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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now at 11:00, the former president, a convicted felon. people across the bay area react. >> i went, wow, because i was not sure that they would do it. >> as donald trump looks ahead to an unlikely campaign stop, san francisco. >> elon musk, here, a be all over the world, and maybe intergalactic. he and all of his friends. >> the community is such a bummer. >> families and businesses goes up in flames , and caught red handed, a man with a suspended license turns up to his virtual court date behind the wheel of a car. from kpix, this is a late news with sara donchey on cbs
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news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. today american history was made. for the first time ever, the candidate for resident from one of the two major parties is a convicted felon. former president trump is no stranger to firsts, but today the country looked on as the jury handed him a lt verdict in new york. while a lot of steps will come now, he is also looking ahead to a trip, here to the bay area. he will get to that in a moment. but first, more on this historic case. right after his historic conviction, former president donald trump denounced the verdict, finding him lt of all 34 count in connection with the hush money payment to adult film star, stormy daniels. >> this was a disgrace, this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who is corrupt. the real part is going to feel be november 5th by the people. they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. we didn't do anything wrong. i'm a very innocent man.
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>> the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken. >> just to see that a president can be found guilty, a president can be held accountable, i think is an incredible show of democracy. >> the prosecution, absolutely nothing behind this case. >> during the talk, trump's former lawyer and fixer, michael cohen, helped prosecutors draw a link between trump and charges he falsified his records to disguise reimbursements for $130,000 payment. prosecutors argued that was to buy daniel's silence about an alleged 2006 sexual encounter with trump. trump denies the encounter ever took place. in closing arguments, trump lead attorney called cohen the mvp of liars. >> they knew that they didn't always have perfect evidence but every moment they tried to say, we are backing it up don't just have to believe michael cohen, look at what everybody else is telling you, as well. >> the judge set trump's
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sentencing for july 11, four days before the republican national convention. so legally speaking this is the only case currently pending against former president trump that is likely to end in a verdict before election day. as far as punishment, rory little from uc college laws thinks it will indent something like probation and fines. >> i think the importance of the trial is that it happened at all. the judge did a very good job of keeping this case on a calm, sort of nondramatic level. he tried it pretty slowly and carefully. the jurors paid attention, according to all reports. and it didn't take very long to reach a unanimous verdict here. >> the question that was being bounced around all day today by 70 people, can the former president trump still be elected president? most legal experts say yes, and that nothing in the constitution bars a convicted criminal from running. his conviction they actually be helping him raising
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money. his website crashed from the number of people try to donate this afternoon. and now he is getting a trail and coming to the bay area. andrea nakano has more. >> reporter: the fundraiser held by two venture capitalists in san francisco is going to be held on june 6th, and the lowest price ticket is going to cost you $50,000. apolitical expert i talked to said you can expect mr. trump to go on the offense of now to try to raise money for his campaign. >> this was a rigged trial, by a conflicted judge. >> reporter: a guilty verdict may have been a big win for donald trump's pocketbook. donations started flooding into mr. trump's win read website, causing it to crash. the republican candidate for president also giving his constituents a chance to win an autographed maga hat in return for a donation. >> they believe that this is read meet thrown to their
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constituency. this is right up their alley because they know they can raise money from this. they can develop momentum. >> reporter: the chair of political science at sonoma state university. he says that momentum will carry over to the fundraising event in california. speak >> when it comes to politics. took mcewen says that is not what matters. >> it is not just a blue state, it is a red state, it is a green money state. it is a dollar state. elon musk may be here and all over the world and maybe intergalactic but he and his friend have a lot of money. >> reporter: while cash is king and a presidential campaign, donald trump needs to win over a key segment of voters, especially in swing state such as pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. it is the undecided that he is targeting across the country. >> purple people, we call them. a little bit blue, little bit red, they're not sure what to do. they know that there is a part of the electric -- electorate. took it may be too
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early to tell how his conviction and possible sentence will affect fundraising in the long-term. >> i think this gives you the idea of the strategy of donald trump and his team, they're going to use today's verdict to go on the offense. they're not going to sit home and lick their wounds, they're not going to talk to the faithful. they're going to open up the map and be everywhere all at once and they are going to have the resources to do that. >> say up-to-date with everything involving the former president visit to the bay area and everything else related to the verdict, on a website, it was another really warm day here in the bay area, especially in light where we saw temperatures hit the low 90s in some places. darren peck is standing by. i think that is officially hot inland. >> okay, so take note of today, sara. we were about 10 degrees above average , in general, for much of the bay today. in fact, we are going to visualize that.
