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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  June 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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>>baseball. was being stricken. and taking away from oak. but we reclaimed it. this is how the magic happens. >>and right now in the afternoon edition, the a's maybe living down, but the bottlers are just getting started in oakland. and tonight they take the field of remand a park for the 1st time ever. good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto. it's a new chapter for baseball in oakland. well, get to the ballers inaugural home opener just a moment, but 1st you probably see noticing the warmup where you live. it is a 1st alert. weather day. here is a live look outside with temperatures jumping as much as 20 degrees and some parts of the bay area. you can see those brown hills and contra costa county and in the south bay fire crews are on high alert. that's that's not the only potential danger today because right out to meteorologist darren peck well,
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on the 1 hand, it's a beautiful day to look at it out our windows here from the virtual set with the water glinting. but it is going to be a hot 1. and it is going to be a concern along our beaches, to so this is 1 of those scenarios where we have this unfortunate. alignment. of a heat advisory for our inland valleys at the same time, we've got to beach houses. statement at the coast. there's a large swell coming our way. so if you look at where the heat advisory is, and this is really the focus in the forecast today, we will go into great detail on numbers. but all of our inland valleys have a heat advice. theory. on the same day. when we've got a beach hazard statement for the coast, this goes into effect tomorrow. through thursday. bottom line is if you're going to the beach to avoid the heat, great idea. just make sure you're staying very aware near the surf. sneaker waves rip currents will be quite common and quite dangerous. so just be real. careful out there. yeah. in the meantime, fire crews still mopping up hot spots after a fire destroyed and affordable housing complex that was under construction. in redwood city. yesterday. we
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brought this to you as breaking news and today, fire officials say they do not suspect any kind of foul play, though they are still investigating the cause. of the fire broke out on the 5th floor of the building where workers were putting up sheep rocket and insulation. some of the workers try to put out that fire with fire extinguishers. but everyone got out safely about 100 homes had to be evacuated. or officials say everyone should be back in >>their home. >>later >>today. >>a rebirth. call it a revival. >>all right, bob >>ballers. >>a new pro >>baseball team. >>bill. >>pay >>oakland ballers. let's go >>4. >>oakland >>oh, baseball on deck. weird. counting down. to the oakland ballers bay area debut, oakland, his baseball team will play in front of their home crowd for the 1st time. in a monday >>park >>at 1st pitch is at 635. tonight against the yellow high wheelers and crews have been working all around the clock to
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get that field ready for tonight's game. the team's owners raised 1.6 0 0 to turn the historic monday. park in west oakland into a 4000. seat stadium. oakland's mayor sheng thao, joined city leaders at the ballpark today. all the celebrate the new team. and a major transformation. in that neighborhood. >>oakland has some of the best fans on earth. that's right. and this is what this is how the magic happens, people from outside of oakland say what? oakland, oakland, as can have, and cannot have. hope in some small way. this project. with this project, our actions speak louder than their words. >>owner paul friedman says he hopes the ballers can lead a revival in oakland >>sports. >>tonight's game is already sold out. but there's still plenty of chance to see the ballers empress in the season. wilson marker has a closer look at what fans will experience from security. to parking.
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>>yeah. we're very close. we're putting the final touches in it's a little bit stressful because we've got a lot >>of little things on the cusp of opening day ballers co founder paul freeman is watching the final pieces fall into place. getting the park ready for baseball >>and >>opening night sellout. his message for anyone. unfamiliar with >>the area. i think 1st of all, this neighborhood is a lot safer than people expect. we live in a big city. you always got to, you know, look out, but this neighborhood my kids play soccer at this field right over here. we also have a lot of security over a dozen security personnel will be here. we have opd will be on site. so this is going to be safe, secure environment >>and for anyone who is driving. impossible. possibly worried about car. >>we got a lot of different parking places. there's a parking lot right across the street over there, which is under roof. we have another very large parking facility on the other side of wood street and then right next to it. we have a lot that's sports tailgating as well. all of them are behind. security fences. all of them are attended. people will be able to park their cars and come to the game. they're safe and secure.
