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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 31, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. thank you for joining us this morning. it is friday. yay, may 31st. >> the weekend is here everyone. i know. so let's get started. >> i'm a very innocent man and we'll keep fighting. we'll keep fighting until the end. >> the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken. >> a former president is a convicted felon for the first time in u.s. history. a guilty
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verdict for donald trump in his hush money trial. what happens next and how it's all playing out on the political stage. i'm ecstatic, to be honest with you. it's a long time coming. >> i will vote for trump more so than i ever thought i would. >> and we're hearing from you this morning about the verdict. with reaction across the political spectrum. we have to do something to keep north beach restaurant alive. >> a bay area bounce-back in one of san francisco's most iconic neighborhoods. the resilience of north beach during the celebratory weekend. a lot of things i have were given to me by friends who know that i love these things. >> a giants' fan unlike any other. we take a look inside his home museum tracking the team's roots from east to west as we welcome the yankees to town. it's friday. and it is friday and nothing like a little friday baseball to get the weekend started. i'm gianna franco. should we start the chant? let's go giants. >> i need another hour. i'll
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wake up in the next hour. >> shawn? >> to it for you. i'm shawn chitnis and still waking up in for reed cowan. it's a busy friday though not just nationally but locally here. we have some serious issuesen on the roads. >> a crash out there for several hours now. we're talking about northbound 101 if you are commuting along the peninsula, you know, the not so good news is lanes are blocked. at least only one lane is open at this point. they did open up that left lane just moments ago. north 101 at san antonio road. unfortunately, one person died in this crash. so it is a fatal and it's a deadly crash. you have got the investigation under way. it happened just before 3:00 this morning. two cars and a big rig involved. and traffic is still slow as you head through that area. stick with 280 in the meantime or el camino real as an alternate. it's friday so less cars on the roadway anyway as we get a bigger perspective here on 101 coming out of san jose. so just a heads-up though if you are taking that ride, you are going to see some brake
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lights this morning. all right, gianna. another live look outside on this friday morning. there you see the bay bridge, what a beautiful day it is becoming as the sun is coming up over on to the bay. jessica burch, good morning. how are things looking today and for the weekend of course? >> you know, today versus this weekend, completely different. what i mean by that is we're still sitting above average as we head into this afternoon. once we head into this weekend's forecast, things cool off quick and we see the cloudy skies return into the forecast this beautiful sunrise behind me is going to look a lot more may gray and june gloom. now this weekend's forecast right around the corner june gloom and along the coast too with some drizzle in the forecast anywhere from pacifica all the way down into half-moon bay. and right back up into goad baa gay. but as we head into next week, don't get too alarmed. this cooldown that we have heading so this weekend, it's a short-lived one. really what's happening is we're just seeing low pressure dive its way down bringing in some cloudy skies and heading into our weekend forecast. and then we shoot right back up into the 90s off in the east bay. heading into mid next week. but that's next
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week. let's take a look at what's happening for us today. because some of the spots are actually hitting the 90s today just like yesterday. for example, all the way over into antioch 92-degrees this afternoon. 60s still along the coast and the peninsula and i mean upper 50s just near half-moon bay. look at the contrast that we have all throughout the bay area. napa in the 70s today. we have 80s down into the santa clara valley. and as we e head along the coastline it's cooler and breezier and only holding on tight to the 50s and we will cool down this weekend gearing up for the dress and clouds allthroughout the bay and the sunshine heading into early next week. over to you. this was a disgrace. this was a rigged trial by conflicted judge who was corrupt. >> former president donald trump not mincing words moments after his historic conviction in new york. trump denounced the verdict finding him guilty in connection with a hush money payment. the former president was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide reimbursements to his former fixer michael cohen.
