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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  June 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30 a protest of an israeli consulate in san francisco leading to multiple arrests, what we're learning about today's demonstration. you can't always push the problems off on law enforcement. >> collaborating for a safer community, the weekend effort to create safer streets for kids in the east bay. this fire is burning on patterson road in the altamont not far from the wind turbines, the natural break with the road there, but a fire crew is standing by. so far 15 acres have burned so far. we're keeping a very close eye on this because it's very close to where that corral fire burned more than 14,000 acres over the weekend. now on a much lighter note, we are counting down the hours until new era of baseball begins in oakland. tomorrow the ballers will play their first ever home game at raimondi park. >> a lot of excitement
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happening here. it's surprisingly a quick turnaround. that ballpark was deemed unusable and unsafe just over a month ago and the arrival of the ballers will hopefully provide an economic boost to west oakland. >> amanda hari spent time there speaking with residents about this huge transition. >> reporter: 67-year-old richard griffin jr. drove out to 18th street between campbell and wood to check out raimondi park. >> i'll be here for opening day. >> reporter: as construction crews worked to transform it. >> i couldn't recognize it almost. >> reporter: but this isn't the first time he's been here. griffin grew up feet away from this park on wood street. >> grew up in apartments way back in the days in the project. hey, wait a minute. >> reporter: he says he played, umpired, and coached baseball right on this field. despite how intimately familiar he is with it, when he looks around,
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he says he's blown away. >> when i rode out here and saw the new buildings and the apartments and condos, it's like a whole new town and i was saying wow! this is a minor league town. >> reporter: just more than a year ago this street, wood street, was home to oakland's largest encampment. it spanned several blocks and hundreds of people lived here. since shutting it down, the city has cleaned up tons of trash, making for a much cleaner environment. griffin believes as games get underway, it will continue to improve the neighborhood. >> baseball itself just brings pride and joy into a neighborhood and the safety concerns will just kind of vanish because baseball will be here, you know. >> come on. this is great. this is so awesome. i'm so excited. >> reporter: city council member for the area carol fife beliefs the privately funded baseball field will continue to
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positively impact the community. >> this is a blessing that oakland really needed at this particular time, just a few years ago some generations ago this was a place where it was red lined and only african american families were allowed to live here and that led to urban renewal and a huge disinvestment from this part of the city. >> reporter: fife says west oakland is flourishing, in part because of the ballpark. >> this ballpark is bringing community members together. >> reporter: but she also credits other positive activities like new farmers and night markets. griffin believes this is just the beginning of a massive transition for the area. >> it's going to continue to grow. it's going to bring a spark to the west oakland community and bring more people to want to come out here and live and visit west oakland and see all the progress west oakland has made. >> reporter: as the final touches are put on the park, the work continues to change the narrative for a neighborhood that struggled with its reputation for decades. >> and you can watch friday's
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game between the ballers and the yolo high rollers on our sister station pix+ 44 cable 12 beginning at 6:30 p.m. and watch the ballers friday night all summer long on pix+. we'll bring you all their home games through the end of august. for baseball to succeed in west oakland, the team will have to address security concerns for fans. coming up at 6:00, our wilson walker will dig into the plan to keep people safe at that ballpark. pro football hall of famer larry allen passed away sunday at age 52, best known for his time with the cowboys, but finished his career with the 49ers in 2007. he was one of two players from sonoma state to make it to the nfl. the cowboys released a statement calling allen, "one of the most respected, accomplished offensive linemen to ever play in the nfl." he died while on vacation with his family in mexico. in san francisco protesters arrested today after occupy be
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the lobby of the building housing the israeli consulate. we saw police officers loading one man into a van earlier today. demonstrators called for an end to the israel-hamas war occupying the building on montgomery street several hours before police eventually moved in. no word yet on the number of arrests, but a journalist from the associated press saw about a dozen people taken away in zip ties. there is a new effort to crack down on the sale of stolen goods on san francisco's step streets. mayor london breed and state senator scott wiener announcing a new bill they say would combat fencing. that bill would require vendors to have a permitted order to sell items deemed as frequently stolen and vendors would have to show documentation that they obtained the merchandise legally like a proof of purchase. >> there are challenges around those who are going into various retail establishments, stealing items and taking them
