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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 31, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent. >>it was a rigged trail we wanted a venue change. where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted to judge >>their former president, donald trump, speaking a short time ago at trump tower on the morning after his historic conviction in new york, trump has denounced the verdict finding him guilty of falsifying business records in connection with a hush money
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payment. trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide reimbursements to his former fixer michael cohen. cohen paid adult film star stormy daniels $130,000. and the run up to the 20. 16 election. the money was to keep quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with trump. it took the 7 men and 5 women on the jury just under 12 hours to reach the guilty verdict. we wanted to get your thoughts right after the jury came down with the decision. we hit the streets of san francisco to hear from some of you. >>i'm ecstatic to be honest with you. it's a long time coming. serves him more so than i ever thought i would. what the the democrats what biden is doing to our country. shame. >>we also heard from the chairman of the contra costa republican party. he says. this
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might activate more moderate republicans who believe the whole trial was a misuse of the judicial system. >>i wouldn't like to see this, uh um, type of prosecution taken on against the next democrat president, either. it's just yes, though it's it's a sad day for our legal system. >>trumps conviction may actually be helping him raise money, and now he is hitting the campaign trail and heading to san francisco next week for a fundraiser. andrea nakano talked with the political expert with what we can expect now from the former president. >>yes. was a rigged trial by conflicted judge >>guilty verdict may have been a big win for donald trump's pocketbook. donations started flooding into mr trump's win red website, causing it to crash. the republican candidate for president also giving his constituents a chance. to win an autographed maga hat in return for a donation.
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>>they believe that this is red meat. and dark liquor thrown to their constituency. i mean, this is right up their alley because they know they can raise money from this. they can develop some momentum. >>mcewan is the chair of political science at sonoma state university, he says that momentum will carry over to the fundraising. event in california. >>california is the atm of the nation when it comes to politics. >>california leans left. mcewen says. that's not what matters. >>it's not just a blue state red state. it's a green money state. it is. dollars. st helena musk. maybe here and all over the world and maybe intergalactic, but he and his friends give a lot of money. >>cash is king in a presidential campaign, donald trump needs to win over a key segment of voters, especially in swing states such as pennsylvania. michigan and wisconsin. it's the undecided that he is targeting. across the country. >>purple people we call them. the purple people are a little bit blew a little bit red. they're not sure what to do,
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and we know that there is a segment of the electorate that is what vote for a fellow >>while the money may be flowing in for now, it may be too early to tell how his conviction and possible sentence will affect fundraising in the long term, >>i think this gives you an idea of the strategy of donald trump and his team they're going to use today's verdict. open things up and go on the offense. they're not going to sit home lick their wounds. they're not going to just talk to the fayetteville. they are going to open up the map and be everywhere all at once, and they're going to have the resources to do. ooh! that >>former president trump held a press conference at trump tower this morning. we brought that to you on cbs news bay area and for all of our coverage on this historic verdict, you can head to our website k p i back here at home. the state trial in the attack of paul pelosi has just begun david to pat faces charges of attempted murder assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse. paul pelosi, the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi, suffered a skill fracture from the hammer attack in october of 2022. he is expected to testify
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today on thursday, the court heard a recording of a police interview with pop. a few hours after the attack. prosecutors say the recording shows the congresswoman was his initial target. now for a look across the bay this morning, happy friday to you there, you can see oakland, san francisco and san jose. here's jessica with our forecast. >>another warm day for us here in the bay area, with daytime highs sitting above average near antioch at 92 degrees, yet we're only seeing 50s near half moon bay and pacifica heading into this afternoon up in wine country. we're seeing 70s and 80s with mild winds throughout this afternoon. it's a lot breezier along our coastline, we could see wind speeds anywhere up to around. 30 mph near san francisco into the evening hours tonight, as we make our way down into san jose, we're seeing 80s in the forecast for us for just 1 more day. it's very similar to yesterday's forecast, but watch what happens as we head into this weekend. we cool down quick into the low 80s for saturday and sunday were kicking off next monday with cloudier skies rolling in from
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offshore. and then we warm up into the 90s not only just the 90s upper 90s by wednesday with sunny or skies right around the quarter, so it's kind of like a roller coaster effect. we cool down into the weekend, a heat up fast as we head into mid next week, and if you live along the bay closer to san francisco and oakland, also also noticing a similar trend 70s for now, 80s into next week with those partly cloudy skies still sticking around each day, and that's that june gloom that we're getting ready for. >>time now for a look at this morning. other top stories, protesters against the war in gaza were arrested this morning at uc santa groups. these are scenes from just before to this morning, chp officers in riot gear are standing in a line at the university's west entrance near coolidge and high streets at, the officers moved forward and dismantle several tents, but students ignore orders to disperse and continue to chant slogans with some standing in their arms locked together. a statement from uc santa cruz says many people were arrested. anchor brewing has a buyer. the billionaire behind chobani
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yogurt brand has acquired the historic 127 year old san francisco brewery, hamid to media delalic. kaya. announced today that his family office has bought all of the anchors assets including its famous recipes, potrero hill campus and all the brewing equipment in the d'hara street warehouses. the price of the deal was not disclosed. some sad news to report from the basketball world san jose native and archbishop media alum drew gordon died yesterday in a car accident in portland's oregon. he played briefly for the philadelphia 76 years and for various proteins in europe, his younger brother, aaron, still plays for the denver nuggets. drew gordon was 33 years old. addressing crime in san francisco. we take a look at the declining numbers as mayor. london breed prepares to address public safety in her budget plus >>we celebrate life together. at the ballpark. the ballpark is a wonderful place. >>this. giants fan is helping
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you get ready for the team's
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all right. here's a look at what's happening around. the bay. this friday. right now. a judge is an county is deciding on whether the death sentence for richard allen davis should be overturned. davis is the man who killed 12 year old polly klaas of petaluma, a widely publicized case in the 1990s.
