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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  June 4, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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thank you for joining us this morning. today is tuesday, june 4th. >> let's get it started. >> fire and extreme heat watch on a tuesday. just add wind and your community station is in full first alert weather day mode. what you need to know to beat the heat. our costs for a house in san mateo county is one of the highest in the nation. >> flames destroy a project present to provide affordable housing as neighbors watch a plan to help go up in smoke. what's next for an area desperate to create homes. it's just really exciting for the neighborhood and there's a lot of energy that's come back in the last couple of months that wasn't here. >> your oakland ballers and a
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bay area bounce-back. it's game day. people. do you back the ballers? coming back home and being able to stay at home, that really just kind of like -- had to go like by myself and i was just fired up after ha. >> a bay area native joins all of us for a sold out ballers' crowd. first pitch as a new era of oakland baseball hears the crack of the bat. with that we are off good morning and especially in theeast bay we are so proud of you oakland. ballers a good day. i'm reed cowan. >> i'm max darrow in for gianna franco and a lot of ballers' news but first we are in first alert weather mode today as temperatures are expected to hit triple digits in the inland areas. also increasing fire risk today and now two fires we are monitoring this morning. crews comet to make progress on the corral fire just south of tracy. that's the largest wildfire burning in california. and then a smaller one broke out east of livermore in the area of patterson pass and mid-way roads. we're going to have much more on the fires in just a few minutes. >> but first a live look outside on this tuesday
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morning. and listen up it's going to be hot. a heat advisory soon to go into effect for many parts of our region. so let's bring in the expert, first alert meteorologist darren peck is tracking the warm temperatures right now. darren, we're aware of game day out in oakland. so a lot of people going to be sitting there and they're going to be hot. >> show you the temperature for oakland specifically in one second and we should all be ready for close to if not a little more than, a 20-degree temperature increase today from what you had yesterday. here's exhibit a. and look out the window with me. there's not a cloud in the sky. that's totally different than what we'd had yesterday when the marine layer showed up and daytime highs didn't get out of the low to mid-70s for most places yesterday and today we've done a complete 180 in the weather and to take a look at where we're going with daytime highs. oakland there's your number. san francisco is going to 80 degrees today. like 64 there yesterday. when you hit 80 in the city that gets
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people's attention. but the areas we're most concerned about are inland. livermore is 95 today. fremont you will go to 86 today. redwood city is going to 85 and 86 may not sound like that big a deal when you consider that just over the hill it's going to be in the mid 90s. but it's all the perspective of your particular microclimate in the bay to do 86 degrees in fremont. like a 12-degree jump from where you were yesterday and of course the south bay is going up to 90. i want to walk up to the north bay and show you the hottest numbers will be up there. but san jose, that 90-degree temperature, you are not breaking records. but you are good 12 to 15 -- well, you are about 12 degrees above average and same thing for the santa rosa numbers this just day one guys. i'll be back with the roast the forecast and see you in few minutes. let's talk about the roadwayings right now. getting ready to take any of the bay area bridges, so far, so good. this is the live look there at the golden gate bridge. nice clearview this morning. as we really had to deal with -- to
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the week. bay bridge toll plaza, not too bad right now. we'll be seeing those gummed up conditions once the metering lights turn on and traffic looks pretty well at the san mateo bridge as well. everybody seems to be cruising on through with no delays. steady as she goes. overall a great start at 5:03. max. to the beginning of our day. all righty, back to the fire watch this morning. at this hour, the corral fire burning south of tracy is 85% contained. it's torched more than 14,000 acres since it sparked up and it started last saturday near lawrence livermore national will believe tour site near the border of alameda and san joaquin counties. fueled by dry brush and fast-moving winds it quickly exploded in size. more than 400 firefighters made good progress getting the fire under control and then there's this wildfire east of livermore. crews have gotten it under control for the most part. the fire burned nearly 100 acres in less than two hours. but we're learning this morning it is contained. it broke out just after 4:00 on monday afternoon burning right up to the road in
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the area of patterson pass and mid-way roads. luckily it did not burn any buildings and fire crews say nobody was hurt. well, if you are waking up on the peninsula this morning, this is the story. looking live right now in redwood city. this is all that's left of an affordable housing project after a fire. you can see still there are some hotspots to mop up. just scaffolding standing there. like skeletons. that is what it looked like yesterday. flames really tore the place up. this is over on middle field road and in fact at one point, people in that neighborhood, because of the intensity of the flames had to get out. so look at this. this is our chopper video and it shows extensive damage. just huge gutted that project. and in fact it was a $155 million project. the intention to get people in houses, affordable housing. and get this, as that fire started on the fifth floor, 100 construction workers had to run from the flames as you can imagine it was intense. there was worry that this fire could spread and in fact our