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out onto the streets and also impacting the ability for so many of these vendors to even function on the streets. >> california decriminalized sidewalk vending in 2018, barring police from enforcement and replacing with an administrative penalty system. this new bill would bring some enforcement power back to the police. let's head across the bay bridge to oakland where public safety is top of mind. this week oakland police chief and other city leaders met with residents saturday to discuss how public safety can be addressed. police admitted they cannot arrest their way out of the problem or do it alone. they say they need to profit with the community. many nonprofits say one change people need to see young people as solutions and not problems. >> we want our youth to get educated, not incarcerated. >> we had like more programs, more stuff for us to do, we probably wouldn't be doing as much stuff as you call all us as doing and you all put it
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towards us. it's not all our fault. that's the way we was raised. what we're raised around seeing, that's what we want to grow up like to be. >> overall violent crime in oakland is down 33% compared to last year, but with oakland in a budget deficit the challenge is finding funds for all these new ideas. new tonight the jury that will hear the gun case against president biden's son in delaware is selected. the panel of 12 jurors were sworn in this afternoon, six men, six women. hunter biden is accused of lying on a federal form about his drug use while purchasing a firearm and is also charged with unlawfully possessing the gun as a drug user. the trial comes less than a year after a plea deal fell apart with the judge questioning whether the deal shielded biden from future charges as well. >> a lot of this case is going to turn on what some might see as legal parsing about whether he believed he was an addict, whether he was, in fact, addicted when he checked the box on the form saying that he
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wasn't addicted. >> this is the first time in american history the child of the sitting president is on trial and the historic case could impact president joe biden's reelection campaign. hunter biden's federal gun case begins tomorrow with opening statements. mexico has elected its first ever female president and she's got deep ties to the bay area. claudia sheinbaum was elected in a landslide. she's a climate scientist and mexico city's former mayor. the 61-year-old earned her master's degree from uc berkeley where she studied engineering and energy and she also did doctoral research at lawrence berkeley national laboratory. mexican citizens in california were forced to stand in a long line to vote over the weekend. here's a look at the line outside the consulate in san francisco where some people had to wait hours just to cast their ballots. really shocked. i mean it's very rare. i know it
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happens around the world. it's shocking to hear it happens here in del mar. >> a shark attack forces a beach closure along our california coast. experts believe it could be hanging around, the effort to keep swimmers safe. plus the city of alameda is about to decide whether to resume a controversial cloud-seeding program. we'll hear from one environmentalists who says it's
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when i saw the sign sharks in the water, i was shocked. i didn't think they would fit in the shallow end. >> a warning on california's coast has beachgoers concerned after a socal man was bitten by a shark. we're told the victim is doing okay at a nearby hospital, but lifeguards closed the stretch of san francisco's del mar beach until tomorrow. they are worried this juvenile shark could be still swimming
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nearby. >> there's a known aggregation of juveniles that hang out here and use this as a nursery. based on some of the description, it's probably a juvenile, but until we get dna back and are able to examine the bite wound and wetsuit, we can't say for sure. >> stay out of the water for now. signs are posted throughout the area warning swimmers and beachgoers to not go in. tomorrow night the alameda city council will vote on a controversial climate experiment and whether or not it can resume on the uss hornet. last month scientists began testing this device that sprays tiny sea salt particles into the air. the hope is one day the technology may brighten clouds and temporarily cool the planet. the experiment on the hornet was halted to assess health and safety concerns and tomorrow the council will vote on a city report that found no safety concerns and recommends resuming the experiments, but environmentalists are urging a no vote. >> this is supposed to be a climate intervention
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technology, but it does absolutely nothing to tackle the root causes of the climate crisis. it's a dangerous distraction which instead gives a free pass to the fossil fuel industry to keep on polluting. >> the center also believes the cloud brightening technology could lead to unintended consequences and introduce potential environmental and social risks to the entire planet. the countdown is on as we edge closer to the ballers' home opener at raimondi park tuesday. while the team has brought together players from all over the country, one has been give