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cohen paid adult film star stormy daniels $130,000 in the runup to the 2016 election. the money was to keep quiet about the alleged sexual encounter with trump that took the seven men and five women on the jury just under 12 hours to reach the guilty verdict. >> only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken. >> up next for the former president in the case, the judge set trump's sentencing for july 11th four bays before the republican national convention. he faces up to four years in prison but could be given probation with no prison time. we spoke with rory lit trillion the uc college of law who tremendous it will end in probation and fines. >> i think the importance of the trial is that it happened at all. the judge did a very good job of keeping this case on a calm, sort of nondramatic level. he tried it pretty slowly and carefully. the jurors paid attention according
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to all reports. and it didn't take them very long to reach a unanimous verdict here. >> this was the only case now pending against former president trump. that's likely to end in a verdict before election day. and is believed that he cannotlegally pardon himself if he is elected president in november. so gianna, no surprise here there's been so much reaction. yesterday and continuing today. nationally and of course here in the bay area as well. >> yeah. lot of things people want to say about this. and we wanted to get your thoughts of course and see what you think after the jury came down with the decision. we hit the streets of san francisco to hear from some of you. >> i'm exstatic to be honest with you. it's a long time coming. serves him right. and i would also go as far as to say that i would like to see everyone who voted for him convicted for aiding and abetting. >> i will vote for trump more is than i ever thought i would but the democrats, what biden is doing to our country, is shameful. >> we also heard from the
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chairman of the contra costa republican party. he says this might activate more moderate republicans who believe the whole trial was a misuse of the judicial system. >> i would not like to see this type of prosecution taken on against an ex-democrat president either. it's just -- it's -- it's a sad day for our legal system. >> well, trump's conviction may actually be helpful him raise money and now he's hitting the campaign trail. and he's coming here to san francisco. next week for a fundraiser. andrea nakano talked with a political expert with what we can expect now from the former president. >> this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge. >> reporter: a guilty verdict may have been a big win for donald trump's pocketbook. donations started flooding into mr. trump's win red website, causing it to crash. the republican candidate for president also giving his constituents a chance to win an autographed maga hat in return for a donation.
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>> they believe that this is red meat. and dark liquor thrown to their constituency, i mean, it's right up their alley because they know they can raise money from this and they can develop some momentum. >> reporter: david mccuan is a chair of political science at sonoma state university. he says that momentum will carry over to the fundraising event in california. >> california is the atm of the nation when it comes to politics. >> reporter: while california leans left, mccuan says that's not what matters. >> it's not just a blue state. it's a red state. it's a green money state. it's a dollar state. look, elon musk may be here and all over the world, and maybe intergalactic, but he and his friends give a lot of money. >> reporter: while cash is king in a presidential campaign, donald trump needs to win over a key segment of voters, especially in swing states such as pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. it's the undecided that he's targeting across the country. >> purple people we call them. the purple people are a little bit blue and a little bit red
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and they're not sure what to do and we know there's a segment of the electorate that is -- won't vote for a felon. >> reporter: so while the money may be flowing in for now, it may be too early to tell how his conviction and possible sentence will affect fundraising in the long-term. >> so i think this gives you an idea of the strategy of donald trump and his team. they're going to use today's verdict to open things up and go on the offense. they're not going to sit home and lick their wounds. not just talk to the faithful. they're going to open up the map and be everywhere all at once and they're going to have the resources to do that. >> well, former president trump is expected to hold a press conference at trump tower this morning. you can catch that right here on cbs news bay area and for all of our coverage on this historic verdict, you can head to our website, gianna, time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. protesters against the war in gaza are facing off with law enforcement officers at uc santa cruz. these are scenes from just before 2:00 this morning. chp officers in riot
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gear are standing in a line at the university's west entrance near coolidge and high streets. at one point, the officers moved forward and dismantled several tents. but students ignored orders to disperse and continued to chant slogans. while some stand with their arms locked. a state trial in the attack of paul pelosi will resume today in san francisco. david depape faces charges of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse. paul pelosi the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi suffered a skull fracture from the hammer attack in october 2022. he's expected to testify today. the court heard a recording of a police interview with depape yesterday a few hours after the attack. prosecutors say the recording shows the congresswoman was his initial target. a judge in snow that county is expected to rule today on whether the death sentence for richard allen davis should be overturned. davis is the man who killed 12-year-old polly klaas of petaluma in the 19