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kevin cowas there as some neighbors were told to leave but decided to stay back to fight the flames. >> reporter: oscar mendoza first saw the north fair oaks fire on his balcony. >> everybody was scared man because that was the first time we see something like that. >> reporter: he and his neighbors were told to evacuate by first responders but he was one of many that didn't leave. >> they kicked everyone out. they started evacuating everybody but honestly as you can see a lot of people didn't want to evacuate, you know, because they have so much valued stuff inside the house. >> that's when they were looking -- knocking. >> reporter: the ring video from another neighbor shows a san mateo county deputy knocking on their door. then -- running to do the same to nearby homes. >> everybody just freaked out man. like -- i saw -- i saw a mother running trying to go inside a house. because her family was over there. and i guess -- they were not allowing her to go over there. but i mean, i think -- i think in this situation, you are not -- you know, you are not thinking
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about either -- you want to see your family. >> reporter: those who stayed with their homes were hosing down their roofs. including nathan who took this video. >> something you see in a movie. or -- you know, something that happened somewhere else but never realize it's going to be this close to where you are staying at. >> luckily everyone here. >> reporter: alexis was told to evacuate as well. >> this is my house right here across the street. >> reporter: while he was evacuated he came back once the fire died donned. >> we're all okay and that's the good thing. >> reporter: neighbors were concerned about other properties catching on fire. >> as you can sew on the other side there's a lot of dry grass so it's just started catching on fire. >> reporter: from oscar's balcony we could see firefighters spraying down a hotspot right by a broken wooden fence. >> that's -- part of the construction. that's the insulation and yeah. like a lot of stuff like that were flying off and i think it's part of the installation stuff and that's very easy to catch on fire. >> reporter: we also saw car covers with burned out holes. from hot ashes that were spread throughout this neighborhood. >> like i was going to lose
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everything man. i got my cars over here on the street and i still haven't taken it out but i'm here in case anyashes comet on it. >> reporter: oscar is thankful for firefighters putting out the flames quickly but he hopes this fire can lead to some changes in the future. >> i think they need to be more -- county need to be more concerned about the new construction because especially for something like that, it could affect pretty much the whole community. >> so sad right? so 140 to 170 affordable housing units and all the work to get them built for you the community, gone. so let's be clear. this is a loss. the north fair oaks neighborhood is home to many lower income immigrant families. the supervisor says the county will rebuild. >> our cost for a house in san mateo county is one of the highest in the nation. at $2 million. and so we have a lot of people who are interested in
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having affordable housing. and what this does is it delays what could have happened a lot quicker. so we're vigilant. we're going to make sure that we continue here in san mateo county to build the housing that we so desperately need. >> david can pa there to rebound and rebuild. so let's talk about what firefighters faced and we all the know at the bay area has been a wind bag lately and at one point, the fear was the wind could spread the fire. >> i saw the wind either die down or shift. and i was -- secretly, you know, being very thankful for that because that's very helpful for us. the wind, as soon as the wind starts blowing it just pushes the embers into the neighborhood. >> to cause, as to the impact to the community, much to investigate and follow here and you can see all of the coverage of this fire from start to finish at our website. and also streaming on the free cbs news app. max? on this tuesday morning, time now for a look at this morning's other top stories.
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today san francisco transportation agency will be taking up a traffic safety plan all around the west portal station spurred by the tragic detach a family of four. sfmta announced the proposal back in april. now one of the crease would eliminate all left turns on west portal avenue and other turns in the neighborhood. but concerns from other businesses shelved the project. since then the city formed the welcoming west portal committee to come up with a new proposal. also in san francisco, a live look this morning. the health department announcing that two chickens at a live bird market tested positive for bird flu last month. these are the first two known cases in our area. the city also reporting avian flu was present during wastewater testing. however. health officials said there's no threat to the public at this time. last week the cdc announced that a person infected with bird flu in michigan experienced respiratory symptoms and that has not happened before. the
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third human case detected in the united states. tied to a national outbreak that is affecting dairy cattle. the cdc does say however, that the general public's risk of getting bird flu still remains very low. last winter, farms in the north bay were forced to kill hundreds of thousands of chickens and ducks after bird flu was detected in that area as well. all righty, time 5:10. on this tuesday morning. let's give you another live look outside at san francisco on this first alert weather day. we are talking triple digits potentially in some places in the bay area today. coming up, we're helping you beat the heat. plus -- we're going to stick it out. >> yeah. >> see how things go with -- now that the ballers are in town. >> ahead, meet a couple of guys who wanted to pack it up and leave the bay area until a ballers' bounce-back. convinced them to stay. see? positive impacts from people who have a dream and a goal deep down, i knew something was wrong. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal.