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pleasant temperatures to start the workweek. we're in for some big changes as the heat dome is going to be building beginning tomorrow. it's going to be most noticeable tomorrow and wednesday when the inland heat is going to be peaking with temperatures well into the 90s, a few spots over 100 degrees. the heat is going to start to abate already on thursday. this is really going to be a two-day heatwave even though technically the heat advisory is for inland parts of the bay area extend into thursday. i don't think that's going to be nearly as hot. looking outside from san jose, let's look at today's high temperatures, 84 degrees in santa rosa, mostly upper 70s inland, 77 degrees in san jose, only 70 in fremont, 64 in san francisco and half moon bay just short of 60 degrees. a big change from that tomorrow after we start off with temperatures that are actually going to be close to normal for this time of year. our lows tomorrow
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morning are mostly going to be in the mid-50s, a few spots into the low 50s around morgan hill, some of the warmer locations far inland in the east bay staying in the low 60s in antioch, half moon bay just above 50 degrees, but even you warm up to close to 70 degrees tomorrow afternoon. temperatures will be a tiny bit cooler for the cooler spots in the north bay, 51 degrees in petaluma, about 7 degrees above average for tomorrow's low temperature in santa rosa. let's look at the forecast high temperatures for tomorrow and those are going to reach up to several degrees above average, even near the water and way above average farther inland, a good 15 to 17 degrees above normal, 100 degrees in antioch, 102 in fairfield. we see all these mid- to upper 90s inland in the east bay, low 90s in the santa clara valley, north bay some variation, upper 80s around san rafael, upper half of the 90s around santa rosa. around the bay not nearly as warm, around 80 degrees for
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san francisco, upper 80s for oakland, well short of record territory and farther inland most of us will be several degrees below tomorrow's record highs. the exception to that is santa rosa, forecasting a high of 97, the record high temperature 98 degrees, about as close as you can get and even wednesday with the inland heat continuing we're still going to be pretty far off the pace in terms of setting any records, but it's the first heatwave of the season. exercise caution. make sure you are finding air conditioning, taking a break and staying hydrated. the humidity levels won't be critically low for the fire threat down to the 13 to 15% range for the hottest spots tomorrow afternoon. we look for a combination of offshore winds and humidity levels below 10% this time of year for significant boost to the fire threat and the humidity level should recover overnight. all those factors help to mitigate but not eliminate the wildfire threat over the next couple days and even though we're returning to near average temperatures by friday and saturday, the six to
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ten day outlook and eight to 14-day outlook both show a good chance of warmer than average conditions continuing through mid-june. let's look at the seven-day forecast and start with the inland parts of the bay area, hottest tomorrow and wednesday and then backing down, upper 80s on thursday and then low to mid-80s heading into the weekend. temperatures around the bay will be at their warmest tomorrow, upper half of the 80s around oakland and near 80 degrees wednesday and then near 70 thursday, friday, and saturday and we'll be back into our typical june back and forth fog pattern beginning thursday and continuing through the weekend which means the june gloom will be back along the coast and that means temperatures will only be in the low 60s. enjoy your one day near 70 degrees for coastal parts of the bay area tomorrow and it's back to early june reality. >> thanks, paul. we're hearing some of the harrowing stories from neighbors living near this
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massive construction fire in redwood city. some of them are choosing to stay and pick up their hoses to protect their homes from flying embers, plus as we countdown to the oakland ballers' home opener tomorrow, a closer look at the transformation in the neighborhood surrounding their new stadium from parking to security, the experience fans can expect, all that coming up in about ten minutes. let's get back to matt who will be with me reporting live from the ballers' home opener tomorrow. this is getting exciting. >> it's so exciting. ryan is here, too. >> yeah. i'm so jealous. i wanted a piece of the ballers' coverage here. >> i'm sorry. >> we're in the skybox now, the ballers skybox at raimondi park. >> you'll come out as a fan eventually. >> at some point. i have to work. >> the bay area is buzzing about all this, the debut of the oakland ballers playing at raimondi park the first time tuesday and unlike some expansion teams, they aren't struggling in year one. they
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own a 7-5 record and enter the home opener with four straight wins, which is very impressive. the ballers' hitters might have a hard time leaving colorado springs after they scored 90 runs in six games. for the season oakland is averaging just under ten runs per game. that's the third most in the pioneer league. as for the pitching, reliever brody aglete is the only bay area native on the roster, grew up in martinez and is excited to pitch in front of friends and family. >> i was getting ready to give up baseball. then i threw a few bullpens and realized i still got something in the tank. >> brody will show what he still has for the ballers. the martinez native will to alhambra and pitched at sf state in college. being close to family is a big priority. >> my mother actually has ms, so it's kind of hard for her to move around and kind of hard to get her out of the house, kind of getting her away from
