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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  May 31, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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well, thank you so much for joining us. for today's conversation on dry. cars, safety will love to hear what you think. poster. your thoughts online. using the hashtag. kpi. ex cbs evening news is next. eu at 5. >> he's reckless. but he's dangerous. >> norah: tonight, president joe biden's rebuke of donald trump. >> it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> norah: the president's forceful response as the former president lashes out and vows to fight. >> and this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. it should never be allowed to happen. >> norah: what we are learning tonight about what's next for trump. the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪
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the president of the united states breaks his silence on the historic guilty verdict brought against his predecessor. good evening. i'm norah o'donnell, and thank you for being with us. president biden said no one is above the law come a day after former president trump was convicted of state charges in new york. 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up his relationship with an alleged film star, an adult film star. it's a sharp contrast with donald trump's angry and rambling come off the cuff remarks today, where he called the system rigged, the trial a scam, and the judge a devil. tonight, trump is leaving new york for his country club in bedminster, new jersey, but the fallout from the monumental verdict in manhattan courtroom is just starting to be felt. cbs's chief election and campaign correspondent robert costa shows us how both the president and the former president are reacting. >> it's reckless.
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it's dangerous. and it's irresponsible. for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't e verdict. >> reporter: today, and asked ordinary moment in american history. president biden sharply rebuking his predecessor's response to being convicted by a jury of his peers. biden spoke just two hours after former president donald trump vented and lashed out at the judge in the atrium of trump tower. >> it was a rigged trial. we wanted a venue change. where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. >> reporter: in 33 minute remarks that snowballed from one grievance to another, trump accused biden of using the justice system as a political weapon against him and others associated with the case. biden fired back with a wholesale defense of the system. speak our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years. and it literally is the cornerstone of america. the justice system should be respected. and we should never allow anyone to tear it down.
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>> reporter: while he president's campaign has spoken out on the trial, biden himself has often been muted on it. until today. >> the jury heard five weeks of evidence. five weeks. they found donald trump guilty. on all 34 felony counts. not only should he be given the opportunity to appeal the decision as he should just like anybody else. >> reporter: trump's remarks were billed as a press conference but no questions were taken on several false statements were made, including this came about the united states. >> we are living in a fascist state. >> reporter: trump also relatives judge juan merchan. >> you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side. they were literally crucified by this man. who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. >> reporter: throughout the trial, there was speculation trump might testify. he said today he wanted to. he and his lawyers ultimately decided against it. >> the theory is you never
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testify because as soon as you testify, anybody, if it were george washington, don't testify, because they will get you on something you said slightly wrong and then they sue you for perjury. >> norah: to be clear, no one was literally crucified. robert costa joins us now for outside trump tower, and robert, i understand you spoke with donald trump's lawyer about his legal options. what did he tell you? >> reporter: norah, trump's lawyer todd blanche told us it's a tough road ahead for the legal team in the coming weeks ahead of sentencing, and he explained it in an in-depth interview. let's listen. is there any chance the trump team is going to try to move the sentencing date from july 11th? >> we are thinking about it. but i don't think so. the judge set the date. he presumably knew what was happening the next week. and we want to move forward with an appeal. we think an appeal has a lot of merit. we think we are going to win on appeal, and so right now we are proceeding as the sentencing is july 11th and getting ready for it. >> reporter: is the former president comfortable having his sentencing happened just days
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before the republican convention? >> i don't know if comfortable is the word i would use about anything happening in this case, and certainly a sentencing, but he is resolute, as we are, that getting to an appeal is important for him and important for the american people. >> reporter: today at trump tower, your client, the former president, called jud judge merchan a devil. was that advised by his legal team? >> i do not advise president trump on what he should say to the american people. i have not been quiet about our views of judge merchan presiding over this case peered and looked, he heard guilty 34 times yesterday, in a case that he passionate believes there was no crime. i share that belief. so the idea that he would react with frustration, and even anger, at what happened, i can't judge him for that. and i won't. >> reporter: is it possible your client could be in jail during the republican national convention? >> it's possible. that's something that i don't want to think about. i don't think it's going to happen. but it's possible, of course.