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now he's looking to have his capital sentence recalled based on a new california law that limits sentencing enhancements. davis was sentenced to death in 1996. taking a live look at san francisco public safety is taking center stage in the mayoral race and mayor london breed is vowing to make it 1 of her top priorities in the budget. she's releasing today the city is facing a nearly $800 0 shortfall over the next 2 years. but as the mayor fights to keep her job, she's promising to double down on investing in public safety strategies. the mayor says the city's crime rate right now is the lowest in 10 years. here are some of those people, though, who say that perception. doesn't line up with the numbers. yeah. also today, the san francisco police is holding a public meeting about a recent officer involved shooting it happened on may 23rd at donner and jennings streets in the bayview so far, police have said they used
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nonlethal force against the suspect, who was brandishing some kind of weapon. they plan to give more details at a virtual town hall at 3 this afternoon. celebrations of pride month honoring our lgbt q. community are about to begin today. the city of oakland will be raising the pride flag at city hall and in san francisco. there's going to be a huge 3000 ft. unrolled flag down the side of the beacon grand hotel in union square. it's also time for carnival ride fried foods and games of chance. san mateo county fair is celebrating its 90th year. there are special event date food. exhibits and the safeway concert series. it's all happening tomorrow. june 1st and goes through the night you can get tickets at san mateo county all right, let's take a live look at oracle park. the giants are welcoming the yankees this weekend and it's for a 3 game series first pitch is at 715.
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tonight. the yankees last made a trip to the bay against the giants in 2019. and with a new and excuse me with new york beginning being the original home of the giants. there's a lot of shared history. so before 1st pitch, lorena, you caught up with a longtime giants fan and historian norm coleman to find out more about the bicoastal heritage of the team. the highlight of his week every week. giants super fan norm coleman connects with a bicoastal community of baseball lovers. virtually as a key member of the new york giants preservation society. a group that honors the san francisco teams. new york roots >>yankee series and your presentation at the gotham club. >>raised in the bay norms home is practically a museum dedicated to the black and orange. in fact, he owns the autographs of every player in san francisco giants history. eva, >>too. me a lot of things i have given to me by a friend suggest know that i love these
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things. >>and it is the very essence of friendship and family, which became the catalyst for norms. passionate attachment to his team. reflecting on fond memories of going to baseball games with his father, he believes the team represents more than just entertainment. they are a timeless symbol of community. from east to west. >>eventually, it wasn't just me and my father and that's me and my father and a cousin. my father, cousin and 2 of my friends and my mom would make sandwiches for everybody. right? some that is so special. there is no words to describe it. >>and well, there's no smile that could hide it taking in the beauty of oracle park for norm, there is no greater joy than to catch a game with fellow friends and fans. from the crunchy. popcorn. joyful cheers. people. he believes the team's new york history which
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adorns his home museum. especially the impact of legends willie mays is the foundation for the giants. magic today a shortstop tyler fitzgerald, warms up before the series. focused on the san francisco victory. >>obviously, we know how good new york is and we're going to come in hungry. we're going to try and keep playing our best ball, >>but for norm, whether the giants are playing the new york yankees or any other team every ball beautiful 1 >>we celebrate life together. at the ballpark. the ballpark is a wonderful place. >>police of wonder that has maintained norms, childlike wonder from east to west. >>has another warm day for us here in the bay area with the 80s down into the santa clara valley, just like yesterday with blue, sunny skies above us now, as we head into this afternoon, we're hitting the 70s near redwood city. we continue to work our way north along 1 on 1 into san francisco and cool down into the 60s there with 50s just along our
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coastline, but look off into the east. east bay. look at the contrast that we're experiencing all throughout the bay area 90s once again near antioch. with 80s all the way up into the north bay anywhere from petaluma up into santa rosa and stretching over into napa. we cool down just a little bit more into the 70s heading into this afternoon high pressure sitting offshore is the reason why we've been dealing with some warm weather, but now we're seeing a new system kind of pull its way in heading into this weekend, and that will deliver some cloudier skies a little bit of drizzle along the coast that seabreeze definitely a lot more noticeable into this weekend. and of course, that cool weather is going to stick around as we head into early next week. other than that were still remaining mostly dry throughout the bay area, and let's actually take a look at that in the next 7 days, we have some big changes in the forecast for us, kind of like a roller coaster. the cool down into the low 80s throughout our inland areas. there's those cloudy skies we were just talking about, but don't be fooled by them because we're going to warm up fast as we head into next tuesday and wednesday, upper 90s close to the triple digits are right around the corner for us as early as wednesday as we head
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into the 1st week of june, it was going to be warm. it is going to be warm for us all throughout the bay area, and we're going to continue to watch that trend. even close to san francisco and oakland, not nearly as warm as our inland areas by any means. we're just sitting in the 70s for now and then 80s into next tuesday and wednesday with those cloudy skies each day filling the bay area. >>the party begins in the bay this weekend.
