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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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(cheering, applause) thank you. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh (barks) from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, firefighters continue battling the corral fire in the east bay, one man stayed behind to save his home. in the south bay, strong winds picking up embers, sparking several house fires in san jose neighborhood, and the race to put out the flames >> my car went up . and then the surprise edm concert at city hall, proving to be a big hit. why some were
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quite literally blocked from sharing in the success. it was a visit if required hired crews , first there are multiple house fires that broke up late this afternoon in san jose, strong winds spread flames from one garage fires to five other buildings in the area. >> crews are still working on the corral fire pick is now burned more than 14,000 acres or about 22 square miles since sparking yesterday afternoon. this is the map from the san joaquin office of emergency services, showing the evacuation warnings still in effect multiple roads in the area are still closed to through traffic . a boil water notice has been issued for most of the evacuation zone due to what they are calling a water outage despite the orders to leave, one neighbor who lives across from an area where one home was lost stayed behind to make sure more homes did not go up in flames. here is john ramos.
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>> reporter: the fire started about 2:30 p.m. saturday on the outskirts of livermore and by the time you got over the altamonte hills, here to tracy, he became the largest wildland fire of the year so far. the grass fire started near the lawrence livermore laboratories, by the time it was campaign, had burned more than 12,000 acres. altamonte pass is known as a windy place, anyways. what we were experiencing last night was much worse than out here. we were looking at sustained winds in the high 30s, low 30s, gusting into the 60s. making it difficult to even stand, just stand there, let alone engage in trying to fight a fire. firefighters were met with those conditions, the fire was just out running them. >> reporter: in fact, firefighters suffered burn injuries when the erratic winds changed directions pushing the flames back at them. >> watching the grass burn like that was impressive. it sounds that you typically only hear in brush and timber. it was very
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rapidly moving. >> reporter: aldo ofo owns property in the tracy severs that he allowed firefighters to use as a base camp. about five miles from highway 580 which they were hoping would act as a natural firebreak. >> we start checking that it is across 580 and yeah, we just pray for the best at that ., right? so we do get some sort of worried but most of it is just praying that nothing would jump on this side. >> reporter: at worst, the flames stopped on the freeway, preventing a run into tracy. on the fire side of the road, they weren't so lucky. this neighborhood became the focus of the firefight, as they struggle to protect the homes of the residents had all evacuated, except for kern gill, he and his neighbor stayed behind and he took this video as flames roared down off the hills and down behind the houses. >> everything was getting lit on fire, it was intense.
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flames, smoke everywhere. it was bad. >> reporter: the fire burned right up to the backyards of most homes before dying off at one home on bernard road was not so lucky. it was the only major structure lost in the blaze, along with a number of vehicles parked on the property. but the heat coming off the burning house caused more problems for gill. >> we're getting embers landing on our property so the last thing we need was to get everyone's house on fire. >> reporter: when the power cut out, killing his water well, they were forced to pull water from a swimming pool. >> just putting water on the fire, we took anything we had that could pale water, buckets, cans, whatever we could find. i feel like if i wasn't here, just everything would have burned down. >> reporter: by noon, the flames were gone and 580 was reopened. the fire ended as abruptly as it started but as firefighters patrolled the area is looking for hotspots, they saw this as a wake-up call. >> we had smaller fires , but
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this is the first major incident we are burning over 1000 acres. and it's, it is just a good reality check for us, fire season is upon us. >> reporter: as always, how that season goes will depend on the hot wind. >> two injured firefighters were transported to bay area hospitals , they are expected to be okay. brian is taking over for dinner tonight and he is here with more on the details that help spread these fire so quickly. >> strong onshore winds were whistling. windmills atop altamont pass . of course, this was on the downslope side. but the guests were up to about 45 miles an hour , at the moment, they have calmed down, about 25 miles an hour. the temperatures still fairly warm out by the fire, 73. you'd expect gus , slowly subsiding. the winds are
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still testing. more good news is that it will be cooler tomorrow under mostly cloudy skies. and a big warm-up with highs near 100 degrees on tuesday. a total about-face by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday, we'll talk more about that when we covered the weather but first after a fire ripped through a san jose neighborhood. firefighters tackled three separate fires just before 5:00 on quimby road near sandpoint drive. the plan have spread to six homes across two residential blocks. they were evacuated and no one was injured. residents in three of the homes are still displaced tonight. no word yet on what caused this fire but crews say the heavy wind was a factor >> by the time i made out in the front yard to start calling 911, the fire was in the alleyway between the two houses . starting to catch things, by the time it got all out to the
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street, the garages were ready to go. >> embers were being cast from the trees and from the fire and the initial fire and they were carried across the street in two separate locations. >> reporter: crews are putting out the hotspot tonight. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. stay with us for the latest on both fires here on air at and streaming on the cbs news app. last night concert after city hall was a big hit. it drew over 20,000 people, enjoying the music. but as kevin cone report, the economic boost from local business was hit and miss. >> reporter: it is a lot quieter out here, outside of city hall tonight, with about 25,000 fewer people here. last night's skrillex concert was pretty much a success all around. including a lot of
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neighboring businesses around here who did see a boom in business. but not everyone. >> what they did was, they put the fences , so they put fences here, right here. >> reporter: owns euro king with his wife, just a block away from last night concert at civic center plaza >> so nobody come inside, and they just block off here so nobody can come from the concert. >> reporter: he was looking forward to last night's show, featuring threat again and skrillex. a sold-out show with 25,000 people there. >> had only 30 or 40 people coming in and eating. took the probable was his business was fenced off. >> i said can you guys open a way for people to come so people can come in and they said the city keep them and they had to follow that map >> reporter: the senior vice