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tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. call it a rebirth. call it a revival. these are the ballers. a new pro baseball team. built by oakland. >> all right ballers, let's go. >> built for oakland. >> well, that definitely gets you in the mood for game day. this is a live look on a tuesday morning from raimondi park. oakland's newest baseball team. the ballers, are getting ready to play in front of the home crowd for the very
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first time. marking a new era for baseball in oakland. first pitch 6:35 tonight against the yolo high wheelers. and the team's inaugural home opener. >> all right and we want to welcome you here to our new virtual reality set to get everybody at home kind of a sneak peek of what you will see for game day at raimondi park and by the way i have to show you the back of this jersey too. pretty cool right? this is what community investment looks like and in fact shawn chitnis is here, this is a huge transformation and i'm wearing the jersey here? i got the better one. >> i think they're all great. >> ballers baby. >> this is the community really threw their heart and soul into that. >> reporter: they have been impressed right? this even exceeded their expectations about how quickly raimondi park has been transformed and is going to be ready for tonight's home opener. along the way though also got some added benefits that are helping residents spread the word about that new team in town. family
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walks for andrew and bill clean reed have changed dramatically in just the past couple of months in their west oakland neighborhood. >> a lot better -- about where we live and deciding to like buy here and make this be our home. >> reporter: each time they take the dog out, there's usually something new for them to spot at raimondi park. the home of the oakland ballers. the couple was one of the first families to move in on their block in 2020. the challenges from the pandemic made it difficult to rebuild momentum here. >> it's just really exciting for the neighborhood. and there's a lot of energy that's come back in the last couple of months that wasn't here. >> reporter: but since the ballers announced they would play nearby, the impact was immediate. andrew and bill wouldn't say they're diehard baseball fans but do love the chance to spend time with friends at home games. the close proximity to the bs may change how often they get to see a game in-person though. >> probably go a few times this summer. >> a month. >> yeah. month? [ laughter ] wow. all right. new baseball fans. >> reporter: not only has the team changed their view on the
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game, but also their long-term plans in the bay area. the couple considered moving out of their current home around this time last year. >> yes, we are. we actually -- we talked about it and we're going to stick it out and see how things go now that the ballers are in town. >> yeah. >> reporter: the guys already making more plans than they initially thought to see the team. another benefit for this neighborhood though is the activity that's going to come with those games. food vendors, social gatherings, so even if they don't actually end up going to a game on a given night because it's so close, imagine having a food truck that normally isn't in your neighborhood or -- a bunch of people just hanging out. that's going to be so much fun for them. >> huge. really is and really great for this west oakland neighborhood and just as a whole. you are right, you don't have to go to the game to reap the benefits of this and the traps formation over the last year is really incredible. >> reporter: what an endorsement. a year ago the couple said you know what? we love oakland and the bay area but because of this team, they're deciding to stay. >> hey oakland needs a win and we're going to get it tonight. you know it right?