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90s. now he's looking to have his capital sentence recalled based on a new california law that limits sentencing enhancements. davis was sentenced to death in1996. the roping of the wharf in santa cruz county is delayed and crews have been working for months to repair this landmark. after it was battered during winter storms last year. it was set to reopen on august 14th. now that will likely happen a few weeks later. sometime in september. time now 6:10. we're counting down to pride month on this friday morning. coming up, the kickoff across the bay. plus -- ♪ ♪ it's a musical weekend in the bay. your chance to dance and also play air guitar. we'll
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it's 6:13 on a friday morning. and a little tough on the roadways. we are going to start off with a look at conditions on 101 and unfortunately lanes are blocked only one lane is open right now northbound between san antonio road and oregon expressway. this is following a deadly crash that happened just after 3:00 this morning. or just before 3:00. unfortunately, two cars and a big rig involved and one person died in the crash. and traffic is busy as you head through there. now they did have all lanes shut down at least one lane is open now. we're hearing maybe a second trouble spot in the area also on the roadway there. travel times sitting at about 53
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minutes from hellyer to sfo. so you will need a few extra minutes and it's friday and less cars on the roadway and now with that one lane open, looks like things are getting a little bit better through there. stick with 280 or el camino real as the alternate. san jose northbound into the peninsula, or maybe you are heading to sfo, and you are going to travel through there, you will need a few extra minutes to do so. shawn? gianna, thank you. celebrations of pride month honoring the lgbtq+ community are about to begin. today the city of oakland will be raising the pride flag at city hall and in san francisco a huge 3,000 square foot flag will be unrolled in union square. also a time for carnival rides, fried foods and a game of chance. the san mateo county fair is celebrating its 90th year. there are special event days, food as promised and exhibits and the safeway concert series. it's all happening tomorrow, june 1st through the 9th. you can get tickets at ♪
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♪ two of the biggest names in electronic music are here and huge dance party is taking over at san francisco civic center. it's happening tomorrow night. deejay skill exand fred again will be playing a 25 million person megaconcert. now get this. tickets were kind of a bit of a surprise and it was surprise show and they were only announced on monday. so just a couple of days ago and it sold out in about an hour. so 25,000 people expected to be out there for that. ♪ ♪ you are listening to mexican pop group mana and fresh off the performance at bottle rock. headlining the first ever la onda festival. going to be heading to the napa valley expo for the weekend festival and promises to be a historic celebration of latin
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music with a really fun lineup. major touring artists. also showcase local and regional la fin food and beverages. so not only are you getting the music from everything you know, spanish pop rock to mariachi as well. but the food. you got to sample some of it before. >> yeah. go get the empanada, that's the big take away. so delicious and yeah, it's such a great combination. as they told us when we meet the vendor it's the perfect combination of food and music and that's the way to celebrate and how amazing that mana is doing two weekends in a row in the bay area? i hope have a nice wine trip in-between while in napa. >> why not stay a little bit longer? i'm glad to see that and you know, that we're having some really fun variety of music around the bay. so hopefully the weather will behave. >> yeah. we're going to take a look outside right now this friday morning. we know we've been having great weather so far this friday. but jessica burch tells us over the weekend things are going to change.
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change not for the worst though you know, we're going to see some cloudy skies and a little bit cooler weather but then gearing up for a bigger heat wave into next week. so enjoy this weekend while we have it. and enjoy the little bit of a it will do you know that we have right around the corner. that's not the expressway for us today though by the way. today still warming up well above average in the inland areas and right now we're taking up to 40s and 350s along the coast and the peninsula stretching up into marin county. off boo the east bay, 50s right now near concord and this afternoon, our coastal areas, recently gosh, we've within dealing with some gusty conditions. but that's not really the case for us until later into this afternoon. with about 20 to 25-mile-per-hour wind gusts anywhere from bodega bay down into san francisco. with that onshore flow kind of staying strong as we head into the next couple of hours. here's the big weather story. sitting above average for our daytime highs as we take a look at the next six to ten days. we will catch that break like i mentioned as we head into this weekend, but that's not to say that we're done with warm or even hot weather just yet. as we head in the east bay today, let's take a look at the
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contrast. expecting 90s near antioch. make our way down along the coast, similar trend close to santa cruz. mostly sunny skies for us today and that's what we expect down into the santa clara valley too. but a lot warmer for us near san jose and topping off in the upper 80s and speaking of the upper 80s, take a look at the next seven days. here's our inland areas forecast. cool down just a smidge as we head into our saturday and sunday setup and partly cloudy skies rolling in with that area of low pressure bringing in some cooler weather. but just like that, we warm right back up into the 90s and close to triple digits heading into wednesday's forecast. right back to 80s heading into thursday. now as we take a look at some of the friends along the bay it's a similar trend just a little bit cooler too. so san francisco, oakland, we'll cool down just a smidge heading into the weekend. partly cloudy skies holding on tight to us just little bit miranda rule. over to you. we celebrate life together at the ballpark. the ballpark is a wonderful place. >> sure is. this giants' fan helping you get ready for the
