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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 31, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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>>the future is driverless. all of us knows that it's a matter of when >>it's already here on the streets of san go. >>hello? from waymo. don't have to deal with drivers that are that have bad attitude because it's driverless, you know. >>companies moving too fast too soon. >>have seen waymo cars. come in and going to sharp of an angle. and then stop. and not know what to do. just notice. a lot of driverless cars. getting stuck. >>we're asking if we're ready to move full speed ahead. without driver. >>put guardrails. and that means waymo has to communicate. with police chiefs fire chiefs. thanks so much for joining us on this. friday right now. a lot of companies are racing to offer you a ride on bay area streets. no driver. required.
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and it's not just in the city anymore. today we break down the potential benefits. and the safety concerns about these robots. and we'll talk with the bay area expert about the future of autonomous transportation. well, that conversation. in just a few minutes, but 1st a look at your news headlines. paul pelosi testified in court today about the hammer of inside his home. that nearly killed him. he recounted the steps he took to protect himself, including leading the intruder down. where he thought he'd be better positioned to seek protection from police when they finally arrived. his testimony is part of the state trial of david to pop. he has pleaded not guilty. today. a judge refused the request to overturn the death. sentence for richard allen davis davis was convicted of kidnapping and killing 12 year old polly klass. of petaluma back in the 90s. davis was sentenced to death in 1996. his attorneys argue that that should be recalled. because of recent changes to california sentencing. laws. enforcement
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forcibly removed pro palestine. protesters from their encampment at uc santa cruz officers in riot gear moved in just before 2 a.m. the university says the demonstrators repeatedly ignored orders to disperse. and then about 80 people were arrested. in san francisco antiwar protesters gathered downtown to call for a ceasefire. fire in gaza. they prayed with faith leaders outside senator alex bodies office. and called on him to take action. to stop the us from shipping weapons to israel. san francisco institution is getting new life. today. the billionaire owner of chobani and now announced his purchase of anchor brewing. the city's oldest craft brewery abruptly announced it was closing its doors. last summer anchor brewing originally opened in 18. and cities across the bay area are gearing up too. celebrate pride month. in oakland city leaders and members of the lgbtq plus community raised the rainbow
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flag at city hall today. in san francisco, a 3000 square foot pride flag was unveiled on the side of the beacon. grand hotel in union square. and san francisco is also get ready to host a massive outdoor music party tomorrow. today's city crews set up the stage at civic center plaza outside city hall, 20,000. music fans are expected to show up tomorrow to see dj skrillex and fred again. all right, two 1st alert weather now, but we'll cool down coming in this weekend, but it's really going to heat up again next week. meteorologist jessica birch is in our state of the art virtual studio. tracking the temperatures well into the 90s, jess. getting a good look all around the bay area on a day like today we're warming up just like yesterday's forecast into the 80s, down into the santa clara valley. with warm conditions stretching all the way up near livermore close to the 90s and believe it or not, we actually hit the 90s again all the way over in antioch. now along our coastline. completely different. microclimate we're dealing with cool 50s in the
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forecast for us 60s. just along 11 from redwood city. up into san francisco. where today it's a little bit more mild for us. past the golden gate bridge. we go all the way up into napa, and sonoma. 80s and 70s, right around the corner here. here is the big weather story for us. heading into this weekend. we're going to see cloudier skies. and cooler weather, right around the corner, and that's all thanks to low pressure diving in from the north. we could even see some coastal drizzle and some really strong sea breezes. so keep that in mind if you are planning to head out to the coast. and some of our inland areas, we're going to see cooler weather, too. 70s. right back into sunday and monday forecast for san jose amusing you guys as an example because we warm back up into the 80s and then nineties. as we head into mid next week. high pressure is going to move its way back in and that's keeping us above average for daytime highs. heading in the next 6 to 10 days. so what does that look like for the rest of us? take a look at this. daytime highs all throughout our inland areas are still in the upper 80s today, for the most part, we cool down into the low 80s throughout this weekend forecast into early next week with a big warm
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up as early as tuesday into wednesday, so don't let those clouds fool you because yes, it starts off. cool, but we're wrapping up. up with upper 90s as early as wednesday. in the next 7 day look out now as we take a look all the way over to the bay. a little bit cooler weather is expected for us. we have low 70s as early as tomorrow with sunny skies beautiful weather to get out there and do some fun activities. there's plenty to do from concord walnut creek all the way into san francisco. and then we start to warm up as we head into next work week. back into the 80s, right? around the corner. this afternoon. we're diving into the growing presence of autonomous cars here in the bay area. and the use of them a com on the streets right now touting the convenience of this technology. but what about the glitches? and concerns about safety? are kenny choi starts our conversation in san francisco, where there's 1 spot that waymo cars seem to have a tough time now. navigating.