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>> reporter: but many top republicans tell me they are thinking about it, unsettled about the possibility, however remote, that their nominee, donald trump, could be behind bars when he accepts the nomination. norah? >> norah: revealing interview. robert costa, thank you very much. there was another big headline from the white house today. president biden endorsed a new israeli proposal for a cease-fire in the gaza hamas war. it is the first time the president has spoken about the conflict since sunday's deadly explosion at a tent camp for refugees in rafah, where israel is currently expanding its offensive in spite of international pressure. we want to show you this new video of it is really tanks and troops moving further into the city. that's a place where fleeing refugees were told to evacuate to. president biden made clear today it is time for the conflict to end. cbs's ed o'keefe reports from the white house. >> it's time for this war to e
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end. for the day after you begin. >> reporter: president biden's endorsement of a new cease-fire plan came a day after a top israeli security official said his country is preparing for at least seven more months of war. the presidents at the latest proposal may be the best chance for peace. >> it's a road map to an enduring cease-fire and the release of all hostages. >> reporter: the three-based plan transmitted by israeli officials to hamas leadership by qatar would start with a six talks of a permanent into the war, a withdrawal of israeli military forces from gaza's population centers, and the release of elderly and female hn exchange for hundreds of palestinians and israeli. and 600 trucks of desperately needed humanitarian aid would be allowed into gaza each day. >> hamas says it wants a cease-fire. this deal is an opportunity to prove whether they really mean
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it. >> reporter: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said his coalition government authorized the cease-fire proposal, but he said the war won't end until hostages are returned and the elimination of hamas' military and governmental capabilities. the president suggested netanyahu's goal isn't possible, but... >> at this point, hamas no longer is able of carrying out another october 7th, 1 of israel's main objectives in this war, and quite frankly, a righteous one. >> reporter: nt called on those who had taken to the streets around the war to direct their pressure at hamas. >> let the leaders know they should take this deal. >> reporter: the president is heading to france next week to mark the d-day anniversary and to meet with leaders, likely to also push them to help broker peace. and congressional leaders are inviting prime minister netanyahu to address a joint session of congress before their august recess in the coming weeks. norah? >> norah: significant developments, ed o'keefe,
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thank you. it has been an extra ordinary day of news today, so let's bring our team here in the studio to help provide some context. major garrett, r cbs news chief washington correspondent, and margaret brennan, cbs news chief koren affairs correspondent. margaret, let's talk about this other big international news today. president biden announcing from the white house there's a road map, and his words, you followed this so closely. how significant is this? >> margaret: norah, it is significant because a lot of what is in here hamas had previously asked for so when president biden said israel had blessed this four page proposal, that is significant peer and president biden's handing opportunity to the politically-embattled israeli prime minister, who is under pressure from the far right of his party, who want to keep the war going and to militarily occupy gaza, and from those on the left, who have been protesting in the streets for eight months, pressing for a diplomatic deal, not war, in order to bring the hostages home. so this offer, though, would require a concession, recognition of a future
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palestinian state, something benjamin netanyahu does not support, but in exchange, he get this promise of historic peace deal with saudi arabia and for israelis to potentially get to move back to their homes on that border with lebanon. and so far, hamas is saying, it know my positively. >> norah: the president saying today though proposal has been communicated by the qatari's to hamas. much pressure does it put on hamas? >> margaret: secretary blake it is time to build that pressure because he has been working the phones flying back from europe, calling all sorts of countries with any kind of influence, including turkey. >> norah: so many people want this conflict to end. major boykin, before he outlined this new initiaive, he talked about the donald trump trial ano talk about donald trump legal troubles. why? >> major: there were a lot of a lot of conversations endemic arctic circles, search of the president draw a line, former president trump, now a convict, make that a very clarifying part of the campaign.