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team's big we
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(light gentle music) - unraveling life's mysteries. at stanford medicine, it's part of our dna. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together expanding what we know and sharing what we discover to accelerate breakthroughs and inspire the next generation of code breakers. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (light gentle music)
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taking a live look from oakland at the coliseum. where the city is celebrating a plan to sell its half of the stadium for more than $100 million. officials worked out a tentative deal with the private
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developer. they want to transform the site by building housing, retail space, and restaurants. but the project is not a done deal just yet. that's because the athletics own the other half of the coliseum. it's not clear yet if the a's will play ball on this plan. so we asked mayor sheng thao about that. >> i do believe that through the cooperation of both sides, they both know that there's a value of the reason why it's so incredibly important to develop this deep east oakland parcel. >> the a's are playing their final season in oakland before they temporarily move to sacramento while they wait for the new ballpark to be built in las vegas. meantime, the city's newest baseball team the oakland ballers are getting ready for their home opener. mayor thao is excited to see the team in action next week. the b red zone face off against the yolo high wheelers on tuesday. pix+ 44 cable 12 friday nights. the first televised game is a week from today. that's june 7th at 6:30. and you also have the chance to win tickets to see
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the ballers in-person. we're giving away a family four pack to their game on june 14th at raimondo park. just go to the website. to enter. gianna. >> that home opener already sold out. go from the east bay to oracle park. a live look here where the giants are welcoming the yankees this weekend for a three game series. first pitch is at 7:15 tonight. and the yankees last made a trip to the bay against the giants that was back in 2019. it's been a while. new york being the original home of the giants there's really a lot of shared history. before the first pitch loureen ayyoub caught up with a long time fan norm coleman to find out about the history of his team. >> reporter: it's the highlight of his week. every week. giants' superfan norm coleman connects with a bicoastal community of baseball lovers virtually as a key member of the new york giants' preservation society. a group that honors the san francisco team's new york roots. >> the yankees' series and the presentation at the gotham
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club. >> reporter: born and raised in the bay, norm's home is practically a museum dedicated to the black and orange. in fact, he owns the autographs of every player in san francisco giants' history. >> gave it to me. a lot of things i have are given to me by friends who just -- know that i love these things. >> reporter: it is the very essence of friendship and family which became the catalyst for norm's passionate attachment to his team. reflecting on fond memories of going to baseball games with his father, he believes the team represents more than just entertainment. they are a timeless symbol of community from east to west. >> actually wasn't just me and my father. that's me and my father and a cousin and that's me and my father and cousin and two of my friends. my mom would make sandwiches for everybody. but -- i'm sorry. it's just -- it's something that is so special. there's no words to describe it.
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>> reporter: and, well, there's no smile that could hide it. taking in the beauty of oracle park, for norm, there's no greater joy than to catch a game with fellow friends and fans. from the crunchy popcorn to the joyful cheers, he believes the team's new york history which adorns his home museum, especially the impact of legends like willie mays, is the foundation for the giants' magic today. as shortstop tyler fitzgerald warms up before the series. he's focused on a san francisco victory. >> obviously we know how good new york is and they're going to come in hungry and we're going to try to keep playing our best ball. >> reporter: but for norm, whether the giants are playing the new york yankees or any other team, every ball is a beautiful one. >> we celebrate life together at the ballpark. the ballpark is a wonderful place. >> reporter: a place of wonder that has maintained norm's child-like wonder from east to west.
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>> you know, we were talking about this during the break earlier. just about norm and you know, there's people who have a lot of cool memorabilia with baseball. he has a true love and you can tell it in this story. especially when he gets emotional talking about the time he spent at the park with his family. >> the history is incredible right? we stay new york football giants for a reason because this interesting connection and cross coastal journey for the team but there's just a love for the game and what it does for the family that you can see with him. >> i mean sports brings community together that's why i love it so much. all right, a historic guilty verdict in the big apple. we take you live to new york explaining what happens next for former president donald trump. plus this -- >> i don't know about statistics all i know is that i keep getting calls for people wanting to have me come and install these things. >> crime might be on the decline in
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and right now on cbs news bay area it is 6:30 right on the dot. former president donald trump plans to hold a press conference at trump tower this morning. this following his conviction yesterday for falsifying business records. he is now the first former u.s. president convicted of a crime. well, jarred hill is live outside of trump tower with