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>>rosemary descente has lived in san francisco. tele neighborhood for decades. >>we have a main thoroughfare. and a lot of small streets that feed into it with a lot of weird, directional 5 way streets and that kind of stuff. >>to walk when she can. and is acutely aware of her surroundings. lately with more robot tax passing >>by it just just noticed a lot of karl. you know, driverless cars getting stuck. >>culbertson, who was visiting quite tower nearby, recorded and posted on x this video of a waymo getting stuck at the turnaround on greenwich street declined to be interviewed on camera. residents know that tight turn at the dead end can present some >>issues. this turnaround is hard for everybody. because they don't know that it's a turnaround. >>is a professor of engineering at san jose. state. >>using them. and and that's why hit a lot more problems because you discover a new new scenarios that never thought about it. >>believes each hiccup is a chance for waymo, to improve its product. and acknowledge
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imperfections along the way. >>the company should be up front about it and fix it and say we know what's wrong with this. this this scenario we were fixed it, it's not going to happen. on again. >>despite the latest bump in the road. but he believes sb 950. building bill that would give local governments authority over where robotaxis can be deployed. would create a nightmare. were an autonomous vehicle. would be allowed in 1 city and then stopped at the board of the next city that might not allow a ves. residents like eileen icardi have witnessed stranded way most too >>i have seen waymo cars come in and go out to too sharp of an angle. and then stop. and not know what to do. >>but she also sees the upside of driverless taxis. like for her daughter in law, who takes late night trips as a nurse. >>i didn't have to deal with with the driver that i didn't know getting in a foreign car. i just got in total said where i was going. and it took me there very smoothly.
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>>this. pedestrian asking in >>north >>lead. >>my motives upper run day. is too way for those cars to pass in traffic before i make my moves. crossing is as a pedestrian. >>some are very comfortable with the white robotaxis. expanding across the bay area. rosemary cena is cautious. >>oh, did not respond to our specific questions about the stranded cars. as for that state bill that would let local governments weigh in on robotaxis. operations on their streets. it has passed the senate floor and will be taken up by the assembly. is also under a federal scrutiny. the national highway traffic safety administration launched a probe earlier. this month. citing 22. incidents were where waymo cars got into an accident or violated. traffic laws. and last thursday, the agency said it learned of 9 more cases, including 1 in san francisco.
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where a waymo drove the wrong way on a 1 way street. the office said. it's not aware of any injuries in any of these cases where most says it will continue to work with the federal agency. is said in a statement they currently serving over 50,000. weekly trips and some of the most complex. environments and they are proud of their performance and safety record. they added. they are committed to transparency when it comes to safety. yeah. and then national highway safety. administration has also launched a probe into amazon. robot taxi company. zook's 2 of those vehicles were rear ended after suddenly breaking in traffic. yeah. and the agency is also looking at a cruise, which had its permits to operate in california. pulled state regulators said crews misled them about an accident where the car hit and draw a woman. who was thrown into its path. by another car. still ahead. we talk live with the bay area professor of transportation and innovation. about the benefits and the drawbacks of these robotics.