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later this week you can watch the team's friday home game against the yolo high wheelers on the sister station, pix+ 44 cable 12. beginning at 6:30 p.m. and we are your community station and we have all the friday night home games. those games brought to you through the end of august. a live look outside on this tuesday morning for you. get ready for the heat. because today is a first alert weather day. especially for the folks living inland. the alameda county office of emergency services is reminding everyone to take some precautions today to beat the heat. like don't leave children or pets in a parked car. temperatures can jump between 10 and 20 degrees within just a matter of ten minutes or so. another one, wear loose clothing. stay hydrated. that means drink water even when you don't really feel thirsty. find some shade or a space where air-conditioning is available and of course apply and reapply sunscreen when needed and you can also check out a list of cooling centers on the emergency services website. joining us now and darren we
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just are talking heat mainly in the inland parts of the region. heat for everybody max. 80-degrees in san francisco is a warm day especially not all thatacclimated to it. the tips and suggestions, there are particular parts of the bay that need that more than others. that's in a minute. that heat risk map and you will see how it's the inland east bay that's most at risk for that. look how we started the day. the time lapse watching the moon rise. because clouds are in the way of sunrise you very rarely get the moon rise coming up. cool to watch but also very telling. not single cloud out there. perfectly clear skies and we've got a very unique start to the day. in comparison where we've been for the last few days. first thing we need to take a look at just to set the stage is to show you how different it's going to be. for your part of the bay today. from where you were yesterday. so half-moon bay you are going to be ten
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degrees warmer today. that's mild. look at the numbers inland. close to 20 degrees warmer today in livermore and 19 degrees warmer in oakland and here's why i said that 80 degrees in san francisco. should not be overlooked or written off. that is a 20-degree difference from where you were yesterday. that's a big change to go through in 24 hours. and changes like that on their own even if you are not hitting 90 or 100, those can still catch people off-guard. if you are not prepared for it. especially when it comes to keeping in mind you want to go easy on yourself outside and make sure nobody gets left in a car even in san francisco on ady like today. and if you take a look up in the north bay you can see temperatures are going to the 90s. what do the numbers actually mean? what are the actual daytime highs? we looked at these at the top of the newscast, worth looking at them again to just drive the point home. the numbers are climbing up into well into the mid 90s and we do finally start to see some temperatures here reaching triple digits. look out over towards the east bay. concord, you will be pretty close. antioch you will believe pretty
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close and let's just finish up the view. in the south bay, so a couple of things to be discussed in terms of the messaging on this. the first one is, the words heat advisory. so everywhere on the map on here that's got the orange, north bay, inland east bay and down in the santa clara valley, we've got a heat advisory that starts at 8:00 this morning and doesn't expire until we get to midnight on thursday. yes. on a good note, the city, the peninsula and the east bay are not included. but we now know after seeing the numbers you are still in this. even if the degree of concern from a heat risk isn't as high. it doesn't mean you are still not involved in the warm-up and i think just about as much everybody else. a couple of years ago the national weather service started showing the heat risk map and it's color coded to just drive home and one quick image who really needs to pay attention to this the most. areas in red a classified major risk of heat related health impacts. most of that in the central valley. but closer to home there's a little bit in
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the north bay and plenty of orange for the immediate bay and watch the transition. this is wednesday. you can already see the pattern here. cool air starting to filter through the bay and we don't really cool down significantly here though till thursday. now you can really see the pattern here of how we break heat waves. onshore flow increases and conditions get better in the bay. and then eventually that works its way into the central valley and everyone gets a break but we have a few days to go before we get there. this heat dome has been building over the course of the last 18 hours and will continue to set up shop here for the next several days. this heat wave in fact is a much bigger story for much of the rest of the west and it will be very prolonged in general for much of the intermountain west. here at home about to to see a little bit of a break. what we're going to do is start getting more specific in the 7 day for the microclimates. san jose the numbers that apply to you directly. going to 90s over the next few days and you can see the numbers on here. 9 #, 29 on wednesday. and then the numbers will start to get a bit better
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but look at the inland microclimates this is where the numbers peak out and you can see some of the higher numbers are back here. stake a look at the temperatures here. for tuesday and wednesday. you have got that 100-degree number and then it does start to get better as you get to the middle of the week and then to round out the microclimate forecast, let's just get redwood city in because i want to have a representative on here for the peninsula because we do experience this quite differently within the bay. whether you are on the peninsula, or santa clara valley. there are noticeable differences and you will be mid- to upper 80s in redwood city. still hot enough even not in the heat advisory, got to keep that awareness high today and i'll see you with more on this coming up later. for now reed. over to you. >> i sense people might be driving over to 86 in redwood city. let's talk about the drive. quiet start on the roads the tuesday morning. overall. we are tracking some brake lights though for you supercommuters and good morning to you. coming in from the autopsiens, stop and go conditions as you make your way from the 205 to hop on to 580. so far no reports of any incidents on the roadways.