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we're gonna bring in some of the forecast imagery which gives us a different view from what we are seeing on the virtual map that is color-coded. you see all the areas in orange on there? those are the numbers which today were about 10 degrees above average. you can see san jose made it up to about 88. he should be just below 80 for this time of year. this is the set up. because next week is now the headline in the forecast. and instead of 10 degrees above average, like we were today, by next week, the temperatures are going to be more like 15 degrees above average. for the weekend we will get a little bit of a break and we will look at that in more detail coming up in the complete first alert forecast. right now i want you to see that. look how much more oranges on this map with some deep shades of red, we'll put specific numbers on your next wednesday , when we peek for this short-lived heatwave. i will talk about how long it is going to last. i will see you then. talk to you. >> the reopening of the capitola wharf in santa cruz county has been delayed. crews have been working for months to ask the iconic landmark after it was battered during winter storms last year. it was set to open again on august 14th that it should happen now sometime in september.
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a devastating loss for businesses and families in castro valley. the public market caught fire overnight and now the building is gutted. this is what it looked like when firefighters first got there around 2:30 this morning. several of them actually had to evac wait when the roof started to collapse during the firefight. the bill along lake shimbo road have businesses that are now facing an uncertain future. are cavaco talked to communities about that serious loss. took i received this ask if i've heard the news, . >> reporter: it was an ironic twist of fate to find out about his business being turned to the ground from his neighbor, because he and his family have been one of castro valley's most beloved residents. >> we grew up here in castro valley. >> reporter: that includes the first responders on scene, putting the fire out.
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>> although firefighters here, all the police officers here, it is a pillar of the community. it is very sad. >> reporter: even business owners who lost everything, like suki lynn, the owner of polk a go, inside the lake shimbo public market have the family in mind. >> i am so sorry for the family. the early morning fire burned down the public market in castro valley, causing the roof to collapse and destroying everything inside. hans cho, who owns the public market says next year would have been the markets 10 year anniversary. building a business where he grew up was version of a lifelong dream. for him and his parents. >> they have been residents of castro valley for almost 50 years and i grew up >> reporter: was all asian owned, including the various vendors inside. is a loss this immunity is taking to heart. >> we moved here in '68. and
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my son worked here. so, but it is a personal loss to all of us, it really is. just very sad for the owners, the people, all of us we really feel it. >> it is a huge loss to the community, such a bummer. you know, we always take my daughter to go on the splash pad and get ice cream during the summer. that was the plan to do in a couple weeks. >> reporter: the cause of the fire is unknown but cho says it is believed to have started in that show section of the public market, which is operated by his mother. >> my mother is an optimistic believer, she always says god has a bigger and better plan. so, it is ironic, she pulled up this morning and the firefighter was putting out water and a rainbow appeared above the market as the fire was going out. thankfully everyone is safe . that is the most important thing. >> reporter: that tiny sliver of good news, as he alerted to,
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no one got hurt. not firefighters or anyone else inside. authorities did issue a shelter in place for the elementary school, staff, and children as they waited for the smoke to clear out. a brush for this afternoon was bernie long richmond parkway and bloom drive, an offramp was close while crews put that fire out. no one was hurt there and we don't yet know how that fire started. the san francisco giants take on the yankees this weekend, and this year there is real meaning both on and off the field. >> it is something that is special, there is no words to describe it. we celebrate a life together , at the ballpark. the ballpark is a wonderful place. >> reporter: a lifelong giants fan take us on a tour through the years all the way back to the team's time as the new york giant. that should draw more than 20,000 people downtown.
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how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. the sequoia national park is home to the largest measured tree on earth, the general sherman tree. this 275 foot tree had never been climbed in the park's history until now. anthony ambrose made the trek up to see if the tree was being attacked by native bark beetles. even though this was a business climb, didn't stop him from having a good time. >> it is a once-in-a-lifetime
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opportunity, for sure. i never expected to be able to climb the general sherman tree. the tree appeared to be healthy and thriving and i was able to successfully fight off the beatles. >> in case you're jealous of the parks is they don't have any more plans to go up again, since the tree was thankfully in good health. today, a milestone in the race to save starving pelicans who have been turning up in the hundreds along california's coastline. the group international bird rescue in total has taken in 170 of them, feeding them, treating their injuries. today they released eight of them back into the wild after nursing them back to health researchers are still looking into what caused these pelicans to have trouble getting food, but conservationists say the situation does seem to be improving. heads up if you're going to be anywhere near the civic center in san francisco saturday night, scroll x, the dj, and british electro musician fred again will be playing at 25,000 person concert there. tickets for the surprise concert were sold out in an hour, it was hyped up on
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his social media, as a way to release new music. but the city has been getting ready for the show behind the scenes for months. i don't know if that is darren seam, but i guess >> what gave you that impression? >> we're talking about dead & company the other day, different genre, to each their own, but how will the weather be for an outdoor saturday night concert in san francisco? >> a lot of people will probably be surprised to learn that dead & company is more my scene but that is a story for a whole other show. let's talk about how tomorrow is going to change in a subtle way we're going to use the virtual set. you've got to keep your eyes on the part of the bay that sits right here, just downwind from the gap. let's show a little more of that. let's move that camera south what is about to show up here is subtle but important, nonetheless. this is tomorrow and we are using high-resolution forecast imagery to show you how their marine layer, tomorrow, is finally going to return. see it right there? it wasn't much.