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plus waymo planning to expand. south in the bay area. why some lawmakers are pushing to pump the brakes. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions
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this half hour. we're exploring the grow. presence of drive. car. here. in the bay air. and for the past few months months, people have been calling rise from google's autonomous car company waymo here in san francisco. through the app. now the company plans to test riots on the peninsula. at 1st only waymo. employees could ride as far south as san mateo, with plans to expand to sunnyvale, but the company is running into a little resistance. as our kenny choi reports, some critics say the expansion is just happening too fast. >>when a driverless car strut by and catches up. eyes. people. stop. and stare. rick delano has noticed, too. he's always looking for the next best mode of transportation. whatever makes it easier. critical when that commute is every day. >>i work 2 jobs. unable able to rest in between. riding the bus. >>the bus uses an e scooter. and a ride hailing service. if
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the weather gets nasty. lately, the san francisco native has been using waymo, occasionally. for more reasons than just 1. >>i don't have to deal with drivers that are that have bad attitude. its driverless you know. >>with way more expanding to the peninsula for the 1st time, rick believes it could become part of his regular commute to san bruno. if the ride fair makes economic sense. jumped into 1 to take it for a ride. >>hello from waymo. >>and see what the hype is all about. a few minutes in by chance on our way to the destination. i punched in we approach to a construction zone. close. giving a slow sign. slow down. navigated the cones and came out the other end without a hitch. ahmed banaue fa is a professor of engineering at san jose state. >>the future is driver all of us knows that it's a matter of when >>and also a matter of who who will gain dominance in a driverless. world. >>it's a very tight road that they are walking. game. the the trust. gained the market share
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before tesla comes into play before crews come back. thanks. >>full throttle forward for waymo just yet. as lawmakers unions and 1st responders have been critical. questioning its safety. among other concerns. san mateo county supervisor david canopus opposes way most expansion. he wants more data and transparency. related to any safety issues. near crashes and more. >>we need to put guardrails and that means when waymo has to communicate. with police chiefs. fire chiefs. they have to communicate. with department of public works. once once you gain this trust and people are used to it and not afraid of seeing it on there. you know, and their roads on their streets then it's going to drop the human driver will disappear. in that case, it's going to be really and autonomous. driverless. cars. >>that's part of the conundrum for rick delano. what could make his community easier and cheaper one day could come at a cost. >>like uber drivers had left drivers losing their jobs
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because you have automated cars that are moving out there. >>just like that. the driver is out of sight. >>when we asked the company for a timeline to all this waymo didn't give us an answer, but simply said that the expansion will take some time. the company told us they will work closely with cities and 1st responders. to ensure that they are offering rides that are safe. and accessible. and still ahead of plan to use robotaxis as transit. the major project in the works in contra costa county. and we are counting down to the oakland ballers 1st home game at raymond e park. it's tuesday. june 4th. remember you can catch the ballers on friday nights on picks plus 44 cable 12. the 1st televised game is a week from friday, june 7th at 630.
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you know? well, this after half hour we're talking. robotic. and safe. join me now. is billy rigs. a professor of transportation? and innovation at the university. of san francisco? thanks so much for being here. all right, let's get to it. is there really anything? stop waymo? i mean money. public acceptance. is it full steam ahead? i think it's for full speed ahead. for 1 moment. think there there well capitalized. got great technology. and i think there's
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a lot of opportunity for them to really prove that, you know, automation. and safe driving has a future not only in san francisco. but way beyond now, is it essentially in the terms of the race to who's going to end up on top of all this? it's really way most to lose right cruises out zook's and and which is essentially amazon is slow. going same as same with tesla. you know, does waymo they're kind of at the top right now, right? we must be done a really good job. of, i think. winning over public. opinion. hmm. you know, we most been at this a long time longer than any other company back to average. by google alpha alphabet. and spun off so they've got the history but you know, i think i think we can't count out cruz. i think cruz has great technology. they still have over $1 billion in cash. so you know, i think, but really, waymo has an edge now because there their ability to charge for rides and you know, we have to make their still 10
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million rides. 10 million. miles done and probably adding up on about 153. miles daily. so that driver is getting better. and better and better. and if you're not out on the roads, driving your out isn't improving and, you know, so that's i think that's a huge advantage for them. they have to be on the streets to really perfect it right. let's talk about public perception a little bit. i mean, we know the data is there that these driverless cars are in fact safer. yeah. then. the ride sharing companies like uber but yet people are still really nervous about this. so you don't trust these driverless cars? do you think that's going to change? you know, it's funny. i was thinking about this quite a bit. coming in here today, and i think there's there's the media depiction. and there's the reality of public acceptance. i think there's what? what we have here is there's a there's a lot of media that gets churned up when we have instances. hmm. and you know ramos had about 22.