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president of another planet entertainment, the concert production company who put on the show tells me this was an outlier. in fact, other neighboring businesses say they saw massive increases in sales due to last night's crowds. the concert production company says it worked hand in hand with the city of san francisco, from fencing to a 10:00 p.m. curfew for the music to end. music that could be heard for miles. >> modern building with the squares on it, that is like right behind there, i think. >> is pretty far. >> yeah, it's pretty far. and it was loud >> reporter: claudia lives up the hill. >> i was laying in bed and my windows were shaking and i thought maybe someone was like sitting outside playing really loud music . and then i couldn't figure out what it was. >> reporter: she was kind of right , there was someone playing music outside, but it was a few miles away, outside
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san francisco city hall. she said last night concert was louder than show she heard from oracle park , including fiance and lady gaga. >> i had to take my ear off of my wall because it was shaking. and getting people out and doing things and occupying space so we can make things nice people, it's going to be good. but maybe some more chill music. [ laughter ] >> reporter: he cares less about what kind of music it was, he appreciated there were so many people downtown. >> we put lots of food in the back , lots of drinks in the back, nothing happened. >> reporter: the moment was ready to feed thousands but his disappointment lies in the fact that he and euro king were seemingly left out. >> it is really got to watch people passing by and nobody is coming in. we were expecting more. you don't get that more, that is kind of heartbreaking for us.
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>> reporter: the good news is that this could be the first of many more big shows to come. mayor london breed called last night concert both a success and fun, adding that working with private companies like another planet entertainment shows the city can host more major events in the future. still to come tonight at 11:00, we'll take a look at the first pride celebrations kicking up the month. ahead of their first home game will get a look at how the oakland ballers are already transforming the community around their new home field.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ the second annual chow fun event came to close as we can. the purpose of this event is to shine a spotlight on local aapi businesses. 39 restaurant and merchant took part across the excelsior ocean view , merced,
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and ingleside neighborhoods. >> hopefully drive more foot traffic to our local merchants, just kind of help them out. and in the process, also celebrate community and culture. >> on mission street, where we started chow fun last year, and is now over 55% of businesses there are aapi. >> although the event and aapi heritage month are both behind us now, encourage people to continue supporting these small businesses all year round. well, pride month is underway. citizens across the bay area celebrating the lgbtq+ community. held at third annual pride parade, people came out to downtown main street to march with pride. >> taking you down to seven, 40, where pride festivities in west hollywood are among the most vibrant in the country. the day started with thousands of people making their way down santa monica boulevard. and
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today was also the final day of the weekend long pride out loud festival. pride celebrations in new york, this is one of the streets in queens, drag and dance performers along with other community organizations marched onto the streets , one being the sirens women's motorcycle club, who said the event is aimed at providing positive guidance and positive role models to the community. brian hackney is back with some weather now and a major warm-up coming up. >> tuesday and wednesday, we communicated the fact that it is going to be hot. and tonight it is all me in the east bay, cooled by the coastline and that is the way it will be during the daytime. chile by the coast, thick, low clouds. maybe some drizzle. that sound like it is going to be cool. but be lulled into a false sense of security. a heat wave is on the way. it will be coming in on tuesday and wednesday. in the meantime, the
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low clouds of thickened and temperatures dropped slightly for monday will be more clouds tomorrow, a lot of high clouds coming in and could be drizzle by the shore . the community model 7:00 you can see the high clouds inland. and along the shoreline you've got low clouds. so kind of a cloudy day, looks like a mattress exploded in the skies above the bay area. but on tuesday, and this is tuesday afternoon, totally changes. sunny skies on tuesday, building temperatures, too, as you will see in a moment. so to set up, more clouds and maybe some drizzle on the shores, maybe the north bay. here comes a high pressure and the high temperatures , a few of the examples conquered by on tuesday and wednesday, thursday through the weekend. same thing for santa rosa tomorrow, not tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday. upper 90s before
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cooling off . and in san jose, not as dramatic. something in the low 90s for tuesday, wednesday, in the temperatures east. so expect for things to get hot for a couple of days this week. the marine layer marches and again overnight, there will be cooler and cloudier as we get into monday. that warming trend sets in tuesday, pretty much tuesday, wednesday, leaves off by friday, and then the weekend looks cooler. overnight tonight, 52, daytime highs tomorrow, role clouds drizzle by the shoreline and a mild day for monday. the low to mid 70s are usually cool and 70s for the east bay at this time of year, cool as well, it will be 81. up in the north bay, could be drizzle along the shoreline, 74 tomorrow .73 in petaluma and up around clearlake and ukiah, upper 70s. but not for long, things are going to be warming up as we look at the extended forecast, even san francisco will be in the 70s for tuesday and wednesday. san francisco is
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warm. oakland, mid-80s for tuesday. the hot stuff is in the north bay, the south bay, the east bay. and the numbers will be 100 degrees in the warmest spots of the east bay by tuesday and wednesday and then advocate towards the weekend, things began to cool down. >> thanks, brian. coming up next, voters, including the ones here in the bay area, pick their next president, no matter who wins, they will be making history. coming up tonight on game day. >> we played well today. >> the giants were looking to avoid a sweep, but that all changed in a new york minute. the ballers debut at home this week, we introduce you to a unique player. plus, remember adult life of a legend. >> he made everybody feel like they were his best friend. >>
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mexican citizens in california came out to vote today for the mexican presidential election. hundred stood in line to vote at the mexican consulate in san francisco, and the one in los angeles. someone in san francisco said he wanted , he waited over four hours to cast his ballot. now it is a historic election for mexico, which has never had a female
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president. the front runner and a leading challenger are both women. mexico city mayor, claudia sheinbaum is from the same party as incumbent president lopez over door and has promised to continue his policies while xochitl gathers has promised to more aggressively go after criminal and drug cartels. >> violence, poll after poll, mexican show this is the issue they are most concerned with. and they recognize that the government has not delivered good results. >> early election results will be announced tomorrow night.