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let's keep it that way. a major hotspot is that part of the bay area. we'll be watching that closely but overall a nice drive coming into san francisco for now. that will change once the metering lights come on and it will start to back up and we all know that but so far all of the approaches are pretty clear right now. so if you plan to take the bay bridge at this hour it will be an easy drive for you. max? all right. time 5:23 on a tuesday. stealing the show. this congressman might never give a more memorable speech but has an absolutely nothing to do with what he act
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and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. welcome back. delivering the speech on the house floor of congress is a serious matter. unless you are congress member's 6-year-old son who couldn't hold back from making silly faces while his dad denounced former president donald trump's 34 felony convictions. watch this. >> we'd be well served to remember the long and cherished tradition we have in this country of settling our political differences at the ballot box. for nearly two and a half centuries -- >> that's republican representative john rose from tennessee. he later commented on his son's antics saying this is what i -- get for telling him to smile at the camera for his little brother. >> i say we need more laughing.
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>> not a lot of laughing on the house or senate floor these days. time right now 5:27. coming up big love poured into a ballers' ballpark. part of that love is security to keep all of us safe on game ♪♪ when your child has moderate-to-severe eczema, it's okay to for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons
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and inspire the next generation of code breakers. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (light gentle music) and away we go. halfway through the 5:00 hour and good morning, everybody. let's take a live look right now. this is
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san francisco. looking over towards the bay bridge. and over there to oakland where we know the ballers are going to win tonight. all right, so if you are trying to find ways to beat the heat on this first alert weather day, we have the expert here. first alert meteorologist darren peck is tracking the temperatures, darren? what a change and fast too. >> that's the whole point and the main issue with this one. reed. it's such a fast warm-up from where we were yesterday. lot of us going to be 20 degrees hotter today than you were yesterday. so it's not just that these will be the hottest days we've done so far this year. it's also the fact that a lot of people are going to get taken completely off-guard by this. and it's usually on those big transitions when we all become a lot more vulnerable to the impacts of intense heat like this. so let's get a couple of housekeeping items out of the way first. there's a heat advisory that's starting today. and goes all the way throughout the duration of tomorrow. in other words it expires as soon as we hit midnight tomorrow night going into thursday. if you look at the locations on the map that are included in the heat advisory, on the one hand it's
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kind of obvious. it's all the inland valleys. north bay, inland east bay and santa clara valley. but this map doesn't really convey accurately enough where the concern is for heat. because it's really for everybody. when we look at the numbers in one second you will see why. so the next issue i want you to see is the heat risk map that's for today. pretty much the entire bay is included in some degree on here. most of us are in orange. if you are in orange, the wording on that is, you have got a moderate degree of heat related health impacts. the take away from that is go easy on yourself today. look at the numbers. today's daytime highs across the bay are in the low 90s. we've done this before in the santa clara valley. but you haven't quite done it from a transition where you were in the mid 70s one day to go to low 90s. look inland and concord you have not done that number yet. that will be the first time you get within one degree of 100. for those inland east bay communities, this is the hottest day of this season so far for san francisco, at 80
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degrees. you were 67 yesterday. huge differences. and the north bay valleys will be in the mid 90s. go over to this in more detail coming up in the complete forecast. for now guys, back to you. >> all right. glad i got the yard work done yesterday. thank you so much. let's talk about the roadways that you will be confronting rye now getting ready to head out the door. so you can plan your morning. things looking pretty good all across the bay area right now. the altamont pass we know this at this time of morning still kind of struggling through the morning drive. and taking a look elsewhere, there's a crash on southbound 242 in concord. the right hand side currently blocked but no reactions coming from this really. still an easy drive before you hop on 680 just be aware of that. and kind of give room for first responders. westbound highway 4 starting to see a stop and go condition there. we're going to check back as this is really another hotspot in our bay area morning drive. play ball. call it a rebirth. call it a revival. these are the ballers. a new pro baseball
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team. built by oakland. >> all right ballers, let's go. >> built for oakland. >> what a day for some baseball. taking a live look this morning from raimondi park in oakland the home of the ballers. we are counting down to the first pitch for the ballers' inaugural home opener. the newest baseball team for oakland will play in front of the home crowd for the very first time tonight. first pitch 6:35 and they are hosting the yolo high wheelers and right now we're back here at the virtual reality set behind us raimondi park. we're standing in probably center field depth or so. somewhere around there reed. >> pretty cool. just call this the virtual reality dugout? >> outfield. >> probably should ask the boss first. wilson walker went out to the park and he has a preview of what you are going to experience everything from all the love poured into security and parking. wilson ?