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there is a little more. that is about all we are getting. but that is important. you got to start somewhere. so we have gone the last two days without a scrap of marine layer in the sky. it is may, you're supposed to have more than that. so tomorrow, when we begin seeing just a subtle onshore influence like that, what happens is the daytime high already start responding, and they are going to be cooler tomorrow. not by much but we will cool down by about three degrees or so tomorrow. so you saw the 70 degrees for san francisco if we look at tomorrow's daytime highs, the numbers tomorrow have already started to come down just a little bit. so these are the friday numbers and you don't get a big improvement if you're inland, just yet. by saturday, you will. saturday, everybody get this benefit. we've got to start slowly and tomorrow, even though eighty four is still like six to seven degrees above average, it is better than today's upper 80s. let's go to the forecast imagery to now . i will show you how this will
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play out in terms of really cooling us down , noticeably, on saturday. instead of just a little bit of a drip of the marine layer, saturday we're going to do a lot better than that. saturday morning will wake up and actually will be a little more, it is not quite, by this . we've got to call it june bloom because we are already into june on saturday. but it is not terribly overwhelming. it is just lot more of an influence. bottom line, saturday and sunday numbers are cooler. the clouds don't last long. by late morning they are gone. but you will see when we get to the seven-day forecast, a big improvement. i want to jump ahead with what little time i have left and talk about what is the actual headline. it is this image. those are service temperatures. these are the daytime highs on the ground. when you get into the shades of purple on there, were talking about temperatures getting into the hundreds and that is coming from the central valley. we haven't done that yet. now we are not included in that because if you look at what shows up here you can see a huge bite of orange has been
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taken out of the red. the red on here is showing you where there is a major risk of heat -related health effects. here in the bay, we don't have that because that bite perfectly conforms to the onshore flow. that is the wind going through the bay and the delta and pushing the hotter air away. having said that, still going to get hot here. it will be the hottest day we had so far this season. but we want to experience it equally, let's get into the microclimates. i want to see what this looks like in the seven-day forecast first where it will be felt the most. that is going to be for our microclimates. so if you look at the seven day, wednesday stands out. 95 for the daytime high . we will be talking about that in great detail over the next few days. i just want you to get the early heads up now. you are probably way more interested in the weekend at this . going to be 10 degrees cooler than you were today. we will almost get all the way back down to average. you can pretty much
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consider the weekend to be average. we'll get some more marine layer in the morning, afternoon sun and temperatures that will be right around 70 in the bay, right around 80 if you are inland. sara, back to you. >> how did you know that we were more interested in the weekend? not a stretch. the new york yankees are headed to san francisco for the first time in half a decade and we are talking with one giant superman taking us back to the teams east coast roots. tagging onto that, in sports, the college softball world series has begun. stanford needed help finding their bats in the opening game. plus, a big change could come to the nfl
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this is always an exciting matchup, the giants are getting ready to take on the new york yankees for the first time in five back years. and with new york being the original home of the giants, there's a lot of shared history. but before first pitch we caught up with a longtime giants fan and historian to find out more about the bicoastal heritage of the team. >> it is a swing into the past. here at oracle park with the san francisco giants are
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gearing up to take on the new york yankees. but before that first pitch, we are taking a step back into the past, learning more about giants history. i spoke with one dedicated super fan who believes east or west, giants are the best. >> reporter: it is the highlight of his week, every week. giants super fan, norm coleman, connect with the bicoastal community of baseball lovers virtually as a key member of the new york giants preservation society. the group that honors the san francisco teams new york roots. >> the presentation. >> reporter: born and raised in the bank, norm's home is practically a museum dedicated to the black and orange. in fact, he has autographs of every player in san francisco giants history. >> a lot of things i have are given to me by friends. >> reporter: it is the very essence of friendship and family that became the catalyst for norms passionate attachment to his team. reflecting on fond memories of going to baseball games with his father, he
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believes that he represents more than just entertainment. they are a timeless symbol of the community from east to west. >> it wasn't just me and my father, my father, cousin, and two of my friends. my mom would make sandwiches for everybody. [ crying ] i'm sorry , it is just something that is a special. there's no words to describe it. >> reporter: and well, there is no smile that could hide it. taking in the beauty of oracle park , for norm, there's no greater joy than to catch a game with fellow friends and fans. from the crunchy popcorn to the joyful cheers. he believes the teams new york history, which adorns his home museum, especially the impact of legends like willie mays, is the foundation for the giants magic today. a shortstop, tyler fitzgerald warms up before the series. he is focused on the san francisco victory.
