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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  June 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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right now in the afternoon edition break. news. pro palace proto hitting the street. on both sides of the bay bridge. good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto. give you a live look from san francisco, where protesters are waiting. the arrival of vice president kamala harris, who touched down in oakland. less than a half hour ago. they are demanding the biden administration.
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golfer call for a permanent cease fire in gaza. and in the the us aid for israel. the white house is being tight lipped about the vice president's agenda today. all we know is that she will be delivering remarks at to quote political events this afternoon before heading back to washington. earlier in the day, 13 pro palestinian protesters were arrested at stanford after they occupied a building housing the offices of the university president and provost. about 2 hours after the protests began, officers used a crowbar to force their way into the building and >>began >>taking a read. just this is the latest in a series of demonstrations calling for the school to cut ties to israel and anti declare a ceasefire to the invasion of gaza. and we've seen a number of disruptive protests right here in the bay area in recent months, including this 1 back in april, when demonstrators simultaneously shut down. i 580 the golden gate bridge, we could see more protests tomorrow when former president donald trump stops in san francisco. tech investor david
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sacks is hosting high. high dollar fundraiser. at his pacific heights mentioned last week. trump became the 1st former president. convicted of criminal charges our other top story at noon the dangerous heat in parts of the bay area for a 2nd straight day. let's give you a live look outside right now, in this 1st alert weather day. sunshine hall across the region 1st alert meteorologist jessica burch has a closer look, and it is just hot outside.
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carletta reaper. call. it a revival. all right. >>ballers. a new pro >>baseball >>team. >>to oakland. >>alright, ballers, let's >>go >>four oakland
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>>sarah baseball's in the way in west oakland. the ballers will hit the diamond 1. again. tonight after thousands of fans came out to watch the 1st ever game ever monday, park the ballers weren't able to pull off the victory last night against the yellow high wheelers, but that didn't put a damper on the fun for the sold out crowd. the same 2 teams will hit the field once again tonight at 635. $35. the ballers facility in west oakland is undergone an incredible dress, formacion in just a matter of months. our john ramos has the story of early raimondi. and how the park came to bear his name. when the oakland ballers chose raymond e park. to be there. home field they wanted their brand new team to benefit from the roots of the past. >>mighty park is 1 of the most historical municipal parks in the world. it's got a deep history, the more that we've learned about it, the more rich that history is >>created in 1911 as west oakland park. it was later renamed as bayview park. but in
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1947 it got the name and enjoys today, raymond e park named for ernie. raymond e, a local ballplayer who was killed in action in france during world war ii. >>this is when they dedicated the park and this is me being 2 years old. because they did it in 1946. >>solo was only 9 months old when early died. and aside from a scrapbook of old newspaper clippings, she still doesn't know a whole lot about her dad. >>he was so loved by his fans. family. that whenever i would ask questions. they'd cry, you know? so you tended not to ask. do you know what i mean? i would have been nice to have had it, dad, you know, especially 1 that was so loved, you know, by everybody in the family. >>but apparently baseball thought pretty highly of bernie, too, with the san francisco seals club drafting him at the age of 16 while still a junior at mcclinton's high school. the move was very controversial is a newspapers accused the team of cradle
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snatching. ernie played 3rd base for the seals alongside dom dimaggio. younger brother of yankee slugger joe dimaggio. >>back >>then the seals were part of the highly regarded pacific coast league >>and the coast league was really big. in the west coast. was at it was considered a 3rd win major league played played games actually 1 while he was still in high school. and still stadium. and got i think he got a hit in his 1st game in double or something. >>raymond e. is the son of ernie's older brother, billy, who played 22 years of pro ball mostly with the oakland oaks. goals of the seals. in fact, of the 6 boys in the raimondi family. for ended up playing some form of professional baseball, all of them getting their start at the field at raymond e. park. >>you know, they all went to mma clemens high school and they were all well known in oakland. of them used to play there. you know, you go and play baseball. you know, just
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when you're a kid. so they all went. they're all of the boys. all the brothers. >>so when ernie paid the ultimate sacrifice of war, the park was renamed for him, but really, it's an honor the entire family gets to share. >>very meaningful. they have a park in the oakland named ramadi. you know, especially with the baseball diamond? yeah, it is. >>degrees, and though she never really knew her father she has slept with a picture of him next to her bed nearly every day of her life. connected to him for 80 years by the love of a game. >>i don't know just the history of my family being involved in baseball is so special. you know? it's in our blood. we've we love baseball, so i'm hoping that the bowlers. dollars, you know? remain there. and then they get the crowds. we need baseball in oakland. >>outside the new stadium is a tribute to local baseball heroes. including 1 whose
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season ended far too early. yeah. you can watch friday night's game between the ballers and the high whalers owner sister station. x, plus 44 cable 12 beginning at 630. we will bring >>you >>all the friday night home game through the end of august. still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area. crucial decision on an experiment to manipulate the weather in the city of alameda. why the council just through the breaks on that program? one health officials are growing increasingly worried about the bird flu. their concerns and the promising new push for a vaccine. and here is a live look outside before we head to the break. it's going to be a scorching hot 1 and a dry 1 outside just will have much more. when we come back.
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well, tomorrow makes marks 80 year. since the d day invasion. of norman. france. a turning of course in world war 2 and this week, a singing group from northern california. is heading to paris to honor those who fought. >>yeah. yeah. >>30 members of the stockton portman barbershop course just made the trip from san francisco to france. they were performing a series of concerts to mark the occasion. the group includes a number of veterans.