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>>time now for your money watch report. wall street. had all air again on 3rd. the market reacting to the nearly 20% drop in sales for stock, so let's get a live look now from the new york stock exchange, and how the dow jones is doing up about 33 points right now. trouble for ticketmaster users your personal information may have been hacked, a hacking group known as shiny hunters claims they stole the personal data of 560 0 to get master customers. they're threatening to sell it for $500,000. it remains to be seen if the threat is real. ticketmaster hasn't confirmed the breach. and they are the i. r. s says it's expanding its free online tax filing program next year direct file will be available to taxpayers with certain simple federal returns in all 50 states and washington, dc
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the more than 140,000 people who use the pilot program last year saved 5.6 0. 0 in filing costs. >>it isn't a jungle. it is in the jungle. >>two of >>the biggest, like >>dance >>party, >>part >>of it. >>dj skrillex and british electronic fred fred again will be playing a 25,000 person mega concert tickets for the surprise show announced monday sold out in about an hour and that's just the beginning of the musical. weekend >>happening >>in the bay. >>to do something to keep north beach restaurant alive. >>san francisco community sticking together and staying strong after the pandemic. we take you to north beach for a
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription.
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fester. italiano returns this week. with it. 2 days street fair. in sanford. francisco. organizers say the festival will be even bigger this year and helps to celebrate and preserve italian heritage in the city and also demonstrates the commitment of the residents as well as the visitors of that community to keep north beach a success.
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each time francesco cove. vucci holds the key. to open up north beach restaurant. he's reminded of the time he came here as a customer. the 1st place he ever had a meal in the u. s. >>is tradition. out to make the wine to make the food that explanation. every single dish in increasing was amazing. >>today he is 1 of the partners and owners of the place working to reopen it and maintain an experience that has been in this community for more than 50 years. here's >>we had to do something to keep north beach rush. restaurant alive >>neighborhood leaders say that kind of investment and love for the community is what keeps north beach not only going after the pandemic. but is letting it thrive all around. there's so much history in the cafes and businesses >>here, >>but it's the unique combination of residents and workers. that helps it to stand out in san francisco. >>part of north beach for 40 years and being part of the
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saints, peter and paul community i have seen i have children in our pre k program now whose parents also went through our program. >>one example of that is a school mixed in with restaurants and bars. it speaks to the families that have been here for generations, giving all of them more of a reason to see north beach prosper. even 1 of their teachers is a former student at the school. >>it's great to see everyone still in this community and to see all the alumni come back with their children. it's awesome. >>place that's easy to walk around for people of all ages and keeps everyone local supporting each other. but that never stops business owners from invite. people around the bay area for anywhere in the world to come spend some time with that. >>if you go to rome, you must be the vatican. but if you come to san francisco, you have to come to north beach. >>yes. ayanna is this saturday and sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.. it's going to be centered around stockton and union in
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north beach. there will be music, of course, food drinks shopping a kids corner and more. napa. this >>is >>mexican. >>pop. >>on a and they are fresh >>off. bottle >>rock there, headlining the 1st ever land a festival. crowds of music fans are heading to the napa valley expo weekend festival that promised to >>be >>historic celebration of latin music with a lineup of major touring >>art >>landau will also showcase local and regional latin >>food >>and beverage >>it >>all right, that's it for the news at 9. next, it's the drew barrymore show. she's going to have some of the actors of that new film ezra coming up for more local headlines, including weather, join us on our streaming service, cbs. best news bay area.
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[applause] oh, my god. i am so excited. there is literally a awesome couple, a power couple, couple goals about to walk out the door-- two incredible actors, comedians, chameleons. really they've been in every type of film, and tone, and genre. it is rose byrne and bobby cannavale. [upbeat music]


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