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>> we know how good new york is. we're going to try to keep playing our best ball. took whether the giants are playing the new york yankees or any other team, every ball is a beautiful one. >> we celebrate life together at the ballpark. the ballpark is a wonderful place. >> reporter: a place of water that has maintained norms childlike wonder from east to west. >> obviously he is a diehard baseball fan. i am not , i appreciate it but there's something about being at the ballpark that i love . >> it can't be beat. >> it is really, really fun even if you don't understand the game. i don't know, it is part of american culture. >> perfect way to spend the day. >> i think so, too. on that no, it was the best of the best in the women's college world series. stanford with the top player in the country, going against texas. the number one team in the
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nation. cardinal with the national player of the year, kennedy and the circle, bottom of the sixth, longhorns up 2-0. with the bases loaded, kate and henry singled off kennedy to bring home two runs, doubling texas's lead. cardinals bats had no answers for horns freshman, teagan struck out eight, allowed just one hit, pitching a complete game shutout. number one, texas win 4-0 . stanford will now play at oklahoma state in an elimination game on friday. not on the beautiful beaches there, on the tropicana, taking on the raise. star closer, mason miller on the mound. jose siri takes in deep for a game-tying homer. siri really celebrated, miller's first blow save of the year. game went to the 12, tied at five, richie palacios to the warning track in right to end the game. raise walk off the a's for a second day. they
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win 6-5 to take the series. >> sad news to report from the basketball world. san jose native , drew gordon died in a car accident on thursday. gordon was just 33 years old his younger brother, aaron, still plays for the denver nuggets. back to the game, luka doncic and the mavericks look at the closeout of the timberwolves in the west finals. what a start from doncic, buries the three to put dallas up. he scored 20 of his 36 points in the first quarter. late first half, kyrie irving hits from deep, pushing the lead to 29. irving also had 36. dallas led by as many as 36 and 124-103. head coach, the oakland native and cal alum leads them to their first final appearance since 2011 when he played for the team and they will face boston starting next thursday. nfl's considering adding a
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regular-season game to create an 18 games schedule, as if they weren't already enough. and the opinions and ideas certainly differ inside the 49ers locker room. >> right, so yeah, more games, more checks. >> i was here when it was , too. i liked the 16 but 17, okay. >> i saw that we were talking about getting rid of spring football, just going into maybe july , little bit. i don't disagree with. but i sure hope they don't take away my july 4th because i enjoy july 4th. >> i think it does. >> i expected nothing else from george kittle. niners will have their last voluntary work out tomorrow and mandatory minicamp against next week. that is when brandon aiyuk, the watch really begins because if he doesn't show up to that, he is eligible for a fine he wants a contract. always, it is never not a niners off-season if there is not a little bit of drama. >> things will get a little bit dicey. coming up, the man facing charges for driving without a
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this one has been making the rounds, and it is interesting. a judge in michigan was dumbfounded when a defendant, who is making an appearance for a suspended license called into court, not just from his car, as he was driving. take a look. >> mr. harris, are you driving? >> i am. >> ashley, i am pulling into my doctors office, actually. so just give me one second. i will park right now. >> okay. >> so maybe i don't understand something. this is a driving without a license is bending. >> that is correct, your honor. >> he was just driving. and he doesn't have a license.
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>> it is kind of like a look of realization across his face, letting out a final, oh my god, before the the judge revoked his bail, asked him to report to jail by 6:00 that evening. michigan also has a law pre-pivoting any driver from using their cell phone while driving >> [ laughter ] >> he will be facing additional charges on top of that. you know , i think what is interesting about this, and i know, he said he was going to the doctor. would have been very, very easy to just briefly stepped out. i'm not saying that that is the right thing to do. >> he might've been late for his appointment. >> you got to prioritize. >> doctors appointment, though. some of them you miss it, another six months go by. >> we shouldn't be getting this guy tips. >> i preface it by saying i'm not a lawyer, i'm not giving
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legal advice. i'm just saying it would've been relatively simple to just change the background even on zoom. not that i have ever done such a thing. but it just seems like that was the path of least resistance. >> the face makes the whole story. >> we wish him well. >> there is a lot of back story on this one. >> thank you for watching, the late show with stephen colbert is ne > we're gonna have some trump surrogates outside of court today, and we've got some big name. we've got vivek ramaswamy coming down. mike johnson's going to be here and vp hopeful doug burgum. >> tommy tuberville was here yesterday as well, along with j.d. vance. >> they are able to say the things that donald trump cannot because of this gag order. >> like a sad ventriloquist puppet. [drumroll] >> this judge is giving me a gag order. [slams] ♪


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