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more on the verdict. the reaction and of course we're all wondering now what comes next. jarred, good morning. >> reporter: ÷good morning, gianna. in the immediate future we are waiting again for the press conference to happen here at trump tower in about an hour and a half or so. but there are so many other questions. whether it comes to what this conviction means on the political side for the former president as well as his legal future because there's still this question of sentencing. former president donald trump now a convicted felon is vowing to appeal. >> i'm a very innocent man. we'll keep fighting. we'll fight to the end. >> reporter: trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to hides reimbursements to michael cohen who paid stormy daniels $130,000 in the runup to the 2016 election. it took the 12 jurors 11 hours to reach a verdict. >> the only voice that matters
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is the voice of the jury. the jury has spoken. >> reporter: in a statement the attorneys for michael cohen called the verdict a testament to his credible. during the trial and it was alacked l night. >> they looked past what we thought were fatal flaws in mr. cohen's story and his past. and they reached a guilty verdict. >> reporter: with the fight out of the courtroom for now, former president trump turned to politics. attending a fundraiser last night after his guilty verdict. this conviction putting an unprecedented spin on the presidential election. >> the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. >> reporter: the trump campaign almost immediately pushed fundraising messages. claiming he's a political prisoner. president biden's campaign also fundraising with a message, there's still only way to keep donald trump out of the oval office. at ballot box. trump's sentencing is scheduled for july 11th, just four days before the republican national convention. and let's
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talk about this sentencing. what could this actually look like for former president trump? there's the possibility that there could be fines attached to this. as well as probation and maybe even time behind bars and prison time. four years for each one of thesecounts. legal experts have been telling us that it is possible but not necessarily likely that the former president will spend any time behind bars because of number of factors including the fact he doesn't have a criminal record and also that he -- that the nature of these white collarcrimes again we'll have to wait and see on july 11th. >> assuming probation would be most likely. well, we appreciate you hopefully get some rest this weekend. have a great weekend. thank you. well, former president trump is scheduled to make a stop in the bay area next week. tech investor david sacks is hosting a presidential fundraiser at his pacific heights mansion. it's happening next thursday, donors will need to fork out over at least $50,000. that's just to get in. now as we mentioned the
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former president is expected to hold a press conference at trump tower this morning. that's expected at 8:00. and you can catch that right here on cbs news bay area and of course for all of the coverage on this historic verdict, you can head to our website, we want to get you updated on the drive to work and school this morning on a friday which is quite busier than we expect typically. on 101 no brake lights but maybe traveling out of the south bay to sfo you run into this. north 101 at san antonio road a traffic alert has been issued and it's been out there since just before 3:00 this morning. sadly a person died in this accident. and the investigation is under way and all lanes were shut down at one point only the left lane remains open. so delays are improving ever so slightly. that travel time still about 53 minutes out of the south bay. if you are heading through there, you will hop on the favorite app to get exact times from the area. but if you want to stick with the alternate route, you can use 280 or el camino real in the meantime. coming out of san jose right now, 101280 looking pretty good
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overall. shawn? all right, let's take a live look outside on this friday morning. there we can see the clouds all around the city there but it has been really a beautiful start to our friday. we know things are going to be changing a little bit on the weekend and then getting hot again and of course jessica burch in the weather center tracking it all for us. >> it's literally like a roller coaster, guys heading into this weekend. it cools off just a bit. cloudy skies. and then we shoot right up into the upper 90s heading into next week. but we're not there just yet. and i should also add it's not upper 90s everywhere of course we know the compost and our inland areas experience such a different setup when it comes to this summer -- almost summer season. now as we take a live look this morning from our mark hopkins hotel cam we are reminds it's beautiful and sunny and we havethe best weather here in the country. from out of town, a cool start. but later today in the inland areas that's where some 90s in the forecast for us and mostly upper 80s and heading into this weekend, that's all going to start to average out. we're waking up this morning with
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light winds by the way. light gusty conditions into this afternoon. close to san francisco. with a wind gust anywhere up to around 20 to 25 miles per hour. but for the most part itstayings light in the inland areas and just at times close to around 5:00 p.m. we can get that wind gust anywhere up to around 15, 20 miles per hour in our inland areas. so let's take a quick look at the inland areas, daytime highs today 70s and 80s anywhere from vallejo down into concord. we hit the 90s this afternoon just like yesterday off into concord. excuse me, antioch actually. and along the coastline we're holding only tight to upper #s near half-moon bay with the breezier conditions there. as we make our way down along 101 from redwood city down into san jose, we're holding on tight to the 80s this afternoon. and los gatos and san jose. it's beautiful and it's warm like i said we cool down this weekend. with a big warm-up into next week. shawn? thank you. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. some sad news to report from the basketball world. san jose native and archbishop mitty alum drew gordon died yesterday in car accident in portland, oregon. he played briefly for the