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>> yeah, we're very crease. it's a little bit stressful but a there's going to be baseball here on june 4th. >> reporter: on the cusp of opening day, ballers' co-founder paul freeman is watching the final pieces fall into place getting the park ready for baseball and an opening night sellout. his message for anyone unfamiliar with the area? >> well, i think -- first of all, this neighborhood is a lot safer than people expect. i mean, we live in a big day and you always got to you know, look out but this neighborhood, my kids played soccer at the field right over here. we also have a lot of security. over a dozen security personnel will be here and opd will be on site. this is going to be a safe you know, secure environment. >> reporter: and for anyone who is driving and possibly worried about their car. >> we have a lot of different parking places and there's a parking lot right across the street over there. and is under roof. we have another very large parking facility on the other side of wood street and then right next to it we have a lot that supports tailgating as well. all of them are behind secure fences and all of them are attended and people are
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going to be able to park the cars and come to the game safe and secure. >> reporter: not just excited to welcome fans, they say they have landed in a neighborhood on the upswing. >> look there's a lot of great things that have been happening in this neighborhood in prescott even before the ballers. >> this one we just painted lake two months ago. >> reporter: israel montes has been right around the corner since the '80s and suddenly surrounding blocks are dotted with renovations and new construction. >> everything is getting better. i'm pretty sure. yeah. yeah. i mean, you can see all the -- all the buildings and housing all around. you got a baseball team coming up. >> reporter: this part of west oakland has actually really changed in the past five or six years since i have been here. >> brand new housing here. there's a new food hall opening up here. >> reporter: jason russell snyder makes his daily dog walk through raimondi park. >> they've repaved the roads and i have noticed that the -- areas that they're going to use for parking lot seems pretty -- lit and clean. tailgaters will be over there. >> reporter: freeman thinks
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some visitors may be pleasantly surprised when they see the refurbished neighborhood surrounding the park and their focus will be on baseball. >> you know ballers have been adding momentum to a neighborhood that already had great momentum and it's going to be a wonderful place to come see the game. >> reporter: we have mentioned full work being done over the last several weeks. that too said to be part of the larger effort to make everybody feel good about coming down here no matter how they get here. remember, if you can just get yourself to the west oakland b.a.r.t. station, they will be running shuttles over here to the ballpark. >> okay. so put this into perspective. unlike some expansion teams these ballers really are on fire in their first year. >> yeah, they have come into tonight's game on a four game-winning streak. they have a 7-5 record right now actually to start the year. that's on the road. totally on the road there. four straight wins. and hitters, they might have a hard time because in colorado springs, they did really well. they scored 90 runs in six
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games this season. oakland averaging just under 10 runs per game. that's the third most in the pioneer league. as for the pitching the reliever is the only bay area native on the roster. he is excited for the chance to pitch in front of friends and family. watch. >> i was getting ready to give up baseball and then i threw a few bullpens and threw -- a few live abs and realized like i still got something in the tank. >> reporter: brody will show what he still has for the ballers. the martinez native went to alhambra. it's a big priority being close to family. >> my mother actually has ms so it's kind of hard farmer to move around and hard to get her out of the house. i know getting her away from that and watching her and my brother play baseball really kind of frees her mind. i thought if i could be anywhere close to home it'd be pet. >> reporter: he wasn't originally a baller. he was signed by the ogden raptors
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after the pioneer league tryouts. ready to move the utah. the raptors' manager surprised him with a trade. >> he called me a few days later and was like yeah i just traded you to coke land. that -- i had do go by myself and its fired up after that. >> reporter: now close to mom he can also lead on his brother and dad who act as a second pair of eyes after the game. >> it's cool. throw in a game and coming home and kind of debriefing with my brother. a coach in a way. or my dad too. just kind of -- being able to tell them how i felt and kind of show video. then being able to have them come out to the games too. >> reporter: for the martinez kid it means a lot to represent the east bay. and continue a proud legacy of baseball in oakland. >> they got rid of the warriors and the raiders. soon to be the a's. i feel like we're going to kind of fill that void and kind of bring a lot more -- fans to baseball and to oakland as well. >> and later this week, you can watch the team's friday home game against the yolo high
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rollers on the sister station, pix+ 44 cable 12. that begins at 6:30 p.m. and hey bringing you all the friday night home games for the oakland ballers through the end of august. you won't want to miss it. pix+ 44 cable 12. >> all right. exciting. some headlines now. opening statements for the federal firearms trial of the president's son hunter biden. he's accused of lying on federal gun purchase forms saying he was not a drug addict. that's contradicted in his 2021 memoir and first lady jill biden was in court today among other supporters during jury selection. saying she's there to support her son. also president biden released a statement expressing his love and support for his son without asserting opinions on guilt or innocence. let's talk global issues right now. the president's facing. the president has a lot of work pushing hamas to accept a ceasefire agreement. the agreement is a multistage one that releases hostages in groups and six weeks of peace. and then the eventual pullout