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>>say. barbershop chapter. ah, we are just a little inking dickey little chapter and so being able to pull this off is really pretty special. a lot of patriotic songs and it's just a lot of friends that are going it's really a great >>the group will take part in a number of special performances over the next week, both in paris and in normandy, and the city. alameda is throwing the brakes on a controversial climate experience aboard the uss hornet. experiment was a device that sprayed tiny seesaw party. particles into low marine clouds. the gold to brighten the clouds and temporarily cool the planet after a long meeting, city leaders said the researchers from the university of washington did not give the city enough transparency about the overall environmental impact of that project. also said it doesn't address the root problems for climate change. >>that's not take humans. off the hook. let's not suggests that we have this magic. magic pill. we can just take this in
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all of our just keep polluting and doing what we're doing. and all of our climate. was will go away. they won't >>before the vote, the mayor said she only found out about the details of the experiment by reading the new york times and that no 1 from the research group actually reached out to the city. during a heat wave like this is important to protect yourself. but in livermore, we met some people who had a very different opinions on beating the heat. >>when you saw that we were going to have the 1st heat wave of the year. you were like i need to go outside. thank you. jesus. so i never wear sunglasses and i never use sunscreen. got burned once southern southern florida and the keys that hurt even if it's 60 ounces hide, i still have to protect against the sun and the heat allows you to appreciate the cool >>well, we should see a bit of relief in the heat over the next few days. let's check back in with 1st alert meteorologist jessica burch and my friend michael there. he was a little crispy and crunchy, very bronzed. he looked like a
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statue. but man that man was so happy to be in the sun. yeah. yes. yes. absolutely. hmm.
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all right. thanks, jess. all month long. we're sell. in. highlighting. an important figures and the bay area's lgbtq plus community that includes journalists randy shelter covered the 8 crisis and the disease that eventually took his life. shows was the 1st openly gay reporter at the san francisco chronicle, but his reporting didn't come without controversy from the community that he worked hard to support.
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>>randi started doing stories that we're advocating closing the gay bathhouses in ... clubs and people in the gay community were calling him a traitor in print in the gay newspapers. and eventually, the health department did close to bathhouses. it was a tool they used. did it save people's lives? probably >>well, you can watch the full story tonight at 5. right here on k p i x and all of our prime months. stories are on the pride section of our website at kpix dot up next at noon, growing concerns over the bird flu, sparking a race for a vaccine. to development of a covid shot could provide a blueprint. this is the bookie plus from miko. this is their newest 1. look how lightweight this is. i want to pick this up because this air purifier uh it has 3 levels of purification. but this 1 are news one clean air 5 times an hour for up to 1200 square feet. so small
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apartment small patty home, 2 to 3 bedrooms and an hour your air is going to purify 5 times, so that means it's going to get out the pollutants. kitchen odors. paul in which i want to scratch my face. oh, yeah, it's the struggle is real struggle, but you don't have to struggle with this. it's got 360 air. inclusion, so it's going to come in and go out on the back, it says, you know, excellent, moderate, slightly concluded heavily polluted. it tells you tells you because this is why 5 enable so you can see on your phone and it's not just today. you can check last week like house is this doing over the last week and its energy saving? you can let this thing run all day. for you and you're not going and look at your bill and say what was that? what was that spike? the weather wasn't hot, you know, so it's terrific to have and i love that. i used it in my house. i'm staging it to sell painted a room. i put it in there. it got the smell out, and it's so stylish. i just left it in there because it looks great. school and it's lightweight. it's got a handle. you can move and it will tell you when the filter needs to be changed. we have this for 55%
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off under $90. you got to get and more in the qr code. the top of your screen. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older,
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you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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let give you a live look at washington, dc today. we're senators. are debating whether americans should have the right to contraception. the right to contraception. act as part of the democrats plan to keep reproductive rights and voters minds heading into the election. republicans have called the bill political and overly broad and the bill is expected to fail. meanwhile, some gop senators have introduced their own version of legislation that does not include plan b. for the bird flu. there's growing concern over the virus as it spreads from cows to dairy workers, the cdc says the current threat to humans as low but they are worried that the virus showing signs of mutating scientists at the university of pennsylvania working on a vaccine that could potentially be used in people, poultry and dairy cows. work is following the same pipeline that led to the quick development of the covid vaccine. >>m rna vaccines are such an
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agile platform. as soon as we see a new virus, whether it's a coronavirus or in this case of flu virus, we can very quickly designed new mrna vax. to be specifically matched what circulating >>currently, the virus is contained workers exposed to infected cows, and there's been no human to human transmission. up. next music is in the air. the big name bay area artist kicking off a popular festival today. >>area events calendar brought to you by broadway san jose >>what's happening in the bay area this weekend? the nevado art, wine and music festival has been the north bay community favorite 40 >>years. >>with live >>music, >>food wine. >>mozart's >>final opera gets a silent movie spin in a new production. flute. francisco. war memorial opera >>happy shishi remind i'm flying. peter >>pan is flying into san jose. experience this beloved musical
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in a new adaptation featuring iconic songs like i'm flying won't grow up and never >>let >>get tickets now at broadway, san
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a state lawmakers push to protect people. that story much more coming up at 3. a few hours of san francisco. jazz festival gets underway and moderna will take the stage at the city's jazz center. she was born in burnout heights and grew up as part of the mission's diverse latin x community. music is fabulous. that's it for the afternoon. additional, remember streaming 24 7 on the free cbs news app or next newscast at 3:00. hope you have a great afternoon.
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[ dramatic music ] >> bill you're holding the answer luna's waited a lifetime for. >> poppy: yeah, what's it say? >> luna: come on, aunt li, please. >> bill: am i luna's father or not? >> katie: so, li is administering the test? >> rj: that's what luna's text said. li showed up with the test. >> katie: this is really happening. >> rj: yes, luna could finally know who her dad is.


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