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reportable instances and we think about 22 instances over 10 million miles. it's actually far fewer. than we have from from our public transit agencies from human drivers throughout our cities. and it's interesting that we have such a reaction, and i think it's just the novelty. i think when we consider that every day in san francisco and in many cities around the country. there are millions of trips and there's literally 1.1 0 trips in san francisco. every day. fifth of them. are done by waymo a week. so ok, so it's remarkable. than 1%. of of our travel on the roads right now, so i think the bigger question we should be asking for a safety. standpoint is public perception. is hit and miss. based on whether or not you have you've written in the vehicles. what? your respective on and you're interpretation of their driving. but the fact is, they are performing perhaps better than you and i and i do. would like to ask forgiveness for my driving anytime. times. because
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but i do you know, having written in the cars having studied them. i know that there are many times that i shouldn't behind the behind the wheel. and there are many times i don't want to be behind the wheel, and i think that's a when we think about the evolution of this technology. the bigger question we might be asking is how do we how can we get a lot of the unsafe driving behavior that is that is happening by humans. that don't learn the lessons in difficult situations. how do we get that off the roadways and i think some city is going to be really radical and say, hey, certain portions of our city maybe need to be autonomous. only that's going to be san francisco. but, you know it very well could be a city like oslo, which is like really wants this. technology. basically. yesterday. you know, i want to step back and talk about autonomous vehicles and a whole mercedes. he bends was the 1st to come out with this level 3 autonomous car, which essentially means the driver can sit there not too. the gas. pedal, not look at the road play their video games. enjoy the scenery. do you think that autonomous personal vehicles?
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are going to be? take off faster than these? robotaxis? we should do a little pizza right now. okay? you should not be playing video games. and yes, i think that you know that your legally required to be the pilot in command in that video that vehicles so um do i think level 3 technology, is involved enough to where we can. we'll see it kind of dominate. the private vehicle. market. i think the simple answer is no. um the technology there can only advances far. as the hardware on the vehicles and the different factor for cruz waymo. zook's um the reading companies in this area is that the hardware on the vehicle is really sophisticated. in being able to anticipate. um air. errors are on the road, but also being able to judge things that right now we can do do it just cameras. and particularly 1 of those things delight are on many of these vehicles able to judge speed and in space. and velocity of things around
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it and make path planning decisions and much much more sophisticated way. so i think for freeway driving that's a great asset. for for mercedes. um will it translate to vehicle sales? i don't know. it's also expensive. you know? we shouldn't do. everything we can to encourage drivers safety. i'm so happy to see all the passenger safety driver safety things coming up in tesla. bmw. in mercedes. across the board. that's a that's a that's a win for society. will it supplant? the sophistication of level 4 vehicles we see on the streets of san francisco? i don't think so. just because of the expense of the hardware needed to do that level for operation. interesting to see we were where we are in 5 years. really fascinating, billy. thanks so much for being here. thank you. we've seen self driving cars and on inaction on city streets, but now there's also plan to bring them to a stretch of the suburbs. and contra costa county. there's new transit experiment. it's a
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network of robotaxis. called glide. cars. they are autonomous rolling pause that can fit 4 people. in a pod. eventually, the plan is to run them on a 28 mile long. and closed. roadway stretch. stretching from brentwood. to oakley. and any and then ending in pittsburgh. plan to have 56 pick up points and riders would summon individual cars using an app and because the cars are only about 5 feet wide. the travel route can run alongside. trails. railroad tracks and streets. without removing any existing lane. throughout. are designed to get people to and from major points of interest like downtown
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well, thank you so much for joining us. for today's conversation on dry. cars, safety will love to hear what you think. poster. your thoughts online. using the hashtag. kpi. ex cbs evening news is next. eu at 5. >> he's reckless. but he's dangerous. >> norah: tonight, president joe biden's rebuke of donald trump. >> it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> norah: the president's forceful response as the former president lashes out and vows to fight. >> and this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. it should never be allowed to happen. >> norah: what we are learning tonight about what's next for trump. the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪


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