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>>just excited >>to welcome >>and they say they have landed in a neighborhood. on the upswing. >>there's a lot of great things have been happening in this neighborhood in prescott. even before the ballers. just painted like 2 months ago, >>israel montes has been right around the corner since the 80s suddenly, the surrounding blocks are dotted with renovations. and new construction. >>everything is getting better. i'm pretty sure. yeah, yeah, i mean, you can see all the all the buildings housing all around. you've we've got a baseball team coming up this part of west oakland has actually really changed in the past 5 or 6 years since i've been here. brand new housing here. there's a new food hall opening up here. >>jason russell snyder makes his daily dog walk through raymond >>parks. repaved paved the roads and i've noticed that the areas that they're going to use for parking lot seems pretty lit. and clean. will be over there. >>freeman thinks some visitors may be pleasantly surprised when they see the refurbished
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neighborhoods surrounding the park. and that their focus will be on baseball. >>you know, the ballers have been adding momentum to a neighborhood that already had great moment momentum and it's going to be wonderful place to come and see a baseball game. >>we have mentioned all the street and sidewalk work being done over the last several weeks. that to said to be part of the larger effort to make everybody feel good about coming down here, no matter how they get here, remember if you can just get yourself to the west oakland bart station they will be running shuttles. over here to >>the bulb. >>yeah. you got to love the logos to on the field, the ballers have been on fire to start their inaugural season. they're riding a 4 game win string. they are 7 and 5 to start this season. not bad, considering they've been on the road. the entire time. in 6 games in colorado springs. they scored 90 runs for the season. oakland is averaging just under 10 runs per game better. that is the 3rd most in the pioneer league. as for pitching reliever brody is the only bay area native on the roster and has met lively reports. he's
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excited for the chance to pitch. in front of friends. and family. >>yeah. was getting ready to get to give up baseball. and then i threw a few bullpens to through a few live a bs and realized like i still got something in >>the tank will show what he still has for the ballers martinez native went to alhambra and pitched at sfc. state in college. college being close to family. is a big priority. >>mother actually has mss, so it's kind of hard for her to move around and kind of hard to get out of the house. i know kind of giving her away from them and watching her. my brother play baseball kind of really just kind of freeze her mind so i thought if i could do anywhere close to close to home would be perfect. >>wasn't originally a baller. he was signed by the ogden raptors after the pioneer league tryouts ready to move to utah. the raptors managers surprised him with a trade. >>like a few days later, i was actually working at the time. yeah. a few days later, i guess just raised you to oakland coming. coming back home and be able to stay at home with that really kind of just like i had
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to go like by myself. i was just fired up >>after that. now close to mom. taken also lean on his brother and dad who act as a 2nd pair of eyes after the games. >>like, you know, throw my babies are throwing a game and coming home and kind of debriefing with my brother who kind of acts like a like a 2nd dad like a coaching away or my dad to just kind of being able to tell them how i felt and kind of show video and have them come out to the games, too. >>martinez, kid. it means a lot to represent the east bay and continue a proud legacy of baseball in oakland. >>the warriors and the raiders soon to be the ace. i feel like we're going to kind of fill that void and kind of bring a lot more more fans to baseball and to oakland as well. >>yeah. brodie also a gator. go gators. hey, matt, lively, will join julia goodrich live at raymond a park this evening to bring you all the excitement leading up to this historic home opener coverage starts at 5:00. and if you can't make it out to raymond a park this week, you can watch friday's home game against the yellow.
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how high rollers on our sister station pix plus 44 cable 12, beginning at 6:30 p.m.. we'll be bringing you all the friday night home games through the >>end >>of violence. and still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area, a new scandal in baseball. a picture was just suspended from the majors for an entire >>year >>and another team's player was banned for life plus all the niners showing some love christian caffrey. getting that bag we're going to learn more >>about >>the star running back record. so look at these giant hardy. hibiscus. now, when i look at these think of my grandma she lived in florida. she cut the little ones put them behind my ear. mom, can we grow these? no, we live in ohio, but these you can, they will get to be 4 ft by 4. ft. really read the pink and white. we've got the lavender living grow this at home. so here's how it works. they take that ginormous plant they vote for 2 to 3 years. they cut it down to a route
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like this and you the live route. you put the root right into the ground. all you have to do is just cover up the root. leave this little bit on top here. water it you get all 3 of these routes, so you're going to get all of these colors for $49. that's just $16 in change per plant. think of what you get for $16. that look at these are show stoppers. this deal and more. the qr code at the top of your screen or
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well, we are 5 months until election day. day. president biden is issuing an executive or the control the number of migrants coming across the southern border. it is the toughest immigration action today that will allow us immigration officials stood deport migrants without processing their asylum claims. but only when the number of illegal border crossing surpasses 2500 a day. >>this action will help us gain control of our borders. restore order into the process. >>in may, border patrol recorded an average of 3800 crossings daily. unaccompanied children are exempt from the order. which goes into effect after midnight. republicans save the president truly cared about the border. he would have done this a long >>time. >>and major league baseball news, san diego infielder to succeed the marcano has been permanently banned after he was found violating the mlb's gambling policy, including betting on baseball. for other
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players, including oakland, a's relief pitcher michael kelly, also received 1 year suspensions. says kelly made bets on major league games while he was in the minor leagues. >>he was >>it was a legal sports betting operator. who alerted mlb about the wagers aides released a statement saying, in part that they are disappointed to learn about the matter. but violation occurred before kellie was on the roster. and they support the league's gambling. policy. some exciting news for 49 fans looks like christian mccaffrey will be wearing red and gold for a long time. just moments ago, the team >>announced >>the running back. agreed >>to >>a >>year extension. >>a >>year. >>caffrey >>led >>the felon rushed >>pardon, quote. last week. he >>finished 3rd and mvp >>voting. player year. >>hey, things are heating up in the 1st alert weather day heat advisory is in effect for inland. areas. let's check back in with meteorologist darren peck.