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of israeli troops if everybody holds to those measured responses in this agreement. hamas continues to hold many hostages taken months ago but we have a sad update. word this morning four hostages have been found dead including three men who were seen in this hamas propaganda video back in december. what goes on there has people here raising their voices in protest. arrests happened at the israeli consulate building in san francisco after protesters occupied that building's lobby. calling for an end to the israel-hamas war. the associated press reporting police zip tied the hands of 69 protesters and loaded them into a police van and sent them to be charged with trespassing. today the alameda county city council will decide if an experiment can resume on the uss hornet. last month scientists tested this device you can see it right here at sprays tiny particles into the air in to goal to see if this would cool the planet. however, the experiment brought to a halt to assess health and safety concerns. we'll be watching that one closely. and
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keep you updated. time rye now 5:341. get ready to dig deep to stay cool on this first alert weather day. and through the summer. a boom in costs to stay cool straight ahead. it was very much an escape for me. >> 10s across the board. we're talking about ballroom. it's pride month and we have a look at a proud tradition still alive and well in the east bay. we'll
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all right. let's get heated over the attempts to stay cool. time now for the money watch report this morning. get ready to start paying more in cooling costs this summer. there are some projections to let you know e about and in fact two energy groups say summer electric bills are expected to jump 8% in the united states. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration predict this is summer will bring more above average temperatures with at least 20states expected to experience out of the norm heat levels. and you might have some of those concerns today on this first alert weather day. taking a live look outside on this tuesday morning. this is sort of the calm before what is going to be a wave of heat over the hills. >> looking just at that picture of san francisco, there's no marine layer. there's nothing. you just know it's going to heat up today so let's bring in first alert meteorologist darren peck who has all the things you got to know about today beating the heat on this first alert weather day. that's usually to tell isn't it max? when you wake up
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and not a single cloud in sight especially yesterday when we had so much of the marine layer and we were grayed out bay area wide and of course yesterday we didn't get out of the 70s for most of us. that view out the window shows you one vantage point over it. here's one over san jose and here's one -- yesterday morning the marine layer filled in the entire santa clara valley and now you are waking up with perfectly clear skies. let's start out this story by putting some numbers on the virtual map to show you daytime highs today. go to the virtual map and put the numbers on here and san jose the numbers up to the low 90s today. 91 in los gatos and you will be 95 in livermore. and 85 in redwood city. 80 in san francisco today. if we just pause on this view right here. can you see scene? going from half-moon bay let's see if we can get the san mateo county coastline in the shot and antioch at the same time. because that line usually gives
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you the most dramatic tell. when we go through heat like this, and the microclimates have set up. any good news here, you are still staying in the 60s in half-moon bay. so the temperatures out at the beach at least are not getting into the 70s down here today. usually when we get into the worst heat waves you do. but if you follow that line back, there's san francisco's 80 that's a very fast warm-up. there's very little gradient here and normally you at least avoid some of this in the city and there of course are the numbers for antioch and concord going well into the 90s and north bay valleys your temperatures are going up into the mid 90s today. as well. so if we look at the heat advisory, that covers the entire inland portion of the bay. so all of our inland valleys whether it's north bay, inland east bay or santa clara valley, are included in this. there's a little bit of a gap for the city and the peninsula and right along the east bay shore but we know already there's going to be plenty warm in those locations. if you look cat areas highlighted in orange on here. that's where you have got a
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moderate risk for heat related health impacts and pretty much includes the entire bay. windchill the transition on this. see how we break the heat wave we're going to play in forward each day. here's today and i'm going to hit the button and advance to wednesday. a pattern show up as cooler air starts to push back the worst of the heat. that's tomorrow. so the on shore influence is already taken hold. however, the numbers for many of us in the immediate -- i should say for the most inland east bay communities, you don't really get a whole lot of help yesterday. or i should say tomorrow. tomorrow you are still going to be just about as warm as you were today. and if we take it and advance it another day, just watch the colors change. just feels good watching this. as the worst of the heat abates that gets us all the way ahead to thursday and then by friday, we will have really left the worst of the heat behind. visualization of the building heat overhead and the reason why i wanted to show you this is because while we're going to see the worst of this tuesday and wednesday, this is going to be a long duration