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philadelphia 76ers and for various pro teams in europe. his younger brother aron still plays for the denver thoughts. he was 33 years old. san francisco police will hold a public meeting today about a recent officer-involved shooting. it happened on may 23rd at donner and jennings streets in the bay view. so far police have said they used non-lethal force against a suspect who was brandishing some kind of weapon. they plan to give more details at a virtual town hall at 3:00 this afternoon. and let's take a live look at san francisco city hall. public safety is taking center stage in the mayoral race. and mayor london breed is vowing to make it one of her top priorities in the budget she's releasing today. the city is facing a nearly $800 million shortfall over the next two years. but as the mayor fights to keep her job, she's promising to double down on investing in public safety strategies. yesterday, she released some details clean including plans to fund four police academyst next year to help fill a shortage of about 500 officers on the force. the
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budget also includes $3.7 million for new technology including drones and surveillance cameras. as well as money to help the sheriff's office boost its staffing levels and continued investment in community safety ambassador. the mayor says the city -- city's crime rate right now is the lowest it's been in ten years. but lauren toms spoke to those people whose perception doesn't line up with those numbers. >> i put the chicken wire on. keep them from, you know, not being able to get through the glass and i have the little device over that so they can't grab the hook and then if they get past all that and they try to open the door, and they're able to disengage it, it's going to hit that bar. and they won't be able to open it. >> reporter: ken wicker never intended to become known for installing this contraption that locks garages. a common target of property crimes. >> i never did this for the business. i just did it to make the neighborhood safer. >> reporter: since the start of the pandemic, the richmond
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district has become a hotbed for robberies, particularly through garages. ken nearly became a victim himself. but along with his son quinn, they've teamed up to help more than 200 of their neighbors protect their own homes. >> he would do the the drilling and i would get up on a ladder and do that stuff. and then -- any given night in the richmond district, there is a van driving around this neighborhood casing for crime. >> reporter: according to new crime stats from sfpd, property crime is down across the city 32% so far this year. in the richmond, it's down nearly 4%. but that's a far cry compared to areas like the northern district, which covers alamo square up through pacific heights and the marina, where property crime is down a whopping 38%. according to the city, violent crime is down 14% and gun violence is down 37%. and while these numbers show improvement, ken says demand for their business remains steady. receiving at least six calls a month. >> you know, i don't know about statistics. all i know is that
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-- i keep getting calls for people wanting to have me come install these things. i see the crime going on. so i don't know that it's -- reducing or not. >> reporter: while the latest figures are some to be celebrated by mayor london breed, running for re-election in a crowded and competitive field, they're not felt by all. the taraval district is the only area in san francisco to see an increase in property crimes. up over 3% this year. he owns kingdom of dumpling. he says on april 22nd, burglars broke through his front door and stole seven tablets. and was told there's nothing authorities could do. >> i really don't feel that, but i believe they can do something better to decrease the crime. i think that they're frustrated -- they have their -- police can't get their security and tell them, we can do is -- [ inaudible ] what's next step? you cannot tell our merchants no next steps.
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>> reporter: for ken and quinn, the garage security business remains in demand. one quinn is starting to take over from his father. but they're hopeful more investment in police and their neighborhood can be the prevention their community needs. >> well, we'll get the full details when mayor breed releases her budget later today. it has to be signed by august 1st. we have to do something to keep north beach restaurant open. >> a san francisco community sticking together and staying strong after the pandemic. we take you to north beach for a bay area bounce-back during a celebratory weekend. and here's a live look outside. but before we head to break, on this friday morning, here's what's coming up at 7:00 on kpix. >> hey good morning, gianna. good to see you and happy friday to you. coming up on "cbs mornings," we'll have complete team coverage of the historic verdict making donald trump the first president
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convicted in a criminal trial. 34 felonies. we'll have expert legal analysis also thoughts from our john dickerson on what it all means to america at this particular moment. and a conversation with republican senator tom cotton including the question of having a convicted felon atop his party's ticket. does that change anything? in other stories, "stranger things" actor maya hawke is also an aaccomplished musician and talking to anthony mason about the new album and her love of song writing. and one of the stars of the hit broadway musical "hell's kitchen" will be here. we're going to
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( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ )