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>>well, pick out your part of the bay numbers today are going to be about 20 degrees above where they were yesterday. so if you look at livermore, you're sitting well into the mid and upper 90s. 85 in redwood city is a hot day is going to be low 90s for san jose. these numbers we've already done in the south bay have already been here, but we have not been 1 degree shy of 100 in antioch yet this year and you are about to do that today. watch what happens when we switch these numbers out and just for perspective, show you what the difference is how much hotter are these numbers? just just 24 hours ago? it's a pretty significant difference. we've got a big jump coming our way. so let's get into some of the forecast imagery on here. the heat risk map has been a great tool to help visualize in 1 quick snapshot, where some of the higher degree of concern is on here, its color coded you get into those deep ends of red. the national weather service is charming that a major risk of heat related health impacts the bay area is like 95% orange. most of us are orange, except for 1 little small patch on here, and if we come in for a closer look at
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the north bay, you can see windsor. and napa valley fall within that band of red with temperatures approaching 100 their santa rosa should be just shy of it. we may get there and winter we may get there in napa valley, so it's really just another way of kind of upping the degree of concern if you're in orange, you pretty much still go about your daily routine. even if you work outdoors, but you want to meet you've really got to be vigilant. that finding the shades staying hydrated if you're in the red you probably want to put today off just from the intensity of the heat standpoint. all right, let's get into the 7 day forecast now we'll take a look at all of our micro climates on here. inland parts of the bay show you temperatures right around 100 for the next couple of days and then you'll cool down once we get into the weekend and early next week, the temperatures will have come back down to pretty much average. so this is a good representative for downtown san jose as a santa clara representative. the inland microclimate. we just looked at that's all of our inland valleys, north bay valleys. and inland east bay. the we get a little bit of a break here and as we go further north of the peninsula, you see
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the temperatures even improve a little more down here. redwood city's numbers are going to the upper 80s today and you'll be in the mid to upper 70s just around this out. you can see the impact this has by the time we get to oakland temperatures will be in the mid 80s, and you can pretty much take about 5 degrees off of these numbers for each day. and that gives you the san francisco forecast. marine layer is coming back. but it's not getting here through the end >>of the week. when we come back and you need way to celebrate pride in the east bay. >>is really just a safe space for us to be creative with our peers and find that support. >>the underground ballroom seen has seen
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(♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients.
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adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. but as we celebrate pride month we turn back. to oakland. where the art of voguing is. taking on. a new life. or eat. i hard takes us inside the colorful world of the town's underground. ballroom scene. >>my wife. my welcome to the glittering world of ballroom. colors are bright. drama is
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>>high. >>and the heels are even higher. was a very much an escape from me in 2021. so fishy moved to the bay area from brooklyn looking for acceptance. found it in oakland. ballroom. scene, where he learned to vote. grew up in a very strict accountability. kind of military. family. so this was like my outlet. good dance popularized by madonna's iconic music video is rooted in the ballroom culture of new york city in the 1980. for gender fluid. people of color form groups known as houses. chosen families that provide its members with protection in a sense of belonging. he's houses face off in fierce but friendly ballroom competitions. that include different categories. and prizes. is really just a safe space for us to be creative with our peers and find that support while also having like that competitive aspect. tonight,
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soho is competing in the runway category, where he will be judged on his walk. confidence. and overall look very much big anime geek and i wanted to kind of be when i step out all eyes on me. so i took it literal. in recent years. the underground ballroom community has stepped out of the shadows and into the limelight. oh hit tv shows like pose legendary. drag race attitude. it's like you command the room, bodega saint laurent is the mother of the house of bodega. and this evening's host. she says oakland is quickly emerging as 1 of the most active ballroom scenes in the country. but as we learn not everyone is runway ready dam bam in the head. bam! i'm doing this right? you're a little cranky, but we're gonna get it >>together.
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>>tonight. the rivalry has between 8 different houses each and its signature. color. yes. soho hits the dance floor, decked out in purple. focused on serving up the perfect amount of attitude to secure the highest score from the judges. make people in the audience. deal every bit every moment, every morsel that you do. in the end, soho takes the prize. stomping out the competition. putting his best foot >>forward. and it's ok. i i'm a little clunky, too. well, we're bringing you stories like this all throughout junior be able to find them on our website at kpix. up next. it was a good day to be a bear at the oakland zoo. but why this picnic was
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nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you.
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for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. well, finally, it was a great weekend. for picnics. picnic, especially for the bay. at the oakland zoo. zoo staff set up a fake campsite and you can see the bears went to town. but it wasn't just for fun. zoo wanted to teach people about camping safety, so if you're out in the wild, keep food locked up or this could happen, officials say the most common human bear conflicts involve unsecured trash and food. so be careful, yogi. and boo boo. that's it for the afternoon edition. remember, we're streaming 24 7 on the free cbs news app for next newscast is at 3.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules.
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teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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[ upbeat music ] >> li: it's time we find out who luna's father really is. is it you, bill? or is my sister lying? >> katie: li said some harsh words about poppy. there could be some truth


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