community impact >> maybe this one. >> reporter: the new garden will provide fresh vegetables to the school's cafeteria. at the same time, cultivating a healthy soil. the students aim to track the co2 in the ground. >> soil can be seen as a carbon sink it could eliminate the co2 in the atmosphere and reduce the drastic effects of global
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warming over a long period of time. >> sustainable agriculture is huge in combating climate change. improving the health of our local environment >> it is important that we try and make an effort. just some people might be unmotivated because it feels, it feels pointless when you are alone in the effort. but it is every little thing that you can do can help. >> harvesting a better future for all. >> i love these project earth stories. let's go to darren peck to talk about our earth and what is happening with mother nature. green little hands helping in the environment >> yes. as long as we can get the important information in the stories with feel good community aspects like that. we will have the biggest lasting impact when i watch them. that one was great. talking about how things are warming up for us. today and tomorrow, one warm spell. there is another one coming next week. wednesday and thursday of next week they have now become the headline of the
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forecast. you just went through the hottest day this week. how did that treat you? wednesday will be hotter than this. let's watch the progression how it will go. we have seen the warm up, getting to the warm temperatures getting pulled away from the desert southwest. i will pause it here on monday. what we are looking here is the temperature profile in the atmosphere. it is a great map to watch here. air transported through the atmosphere b. to get a cool down for this weekend. we will see it in the seven-day forecast in a second. you can see why here. a weak area of low pressure clipping by to our north. starting friday, saturday, sunday, that will help. it will push the heat over the desert southwest. late monday it will leave. when i hit play you will see what happens. as soon as that area leaves and goes east it is immediately going to get replaced by the warm air that sneaks back in again. now, coming back with intensity for
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it next week. think of today's warm up. however it felt for your part of the bay. it is like a dress rehearsal. not an overwhelming heatwave for us. it will be throughout the west. we are talking about the intense heat in mexico a few moments ago. the deeper shades of red. it is coming from south of the border, the desert southwest and extending far enough that we are feeling just the western limb of it. let's look at the temperatures on the ground. that is where we are going to be by the time we get to thursday. the purple on here it shows you the temperatures in the lower 100s. we are not in that in the bay. you need a closer look if you are going to see that. let's change our perspective again and color in the map. showing you the heat risk elevated. looking at next wednesday. coming in for a closer look. central valleys, got some concerns, so, you might hear headlines on your social media feeds or wherever
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you check in about a heatwave coming for the middle of next week. that is true but not for us. it is coming for the central valley. slowing you what is keeping us, it will be hard for us next week. why it is not terribly intense on the heatwave standard for us. the pattern that you see on here. the areas of red, showing you where the related elements are. manufacture of the sacramento valley next wednesday, there is a bite of orange here. that is the onshore flow. that is crucial and important. coming in the bay and squeezing out and helping sacramento, sure. it is really helping us. there will be heatwaves when we get into summer that don't have that pattern. and those are the heatwaves with the offshore winds. those are the ones that will make the headlines here at home. those oned with, getting
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help. grant it there will be some yellow. you will see that. i will show what you it looks like in just a second. stepping back to today. i want to show you one other item. this is the view from the top of the santa clara valley. those are the old hangar where they used to have the blimps. watch this, cumulus clouds, thunderstorms over the sierra. what we are looking at there from the mountains on the west side of the santa clara valley were the tops of clouds all of the way on the other side of the state. can you see the big white puff right there? the thunderstorms that develop in the sierra. i am showing that to you because i think it is cool. when we get to the heat of wednesday, next week, added humidity in the mix. and seeing more thunderstorms in the sierra when we get there. more widespread than that. too widespread to get more specific on that. that really cool show from our vantage point above the valley, of thunderstorms in the sierra today it was just,
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it was a good opportunity to drive that point home. here is how the weekend gets cooler. because thursday was peak heat. friday will be cooler than today. saturday will be noticeably cooler. here is why. saturday morning in the marine layer, filling in the bay. a little bit of the marine layer in the coast that is how you know it means business. it will not be a total gray out. we are getting in june. we will call it june gloom not may gray. now, from the bay bridge down. we don't wake up to total gray skies on saturday morning. certainly will wake up to more of a marine layer than we have had. the return flow comes back as we work our way towards saturday. that is how the cool down is. tomorrow's day time highs, the virtual map for that. these are tomorrow. there are about on average, 2-3 degrees cooler than today. friday, still out. warm to hot
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day. a little cooler than you were today. go ahead and pick out your part of the bay on here. you can see the temperatures, now, we will get to what needs to be the headline of the the forecast that shows up in the seven-day forecast. so, let's say good-bye to our map. we will bring in the inland microclimate first. got a good-looking weekend here. 10 degrees cooler. 97 friday. and then you get to the middle 90s back here. so, have we done 90 so far? not middle 90s. does not last long. by thursday, cooling back down. the first noticeable spike to the middle 90s. not breaking records. we are only looking at low to moderate concerns. and if you are in the immediate bay you will be 80 on wednesday. but, nothing too overwhelming here. okay. back to you. >> thank you,
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. the reopening of the wharf has been delayed. crew have been working for months to fix the landmark. the city originally planned a grand opening on august 14th but now it has been rescheduled to sometime in september. the city says that the actual construction is on track but benches, trash cans, other editions will not arrive until august. all right, get ready. we
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are counting down to the oakland ballers making their home debut in front of a sellout crowd. newly renovated park. the mayor is tauting the city's investment in the team and all of the environment that they will bring to the city. >> we are bringing baseball back and two revamping in west oakland and east oakland. >> the city is making progress, we are moving forward. i know the neighborhood is thrilled to see the park activated. >> that inaugural home opener is all sold out. you can find tickets to the other games over the baller's website. catch it on friday nights on pix plus, 44 cable 12. the first game is a week from tomorrow. june 7th
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at 6:30. san francisco civic center will turn to
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- [narrator] behold the new churro twists at round table pizza,
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our most decadent dessert, baked in a flurry of cinnamon sugar and paired with a sumptuous caramel dip. an odyssey of flavor just- - enough fine words. this feast cannot wait! - right. available for a limited time only at round table pizza.
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. saturday night super star dj and electric musician will be playing a 25,000 person megaconcert at the civic center. tickets for the surprise concert were released monday afternoon. get this. sold out in about an hour. the city has been preparing for the show behind-the-scenes for months. i want to hear this. a little techno? very cool. i will make sure i know where my kids are that night. thanks for watching. see you right back here at 11:00. have a great evening
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: got some money. welcome to the show, folks. thank y'all. how y'all? [cheering and applause] i appreciate that. thank you, everybody. i appreciate it. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] well, we got another good one for you today. returning for their third day, with a total of $20,000, from wheaton, illinois, it's the champs, it's the der family. [cheering and applause]


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