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that and watching my brother play baseball frees her home. anywhere close to home i thought would be perfect. >> aglete was signed by the ogden raptors after the pioneering tryouts. ready to move to utah, the raptors manager surprised him with a trade. >> he called me a few days later, yeah, i just traded you to oakland. coming back home, i had to go like by myself. i was fired up after that. >> now close to mom, he can also lean on his brother and dad, who act as a second pair of eyes after the games. >> it's cool being able to like throw like abs or throwing a game and coming home kind of debriefing with my brother who kind of acts like a second dad or a koch coach and being able to show video. >> it means a lot to represent the east bay and continue a
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proud legacy of baseball in oakland. >> kind of fill that void and bring a lot more fans to baseball and oakland as well. >> excited to watch brody pitch this year. a quick giants update, blake snell was placed on the il with a groin strain, sidelined nearly four weeks with the same injury earlier this season. michael conforto took the roster spot. he is batting cleanup tonight. good news, bad news for the giants. guys, it is ballers week. we are very excited. tomorrow the home opener, home opener 2.0 on wednesday and, of course, our first pix+ broadcast on friday evening. >> such a great week. >> got to love it. thanks, matt. stilled ahead here at
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the united states is planning for more missions to the moon in the coming years, but time works a little differently on the moon. >> yeah. so the white house is tasking nasa with a critical mission, establish a lunar time standard. max darrow explains. >> reporter: as john f. kennedy committed to in 1961 -- >> we go into space because
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whatever mankind must undertake free men must fully share. >> reporter: the united states in 2024 is once again mapping out missions to the moon. >> we are closer than ever returning missions to the moon. the artemis crew will be the first people to lay eyes on the far side of the moon in more than half a century. >> it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. >> reporter: precision was critical in this moment and it will be for future missions to the moon as well. time is a key component of that, but on the moon time works differently. >> and these define why it is that time runs differently. >> reporter: on astronomer gerald mckeegan's white board are two theories of relatively. >> your clock runs 56 microseconds per day faster than on earth. >> reporter: that equates to
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about 0.02 of a second over the course of a year. while it doesn't sound like a lot -- >> when you're talking about things like navigation signals that require very precise timing, you have to take that into account. >> reporter: so the white house has directed nasa to lead the way in developing a lunar time standard, not just a time zone, ready to implement by the end of 2026. >> actually the reason they set that target is because artemis is expected to start landing on the moon in 2026. >> reporter: over the next decade the u.s. won't be the only entity with missions to the moon. per that white house memo, establishing a unified time standard will be foundational as this happens. >> by international agreement, no country can possess the moon. the moon is available to all countries and missions to the moon are in theory done for the benefit of all mankind. >> reporter: the last crewed mission to the moon was apollo 17 in 1972. however, earlier
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this year a major milestone odysseus touched down on the lunar surface the first time a spacecraft built in the united states made it to the moon in more than 50 years. >> our equipment is on the surface of the moon. >> reporter: however, upon landing one of the spacecraft's leg got snuck a ditch and it tipped over. it did collect data. despite the mishap scientists still consider the mission a major success. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thank you. we begin with breaking news, a busy day for firefighters, now this new brushfire burning along patterson pass near livermore, we'll have the latest on the effort to contain the spread. plus affordable housing, it's under construction and it goes up in flames, this happening on the peninsula, how winds and flying embers challenged firefighters and put nearby homes in danger. >> the flames were absolutely soaring up out of the
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construction site into the air. >> there's probably at least a dozen small little spot fires they've been dealing with on roofs, fences, grass lots. >> we will hear from neighbors who stayed and grabbed hoses to protect their homes. something you see in a movie or something that happens somewhere else, but you'd never realize it's going to be this close. >> the wildfire threat will increase as the first heatwave of the season grips the bay area. tuesday is a first alert weather day. i'm tracking how long this heatwave will last in the forecast. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. thanks for joining us at 6:00. we begin with that breaking news. our chopper is over a vegetation fire burning east of livermore happening along patterson pass road. we just got an update from calfire. it has now burned more than 95 acres. you can see in the area where it is charred there is a lot of dry brush. crews are fighting this on the ground an


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