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the president decided not to do this. he rooted this in the state procedures, state due process was followed, peels can go forward, and this was done by a jury, not by him, not by his administration drawing a clear mind. when all critics of the president will note that this president offered no misgivings about state prosecutor's cobbling together a unique array of misdemeanors and felonies to go after a former president. institutionally they may wonder if any future presidents, biden, trump, or any other, may regret that, but this is kind of a shock to the campaign and resets a little bit. the peace deal that he put on the table today and the embrace of the legal procedure sort of gives biden this idea of peace and law. what did the former president talk about today? immigration and grievance. that's kind of the campaign reset that emerges after this historic verdict yesterday. >> norah: joe biden saying today no one is above the law and that the justice system is the cornerstone of american democracy. great to have both of you today. thank you so much.
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today, the texas supreme court rejected a challenge to the states abortion ban. after a lawsuit was filed by a group of women who had serious pregnancy complications. the 20 women who sued did not seek to overturn texas as abortion ban, but rather to clarify for patience and doctors when medical exceptions are allowed under the law. plaintiff jessica bernardo says she was forced to go out of state for an abortion after learning her baby had serious medical conditions and would not survive. >> my doctor, my ob-gyn, wanted to support me. her hands were tied. the hospital ethics committee didn't know what to do. and i think, because we still don't have clarity in this, and there is so much a bagness, i think their hands still would have been tied. >> norah: the court, made up of nine republican judges, voted unaniunanimously against the wo,
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who said they will deny medically necessary abortions. tonight, severe weather is threatening texas for the straight day. bandar, how come possible tornadoes. in colorado, hail as big as baseball's damaged cars. parts of denver look like a snow storm had hit, forcing people to use shovels to clean up the large ice chunks. the severe storms are not over yet. tens of millions of americans from colorado to florida are bracing for thunderstorms, flooding rain fall, and hail through the weekend. there is some sad breaking news to tell you about. we are learning that former first lady michelle obama just announced the death of her mother, marian robinson, at the age of 86. robinson was a fixture at the white house and during the obama administration, moving into the residence to help raise her granddaughtes, malia and sasha, and then michelle obama spoke about her on mother's day 2016. >> i want to give extra things
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to my mother-in-law for the role model she has always been to michelle and the countless, selfless ways in which she has helped michelle and me raise malia and sasha. i am incredibly lucky to have these wonderful women help me raise, love, and look after our girls. >> norah: the obama family released a statement saying, as a motr, she was our backstop, a calm and nonjudgmental witness to our triumphs and stumbles. she was always, always there, welcoming us back home, no matter how far we had journeyed, with that deep and abiding love. all systems are go for a second attempted launch of boeing starliner capsule on saturday, making its maiden voyage to the international space statio, the two astronauts on board. cbs's manuel bojorquez reports from the kennedy space center. >> reporter: saturday's scheduled launch is long-awaited after seven years of delays. >> from our crew, from our ground teams, we are ready to go
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fly this mission. >> we do not have a path to proceed... be to a launch attempt earlier this month was scrubbed because of a faulty valve. propulsion system traced to a bad seal. boeing and nasa determined the helium leak is so small it is not determined a flight hazard but they will be watching it closely during the countdown to make sure it doesn't get worse. >> [indistinct] >> reporter: veteran astronauts butch wilmore and suni williams will be taking a test drive. >> never in my wildest dreams would i have imagined to be the crew for the first flight of a spacecraft. >> every now and then, it's like, wow, this is cool. >> and lift off. >> reporter: a successful mission would clear the way for boeing to begin annual crew flights to the space station, giving nasa another option in addition to spacex for ferrying its astronauts to the orbiting lab. on top of all of the delays,
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starliner's problems have cost boeing more than a billion dollars to fix. steel, hopes are high that the ship is finally ready to fly. norah? >> norah: manny bojorquez, thank you very much. we have an update on the urgent search for climbers stranded on north america's tallest mountain. that's just ahead. ♪ ♪ lip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. i can love my skin again. with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation. i can control my plaques, and start getting myself back. bimzelx helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques, to deliver clearer skin fast, for results that last. i will give myself back the freedom of shorts. dare to wear black again from head to toe. (♪♪) most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them,
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i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> norah: there is a late word tonight from alaska. one climber has been rescued but another died on north america's tallest peak.