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heat event for much of the west. watch what happens. the bubble each day you can see it pulsating. that bubble of intense heat hasn't really relinquished much. i let this play ahead. it's the duration this sets up that's going to be a headline on the bigger picture. for us here at home especially access to the on shore influence, a two to three day event for the most intense heat but the perspective of knowing how long this is going to last. now the 8 to 14 day temperature trend and you can see there's still a high degree of confidence much of the west is going to be dealing with this. a couple of different 7 days. the one that stands out the most. this afflis applies equally. you will be there going through for the most part tuesday and wednesday and then thursday and friday things will start to get better. all right, let's
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transition now and use a couple of different 7 day forecasts here and instead of looking at the bay in general, we'll do that first. and you can kind of see how the bay plays cooler. noticeably cooler. but we really need more detail than this. so rather than just generalizing the bay, here's the 7 day forecast first for redwood city. a great representative of the peninsula and the immediate east bay shoreline for alameda county. and if we take a look at the difference now for san jose, your numbers are a little warmer than that. santa clara valley, with numbers getting well into the low 90s for the next few days and at least it's not 100 but you will be in the low 90s from now through wednesday and it gets better by the end of the week. reed, over to you. thank you so much. let's talk traffic right now. slowly starting to get busy right there at the bay bridge. you see that. taking a live look from the toll plaza. metering lights officially on. or starting to see a slowdown for the drivers from the east bay to san francisco. slow speeds continue as you make across into the city. give yourself a few extra minutes if you have
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not left yet. maybe hurry up and get out the door early right? looking live at those of you driving westbound 580 on the richmond-san rafael bridge. that commute so far looks pretty easy as you make your way into marin county and good morning to all of you. be safe out there. time right now 5:50. get ready to let the children have it. if you know what that means. you are a part of the family right? we're serving looks all morning long. category is? bay
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment
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of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. love? song. hope love pride. san francisco may be the epicenter of our bay area's proud lgbtq+ culture but over in oakland, vogueing, you know what that is. takes on a new life giving gender fluid and trans people of color really a safe space to be themselves. you are going to love this story. get out the dancing shoes and our itay hod takes you inside the colorful world of oakland's thriving and historic underground ballroom scene. watch. ♪ >> reporter: welcome to the
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glittering world of ballroom. where the colors are bright, the drama is high, and the heels are even higher. >> ballroom was a very much an escape for me. >> reporter: in 2021, soho moved to the bay area from brooklyn looking for acceptance. found it in oakland's ballroom scene. where he learned to vogue. >> i grew up in a very strict kind of military family. so this was like my outlet. >> reporter: the dance, popularized by madonna's iconic music video, is rooted in the ballroom culture of new york city in the 19 80s. where gender fluid people of chloroformed groups known as houses. chosen families that provide its members with protection and a sense of belonging. ♪ these houses face off in fierce, but friendly ballroom competitions that include different categories and prizes. >> ballroom is really just a safe space for us to be creative with our peers and
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find that support while -- while also having like that competitive aspect. >> reporter: tonight, soho is competing in the runway category. where he'll be judged on his walk, confidence, and overall look. >> i'm very much a big anime geek. and i wanted to kind of be -- when i step out all eyes on me. so i took it literal. >> reporter: in recent years, the underground ballroom community has stepped out of the shadows and into the limelight. >> everything is yours. >> reporter: appearing in hit tv shows like "pose," legendary, and paw rule's drag face. >> it's the attitude like you command the room. >> reporter: he is the mother of the house of bode gay and this evening's host. she says oakland is quickly emerging as one of the most active ballroom scenes in the country. but as we learned. not everyone is runway ready. >> bam, bam. it's in the hips. bam. >> am i doing this right?
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>> you a little funky. but we going to get it together. >> reporter: tonight, the rivalry is between eight different houses, each in its signature color. as soho hits the dance floor, decked out in purple, he's focused on serving up the perfect amount of attitude to secure the highest score from the judges. >> we have to make people in the audience feel every bit, every moment. every morsel that you do. >> reporter: in the end, soho takes the prize. stomping out the competition while putting his best foot forward. >> and those are some platforms there. coming up at 8:00 over on pix+ 44 cable 12, we will be discussing the history and the cultural significance and the importance of ballroom culture all over the country with fashion artist boris powell. let's give you a live look outside on this first alert weather day. you can see that
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sun is shining. meteorologist darren peck tracking the at
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