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6:44 and hitting the roadways this morning, along the peninsula, we want to let you know about a traffic alert blocking lanes. northbound 101 right at san antonio road. only one lane is open. that leaves all four other lanes completely shut down in for a crash. sadly this was a deadly crash. it happened just before 3:00 this morning and the backup is building now getting closer to the 7:00 hour even though it's a friday. more and more cars on the roadway. that's the busiest hour for the morning commute. speeds down to about 8 miles per hour through there. you have alternate routes as options such as 280 and if you are taking this route out of the south bay, you are going to need a few extra minutes so
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check that travel time get on the favorite app and hop in the car. already starting to slow down too on 101 out of san jose right around the 205 over to 680 connector. travel times out of the south bay are doing okay overall but that backup for people commuting over into san francisco this morning. sometime now for your money watch report. trouble for ticketmaster users. your personal information may have been hacked. a hacking group known as shiny hunters claims it's stolen the personal data of 560 million ticketmaster customers and threatening to sell it for $500,000 and remains to be seen though if the threat is real. ticketmaster hasn't confirmed the breach. ai experts have been warning that the technology could be used the generate misinformation. now one of the largest ai companies says it's already happening. openai says that it has disrupted five deceptive onlinecampaigns using its service to create social
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media posts and articles. those campaigns were run out of iran, china, russia and israel. and seem to be geared towards influencing public opinion about global conflicts like the wars in ukraine and gaza. the irs says it's expanding the free online tax filing program next year. direct file will be available to taxpayers with certain simple federal returns now in all 50 states and washington, d.c. treasury secretary janet yellen says the pilot program in a dozen states was a success. the more than 140,000 people who used it saved $5.6 million in filing costs. bruhat soma, you are the 2024 scripps national spelling bee champion. >> a buzzer-beater in the spelling bee. 12-year-old bruhat soma won the scripps national spelling bee last night. this year's contest came down to a tie-breaker in which he spelled 29 words correctly in 90 seconds and it was is t second ever for the
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spelloff. >> i've been working really hard so i just like -- put a lot of time to spelling. and then now i'm really happy that i won. we can't describe it. >> because that trophy so big. the seventh grader from florida took home the trophy and earned more than # $50,000 in cash and prizes. >> the word was absail which means a descent in mountaineering by means of a rope looped over a projection above. the winning word. >> a word i didn't know and also shorter than some of the words we usually see at the end. so you never know what you are going to get especially when you have to do so many words in 90 seconds. >> so impressive. i hope my kids are watching and i feel like hey let's do some more practice with spelling and some reading. >> that's some good motivation. >> right? some extra cash. just saying for college. now a live look outside on this friday
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morning. as you get up and at them and get ready for the weekend, hey, it's looking a little gloomy there near the golden gate bridge. jessica, i'm seeing a few clouds or maybe a little bit of haze out there. >> absolutely. it's that almost june gloom. can you by thes spell that? >> or meteorologist? >> june gloom. g. l. o. o. m.. june gloom. >> now spell meteorologist. >> no. definitely not on my tv. >> that's the first cone a date. >> that's a good question. spell meteorologist? >> even worse when they don't know what it is. >> they should get to ask you the deaf nation though. >> yes. some people in the past have thought that i studied meteors and anyways let's change gears real fast. guys, let's head outside and that's a true story by the way. fun fact for your friday. no. meteorology the study of the atmosphere. let's take a quick look at the atmosphere in the bay area as we wake up this morning. we are dealing with sunny skies and widespread throughout the bay area. we're off to a beautiful start this morning. that was our mark hopkins hotel cam and high pressure is sitting just
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offshore and that's been keeping us warm and dry. yesterday's 90s and 80s off in the east bay, well, they were warm. that's for sure. we're getting a repeat of that today before a new system rolls in bringing in a little bit cooler weather for the weekend. before we gear up for some more hot weather into next week. taking a look at temperature outlook the next sixth the ten days are looking above average and we definitely have noticed that so far here in the bay area. i mean a repeat today like i mentioned, 70s into oakland and 80s and 90s from concord over into antioch and it's a warm day for us up in napa and sonoma with 70s and 80s all throughout wine quinn through. now anywhere from redwood city stretching on 101 down into san jose, we're also holding on tight to above average temperatures. the last day of may and about to enter june and june is going to kick off with some gloomy skies. what is it called? june gloom. that's what we're expecting as we head into our sunday and monday forecasts. notice how temperatures todaydrop down to the low 80s by tomorrow. then
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another ten degree jump in the positive direction. this is no joke by any means. all the way into the upper 90s close to triple digits as we head into mid next week. notice that in areas like concord and walnut creek stretching down into the santa clara valley too. but once you head along the bay it's a little bit cooler and it's a little bit cloudier this weekend's forecast. and then as we warm up into next week, we will get that ten degree jump too. but it's only from 70s into 80s instead. now over to you. all right, jessica. thank you. festa italian a returns this weekend in san francisco. that's where you will see the fair on the left and on the right, a look at some of the fun that they had last year. organizers say the festival will be even bigger this year and helps to celebrate and preserve italian heritage in the city. also demonstrates the commitment of the residents and neighbors of this community to keep north beach a success. each time francesco covucci holds the key to open up north