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we're in the middle of... seizing the date! in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! so come get away... together...
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illinois— the middle of everything.
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college rebirth, call it a revival. these are the ballers a new pro base all team . by oakland, built for oakland. >> a new era of baseball because it open when the ballers take the field for their first ever home game. >> it is a surprisingly quick turnaround since the ballpark was deemed unusual just over a month ago. >> it is not just the ballpark,
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amanda harry spent time in west oakland when about the neighborhoods transition. >> come out and visualize some of the change in oakland, happy to be able to see this took 67 old richard griffin jr. drove out to 18th street between campbell and wood to check out for monday park. as construction crews work to transform it. but this isn't the first time he has been here, he grew up feet away from this park on wood street. >> way back in the days in the project. >> reporter: he says he played , i'm tired, and coached baseball right on this field despite how intimately familiar he is with it, when he looks around, he says he is blown away. >> when i saw the new buildings and the apartments and condos , it is like a whole new town. i was saying, wow, this is a
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minor-league town truck just more than a year ago, this street, wood street, was home to oaklands largest encampment. it spanned several blocks and hundreds of people lived here since setting it down, the city has cleaned up tons of trash, making for a much cleaner environment. as games get underway, it will continue to improve the neighborhood. >> baseball itself just brings pride and joy to a neighborhood. and the safety concerns just kind of vanished because baseball will be here, you know. >> this is great, this is so awesome. i'm so excited. >> reporter: city councilmember, cara five, believes the privately funded baseball field will continue to positively impact the community. >> this is a blessing that oakland really needed at this particular time. just a few years ago, some generations ago, this was a place where it
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was redlined and only african-american families were allowed to live here and that led to urban renewal and a huge disinvestment from this part of the city. >> reporter: west oakland is flourishing, in part, because of the ballpark. but she also credits other positive activities, like new farmers and night markets, griffin believes this is just the beginning of a massive transition for the area. >> is going to any menu to grow, and drink more people and to come out here and live and visit west oakland. and then see all the progress that west oakland has made. >> reporter: as a final touches are put on the park, the word continues to change the neighborhood for any that struggled with his reputation for decades. >> you can watch the home game on her sister station, pix+ . beginning at 6:30 p.m. the ballers on writing i , all summer long through the end of august.
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after the break, we'll get a look at a very different kind of baseball being played next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
11:30 pm
( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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well, here's some news. i knew many master lego champion here in the bay area. 10 competitors wrought their skills to legoland discovery center in milpitas and the winner today, ladies and gentlemen, james wang will now advance to compete the title of north america's many master model builder. >> i am very happy because this normally doesn't happen. i am usually the person who is in second place, not like the winner. i really wasn't expecting it. i am very grateful. >> what a cute kid. >> so grateful. >> that is the big thing he is humble about it. okay, i will
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get on with it. 10 finalists were chosen to compete today after nearly 50 online commissions from kids from all over the bay area. check this out, there is no filter on the camera. that is what minor-league baseball really looked like in virginia this weekend. this is dubbed the world's first cosmic baseball game, teams in the coastal plain league went a they went a full nine innings wearing black lights. b ttle dangerous?
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this is game day on cbs news bay area. >> good evening and welcome to game day. it was a roller coaster of a week for the san francisco giants. they took a series from the mlb's best phillies to start. but come sunday, they were looking to avoid a sweep from the new york yankees. former pinstriper, 100-year-old arch shallac got to meet aaron boone before the game. gives san francisco a 2-1 lead. the third homer of the year. the next inning, casey schmidt called back up from the start of the week goes down for the second game in a row. puts the giants up 3-1. starter blake snell was looking good


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