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bad weather had hampered the evacuation effort on denali. what is known as mount mckinley. the two climbers from malaysia had taken cover in a snow cave at nearly 20,000 feet, suffering from exhaustion and hypothermia. a third climber was rescued on tuesday. jennifer lopez makes a big announcement, but her fans won't like it. that's next. n my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar,
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>> norah: well, it's not the news that fans of jennifer lopez wanted to hear. today, j.lo canceled her north american tour, her first in five years, just weeks before it was supposed to start. there have been reports of slow ticket sales. in a statement, lopez said she was completely heartsick and devastated to let her fans down. "on the road" is next, with a final wish fulfilled for one marine veteran. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by new revo brain health supplements. do more for your brain.
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a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ >> norah: finally, tonight, one man's long military career as a special hometown effort to honor him. here is cbs's steve hartman "on the road." >> so as we gather here on this memorial day... >> reporter: at a ceremony in poolesville, maryland, american legion post 247th paid
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special tribute to one of its own. >> he was a marine. he was most proud of being a marine. >> reporter: the vet they are honoring is gunnery sergeant richard remp. remp, who everyone called gunny, quit high school to serve in world war ii and stayed all the way through vietnam. >> here is all his ribbons. >> reporter: friends julien singh and james cappuccilli said he was highly decorated. >> that's right. >> reporter: and all of those accomplishments, and there was still one thing left undone. >> yes. >> high school diploma. >> that was his sort of farewell wish. >> reporter: fortunately, pennsylvania law allows for any honorably discharged veteran of world war ii, korea, or vietnam, to receive an honorary high school diploma. unfortunately, it takes time, and donny had just days to live. nevertheless, his friends, in desperation, reached out to school officials here in his
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hometown of sharon, pennsylvania. >> hi. >> superintendent justi glaros took the call. >> i have a lot of passion for the men and women that serve our country and just everything inside of me said, you know, yes, go, do it. >> reporter: so she expedited the request, and then went the extra mile. or more like the extra 550 miles. driving nearly five hours, each way, to hand-deliver his dip diploma. >> it was overwhelming. and, you know, i knew he had been weak, but in that moment, he wasn't. like, he was all in. >> reporter: gunny died two days later. he was 98. >> the last thing he really remembered was getting that high school diploma from justi. >> reporter: this may be the most memorable graduation story of the season, but it is also not entirely unique. this weekend, and in the days ahead, about 4 million people will graduate high school, and
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behind each diploma, you'll find at least one educator who made the moment possible. steve hartman, "on the road," in poolesville, maryland. >> norah: how much do we love that superintendent, and all our teachers? thank you so much. that is to ght's >> judge judy: you were delivering some medicine to the defendant's home. >> announcer: a pharmacy's house call goes bad. >> before i put the medication at the door, the little kid, 4 years old, opened the door, and the dog came out and bit my hand. >> judge judy: what did he say to you? >> he didn't even say "sorry" to me. >> announcer: and reality is a bitter pill to swallow. >> judge judy: your dog nipped him. >> we're taking the position our dog didn't touch him. >> judge judy: i don't care what your position is. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 20-year-old youssef dobal
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is suing michael james for medical bills and punitive damages from a dog attack. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number 120 on the calendar in the matter of dobal vs. james. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. folks, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. dobal, you were delivering some medicine to the defendant's home. >> yes. >> judge judy: you were working independently. you were making deliveries for a pharmacy that you don't work for weekly. >> he's my friend. he's the owner of the pharmacy. >> judge judy: that's not what i said to you. i want you to listen carefully. >> okay. >> judge judy: i said you don't work for the pharmacy on a weekly basis. >> no, i don't. >> judge judy: you were making a delivery to the defendant's house. >> yes. >> judge judy: for whom was the medication? >> it was for me. >> judge judy: have you used this pharmacy before? >> never. >> judge judy: first time. >> i didn't use them. my dermatologist uses them, and i wanted him to use my pharmacist. >> judge judy: i don't care. >> okay. >> judge judy: it's of no import
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