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beach restaurant, he's reminded of the time he came here as a customer. the first place he ever had a meal in the u.s. >> it's tradition. how to make the wine. how to make the food. the explanation of every single dish and ingredient was amazing. >> today he's one of the partners and owners of the place. working to reopen it and maintain an experience that has been in this community for more than 50 years. >> we have to do something to keep north beach restaurant alive. >> neighborhood leaders say that kind of investment and love for the community is what keeps north beach not only going after the pandemic, but is letting it thrive. all around, there's so much history in the cafes and businesses here. but it's the unique combination of residents and workers that helps it to stand out in san francisco. >> being part of north beach for 40 years, and being part of the saints peter and paul
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community. i have seen -- i have children in our pre-k program now whose parents also went through our program. >> one example of that is a school mixed in with restaurants and bars. it speaks to the families that have been here for generations. giving all of them more of a reason to see north beach prosper. even one of their teachers is a former student at the school. >> it's great to see everyone still in the community. and to see all the alumni come back with their children. it's awesome. >> a place that's easy to walk around for people of all ages and keeps everyone local. supporting each other. but that never stops business owners from inviting people around the bay area or anywhere in the world to come spend some time with them. >> if you go the rome, you must visit the vatican. but if you come to san francisco, you have to come to north beach. >> i'd like to go to rome but i'm excited to go to north beach this weekend. festa italiana is saturday and sunday
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from 11:00 to 5:00 and centered around stockton and union in the particular neighborhood. a kids corner and foods and drinks and shopping. how cool do the crosswalks look be the flag and i think that actually really emphasizes. it really is our little italy. >> it is and it's a lot of really cool things to check out when you are there. i love that they have that and then later on in year, there's also the italian heritage festival. and parade which is a really big event here. so -- a good area to celebrate and one of the spots we always take family and friends to when they visit. >> a great neighborhood and i will be there this weekend. >> more food to enjoy. 6:54. still ahead. >> kate linder? she was like, yes. i couldn't believe it. >> well, from on air to in the air. how one young and the
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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well, meet a soap opera star who knows what it means to take her career to new heights. on this international flight attendant day. danya bacchus talks to the actress kate linder about her surprising side hustle in the sky. >> what is the big mystery. >> reporter: kate linder is known for her long-standing role as esther valentine on the young and the restless. >> mrs. chancellor, dinner is
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served. >> reporter: her character has gone from mrs. chancellor's maid to mother. and manager of crimson lights cafe where we sat down with her. >> i remember it like it was yesterday. >> reporter: she got her start 42 years ago but before becoming a soap star, she was flying the friendly skies. >> you know, i didn't know what was going to -- be happening here. and, you know, i wanted to keep my job. and it was -- a good job. >> reporter: a job she still has. >> good morning. welcome aboard. >> reporter: even with her rise to fame, she's kept her wings and been a flight attendant for united airlines for 46 years. and says it keeps her grounded. >> you know, working here young and the restless a day after that i'm serving coffee at 35,000 feet and you know you know forget who you are that day. >> it's really you. >> reporter: passengers like ginger are often shocked to see her working the flight. >> i looked and i said, kate linder? [ laughter ] and she was like yes. i couldn't
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believe it and i didn't know she worked for united. >> reporter: linder usually flies on the weekends so she's in los angeles to film the show during the week. when asked if she has any plans on slowing down? >> i don't believe in retirement. as long as i can do them both well and keep doing them just going to keep doing them. i mean it's great. >> reporter: as a flight attendant and soap star, she's taking versatility to new heights. >> come back and see us. you're welcome. >> you can watch kate play esther right here on kpix or stream episodes on paramount+. you know, i love her attitude. you know, she's like -- i don't believe in retirement. she wants to do more and more as long as she's here and looks like she's enjoying two really great careers. >> i wonder if they can in a story line where she has to be a flight attendant and also how cool to watch her on tv on friday and potentially be on her plane on saturday. that would be amazing for a fan. >> really neat. coming up at 7:00 on this world no tobacco day we are highlighting a young bridge builder fighting tobacco use in
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his community. and an italian celebration bringing hopes of a bounce-back for san francisco's north beach neighborhood. we'll chat live with one of the organizers about the event's significant to north beach. a lot of fun things happening around bay area this weekend. you have got the north beach party happening and the festival. plus you have got la onda up over the music festival in napa. so plenty to do as we take a live look outside. we hope to see you over on ♪ hey there, welcome to "cbs mornings." a very different kind of morning, because yesterday, may 30th, 2024, is one for the history books. first time a former american president was found guilty of a crime. so we do things differently today. you're looking at a picture of trump tower where donald trump


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